Мануал для honda cbr 600 f4i


  • 1 Авторские права
  • 2 Руководство по эксплуатации Honda CBR600F
  • 3 Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F4i (CBR600F41) 2001-2003
  • 4 Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F4i (CBR600F4)
  • 5 Схемы электропроводки Honda CBR600F4i
  • 6 Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F 1999-2000

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Руководство по эксплуатации Honda CBR600F

Русскоязычное руководство по эксплуатации мотоцикла HondaCBR600F, год издания 2004, подходит для большинства моделей 2001-2006 г.в.

Руководство по эксплуатации CBR600F в формате PDF, 2004 год издания

Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F4i (CBR600F41) 2001-2003

Англоязычное руководство по обслуживанию мотоцикла Honda CBR600F41, выпускаемой в 2001 году и экспортируемой в Австралию, Калифорнию, Канаду, Корею, США. Год издания неизвестен.

Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F4i (CBR600F41) 2001-2003

Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F4i (CBR600F4)

Англоязычное руководство по обслуживанию мотоцикла Honda CBR600F4, выпускаемой в 2001 году и экспортируемой в Нидерланды, Данию, Испанию, Грецию, Бельгию, Португалию, Италию, Швейцарию, Норвегию, Финляндию, Германию, Ирландию. Год издания 2000.

Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F4i (CBR600F4)

Схемы электропроводки

Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F 1999-2000

Англоязычное руководство по обслуживанию мотоцикла Honda CBR600F 1999-2000 г.в., год издания 1999.

Руководство по обслуживанию Honda CBR600F 1999-2000, 1999 год издания

Документация, мануалы и др


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Сервис мануал на русском языке на Honda cbr 600 F4i!!

Есть. Спрашивайте в группе.

CBR 600F4 Service_Manual_(Испанский)_000
Honda CBR 600F4 Микрофиши и номера 99-00

Скачать(4.9 mb)

CBR600F4_(1999-2000)_Service Manual _000
Honda CBR 600F4 Сервисный мануал 99-00

Скачать (94 mb)

Honda CBR 600F4i Сервисный мануал

Скачать (104 mb)

Li_Parx - Полный контроль_000
Книга-учебник Полный контроль (на русском) Li_Parx

Скачать (8 mb)

Руководство по эксплуатации_cbr600f _002
Руководство по эксплуатации Honda CBR 600 F

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каталог two brothers exhaust два брата выхлоп cbr 600 f4i
Оригинальный каталог выхлопных труб и комплектующих Two Brothers на Honda cbr 600 F4i

Скачать (0.24 mb)


Эскиз наклеек на пластик Honda cbr 600 F4

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   Размеры наклейки - левый

Размеры наклеек на пластик Honda cbr 600 F4

Скачать (5.59 mb)

Наклейка на левый пластик Honda cbr 600 F4 в архиве файл 15 mb

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(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Honda CBR600F4i Document (Main Content), UPD: 20 September 2023)

  • 210, THERMOSTAT HOUSING REMOVAL Disconnect the ECT sensor connector. Disconnect the fast id le wax unit wate r hose and bypass hose frorn the thermost11t ho11sing. R emove the bolts and thermostat housiny fr orn the cy li nder head. THERMOSTAT HOUSING INSTALLATION Install a new 0 — ring into the groove of the thP.rmostat body. Install thP. th ermos t at housing onto the cy lli nder head. Insta ll and …

  • 260, Using a 4:,’ seat cutter, cut the Sl!c1l to the prop er 1 width. I Make sure that all rrttrng and irregularities are removed. Refinish if necessary. After cutt iny lhe seat, aprly lapprng compound to the valve face, 11nd lap the valve using light pressurt1. NOTICE Excessive lapping pressure may rl11form or domagc lire seat. Ch11ng11 the angle of the lap…

  • 374, REAR WHEEL REMO VA L Support the motorcy cle using II s11tety stanrl or a hoist. so the rear whee l is off the ground . Remove the axle nut and was her. Remove the rear axle. Remove the drive chQ in from the dr i ven sprocket, then remove the rear wheel. Remove the side collars. INSPECTION Axle Place the 11xle in V-blocks and measure the runo u l. Actual runout is 1/2 the total indicator reading. S…

  • 439, IGNITION SYSTEM TORQUE VALUES Timing hole cap Spark plug lyni ti on pulse generator rotor special bolt TOOLS Peale voltage tester (U.S.A. only ) or Peak voltage artapt or 17-2 18 N •m (1.8 kgf •m, 13 lbfoft) 12 N ·m (1.2 kg t•m , 9 !bf.ft) 59 N•m (6.0 kgf • m. 43 lbf-ftl Apply grease to the threads. 07 HGJ -0 020100 ( Not available in U.S.A.) wit h c…

  • 185, FUEL SYSTEM (Programmed Fuel Injection) 5-72 Remuvt! Llit! llir t!e wax el ement cover mounting screws in il cr iss-cross patte rn in two to t hr ee ste ps. R emove th e wRx e lem ent, spring seat an d co mpr ,es- sion sp ri ng . INSPECTION Visu ally i nspect the wax ele ment for damage .:ind the r eturn spring fo r fatig ue or da mage. ASSEMBLY Ins tall ne w O-r ing…

  • 411, HYDRAULIC BRAKE 15-14 Install the boot. Insta ll the brake li ght sw i tch and tigh te n the screw to th e specified torque. TORQUE: 1 N•m (0 .1 kg f• m, 0.7 ! bf.ft ) Apply silicune yrease tu the c.:unloc.:l surfaces of the hr;ikP. l ev er and piston tip. Install the b rakP. lev er ;,ssemhly, tighten the pi vot bolt to th e specified torque. TORQUE: 1 N•m (0.1 kgf • m, 0.7 !bf.ft) ~ BOOT Ho ld the pivot bolt and tiq…

  • 330, MP-l!sure the O.D . of the piston pin. SERVI CE LIMIT: 16.98 mm (0.669 in) Calculote the pisto n- to — piston pin clearance. SE RVICE LIMIT: 0.04 mm (0.002 in) CONNECTING ROD INSPECTION Measure the connecting rod small end I.D. SERVICE LIMIT: 17.04 mm I0.671 in) Measure thP- niAmeter of the piston at 15 mm (0.6 in) from the bottom and 90 degrees to the piston pi…

  • 418, Honda CBR600F4i INS PE C TION Check the cali per cy linder for scor ing or ot he r da ma ge. Me asure the caliper cylinder I. D. SERVICE LIMITS : A: 34.02 mm (1.339 inl B: 32.09 mm (1.263 inl Check the caliper pistons for scratches, scor i ng or other damage. Meas ure the calipe r µi stun O.D. SERVICE LI MI TS: A: 33 .794 mm (1.3305 in) B: 31.869 mm (1.2547 in) ASS EMBLY HYDRAULIC BRAKE CALIPER PISTON B CALIPER P IS TON A DUST SEAL s~ P…


  • 274, Honda CBR600F4i 9. CLUTCH/GEARSHIFT LINKAGE SERVICE INFORMA TION TROUBLESHOOTI NG RIGHT CRANKCASE COVER REMOVAL SERVICE INFORMATION GENERAL 9-1 9-2 9-3 CLUTCH GEARSHI FT LINKAGE RIGHT CRANKCASE COVER I NSTAL L AT I ON 9-4 9-12 9-15 This section cov11rs service of th e clu t ch, gearshift linkoy tt , shift drum anct shi ft forks. All serv ice can be done wi th the angi1111 installed in the frame. Transmissron oil viscosity and l11v11…

  • 416, INSTALLATI ON Place the master cylinder onlo Lhe ma in foo tpeg bracket, install the step gw’lrd and m aster cy li n der mo u nt ing bo lts. Connect the brake pedal to the push rod lower jo i 11t. Install the joint p in and secure it with a new c:ottP. r p in . Install the rider footpeg bracket o nto the fr ame, ti ght — en the socket bo lts to the specified torque. TOR QUE: 26 N•m (2.7 kgf•m, …

  • 181, FUEL SYSTEM (Programmed Fuel Injection) Route the i njecto r sub-harness referriny lite t:able and harness routi ng (page 1-23). C:onnect the thro ttle body sub horncss 10P (G ray ) connector. ‘.,’a /i fo m 1!J type Connect the throttle body -to-EVAP purge control sole- un /y. noid valve hose. 5-68 Route the throt tle stop t:ontrol cable properly, i nstall the cont rol knob to the clamp on the bypass hose. Connect the throttlP.…

  • 124, FUEL SYSTEM (Programmed Fuel Injection) Number of PGM-FI Symptoms Refer to ma lfum:tion I Causes indicator hlinks I (Fail-safe contents) page . Loose or poor contact on vehicle speed . Engi ne operates normally I sensor connector 11 ·O· . Op,m or short circuit in vehicle speed sensor I 5-24 cnnnP.r.tnr I Blinks . Foul ty vehicle speed sensor I Loose or poor contoct on…

  • 358, Honda CBR600F4i FRONT WHEEL/ SUSPENSION /STEERING Screw the fork bolt i nto the fork tube. Install the fork protector. INST ALLA Tl ON Install the fork leg th rough the bottom bri dge and top h ridg e so th at the height from th e top b rid ge up per surface to the for k tu be end is 33 mm (1 .3 in). Tighten the fo rk top hridge p inch bolt to the specified tor que. TORQUE: 23 N•m (2 .3 kgf , m, 17 !bf.f t) Tighten th e bottom bridge pinch…

  • 318, 12. CRANKSHAFT /PISTON/CYLINDER SERVICE INFORMATION TROUBLESHOOTING CRANKSHAFT SERVICE INFORMATION GENERAL 12-1 12 -2 12-3 MAIN JOURNAL BEARING CRANKPIN BEARING PISTON/ CYLINDER 12-6 12-8 12-11 The crankcase must be separated to servi ce the crankshaft and piston/connecting rod. Re fer to section 11 fo r crankcase separation and assembly. Mark and store the connecting rods, bearing ca ps, pist…

  • 96, Check the side stand i gni tion cut-off s ys l er n : — Sit 11s tr ide the mot orc.y<:le 11 nd rnise the side sta nd . Stan the engine with the transmission in neut ral, then shi ft the transmission into 9ear, wi th the clu tc h lever squeezed. — L ow er the side stand f ul ly. — The eng in e should stop as the side st and is low- ered. If there is a problem with the system. check the si de stand switch (section 1…

  • 280, Clutch center Check the grooves of th e c lu tch cent er for damage or wear caused by the clutch plates. Replace if necessa ry . Clutch li fter piece Check th e clu tc h l ifter piece for damage or abno rm al w e ar. Clu tch disc R ep la ce t he Replace the cl ut ch discs if they sh ow si gns of sco rin g c·tucd, discs and or discoloration. pla te r; as ~ s er. M e,1s11re the ciisc.…

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