Инструкция по охране труда для водителя дальнобойщика

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Lego Огромный Зоопарк — LEGO DUPLO № 4960 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Название Цвет  
1 X Duplo Fish with Thin Tail and Large Tail Fin Pearl Light Gray 31445
1 X Duplo Elephant Baby Standing, Angular Eye Pattern Dark Bluish Gray elephc01pb02
1 X Duplo Elephant Adult Stationary Head, Four Studs, Angular Eye Pattern Light Bluish Gray eleph2c01pb02
3 X Duplo, Plate 3 x 4 x 2 1/3 Rampart Dark Bluish Gray 51698
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Slope 45 with Greenland Map and Polar Bear Pattern Light Bluish Gray 6474pb15
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Slope 45 with Africa Map and Lion Pattern Light Bluish Gray 6474pb14
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Slope 45 with Africa Map and Giraffe Pattern Light Bluish Gray 6474pb13
1 X Duplo, Plate 8 x 16 Ярко-зеленый 6490
1 X Duplo, Plate 8 x 8 Песочный 51262
1 X Duplo, Plate 8 x 8 Белый 51262
1 X Duplo, Plate 8 x 8 Синий 51262
1 X Duplo, Plate 6 x 12 Ярко-зеленый 4196
1 X Duplo, Plate 4 x 8 Темно-песочный 4672
1 X Duplo, Plate 4 x 8 Ярко-зеленый 4672
1 X Duplo, Plate 2 x 4 Medium Blue 40666
2 X Duplo, Plate 2 x 4 Зеленый 40666
2 X Duplo Flagpole / Antenna 1 x 9 Reddish Brown 51708
2 X Duplo Cone 2 x 2 Square Base Красный 47408
2 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 3 with Curved Top Зеленый 2302
6 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 x 2 with Indented Sides (Tree Trunk) Bright Light Orange 31061
3 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 x 2 with Indented Sides (Tree Trunk) Темно-оранжевый 31061
1 X Duplo Utensil Shovel with Handle Light Bluish Gray 51269
1 X Duplo Plate 1 x 2 with Water Tank and Tap Light Bluish Gray 44594
3 X Duplo Plant Flower with 1 Top Stud Зеленый 6510
2 X Duplo Plant Flower with 1 Top Stud Ярко-зеленый 6510
1 X Duplo Plant Flower with 1 Top Stud Желтый 6510
2 X Duplo Plant Flower with 1 Top Stud Красный 6510
1 X Duplo Plant Flower with 1 Top Stud Trans-Light Blue 6510
1 X Duplo Animal Accessory Horse Trough 2 x 4 x 2 Темно-оранжевый 4882
1 X Duplo Food Steak Белый 53904pb01
1 X Duplo Food Carrots Оранжевый 23230
1 X Duplo Food Bananas Желтый 53897px1
2 X Duplo Flag Wavy 2 x 5 Синий 51725
5 X Duplo Fence Railing with 5 Posts Желтый 2214
2 X Duplo Fire / Grass / Ice 1 x 4 x 2 Зеленый 31168
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 with Brown ‘ZOO’ Pattern Bright Light Orange 3011pb017
2 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 Trans-Light Blue 3011
2 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 Зеленый 3011
3 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Темно-оранжевый 3437
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Зеленый 3437
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Trans-Light Blue 3437
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Ярко-зеленый 3437
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Темно-песочный 3437
2 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Bright Light Orange 3437
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Lime 3437
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 2 Белый 3437
1 X Duplo Container Wooden-Style Crate Темно-оранжевый 6446
4 X Duplo, Brick 1 x 2 x 2 Bright Light Orange 4066
1 X Duplo Plant Vine 13L (Duplo Length) without Studs on Ends Lime 6410
1 X Duplo Plant Tree Leaves with 4 Top Studs Зеленый 31059
1 X Duplo Plant Vine with Leaves, 14L (Duplo Length) Зеленый 31064
2 X Duplo Plant Bush / Tree Top Ярко-зеленый 74587
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 Темно-песочный 3011
2 X Duplo Fire / Grass / Ice 1 x 4 x 2 Белый 31168
3 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 Ярко-зеленый 3011
1 X Duplo, Plate 2 x 8 Dark Bluish Gray 44524
4 X Duplo Fence 1 x 10 x 2, Interlocking Dark Flesh 47548
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 10 Bright Light Orange 2291
1 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 10 x 2 Arch Красный 51704
1 X Duplo Roofpiece Spire — Castle Красный 52025
2 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 x 2 with 2 x 2 Cutout on Bottom Красный 6394
6 X Duplo, Brick 2 x 4 Bright Light Orange 3011
1 X Duplo Plant Tree Trunk Segment Base Reddish Brown 6411
1 X Duplo Rock Cave 4 x 4 x 6 Bright Light Blue 31071
1 X Duplo, Baseplate Raised 14 x 16 x 8 with Rock Mountain Zoo Habitat Песочный 31384
1 X Duplo Giraffe Adult, Dense Spot Pattern Желтый 2259c01pb02
1 X Duplo Giraffe Baby, Dense Spot Pattern Желтый 2278pb02
1 X Duplo Lion Adult Female New Style Bright Light Orange 53908pb01
1 X Duplo Lion Adult Male New Style Bright Light Orange 4325c01
1 X Duplo Lion Cub, Raised Paw Bright Light Orange 54300cx1
1 X Duplo Monkey, Bright Light Orange Face and Ears, Eyes Looking Forward Черный 2281px2
2 X Duplo Penguin, White with Yellow Belly Pattern Черный x932px2
1 X Duplo Polar Bear Adult, Squared Eyes Белый polarc01pb02
2 X Duplo Zebra Белый 4415c01
1 X Duplo Wheelbarrow with Black Wheels Синий 2292c02

Зоопарк для малышей

Номер конструктора: 4962

Кол-во деталей: 18

Кол-во минифигурок: 1

Модельный ряд: 2006 год

Цена: 499 руб.

Стоимость 1 детали: 28 руб.

Серия: Дупло

Зоопарк для малышей

Где купить: поиск лучшей цены в интернет-магазинах

Нажмите на ссылку для просмотра информации. Если вы хотите скачать инструкцию 4962 на компьютер нажмите правой клавишей на ссылке и выберите «сохранить ссылку как» — если браузер Хром, или «сохранить объект как» для пользователей мозиллы.

  • Возраст от 2 до 5 лет
  • Количество деталей 18
  • Мини фигурок 1

Данный набор рассчитан на то, чтобы направить ребенка на увлечение животными и повышение его интереса к ним, также для наработки элементарных навыков конструкции и улучшения его координации. Набор представляет собой зоопарк, где представлены 4 вида животных и 3 вида конструкции, под фигурки животных, подобранных по цвету их среды обитания, что способствует возникновению ассоциаций у детей.

В комплект входят одна фигурка LEGO DUPLO ребенка, фигурка слона – 1шт, полярного медведя-1шт, львенка – 1шт, жирафа- 1шт. Основной особенностью данного набора является то, что все фигурки представлены в виде детей. Благодаря своим ярким цветам и приятной проработке фигурок набор будет интересен и мальчикам и девочкам. Общее количество деталей в наборе – 18. Возрастная категория от 2 до 5 лет. Все детали LEGO DUPLO экологически безопасны для детей.




Дупло (Duplo) — LEGO Ville (2009)

Конструктор LEGO (ЛЕГО) Duplo 5635 Big City Zoo

Номер набора: 5635
Вариант набора: 1
Розничная цена: $90
Тема: Duplo
Подтема: LEGO Ville
Год выпуска: 2009
Количество минифигурок: 4
Количество деталей: 125 шт.
Возраст: от 2 до 5

Конструктор LEGO (ЛЕГО) — Big City Zoo выпущенный в 2009 году, для серии наборов Дупло (Duplo), тематики LEGO Ville, получил серийный номер набора 5635, состоит из 125 деталей из которых 4 минифигурки (человечки). Данный конструктор можно купить недорого по приемлемой цене, как в российских магазинах, так и найти его недорогой (дешевый) аналог от производителя LEPIN (ЛЕПИН) и многих других, на китайских интернет-магазинах по типу алиэкспресс.

Скачать инструкцию для конструктора LEGO (ЛЕГО) Big City Zoo — 5635

Название: Скачать:
BI 3006/12-GLUED-5635 СКАЧАТЬ

Чтобы скачать инструкцию для сборки конструктора LEGO Big City Zoo — 5635 на свой компьютер, нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на кнопку «Скачать» и выберите «Сохранить ссылку как», после чего вы можете ее распечататься. Либо просто нажмите на кнопку и используйте ее не скачивая, с экрана своего компьютера или мобильного телефона.

Похожие наборы LEGO

Дупло (Duplo) — LEGO Ville (2006)

Конструктор LEGO (ЛЕГО) Duplo 4960 Giant Zoo

Номер набора: 4960
Вариант набора: 1
Розничная цена: $70
Тема: Duplo
Подтема: LEGO Ville
Год выпуска: 2006
Количество минифигурок: 5
Количество деталей: 126 шт.

Конструктор LEGO (ЛЕГО) — Giant Zoo выпущенный в 2006 году, для серии наборов Дупло (Duplo), тематики LEGO Ville, получил серийный номер набора 4960, состоит из 126 деталей из которых 5 минифигурки (человечки). Данный конструктор можно купить недорого по приемлемой цене, как в российских магазинах, так и найти его недорогой (дешевый) аналог от производителя LEPIN (ЛЕПИН) и многих других, на китайских интернет-магазинах по типу алиэкспресс.

Скачать инструкцию для конструктора LEGO (ЛЕГО) Giant Zoo — 4960

Название: Скачать:
Инструкция больше не указана на сайте производителя СКАЧАТЬ

Чтобы скачать инструкцию для сборки конструктора LEGO Giant Zoo — 4960 на свой компьютер, нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на кнопку «Скачать» и выберите «Сохранить ссылку как», после чего вы можете ее распечататься. Либо просто нажмите на кнопку и используйте ее не скачивая, с экрана своего компьютера или мобильного телефона.

Похожие наборы LEGO

Home > Toys > Lego > Lego Duplo

Below you can find all Lego Duplo sets for which we have building instructions available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your set not on the list? Please contact us.

  • Lego set 10411 Duplo Learn about Chinese culture
  • Lego set 10500 Duplo Horse stable
  • Lego set 10504 Duplo My first circus
  • Lego set 10505 Duplo Play house
  • Lego set 10506 Duplo Train accessory set
  • Lego set 10507 Duplo My first train set
  • Lego set 10508 Duplo Deluxe train set
  • Lego set 10511 Duplo Skippers flight school
  • Lego set 10513 Duplo Never land hideout
  • Lego set 10514 Duplo Jakes pirate ship Bucky
  • Lego set 10515 Duplo Ariels undersea castle
  • Lego set 10524 Duplo Farm tractor
  • Lego set 10525 Duplo Big farm
  • Lego set 10526 Duplo Peter Pans visit
  • Lego set 10528 Duplo School bus
  • Lego set 10532 Duplo My first police set
  • Lego set 10538 Duplo Fire and rescue team
  • Lego set 10539 Duplo Beach racing
  • Lego set 10542 Duplo Sleeping beautys fairy tale
  • Lego set 10544 Duplo The Joker challenge
  • Lego set 10545 Duplo Batcave adventure
  • Lego set 10546 Duplo My first shop
  • Lego set 10569 Duplo Treasure attack
  • Lego set 10571 Duplo Pink box of fun
  • Lego set 10572 Duplo All-in-in-box-of-fun
  • Lego set 10574 Duplo Creative ice cream
  • Lego set 10577 Duplo Big royal castle
  • Lego set 10582 Duplo Forest animals
  • Lego set 10583 Duplo Forest fishing trip
  • Lego set 10584 Duplo Forest park
  • Lego set 10587 Duplo Cafe
  • Lego set 10590 Duplo Airport
  • Lego set 10592 Duplo Fire truck
  • Lego set 10593 Duplo Fire station
  • Lego set 10595 Duplo Sofia the First — Royal Castle
  • Lego set 10596 Duplo Disney Princess collection
  • Lego set 10599 Duplo Batman adventure
  • Lego set 10600 Duplo Disney Pixar Cars classic race
  • Lego set 10603 Duplo My first bus
  • Lego set 10604 Duplo Jake and the Neverland pirates
  • Lego set 10606 Duplo Doc MacStuffins backyard clinic
  • Lego set 10608 Duplo Spider-man truck adventure
  • Lego set 10615 Duplo My first tractor
  • Lego set 10617 Duplo My first farm
  • Lego set 10802 Duplo Savanna
  • Lego set 10803 Duplo Arctic
  • Lego set 10804 Duplo Jungle
  • Lego set 10805 Duplo Around the world
  • Lego set 10807 Duplo Horse trailer
  • Lego set 10812 Duplo Truck & tracked excavator
  • Lego set 10813 Duplo Big construction site
  • Lego set 10818 Duplo My first truck
  • Lego set 10819 Duplo My first garden
  • Lego set 10833 Duplo Preschool
  • Lego set 10834 Duplo Pizzeria
  • Lego set 10835 Duplo Family house
  • Lego set 10836 Duplo Town square
  • Lego set 10837 Duplo Santas winter holiday
  • Lego set 10839 Duplo Shooting gallery
  • Lego set 10840 Duplo Big fair
  • Lego set 10841 Duplo Fun family fair
  • Lego set 10844 Duplo Minnie Mouse Bow-tique
  • Lego set 10845 Duplo My first carousel
  • Lego set 10846 Duplo Flos cafe
  • Lego set 10847 Duplo Number train
  • Lego set 10848 Duplo My first bricks
  • Lego set 10857 Duplo Piston cup race
  • Lego set 10858 Duplo My first puzzle pets
  • Lego set 10859 Duplo My first ladybug
  • Lego set 10860 Duplo My first race car
  • Lego set 10861 Duplo My first emotions
  • Lego set 10862 Duplo My first celebration
  • Lego set 10863 Duplo My first animal brick box
  • Lego set 10864 Duplo Large playground brick box
  • Lego set 10865 Duplo Fun creations
  • Lego set 10867 Duplo Farmers market
  • Lego set 10868 Duplo Farm pony stable
  • Lego set 10869 Duplo Farm adventures
  • Lego set 10870 Duplo Farm animals
  • Lego set 10871 Duplo Airport
  • Lego set 10872 Duplo Train bridge and tracks
  • Lego set 10873 Duplo Minnies birthday party
  • Lego set 10874 Duplo Steam train
  • Lego set 10875 Duplo Cargo train
  • Lego set 10876 Duplo Spider-Man & hulk adventures
  • Lego set 10877 Duplo Belles tea party
  • Lego set 10878 Duplo Rapunzels tower
  • Lego set 10879 Duplo Gentle giants petting zoo
  • Lego set 10880 Duplo T.Rex tower
  • Lego set 10882 Duplo Train tracks
  • Lego set 10883 Duplo My first tow truck
  • Lego set 10884 Duplo My first balancing animals
  • Lego set 10885 Duplo My first fun puzzle
  • Lego set 10886 Duplo My first car creations
  • Lego set 10887 Duplo Creative fun
  • Lego set 10889 Duplo Mickeys vacation house
  • Lego set 10894 Duplo Toy Story train
  • Lego set 10897 Duplo My first Minnie build
  • Lego set 10898 Duplo My first Mickey build
  • Lego set 10899 Duplo Frozen ice castle
  • Lego set 10900 Duplo Police bike
  • Lego set 10901 Duplo Fire engine
  • Lego set 10902 Duplo Police station
  • Lego set 10903 Duplo Fire station
  • Lego set 10904 Duplo Baby animals
  • Lego set 10906 Duplo Tropical island
  • Lego set 10907 Duplo World animals
  • Lego set 10908 Duplo Plane
  • Lego set 10910 Duplo Submarine adventure
  • Lego set 10913 Duplo Brick box
  • Lego set 10914 Duplo Deluxe brick box
  • Lego set 10919 Duplo Batcave
  • Lego set 10920 Duplo Elsa and Olafs tea party
  • Lego set 10921 Duplo Super heroes lab
  • Lego set 10922 Duplo Ariels undersea castle
  • Lego set 10924 Duplo Lightning McQueens race day
  • Lego set 10925 Duplo Playroom
  • Lego set 10926 Duplo Bedroom
  • Lego set 10927 Duplo Pizza stand
  • Lego set 10928 Duplo Bakery
  • Lego set 10929 Duplo Modular playhouse
  • Lego set 10930 Duplo Bulldozer
  • Lego set 10931 Duplo Truck & tracked excavator
  • Lego set 10932 Duplo Wrecking ball demolition
  • Lego set 10933 Duplo Tower crane & construction
  • Lego set 10934 Duplo Creative animals
  • Lego set 10935 Duplo Alphabet town
  • Lego set 10938 Duplo Dinosaur nursery
  • Lego set 10939 Duplo T. Rex and Triceratops dinosaur breakout
  • Lego set 10940 Duplo Spider-Man headuarters
  • Lego set 10941 Duplo Mickey & Minnie bierthday train
  • Lego set 10942 Duplo Minnies house and cafe
  • Lego set 10943 Duplo Happy childhood moments
  • Lego set 10944 Duplo Space shuttle mission
  • Lego set 10945 Duplo Garbage truck and recycling
  • Lego set 10946 Duplo Family camping van adventure
  • Lego set 10947 Duplo Race cars
  • Lego set 10948 Duplo Car park and car wash
  • Lego set 10949 Duplo Farm animal care
  • Lego set 10950 Duplo Tractor & animal caer
  • Lego set 10951 Duplo Horse stable and pony care
  • Lego set 10952 Duplo Barn tractor & farm animal care
  • Lego set 10954 Duplo Number train — Learn to count
  • Lego set 10956 Duplo Amusement park
  • Lego set 10958 Duplo Creative birthday party
  • Lego set 10959 Duplo Police station & helicopter
  • Lego set 10960 Duplo Belles ballroom
  • Lego set 10961 Duplo Aeroplane & airport
  • Lego set 10962 Duplo Buzz Lightyears planetary mission
  • Lego set 10963 Duplo Spider-Man & Friends — Funfair adventure
  • Lego set 10964 Duplo Bath time fun — Floating red panda
  • Lego set 10965 Duplo Bath time fun — Floating animal train
  • Lego set 10966 Duplo Bath time fun — Floating animal island
  • Lego set 10967 Duplo Police motorcycle
  • Lego set 10968 Duplo Doctor visit
  • Lego set 10969 Duplo Fire engine
  • Lego set 10970 Duplo Fire station & helicopter
  • Lego set 10971 Duplo Wild animals of Africa
  • Lego set 10972 Duplo Wild animals of the ocean
  • Lego set 10973 Duplo Wild animals of South America
  • Lego set 10974 Duplo Wild animals of Asia
  • Lego set 10975 Duplo Wild animals of the world
  • Lego set 10976 Duplo Santas gingerbread house
  • Lego set 10977 Duplo My first puppy & kitten with sounds
  • Lego set 10978 Duplo Creative building time
  • Lego set 10979 Duplo Wild animals of Europe
  • Lego set 10981 Duplo Growing carrot
  • Lego set 10982 Duplo Fruit and vegetable tractor
  • Lego set 10983 Duplo Organic market
  • Lego set 10984 Duplo Organic garden
  • Lego set 10985 Duplo Wind turbine and electric car
  • Lego set 10986 Duplo Family house on wheels
  • Lego set 10987 Duplo Recycling truck
  • Lego set 10990 Duplo Construction site
  • Lego set 10993 Duplo 3in1 tree house
  • Lego set 10994 Duplo 3in1 family house
  • Lego set 10995 Duplo Spider-Mans house
  • Lego set 10996 Duplo Lightning McQueen & Maters car wash fun
  • Lego set 10997 Duplo Camping adventure
  • Lego set 10998 Duplo 3in1 magical castle
  • Lego set 30330 Duplo Birthday cake
  • Lego set 3295 Duplo Roleys road set
  • Lego set 3299 Duplo Scrambler and Dizzy at Bobs workshop
  • Lego set 3596 Duplo Muck can do it
  • Lego set 3597 Duplo Lofty and Dizzy hard at work
  • Lego set 3772 Duplo Deluxe train set
  • Lego set 4623 Duplo Pink brick box
  • Lego set 4624 Duplo Brick box
  • Lego set 4776 Duplo Dragon tower
  • Lego set 4777 Duplo Knights castle
  • Lego set 4779 Duplo Knights tower
  • Lego set 4785 Duplo Black castle
  • Lego set 4820 Duplo Princess palace
  • Lego set 4863 Duplo Sentry and catapult
  • Lego set 4864 Duplo Castle
  • Lego set 4960 Duplo Giant zoo
  • Lego set 4962 Duplo Zoo baby animals
  • Lego set 4965 Duplo Police action
  • Lego set 4968 Duplo Fun zoo
  • Lego set 4972 Duplo Farmyard
  • Lego set 4974 Duplo Horse stables
  • Lego set 4975 Duplo Farm
  • Lego set 4976 Duplo Concrete truck
  • Lego set 4978 Duplo Road sweeper
  • Lego set 4987 Duplo Gravel pit
  • Lego set 4988 Duplo Construction site
  • Lego set 5416 Duplo My first duplo
  • Lego set 5488 Duplo My first farm
  • Lego set 5506 Duplo Large brick box
  • Lego set 5544 Duplo Thomas starter set
  • Lego set 5547 Duplo James celebrates sodor day
  • Lego set 5554 Duplo Thomas load-and-carry train set
  • Lego set 5593 Duplo Circus
  • Lego set 5595 Duplo Airport
  • Lego set 5597 Duplo Dino trap
  • Lego set 5598 Duplo Dino valley
  • Lego set 5601 Duplo Fire station
  • Lego set 5602 Duplo Police station
  • Lego set 5604 Duplo Supermarket
  • Lego set 5608 Duplo Train starter set
  • Lego set 5609 Duplo Deluxe train set
  • Lego set 5634 Duplo Feeding zoo
  • Lego set 5635 Duplo Big city zoo
  • Lego set 5639 Duplo Family house
  • Lego set 5648 Duplo Horse stables
  • Lego set 5649 Duplo Big farm
  • Lego set 5653 Duplo Stone quarry
  • Lego set 5681 Duplo Police station
  • Lego set 5684 Duplo Car transporter
  • Lego set 5695 Duplo Doctors clinic
  • Lego set 5795 Duplo Big city hospital
  • Lego set 5816 Duplo Macks road trip
  • Lego set 5817 Duplo Agent Mater
  • Lego set 5819 Duplo Tokyo racing
  • Lego set 5828 Duplo Big Bentley
  • Lego set 5829 Duplo The pit stop
  • Lego set 5946 Duplo Tiggers expedition
  • Lego set 5947 Duplo Winnie the poohs house
  • Lego set 6134 Duplo Siddeley saves the day
  • Lego set 6137 Duplo My first supermarket
  • Lego set 6141 Duplo My first farm
  • Lego set 6154 Duplo Cinderellas castle
  • Lego set 6156 Duplo Photo safari
  • Lego set 6157 Duplo Big zoo
  • Lego set 6158 Duplo Animal clinic
  • Lego set 6168 Duplo Fire station
  • Lego set 6171 Duplo My first gas station
  • Lego set 66454 Duplo Farm value pack
  • Lego set 6785 Duplo Creative cakes
  • Lego set 7840 Duplo Airport action set
  • Lego set 7880 Duplo Big pirate ship

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

There is a Lego brick missing from my set, where can I order a spare one? Verified
Lego has a service where you can order separate bricks or contact them when a brick is missing from your set. Have a look at their website for more information.

This was helpful (4266)

How can I prevent my Lego toys from discolouring? Verified
The two biggest contributers to the discolouring of the plastic of Lego toys are long term exposure to sunlight and cigarette smoke. Try to minimise these when storing your Playmobil.

This was helpful (1433)

What is the best way to clean my Lego bricks? Verified
Lego advises to clean the bricks by hand with some water (no warmer than 40°C) and a mild detergent. Never place the bricks in a washing machine or dishwasher. Let the bricks air-dry afterwards. Electric parts can only be cleaned with dry cloth.

This was helpful (1315)

After I build a new Lego set I always have a few small pieces left. Did I forget to use them? Verified
No, many new Lego sets provide spares for the smaller pieces.

This was helpful (1071)

What is the best way to apply stickers on Lego? Verified
To be able to reposition stickers it’s a good idea to apply some glass cleaner on the location you want to put the sticker. When the sticker is in right spot, let it dry and it will stick.

This was helpful (952)

Where can I find a part list of my Lego set? Verified
Many modern Lego instructions include a part list at the end of the booklet. In the case of multiple booklets the list might be found in the middle of the PDF.

This was helpful (934)

Can Lego and Duplo bricks be used in combination with each other? Verified
Yes, Lego and Duplo bricks are compatible. Lego bricks fit on the Duplo bricks with the hollow studs. Duplo bricks fit best on larger Lego bricks and could come loose form smaller Lego bricks.

This was helpful (829)

From what age is Lego suited to play with? Verified
Most Lego sets are suited to play with from age 4 and up, because of the small parts they include. The special Duplo theme is suited for children aged 1,5 and up. The recommended age is always mentioned on the box.

This was helpful (817)

I can’t find the instructions for my Lego Duplo set, why is that? Verified
A lot of Lego Duplo sets don’t come with actual instructions because the set is too elementary. The best option is to look up an image of the set online and use that to build it.

This was helpful (177)

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