Kodak m35 руководство

Пленочная камера KODAK M35 — это классическая 35-мм пленочная камера, которая идеально подходит для тех, кто хочет испытать удовольствие от пленочной фотографии. Эта камера оснащена 31-мм объективом, бесфокусной технологией и системой ручной перемотки пленки. Камера проста в использовании и поставляется с подробным руководством пользователя и инструкциями, которые охватывают все, от загрузки пленки до использования вспышки. Руководство пользователя также включает в себя список часто задаваемых вопросов, которые отвечают на распространенные вопросы о камере, например о том, сколько кадров она может сделать и какая пленка для нее требуется. Кроме того, в руководстве приводятся советы, как делать отличные фотографии, например, стоять на расстоянии не менее 1 метра от объекта и держать солнце за спиной. Являетесь ли вы опытным фотографом или новичком, пленочная камера KODAK M35 — отличный выбор для запечатления воспоминаний на пленку.


Кинокамера KODAK M35

KODAK-M35-Пленочная камера

Характеристики и описание

KODAK-M35-Пленочная камера-1

При слабом освещении или в помещении используйте вспышку.KODAK-M35-Пленочная камера-6Переключите кнопку вспышки в положение • % •. Дождитесь, пока загорится светодиод Flash Ready. Как только загорится индикатор готовности вспышки, вспышка готова к съемке.

Технические параметры

  • Формат пленки: пленка 135 (24×36 мм)
  • ISO 200/400
  • Оптика Объектив: 31 мм, Faa10, 1 элемент
  • Фокусировка: Focus Free, 1м~оо
  • Скорость затвора: 1/120 с
  • Транспортировка пленки: ручная перемотка и перемотка
  • View Искатель: Поле «» 70%
  • Источник питания: 1AAA-щелочная батарея
  • Размеры: 114 (Ш) x 63 (В) x 35 (Г) мм
  • Вес: г 100
  • Основной пластиковый материал: АБС
    Пленка и батарея в комплект не входят


Можете ли вы подключить его к вашему телефону

Нет. Это традиционная 35-мм пленочная камера, для обработки пленки которой требуется профессиональная лаборатория.

Почему моя вспышка перестала работать после замены батареек?

Заменить товар или вернуть деньги

Есть ли в этой камере таймер?

В этой камере нет таймера

ты умеешь снимать видео?

Нет, не может.

Есть ли в этой камере какая-нибудь регулировка экспозиции?

Нет регулировки экспозиции, она автоматическая.

почему перестала работать вспышка, хотя я вставил новые батарейки?

Нам искренне жаль, что вспышка камеры не сработала должным образом.
Мы также приносим свои извинения за причиненные вам неудобства.
Чтобы заменить элемент:
Пожалуйста, перейдите в раздел «Ваши заказы» и выберите «Вернуть или заменить товар», чтобы заменить камеру.

Есть ли в комплекте ремешок на запястье или место для его надевания?

Да! Он поставляется с ремешком на запястье.

Можете ли вы использовать эту камеру вблизи объекта, который хотите сфотографировать? Можно ли использовать его для селфи?

Вы можете использовать камеру вблизи, если убедитесь, что она сфокусирована. Для селфи практически не используется. Кто-то должен сделать фотографию для вас, если вы хотите, чтобы она получилась правильной и не размытой.

До скольких снимков он может делать одновременно?

Для этих камер. Стандартные размеры загрузки составляли 24 или 36 экспонирующих элементов на рулон. 

какая пленка нужна?

Фотопленка 35 мм. Kodak Gold, Ultramax или Fuji Superia работают хорошо.

Сколько экспозиций?

Пленка не входит в комплект, на этой камере можно использовать пленку 135 35 мм 24/36 exp.


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Publication No. 981777

September 1992

Supersedes 635819 and 635040

10/87 and 12/87

Service Manual

for the

KODAK M35 and M35A X-OMAT Processors


© Eastman Kodak Company, 1992


Related Manuals for Kodak M35

Summary of Contents for Kodak M35

  • Page 1
    Publication No. 981777 September 1992 Supersedes 635819 and 635040 10/87 and 12/87 Service Manual for the KODAK M35 and M35A X-OMAT Processors H112_0089AC © Eastman Kodak Company, 1992…
  • Page 2
    Eastman Kodak Company reserves the right to change this information without notice, and makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information. Kodak shall not be liable for any loss or damage, including consequential or special damages, resulting from the use of this information, even if loss or damage is caused by Kodak’s negligence or other fault.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Description Page Introduction………………………….. 1-1 Electrostatic Discharge ……………………..1-1 Processor Description……………………..1-2 Special Tools………………………… 1-2 Specifications and Data ……………………..1-2 Service Procedures……………………….2-1 Feed Shelf…………………………2-3 Adjustment of the Feed Shelf………………….. 2-3 Replacement of the Protective Material ………………..2-3 Detector Switches ……………………….

  • Page 4: Description Page

    Adjustment of the Replenishment Flow Rates in M35A Processors with Serial No. 10,000 and Above or in M35 Processors with Serial No. 35,000 and Above ……..2-40 Adjustment of the Replenishment Flow Rates in M35A Processors with Serial No. 8940 and Below or in M35 Processors with Serial No.

  • Page 5: Introduction

    ESD-protected work station or use a portable grounding mat. For help in setting up an Everyone within the organization needs to be aware ESD-protected work station, contact your Kodak of ESD, because partial ESD control is no ESD representative. control at all. Please note: •…

  • Page 6: Processor Description

    Control of the Solution Temperature Power Requirements The temperature of the developer is adjustable from The M35 Processor uses 200, 208, 220, or 240 approximately 30 to 46°C (85 to 115°F). The volts with a single-phase, 2-wire plus earth ground or…

  • Page 7
    Capacity of the Tanks with Racks Installed The KODAK M35 and M35A X-OMAT Processors The developer, fixer, and wash tanks each contain accept film that can be processed in KODAK RP 7.8 litres (2.07 gallons). X-OMAT Chemicals. The RECIRCULATION PUMP for the developer and…
  • Page 8
    BLANK PAGE 981777…
  • Page 9: Service Procedures

    Service Procedures Table of Contents Description Page Feed Shelf …………………………..2-3 Adjustment of the Feed Shelf ……………………2-3 Replacement of the Protective Material …………………. 2-3 Detector Switches ……………………….. 2-4 Adjustment of the Detector Switches ………………….2-4 Replacement of the Detector Switches ………………….. 2-5 Crossover Assemblies ………………………..

  • Page 10
    Adjustment of the Replenishment Flow Rates in M35A Processors with Serial No. 10,000 and Above or in M35 Processors with Serial No. 35,000 and Above ………… 2-40 Adjustment of the Replenishment Flow Rates in M35A Processors with Serial No. 8940 and Below or in M35 Processors with Serial No.
  • Page 11: Feed Shelf

    Feed Shelf Adjustment of the Feed Shelf Adjust the height of the FEED SHELF to approximately 1.5 mm (0.06 or 1/16 in.) below the NIP of the DETECTOR CROSSOVER 1.5 mm ROLLERS. (0.06 in.) Loosen the 4 SCREWS. Adjust the FEED SHELF for the correct film entry path height by moving the FEED SHELF up or down.

  • Page 12: Detector Switches

    Detector Switches Insert a 5 x 7 inch sheet of film. Adjustment of the Detector Switches Move the drive side DETECTOR SWITCH until the REPLENISHMENT PUMP activates. Check that the REPLENISHMENT Moving parts. PUMP stops in 3 seconds after you remove the sheet of film.

  • Page 13: Replacement Of The Detector Switches

    Connect the new SWITCH CABLE. Replacement of the Detector Switches Install the: • new DETECTOR SWITCH • 2 WASHERS Dangerous voltage. • 2 LOCK WASHERS • 2 SCREWS Disconnect the main power. • new WIRE TIES Remove the: Connect the main power. •…

  • Page 14: Crossover Assemblies

    Crossover Assemblies Adjustment for Squareness NOTE Use this procedure to check the GUIDE squareness of any of the SHOE CROSSOVER ASSEMBLIES. Remove the CROSSOVER ASSEMBLY from the processor. Place the CROSSOVER ASSEMBLY on a smooth, flat surface. Loosen the 2 NUTS on the 2 TIE RODS. Check that the 2 SIDE PLATES touch the flat surface evenly.

  • Page 15: Rack Assemblies

    Rack Assemblies Adjustment for Squareness NOTE Use this procedure to check the squareness of any of the RACK ASSEMBLIES. Remove the RACK ASSEMBLY from the processor. Place the RACK ASSEMBLY on a smooth, flat surface. Loosen the SCREWS on the ends of the 3 TIE RODS.

  • Page 16: Drive Chain

    Drive Chain Adjustment of the Tension on the Drive Chain SIDE PLATE Check that the DRIVE CHAIN is wet with DRIVE solution. GEAR Check that the RACK ASSEMBLY is at approximately the same temperature as the solutions in the tanks, to assure that the DRIVE CHAIN is the correct length.

  • Page 17: Turnaround Assembly

    Loosen the 4 HOLDING SCREWS. Turnaround Assembly Rotate the 4 ADJUSTING SCREWS the same amounts to move the TURNAROUND Adjustment for Squareness ASSEMBLY up or down. NOTE Check that the 2 SIDE PLATES of the TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY touch the flat The illustration shows a DEVELOPER surface evenly.

  • Page 18: Disassembling The Turnaround Assembly

    Disassembling the Turnaround Assembly Remove the: Remove the: • EXIT GUIDE SHOE and the BRACKETS • 4 HOLDING SCREWS • ROLLER above the GUIDE SHOE • CHAIN from the B ROLLER • 2 SPRINGS and LOCKING PLATE from the • TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY •…

  • Page 19: Replacement Of The B Roller

    Replacement of the B Roller See the illustration on page 2-10. Remove the: • TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY from the RACK GUIDE • 2 SPRINGS SHOE • LOCKING PLATE • 2 A ROLLER ASSEMBLIES • 2 SCREWS • 2 BRACKETS • EXIT GUIDE SHOE •…

  • Page 20: Replacement Of The A Rollers

    Replacement of the A Rollers NOTE Install the: • new A ROLLER on the SHAFT Each TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY has • A ROLLER in the TURNAROUND 2 A ROLLERS. ASSEMBLY Remove the: • LOCKING PLATE • 2 SPRINGS • 2 SPRINGS •…

  • Page 21: Replacement Of The Resilient Drive Roller In The Developer And Fixer Racks

    Move the DRIVE ROLLER to the non-drive Replacement of the Resilient Drive Roller side and remove the KEY from the in the Developer and Fixer Racks SPROCKET. Pull the SHAFT to the drive side to remove it Remove the 2 SPRINGS from the top of the from the non-drive SIDE PLATE.

  • Page 22: Replacement Of The Resilient Rollers In The Wash Rack

    Replacement of the Resilient Rollers in the Wash Rack Remove the: Remove the 2 SPRINGS. • 2 SCREWS and the ID WASHER from the Pull the 2 SHAFTS of the DRIVE ROLLER TIE ROD and the DRIVEN ROLLER to the drive side to remove them from the non-drive SIDE PLATE.

  • Page 23: Dryer Rack

    Dryer Rack Adjustment for Squareness Remove the DRYER RACK from the processor and place it on a smooth, flat surface. Loosen the 2 SCREWS and 2 NUTS from the 2 TIE RODS. Check that the SIDE PLATES touch the flat surface evenly.

  • Page 24: Replacement Of The Drive Roller

    Replacement of the Drive Roller Remove the: On the non-drive side, remove the • top and bottom COVERS from the DRYER • O-RING from the COLLAR RACK • PIN • PLENUM • COLLAR • first 3 AIR TUBES On the drive side, remove the O-RING from •…

  • Page 25: Main Drive

    Main Drive Adjustment of the Main Drive Chain Moving parts. Do not overtighten the DRIVE CHAIN. Disconnect the main power. Move the MOTOR up or down until the Remove the: DRIVE CHAIN is tight. Do not overtighten the DRIVE CHAIN. •…

  • Page 26: Alignment Of The Main Drive Motor

    Alignment of the Main Drive Motor Remove the drive SIDE PANEL, the SETSCREW (3) 2 GUARD SCREWS, and the CHAIN GUARD. Loosen the 3 SETSCREWS. SPROCKET (2) Align the SPROCKETS with the ends of the DRIVE SHAFT and the MOTOR SHAFT. Tighten the 3 SETSCREWS.

  • Page 27: Replacement Of The Main Drive Shaft, Worm Gears, Or Bearing Blocks

    Replacement of the Main Drive Shaft, Worm Gears, or Bearing Blocks Remove the CHAIN GUARD. Remove the 4 SCREWS from the 2 BEARING BLOCKS. Loosen the 4 MOUNTING SCREWS. Remove the DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY from Remove the DRIVE CHAIN. the processor. WORM GEAR SCREW…

  • Page 28
    Install new WORM GEARS or BEARING BLOCKS if necessary. Install the DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY Place the SHIMS under the BEARING BLOCKS. Do not overtighten the 4 SCREWS. Install the 4 SCREWS in the BEARING BLOCKS. [10] Adjust the position of the BEARING BLOCKS until the DRIVE SHAFT moves freely. [11] Install the DRIVE CHAIN.
  • Page 29: Dryer Heater

    Dryer Heater Adjustment of the Dryer Temperature DRYER To check the temperature of the DRYER, TEMPERATURE insert a THERMOMETER, Part No. 761217, CONTROL under the DRYER on the drive side of the KNOB processor. See the illustration. IMPORTANT The correct temperature for the DRYER depends on the condition of the air and on the amount and type of film fed into the processor.

  • Page 30: Replacement Of The Blower Assembly

    Replacement of the Blower Assembly Install the BRACKET on the DRYER HEATER. Dangerous voltage. Install the 6 MOUNTING SCREWS. Tighten the MOUNTING SCREWS. Disconnect the main power. [10] Connect the CABLE ASSEMBLY to the Remove the: ELECTRICAL BOX. • TOP COVER [11] Install the: •…

  • Page 31
  • Page 32: Replacement Of The Dryer Heater Or The Heater Core

    Replacement of the Dryer Heater or the Heater Core Disconnect the main power. Loosen the 2 SCREWS. Remove the: Remove the HEATER TOP COVER. • TOP COVER Inside the DRYER HEATER: • DRYER RACK Remove the 4 HEX NUTS, not shown. •…

  • Page 33
  • Page 34: Plumbing

    Plumbing Adjustment of the Developer Temperature Remove the TOP COVER. Insert a THERMOMETER of known accuracy, such as Part No. 761217, into the non-drive side of the DEVELOPER TANK between the SIDE PLATE of the DEVELOPER RACK and the RACK SUPPORT. The correct temperature is 33.3°C (92°F).

  • Page 35
    Close the ELECTRICAL BOX and install the SIDE PANEL. Install the TOP COVER. 100 CIRCUIT BOARD H112_0087BCA H112_0087BC Adjusting the Developer Temperature on the 100 Circuit Board 981777 2-27…
  • Page 36: Replacement Of The Developer Heater

    Replacement of the Developer Heater Disconnect the main power. Drain the DEVELOPER TANK or clamp the 2 TUBES to the THERMOWELL. Disconnect the wires to the DEVELOPER HEATER at TB2-9 and TB2-10. When you remove the DEVELOPER HEATER from the THERMOWELL, a small amount of developer may spill.

  • Page 37
    Apply SEALANT TL-3230 to the threads of the new DEVELOPER HEATER. Insert the new DEVELOPER HEATER into the Overtightening the DEVELOPER THERMOWELL. HEATER may cause damage to the Check that the DEVELOPER HEATER is in THERMOWELL. the correct position through the HEATER LOCATOR.
  • Page 38: Replacement Of The Developer Over-Temperature Thermostat

    Replacement of the Developer Over-temperature Thermostat Disconnect the main power. Drain the DEVELOPER TANK or clamp the 2 TUBES to the THERMOWELL. See the illustration on page 2-30. Disconnect the OVER-TEMPERATURE THERMOSTAT at TB4-15, TB4-16, TB4-8, and TB4-9. When you remove the OVER-TEMPERATURE THERMOSTAT from the THERMOWELL, a small amount of liquid may spill.

  • Page 39: Replacement Of The Developer Thermistor

    Replacement of the Developer Thermistor Disconnect the main power. Drain the DEVELOPER TANK or clamp the 2 TUBES to the THERMOWELL. See the illustration on page 2-30. Disconnect the DEVELOPER THERMISTOR at TB4-13 and TB4-14. When you remove the DEVELOPER THERMISTOR from the THERMOWELL, a small amount of liquid may spill.

  • Page 40: Replacement Of The Heat Exchangers

    Replacement of the Heat Exchangers RACK Dangerous voltage. SUPPORT Disconnect the main power. Disconnect the water supply. SCREW (2) Drain the 3 TANKS. TANK Remove the: CLIP (2) • 2 SCREWS from the RACK SUPPORT • RACK SUPPORT • TANK SEALS •…

  • Page 41
    Remove the 2 GLAND NUTS, the GASKET (2) 2 O-RINGS, the 2 WASHERS, and the HEAT FITTING (2) EXCHANGER from the TANK. TANK Install the: • new HEAT EXCHANGER • 2 O-RINGS • 2 WASHERS • 2 GLAND NUTS • TANK in the processor •…
  • Page 42: Recirculation Pump

    Recirculation Pump Replacement of the Recirculation Pump [10] Connect the water supply. [11] Remove the PINCH CLAMPS. [12] Fill the 3 TANKS with water. Dangerous voltage. [13] Connect the main power. Disconnect the main power. Disconnect the water supply. Remove the TOP COVER and the 2 SIDE Never operate the RECIRCULATION PANELS.

  • Page 43: Replacement Of The O-Ring

    Replacement of the O-Ring Install the OUTER PUMP HOUSING and the 4 WING NUTS. Dangerous voltage. Remove the PINCH CLAMPS. Connect the main power. Disconnect the main power. Remove the TOP COVER and 2 SIDE PANELS. Install PINCH CLAMPS on the tubing of the Never operate the RECIRCULATION RECIRCULATION PUMP to prevent leakage.

  • Page 44: Replenishment Pump

    Replenishment Pump Replacement of the Replenishment Pump TOP COVER SIDE PANEL (2) EXIT PANEL Dangerous voltage. Disconnect the main power. PUMP COVER Disconnect the water supply. Remove the: • TOP COVER • 2 SIDE PANELS • RECEIVING BIN • DRYER TEMPERATURE CONTROL KNOB DRYER •…

  • Page 45: Adjustment Of The Replenishment Pumps

    Adjustment of the Replenishment Pumps TOP COVER BRACKET Remove the TOP COVER and the RECEIVING BIN. Loosen the 2 SCREWS and remove the PUMP COVER. Actuate the DETECTOR SWITCH, by lifting the top DETECTOR ROLLER of the DETECTOR CROSSOVER ASSEMBLY, until the ADJUSTMENT SCREW is visible through the hole in the BRACKET.

  • Page 46: Adjustment Of The Replenishment Flow Rates In M35A Processors With Serial No. 10,000 And Above Or In M35 Processors With Serial No. 35,000 And Above

    Adjustment of the Replenishment Flow Rates in M35A Processors with Serial No. 10,000 and Above or in M35 Processors with Serial No. 35,000 and Above TUBING Remove the TOP COVER. QUICK DISCONNECT Lift the top DETECTOR ROLLER of the METAL DETECTOR CROSSOVER ASSEMBLY.

  • Page 47
    50 sheets 25 sheets or less NOTE • KODAK RP X-OMAT Chemicals are recommended. • Replenishment rates are based on one sheet of film. • Film feeding orientation should be consistent for best results. • Slight sensitometric changes will occur as subsequent films are processed through a freshly started process.
  • Page 48: Adjustment Of The Replenishment Flow Rates In M35A Processors With Serial No. 8940 And Below Or In M35 Processors With Serial No. 3760 And Below

    Adjustment of the Replenishment Flow Rates in M35A Processors with Serial No. 8940 and Below or in M35 Processors with Serial No. 3760 and Below Remove the: To adjust the developer flow rate, lift the top DETECTOR ROLLER to operate the •…

  • Page 49: Plumbing Circulation Diagrams, M35 And M35A Processors

    Plumbing Circulation Diagrams, M35 and M35A Processors See the next 4 pages. 981777 2-41…

  • Page 50
    H112_0073ECA H112_0073EA Figure 1 Developer Plumbing Circulation Diagram 2-42 Order by Part Number 981777…
  • Page 51
    Tube …………….Developer Tank to the Recirculation Pump 246801 Clamp ……………. 240500 Recirculation Pump Assembly — M35A Processor..418703 Recirculation Pump Assembly — M35 Processor ..531270 Tube …………….From the Recirculation Pump 539151 Orifice — 0.250 ID …………180281 Connector — Tee …………
  • Page 52
    H112_0072DCA H112_0072DA Figure 2 Fixer and Wash Plumbing Circulation Diagram, M35 and M35-A Processors 2-44 Order by Part Number 981777…
  • Page 53
    264461 Kit — Tubing …………… Includes Part No. 240002, 240003, 240004, 240005, 287733 (2), 287735, 287736, 287740, 471393, 489788 (3), & 914568. Figure 2 Fixer and Wash Plumbing Circulation Diagram, M35 and M35-A Processors 981777 Order by Part Number 2-45…
  • Page 54
    BLANK PAGE 2-46 Order by Part Number 981777…
  • Page 55: Periodic Maintenance

    Periodic Maintenance General Information NOTE • This section includes additional Dangerous Voltage procedures that are not in the Operator Manual, Publication • Disconnect the main power before No. 981158. lubricating the parts. • To provide for optimum operation of the •…

  • Page 56: Periodic Maintenance Schedule

    Periodic Maintenance Schedule ITEM TO CHECK WEEKLY MONTHLY Film Guide Assembly Detector/Crossover Assemblies Rollers Gears Guide Shoes Bearings Brackets Nuts Squeegee Assembly Rollers Gears Guide Shoes Bearings Brackets Nuts Rack Assemblies Rollers Sprockets Chain Springs Rewet Rollers Turnaround Assemblies Rollers Springs Main Drive Assembly Plumbing…

  • Page 57: Roller Transport

    Roller Transport Detector Switches Check that the DETECTOR SWITCHES operate the REPLENISHMENT PUMP. See page 2-4 for adjustment of the DETECTOR SWITCHES, if necessary. Detector Crossover Assembly Clean the DETECTOR ROLLERS with a damp, lint-free cloth or natural sponge. Check: •…

  • Page 58: Crossover Assemblies

    Remove the CROSSOVER ASSEMBLIES from the processor. Rinse the CROSSOVER ASSEMBLIES with running water. If necessary, use a soft brush and warm water or: Developer/Fixer Crossover Assembly Kodak Liquid Developer System Cleaner Kodak Fixer/Wash System Cleaner Fixer/Wash Crossover Assembly Check the ROLLER GEARS for broken or worn teeth. Install new ROLLERS if necessary.

  • Page 59: Rack Assemblies

    Rinse the RACK ASSEMBLIES with warm water, approximately 44°C (110°F). NOTE Discoloration of the ROLLERS is normal. If necessary, use a soft brush or: Kodak Liquid Developer Developer Rack Assembly System Cleaner Fixer Rack Assembly Kodak Fixer/Wash System Cleaner…

  • Page 60: Turnaround Assemblies

    DRIVE CHAIN H112_0109CCB H112_0109CA Checking the Rack Assemblies Turnaround Assemblies Remove the TURNAROUND ASSEMBLIES from the RACK ASSEMBLIES. Clean the DEVELOPER TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY with KODAK Liquid Developer System Cleaner. Clean the FIXER TURNAROUND ASSEMBLY with KODAK Liquid Fixer/Wash System Cleaner. 981777…

  • Page 61
    Check the tension of the SPRINGS. Check the BEARINGS. If a ROLLER does not rotate freely on the SHAFT, install new BEARINGS. Check that the ROLLERS move freely in the slots of the LOCATING PLATES. Check that the surfaces of the ROLLERS are smooth. Wipe all ROLLERS with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Page 62: Dryer

    Dryer DRYER Check that all ROLLERS rotate freely. TEMPERATURE Check for broken GEARS. Install new CONTROL ROLLERS if necessary. KNOB Remove dirt and dust from the AIR TUBES. Check the SPRINGS, not shown, for wear. Install new SPRINGS if necessary. Check the temperature at the bottom of the DRYER on the drive side of the processor.

  • Page 63: Main Drive

    Main Drive Check the DRIVE CHAIN for wear. Install a new DRIVE CHAIN if necessary. Check the tension of the DRIVE CHAIN. See page 2-8 if adjustment is necessary. Lubricate the DRIVE CHAIN if necessary. Check the BEARINGS, SPROCKETS, and WORM GEARS for wear. Install new parts if necessary. Check the teeth of the SPROCKETS.

  • Page 64: Plumbing

    Plumbing General Check all the CONNECTIONS to the RECIRCULATION PUMPS, the VALVES, TUBING, and TANKS for leakage. Check that the temperature of all incoming water is 4 — 30°C (40 — 85°F). Check the flow rate of the wash water. Drain the TANKS.

  • Page 65: Recirculation Pumps

    Recirculation Pumps DRIP TRAY NOTE When doing periodic maintenance and SPLASH GUARD when changing the processing solutions, check the RECIRCULATION PUMPS and tubing. • Always use a DRIP TRAY and the SPLASH GUARD when you remove RACK ASSEMBLIES. • Never operate the RECIRCULATION PUMPS if the TANKS are empty.

  • Page 66: Developer Filter

    Developer Filter Install a new DEVELOPER FILTER at least once a month or after approximately 1000 sheets of film. Check that the O-RING is correctly seated before installing the CAP. TEMPERATURE READY LIGHT O-RING DEVELOPER FILTER H112_0093CCC H112_0093CA Replacement of the Developer Filter 3-12 981777…

  • Page 67: Temperature Of The Developer

    Temperature of the Developer Remove the TOP COVER. Insert a THERMOMETER, Part No. 761217, into the non-drive side of the DEVELOPER TANK between the SIDE PLATE of the DEVELOPER RACK and the RACK SUPPORT. The correct developer temperature is 33.3°C (92°F). If the Developer Is The Temperature Ready Light Is below the correct temperature,…

  • Page 68
    Allow the developer to reach the new, adjusted temperature. Check the developer temperature in the DEVELOPER TANK with the THERMOMETER. If the developer temperature is not correct, do steps (c) — (e) again. Close the ELECTRICAL BOX and install the SIDE PANEL. Install the TOP COVER.
  • Page 69: Chemical Replenishment

    Chemical Replenishment Check the replenishment flow rates by doing the procedure on page 2-40 or page 2-42. Check the STRAINERS for debris. Place clamps on the tubing to stop the replenishment flow. Disassemble the STRAINER ASSEMBLIES. Use a brush and warm water to clean the STRAINER ASSEMBLIES and to remove dirt and chemical deposits from the SCREENS.

  • Page 70: Interlock Switch

    Interlock Switch Check the operation of the INTERLOCK SWITCH: Press one of the RUN/STANDBY SWITCHES. Remove the TOP COVER. The MAIN DRIVE MOTOR, the BLOWER MOTOR, and the DRYER HEATER will stop. If not, adjust the position of the MAGNETS on the TOP COVER. Install the TOP COVER and do steps (a) — (c) again.

  • Page 71: Correcting Difficulties

    Correcting Difficulties IMPORTANT • Many film transport and sensitometric difficulties can be caused or aggravated by inadequate hardening of the emulsion due to underreplenishment of the developer and fixer solution. • Another cause of inadequate hardening of the emulsion may be deterioration of the developer replenisher because of age or storage at too high a temperature.

  • Page 72
    1. Transport Failure 2. Surface Artifacts 3. Abnormal Film Densities 4. Wet Films 5. Low Solution Levels 6. Overlapping of Films • • • • • Change any chemicals that were not mixed correctly, are exhausted, or are contaminated. Change the developer filter if necessary. Check that replenishment flow rates are correctly set.
  • Page 73
    1. Transport Failure 2. Surface Artifacts 3. Abnormal Film Densities 4. Wet Films 5. Low Solution Levels 6. Overlapping of Films • Check the time delay. For all transport speeds, the buzzer should sound once the trailing edge of the film has advanced 75 mm (3 in.) into the processor.
  • Page 74
    BLANK PAGE 981777…
  • Page 75: Diagrams

    Light Is On Complete Processor Sequence of Operation 5-19 Circuit Diagram, M35 5-20 Circuit Diagram, M35A 5-21 Wiring Diagram, M35 5-22 Wiring Diagram, M35A 5-23 Wiring Diagram, M35 Control Box 5-24 Wiring Diagram, M35A Control 5-25 Circuit Diagram, 100 Board 5-26 981777…

  • Page 105: Publication Change Table

    Rev. Date ECO No. PCN No. Pub. No. Affected Pages Description September 4014-318 981777 Supersedes Publications 1992 No. 635819 and 635040. The Service Manuals for the M35 and M35A Processors were combined into one manual, and the information updated. 3047sm_c.txt 981777…

  • Page 106
    3047sm_c.txt Kodak and X-Omat are trademarks. Health Sciences Division EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER, N.Y. 14650 Printed in USA…

Посмотреть инструкция для Kodak M35 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории фотокамеры, 6 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.4. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Kodak M35 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Фотоаппарат Kodak M35 — это компактная камера для пленочной пленки с встроенной вспышкой. Её высота составляет 63 мм, а ширина — 114 мм. Область фокусного расстояния этой камеры составляет 31 мм. Она весит всего 100 грамм и работает на 1 батарее типа ААА. Конструкция объектива является синглетной, соотношение элементов к группам — 1/1. Ближайшее расстояние фокусировки составляет 1 метр. Данная камера поддерживает 35 мм пленку, а её затвор работает на скорости 1/120 секунды. Встроенная вспышка работает в автоматическом режиме. Камера работает от одной батареи типа щелочной.

Таким образом, Kodak M35 — это компактный фотоаппарат на пленку, который имеет удобный для использования встроенный флэш. Она поддерживает 35 мм пленку и работает на одной батарее типа ААА. Объектив состоит из одного элемента, а его ближайшее расстояние фокусировки составляет 1 метр. Эта камера идеальна для тех, кто предпочитает классический подход к фотографии.

M35 | 520004525
фото камера
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Встроенная вспышка Да
Режимы вспышки Авто
Тип камеры Компактный пленочный фотоаппарат
Установка светочувствительности пленки (ISO) 200 — 400
Тип пленки 35 мм
Вес и размеры
Высота 63 mm
Вес 100 g
Ширина 114 mm
Глубина 35 mm
Фокусное расстояние 31 mm
Структура линзы (элементы/группы) 1/1
Технология батареи Щелочной
Число поддерживаемых батарей 1
Тип батареек AAA
Наименьшее фокусное расстояние 1 m
Скорость действия затвора 1/120 s

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Какой вес Kodak M35?

Kodak M35 имеет вес 100 g.

Какая высота Kodak M35?

Kodak M35 имеет высоту 63 mm.

Какая ширина Kodak M35?

Kodak M35 имеет ширину 114 mm.

Какая толщина Kodak M35?

Kodak M35 имеет толщину 35 mm.

Инструкция Kodak M35 доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Kodak M35, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

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Kodak X Omat M35 Operator’s Manual

Kodak X Omat M35 Operator’s Manual

2020-05-20 10:35:24
Medical Imaging;X-Ray;Kodak X-Ray;Kodak X-Omat Series;Kodak X-Omat M35
ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR)
Internet Archive Python library 1.9.0



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