Кофемашина saeco intelia evo инструкция по применению на русском

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EN Welcome to Philips Saeco! Register on WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME and you will receive tips and
updates on how to take care of your machine. This booklet contains quick instructions on how to
operate your machine properly.
For complete instructions download the usermanual from WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT

PL Witamy w Philips Saeco! Zarejestruj siЙ na stronie WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME, aby otrzyma· pora-
dy i aktualizacje dotyczµce konserwacji. W niniejszej skrЈconej instrukcji obsтugi przedstawiono
zwiЙzтe informacje zapewniajµce poprawnµ pracЙ urzµdzenia. Aby uzyska· szczegЈтowe informacje, nale,y
pobra· peтnµ instrukcjЙ obsтugi ze strony WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT

RU Добро пожаловать в мир Philips Saeco! Зарегистрируйтесь на сайте WWW.PHILIPS.COM/
WELCOME для получения советов и последней информации по техническому обслуживанию. В
данном руководстве приведены краткие инструкции для правильной работы машины.
Для получения полных инструкций загрузите руководство пользователя на сайте WWW.PHILIPS.COM/

HU Њdv¦z¦lj¬k a Philips Saeco vil‘g‘ban! Regisztr‘ljon a WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME oldalon, hogy
tan‘csokat ™s frissќt™seket kapjon a karbantart‘ssal kapcsolatosan. Ez a f¬zet a g™p megfelel m!-
k¦d™s™hez sz¬ks™ges ЄtmutatЈk r¦vid leќr‘s‘t tartalmazza.
A teljes haszn‘lati utasќt‘s™rt t¦ltse le a felhaszn‘lЈi k™zik¦nyvet a WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT oldalrЈl.

CS Vќtejte ve svЛtЛ k‘vovar Philips Saeco! Zaregistrujte se na str‘nk‘ch WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME
a vyu.ijte vech aktualizacќ, podnЛt a rad k Єdr.bЛ. Tento n‘vod obsahuje struЅn™ pokyny k zaji-
tЛnќ bezchybn™ho fungov‘nќ k‘vovaru.
PodrobnЛjќ pokyny si m.ete st‘hnout ze str‘nek WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT
SK Vitajte vo svete k‘vovarov Philips Saeco! Zaregistrujte sa na str‘nkach WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME
a vyu.ite vetky aktualiz‘cie, podnety a rady k Єdr.be. Tento n‘vod obsahuje struЅn™ pokyny k za-
ruЅeniu bezchybn™ho fungovania k‘vovaru.
Podrobnejќ n‘vod na pou.ќvanie si m¤.ete stiahnu zo str‘nok WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT







EN Congratulations on choosing perfect espresso!
This hom e barista is your gateway to a world of professionally prepared Italian coffee specialties.
Treat your senses to perfect espresso by Philips Saeco ЂЂЂ certified by Italian Tasters ЂЂЂ Centro Studi Assaggiatori, ItalyЂЂЂs #1 center for sensory analysis. Get more info on the certification and learn about your new machineЂЂЂs specific settings at www.philips.com/saeco

PL Gratulujemy wyboru idealnej kawy espresso!
Ten ekspres do kawy jest osobistym barmanem oferujµcym prawdziwe wтoskie kawy parzone w profesjonalny sposЈb. Przygotuj swoje zmysтy na przyjemno · delektowania siЙ kawµ espresso Philips Saeco, ktЈra uzyskaтa certyfikat Wтoskiego O rodka DegustatorЈw (Centro Studi Assaggiatori — Italian Tasters), instytutu analizy sensorycznej numer 1 we Wтoszech. SzczegЈтowe informacje na temat certyfikatu produktu i indywidualnych ustawieф urzµdzenia sµ dostЙpne na stronie internetowej www.philips.com/saeco
RU Поздравляем с выбором идеального эспрессо!
Эта кофемашина станет вашим персональным барменом, окном в уникальный мир профессионально приготовленного настоящего итальянского кофе. Приготовьтесь получить максимальное удовольствие от эспрессо Philips Saeco, сертифицированных центром обучения дегустаторов (Centro Studi Assaggiatori — Italian Tasters), институтом сенсорного анализа ЂЂЂ 1 в Италии. За получением дополнительной информации о сертификации изделия и специальных параметрах вашей новой машины обращайтесь на сайт www.philips.com/saeco

HU Gratul‘lunk, hogy a t¦k™letes eszpresszЈt v‘lasztotta!
Ez a g™p a saj‘t b‘rpultosa lesz, ™s bel™p a professzion‘lisan k™szќtett eredeti olasz k‘v™specialit‘sok vil‘g‘ba.
K™szќtse el az ™rz™kszerveit a Philips Saeco eszpresszЈ ™lvez™s™hez, melyet az 1. sz‘mЄ olasz ™rz™kszervi vizsg‘lЈ int™zet, a Olasz KЈstolЈk (Centro Studi Assaggiatori — Italian Tasters) tanЄsќtott. A term™k tanЄsќt‘s‘val ™s az Єj g™p speci‘lis be‘llќt‘s‘val kapcsolatos tov‘bbi inform ‘ciЈk™rt l‘togassa m eg a www.philips.com/saeco oldalt.
CS Blahop ejeme V‘m k volbЛ dokonal™ho espressa!
S tќmto k‘vovarem p ipravќte dokonalou dom‘cќ k‘vu, tak jak jste zvyklќ ve vaќ oblќben™ kav‘rnЛ. Nechte se s nќm p en™st do svЛta prav™ italsk™ k‘vy p ipraven™ profesion‘lnќm zpsobem. Zaost ete sv™ smysly a objevte po.itek z nezamЛniteln™ho espressa Philips Saeco certifikovan™ho nejuzn‘vanЛjќm z italsk­ch institut pro senzorickou anal­zu — Institutem ochutnavaЅ k‘vy (Centro Studi Assaggiatori — Italian Tasters). Bli.ќ informace k certifikaci v­robku a ke konkr™tnќm nastavenќm Vaeho k‘vovaru naleznete na str‘nk‘chwww.philips.com/saeco
SK Blaho.el‘me V‘m k voоbe dokonal™ho espressa!
S t­mto k‘vovarom pripravќte dokonalЄ dom‘cu k‘vu, tak ako ste zvyknutќ vo vaej obоЄbenej kaviarni. Nechajte sa s nќm prenies do sveta pravej talianskej k‘vy pripravenej profesion‘lnym sp¤sobom. Zaostrite svoje zmysly a objavte p¤.itok z nezameniteоn™ho espressa Philips Saeco certifikovan™ho najuzn‘vanejќm z talianskych intitЄtov pre senzorickЄ anal­zu — IntitЄtom ochutn‘vaЅov k‘vy (Centro Studi Assaggiatori — Italian Tasters). Bli.ie inform‘cie o certifik‘cii v­robku a o konkr™tnych nastaveniach V‘ho k‘vovaru n‘jdete na str‘nkach www.philips.com/saeco

EN — CONTENT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
FIRST INSTALLATION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 MANUAL RINSE CYCLE…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11 FIRST ESPRESSO ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
MY FAVOURITE ESPRESSO ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12 ADJUSTING THE CERAMIC COFFEE GRINDER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 FROTHING MILK ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
HOT WATER……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14 DESCALING……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15 BREW GROUP CLEANING……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17
AUTOMATIC MILK FROTHER CLEANING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 WARNING SIGNALS (YELLOW COLOUR)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20 WARNING SIGNALS (RED COLOUR) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 21 MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 54

CI ZASADY BEZPIECZEуSTWA……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
PIERWSZA INSTALACJA……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 RИCZNY CYKL PсUKANIA ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11 PIERWSZA KAWA ESPRESSO ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12
MOJA IDEALNA KAWA ESPRESSO…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12 REGULACJA CERAMICZNEGO MсYNKA DO KAWY ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 SPIENIANIE MLEKA…….

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Использование инструкции для кофемашины SAECO INTELIA EVO HD888109 бесплатно. Инструкция по эксплуатации SAECO INTELIA EVO HD888109 доступна для скачивания из открытых источников.

Saeco INTELIA EVO HD8753 User Manual

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Related Manuals for Saeco INTELIA EVO HD8753

Summary of Contents for Saeco INTELIA EVO HD8753

  • Page 1
    Register your product and get support at www.philips.com/welcome Type HD8753 USER MANUAL PLEASE READ THIS USER MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE MACHINE.
  • Page 2: Important Safeguards

    IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: 1. Read all instructions. 2. Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs. 3. To protect against fire, electric shock and injury to persons do not immerse cord, plugs, or appliance in water or other liquid.

  • Page 3
    CAUTION This appliance is for household use only. Any servicing, other than cleaning and user maintenance, should be performed by an authorized service center. Do not immerse machine in water. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not disassemble the machine. There are no parts inside the machine serviceable by the user.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    ENGLISH Congratulations on your purchase of a Saeco Intelia EVO One Touch Cappuccino full automatic espresso machine! To fully benefi t from the support that Saeco off ers, please register your product at www.philips.com/welcome. This user manual applies to HD8753.

  • Page 5
    ENGLISH CAPPUCCINO BREWING ……………….27 Adjusting the cappuccino lenght ………………….28 HOT MILK BREWING ………………30 Adjusting the hot milk lenght …………………….31 HOT WATER DISPENSING ……………..32 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE …………….34 Daily cleaning of the machine …………………….34 Daily cleaning of the water tank………………….36 Daily cleaning of the milk carafe ………………….36 Weekly cleaning of the machine ………………….37 Weekly cleaning of the milk carafe………………….37 Weekly cleaning of the brew group ………………….42…
  • Page 6: Important

    ENGLISH IMPORTANT Safety instructions This machine is equipped with safety features. Nevertheless read the safety instructions carefully and only use the machine as described in these instructions to avoid accidental injury or damage. Keep this user manual for future reference. The term WARNING and this sign warn against possible severe injuries, danger to life and/or damage to the machine.

  • Page 7: Caution

    ENGLISH Caution • The machine is for household use only. It is not intended for use in en- vironments such as staff kitchens of shops, offi ces, farms or other work environments. • Always put the machine on a fl at and stable surface. •…

  • Page 8: Installation

    INSTALLATION Product overview 12 13…

  • Page 9: General Description

    ENGLISH General description 1. Grinder adjustment knob 2. Pre-ground coff ee compartment 3. Coff ee bean hopper 4. Coff ee bean hopper lid 5. Control panel 6. Dispensing spout 7. Full drip tray indicator 8. Cup holder grill 9. Drip tray 10.

  • Page 10: Preparing For Use

    ENGLISH PREPARING FOR USE Machine packaging The original packaging has been designed and constructed to protect the machine during transport. We recommend keeping the packaging material for possible future transport. Machine installation Remove the drip tray with grill from the packaging. Remove the machine from the packaging.

  • Page 11
    ENGLISH Remove the water tank. Rinse the water tank under fresh water. Fill the water tank with fresh water up to the MAX level and reinsert it into the machine. Make sure it is fully inserted. Caution: Never fi ll the water tank with warm, hot, sparkling water or any other liquid, as this may cause damage to the water tank and the machine.
  • Page 12: Using The Machine For The First Time

    ENGLISH Switch the power button to “I” to turn on the machine. The display shows the stand-by icon. To turn on the machine, simply press the “ ” button. The display indi- cates that the circuit must be primed. USING THE MACHINE FOR THE FIRST TIME When using the machine for the fi rst time, the following activities need to happen: 1) You need to prime the circuit…

  • Page 13: Automatic Rinse/Self- Cleaning Cycle

    ENGLISH Press the “ ” button to start the cycle. The machine starts the auto- matic priming of the circuit by dispensing some water through the dispensing spout. The bar under the icon shows the operation progress. When the pro- cess is completed, the machine stops dispensing automatically.

  • Page 14: Manual Rinse Cycle

    ENGLISH Manual rinse cycle During this process you activate the coff ee brewing cycle and fresh water fl ows through dispensing spout. This takes a few minutes. Place a container under the dispensing spout. Check that the machine shows this display. Select the pre-ground coff ee brewing function by pressing the “…

  • Page 15
    ENGLISH The following icon is displayed. Press the “ ” button to start dispensing hot water. This icon is displayed. The machine reminds you to install the water dis- pensing spout. Check that it is correctly installed. Press “ ” to confi rm. The machine will start dispensing hot water.
  • Page 16: Measuring And Programming Water Hardness

    ENGLISH Measuring and programming water hardness Measuring water hardness is very important for defi ning the frequency in which the machine has to be descaled and to install the “INTENZA+” water fi lter (for more detail on the water fi lter see next chapter). To measure the water hardness follow the steps below: Immerse the water hardness test strip (supplied with the machine) in water for 1 second.

  • Page 17: Intenza+» Water Fi Lter Installation

    ENGLISH Press the “ ” button to exit the programming menu. “INTENZA+” water fi lter installation We recommend you to install the “INTENZA+” water fi lter as this prevents lime scale to build up in your machine and preserves a more intense aroma to your espresso coff ee.

  • Page 18: Replacing The «Intenza+» Water Fi Lter

    ENGLISH Put the fi lter into the empty water tank. Press it until it cannot move further down. Fill the water tank with fresh water and reinsert it into the machine. Dispense the entire water tank by using the hot water function (see chapter “Hot water dispensing”.

  • Page 19
    ENGLISH Press the “ ” button and scroll the pages by pressing the “ ” but- ton until the following icon is displayed. Select the “RESET” option. Press the “ ” button to confi rm. To exit, press the “ ”…
  • Page 20: Adjustments

    The machine allows for certain adjustments so that you can brew the best tasting coff ee possible. Saeco Adapting System Coff ee is a natural product and its characteristics may change according to its origin, blend and roast. The machine is equipped with a self-adjusting system that allows the use of all types of coff ee beans available on the market (not for caramelized beans).

  • Page 21: Adjusting The Aroma (Coff Ee Strength)

    ENGLISH Press and turn the grinder adjustment knob one notch at a time. You will taste the diff erence after brewing 2-3 cups of espresso. The reference marks inside the coff ee bean hopper indicate the grind setting. There are 5 diff erent grind settings to choose from: 1 — Coarse grind: lighter taste, for dark roasted coff ee blends 2 — Fine grind: bolder taste, for light roasted coff ee blends When you adjust the ceramic coff ee grinder to a fi ner setting, your coff ee…

  • Page 22: Adjusting The Dispensing Spout

    ENGLISH Adjusting the dispensing spout The height of the dispensing spout can be adjusted to better fi t the dimensions of the cups that you wish to use. Move the dispensing spout up or down with your fi ngers to adjust its height as shown in the image.

  • Page 23: Adjusting The Coff Ee Length

    ENGLISH Adjusting the coff ee length The machine allows you to adjust the amount of brewed coff ee according to your taste and/or the size of your cups. Each time the “ ” or “ ” button is pressed, the machine brews a pre-set amount of coff ee.

  • Page 24: Espresso And Coffee Brewing

    ENGLISH ESPRESSO AND COFFEE BREWING Before brewing coff ee, make sure that there are no warnings shown on the display, and that both, water tank and coff ee bean hopper are fi lled. Espresso and coff ee brewing using coff ee beans Place 1 or 2 cups under the dispensing spout.

  • Page 25: Espresso And Coff Ee Brewing Using Pre-Ground Coff Ee

    ENGLISH Espresso and coff ee brewing using pre-ground coff ee This function allows to use pre-ground and decaff einated coff ee. With the pre-ground coff ee function you can only brew one coff ee at a time. Press the “ ”…

  • Page 26: Milk Carafe

    ENGLISH MILK CARAFE This chapter explains how to use a milk carafe to prepare a cappuccino or hot milk. Note: Before using the milk carafe, clean it thoroughly as described in the “Clean- ing and Maintenance” chapter. We recommend to fi ll it with cold milk (approx. 5°C). After use, put the carafe back in the refrigerator.

  • Page 27: Inserting The Milk Carafe

    ENGLISH Inserting the milk carafe If installed, remove the water dispenser as shown in the fi gure: Press the two buttons on the side to unlock it and lift it slightly; Pull the water dispenser to remove it. Open the milk carafe dispenser by turning it counter-clockwise until it locks into place.

  • Page 28: Removing The Milk Carafe

    ENGLISH Removing the milk carafe Rotate the carafe upwards until it releases from the insert in the drip tray. Pull away from the machine until it is completely detached. Close the milk carafe dispenser by turning it clockwise. Emptying the milk carafe Press the release buttons to allow the lid removal.

  • Page 29: Cappuccino Brewing

    ENGLISH CAPPUCCINO BREWING Warning: Danger of scalding! Dispensing may be preceded by short sprays of milk and steam. Risk of burning. Wait until the end of the cycle before removing the milk carafe . Fill the milk carafe with milk. The level must be between the minimum (MIN) and maximum (MAX) indication on the milk carafe.

  • Page 30: Adjusting The Cappuccino Lenght

    ENGLISH The following icon is displayed during pre-heating time required by the machine. When the machine shows the following icon, the machine pours a milk. The pouring can be stopped by pressing the “ ” button. Once the milk froth has been poured, the machine brews coff ee. The pouring can be stopped by pressing the “…

  • Page 31
    ENGLISH Press and hold the “ ” button until the ‘MEMO’ icon appears on the display. Then release the button. The machine is now programming. The following icon is displayed during pre-heating time required by the machine. When the machine shows the following icon, the machine starts to pour milk froth into the cup When the desired milk froth quantity is reached, press the “…
  • Page 32: Hot Milk Brewing

    ENGLISH HOT MILK BREWING Warning: Danger of scalding! Dispensing may be preceded by short sprays of milk and steam. Risk of burning. Wait until the end of the cycle before removing the milk carafe. Fill the milk carafe with milk. The level must be between the minimum (MIN) and maximum (MAX) indication on the milk carafe.

  • Page 33: Adjusting The Hot Milk Lenght

    ENGLISH The following icon is displayed during pre-heating time required by the machine. The machine pours a pre-defi ned amount of hot milk into the cup. The pouring can be stopped by pressing the “ ” button. Note: After using the milk carafe, clean it as described in the ‘Cleaning and Main- tenance’…

  • Page 34: Hot Water Dispensing

    ENGLISH The following icon is displayed during pre-heating time required by the machine. When the desired amount of hot milk is reached, press the “ ” but- ton. Now the hot milk is programmed. Every time it is pressed, the machine will brew the same amount of hot milk that was programmed.

  • Page 35
    ENGLISH Place a container under the hot water dispenser. Press the “ ” button. The following icon is displayed. Press the “ ” button to start dispensing process. This icon is displayed. The machine reminds you to install the water dispenser.
  • Page 36: Cleaning And Maintenance

    ENGLISH Pour the desired amount of hot water. To stop the hot water dispens- ing process press the “ ” button. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Daily cleaning of the machine Caution: Timely cleaning and maintenance of your machine is very important as it prolongs the life of your machine.

  • Page 37
    ENGLISH Empty and clean the coff ee residues drawer located inside of the ma- chine. Open the service door, remove the drawer and empty the coff ee residues. Empty and clean the drip tray: Press the side buttons to allow tray removal Remove the drip tray Note: Perform this operation also when the full drip tray indicator is raised.
  • Page 38: Daily Cleaning Of The Water Tank

    ENGLISH Daily cleaning of the water tank Remove the small white fi lter or the INTENZA+ water fi lter (if installed) from the water tank and wash it with fresh water. Put the small white fi lter back or the INTENZA+ water fi lter (if installed) in its housing by gently pressing and turning it at the same time.

  • Page 39: Weekly Cleaning Of The Machine

    ENGLISH Weekly cleaning of the machine Clean the seat of the drip tray. Clean the pre-ground coff ee compartment with the cleaning brush. Weekly cleaning of the milk carafe The weekly cleaning is more thorough as it removes any milk residues from the milk carafe dispenser.

  • Page 40
    ENGLISH Attach the lid on the milk carafe; ensure it is locked into place. Remove the top and fi ll the milk carafe up to the MAX level with fresh water. Put the top back into the milk carafe. Open the milk carafe dispenser and insert the carafe into the machine. Place a container under the dispensing spout.
  • Page 41
    ENGLISH The following icon is displayed during pre-heating time required by the machine. Once the machine stops dispensing water, the cleaning is fi nished. Remove the milk carafe and empty it. Press the release buttons to remove the lid. Turn the milk carafe dispenser up to the ( ) reference mark. Lift the milk carafe dispenser to remove it from the lid.
  • Page 42
    ENGLISH Remove the dispenser ring (A) from the milk carafe dispenser. Press the button indicated with the arrow to unlock the lid. Detach the lid (B) from the milk carafe dispenser by pulling it down while slightly pressing on the sides. Pull the milk frothing device (C) upwards.
  • Page 43
    ENGLISH Remove the suction tube (E). Pull the fi tting (F) outwards and separate it from the remaining part (G). Clean thoroughly all the parts with lukewarm water. Note: You can also clean these parts in the dishwasher. Reassemble the parts following the reverse order. Note: As explained at step 13, the dispenser can only be inserted into the lid, when it is in the reference ( ) position.
  • Page 44: Weekly Cleaning Of The Brew Group

    ENGLISH Weekly cleaning of the brew group The brew group should be cleaned every time the coff ee bean hopper is fi lled or at least once a week. Turn off the machine by pressing the “ ” button and remove the plug from the socket.

  • Page 45
    ENGLISH Let the brew group air-dry thoroughly. Thoroughly clean the inside of the machine using a soft, dampened cloth. Make sure the brew group is in the rest position; the two reference signs must match. If they do not match, proceed as described in step (9).
  • Page 46: Monthly Cleaning Of The Milk Carafe

    Insert the coff ee grounds drawer. Monthly cleaning of the milk carafe In the monthly cleaning cycle we use the “Saeco Milk Circuit Cleaner”to keep the entire circuit clean of milk residues. You can purchase separately the “Saeco Milk Circuit Cleaner”. Please refer to the maintenance products page for further details.

  • Page 47
    ENGLISH Press the “ ” button. The following icon is displayed. Press the “ ” button to select hot milk. The following icon is displayed during pre-heating time required by the machine. Once the machine stops dispensing water, repeat steps 5 — 8 until the carafe is emptied.
  • Page 48: Monthly Lubrication Of The Brew Group

    Lubricate the brew group after approximately 500 cups of coff ee or once a month. You can purchase separately the Saeco grease to lubricate the brew group. Please refer to the maintenance products page in this user manual for further details.

  • Page 49
    ENGLISH Lubricate the shaft too. Insert the brew group in its seat until it locks into place. (see “Weekly cleaning of the brew group” chapter). Insert the coff ee residues drawer. Close the service door. Insert the coff ee grounds drawer.
  • Page 50: Monthly Lubrication Of The Milk Carafe Dispenser

    Turn the milk carafe dispenser counter clockwise up to the reference mark ( ). Lift it to remove it from the lid. Add 2 drops of SAECO grease to the gaskets. Put the milk carafe dispenser back into the carafe lid.

  • Page 51: Monthly Cleaning Of The Brew Group With «Coff Ee Oil Remover

    The “Coff ee Oil Remover” tablets are to be used for cleaning only and do not have a descaling function. For the descaling procedure use the Saeco descaling solution and follow the procedure described in the “Descaling” chapter. Place a container under the dispensing spout.

  • Page 52
    ENGLISH Press the “ ” button to start a coff ee brewing cycle. Wait until the machine automatically ends the dispensing process. Press the “ ” button to turn off the machine, and let the solution take eff ect for approximately 15 minutes. Empty the container and put it back.
  • Page 53: Monthly Cleaning Of The Coff Ee Bean Hopper

    Not doing this will ultimately make your machine stop working prop- erly, and in this case repair is NOT covered by your warranty. Use the Saeco decalcifi er only. Its formula has been designed to ensure better machine performance. You can purchase separately the SAECO decalcifi er. Please refer to the maintenance products page in this user manual for further details.

  • Page 54
    ” button by mistake, press the “ ” button to quit. Remove the water tank and pour the entire content of the Saeco decal- cifi er. Then fi ll the water tank with fresh water up to the MAX level.
  • Page 55
    ENGLISH Press the “ ” button to start the descaling cycle. The machine will start dispensing the descaling solution at intervals. The bar on the display shows the cycle progress. Note: The descaling cycle may be paused by pressing the “ ”…
  • Page 56
    ENGLISH When inserting the water tank into the machine, this icon is displayed. Press the “ ” button to start the rinsing cycle. When this icon is displayed, the water tank is empty. Repeat steps 13 – CALC 17. Then continue to step 19. CLEAN .
  • Page 57
    ENGLISH Place back the “INTENZA+” water fi lter into the water tank if it was installed. Note: At the end of the descaling cycle, wash the brew group as described in the “Weekly cleaning of the brew group” chapter. The two rinse cycles are performed in order to have the circuit cleaned with a preset amount of water to ensure proper machine performance.
  • Page 58: Programming

    ENGLISH PROGRAMMING You can change some of the machine operating settings according to her/ his preferences. Adjustable parameters Coff ee temperature This function allows you to adjust the coff ee brewing temperature. Timer (stand-by) This function allows you to adjust the time until the machine will go into standby mode after the last brewing.

  • Page 59: Programming Mode Example

    ENGLISH Programming mode example In this example, it is shown how to program the display contrast. Proceed in the same way to program the other functions. The programming menu can only be accessed when the machine is on and shows this display. Press the “…

  • Page 60
    ENGLISH When the display value is changed, the “OK” message appears. Press the “ ” button to confi rm the change. Press the “ ” button to exit the programming mode. Note: The machine will automatically exit the programming mode if you do not push any button for 3 minutes.
  • Page 61: Meaning Of The Display Symbols

    ENGLISH MEANING OF THE DISPLAY SYMBOLS This machine is equipped with a colour-coded system to make the user’s understanding of the display signals easier. The icons are colour-coded according to the traffi c light principle. Ready Signals (Green Colour) The machine is ready to brew products. The machine is ready to brew pre-ground coff ee.

  • Page 62
    ENGLISH Ready Signals (Green Colour) The machine is programming the amount of coff ee to be brewed. Coff ee brewing using pre-ground coff ee in progress. The machine is brewing cappuccino. The machine is programming the amount of milk to dispense for the cappuc- cino.
  • Page 63
    ENGLISH Warning Signals (Yellow Colour) The machine is heating-up to brew beverages or dispense hot water. The machine is heating-up during beverages programming. The machine performs the rinsing cycle. Wait until the machine has com- pleted the cycle. The machine needs the “INTENZA+” water fi lter to be replaced. The brew group is being reset due to machine reset.
  • Page 64
    Turn off the machine. After 30 seconds, turn it on again. Try this 2 or 3 times. If the machine does not start, contact the Philips SAECO hotline in your country. You can fi nd its contact details in the warranty booklet by-packed…
  • Page 65: Troubleshooting

    If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, visit www.philips.com/support for a list of frequently asked questions or contact the Philips Saeco hotline in your country. You fi nd its contact details in the warranty booklet by-packed separately or on www.philips.com/support.

  • Page 66
    Clean the Brew Group («brew group» chapter). This might occur when the ma- Brew a few coff ees as described in chine is automatically adjusting chapter «Saeco Adapting System». the dose. The dispensing spout is dirty. Clean the dispensing spout. Coff ee is too weak.
  • Page 67: Energy Saving

    ENGLISH ENERGY SAVING Stand-by The Saeco full automatic espresso machine is designed for energy saving- proven by the Class A energy label. After 30 minutes of inactivity, the machine turns off automatically. If a product has been brewed, the machine performs a rinsing cycle.

  • Page 68: Technical Specification

    If you need service or support, please visit the Philips website at www.philips.com/support or contact the Philips Saeco hotline in your country. You fi nd its phone number in the warranty booklet by packed separately or on www.philips.com/support.

  • Page 69: Ordering Maintenance Products

    If you have any diffi culties obtaining maintenance products for your ma- chine, please contact the Philips Saeco hotline in your country. You fi nd its contact details in the warranty booklet by-packed separately or on www.philips.com/support.

  • Page 70
    ENGLISH Milk Circuit Cleaner CA6705 Maintenance Kit CA 6706…
  • Page 72
    The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. www.philips.com/saeco…

инструкцияPhilips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754



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Type HD8754




Посмотреть инструкция для Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории кофеварки, 2 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9.4. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 | HD8754/19
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Вместимость в чашках — чашек
Тип кофе Кофе в зернах
Тип кофеварки Автоматическая
Максимальное рабочее давление 15 бар
Емкость водного резервуара 1.5 L
Вместимость кофейных зерен 300 g
Встроенная мельница Да
Самоочистка Да
Комплектующие пригодны для мытья в посудомоечной машине Да
Тип продукта Машина для эспрессо
Размещение бытового устройства Столешница
Прочие свойства
Полная автоматика Кофе с молоком
Функция ожидания Да
Съемный заварочный блок Да
Цвет товара Black, Silver, Stainless steel
Материал корпуса Plastic, Stainless steel
Тип управления Кнопки
Встроенный экран Да
Режим энергосбережения Да
Частота входящего переменного тока 50 Hz
Мощность 1900 W
Вес и размеры
Ширина 265.5 mm
Глубина 449 mm
Высота 371.5 mm
Вес 8900 g
Программы и функции приготовления пищи
Приготовление кофе Да
Приготовление эспрессо Да
Приготовление капучино Да
Приготовление латте макиато Да

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Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754.

Какой вес Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754?

Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 имеет вес 8900 g.

Как часто следует очищать кофеварку от накипи?

Частота очистки кофеварки от накипи зависит от частоты ее использования и жесткости воды. При использовании воды высокой жесткости кофеварку рекомендуется очищать от накипи раз в месяц. При использовании воды низкой жесткости рекомендуется проводить чистку раз в квартал.

Какой лучший способ очистки кофеварки от накипи?

Для очистки кофеварки от накипи рекомендуется использовать жидкие средства на которых есть отметка о возможности использования их для чистки кофеварки.

Что такое эспрессо?

Эспрессо — небольшое количество концентрированного кофе.

Как долго можно хранить кофе в зернах?

Срок годности указывается на упаковке кофе в зернах. Данный срок годности действителен, пока упаковка не открыта.

Как лучше всего хранить кофе?

Кофе рекомендуется хранить в герметичной, чистой емкости.

Как помол сказывается на вкусе кофе?

Помол сильно влияет на вкус кофе. Если кофейные зерна измельчены очень мелко — это усилит вкус кофе, при более крупном помоле кофе будет иметь более мягкий вкус.

Какая высота Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754?

Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 имеет высоту 371.5 mm.

Какая ширина Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754?

Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 имеет ширину 265.5 mm.

Какая толщина Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754?

Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 имеет толщину 449 mm.

Инструкция Philips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоPhilips Saeco Intelia Evo HD8754 доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Страница 1 из 24

    Register your product and get support at Slovensky Čeština INSTRUCTIONS Magyar Type HD8881 Русский Polski English www.philips.com/welcome READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE MACHINE. CHECK ON WWW.PHILIPS.COM/SUPPORT TO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST USER MANUAL

  • Страница 2 из 24

    EN Welcome to Philips Saeco! Register on WWW.PHILIPS.COM/WELCOME and you will receive tips and updates on how to take care of your machine. This booklet contains quick instructions on how to operate your machine properly. For complete instructions download the usermanual from

  • Страница 3 из 24

    English Polski Gratulujemy wyboru idealnej kawy espresso! Ten ekspres do kawy jest osobistym barmanem oferującym prawdziwe włoskie kawy parzone w profesjonalny sposób. Przygotuj swoje zmysły na przyjemność delektowania się kawą espresso Philips Saeco, która uzyskała certyfikat Włoskiego Ośrodka

  • Страница 4 из 24

    EN — CONTENT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6 FIRST

  • Страница 5 из 24

    22 Правила безопасности www.philips.com/support Biztonsági előírások RU — ПРАВИЛА БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Машина оснащена предохранительными устройствами. Тем не менее, следует внимательно прочитать инструкции по безопасно- • сти, содержащиеся в данном руководстве, во избежание случайного нанесения ущерба лю-

  • Страница 6 из 24

    • • • • • • • Утилизация — Упаковочные материалы могут быть использованы повторно. — Прибор: извлеките штепсельную вилку из розетки и отсоедините шнур питания. — Сдайте машину и шнур питания в сервисный центр или в организацию, занимающуюся утилизацией отходов. В соответствии со ст. 13 итальянского

  • Страница 7 из 24

    24 Правила безопасности www.philips.com/support Biztonsági előírások HU — BIZTONSÁGI ELŐÍRÁSOK A gép rendelkezik biztonsági szerkezetekkel. Ennek ellenére figyelmesen el kell olvasni ebben a használati utasításban leírt biztonsági • útmutatásokat, hogy elkerülje a személyek vagy tárgyak véletlen

  • Страница 8 из 24

    • • • Ártalmatlanítás — A csomagolás anyagait újra lehet hasznosítani. — Készülék: húzza ki a dugót a konnektorból és vágja el a hálózati kábelt. — Adja át a készüléket és a hálózati kábelt egy szervizközpontnak vagy egy hulladékgyűjtést végző nyilvános intézménynek. „A 2005/95/EK, 2002/96/EK és

  • Страница 9 из 24

    26 Инструкции www.philips.com/support Utasítások ПЕРВАЯ УСТАНОВКА ELSŐ TELEPÍTÉS H2 O 1 MAX HU RU HU RU HU RU 2 Вставьте в машину под- Достаньте бак для воды. Ополосните бак и напол- Наполните емкость для Вставьте штепсельную дон для сбора капель с рените его свежей водой. кофе в зернах. вилку в

  • Страница 10 из 24

    Инструкции 27 Utasítások www.philips.com/support HU RU HU RU Установите емкость под Нажимайте кнопку , устройство подачи. пока не будет выбрана опция предварительно намолотого кофе. НЕ добавляйте предварительно намолотый кофе. Helyezzen egy edényt a kie- Az előre őrölt kávé funkció kiválasztásához

  • Страница 11 из 24

    28 Инструкции www.philips.com/support Utasítások HU RU ПЕРВАЯ ПОДАЧА ЭСПРЕССО ELSŐ ESZPRESSZÓ Отрегулируйте устрой- Нажмите кнопку для ство подачи. подачи эспрессо или … Állítsa be a kieresztőt. Nyomja meg a gombot egy eszpresszó kieresztéséhez vagy … …нажмите кнопку для подачи кофе. По

  • Страница 12 из 24

    Инструкции 29 Utasítások www.philips.com/support HU A szemeskávé-tartály belsejében található darálásszabályozó tekerőgombot csak akkor KELL elforgatni, ha a kerámia kávédaráló használatban van. 2 1 Нажмите и поверните Выберите ( ). Более ручку регулировки степе- легкий вкус, для смесей с ни помола

  • Страница 13 из 24

    30 Инструкции www.philips.com/support Utasítások HU RU STOP Нажмите кнопку Nyomja meg a bot. Нажмите кнопку , чтобы начать подачу. gom- A kieresztés elindításához nyomja meg a gombot. . Машина будет подавать молочную пену в чашку. A gép a tejhabot közvetlenül a csészébe ereszti ki. Нажмите кнопку ,

  • Страница 14 из 24

    Инструкции 31 Utasítások www.philips.com/support RU Выполнение цикла очистки от накипи (А) и цикла ополаскивания (В) можно приостановить, нажав кнопку . Для возобновления цикла еще раз нажмите кнопку . Это позволит освободить емкость или отлучиться на некоторое время. A vízkőmentesítési ciklus (A)

  • Страница 15 из 24

    32 Инструкции www.philips.com/support Utasítások H2 O OK MAX HU RU CALC CLEAN …. Заполните бак свежей во- Подставьте вместидой до уровня MAX. тельную емкость (1,5 л) под трубку пара/горячей воды и под устройство подачи. Töltse meg a tartályt hideg Tegyen egy elég nagy befovízzel a MAX jelzésig.

  • Страница 16 из 24

    HU Теперь машина готова к подаче кофе. A gép készen áll a kávé kieresztésére. HU RU ОЧИСТКА БЛОКА ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЯ КОФЕ A KÖZPONTI EGYSÉG TISZTÍTÁSA Снимите контейнер для сбора отходов и откройте дверцу для обслуживания. Vegye ki a zaccfiókot, és nyissa ki a szervizajtót. Снимите контейнер для

  • Страница 17 из 24

    34 Инструкции www.philips.com/support Utasítások RU Ежедневная HU ОЧИСТКА АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОГО ВСПЕНИВАТЕЛЯ МОЛОКА AZ AUTOMATA TEJHABOSÍTÓ TISZTÍTÁSA Mindennapi Вставьте всасывающую Поместите пустую ем- Нажмите кнопку трубку в емкость, напол- кость под автоматичененную свежей водой. ский вспениватель

  • Страница 18 из 24

    Вставьте всасывающую Опорожните емкость и Нажмите кнопку трубку в емкость. снова установите ее под автоматический вспениватель молока. Helyezze be a szívócsövet a Ürítse ki az edény, és he- Nyomja meg a tartályba. lyezze vissza az Automata bot. tejhabosító alá. . Нажмите кнопку , чтобы начать

  • Страница 19 из 24

    36 Инструкции www.philips.com/support HU RU HU RU Utasítások Установите крышку, надавив на нее по центру; убедитесь, что она хорошо закреплена. Helyezze vissza a fedelet a középső részét lenyomva, és győződjön meg róla, hogy megfelelően legyen behelyezve. Установите автоматический вспениватель

  • Страница 20 из 24

    Загрузите контур. Töltse fel a szemeskávé-tartályt, és indítsa újra a kieresztési ciklust. Töltse fel a rendszert. Если появляется этот символ, необходимо выполнить цикл очистки машины от накипи. Нажмите кнопку для входа в меню удаления накипи и обратитесь к соответствующей главе. Ha megjelenik ez

  • Страница 21 из 24

    54 go to www.shop.philips.com EN PL RU EN EN PL RU EN Grease product number: HD5061 Smar numer produktu: HD5061 PL Раствор для удаления накипи номер изделия: CA6700 Milk circuit cleaner product number: CA6705 Środek do czyszczenia obwodu mleka numer produktu: CA6705 Средство для очистки контура

  • Страница 22 из 24

    Magyar Čeština Slovensky HU CS SK HU HU CS SK HU Mazivo číslo produktu: HD5061 CS Roztok na odstránenie vodného kameňa číslo produktu: CA6700 Odmasťovacie tablety číslo produktu: CA6704 Mazivo číslo produktu: HD5061 SK Odvápňovací roztok číslo produktu: CA6700 Kenőanyag cikkszám: HD5061

  • Страница 23 из 24

    del 15-07-13 Rev.00 The manufacturer reserves the right to change the features of the product without prior notice. Producent zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzenia zmian w produkcie bez wcześniejszej zapowiedzi. Производитель оставляет за собой право вносить изменения без предварительного

  • Страница 24 из 24
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