Lg телевизор смарт тв инструкция на русском языке

Шаг 1.Выбор вашего продукта


Введите номер модели

Где найти номер модели?

или выберите по категории продукта

или выберите по категории продукта

Категория обязательна.

Какой у вас продукт?

Продукт требуется.

Выберите категорию типа продукта

Тип продукта не требуется.

Выберите номер модели продукта

Требуется номер модели.

No image

Введите номер модели или выберите по Категории продукта*Обязательное поле

Если вы обнаружили ошибки в руководстве (битая кодировка, несоответствие заявленного языка и т.п.), пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами, с указанием модели техники и кратким описанием ошибки

Если у вас нет программы просмотра, сначала загрузите ее.

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LG Smart TVПомимо стандартного показа эфирных каналов, фильмов и цифрового ТВ, телевизоры LG Smart TV имеют мультимедийные возможности: синхронизация с мобильными устройствами, просмотр медиаконтента, приложения, игры, презентация проектов и т.д.. Всё это — на широкоформатном экране с ярким изображением и четким звуком.

В этой статье мы подробно и доступно описали процесс настройки Смарт ТВ на телевизоре LG.


  • Пошаговая инструкция
    • Шаг 1. Подключение к интернету
    • Шаг 2. Регистрация и вход в аккаунт LG
    • Шаг 3. Настройка бесплатных эфирных каналов
    • Шаг 4. Настройка каналов вашего провайдера
    • Шаг 5. Настройка интернет-каналов (IPTV)
      • SS IPTV
    • Шаг 6. Установка полезных приложений
    • Шаг 7. Настройка изображения
    • Шаг 8. Подключение смартфона к LG
  • Выход из нештатных ситуаций
    • Телевизор не видит Wi-Fi
    • Телевизор теряет сеть или плохо ловит Wi-Fi
    • Переполнение памяти
    • Другие проблемы

Пошаговая инструкция

При выполнении всех шагов инструкции (40-60 минут) вы сможете пользоваться смарт-функциями на 100%. Для базовой настройки достаточно первых 3-4 этапов.

Если вы подключаете Смарт ТВ на телевизоре, доставшемся вам от предыдущих хозяев — сбросьте параметры до заводских.

Шаг 1. Подключение к интернету

Большая часть функций Смарт ТВ требует подключения к интернету, настроить его можно одним из двух способов:

  • проводным, с помощью LAN-кабеля;
  • беспроводным, по сети Wi-Fi.

Если модель телевизора 2013 года или старше (Netcast), для подключения через Wi-Fi следуйте инструкции:

  1. Нажмите на пульте ДУ кнопку «Settings», перейдите в меню.
  2. Выберите раздел “Сеть”.
  3. Найдите строку “Сетевое подключение” и зайдите в неё.
  4. Выберите “Подключение по сети Wi-Fi”, нажмите ОК.
  5. В появившемся списке сетей найдите свою точку доступа.
  6. При необходимости введите пароль.
  7. Наведите курсор на кнопку “Подключение” и нажмите ОК.
  8. Подождите 3–10 секунд: если пароль введён верно, напротив домашней сети отобразится галочка.

Если ваш LG работает на webOS:

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Settings» или «Home» на ПДУ, откройте панель настроек.
  2. Выберите пункт “Все настройки”.
  3. В разделе “Сеть” найдите строку “Подключение по Wi-Fi”.
  4. Выберите нужную точку доступа.
  5. Введите пароль, нажмите “Подключение”.
  6. Дождитесь установки соединения и появления галочки рядом с названием сети.

Шаг 2. Регистрация и вход в аккаунт LG

Рекомендуем создать аккаунт LG и авторизоваться на телевизоре. Отсутствие учётной записи урежет доступ к возможностям “умного телевидения”. Для регистрации достаточно перейти на ru.lgaccount.com/join/terms, ввести адрес электронной почты и придумать пароль.

На почтовый ящик придёт письмо со ссылкой-подтверждением. Перейдите по ней. Аккаунт будет создан — можете приступать к настройке телевизора Smart TV.

Шаг 3. Настройка бесплатных эфирных каналов

В РФ доступны 20—30 бесплатных цифровых каналов. Для просмотра не нужен договор с провайдером — вы можете поймать их без подключения к интернету.

Главные условия:

  • телевизор с поддержкой стандарта DVB-T2 (или цифровая приставка);
  • наружная или комнатная антенна.

Эфирное ТВ

Эфирные каналы можно настроить через автопоиск или вручную. Используйте первый вариант, и только если он не сработал — второй.

Как вам ваш LG?


Шаг 4. Настройка каналов вашего провайдера

Для расширения списка доступных трансляций подключите пакет каналов, предлагаемый вашим ТВ-провайдером.

Для того чтобы настроить кабельные или спутниковые каналы:

  1. Нажмите кнопку «Settings» на пульте ДУ, откройте меню.
  2. Выберите пункт “Все настройки”.
  3. Перейдите в раздел “Каналы”.
  4. Найдите строку “Поиск каналов и настройки”.
  5. Запустите “Автопоиск”.
  6. Укажите источник сигнала: «Эфирное», «Кабельное ТВ» или «Спутник».
  7. Задайте диапазон частот, который указан в договоре с оператором.
  8. Укажите параметр поиска, отметив “Только цифровые”.
  9. Нажмите кнопку “Выполнить”.

Автопоиск найдёт каналы, которые провайдер включил в ваш пакет.

Шаг 5. Настройка интернет-каналов (IPTV)

Используйте одну из самых «умных» функций своего телевизора — IPTV. Качество изображения и звука — SD, HD, Full HD. Выбор каналов (как платных, так и бесплатных) значительно шире, чем у традиционных провайдеров. Вы сможете сами выбирать и устанавливать плейлисты, скачивая их из интернета.

Смотреть интернет-каналы на телевизоре LG можно через любой из IPTV-плееров.

Самые часто устанавливаемые:

  • ForkPlayer;
  • Ott Player;
  • SS IPTV.


Популярное приложение для просмотра видеоконтента. Виджет доступен в официальном магазине «LG Content Store». Он прост в установке и использовании, скачивается напрямую на ТВ, не требует дополнительных устройств.

Чтобы воспользоваться приложением:

  1. Откройте на телевизоре «LG Content Store».
  2. В строке поиска введите «SS IPTV».
  3. Установите найденное приложение.
  4. После окончания процесса запустите плеер.

Шаг 6. Установка полезных приложений

Программы, разработанные для LG, позволят не только смотреть сотни телеканалов, но и фильмы, видеоролики и даже играть в онлайн-игры.

Среди них:

  • приложения для просмотра ТВ: Peers.TV, Смотрешка;
  • онлайн-кинотеатры: IVI, OKKO, Кинопоиск HD;
  • полезные сервисы: Youtube, Youtube Kids, Gismeteo, Skype, “Кулинарная академия”, “Книжная полка”;
  • музыкальные платформы: Yandex Music, Spotify.

Часть приложений предустановлена на ТВ. Остальные доступны для скачивания из «LG Content Store».

Шаг 7. Настройка изображения

Просмотр должен не только вызывал интерес и расширять кругозор, но и доставлять визуальное удовольствие: цвета не искажались, контрасты, переходы не резали глаза. Параметры изображения, установленные по умолчанию, не всегда подходят.

Воспользуйтесь автоматической, полуавтоматической (выбор из предустановленных режимов) настройкой или выставите параметры вручную.

Шаг 8. Подключение смартфона к LG

Ещё одна полезная функция Смарт ТВ — синхронизация с мобильными устройствами. Вы сможете использовать смартфон как пульт ДУ, выводить медиаконтент на большой экран, пользоваться установленными на телефон приложениями на ТВ, заниматься интернет-сёрфингом, проводить презентации и многое другое.

Подключить смартфон к телевизору можно как беспроводными способами, так и по кабелю.

К беспроводным относятся:

  • LG TV Remote;
  • Wi-Fi Direct;
  • Smart Share;
  • Miracast;
  • Youtube.

Проводные способы:

  • по HDMI;
  • через USB-кабель.

Выход из нештатных ситуаций

Телевизор не видит Wi-Fi

Есть несколько причин не распознавания Wi-Fi:

  • Отсутствует функция «Смарт ТВ». Подключиться к интернету не получится, а LAN-порт можно использовать только для просмотра контента по локальной сети.
  • В телевизоре есть Smart TV, но отсутствует встроенный модуль Wi-Fi. Подключить ТВ к интернету получится только с помощью кабеля или дополнительного роутера (репитера). Проверить наличие модуля можно на официальном сайте LG.
  • «Смарт ТВ» есть, он поддерживает Wi-Fi, но только через фирменный модуль, подключаемый в USB-порт. Нужен внешний адаптер. Проверить этот пункт также можно на сайте LG: напротив модели в пункте «Wi-Fi» вы увидите пометку “Опционально” или “Ready”.
  • Если в ТВ есть Smart TV и он поддерживает Wi-Fi, но не видит ни одну сеть, возможно, встроенный Wi-Fi-модуль неисправен. Обратитесь в сервисный центр.

Телевизор теряет сеть или плохо ловит Wi-Fi

Удостоверьтесь, что ТВ находится в радиуса действия Wi-Fi-роутера. По этой же причине телевизор может вообще не видеть Wi-Fi. Поменяйте взаимное расположение роутера и ТВ или подключите репитер, усиливающий сигнал. Проверьте, доступна ли сеть на других устройствах. Если интернет есть, перезагрузите роутер, отключив его минимум на 20 секунд, а телевизор отсоедините от электропитания.

Мнение эксперта

Виталий Садовников

Специалист по подключению и настройке цифрового телевидения

Задать вопрос

Возможно, Wi-Fi-роутер неисправен или его ПО устарело. Необходимо обратиться в сервисный центр для диагностики, ремонта или возврата. Если все остальные устройства, подключённые к Wi-Fi, работают корректно, а телевизор постоянно теряет и плохо ловит интернет, проблема в самом ТВ.

Попробуйте устранить проблему самостоятельно:

  1. Отключите Wi-Fi Direct («Настройки» → «Сеть» → «Wi-Fi Direct»).
  2. Выключите технологию беспроводной передачи контента Miracast («Настройки» → «Сеть» → «Miracast»). В «Настройки» → «Сеть» → “Настройки Screen Share” по умолчанию включен “Режим прослушивания” — для того, чтобы другие устройства всегда могли найти и распознать ваш телевизор. Эта опция влияет на скорость и качество сигнала, поэтому рекомендуем отключить ее.
  3. Снимите отметку напротив «Автообновления системного ПО» (“Settings” → “Общее” → “Сведения о телевизоре”).
  4. Перейдите на частоту 5 ГГц для более стабильной работы сети, при необходимости измените канал вручную. В меню роутера выберите раздел «Настройки беспроводного режима» для диапазона 5 ГГц, в строке «Канал» — одно из значений: 36, 40, 44 или 48 после предварительной консультации с техподдержкой интернет-провайдера.
  5. Подключите ТВ к сети по кабелю: так вы избежите перегрузки сети Wi-Fi и помех от бытовых приборов.
  6. Сбросьте ТВ до стандартных значений («Home» → «Настройки» → «Дополнительно» → «Общие» → “Сброс настроек до заводских”), предварительно переписав установленные вручную параметры звука, изображения, энергосбережения.

Переполнение памяти

Вылеты, торможения и отказы запуска возникают при длительном использовании приложений, онлайн-сервисов, просмотре медийного контента, передаче объёмных файлов, а также при отсутствии регулярного обновления ПО.

Для решения проблемы с памятью:

  • очистите кэш браузера, приложений и файлы Cookies;
  • удалите неиспользуемые приложения;
  • обновите прошивку.

Другие проблемы

Проблема Решение
Не включается телевизор Проверьте соединение с электропитанием, подключите ТВ к другой розетке
Неправильный выбор источника сигнала при установке Переключите режим в меню “Настройки”. Например, выберите “Эфирное ТВ” вместо HDMI
Слетела прошивка Корректно обновите ПО, выбрав более стабильную версию
Нет доступа к отдельным функциям Смарт-ТВ Проверьте наличие соединения с интернетом и качество сигнала
Аппаратные неисправности: выгорание матрицы или подсветки, технические неполадки Обратитесь в сервисный центр для диагностики


Телевизоры LGЭффективная очистка кэш-памяти на телевизоре LG Смарт ТВ


Телевизоры LGБыстрое удаление ненужных приложений с телевизоров LG Смарт ТВ

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. LG Manuals
  4. TV
  5. webOS TV
  6. User manual
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links


  • Restoring the Default Settings

  • Troubleshooting Power/Remote Control Issues

  • Troubleshooting Screen Issues

  • Troubleshooting Sound Issues

  • The volume changes when I change the channel

  • Troubleshooting Movie Playback Issues

  • Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues

  • Troubleshooting LG Account Issues

  • Troubleshooting Internet Browser Issues


Related Manuals for LG webOS TV

  • TV LG GOLDSTAR WE32Q10IP Service Manual

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  • TV LG 32LH7000 Service Manual

  • TV LG CF-14/20/21T30K/KEX/KW/KX Service Manual

  • TV LG LCD & Plasma TV Manual

    TV LG LCD & Plasma TV Manual

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  • TV LG 22LE5300 Owner's Manual

  • TV LG 32LT7 Series Owner's Manual

  • TV LG CT-21M65ME Service Manual

  • TV LG 24LN451B Service Manual

  • TV LG 43UF675V Owner's Manual

  • TV LG 21FU3RL Service Manual

  • TV LG 43UV770M Commercial Mode Setup Manual

  • TV LG RT-21FD90VQ Service Manual

Summary of Contents for LG webOS TV

  • Page 2
    ………………Using the Home Feature of the LG webOS TV .
  • Page 3
    ………………Content Search Connecting External Devices .
  • Page 4
    ………………Troubleshooting LG Account Issues .
  • Page 5
    Getting Started with LG webOS TV Using the Home Feature of the LG webOS TV You can open the Home screen by pressing the button on your remote control. You can combine frequently used apps on a single screen and use whichever you want at any time.
  • Page 6
    The availability of and access to Contents and Services in LGE Device are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Manage LG webOS TV Home You can view a list of all apps installed on your TV, change their positions, or delete them.
  • Page 7
    This feature is available only when the network is connected. Some models may not be supported. Watching TV Broadcasting Connect the broadcast antenna/cable to the TV. You may also connect a piece of equipment that can receive broadcasting such as a set-top box instead of the antenna/cable.
  • Page 8
    Connect the LAN port of the TV and the router using a LAN cable. The router should be connected to the Internet beforehand. When you connect the TV to the network with a LAN cable, the TV is automatically connected to the network if the router supports DHCP. If the Network Is Not Automatically Connected Press the button on the remote control.
  • Page 9
    Resetting the modem may fix some network connection problems. Turn the power OFF, disconnect and reconnect it, and then turn the power on to solve the problem. LG Electronics is not responsible for any network connection problems or any faults, malfunctions, or errors caused by network connection.
  • Page 10
    Alternatively, you can create and log in to an LG account using the ID and password of an external service account. Press the button on the remote control. Select General Account Management LG Account Sign Select Create Account. Read and accept the Terms of Service.
  • Page 11
    shown. If the function description screen of the User Guide , press to go to the corresponding function or setting directly. Text color in this User Guide is used to indicate the following: ■ Red : the names of the remote control buttons. ●…
  • Page 12
    You must pair the Magic Remote with the LG webOS TV to use it. Pair the Magic Remote prior to use as follows: Turn on the TV. After about 20 seconds, point the remote toward the TV and then press the Wheel (OK).
  • Page 13
    For buttons with , please long-press (hold for more than a second). : You can turn on/off the power of the set-top box. ● : Launch Quick Help ● LIST : Checking the saved channels. ● : The QUICK ACCESS edit screen appears.
  • Page 14
    If the pointer has not been used for a certain period of time, it will disappear. When the pointer disappears from the screen, shake the Magic Remote right and left. It will then re-appear. The pointer will disappear if you press the up, down, left, or right buttons, and the remote will work as a conventional remote.
  • Page 15
    Some models may not be supported. Your Location must correspond to the language for exact search results. Some functions may not be available if your location settings and language settings are different. General Language Menu Language You can change the language in The languages available for voice recognition features may be changed in accordance with Service Operation Policy.
  • Page 16
    Some models may not be supported. Move the Magic Remote pointer in the text box to open the virtual keyboard. Press the button on the virtual keyboard. Or press the button on the remote control. After the voice recognition information window opens as shown below, speak into the microphone on the remote control slowly and clearly.
  • Page 17
    If there are words similar to that which you spoke out loud, you may see a list of multiple results as shown below. If you do not get the results you want, press RETRY to try again. Select a result and it will be displayed on the text box. Cautions When Using Speech to Text Check the network connection before using the Speech to Text function.
  • Page 18
    To View More Features of the Remote Control You can control more features or external devices connected to your TV by using the buttons displayed on your TV screen. Press the button on the remote control. Using the remote control, select your desired button on More Actions displayed on your TV screen.
  • Page 19
    Automatically Setting the Universal Remote Control When you set up the universal remote control, you can control the peripherals (Blu- ray/DVD player, home theater, set-top box, etc.) with the Magic Remote rather than using their dedicated remote controls. Connect the devices to be set to the TV’s HDMI IN, and turn the power of the device on.
  • Page 20
    objects in front of the device to ensure that the remote control signal is well received. Using Apps Quickly and Easily with QUICK ACCESS Press and hold a number button on the remote control to open an app or to activate an external input registered to the button.
  • Page 21
    Using SIMPLINK With a single remote control, you can easily manage various devices such as a soundbar or set-top box connected to a TV with HDMI. Up to three devices can be connected and used simultaneously. Connect the SIMPLINK HDMI Output port to the TV HDMI IN port with an HDMI cable.
  • Page 22
    Connect your keyboard to the USB port. You can enter text with the connected keyboard device. It is not possible to enter text on some screens. It is recommended that you use a product that has been tested for compatibility with LG TVs. LOGITECH K360, LOGITECH K400, LOGITECH K750, LG Electronics MKS-1200…
  • Page 23
    Using a Gamepad Connect your gamepad to the USB port on the TV if the game requires a gamepad. It is recommended that you use a gamepad that has been tested for compatibility with LG TVs. LOGITECH F310, LOGITECH F510, LOGITECH F710, LOGITECH Rumblepad 2,…
  • Page 24
    Guide : You can view programs and the schedule of each program. To see the details, click the Enjoy Live TV Viewing Guide User Guide TV Scheduler : You can set the date and time of the desired broadcasting program, and watch the program.
  • Page 25
    Reminder Scheduled Recording (only available on certain models), etc. Only channels that correspond to the selected genre can be filtered to be displayed. You will be taken to the program list for the current date and time. Channel Manager Launch You can change the size of the program list to adjust the number of channels displayed on the screen.
  • Page 26
    You can view broadcast information about other channels using the buttons. You can view broadcast information about the channel you are currently watching using buttons. Press the button on the remote control to move the banner’s position. The features can be controlled only within the detailed information pop-up. Closed Caption Audio If the program you are watching includes information such as…
  • Page 27
    Method 2. If the information is recognized while you are watching a program, a notification will appear automatically. Please click on the displayed notification. General AI Service To receive automatic recommendations, you must set AI Recommendation Who.Where.What? to On. Method 3. It can also be used with the speech recognition feature. Example) Who is this person?/Where is this place?/What is this bag? Some models may not be supported.
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    Only available for a Live TV or set-top box with universal remote control. You must connect to the network and agree to the terms of use before you use it. It is not available if you are watching LG Channels (IP channel) or in a mode that does not support screen capture.
  • Page 29
    You can see information on new Internet Channels or manage the channels you like in Channels. Press the button on the remote control. Select Channels. LG Channels to On. You can watch an Internet Channel in TV. While watching an Internet Channel, click the button on the Remote control. You…
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    Live Playback and recording are not available for internet channels. Internet Channel services may be stopped or changed without prior notice by the broadcasting company. Enjoying LG Content Store Using LG Content Store You can download and use apps from various categories such as education, entertainment, lifestyle, news, and games.
  • Page 31
    General Safety Application Locks Configure the settings in Installing Apps You can install various apps on your TV from the LG Content Store. Press the button on the remote control. Launch LG Content Store. Select the All Apps category shown at the top of the screen.
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    Read the details of the app and then press Install. When the installation is complete, you can run the app immediately. Available categories may vary depending on the country or service status. If the storage on your TV is insufficient, you can install the apps by connecting an external memory device.
  • Page 33
    Content Search You can receive recommendations for content based on viewing patterns or search by yourself for the content you want. Press the button on the remote control. Launch Search for a variety of content and information using the desired search terms. Returns to the previous screen.
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    You can easily control your device by presetting the desired operations. Sign In : You can log in/out to and from the LG ThinQ account you created on mobile. Edit Inputs Home IoT Devices : You can edit the name of the device connected to configure the related settings.
  • Page 35
    Log in to your LG ThinQ account. A list of the registered LG ThinQ devices will appear. If you are in an area where the LG ThinQ app is not in service, LG ThinQ device connection will not be supported.
  • Page 36
    Home IoT Devices . You can connect and display the devices registered to your LG ThinQ account, your OCF (Open Connectivity Foundation) Supporting Device, and other IoT devices. Once the device is connected, the card will be changed to a smaller size and appear at the bottom of the device connection list.
  • Page 37
    Home Dashboard of the TV. If you register LG ThinQ in the app of the Smart Speaker you want to use, you can also use it with a voice command through Smart Speaker. Controlling Your TV with the LG ThinQ App You can tap the buttons on your smart device’s screen to control the TV.
  • Page 38
    To See the Mobile Device’s Screen on the TV Enable Screen Share mode on the mobile device. Your TV will be displayed in the list of available devices. Select your TV and request connection. Select Accept in the connection request popup window. After the connection is established, the TV will display the screen of the connected device.
  • Page 39
    A non-LGE device might not connect even when it is detected. Connect the device to a 5 GHz router because the performance may be affected by your wireless environment. The response rate may vary depending upon the user’s environment. It differs among devices. When trying to connect to a device, refer to the device’s User’s Guide for more information.
  • Page 40
    It is recommended that you use an external USB HDD with a rated voltage of 5V or less and a rated current of 500 mA or less. If you use a device requiring a higher voltage/current than the rated voltage/current, it may not operate properly due to lack of current. It is recommended that you use a USB hub or USB storage device with a power supply.
  • Page 41
    Select your desired type of content and viewing method. Select and delete the desired content. You cannot delete files that are shared from other devices. Select the content you want to play. You can only select the same type of content as you first selected.
  • Page 42
    You can play background music by running the music player. You can zoom the photos in/out. Starts the slide show. Rotates photos. 360-degree photos can be viewed in 360 degrees. Using the 360° VR Play on a normal photo may distort the image. Some models may not be supported.
  • Page 43
    Returns to the entire content list. You can select other content by displaying the playlist while watching a video. You can control basic video playback functions. Rotates videos. Some models may not be supported. 360-degree videos can be viewed in 360 degrees. Using the 360°…
  • Page 44
    You can set audio tracks. You can set continue watching to resume playing from the last viewed scene. Returns to the basic operation screen. Supported Video Files Maximum Data Transfer Rate Full HD video ● H.264 1920 × 1080@60P BP/MP/HP@L4.2 Maximum 40Mbps HEVC 1920 ×…
  • Page 45
    Video VC-1 Advanced Profile (except for WMVA), VC-1 Simple and Main Profiles Audio WMA Standard (except for WMA v1/WMA Speech) Video Xvid (GMC is not supported), H.264/AVC, Motion Jpeg, MPEG-4 Audio MPEG-1 Layer I, II, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), Dolby Digital, LPCM, ADPCM Video H.264/AVC, MPEG-4, HEVC, AV1…
  • Page 46
    Estimation (Qpel) are not supported. ULTRA HD video (ULTRA HD models only) : 3840 × 2160, 4096 × 2160 Some HEVC-encoded ULTRA HD videos other than the content officially provided by LG Electronics may not be played. Some codecs can be supported after a software upgrade.
  • Page 47
    You can select your desired songs from all of your storage devices and add them to Playlist. Select your desired music content and enjoy it. Select the desired type of content list. Select and delete the desired content. You cannot delete files that are shared from other devices. Select content and add it to My Playlist Open the music player.
  • Page 48
    You can play music from the selected storage device. You can set repeat playback and random playback. The configurable items differ depending upon model. : You can turn the screen off while listening to music or display the music player in full- screen mode.
  • Page 49
    Support MPEG-1, MPEG-2 Channels mono, stereo Bit rate Sample freq. 8 kHz ~ 96 kHz Support Channels mono, stereo Bit rate 64 kbps ~ 320 kbps Sample freq. 8 kHz ~ 48 kHz Support Vorbis Channels mono, stereo Bit rate 128 kbps ~ 320 kbps Sample freq.
  • Page 50
    Channels mono, stereo The number of supported channels may vary depending upon the sample frequency. Watch content saved in your PC on the TV You can enjoy videos/music/photos stored on your PC on the TV when these devices are connected to the same network. Browse the content on your PC to watch on TV (Windows 10) Connect your TV and PC to the same network.
  • Page 51
    Check your network settings if the Content Share option does not work properly. May not work properly on a wireless network. It is recommended that you connect to a wired network. May not work properly depending on the network environment. If multiple TVs are connected to one device, the content may not be played properly depending upon server performance.
  • Page 52
    Though it can be connected without a wireless router, connecting your device to a 5 GHz router is recommended because the performance can be affected by the surrounding wireless environment. The response rate may vary depending upon the user’s environment. It’s different from Windows version.
  • Page 53
    You can view the information and image of the focused theme in advance. You can delete a downloaded theme or select the desired theme to play. Exit the Art Gallery Using the Web Browser You can enter the website when you input the web address on the URL bar. If you input the search word, it will find the information about search word base on the search engine.
  • Page 54
    Exit the Web Browser Recommended Sites Most Visited Sites The new tab screen shows a list of If you do not want Recommended Sites to be displayed, set Settings Show Recommended Sites Recommended Sites may vary by country and is only available in certain countries. Web Browser app on your TV is a browser for TV, so it may work differently than the browser for your PC.
  • Page 55
    When set to On, if a failure occurs due to insufficient memory (operation delay or malfunction, media playback failure, page loading failure, abnormal shutdown, etc.), the information is automatically sent to the LG Electronics (Korea) Web Browser development team. The submitted information will only be used to improve the Web Browser performance.
  • Page 56
    Live Plus to On. Some models may not be supported. Live Plus You can use the function only with LG remote controls. This service is only provided for select content with contracted partners. Using Sports Alert Press the button on the remote control.
  • Page 57
    Real-time alarm may not be available when using certain apps. This feature is available only when the network is connected. Some models may not be supported. Settings To Use Setting Function Quickly Displays a set of light-weight controls quickly and simply such as Picture Mode, Sound…
  • Page 58
    Picture Selecting Picture Mode Picture Picture Mode Settings Picture Mode Select the picture mode that is best suited to your viewing environment, preferences or video type. Select a picture mode. By adjusting and setting each item in more detail based on the mode, your video is better optimized for its characteristics.
  • Page 59
    This feature lets you enjoy a more dynamic, clearer image by correcting the light and dark areas of the display. This feature provides a realistic image, even when the source image’s gradation level is high. Picture Mode HDR Effect Picture If you set , you will not be able to use some of Mode Settings…
  • Page 60
    Provides optimized Cinema Picture quality certified by UHD Alliance, the standard setting body for UHD-related technologies. To auto-switch to FILMMAKER MODE when a signal that can be operated with this mode is entered, set FILMMAKER MODE Auto Change If an HDR/Dolby Vision video signal is input to the models that do not support the HDR/Dolby Vision technology, normal signal picture mode options will be made available.
  • Page 61
    Brightness Adjusts the overall screen brightness. The closer to 100, the brighter the screen will become. You may use the Brightness settings specifically to set the dark part of the image. Sharpness Adjusts the sharpness of the image. The closer to 50, the sharper and clearer the image will be.
  • Page 62
    Corrects the difference between the bright and dark areas of the screen for optimal results depending on the brightness of the picture. Dynamic Tone Mapping Suitable contrast settings based on image brightness of the HDR content. Dynamic Color To make the image more colorful and lively adjust the Color and saturation of the picture.
  • Page 63
    point of 22 levels of the video if you select 22 Points IRE. Point Select screen brightness for color temperature adjustment. Method is set to Points; use Low to select shadows and High to select highlights. Method is set to 10 Points IRE;…
  • Page 64
    Peak Brightness Adjust peak brightness for the brightest luminance. Depending upon the input signal or the selected picture mode, the available options may differ. The configurable items differ depending upon model. Setting Picture Options Picture Picture Mode Settings Picture Options Noise Reduction Removes small dots that stand out so as to make the image clean.
  • Page 65
    : Disables the LED Local Dimming function. ● Medium High : Changes the contrast ratio. ● Turning this option may increase energy consumption. TruMotion Suitable the image quality of fast-moving pictures. TruMotion : Turns off the ● Cinema Clear : Adjusts the shaking of the motion on the screen to make it feel like you ●…
  • Page 66
    Vertical Zoom You can adjust the vertical dimension of the screen and align the screen vertically by using Adjust Zoom Ratio Adjust Screen Position. 4-Way Zoom You can adjust the horizontal/vertical/diagonal dimensions of the screen and align the screen horizontally/vertically by using Adjust Zoom Ratio Adjust Screen Position.
  • Page 67
    Turns off the Energy Saving mode. Minimum Medium Maximum Applies the pre-set Energy Saving mode. Screen Off Screen is turned off and only sound is played. Press any button except the power and the volume buttons to turn the screen back on. If you use Energy Saving function, brightness of your TV will be affected.
  • Page 68
    4K @ 100/120 Hz Support Format Resolution Frame rate (Hz) Color Depth/Chroma Sampling 8 bit 10 bit 12 bit 3840 × 2160p YCbCr 4:2:0 YCbCr 4:2:0 YCbCr 4:2:0 4096 × 2160p 59.94 YCbCr 4:2:2 YCbCr 4:2:2 YCbCr 4:2:2 YCbCr 4:4:4 YCbCr 4:4:4 1) 2) YCbCr 4:4:4…
  • Page 69
    Dolby Atmos is based on the concept of audio objects. Any sound can be mixed as a single audio element, an object, that’s independently placed in three-dimensional space. Your new LG TV has been enabled with the latest Dolby Atmos sound technology. Dolby Atmos is the ultimate sound experience which creates moving audio that flows around you using TV speakers.
  • Page 70
    Sound Mode Settings Sound Sound Mode Settings Sound Mode You can select the most suitable sound mode for each genre. AI Sound AI Sound Pro : Automatically optimize sound based on content type. ● Standard : Optimizes the sound for all types of content. ●…
  • Page 71
    ● connect to any one of them. LG Sound Sync devices will automatically try to connect to the recently used devices ● when you turn the TV on.
  • Page 72
    For more information on the purchase of WiSA authorized products, check on www.wisaassociation.org. Mobile Device If you install the LG ThinQ app on a smart device and connect it to your TV, you can use the device as a speaker for the TV. Optical…
  • Page 73
    Bluetooth Surround Sound + Internal TV Speaker Using the TV’s built-in speaker and Bluetooth speaker for simultaneous sound output provides you with realistic surround effects when watching a movie or drama. You can connect up to two Bluetooth devices of the same model to set the left/right surround sound.
  • Page 74
    Stand Select this if the TV is installed in stand-type. Wall-mounted Select this if the TV is installed in wall-mounted type. This setting is only available for Internal TV Speaker. Setting Volume Mode Sound Additional Settings Volume Mode Auto Volume Click to adjust the volume automatically for different broadcasting companies so you can always listen to channels at the desired volume, even after switching the…
  • Page 75
    Sync device using a TV remote control. If the auto-power feature of the sound bar that supports LG Sound Sync is set to On, the sound bar will be turned on or off together when the TV is turned on or off.
  • Page 76
    Dolby TrueHD (Optical) Dolby Digital (HDMI only) (HDMI ARC) Dolby Digital Plus / Atmos (HDMI ARC eARC On) TrueHD HE-AAC Dolby Digital 1) When connected with eARC, the output audio type will depend on the audio type supported by the connected device. Dolby TrueHD , eARC , Dolby Atmos : Some models may not be supported.
  • Page 77
    To Use Manual Channel Tuning Channels Channel Tuning Manual Tuning This function is for manually searching and saving channels. You can check the signal strength of digital broadcasting. Edit Channels You can edit the selected channels from all the stored channels or add/delete them to/from the favorite channels.
  • Page 78
    You can watch real-time broadcasts through this service over the Internet. You can see information on new Internet Channels or manage the channels you like in Channels. To see the details, click the Enjoy Live TV Watching Internet Channel (LG Channels) User Guide.
  • Page 79
    You can use the screen keyboard to set the name for the smart TV to be used on the network. Up to 25 characters can be entered using the English alphabet. Network Connection Settings Connection Network Connection Settings If you configure settings for the network, you can use various services such as online contents and applications.
  • Page 80
    When you turn off the TV, the device will also be turned off. LG Wireless Keyboard This feature enables you to connect a LG wireless keyboard to your TV. Turn on the device, set it to pairing mode, and then click Connect on your TV screen.
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    Turn on via Bluetooth feature can only be used with certain LG Electronics smartphones. The TV must be plugged in. To connect for the first time make sure the device to be used is ready to connect.
  • Page 82
    Setting the AI Service General AI Service You can enable the recommended services based on the usage history. AI Picture AI Picture Pro When set to On, the image quality is automatically optimized for content characteristics based on the algorithms learned with deep learning techniques. It is supported for only digital broadcasting, videos of a USB memory device, and HDMI video input.
  • Page 83
    Content Recommendations You can get content recommendations or introductions to new features based on your pattern of viewing TV and using apps. To see the details, click the Enjoying LG Content Store Content Recommendation User Guide Network-Based Personalization Recommendations You can get recommendations for viewing history based channels and content…
  • Page 84
    through the network. : Get more recommendations through the server. ● : We recommend basic contents based on your viewing history. ● Who.Where.What? You can get recommendations for the information related to the broadcast you are watching. Some models may not be supported. Delete Usage Data It resets the content view history and the app usage history.
  • Page 85
    You can change the location setting of your Smart TV. Service Area Zip Code This function is used to set the broadcast location of the TV by entering your zip code. LG Services Country If you haven’t selected Automatically, you can select the country manually.
  • Page 86
    Power On Timer Power On Timer to On. The TV is turned on and displays the set channel at the set time. Time : Set the time at which to turn the TV on. ● Timer Repeat None : Set the day of the week. Set the option to to operate the feature ●…
  • Page 87
    TV Lock Locks the TV shows you do not want your children to watch. In addition, locks the TV shows of your choice based on ratings by using the parental control function (V-Chip). Children Age : TV-Y (Preschool children aged 2-6 years), TV-Y7 (Advise school ●…
  • Page 88
    Some models may not be supported. Enabling TV Program Locks Press the button on the remote control. Select General Safety. Safety to On. Select the TV Program Locks. TV Rating English Select Canadian English Rating System. E : Exempt ● C : Children ●…
  • Page 89
    of the rating option may differ. Supported only in the digital mode. The initial password is set as “0000”. Some models may not be supported. Enabling Channel Locks Blocks the channels that contain inappropriate contents for children. The channels can be selected but the screen is blank and the audio is muted.
  • Page 90
    Enter the numbers “0313” in the master password input window, then press Enter. The password will be reset. Managing Your LG Account Account Management, you can use your email address to create a new LG account. For more information, see Getting Started with LG webOS TV Account Management User Guide.
  • Page 91
    You can turn on or off the advertisements on the Home screen. Home Animation You can turn on or off the animation effects that appear on the Home screen for a certain period. The configurable items differ depending upon model. Setting the Pointer of Magic Remote General Additional Settings Pointer Options You can set the pointer speed and size you want while it is on the screen.
  • Page 92
    General Additional Settings Menu Transparency By setting this feature to On, you can make some of the menus (e.g. Live Menu, Search, etc.) transparent. Using the Screen Saver General Additional Settings Screen Saver When the currently displayed app has not received any user input for an hour, it will be replaced by a Screen Saver.
  • Page 93
    To use the TV at home, select Home Mode. Select Store Mode only when the TV will be displayed in store. The Store Mode provide settings optimized for store display. Using the Live Plus Live Plus is a service that provides a variety of information about the programs you watch.
  • Page 94
    Accessibility To Use Audio Guidance Accessibility Audio Guidance Audio Guidance is set to On, audio guides will be provided in various situations, such as when you change channels, adjust the volume or change settings and input signals. Speed Adjust the speed of spoken guide. Volume Adjust the volume of spoken guide.
  • Page 95
    Grayscale Accessibility Grayscale Change the color of the menu on the screen to black and white tone to make its ambiguity very clear. Set to On. Invert Colors Accessibility Invert Colors To enhance the visibility of the menus on the screen, you can invert and calibrate certain colors in some menus.
  • Page 96
    Notifications Support Notifications You can view all notifications from TV apps and LG service at the same time. You can view and delete each notification message. For notifications that support shortcuts, you can go directly to that app or website.
  • Page 97
    You can check the details by selecting the desired item. If it supports shortcuts, you can launch the app. You can delete notifications. You can delete all notifications. Additional Settings Support Additional Settings Picture Test After running a test to verify that the image signal is output normally, you can select whether there is an error with the signal on the screen.
  • Page 98
    It’s a legal notice for services provided via TV. Open Source Software Notice You can view the instructions for each item. Restoring the Default Settings Support Reset to Initial Settings Return TV to its initial settings. This will return all settings to their default values. After reset, the TV will automatically turn off and on.
  • Page 99
    Check the status of TV : You can check your TV’s current status for the selected item. ● LG Remote Service You can get help for troubleshooting through the remote control. Some models may not be supported. When there is no related content in the…
  • Page 100
    Audio Guidance Remote does not appear. Set . (Some models may not be supported.) I cannot turn the TV on with the remote control. Please make sure your TV power plug is correctly connected to the outlet. Replace the batteries in the remote control. (Use alkaline batteries.) Check if there is an obstacle blocking the signal in front of the TV’s remote control receiver.
  • Page 101
    Start the Channels Channel Tuning Auto Tuning If you are using a set-top box, consult its supplier. The screen shakes after the momentary appearance of vertical/horizontal lines and net pattern. Connect wireless telephones, hairdryers, electrical drills, etc. to a different power outlet. The problem may be caused by high-frequency electronic devices such as another TV or strong electro-magnetic sources nearby.
  • Page 102
    I don’t see anything, or the image keeps flickering when I try to connect the HDMI cable. ® Check whether your HDMI cable is compliant with the specifications. You may ® experience flickering or a blank screen if the HDMI cable is faulty (bent, broken).
  • Page 103
    Troubleshooting Sound Issues If you experience any of the problems below while using the product, please check the following. There may not be a problem with the product. First of all, perform a Support Additional Settings Sound Test to check for any abnormalities in the TV.
  • Page 104
    The volume changes when I change the channel. The volume of different broadcasting stations’ transmission output may vary. Sound Additional Settings Volume Mode Auto Volume Auto Volume If you are using a set-top box, consult its supplier. The sound does not work or only the background music is played in some programs.
  • Page 105
    The screen is not fully shown or is lopsided when connected to a PC. Being Set the PC’s resolution to one supported by the TV. For more information, see Aware of the Information Supported Resolution : HDMI-PC User Guide Set the connected HDMI device’s name to PC. Press and hold the button on your remote control.
  • Page 106
    normally but the audio is not. Check that the file plays without any problems on the video player on a PC. (Check for file damage.) Check that the file extension is supported. Check that the audio codec is supported. Check that the bit rate is supported. Check that the sample frequency is supported.
  • Page 107
    Connection Network Connection Settings Wired Connection ● (Ethernet) Connection Network Connection Settings Wi-Fi Connection ● Advanced Wi-Fi Settings When X appears next to TV Check the TV or the AP (Router). Check the connection status of the TV, AP (Router) and Cable Modem. Power off and power on in the following order;…
  • Page 108
    Enter your email address on the find password page, and we’ll send you a link to reset your password. You can also reset your password in LG Account Reset Password on the website (www.lgappstv.com).
  • Page 109
    Change to the service country you are going to use the service from in General Location LG Services Country (Some models may not be supported.) If you cannot see some apps, it may be because you deleted them. Please reinstall the appropriate app.
  • Page 110
    before the change, and is only applied to tabs opened after the change. Being Aware of the Information HDMI-DTV Supported Mode Resolution Horizontal Frequency (kHz) Vertical Frequency (Hz) 640 × 480p 31.46 59.94 31.5 720 × 480p 31.47 59.94 31.5 720 ×…
  • Page 111
    33.71 29.97 33.75 56.25 67.43 59.94 67.5 112.5 134.86 119.88 3840 × 2160p 53.95 23.98 56.25 61.43 29.97 67.5 112.5 134.86 59.94…
  • Page 112
    3840 × 2160p 1) 2) 269.73 119.88 4096 × 2160p 53.95 23.98 56.25 61.43 29.97 67.5 112.5 134.86 59.94 1) 2) 4096 × 2160p 269.73 119.88 1) Supported when HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color is set to On. 2) Only some HDMI input ports are supported. HDMI-PC Supported Mode…
  • Page 113
    Resolution Horizontal Frequency Vertical Frequency (kHz) (Hz) 640 × 350 31.46 70.09 720 × 400 31.46 70.08 640 × 480 31.46 59.94 800 × 600 37.87 60.31 1024 × 768 48.36 1152 × 864 54.34 60.05 1360 × 768 47.71 60.01 1280 ×…
  • Page 114
    56.25 61.43 29.97 67.5 112.5 134.86 59.94 3840 × 2160 1) 2) (ULTRA HD 100/120 Hz, 8K models only) 269.73 119.88 4096 × 2160 53.95 23.98 (ULTRA HD, 8K models only) 56.25 61.43 29.97 67.5 112.5 134.86 59.94…
  • Page 115
    4096 × 2160 1) 2) (ULTRA HD 100/120 Hz, 8K models only) 269.73 119.88 7680 × 4320 107.89 23.98 (8K models only) 131.87 29.97 263.74 59.94 1) (ULTRA HD models only) Supported when HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color is set to 2) (8K models only) Supported when HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color is set to 4K.
  • Page 116
    The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by LG Electronics Inc. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Powered by Quickset…

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