Инструкция по эксплуатации шкода фабия 2010

Посмотреть инструкция для Skoda Fabia (2010) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 14 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 9.1. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Skoda Fabia (2010) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Шкода Фабия 2010 года выпуска – небольшой автомобиль с легким дизайном, доступен в различных модификациях, включая седан, хэтчбек и универсал. Доступны два типа двигателей: бензиновый 1,2 литра и дизельный 1,6 литров. Мощность двигателя Шкода Фабия достигает от 60 до 105 лошадиных сил. Автоматическая коробка передач и механика доступны в зависимости от модели, а также система переднего привода.

Характеристики включают в себя систему безопасности от преднатяжения ремней и подушек безопасности, антиблокировочную систему тормозов, функцию контроля стабилизации, а также антизапарковочный датчик. Багажник имеет объем от 300 до 1460 литров в зависимости от модели. Салон транспорта достаточно просторный и комфортабельный для езды.

В общей сложности, Шкода Фабия 2010 года – удобное средство передвижения, в особенности для тех, кто ищет экономический автомобиль. Он обеспечивает необходимые функции на дороге и поддерживает комфорт воздушного транспорта.


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Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Skoda?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Skoda Fabia (2010).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Skoda требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Skoda?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Skoda Fabia (2010) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоSkoda Fabia (2010) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Общая документация по автомобилю
Skoda Fabia II: Знакомство с автомобилем (rus.) Пособие по программе самообразования.
Содержание: Skoda Fabia, Размеры автомобиля, Система питания, Двигатели, Комбинации двигатель / КП, Коробка передач, Ходовая часть, Системы пассивной безопасности, Отопление и климатическая установка, Электрооборудование, Салон.

Skoda Fabia II 2006->: Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию (rus.) Рассмотрены автомобили Skoda Fabia второго поколения с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями: 1.2 / 44 кВт (BBM) Simos 9.1, 1.2 / 51 кВт (BZG) Simos 9.1, 1.4 / 63 кВт (BXW) Magneti Marelli 4HV, 1.6 / 77 кВт (BTS) Bosch Motronic ME 07.05.20 и дизельными двигателями: 1.4 / 51 кВт (BNM) TDI, 1.4 / 59 кВт (BNV, BMS) TDI, 1.9 / 77 кВт (BSW, BLS) TDI. 400 страниц.

Skoda Fabia II — экономим на сервисе (rus.) Книга адресована владельцам автомобилей Skoda Fabia 2 с трехцилиндровым бензиновым двигателем. В издании приведены иллюстрированные рабочие операции по самостоятельной замене автомобильных расходников, не требующие использования сложного специального инструмента и технической подготовки владельца автомобиля. Многие операции, показанные на данном автомобиле, аналогично выполняют-ся на модификациях Skoda Fabia с другими двигателями. 89 страниц, 10 Мб.

Skoda Fabia II 2007 — : Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту (rus.) Ремонт в фотографиях. Выпуск с 2007 г. Рестайлинг в 2010 г. Бензиновые двигатели: 1.2 л (BBM), BZG 1.2 л (BZG), 1.4 л (BXW), 1.6 л (BTS). Коробки передач: 5-ступенчатая механическая коробка передач 02Т, 6-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач 09G.
Содержание: Устройство автомобиля, Рекомендации по эксплуатации, Неисправности в пути, Техническое обслуживание, Двигатель, Трансмиссия, Ходовая часть, Рулевое управление, Тормозная система, Электрооборудование, Кузов, Система отопления, кондиционирования и вентиляции салона, Системы безопасности, Колеса и шины, Приложения, Схемы электрооборудования (электросхемы), Предметный указатель. 313 стр. 66 Мб.

Skoda Fabia II RS. Демонстрация автомобиля (rus.) Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 084 Skoda.
Основное отличие новой модели Fabia RS от модели первого поколения находится под капотом. Модель предыдущего поколения с дизельным двигателем TDI 1,9 л/96 кВт являлась воплощением мечты нетребовательных водителей о быстром, но в то же время экономичном автомобиле. Но именно этот силовой агрегат не позволял воспринимать автомобиль как поистине спортивный.
На модель Fabia RS второго поколения устанавливается бензиновый двигатель 1.4 TSI мощностью 132 кВт (180 л.с.) с турбонагнетателем и компрессором. Такое увеличение мощности стало для модели второго поколения огромным скачком вперёд, благодаря чему ей удалось сохранить динамические характеристики предшественницы: автомобиль разгоняется от 0 до 100 км/ч всего лишь за 7,3 с, а стрелка спидометра, характерного только для модификации Combi, замирает на отметке 224 км/ч или 226 км/ч. Даже при использовании всего потенциала автомобиля расход топлива новой RS остаётся на низком уровне — для преодоления 100 км автомобилю требуется всего лишь 6,4 л топлива. Мощность двигателя передаётся на колёса через 7-ступенчатую коробку передач DSG. Оптимально настроенное шасси автомобиля и система XDS (электронная блокировка дифференциала) повышают удовольствие от вождения.
Содержание: Skoda Fabia RS, Краткое описание, Габаритные размеры автомобиля: Skoda Fabia RS и Skoda Fabia Combi RS, Двигатель (CAVE), Коробка передач (DSG 0AM), Шасси, Передняя подвеска, Задняя подвеска, Рулевое управление, Тормозная система, Система XDS, Колёсные диски и шины, Салон автомобиля.

Общая информация по сервисному обслуживанию
Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

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Related Manuals for Skoda FABIA — 03-2010

Summary of Contents for Skoda FABIA — 03-2010

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    Introduction You have opted for a Škoda — our sincere thanks for your confidence in us. Your new Škoda offers you a vehicle featuring the most modern engineering and a wide range of equipment which you will undoubtedly wish to use to the full during your daily motoring. That is why, we recommend that you read this Owner’s Manual attentively to enable you to become familiar with your car and all that it offers as quickly as possible.
  • Page 3
    Introduction  On-board literature Vehicle data;  The on-board literature for your vehicle consists of this “Owner’s Manual” Service intervals;  as well as a “Service schedule” and a “Help on the road”. There can also be Overview of the service work; a variety of other additional operating manuals and instructions on-board …
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Contents Contents Layout of this Owner’s Manual Lights and Visibility Shifting (manual gearbox) ……….Handbrake .

  • Page 5
    Contents Inspecting and replenishing Attaching a child seat using the “ISOFIX” system* Fuel consumption according to the ECE standards and ….EU guidelines ……. . Attaching child seat using the “Top Tether”…
  • Page 6: Contents

    Contents Using the system Safety Driving Tips General Maintenance Breakdown assistance Technical Data…

  • Page 7: Layout Of This Owner’s Manual (Explanations)

    Layout of this Owner’s Manual (explanations) Layout of this Owner’s Manual (explanations)  The Owner’s Manual has been systematically designed, in order to make it easy for you The section is continued on the next page. to find and absorb the information you require. Notes Chapters, table of contents and subject index All four kinds of notes, which are used in the text, are always stated at the end of the…

  • Page 8: Using The System

    Using the system Using the system Safety Driving Tips General Maintenance Breakdown assistance Technical Data…

  • Page 9
    Cockpit Fig. 1 Certain items of equipment shown in the illustration are only fitted to particular model versions or are optional items of equipment.
  • Page 10: Cockpit

    Cockpit Cockpit General view Switch depending on equipment fitted:  Unlocking the boot lid* ……..This overview will help you to quickly familiarise yourself with the …

  • Page 11: The Brief Instruction

    The brief instruction The brief instruction Basic functions and important information Setting steering wheel position Introduction The chapter of the brief instruction is only used as a quick reference of the most important operating elements of the vehicle. It is necessary to observe all the information which is contained in the following chapters of the Owner’s Manual.

  • Page 12
    The brief instruction Adjusting the front seats WARNING (continued)  For safety reasons the lever must always be firmly pushed up to avoid the steering wheel altering its position unintentionally when driving — risk of accident! Seat belt height adjuster Fig.
  • Page 13
    The brief instruction Turn signal and main beam lever  Heating of the external mirror  Adjusting the left-hand exterior mirror  Adjusting the right-hand exterior mirror  Switching off operating control Further information  page 56, “Rear mirror”. Fig. 8 Turn signal and main beam lever Switching lights on and off Turn signal light right Turn signal light left…
  • Page 14
    The brief instruction Refuelling Slow wipe Fast wipe one time wipe Automatic wipe/wash Rear window wiper Intermittent wipe — every 6 seconds Automatic wipe/wash Further information  page 54, “Windshield wiper”. Fig. 11 Right rear side of the vehicle: Fuel filler flap / fuel filler flap with cap unscrewed Power windows* …
  • Page 15
    The brief instruction Opening the bonnet Fig. 13 Radiator grille: Locking lever / securing the bonnet with the bonnet support  fig. – Pull on the locking lever 13, the bonnet is then unlocked. – Take the bonnet support out of its holder and set it in the opening designed for it …
  • Page 16: Instruments And Warning Lights

    Instruments and warning lights Instruments and warning lights Overview of the instrument cluster Fig. 15 Instrument cluster Engine revolutions counter  page 15 Button for:  Reset trip counter for distance driven Display  with counter for distance driven  page 17 …

  • Page 17: Speedometer

    Instruments and warning lights Shift into the next higher gear or select the selector lever position D of the automatic The operating range gearbox before reaching the red zone of the rev counter scale. The engine has reached its operating temperature as soon as the pointer moves into the mid-range of the scale.

  • Page 18: Counter For Distance Driven

    Instruments and warning lights Service Interval Display Caution Never run the fuel tank completely empty! The irregular supply of the fuel system can lead to irregular running of the engine. Unburnt fuel may get into the exhaust system and damage the catalytic converter. Counter for distance driven The counter for the distance driven is located in the bottom area of the display.

  • Page 19: Digital Clock

    Instruments and warning lights  On vehicles which are equipped with information display*, you can call up this infor- The data displayed is the same after resetting the display with flexible service inter- mation in the menu SETUP  page 22. vals (QG1) using the reset button as that for a vehicle with fixed service intervals (QG2).

  • Page 20
    Instruments and warning lights Single-trip memory (memory 1)  page 21 Range The single-trip memory collates the driving information from the moment the ignition  page 21 Distance driven is switched on until it is switched off. New data will also flow into the calculation of the …
  • Page 21
    Instruments and warning lights Selecting the memory WARNING (continued) – Short-term pressing of the button on the windshield wiper lever allows to select on the road surface even at temperatures around +4°C — warning, drive with the desired memory. care! Selecting the functions Driving time –…
  • Page 22
    Instruments and warning lights The indicated value will be updated every 5 seconds while you are driving. Note The amount of fuel consumed will not be indicated. Current speed* Range The current speed which is identical to the display of the speedometer, is indicated on …
  • Page 23: Maxi Dot Display (Information Display)

    Instruments and warning lights Main menu An audible signal sounds as an additional warning signal. The set speed limit remains stored even after switching off the ignition. MAXI DOT display (information display)* Introduction The information display provides you with information in a convenient way Fig.

  • Page 24: Auto Check Control

    Instruments and warning lights Shown in the menu Vehicle status, if there is at least one error message. After selecting Note this menu the first of the error messages is displayed. Several error messages are  If warning messages are shown in the information display  page 23, these shown on the display under the message e.g.

  • Page 25
    Instruments and warning lights Yellow symbols Language Here you can set in which language the warning and information texts should be A yellow symbol signals a warning. displayed. Check the relevant function as soon as possible. Displays of the MFA The meaning of the yellow symbols: Here you can switch off or on certain displays of the multi-functional indicator.
  • Page 26: Warning Lights

    Instruments and warning lights Warning lights Overview The warning lights indicate certain functions or faults. Fig. 21 Instrument cluster with warning lights    page 27 Fog lights*  page 26 Turn signal lights (to the left)   …

  • Page 27
    Instruments and warning lights  WARNING (continued)  page 28 Engine oil level  The engine compartment of your car is a hazardous area. There is a risk of   page 29 Open door injuries, scalding, accidents and fire when working in the engine compartment, e.g.
  • Page 28
    Instruments and warning lights Bulb failure  If the warning light after switching on the ignition or when driving lights up continu- ously, a fault exists in the electrohydraulic power steering. The power steering operates The warning light  comes on if a bulb is faulty: with reduced steering assist or is completely without function.
  • Page 29
    Instruments and warning lights Glow plug system  (diesel engine) If the coolant is within the specified range, the increased temperature may be caused by an operating problem at the coolant fan. Check the fuse for the coolant fan, replace it if necessary …
  • Page 30
    Instruments and warning lights 3 peeps sound as an additional warning signal. WARNING (continued) Do not continue your journey if for some reason it is not possible under the condi-  The red oil pressure light  is not an oil level indicator! One should there- tions prevailing to top up with oil.
  • Page 31
    Instruments and warning lights Traction control system (TCS)*  Electronic stability programme (ESP)*  The warning light  lights up if the TCS system is switched off. The warning light  comes on for a few seconds when the ignition is switched on. Further information about the TCS …
  • Page 32
    Instruments and warning lights A fault in the entire brake system One should get used to high pedal forces, an extended free play of the brake pedal and long braking distances when carefully driving to the specialist garage.   If the ABS warning light comes on together with the brake system warning light (handbrake must be released), there is a fault not only in the ABS but also in another…
  • Page 33
    Instruments and warning lights Always pay attention to the valid speed limits  The functionality of the airbag system is also monitored electronically when one airbag has been switched off.  The warning light goes out after the successful cleaning of the diesel particle filter. Front, side and head airbags or belt tensioner which have been switched off If the filter is not properly cleaned, the warning light …
  • Page 34
    Instruments and warning lights If the seat belt is not fastened by the driver or front passenger during the next 90 seconds, the warning signal is deactivated and the warning light  lights up perma- nently. In case of a load on the front passenger seat e.g. a bag (this is not recommended for safety reasons) the warning light …
  • Page 35: Unlocking And Locking

    Unlocking and locking Unlocking and locking  Keep the groove of the keys absolutely clean as impurities (textile fibres, dust etc.) have a negative effect on the proper operation of the locking cylinder and the ignition lock. Description Note Please approach a specialist garage if you lose a key since he can obtain a new one for you.

  • Page 36: Locking / Unlocking

    Unlocking and locking Locking from inside For the sake of the environment All closed vehicle doors are locked by pressing in the securing knobs from the inside. Dispose of a used battery in accordance with environmental regulations. The doors cannot be opened from the outside when the securing knobs have been pressed in.

  • Page 37: Central Locking System

    Unlocking and locking Switching child safety lock on If the indicator light first of all flashes fast for about 2 seconds, afterwards lights up for about 30 seconds and then flashes slowly, there is a fault in the system of the central –…

  • Page 38
    Unlocking and locking  Emergency locking of the door  page 38. Unlocking the vehicle using the key  Emergency unlocking of the boot lid  page 39. Safe securing The central locking system is equipped with a safe securing system.
  • Page 39
    Unlocking and locking   All the doors and the boot lid are locked. It is not possible to open the doors or the boot lid from the outside (safety feature,  e.g. when stopping at traffic lights etc.). The switched on interior lights go out over the door contact. …
  • Page 40
    Unlocking and locking Locking A handle which makes the closing easier is located on the inner paneling of the boot lid.  page 38, fig. – Remove the panel – Insert the key into the slot and turn it into the horizontal position in the direc- WARNING tion of the arrow (mirror-inverted on the right doors).
  • Page 41: Remote Control

    Unlocking and locking Unlocking and locking the vehicle – Fold one of the outer rear seats forwards. – Move the operating lever A with the aid of a narrow object e.g. screwdriver up to the stop in the direction of arrow; the boot lid is then unlocked. –…

  • Page 42: Anti-Theft Alarm System

    Unlocking and locking  The safe securing system along with the anti-theft alarm system* are, however, deac- pressing of the button means that the door will unlock with the key within 1 tivated during these 30 seconds. minute. When the vehicle is unlocked or locked, the interior lights in the door contact are auto- matically switched on or off.

  • Page 43: Interior Monitor* And Towing Protection Monitoring

    Unlocking and locking  A drop in voltage of the on-board power supply. vehicle interior or if the vehicle must be transported (e.g. by train or ship) or towed, might trigger the alarm. An alarm is immediately triggered if either of the two battery terminals is disconnected while the anti-theft alarm system is activated.

  • Page 44: Electrical Power Windows

    Unlocking and locking Electrical power windows* Button for the power window in the front passenger’s door Button for the power window in the rear door on the right* Buttons for electrical power windows Button for the power window in the rear door on the left* Safety pushbutton* Safety pushbutton* You can deactivate the buttons for power windows at rear doors by pressing the safety…

  • Page 45
    Unlocking and locking  After switching the ignition off, it is still possible to open or close the windows for a Opening a window further 10 minutes. The power windows are switched off completely once you open – Hold the key in the locking cylinder of the driver’s door in the unlock position or the driver or front passenger door.
  • Page 46: Electric Sliding/Tilting Roof

    Unlocking and locking Proceed as follows to close the window fully: Note  Switch on the ignition; If the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, it is possible that the  Press the relevant switch at the top and hold it pressed as long as necessary until sliding/tilting roof does not close fully.

  • Page 47
    Unlocking and locking Safety closing You can close and/or open the sliding/tilting roof by hand if the system is defect. The sliding/tilting roof is fitted with a force limiter. The sliding/tilting roof stops and – Position the flat blade of a screwdriver carefully against the rear edge of the cover moves back several centimetres when it cannot be closed because there is something …
  • Page 48: Lights And Visibility

    Lights and Visibility Lights and Visibility Lights WARNING Never drive with side lights on — risk of accident! The side lights are not bright Switching lights on and off  enough to light up the road sufficiently in front of you or to be seen by other oncoming traffic.

  • Page 49: Lights

    Lights and Visibility Tourist light* Switching on daylight driving lights* – Remove the cover of the fuse box on the left side of the dash panel  page 191. Halogen projector headlights with cornering light function  page 47, fig. –…

  • Page 50: Lights

    Lights and Visibility  The adaptation of the halogen projector headlights must be performed as follows Low beam switched on.  page 146. A fault in the system of the fog lights with the function “CORNER” is confirmed by the …

  • Page 51
    Lights and Visibility Headlamp range adjustment  Switch for hazard warning lights  Once the low beam is switched on you can then adapt the range of the headlights to the load of the vehicle. Fig. 38 Dash panel: Switch for hazard warning lights …
  • Page 52: Lights

    Lights and Visibility The turn signal   and main beam lever   Parking light – Switch off the ignition. The parking lights and headlight flasher are also switched on and off using the turn signal and main beam lever. –…

  • Page 53: Interior Lighting

    Lights and Visibility Interior lighting The interior lighting is switched off after about 10 minutes when a door has been left open in order to avoid discharging the battery of the vehicle. Lighting of the interior of the vehicle front/rear* — typ 1 Front interior lighting — without reading lights Fig.

  • Page 54: Visibility

    Lights and Visibility  page 52, fig. The rear interior lighting is operated by pressing the button If the on-board voltage drops, the rear window heater is switched off automatically, the warning light flashes in the button. The button has two positions for the interior lighting at the rear. In the first position, the interior lighting is switched on permanently, in the second position (after pressing) it is For the sake of the environment switched via the door contacts.

  • Page 55: Windshield Wiper And Wash System

    Lights and Visibility Windshield wiper and wash system Automatic wipe/wash for windscreen – Pull the lever towards the steering wheel into the spring-tensioned position Windshield wiper the wash system and the windscreen wipers will operate. – Release the lever. The windscreen wash system stops and the wiper continues for You can operate the windscreen wipers and automatic wipe/wash another 1 — 3 wiper strokes (depending on the period of spraying of the wind- using the windscreen wiper lever.

  • Page 56
    Lights and Visibility Replacing wiper blades for the windscreen wipers WARNING (continued)  Do not use the windscreen washer system at low temperatures, without heating the windscreen beforehand. Otherwise the window cleaner could freeze on the windscreen and restrict the view to the front. …
  • Page 57: Rear Mirror

    Lights and Visibility Rear mirror WARNING (continued) You can adjust the exterior mirrors electrically*.  You should clean the wiper blades regularly with a windscreen cleaner in order to avoid any smears. Clean a wiper blade with a sponge or cloth if it is very dirty, for example from insect residues.

  • Page 58
    Lights and Visibility The exterior mirror heater only operates when the engine is running. WARNING  Convex (curved outward) or spherical (differently curved) exterior mirrors increase the vision field. They do, however, make objects appear smaller in the mirror. These mirrors are only of limited use, therefore, for estimating distances to the following vehicles.
  • Page 59: Seats And Storage

    Seats and Storage Seats and Storage Front seats WARNING (continued) protect you — hazard! The front seats and the head restraints must always also Basic information be correctly adjusted to match the body size of the occupant.  Ensure that there are no objects in the footwell as any objects may get The front seats have a wide range of different settings and can thus be matched to the behind the pedals during a driving or braking manoeuvre.

  • Page 60: Head Restraints

    Seats and Storage Adjust the angle of the seat backrest Adjusting the height of a head restraint – Relieve any pressure on the seat backrest (do not lean on it) and turn the hand- – Grasp the side of the head restraint with both hands and push the head restraint in wheel to adjust the angle of the backrest.

  • Page 61: Heating The Front Seats

    Seats and Storage Heating the front seats* Note The seat heating should only be switched on when the engine is running. This has a significant effect of saving on the battery capacity. Rear seats Folding the rear seats forwards Fig. 51 Rocker switch: Front seat heating You can electrically heat the seat cushions and the seat backrests of the front seats.

  • Page 62
    Seats and Storage Inserting head restraints in the seat cushions – The head restraints can be inserted into the relevant holes of the folded forward  fig. seat cushions – Fold the seat backrests fully fowards. Move seats into the initial position –…
  • Page 63: Pedals

    Seats and Storage Installing energy depends on the speed at which the vehicle is travelling and on the weight of the object. The speed at which the vehicle is travelling is in this case the more significant – Press the wire clamps in the direction of the arrow and place it in its holder. factor.

  • Page 64
    Seats and Storage WARNING (continued) WARNING   The load to be transported must be fixed in place in such a way that it cannot Never transport occupants in the luggage compartment. move during the journey and when braking.  If the items of luggage or objects are attached to the lashing eyes with Caution unsuitable or damaged lashing straps, injuries can occur in the event of braking…
  • Page 65
    Seats and Storage Luggage compartment cover Caution You can use the luggage compartment cover behind the head Do not place any objects with sharp edges in the nets — risk of net damage. restraints for storing light and soft items. Folding hooks* Fig.
  • Page 66
    Seats and Storage  The mounts of the cover must be interlocked on the holders of the side trim WARNING panel  No objects should be placed on the luggage compartment cover, the vehicle The items which are transported must not exceed the level of the luggage compart- occupants could be endangered if there is sudden braking or the vehicle ment cover.
  • Page 67: Variable Loading Floor In The Luggage Compartment

    Seats and Storage Removing Removing the variable loading floor – Have the foldable luggage compartment cover removed to transport bulky goods – Unlock the variable loading floor by turning the locking bolts by approx. 180° to  fig. by pressing on the side of the cross rod in direction of arrow and taking it out the left …

  • Page 68: Net Partition* (Combi)

    Seats and Storage Remove carrier rails Divide the luggage compartment with variable loading floor* Fig. 63 Divide the luggage compart- ment Fig. 62 Luggage compartment: Slacken check points / remove carrier rails The luggage compartment can be divided with the variable loading floor. Install carrier rails –…

  • Page 69
    Seats and Storage Using the net partition behind the front seats – Fold down the rear seat backrests slightly forwards, which makes it possible to clear the access for unrolling the net partition. – Pull the net partition at the bracket out of the housing in direction of the …
  • Page 70: Bicycle Holder In The Luggage Compartment

    Seats and Storage Removing and installing net partition housing Bicycle holder in the luggage compartment* Install cross member Fig. 66 Rear seats: Net partition housing Removing Fig. 67 Install cross member – Open the right rear door. – Remove the luggage compartment cover  page 65; if necessary we recommend –…

  • Page 71
    Seats and Storage Install bicycle carrier – Slacken the quick tension jack on the fixing axle of the bicycle carrier and adjust according to the width of the bicycle fork. – Fit the bicycle fork onto the fixing axle and tighten with the quick tension jack …
  • Page 72: The Roof Rack

    Seats and Storage Secure the stability of the bicycles with a strap The roof rack* Description Pay attention to the following points if you wish to transport luggage or other items on the roof of your vehicle:  A special roof luggage rack system was developed for the vehicle, that is why you should only use a roof luggage rack which has been released for use by Škoda Auto.

  • Page 73: Front Cup Holder

    Seats and Storage Attachment points WARNING (continued)  You must on no account exceed the permissible roof load, the permissible axle loads and the permissible gross weight of your vehicle — risk of accident!  Please note that the handling properties of your vehicle change when you transport heavy or bulky items on the roof bar system as a result of the displacement of the centre of gravity and the increased wind attack area — risk of accident! You must absolutely adapt your style of driving and the speed of…

  • Page 74: Rear Cup Holder

    Seats and Storage Rear cup holder* Parking ticket holder Fig. 74 Windscreen: Parking ticket Fig. 73 Centre console: Cup holder holder  fig. You can place one cup or beverage can into the recess The note holder is designed e.g. for attaching a car park ticket in parking areas. The parking ticket has to always be removed before starting off in order not to restrict WARNING the driver’s vision.

  • Page 75: Cigarette Lighter* And Power Sockets

    Seats and Storage WARNING WARNING  Never lay flammable objects in the ashtray basin — risk of fire! Take care when using the cigarette lighter! Not paying proper attention or incorrect use the cigarette lighter in an uncontrolled manner may result in burns.

  • Page 76: Storage Compartments

    Seats and Storage The same remarks apply here as for  page 74. Storage compartments on the front passenger side* Further information  page 179, “Accessories, changes and replacement of parts”. Storage compartments Overview You will find the following storage facilities in your vehicle: Fig.

  • Page 77
    Seats and Storage Cooling of storage compartment on front passenger side* Storage compartment for spectacles* The storage compartment can be fitted for vehicles with an air-condi- tioning system with a closable inlet for cooled air. Fig. 81 Detail of the headliner: Storage compartment for spectacles Fig.
  • Page 78
    Seats and Storage Storage compartment in the front seat* Opening storage compartment  fig. 84 – Press the top button and fold up the cover of the storage compartment on the right. Note The moving space of the arms can be restricted if the armrest is folded down. In city traffic the armrest should not be folded down.
  • Page 79
    Seats and Storage Removeable storage compartments in the luggage compartment* – Press the upper corners to the inside and release the storage compartment by pulling upwards. – Take it out by pulling towards the middle of the vehicle. Installing – Insert both ends of the flexible storage compartment into the openings of the right side trim panel of the luggage compartment and push it downwards until it locks.
  • Page 80: Heating And Air Conditioning System

    Heating and air conditioning system Heating and air conditioning system Air outlet vents Warmed, unwarmed or cooled air will flow out of the air outlet vents according to the setting of the regulator of the heating or the air conditioning system* and the atmos- The information provided is valid for all vehicles.

  • Page 81: Heating

    Heating and air conditioning system Heating The air inlet in front of the windscreen must be free of ice, snow or leaves in order to ensure that the heating and ventilation systems operate properly. Using the system All controls apart from the control dial can be set to any desired intermediate posi- tion.

  • Page 82
    Heating and air conditioning system Set heating Recommended settings of heating controls for: Setting of the control dial Setup Air outlet vents 3 Air outlet vents 4 Button Defrosting the windscreen and To the right up to Open and align with the side …
  • Page 83: Climatic (Semi-Automatic Air Conditioning System)

    Heating and air conditioning system Climatic (semi-automatic air conditioning system)* After switching on the cooling Condensation from the evaporator of the air condi- tioning may drip down and form a puddle below the vehicle. This is quite normal and not an indication of a leak! Description Climatic is a combined cooling and heating system with electronic WARNING…

  • Page 84
    Heating and air conditioning system  Setting temperature If the cooling system has not been switched on for a lengthy period, odours may be produced at the evaporator because of deposits. Switch the air conditioning system  fig. 90 – Turn the control dial to the right in order to increase the temperature.
  • Page 85
    Heating and air conditioning system Set Climatic Recommended settings of Climatic controls for the respective operating modes: Setting of the control dial Button Setup Air outlet vents 4 Defrosting the windscreen and Open and align with the side  recommended 22°C Do not switch on Switched off side windows…
  • Page 86: Climatronic* (Automatic Air Conditioning)

    Heating and air conditioning system Using the air conditioning system economically Climatronic* (automatic air conditioning) The compressor on the Climatic uses power from the engine when in cooling mode Description which will effect the fuel consumption. The Climatronic system is a combination of an automatic heating, fresh It recommended to open the windows or the doors of a vehicle for which the interior air and cooling system which provides optimal comfort for the occu- has been strongly heated through the effect of direct sunlight in order to allow the…

  • Page 87
    Heating and air conditioning system  Using the cooling economically  page 85. Recommended setting for all periods of the year:   Operational problems  page 85. Set the desired temperature, we recommend 22°C (72°F).   fig. Press the button AUTO …
  • Page 88
    Heating and air conditioning system De-mist or de-ice the windscreen The temperature control is controlled automatically. More air flows out of the air outlet vents 1 and 2. Air flow to the windows Air flow to head Setting temperature Air flow in the footwell Recirculated air mode –…
  • Page 89: Starting-Off And Driving

    Starting-off and Driving Starting-off and Driving Setting steering wheel position WARNING (continued)  If you adjust the steering wheel further towards the head, you will reduce the protection offered by the driver airbag in the event of an accident. Check that the steering wheel is aligned to the chest.

  • Page 90: Starting The Engine

    Starting-off and Driving  Starting the engine You should not switch on any major electrical components during the heating period otherwise the vehicle battery will be drained unnecessarily. General — start engine You can only start the engine only using an original ignition key. Applies to all models: Position …

  • Page 91: Switching Off The Engine

    Starting-off and Driving   Avoid high engine revolutions, full throttle and high engine loads as long as the You should start the engine immediately after the glow plug warning light  engine has not yet reached its normal operating temperature — risk of damaging the gone out.

  • Page 92: Shifting (Manual Gearbox)

    Starting-off and Driving Note Note   The radiator fan may continue running for a further 10 minutes or so after the One should not lay the hand on the shift lever while driving the vehicle. The pres- engine and the ignition have been switched off. The coolant fan may, however, also sure of the hand will be transferred to the gearshift forks in the gearbox.

  • Page 93: Parking Aid

    Starting-off and Driving The handbrake warning is activated if you drive at a speed of more than 6 km/h for Range of sensors more than 3 seconds. The clearance warning begins at a distance of about 160 cm from the obstacle (area …

  • Page 94: Cruise Control System (Ccs)

    Starting-off and Driving  your vehicle. It is possible that the audible warning does not function correctly (an The cruise control system is not able to maintain a constant speed when driving on obstacle behind the vehicle may not be detected — take extra care). Have the fault recti- steep downhill sections.

  • Page 95
    Starting-off and Driving The set speed remains stored in the memory. WARNING The Resumption of the stored speed is achieved by releasing the brake or clutch First ensure that it is not too high for the traffic conditions which exist at that pedal, on vehicles fitted with automatic gearbox only after releasing the brake pedal moment before resuming the stored speed.
  • Page 96: Automatic Gearbox

    Automatic gearbox Automatic gearbox Automatic gearbox* It is sufficient to engage selector lever position P when parking on a flat surface. When parking on a slope you should first apply the handbrake firmly and then move the selector lever into position P. This is to ensure that there is no excessive pressure acting Information for driving with the 6-speed automatic gearbox* on the lock mechanism and that it is easier to subsequently move the selector lever out Your car is equipped with a conventional 6-speed automatic gearbox.

  • Page 97
    Automatic gearbox – Press the Shiftlock button (button in handle of the selector lever), move the WARNING (continued) selector lever into the desired position, e.g. in D, and then release the Shiftlock  button. If you are stopping at a hill (downhill section), never try to hold the car stationary with the gear engaged by means of the “accelerator”, this means by –…
  • Page 98
    Automatic gearbox the right. In the positions D and S the gear you have already engaged will be addition- — Position for sporty style of driving ally displayed on the display. Shifting up later into a higher gear makes it possible to fully exploit the power potential of the engine.
  • Page 99
    Automatic gearbox Dynamic shift programme A time delay element ensures that the selector lever is not blocked when rapidly switching over the position N (e.g. from R to D). This does, for example, allow one to seesaw out a stuck vehicle. The selector lever lock will click into place if the lever is in The automatic gearbox of your vehicle is controlled electronically.
  • Page 100
    Automatic gearbox Tiptronic Emergency programme The Tiptronic allows the driver to also shift gears manually. An emergency programme exists in the event of a fault in the system. The gearbox operates in a corresponding emergency programme if there are func- tional faults in the gearbox electronics.
  • Page 101
    Automatic gearbox – Simultaneously press the shiftlock button in the handle of the selector lever in the position N Tow-starting and towing vehicle Tow-starting a vehicle It is not possible to tow-start or push-start vehicles fitted with automatic gearbox. you can use jump-start cables connected to the battery of another vehicle for starting your car if the vehicle battery is flat …
  • Page 102: Communication

    Communication Communication Multifunction steering wheel* Operate radio und navigation on the multifunction steering wheel The buttons for setting the basic functions of the factory-fitted radio and navigation  fig. system are located on the multifunction steering wheel* 101. You can of course operate the radio and navigation at the appliance. You will find a description in the operating instructions of your radio.

  • Page 103: Universal Telephone Preinstallation Gsm Ii

    Communication On vehicles which are equipped with the universal telephone preinstallation GSM II, pressing the button only allows to operate the telephone.  The buttons apply for the respective operating mode of the current radio or navigation external aerial incorrectly installed, …

  • Page 104
    – Confirm the PIN (as standard 1234). Phone Phonebook – If the hands-free system announces (as standard Skoda UHV) on the display of the A phone phonebook is part of the mobile phone preinstallation with voice control. In mobile phone, enter the PIN (as standard 1234) within 30 seconds and wait until the phone phonebook there are 2 500 free memory locations available.
  • Page 105
    Communication  During the connecting procedure, no other mobile phone may be connected with the Inserting the mobile phone into the adapter ensures an optimal sending and hands-free system. receiving power and offers at the same time the advantage of the battery charging. …
  • Page 106
    Communication The voice control of the telephone is activated by briefly pressing the PTT button  Caution  fig. (button push to talk) on the adapter* 103. Taking the mobile phone out of the adapter during the call can lead to interruption of Aside from the PTT button, the SOS button can be found on certain adapters* on the the connection.
  • Page 107
    In the menu point Dial number, you can write any telephone number. Select in  sequence the desired digits with the aid of the handwheel and confirm it by pressing Phone name — the possibility to change the name of the telephone unit (pre-set  SKODA UHV)
  • Page 108: Voice Control

    Communication  Settings Avoid insufficient articulation.  In the menu Settings you can select the following menu points: Close the doors and windows in order to reduce or stop disturbing exterior noise.  It is recommended to speak louder at higher speeds, so that the tone of your voice Phone book …

  • Page 109: Music Playback Via Bluetooth

    Communication Inputs AUX-IN* and MDI* row of digits (complete number), in the form of order of digits (separation through a brief voice pause) or through individually spoken digits. After each order of digits (separation through brief voice pause) all of the digits detected up to now are repeated The input AUX-IN is located below the armrest* of the front seats and is marked with by the system.

  • Page 110: Safety

    Passive Safety Safety Passive Safety  Basic information seat belt height adjusters for front seats;  front airbags for the driver and the front passenger*;  Driving the safe way side airbags*;  head airbags*; Passive safety measures reduce the risk of injury in accident situations. …

  • Page 111: Correct Seated Position

    Passive Safety  Correct seated position Ensure that all the windows offer a good visibility to the outside.  Safely attach the items of luggage  page 62, “Loading the luggage compartment”.  Correct seated position for the driver Ensure that no objects can obstruct the pedal. …

  • Page 112
    Passive Safety WARNING (continued) WARNING  correctly fastened in order to provide an optimal protection for you and your The front seats and the head restraints must always be adjusted to match occupants. the body size of the seat occupant as well as the seat belts must always be …
  • Page 113
    Passive Safety  lean out of the window; WARNING (continued)  put the feet out of the window;   Always keep your feet in the footwell when the car is being driven — never put the feet on the dash panel; put your feet out of the window or on the surfaces of the seats.
  • Page 114: Seat Belts

    Seat belts Seat belts Why seat belts? WARNING (continued)  Expectant women must also always wear a seat belt. This is the only way of ensuring optimal protection for the unborn child  page 115, “Fastening three-point seat belts”.  It is important for the belt webbing to be properly routed if the seat belts are to offer the maximum protection.

  • Page 115: Important Safety Information Regarding The Use Of Seat Belts

    Seat belts The speed of the vehicle is, nevertheless, the most important factor. Doubling the WARNING (continued) speed of the vehicle from 25 km/h up to 50 km/hour increases the kinetic energy four  times. The belt webbing must not run across solid or fragile objects (e.g. specta- cles, ball-point pens, keys etc.) as this may be a cause of injuries.

  • Page 116: How Are Seat Belts Correctly Fastened

    Seat belts How are seat belts correctly fastened? WARNING (continued) chest. The lap part of the belt must run across the hip and must never be routed Fastening three-point seat belts  fig. across the stomach. It must always fit snugly 108.

  • Page 117: Belt Tensioner

    Seat belts Three-point safety belt for the middle rear seat – Then pull firmly on the belt to ensure that the seat belt height adjuster has correctly locked in place. It is used in the same way as the normal three-point seat belts on the left and right (at front and rear).

  • Page 118
    Seat belts WARNING (continued)  The protective function of the system is only adequate for a single accident. If the belt tensioners have been deployed, it is then necessary to replace the entire system.  The Owner’s Manual must also be handed over to the new owner if the vehicle is sold.
  • Page 119: Airbag System

    Airbag system Airbag system  Description of the airbag system an airbag indicator light showing a switched-off front passenger airbag* in the middle of the dash panel flashes. General information on the airbag system WARNING The front airbag system is complementary to the three-point seat belts and offers addi- …

  • Page 120: Front Airbags

    Airbag system  When are the airbags deployed? In the event of an accident in which the airbags are deployed:  the interior lighting comes on (if the switch for the interior light is in the door The airbag system is designed in such a way that the driver and the front passenger contact position), airbag* are deployed in the event of a frontal collision of major severity.

  • Page 121
    Airbag system Apart from their normal protective function, a further task of the seat belts is to also ioned when they make contact with the fully inflated airbag and the risk of injury to hold the driver and front passenger in a correct seated position in the event of a frontal head and chest is thus reduced.
  • Page 122: Side Airbags

    Airbag system Side airbags* WARNING (continued)  It is essential to always switch off  page 124, “Deactivating airbags” the Description of side airbags front passenger airbag when attaching a child safety seat on the front The side airbag increases protection of the passenger concerned in the passenger seat where the child is seated with its back facing in direction of case of a side impact.

  • Page 123
    Airbag system Function of the side airbags WARNING (continued) Risk of injury to the upper part of the body is reduced by fully inflated passenger seat where the child is seated with its back facing in direction of side airbags. travel (in some countries also when the child is facing the direction of travel).
  • Page 124: Head Airbags

    Airbag system Together with other elements (such as cross bars in the doors, stable vehicle structure) WARNING (continued) the head airbags are the consequent further development of occupant protection in  the case of side collisions. Any work on the side airbag system including removing and installing system components because of other repair work (e.g.

  • Page 125: Deactivating Airbags

    Airbag system Important safety information on the head airbag Deactivating airbags Correct use of the airbag system considerably reduces the risk of injury! Deactivating airbags If any airbags have been deactivated, switch them on again as soon as WARNING  possible so that they are able to again provide their proper protection.

  • Page 126
    Airbag system  switching off the airbag is indicated in the middle of the dash panel by the lighting – Check whether the airbag indicator light in display      in the  fig. up of the yellow indicator light in display …
  • Page 127: Transporting Children Safely

    Transporting children safely Transporting children safely What you should know about transporting children! Note National legal provisions, which deviate from the information contained in these oper- An introduction to the subject ating instructions, take precedence over the information contained in the operating instructions.

  • Page 128
    Transporting children safely on the front passenger seat then you must pay attention to the following warnings in WARNING (continued) connection with the use of the airbag system on the front passenger seat. is moving. This particularly applies to children who are transported on the front passenger seat if the airbag system deploys in the event of an accident.
  • Page 129: Child Seat

    Transporting children safely Child safety and side airbag* WARNING (continued) Children must never be seated in the deployment area of the side deployed. When transporting a child on the front passenger seat, please airbags and head airbags. comply with the appropriate national regulations regarding the use of child safety seats.

  • Page 130
    Transporting children safely Children who are more than 1.50 m in height or who weigh more than 36 kg can use Child seats in which the child is facing with its back towards the direction of travel the normal seat belts without a seat bolster. should not be used on the front passenger seat when the vehicle is fitted with a front passenger airbag …
  • Page 131
    Transporting children safely Child seats in which the child is facing with its back towards the direction of travel WARNING should not be used on the front passenger seat when the vehicle is fitted with a  front passenger airbag  page 127, “Use of child safety seats on the front passenger When transporting a child on the front passenger seat, please comply with seat”.
  • Page 132: Attaching A Child Seat Using The «Isofix» System

    Transporting children safely One can mount a child safety seat using the “ISOFIX” system quickly, easily and reliably. WARNING (continued) Please pay close attention to instructions from the manufacturer of the child safety Switch off the front passenger airbag if necessary at a specialist garage or seat when installing and removing the seat.

  • Page 133: Attaching Child Seat Using The «Top Tether» System

    Transporting children safely Attaching child seat using the “Top Tether” system Fig. 126 Rear seat: Top Tether IIn certain countries national legal provisions also require the equipment of the rear  fig. seat with fixing eyes for child seat using the “Top Tether” system 126.

  • Page 134: Driving Tips

    Intelligent Technology Driving Tips Intelligent Technology Electronic stability programme (ESP)* while occurs this is on the inner rear wheel of a vehicle which tends to understeer (tendency to shift out of the curve). This braking control cycle is accompanied by noises.

  • Page 135
    Intelligent Technology  Changes to vehicle (e.g. on engine, on the brakes, on chassis or another combina- Switching off tion of tyres and wheels) can influence the function of the ESP  page 179, “Accesso-  fig. You can switch the TCS off and on again as you wish by pressing the button 127.
  • Page 136: Brakes

    Intelligent Technology Brakes General The EDL makes it much easier, and sometimes at all possible, to start off, accelerate What has a negative effect on braking efficiency? and climb a steep hill when the conditions of the road surface are unfavourable. Wear-and-tear Operating principle Wear-and-tear to the brake pads is greatly dependent on the operating conditions of…

  • Page 137: Brake Booster

    Intelligent Technology Brake booster Low brake fluid level An insufficient level of brake fluid may result in problems in the brake system. The level of the brake fluid is monitored electronically  page 31, “Brake system ”. The brake booster boosts the pressure which you generate with the brake pedal. The necessary pressure is only generated when the engine is running.

  • Page 138: Brake Assist

    Intelligent Technology The Brake Assist is able to help you achieve a shorter braking distance in emergency WARNING situations by rapidly producing the pressure required in the brake system. It fully  The ABS can also not overcome the physical limits of your vehicle. Please do exploits the attributes of the ABS.

  • Page 139: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

    Intelligent Technology Tyre pressure monitoring system* You will place great stresses on the power steering system if the steering is turned to full lock when the vehicle is stationary. Turning the steering to full lock in such a situa- tion will be accompanied by noises. It is still possible to fully steer the vehicle if the power steering fails or if the engine is not running (vehicle being towed in).

  • Page 140: Diesel Particle Filter* (Diesel Engine)

    Intelligent Technology   If the warning light  does not go out after the basic setting, there is a fault in the cannot warn in case of very rapid tyre inflation pressure loss, e.g. in case of sudden system. Have the vehicle inspected by your nearest specialist garage. tyre damage.

  • Page 141
    Intelligent Technology WARNING (continued) When the engine reaches its operating temperature, these substances might ignite — risk of fire! Note  When using diesel fuel with high sulphur content the life of the diesel particle filter is clearly reduced. A specialist garage will be able to tell you which countries use only diesel fuel with high sulphur content.
  • Page 142: Driving And The Environment

    Driving and the Environment Driving and the Environment The first 1 500 kilometres and then afterwards Caution All the speed and engine revolution figures apply only when the engine is at its normal A new engine operating temperature. Never rev up an engine which is cold, neither when the vehicle is stationary nor when driving in individual gears.

  • Page 143: Catalytic Converter

    Driving and the Environment  Catalytic converter If you detect misfiring, a drop in performance or irregular engine running when driving, reduce your speed immediately and have the vehicle inspected by the nearest Proper operation of the emission control system (catalytic converter) is specialist garage.

  • Page 144
    Driving and the Environment  fig. 130 guidelines given in this chapter in order to make best use of these characteristics and shows the ratio of fuel consumption to the speed of your vehicle in the to maintain their effectiveness. relevant gear.
  • Page 145
    Driving and the Environment You should avoid exploiting the top speed of your vehicle wherever possible. Fuel correctly assess the oil consumption of a new vehicle until after you have driven about consumption, pollutant emissions and vehicle noises increase disproportionally at 5 000 km.
  • Page 146: Environmental Compatibility

    Driving and the Environment hand at +20°C and on the other hand at -10°C. Your vehicle has a higher fuel When the engine is running, the alternator generates and supplies electrical power. If consumption in winter than in summer. more electrical components of the electrical system are switched on, more fuel is needed to operate the alternator.

  • Page 147: Motoring Abroad

    Driving and the Environment Unleaded petrol Manufacture  Solvent-free cavity protection. A vehicle fitted with a petrol engine must always be refuelled with unleaded petrol  Solvent-free protection of the vehicle for transportation from the production plant  page 142. The automobile associations can provide you with information regarding to the customer.

  • Page 148: Driving Through Bodies Of Water On Roads

    Driving and the Environment Driving through bodies of water on roads Caution  When driving through bodies of water, parts of the vehicle such as the engine, gearbox, catalytic converter, chassis or electrics can be severely damaged.  Oncoming vehicles can generate water waves which can exceed the permissible water level for your vehicle.

  • Page 149: Towing A Trailer

    Towing a trailer Towing a trailer Towing a trailer You can negotiate appropriately steeper inclines and descents if you do not make full use of the permissible trailer load. Technical requirements The trailer loads specified only apply for altitudes up to 1 000 metres above mean sea level.

  • Page 150
    Towing a trailer Detachable ball head You must always reduce your speed immediately as soon as you detect even just the slightest swaying of the trailer. On no account attempt to stop the trailer from The ball rod is detachable on vehicles with towing device and suppliable from Škoda “swaying”…
  • Page 151
    Towing a trailer…
  • Page 152: General Maintenance

    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle General Maintenance Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle  General Frequency of use;  The parking situation (garage, below trees etc.); Proper care retains the value of your vehicle. …

  • Page 153
    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle  There are no particular points to note before washing your vehicle in an automatic Do not use any insect sponges, rough kitchen sponges or similar cleaning products vehicle wash system other than the usual precautionary measures (closing the — risk of damage to the surface of paintwork.
  • Page 154
    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle Paint damage A new layer of a high-quality hard wax polish can be applied to the clean bodywork after it has dried thoroughly. Even if you use a wax preserver regularly we still recom- mend that you treat the paintwork of the vehicle at least twice a year with hard wax.
  • Page 155
    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle Do not affix any stickers over the inside of the rear window to avoid damage to the Note heating elements of the rear window heater. When washing your vehicle, ensure that as little water as possible gets into the locking We recommend using a preservative from Škoda genuine accessories offered by your cylinders.
  • Page 156: Care Of The Interior Of Vehicle

    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle Underbody protection Engine compartment The underside of your vehicle is protected for life against chemical and mechanical Good corrosion protection is very important, particularly in winter when one often influences. drives over its salt-strewn roads. One should therefore clean the entire engine compartment before and after the salt spreading period, in order to prevent the salt One cannot, however, completely rule out damage to the protective layer when from being destructive.

  • Page 157
    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle Upholstery cloth and cloth trim on the doors, luggage compartment cover, headliner Removing stains etc. are best treated with special cleaning products, using if necessary a dry foam and – Remove fresh stains which are water-based (e.g. coffee, tea, juices, blood etc.) a soft sponge or brush.
  • Page 158
    Taking care of your vehicle and cleaning the vehicle Note  Use a care cream with light blocker and impregnation effect regularly and each time after cleaning the leather. The cream nourishes the leather, allows it to breathe and keeps it supple and also provides moisture. It also creates surface protection. …
  • Page 159: Fuel

    Fuel Fuel Petrol On vehicles with prescribed unleaded petrol 95/91 RON, the use of petrol with a higher octane number than 95 does not result in a noticeable power increase or a lower fuel consumption. Grades of petrol On vehicles with prescribed unleaded petrol min. 95 RON, the use of petrol with a higher octane number than 95 does not result in a power increase or a lower fuel consumption.

  • Page 160: Refuelling

    Fuel You can find information on refuelling  page 159, “Refuelling”. Prewarming fuel The vehicle is fitted with a fuel filter prewarming system. This secures operation of a vehicle using diesel fuel down to an environmental temperature of -25°C. Caution …

  • Page 161
    Fuel The correct grades of fuel for your vehicle are stated on a sticker affixed to the inside of the fuel filler flap. Further information on fuel  page 158. WARNING Pay attention to any legal requirements if you do carry a spare canister in the vehicle.
  • Page 162: Inspecting And Replenishing

    Inspecting and replenishing Inspecting and replenishing Engine compartment Opening the bonnet  fig. – Unlock the bonnet 135. Bonnet remote release – Ensure that the arms of the windscreen wipers are correctly in place against the windscreen before opening the bonnet otherwise damage could occur to the paintwork.

  • Page 163
    Inspecting and replenishing Working in the engine compartment WARNING (continued) Particular care is required when carrying out any work in the engine  Do not let objects, such as e.g cleaning cloth or tools lie in the engine compartment! compartment. …
  • Page 164: Engine Oil

    Inspecting and replenishing Overview of the engine compartment Engine oil The main inspection points. Check engine oil level The dipstick indicates the level of oil in the engine. Fig. 138 Dipstick Fig. 137 Diesel engine 1.6 ltr./77 kW Checking the oil level –…

  • Page 165
    Inspecting and replenishing It is normal for the engine to consume oil. The oil consumption may be as much as 0.5 – Wipe off the oil from the sealing surface of the cover and on the counterpart using l/1 000 km depending on your style of driving and the conditions under which you a clean cloth.
  • Page 166: Cooling System

    Inspecting and replenishing Coolant Caution The cooling system is factory-filled with coolant (purple in colour), which complies You must not pour any additives into the engine oil — risk of engine damage! Damage, with the specification TL-VW 774 G. which results from such product, are excluded from the warranty. We recommend that you use the antifreeze agent G12 PLUS — PLUS (purple in colour) for topping up the system.

  • Page 167
    Inspecting and replenishing Inspecting the coolant level Caution One should contact a specialist garage as soon as possible if the source of overheating itself cannot be determined and removed, since there may be grave damage to the engine. Replenishing the coolant –…
  • Page 168: Brake Fluid

    Inspecting and replenishing Brake fluid WARNING (continued)  If any splashes of coolant get into your eyes, rinse out your eyes immedi- Inspecting the brake fluid level ately with clear water and contact a doctor as soon as possible.  You should also consult a doctor without delay if you have inadvertently swallowed coolant.

  • Page 169: Battery

    Inspecting and replenishing Battery WARNING (continued)  If the fluid level has dropped below the MIN marking, do not drive any Working on the battery further — risk of accident! Obtain professional assistance. Replacing brake fluid Brake fluid absorbs moisture. This causes the fluid to absorb moisture from the surrounding air over a period of time.

  • Page 170
    Inspecting and replenishing Caution WARNING (continued)  You must only disconnect the battery if the ignition is switched off, otherwise the acid corrodes dental enamel and creates deep wounds after contact with the electrical system (electronic components) of the vehicle may be damaged. When skin which take a long time to heal.
  • Page 171
    Inspecting and replenishing   fig. An indicator for the electrolyte level, the so-called magic eye 142, is located on Green colour — the battery is adequately charged.  the top of the battery. The indicator changes its colour in line with the electrolyte level Dark colour — the battery has to be charged.
  • Page 172
    Inspecting and replenishing Operation in winter “Quick-charging” a battery is dangerous  in “Working on the battery” on page 168. It requires a special charger and appropriate knowledge. We therefore The battery has to provide greater amounts of electricity during the winter. It also has recommend that you have your battery quick-charged only by your specialist garage.
  • Page 173: Windshield Washer System

    Inspecting and replenishing We recommend that you only have an old battery disposed of by a specialist garage It is also possible in exceptional cases to use methylated spirits when no screen cleaner since it does require special disposal. with antifreeze is available. The concentration of methylated spirits must not be more than 15%.

  • Page 174: Wheels And Tyres

    Wheels and Tyres Wheels and Tyres Wheels WARNING  New tyres during the first 500 km do not offer optimal grip and should General information therefore be run appropriately — risk of accident!   Never drive with damaged tyres — risk of accident! New tyres do not offer optimal grip at first and should therefore be run in for about 500 km at a moderate speed and an appropriately cautious style of driving.

  • Page 175
    Wheels and Tyres The tyre pressure should be at the highest pressure specified for your vehicle at all You should have the wheels rebalanced since any imbalance increases wear-and-tear times. on the steering, the suspension and tyres. A wheel must also be rebalanced when a new tyre is fitted and each time a tyre is repaired.
  • Page 176
    Wheels and Tyres  fig. 145. Markings on the walls of the tyres through the letters “TWI”, triangular The specialist garages have access to the most current information about which tyres symbols or other symbols identify the position of the wear indicators. we have released for use on your vehicle.
  • Page 177
    Wheels and Tyres Speed symbol Permissible maximum speed For the sake of the environment Old tyres must be disposed of in conformity with the appropriate regulations. 210 km/h 240 km/h Note 270 km/h It is not normally possible to fit wheels from other models of cars for technical reasons. This may also apply in certain circumstances to the wheels of the same type of The date of manufacture is also stated on the tyre wall (possibly only on the inside of vehicle.
  • Page 178
    Wheels and Tyres Winter tyres For the sake of the environment Fit your summer tyres on again in good time since summer tyres offer you better grip The handling of your vehicle will be significantly improved when driving on wintry and handling on roads which are free of snow and ice as well as ar temperatures below roads if you fit winter tyres.
  • Page 179
    Wheels and Tyres Wheel size Depth (D) Tyre size 5J x 14 35 mm 165/70 6J x 14 37 mm 185/60 6J x 15 43 mm 185/55 Only fit snow chains with links and locks not larger than 12 mm. Remove the full wheel trims before installing the snow chains.
  • Page 180: Accessories, Changes And Replacement Of Parts

    Any damage which is done caused by technical changes made without consulting Vehicles of category N1 a Skoda dealer is excluded from the guarantee. The vehicle of category N1 is a vehicle which is designed and manufactured for trans- porting loads with a maximum weight of 3.5 tonnes.

  • Page 181
    Accessories, changes and replacement of parts…
  • Page 182: Breakdown Assistance

    Breakdown assistance Breakdown assistance Breakdown assistance First-aid box* and Warning triangle* Please read carefully the instructions which are attached to the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher must be checked by an authorised person or company annually (please observe the various differing national legal requirements). WARNING If the fire extinguisher is not correctly attached, in case of sudden manoeuvres or an accident it can be “thrown”…

  • Page 183: Tyre Repair Kit

    Breakdown assistance Spare wheel* The vehicle tool kit and the lifting jack*, on which a sign is affixed, are stored in a plastic  page 181, fig. box in the spare wheel* 147; there is also space here for the detach- The spare wheel is stowed in the spare wheel well in the luggage able ball head of the towing device.

  • Page 184: Changing A Wheel

    Breakdown assistance Changing a wheel Changing a wheel Always change a wheel on a level surface as far as possible. Preliminary work – Take off the full wheel trim*  page 184 or the caps  page 184. The following steps should be carried out before actually changing the wheel: –…

  • Page 185
    Breakdown assistance – Change the damaged wheel or consult a specialist garage about possibilities for Installing getting repairs done. – First press the full wheel trim onto the wheel at the valve opening provided. Then press the full wheel trim into the wheel in such a way that its entire circumference WARNING locks correctly in place.
  • Page 186
    Breakdown assistance Slackening and tightening wheel bolts Raise vehicle Slacken the wheel bolts before jacking up the vehicle. You have to raise the vehicle with a lifting jack in order to be able to take off the wheel. Fig. 151 Changing a wheel: Slackening wheel bolts Fig.
  • Page 187: Jump-Starting

    Breakdown assistance – Have the tightening torque checked with a torque wrench as soon as possible. WARNING (continued) Steel and light alloy wheels must be tightened to a tightening torque of 120 Nm.  Not positioning the lifting jack at the specified points can result in damage The safety wheel bolts on vehicles fitted with them (one safety wheel bolt per wheel) to the vehicle.

  • Page 188
    Breakdown assistance Start engine Jump-start cables Only use jump-start cables which have an adequately large cross-section and insu- lated terminal clamps. Please pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions. Positive cable — colour coding in the majority of cases red. Negative cable — colour coding in the majority of cases black. WARNING Fig.
  • Page 189: Tow-Starting And Towing Vehicle

    Breakdown assistance – Take the vehicle out of gear or move the selector lever into position N if your WARNING vehicle is fitted with an automatic gearbox.  The non-insulated parts of the terminal clamps must never make contact – Note that the brake servo unit and power steering only operate if the engine is with each other.

  • Page 190
    Breakdown assistance Front towing eye Tow-starting a vehicle The towing eye is stored in the box for the vehicle tool kit. If the engine does not start, we generally do not recommend to tow-start your vehicle. One should attempt to start the engine using jump start cables  page 186 or call on the services of the SERVICE mobile.
  • Page 191
    Breakdown assistance The car can be towed in with a tow bar or a tow rope. Refer at the same time to the following guidelines:  Move selector lever into N.  The maximum towing speed is 50 km/h.  The maximum permissible towing distance is 50 km.
  • Page 192: Fuses And Light Bulbs

    Fuses and light bulbs Fuses and light bulbs Electric fuses Colour coding of fuses Colour Maximum amperage Replacing fuses in the dash panel light brown Defect fuses must be replaced. brown blue yellow white green Fig. 157 Bottom side of the dash panel: Fuse cover Caution …

  • Page 193
    Fuses and light bulbs Fuse assignment in the dash panel Power consumer Amperes Control unit for trailer detection Control unit for automatic gearbox Motor for halogen projector headlights with cornering light function Navigation PDA Electrohydraulic power steering Radio Daylight driving lights Fig.
  • Page 194
    Fuses and light bulbs Power consumer Amperes Power consumer Amperes Fuel pump Electrical power window (front and rear) — left side Ignition Electrical power window (front and rear) — right side Cruise control system, operation of PTC relay Parking light — left side Lambda probe Electric sliding/tilting roof High pressure pump, pressure valve…
  • Page 195
    Fuses and light bulbs – Release the fixtures in the openings using a flat screwdriver and fold the cover No. Power consumer Amperes upwards in direction of arrow Dynamo – Find out which fuse belongs to the component which is not operating. Not assigned –…
  • Page 196
    Fuses and light bulbs Replace fuses at the battery (automatic gearbox) Fuse assignment at the battery (automatic gearbox) Fig. 162 Schematic representation of fuse assignment at battery Fig. 161 The battery: Open the positive terminal cover / fuse cover Certain electrical components are only standard on certain vehicle model versions or …
  • Page 197: Bulbs

    Fuses and light bulbs Caution Front headlight Halogen headlight Halogen projector headlights Observe the following guidelines  in “Replace fuses at the battery (automatic gearbox)”. Low beam light Main beam light Bulbs Parking lights Turn signals PY21W Replacing bulbs Fog lights* H8/HB4 The relevant lamp must always be switched off before a light bulb is replaced.

  • Page 198
    – We recommend that you have the headlight setting checked by a Skoda Service Partner after replacing the light bulb. Fig. 163 Fitting position of the bulbs: Halogen headlights / halogen projector headlights Low beam (halogen projector headlights) …
  • Page 199
    – Insert the protective cap. turning it to the right until it locks in place. – We recommend that you have the headlight setting checked by a Skoda Service Partner after replacing the light bulb. Parking light at the front Main beam (halogen projector headlights) –…
  • Page 200
    Fuses and light bulbs Fog lights — Fabia Scout – Take out the fog light. – Turn the socket with the bulb for daylight driving light or the socket with the bulb of the fog light to the left up to stop and take it out. –…
  • Page 201
    Fuses and light bulbs Licence plate light – Grip the rear light unit and remove it carefully with loosening movements at an angle to the rear. Do not pull the grommet with the cables out of the body. – Replace the defective light bulb  page 200. –…
  • Page 202
    Fuses and light bulbs  page 200, fig. 172 Fitting position of the light bulbs in the rear light unit — Rear fog light / Reversing light — Turn signal lights — Brake lights — Parking lights Luggage compartment light Fig.
  • Page 203
    Fuses and light bulbs…
  • Page 204: Technical Data

    Technical Data Technical Data Technical Data General information Performances The details given in the official vehicle registration documents always take precedence The listed performance values were determined without performance-reducing over the details in the Owner’s Manual. Please refer to the official vehicle registration equipment, e.g.

  • Page 205: Fuel Consumption According To The Ece Standards And Eu Guidelines

    Technical Data Gearbox code, paint number, interior equipment number, engine output, engine Non-urban traffic code For the consumption measurement in non-urban traffic the vehicle, as in daily Partial description of the vehicle motoring, is accelerated and braked several times in all gears. The vehicle speed 7GG, 7MB, 7MG — vehicles with DPF …

  • Page 206: Dimensions

    Technical Data Dimensions Dimensions (mm) FABIA FABIA SCOUT COMBI COMBI SCOUT Length 4000 4032 4247 4275 Width 1642 1658 1642 1658 Width including exterior mirror 1886 1886 1886 1886 Height 1498/1513 /1484 1498/1513 /1484 1498/1513 /1484 1498/1513 /1484 Clearance 134/149 /119 135/149 /119…

  • Page 207: Engine Oil Specifications

    Technical Data Engine oil specifications Diesel engines Specification Content The grade of engine oil should be selected in accordance with precise 1.2 ltr./55 kW TDI CR DPF — EU 5 VW 507 00 specifications. 1.6 ltr./55 kW TDI CR DPF — EU 5 VW 507 00 The engine of your vehicle has been factory-filled with a high-grade oil which you can 1.6 ltr./66 kW TDI CR DPF — EU 5…

  • Page 208
    Technical Data Caution Only the above-mentioned oils may be used on vehicles with flexible service intervals (QG1). We recommend always refilling with oil of the same specification since this will maintain the properties of the oil. In exceptional cases, you must top up only once engine oil complying with Specification VW 502 00 (only for petrol engines) or Specifi- cation VW 505 01 (only for diesel engines) to maximum 0.5 litres.
  • Page 209: Ltr./44 Kw — Eu

    Technical Data 1.2 ltr./44 kW — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 44/5200 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 108/3000 3/1198 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 16,5 16,7 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO emission (in g/km) FABIA COMBI…

  • Page 210
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1545 1565 Permissible gross weight 1515 1520 Unloaden weight ready for work 1090 1110 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (800/500) (800/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (900/500) (900/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 211: 1.2 Ltr./51 Kw — Eu 5/Eu 2 Ddk

    Technical Data 1.2 ltr./51 kW — EU 5/EU 2 DDK Engine Power output kW per rpm 51/5400 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 112/3000 3/1198 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 14,9 15,0 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO emission (in g/km)

  • Page 212
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1550 1570 Permissible gross weight 1520 1525 Unloaden weight ready for work 1095 1115 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC table on page 211 Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (800/500) (800/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked…
  • Page 213: Ltr./63 Kw Tsi — Eu

    Technical Data 1.2 ltr./63 kW TSI — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 63/4800 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 160/1500 — 3500 4/1197 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 11,7 11,8 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO…

  • Page 214
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1571 1591 Permissible gross weight 1541 1546 Unloaden weight ready for work 1116 1136 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1000/500) (1000/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (1200/500) (1200/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 215: Ltr./77 Kw Tsi — Eu

    Technical Data 1.2 ltr./77 kW TSI — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 77/5000 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 175/1550 — 4100 4/1197 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 10,1 10,2 10,2…

  • Page 216
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1585 1619 1605 1639 Permissible gross weight 1555 1589 1560 1594 Unloaden weight ready for work 1130 1164 1150 1184 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1000/500) (1000/500) (1000/450)
  • Page 217: Ltr./63 Kw — Eu

    Technical Data 1.4 ltr./63 kW — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 63/5000 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 132/3800 4/1390 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 12,2 12,3 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO emission (in g/km) FABIA COMBI…

  • Page 218
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1559 1579 Permissible gross weight 1529 1534 Unloaden weight ready for work 1104 1124 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1000/500) (1000/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (1200/500) (1200/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 219: Ltr./55 Kw Tdi Cr Dpf — Eu

    Technical Data 1.2 ltr./55 kW TDI CR DPF — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 55/4000 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 180/1500 — 3450 3/1199 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 14,2 14,3 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO…

  • Page 220
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1644 1664 Permissible gross weight 1614 1619 Unloaden weight ready for work 1189 1209 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1000/500) (1000/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (1200/500) (1200/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 221: Ltr./55 Kw Tdi Cr — Eu

    Technical Data 1.6 ltr./55 kW TDI CR — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 55/4000 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 195/1500 — 2000 4/1598 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 14,1 14,2 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO…

  • Page 222
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1659 1679 Permissible gross weight 1629 1634 Unloaden weight ready for work 1204 1224 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1000/500) (1000/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (1200/500) (1200/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 223: Ltr./66 Kw Tdi Cr — Eu

    Technical Data 1.6 ltr./66 kW TDI CR — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 66/4200 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 230/1500 — 2500 4/1598 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 12,6 12,7 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO…

  • Page 224
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1659 1679 Permissible gross weight 1629 1634 Unloaden weight ready for work 1204 1224 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1200/500) (1200/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (1200/500) (1200/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 225: Ltr./77 Kw Tdi Cr — Eu

    Technical Data 1.6 ltr./77 kW TDI CR — EU 5 Engine Power output kW per rpm 77/4400 Maximum torque Nm per rpm 250/1500-2500 4/1598 Number of cylinders/Displacement (cm Performances FABIA COMBI Maximum speed km/h Acceleration 0 — 100 km/h 10,9 11,0 Fuel consumption (in ltr./100 km) and CO emission (in g/km)

  • Page 226
    Technical Data Weight (in kg) FABIA COMBI 1674 1694 Permissible gross weight 1644 1649 Unloaden weight ready for work 1219 1239 Loading capacity Loading capacity when using the TLC Permissible front axle load Permissible rear axle load (1200/500) (1200/450) Permissible trailer load, trailer braked/unbraked (1200/500) (1200/450) Vehicles of category N1.
  • Page 227
    Technical Data…
  • Page 228: Index

    Index Index Selector lever-emergency unlocking ..99 Bulbs ……..196 Tiptronic .

  • Page 229
    Index Cleaning ……..151 Electronic Differential Lock ….134 Warning light .
  • Page 230
    Index General view Interior light Cockpit ……..9 Luggage compartment .
  • Page 231
    Index Liquid in reservoir for windscreen washer system Multifunction steering wheel ….101 Parking ticket holder ……73 Warning light .
  • Page 232
    Index Running in the car ……141 Spare wheel ……. . . 182 Towing eye front .
  • Page 233
    Index Windshield washer system ….172 Windshield wiper ……54 Vanity mirror .
  • Page 234
    Notes Using the system Safety Driving Tips General Maintenance Breakdown assistance Technical Data…
  • Page 235
  • Page 236
    Notes Using the system Safety Driving Tips General Maintenance Breakdown assistance Technical Data…
  • Page 237
    Škoda Auto pursues a policy of constant product and model development. We trust Reprinting, reproduction or translation, either in whole or in part, is not permitted that you will understand that changes to models in terms of shape, equipment and without the written consent of Škoda Auto.
  • Page 238
    SIMPLY CLE VER ŠkodaService ŠkodaGenuine Parts ŠkodaGenuine Accessories…
  • Page 239
    Look up „Environment“ in the Index to find out more. Please also refer to all the texts identified with a in this Owner’s Manual. Make your contribution — for the sake of the environment. www.skoda-auto.com Návod k obsluze Fabia anglicky 03.10 S55.5610.05.20 5J6 012 003 ET…

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