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Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для конструктора Lego
75292 The Razor Crest (Лезвие бритвы)
, описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.

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Lego «Лезвие бритвы» — LEGO Star Wars № 75292 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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75292 Лезвие бритвы

75292 alt1

Артикул 75292
Количество деталей 1023
Минифигурки 5
Дата выхода 2020
Возраст 10+
Цена 11999 рублей
Серия Star Wars
Инструкции 6332501.pdf

75292 Лезвие бритвы — набор серии Star Wars, выпущенный в 2020 году.

Описание lego.com[]

Отправляйтесь к самым дальним рубежам галактики на бронированном транспортном шаттле — Лезвие бритвы. Он оснащён всем необходимым для выполнения миссий: большим грузовым трюмом для карбонита, пружинными шутерами, спасательным модулем… и даже кроватью, чтобы вздремнуть между боями! После посадки не забудьте захватить оружие. Здесь надо всегда быть начеку. Чтобы защитить малыша, победите в бою имперского разведчика и докажите, что вы настоящий воин.

  • Дети смогут примерить на себя роль героического мандалорского воина и разыгрывать динамичные сцены из сериала «Звёздные войны: Мандалорец» с тщательно проработанной моделью звездолёта «Лезвие бритвы» (75292) из кубиков LEGO®.
  • Эта классная сборная модель включает в себя три минифигурки LEGO®: Мандалорца, Грифа Карги и штурмовика-разведчика, а также фигурку Малыша и IG-11 LEGO®. Все фигурки имеют собственное оружие, что сделает игровые бои ещё интереснее.
  • В «Лезвии бритвы» имеется кабина, рассчитанная на две минифигурки LEGO®, два пружинных шутера, грузовой отсек с двумя открывающимися панелями/грузовыми пандусами по бокам и карбонитовыми элементами для пленников, спальная каюта и съёмная спасательная капсула для новых приключений.
  • Этот игровой набор из 1023 элементов, сборка которого может стать настоящим вызовом, прекрасно сочетается с другими наборами серии LEGO® Star Wars™. Он станет отличным подарком на праздник или день рождения для детей старше 10 лет.
  • Размеры канонерки «Лезвие бритвы»: 14×38×28 см. Когда все важные грузы будут доставлены заказчикам, этот звездолёт из сериала «Звёздные войны: Мандалорец» станет прекрасным украшением интерьера.



открыть · обсудить · править Наборы Star Wars 2020 года
Обычные наборы 75266 Боевой набор штурмовиков ситхов | 75267 Боевой набор мандалорцев | 75269 Бой на Мустафаре | 75270 Хижина Оби-Вана Кеноби | 75271 Спидер Люка Скайуокера | 75272 СИД-истребитель ситхов | 75273 Истребитель X-wing По Дэмерона | 75278 Дроид D-O | 75279 Рождественский календарь | 75280 Клоны-пехотинцы 501-го легиона | 75281 Джедайский перехватчик Энакина | 75283 AAT | 75284 Транспортный корабль Рыцарей Рен | 75286 Звёздный истребитель генерала Гривуса | 75288 AT-AT | 75291 Последний бой на Звезде Смерти | 75292 Лезвие бритвы | 75293 Транспортный корабль Сопротивления I-TS | 75318 Малыш

Микрофайтеры 75263 Истребитель Y-wing Сопротивления | 75264 Шаттл Кайло Рена | 75265 Скайхоппер T-16 против банты

4+ 75268 Снежный спидер

18+ 75274 Шлем пилота СИД-истребителя | 75275 Перехватчик A-wing | 75276 Шлем штурмовика | 75277 Шлем Бобы Фетта | 75290 Кантина Мос-Эйсли | 75294 Дуэль на Беспине

Другая продукция 30386 Истребитель X-wing По Дэмерона | 40407 Битва за Звезду смерти II | 77904 Фрегат «Небулон-Б» | 5006363 Брелок с Ханом Соло в карбоните | 5006364 Брелок-фонарик с Мандалорцем | 5006367 Бирка с Мандалорцем и Малышом | 5006368 Бирка с Малышом | 5006623 Плюшевый Йода | 5007136 Плюшевый Дарт Вейдер | 5007137 Плюшевый штурмовик | 5007463 Плюшевый праздничный штурмовик | 6346098 Световой меч Йоды
[ полный список ]



Fly to the outer reaches of the galaxy in The Mandalorian’s armored transport shuttle, The Razor Crest! It’s got everything you need for a mission – a big cargo hold for carbonite bounty, spring-loaded shooters, escape pod… and even a bed to get some rest! When you land, grab the weapons and prepare for battle. Protect the Child and defeat Scout Trooper to prove you are the ultimate warrior!

  • Ghost & Phantom II

    Create your own epic Star Wars: Ahsoka stories with this buildable playset. Build the Ghost starship and its detachable Phantom II shuttle with LEGO® bricks, team up with General Hera Syndulla, Lt. Beyta, First Officer Hawkins, Jacen Syndulla and Chopper (C1-10P) and launch your adventure. There’s room for everyone in the 2 vessels, and the Ghost has spring-loaded shooters to blast enemies!

  • Coruscant Guard Gunship™

    Patrol the Galactic Republic capital planet with this awesome Coruscant Guard Gunship. Open the rear hatch to load up equipment. Slide open the side panel to let personnel on board. When Commander Fox and a Coruscant Guard are seated in the pilot cockpits, it’s time to take off. Seek out enemies and, if necessary, activate the stud shooters!

  • Mandalorian Fang Fighter vs. TIE Interceptor™

    The chase is on! The Mandalorian Fleet Commander is at the controls of the sleek new Mandalorian Fang Fighter with a classic TIE Interceptor in hot pursuit. Activate the spring-loaded shooters and dodge shots fired from the TIE Interceptor. Join the battle with The Mandalorian and his awesome darksaber. Who will triumph? It’s up to you!

  • Ahsoka Tano’s T-6 Jedi Shuttle

    Fly into action with Ahsoka Tano’s supercool T-6 Jedi Shuttle! Stow weapons and tools in the storage compartments, then jump into the cockpit and get ready for launch. Retract the landing gear to adjust the wings for flight mode. Target enemy starfighters with the stud shooters. Then land the shuttle, grab Ahsoka’s lightsabers and team up with Sabine Wren to battle against Marrok!

  • New Republic E-Wing™ vs. Shin Hati’s Starfighter™

    Help Captain Porter and his trusty droid escape in his New Republic E-Wing! Fly through the galaxy at top speed with Shin Hati’s Starfighter in hot pursuit. Activate the E-wing’s stud shooters and swerve clear of shots fired by the starfighter. Land the E-wing and use Captain Porter’s blaster pistol to fend off Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati’s lightsaber attacks. This is a battle you must win!

  • Chewbacca™

    Honor an iconic Star Wars™ character with this brick-built display model of Chewbacca in an iconic pose. Capture Chewie’s distinctive features in LEGO® style and equip him with a bowcaster and bandolier. Place him next to the information plaque and Chewbacca LEGO minifigure with a stud-shooting bowcaster to complete an evocative centerpiece.

  • Darth Vader™ Mech

    Explore the dark side of the Force with this awesome Darth Vader Mech! Jump into the cockpit with the Dark Lord of the Sith and clip his lightsaber to the back of the mech. Move the arms and legs to create fearsome poses and grab the enormous lightsaber to fend off enemies!

  • The Mandalorian N-1 Starfighter™ Microfighter

    Join The Mandalorian and Grogu on a bounty-hunting mission in the N-1 Starfighter Microfighter. With Mando at the controls and Grogu behind the cockpit, launch your adventure. Fend off enemies with the Starfighter’s stud shooters. Explore planets you visit with The Mandalorian’s jetpack and use his blaster pistol for protection. A galaxy of action-packed fun awaits you!

  • Stormtrooper™ Mech

    Join forces with a Stormtrooper to defend the Galactic Empire! Clip his blaster to the awesome mech and jump into the cockpit. Stride into battle and activate the mech’s huge stud-shooting blaster. You must defeat the Rebels!

  • Yoda’s Jedi Starfighter™

  • Princess Leia™ (Boushh™) Helmet

    Recreate the helmet borrowed by Princess Leia to infiltrate Jabba the Hutt’s palace in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Use the power of your creative Force to capture the intricate details of bounty hunter Boushh’s helmet. Display your creation on the buildable stand with a nameplate and celebrate the 40th anniversary of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi with this remarkable centerpiece.

  • Captain Rex™ Helmet

    Take the lead on a creative mission to build this fantastic LEGO® Star Wars™ version of Captain Rex’s helmet. Channel your focus to capture authentic details of the 501st Legion Clone Commander’s helmet in LEGO style. Display your creation on the brick-built stand with a nameplate to complete a wonderful centerpiece that will spark memories of classic Star Wars: The Clone Wars scenes for any fan.

LEGO® Star Wars™ Videos

  • Star Wars

    How to Force-build

    You are on the way to becoming a true Jedi of Brick Film, but there is still much to learn, young Padawan. In this video tutorial, Kamil and his helpers Kalia and Kaden show you how to channel the Force in your Brick Films to create lightsabers (and other LEGO® Star Wars™ models) from thin air!

  • Star Wars

    How to Force-levitate!

    Don’t let boring old gravity keep you down! Check out this video tutorial with Emily and Wes to learn how to become one with the Force and lift your LEGO® Star Wars™ starfighters into the sky, then take awesome Brickphotos!

  • Star Wars

    SW Holiday Short «Obi Wan’s Present for Vader»

  • Star Wars

    How to jump to hyperspace

    You’ve built an awesome LEGO® Star Wars™ starfighter. Your favorite LEGO minifigures are ready to start their next epic mission. But can you help them travel light years through the galaxy in just a few moments? Yes, you can! In this Brick Film video tutorial, Kamil shows you how to jump to hyperspace in your own home!

  • Star Wars

    How to make your characters walk

    Greetings, young Padawan! Animation is an awesome way to bring your brick-built LEGO® Star Wars™ stories to life. Learn lots of cool hacks to create brilliant Brick Films in our new series of video tutorials. In this first video, our Jedi Master of Brickfilm, Kamil Janko, shows you how to get your characters walking (and tumbling!) in a scene. Check it out!

  • Star Wars

    How to play with lights

    Clever lighting can take your LEGO® Star Wars™ Brickphotos to the next level. Watch this video tutorial and get lots of handy tips on how to highlight your hero character, add drama to a scene and help you capture the mood of your story. You’ll be amazed by what you can do with a desk light and some colored paper!

  • Star Wars

    Brickfilm Creator Lesson 4 Jedi_Medium_Family

  • Star Wars

    May the 4th be with you!

    Join the Ewoks and Rebels on Planet Endor for a massive party to celebrate the fall of the Empire! Can Luke Skywalker use the Force to help Wicket create a firework display that no one will ever forget?

  • Star Wars

    Brickfilm Creator Lesson 3 Jedi_Medium

  • Star Wars

    How to create your own VFX

    We all love watching cool Star Wars™ visual effects (or VFX) on screen, don’t we. But how can you make your own at home to build the action in your animated LEGO® Star Wars Brick Film adventures? Join our Yoda of Brick Film, Kamil, for another masterclass where he will show you how to recreate blaster shots with transparent LEGO bricks, plastic wrap, a bit of cardboard and a flashlight!

LEGO® Star Wars™ Games

  • Star Wars

    LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™

    LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ marks the triumphant return of the No. 1 LEGO videogame franchise and immerses fans in the new Star Wars adventure like never before. Players can relive the epic action from the blockbuster film in a way that only LEGO can offer, featuring all of the storylines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, retold through the clever and witty LEGO lens.

    The game will also feature exclusive playable content that takes players on adventures set between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, providing additional insight into the new movie and its characters.

  • Star Wars

    LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga

    The galaxy is yours with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. For the first time ever in a LEGO video game, explore the galaxy your way as you fly to some of the saga’s most legendary locales. Players will relive the epic story of all nine films in the Skywalker Saga, and it all starts with picking the trilogy of their choice to begin the journey. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe like never before.With hundreds of characters and vehicles, players can dive into their favorite Star Wars moments in an all-new way, complete with the hilarious LEGO brand of fun that’s sure to delight players of all ages.Journey to a galaxy far, far away with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga.

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