Инструкция комбо модели лего бионикл 2015

Many of the sets of the BIONICLE line could be rebuilt into Combiners and Alternate Models. These models reused the pieces from one or more BIONICLE sets to construct an additional figure. Instructions for combiners and alternate models were released in various formats, such as being included within instruction manuals, being posted online, being featured in magazines published by LEGO, and more.


The six canister sets released in 2001, the Toa, were split into two sets of three, with instructions for a combiner model using parts from the three sets, depicting a Toa Kaita, split between their three instruction manuals. This precedent of two combiner models consisting of three sets each would be followed by many lines of canister sets in the future.

The large sets of 2001, the Rahi, each contained instructions for an alternate model that used the pieces from the set’s two similar figures to create a larger model.

Instructions for other models that could be built using sets from 2001 were released in LEGO Mania magazines and on the LEGO Club’s website.

Some combiner models, such as the Turaga Nui and Matoran Nui, were depicted on box art or promotional images, but official instructions were never released.

Finally, the Turaga sets that were released as a part of the Kabaya promotion included instructions for an additional combiner model and images depicting other variations of that model.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2001 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2001 Online Combiner Model


2001 Magazine Combiner Models


2001 Image Combiner Models


2001 Kabaya Combiner Models

Alternate Models

Instruction Manuals

2001 Instruction Manuals Alternate Models


The combiner models from Bionicle’s second year followed many of the same patterns as the first. The instruction booklets of the year’s canister sets again contained steps to combine three sets into a Kaita, and each of the standard large sets included instructions for an alternate model.

Under the banner of Inspired by BIONICLE, instructions were released for many models that combined pieces from various Bohrok and Bohrok Va sets on the LEGO Club website. These models depicted various fauna found on the island of Mata Nui. Two other models, the Ranama and Kirikori Nui, were part of the Inspired by BIONICLE series, but they required pieces from a wide range of sets to construct and were not considered combiner models. Additionally, instructions for Bohrok Va Kaita were released on the LEGO Club website independently of the Inspired by BIONICLE series.

Another Kabaya promotion featuring Bohrok Va sets, like the Turaga sets the year before, included instructions for a combiner featuring the four Kabaya sets and depicted two other similar models. Instructions for a unique combiner model built from two Bohrok sets were also released on a Japanese website.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2002 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2002 Online Combiner Models
Inspired by BIONICLE
2002 Inspired by BIONICLE Online Combiner Models


2002 Kabaya Combiner Models


2002 Japanese Combiner Model

Alternate Models

Instruction Manuals

2002 Instruction Manual Alternate Models


Inspired by BIONICLE
2002 Inspired by BIONICLE Online Alternate Model


As in prior years, the two waves of canister sets of 2003 included instructions to build Bohrok-Kal Kaita and Rahkshi Kaita, respectively. However, the large sets contained instructions for combiner models that used parts from multiple large sets, instead of alternate models. The component sets of one of these large combiners were specially packaged and released as set 3287 Takutanuva. A special edition of this set, set 10201 Takutanuva, was also released.

An image on the back of the boxes of the Matoran sets released this year depicted another combiner model, consisting of two figures, but official instructions were never released.

Kabaya promotional releases of Matoran sets and Rahkshi bundles included instructions for additional combiner models. This was the final year in which combiner models were released in this manner.

BIONICLE 14: At Last — Takanuva! showcased a model built out of three Rahkshi sets inspired by Japanese aesthetics, selected from a gallery of four other models.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2003 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2003 Image Combiner Model


Inspired by BIONICLE
2003 Inspired by BIONICLE Online Combiner Models
2003 Korean Combiner Models


2003 Kabaya Combiner Models


The canister sets of 2004 once again featured instructions to combine three sets into a larger model; however, unlike in previous years, these larger figures did not represent a fusion of their component sets’ characters within the storyline. Instead, the canister sets’ combiners depicted various creatures and Vahki variants that could be found in and around Metru Nui. The three large sets also included instructions to build a titanic combiner model, Ultimate Dume, which was also released as a stand-alone set, 10202 Ultimate Dume. For the first time, the year’s small sets also included printed instructions to combine three sets into a new model.

Instructions to build another combiner model, depicting the Lohrak, were released within the LEGO Magazine in late 2004.

There was also a unique method of releasing a combiner model in 2004. The last pages of BIONICLE Adventures 3: The Darkness Below contained a series of black-and-white photographs illustrating how to build Krahka by combining pieces from the six Toa Metru sets, albeit without providing a great level of detail. A colored image of this model was later included as a part of the book BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts in 2005, but more detailed instructions were never released.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2004 Instruction Manual Combiner Models

Retail Release

2004 Retail Release Combiner Model


2004 Magazine Combiner Model



In a significant change from previous years, canister sets from 2005 included instructions to build combiner models that used pieces from only two sets, not the traditional three. This meant that three different combiner models were featured in the instruction manuals for each line of canister sets, not the usual two. Additionally, instructions were released on the LEGO Club website for two more models per line of canister sets that could be built using the parts from three different sets, like in past years.

Combiner models that used the pieces from the small sets of 2005, the Rahaga, were depicted on the backs of their boxes. Instructions for these models were later released on the LEGO Club website.

This year’s large sets included instructions for combiner models that incorporated parts from two of the three large sets. A combiner model composed of all three large sets, 10203 Voporak, was also released. Unlike 10201 Takutanuva and 10202 Ultimate Dume, 10203 Voporak contained a unique manual with building instructions that could not be found in the manuals of its component sets.

Instructions for a model that combined pieces from all six Visorak sets were released in a BrickMaster magazine.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2005 Instruction Manual Combiner Models
2005 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2005 Online Combiner Models

Retail Release

2005 Retail Release Combiner Model


2005 Magazine Combiner Model

Alternate Models

Alternate models for each of the Playsets released in 2005 were featured on the back of the sets respective boxes. However, no official instructions were ever released, nor did they appear in the story.


2005 Playset Alternate Models


The winter sets of 2006 were the last of the first generation of BIONICLE to include instructions for combiner models within their manuals. Instructions for three models each composed of two Piraka canister sets were released, along with two other models that each used the parts from three small Matoran sets. Another combiner model, Botar, was advertised on the boxes and instruction manuals of some of 2006’s large sets, but its instructions could only be found online.

Instructions for two models, depicting a Protodax and a Caravan Crawler, were released in 2006 BrickMaster magazines. Another model, Toa Jovan, was featured in the standard LEGO Magazine, but instructions were only included in European editions of the magazine. Toa Jovan’s instructions were also released online for worldwide use.

Two combiner models, 8626 Irnakk and 10204 Vezon & Kardas, were released as sets for retail with unique instruction manuals, like 10203 Voporak the year before. 8626 Irnakk also included a golden spine and a few other additional pieces that were required to build the model but were not included with its component sets.

Two Korean set collections, each containing three Piraka sets, also contained instructions for a combiner model that was very similar, but not identical, to Irnakk.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2006 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2006 Online Combiner Model

Retail Release

2006 Retail Release Combiner Model


2006 Magazine Combiner Models


2006 Korean Combiner Models

Alternate Models

Like the previous year, alternate models were featured on the back of boxes for each 2006 Playset. No official instructions were ever released, and the models do not have any storyline significance.


2006 Playset Alternate Models


Compared to previous years, relatively few combiner models were released during the last four years of BIONICLE’s first run. In 2007, instructions for three combiner models, all built from three or four of that year’s canister sets, were released in BrickMaster magazines. Alternate models were also shown in the back of the instruction booklets of the year’s playsets, although official instructions were never released.

Combiner Models


2007 Magazine Combiner Models

Alternate Models

2007’s Playsets featured alternate models. Much like the two preceeding years, instructions were never released. These models were shown at the end of the respective set’s instruction manual.


2007 Playset Alternate Models


In 2008, instructions for one combiner model were released in BrickMaster magazines, and another 2008 edition of BrickMaster contained a code that could be used online to access instructions for a second model, although the instructions were also freely available on BIONICLE’s website. Another model, depicting Spiriah, was featured in the standard LEGO Magazine, but its instructions, too, were only available online. Instructions for a fourth combiner model for 2008 were also released on the LEGO Club website.

Combiner Models


2008 Online Combiner Models


2008 Magazine Combiner Model

Alternate Models

An alternate model for the large vehicle set 8942 Jetrax T6 was advertised in the LEGO Club magazine. The magazine included a code that could be entered on the LEGO Club website to access the instructions required to construct the model.


2008 Online Alternate Model


Only one combiner model was released for BIONICLE in 2009. Its instructions were included in a BrickMaster magazine.

Combiner Models


2009 Magazine Combiner Model


In 2010, a combiner model that used pieces from all six sets of the BIONICLE Stars line was first revealed on the back cover of BIONICLE Glatorian 7: Rebirth, included in the March/April edition of the LEGO Club magazine. Instructions were later made available on the BIONICLE website. Additionally, 7116 Tahu could be combined with the golden pieces featured in each of the six sets to create the «Golden BIONICLE,» depicting Tahu wearing the Golden Armor.

Combiner Models


2010 Featured Combiner Model


2010 Online Combiner Model


The return of BIONICLE in 2015 was accompanied by the release of numerous combiner models. The instruction manuals of each Toa and Protector set advertised a power-up feature, where each Protector’s weapons could be added to the Toa of the same element. Instructions for these power-up models were located on the BIONICLE website.

Two other Protector-Toa combiner models, which were more complex than the power-up models and required major disassembly (like most other combiner models), were featured in LEGO Club magazines. Instructions for both were released on the LEGO Club website, but one required a Club Code from the magazines. These models also appeared in BIONICLE: Mask of Creation. The iOS version also featured a combination of 70781 Protector of Earth and 70789 Onua – Master of Earth, but no instructions or images of the physical model were ever released.

Two combiner models composed of Skull Creature sets have been advertised on the boxes and instruction manuals of their component sets. Instructions for the models were located on the BIONICLE website.

Combiner Models


2015 Online Combiner Models
Power-Up Models
2015 Power-Up «Combiner» Models


While the ability to combine a Creature set and a Uniter set was a heavily advertised feature of the Winter 2016 wave, no traditional combiner models that required sets to be rebuilt were shown in instruction manuals or on product packaging. However, in March 2016, the instructions for two combiner models called TwoToa, which each incorporated the pieces of two Uniter sets, were released on the LEGO Club website. The Summer 2016 wave featured a combiner made up of four of the five sets: Umarak the Destroyer and the three Elemental Beasts. Two other models, the Shadow Spawn and Makuta, were part of BIONICLE: The Journey to One series. However, instructions were never officially released by LEGO. Additionally, the Makuta model uses a prototype mold for the Mask of Ultimate Power, which was never made available in sets.

Combiner Models


2016 Online Combiner Models

The Journey to One

2016 The Journey to One Combiner Models
BIONICLE Combiner and Alternate Models of 2002
Combiner Model Akamai Nuva | Wairuha Nuva | Bohrok Kaita Za (Va) | Bohrok Kaita Ja (Va) | Ghekula | Keras | Hapaka | Mata Nui Fishing Bird | Pokawi | Infernavika | Bohrok Va Kaita (Kabaya) (Recombination 1) (Recombination 2) | «Fusion Bohrok»
Alternate Model «Boxor Walker» | «Exo-Raptor» | «Bahrag Spider» | Waikiru
Other Models Ranama | Kirikori Nui

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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:10 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
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Список инструкций всех наборов второго поколения BIONICLE.

См. также:

  • Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G1 (2001-2010)


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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:22 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Каменный Защитник
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Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 22, 2015 7:49 pm
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А когда появились инструкции к расширенным Таху и Копаке 2015? Что-то я их не встречал раньше. :shock:

Он смотрит на тебя, как на более крупное Рахи.



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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:23 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Морской Воин
Морской Воин
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Зарегистрирован: Сб фев 18, 2012 4:38 pm
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Мое увожение за старание. Шедоу спавна даже соберу мб, у него спина ужасная, но выглядит он прикольно
Да и все равно Умарака с Онуа уже пришлось по большей части разобрать на детали, как раз из остатка выйдет этот паря.

Не леди Эмбер с:

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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:29 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
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Ниазеск писал(а):

А когда появились инструкции к расширенным Таху и Копаке 2015? Что-то я их не встречал раньше. :shock:

В журнале лего публиковали коды, с помощью которых в лего-клубе можно было посмотреть инструкции этих комбайнеров.



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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:54 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

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Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 01, 2015 1:21 am
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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 11:02 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
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Globus писал(а):

Дайте уже человеку ЭС




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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 11:04 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

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Зарегистрирован: Сб май 16, 2015 1:05 pm
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Полностью согласен с Эмбером. Ах, а какие прекрасные стихи он писал!

Те, кто не испытывают сомнений и не знают раскаяния, никогда не вырвутся из этого круга.

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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 9:48 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
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Добавлены инструкции промо-наборов: злодейского полибега и черепного скорпиона.



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СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 10:06 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Каменный Защитник
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Зарегистрирован: Вт дек 08, 2015 12:59 pm
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СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:02 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Повелитель Воздуха
Повелитель Воздуха
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Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 05, 2013 8:24 pm
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Ребят, в 2015 вышли неканоничные альтернативные комбайнеры Таху и Копаки. Насколько я знаю, они из игры bionicle mask of creation. Вопрос, к хвостатому комбайнеру Онуа инстра так и не появилась ?






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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:08 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
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kagarak писал(а):

Ребят, в 2015 вышли неканоничные альтернативные комбайнеры Таху и Копаки. Насколько я знаю, они из игры bionicle mask of creation. Вопрос, к хвостатому комбайнеру Онуа инстра так и не появилась ?

Ты имеешь в виду Shadow Spawn?



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Александр Великий

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:17 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Управляющий Стихией Воды
Управляющий Стихией Воды
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Зарегистрирован: Сб окт 25, 2008 3:18 pm
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Eddy Gould писал(а):

kagarak писал(а):

Ребят, в 2015 вышли неканоничные альтернативные комбайнеры Таху и Копаки. Насколько я знаю, они из игры bionicle mask of creation. Вопрос, к хвостатому комбайнеру Онуа инстра так и не появилась ?

Ты имеешь в виду Shadow Spawn?


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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:21 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

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Александр Великий писал(а):

В первый раз такое вижу. Странно, что для него не выпустили инструкции. А другие неканоничные комбайнеры имеются?



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Александр Великий

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:26 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Управляющий Стихией Воды
Управляющий Стихией Воды
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: Сб окт 25, 2008 3:18 pm
Сообщения: 23607
Откуда: Оренбургская область, город Орск
Пол: Мужской

Элементарная Сила:

Не в сети

Eddy Gould писал(а):

Александр Великий писал(а):

В первый раз такое вижу. Странно, что для него не выпустили инструкции. А другие неканоничные комбайнеры имеются?

Такого рода — нет.


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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:37 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Обладающий Стихией Камня
Обладающий Стихией Камня
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

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Александр Великий писал(а):

Такого рода — нет.

А просто неканоничные персонажи? Я помню что-то вроде синего Култы или красного Башера.



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LEGO® Lego Bionicle sets are a great childrens toy. They can be great if you can pick them
up in a toy sale, or in the childrens toy section of sites like eBay. Children have loved playing with Lego for many years.
They are the kind of toy that will last forever. The Lego Bionicle sets are a great series
that are sure to bring lots of enjoyment for your children.

To view the Lego Bionicle instructions for a particular set,
click on the thumbnail image or title of that set.

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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:10 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

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Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
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Список инструкций всех наборов второго поколения BIONICLE.

См. также:

  • Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G1 (2001-2010)


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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:22 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Вт сен 22, 2015 7:49 pm
Сообщения: 587
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
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А когда появились инструкции к расширенным Таху и Копаке 2015? Что-то я их не встречал раньше. :shock:

Он смотрит на тебя, как на более крупное Рахи.



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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:23 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Сб фев 18, 2012 4:38 pm
Сообщения: 1647
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Мое увожение за старание. Шедоу спавна даже соберу мб, у него спина ужасная, но выглядит он прикольно
Да и все равно Умарака с Онуа уже пришлось по большей части разобрать на детали, как раз из остатка выйдет этот паря.

Не леди Эмбер с:

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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:29 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

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Ниазеск писал(а):

А когда появились инструкции к расширенным Таху и Копаке 2015? Что-то я их не встречал раньше. :shock:

В журнале лего публиковали коды, с помощью которых в лего-клубе можно было посмотреть инструкции этих комбайнеров.



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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 10:54 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 01, 2015 1:21 am
Сообщения: 3502
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Дайте уже человеку ЭС



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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 11:02 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

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Globus писал(а):

Дайте уже человеку ЭС




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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт авг 05, 2016 11:04 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Сб май 16, 2015 1:05 pm
Сообщения: 4150
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Полностью согласен с Эмбером. Ах, а какие прекрасные стихи он писал!

Те, кто не испытывают сомнений и не знают раскаяния, никогда не вырвутся из этого круга.

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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 9:48 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

Элементарная Сила:

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Добавлены инструкции промо-наборов: злодейского полибега и черепного скорпиона.



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СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 10:06 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Вт дек 08, 2015 12:59 pm
Сообщения: 344
Откуда: Из «Северной Столицы»
Пол: Мужской

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Элементарную силу автору!


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СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:02 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Вт фев 05, 2013 8:24 pm
Сообщения: 2492
Пол: Мужской

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Ребят, в 2015 вышли неканоничные альтернативные комбайнеры Таху и Копаки. Насколько я знаю, они из игры bionicle mask of creation. Вопрос, к хвостатому комбайнеру Онуа инстра так и не появилась ?






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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:08 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

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kagarak писал(а):

Ребят, в 2015 вышли неканоничные альтернативные комбайнеры Таху и Копаки. Насколько я знаю, они из игры bionicle mask of creation. Вопрос, к хвостатому комбайнеру Онуа инстра так и не появилась ?

Ты имеешь в виду Shadow Spawn?



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Александр Великий

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:17 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Сб окт 25, 2008 3:18 pm
Сообщения: 23452
Откуда: Оренбургская область, город Орск
Пол: Мужской

Элементарная Сила:

Не в сети

Eddy Gould писал(а):

kagarak писал(а):

Ребят, в 2015 вышли неканоничные альтернативные комбайнеры Таху и Копаки. Насколько я знаю, они из игры bionicle mask of creation. Вопрос, к хвостатому комбайнеру Онуа инстра так и не появилась ?

Ты имеешь в виду Shadow Spawn?


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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:21 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

Элементарная Сила:

Не в сети

Александр Великий писал(а):

В первый раз такое вижу. Странно, что для него не выпустили инструкции. А другие неканоничные комбайнеры имеются?



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Александр Великий

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:26 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Сб окт 25, 2008 3:18 pm
Сообщения: 23452
Откуда: Оренбургская область, город Орск
Пол: Мужской

Элементарная Сила:

Не в сети

Eddy Gould писал(а):

Александр Великий писал(а):

В первый раз такое вижу. Странно, что для него не выпустили инструкции. А другие неканоничные комбайнеры имеются?

Такого рода — нет.


[Обзоры и фотосеты от ПП] [Мой рассказ]
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Eddy Gould

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс авг 07, 2016 11:37 pm 

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Список всех инструкций наборов BIONICLE G2 (2015-2016)

Зарегистрирован: Чт апр 14, 2011 3:48 am
Сообщения: 13686
Пол: Мужской

Элементарная Сила:

Не в сети

Александр Великий писал(а):

Такого рода — нет.

А просто неканоничные персонажи? Я помню что-то вроде синего Култы или красного Башера.



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Many of the sets of the BIONICLE line could be rebuilt into Combiners and Alternate Models. These models reused the pieces from one or more BIONICLE sets to construct an additional figure. Instructions for combiners and alternate models were released in various formats, such as being included within instruction manuals, being posted online, being featured in magazines published by LEGO, and more.


The six canister sets released in 2001, the Toa, were split into two sets of three, with instructions for a combiner model using parts from the three sets, depicting a Toa Kaita, split between their three instruction manuals. This precedent of two combiner models consisting of three sets each would be followed by many lines of canister sets in the future.

The large sets of 2001, the Rahi, each contained instructions for an alternate model that used the pieces from the set’s two similar figures to create a larger model.

Instructions for other models that could be built using sets from 2001 were released in LEGO Mania magazines and on the LEGO Club’s website.

Some combiner models, such as the Turaga Nui and Matoran Nui, were depicted on box art or promotional images, but official instructions were never released.

Finally, the Turaga sets that were released as a part of the Kabaya promotion included instructions for an additional combiner model and images depicting other variations of that model.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2001 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2001 Online Combiner Model


2001 Magazine Combiner Models


2001 Image Combiner Models


2001 Kabaya Combiner Models

Alternate Models

Instruction Manuals

2001 Instruction Manuals Alternate Models


The combiner models from Bionicle’s second year followed many of the same patterns as the first. The instruction booklets of the year’s canister sets again contained steps to combine three sets into a Kaita, and each of the standard large sets included instructions for an alternate model.

Under the banner of Inspired by BIONICLE, instructions were released for many models that combined pieces from various Bohrok and Bohrok Va sets on the LEGO Club website. These models depicted various fauna found on the island of Mata Nui. Two other models, the Ranama and Kirikori Nui, were part of the Inspired by BIONICLE series, but they required pieces from a wide range of sets to construct and were not considered combiner models. Additionally, instructions for Bohrok Va Kaita were released on the LEGO Club website independently of the Inspired by BIONICLE series.

Another Kabaya promotion featuring Bohrok Va sets, like the Turaga sets the year before, included instructions for a combiner featuring the four Kabaya sets and depicted two other similar models. Instructions for a unique combiner model built from two Bohrok sets were also released on a Japanese website.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2002 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2002 Online Combiner Models
Inspired by BIONICLE
2002 Inspired by BIONICLE Online Combiner Models


2002 Kabaya Combiner Models


2002 Japanese Combiner Model

Alternate Models

Instruction Manuals

2002 Instruction Manual Alternate Models


Inspired by BIONICLE
2002 Inspired by BIONICLE Online Alternate Model


As in prior years, the two waves of canister sets of 2003 included instructions to build Bohrok-Kal Kaita and Rahkshi Kaita, respectively. However, the large sets contained instructions for combiner models that used parts from multiple large sets, instead of alternate models. The component sets of one of these large combiners were specially packaged and released as set 3287 Takutanuva. A special edition of this set, set 10201 Takutanuva, was also released.

An image on the back of the boxes of the Matoran sets released this year depicted another combiner model, consisting of two figures, but official instructions were never released.

Kabaya promotional releases of Matoran sets and Rahkshi bundles included instructions for additional combiner models. This was the final year in which combiner models were released in this manner.

BIONICLE 14: At Last — Takanuva! showcased a model built out of three Rahkshi sets inspired by Japanese aesthetics, selected from a gallery of four other models.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2003 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2003 Image Combiner Model


Inspired by BIONICLE
2003 Inspired by BIONICLE Online Combiner Models
2003 Korean Combiner Models


2003 Kabaya Combiner Models


The canister sets of 2004 once again featured instructions to combine three sets into a larger model; however, unlike in previous years, these larger figures did not represent a fusion of their component sets’ characters within the storyline. Instead, the canister sets’ combiners depicted various creatures and Vahki variants that could be found in and around Metru Nui. The three large sets also included instructions to build a titanic combiner model, Ultimate Dume, which was also released as a stand-alone set, 10202 Ultimate Dume. For the first time, the year’s small sets also included printed instructions to combine three sets into a new model.

Instructions to build another combiner model, depicting the Lohrak, were released within the LEGO Magazine in late 2004.

There was also a unique method of releasing a combiner model in 2004. The last pages of BIONICLE Adventures 3: The Darkness Below contained a series of black-and-white photographs illustrating how to build Krahka by combining pieces from the six Toa Metru sets, albeit without providing a great level of detail. A colored image of this model was later included as a part of the book BIONICLE: Rahi Beasts in 2005, but more detailed instructions were never released.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2004 Instruction Manual Combiner Models

Retail Release

2004 Retail Release Combiner Model


2004 Magazine Combiner Model



In a significant change from previous years, canister sets from 2005 included instructions to build combiner models that used pieces from only two sets, not the traditional three. This meant that three different combiner models were featured in the instruction manuals for each line of canister sets, not the usual two. Additionally, instructions were released on the LEGO Club website for two more models per line of canister sets that could be built using the parts from three different sets, like in past years.

Combiner models that used the pieces from the small sets of 2005, the Rahaga, were depicted on the backs of their boxes. Instructions for these models were later released on the LEGO Club website.

This year’s large sets included instructions for combiner models that incorporated parts from two of the three large sets. A combiner model composed of all three large sets, 10203 Voporak, was also released. Unlike 10201 Takutanuva and 10202 Ultimate Dume, 10203 Voporak contained a unique manual with building instructions that could not be found in the manuals of its component sets.

Instructions for a model that combined pieces from all six Visorak sets were released in a BrickMaster magazine.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2005 Instruction Manual Combiner Models
2005 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2005 Online Combiner Models

Retail Release

2005 Retail Release Combiner Model


2005 Magazine Combiner Model

Alternate Models

Alternate models for each of the Playsets released in 2005 were featured on the back of the sets respective boxes. However, no official instructions were ever released, nor did they appear in the story.


2005 Playset Alternate Models


The winter sets of 2006 were the last of the first generation of BIONICLE to include instructions for combiner models within their manuals. Instructions for three models each composed of two Piraka canister sets were released, along with two other models that each used the parts from three small Matoran sets. Another combiner model, Botar, was advertised on the boxes and instruction manuals of some of 2006’s large sets, but its instructions could only be found online.

Instructions for two models, depicting a Protodax and a Caravan Crawler, were released in 2006 BrickMaster magazines. Another model, Toa Jovan, was featured in the standard LEGO Magazine, but instructions were only included in European editions of the magazine. Toa Jovan’s instructions were also released online for worldwide use.

Two combiner models, 8626 Irnakk and 10204 Vezon & Kardas, were released as sets for retail with unique instruction manuals, like 10203 Voporak the year before. 8626 Irnakk also included a golden spine and a few other additional pieces that were required to build the model but were not included with its component sets.

Two Korean set collections, each containing three Piraka sets, also contained instructions for a combiner model that was very similar, but not identical, to Irnakk.

Combiner Models

Instruction Manuals

2006 Instruction Manual Combiner Models


2006 Online Combiner Model

Retail Release

2006 Retail Release Combiner Model


2006 Magazine Combiner Models


2006 Korean Combiner Models

Alternate Models

Like the previous year, alternate models were featured on the back of boxes for each 2006 Playset. No official instructions were ever released, and the models do not have any storyline significance.


2006 Playset Alternate Models


Compared to previous years, relatively few combiner models were released during the last four years of BIONICLE’s first run. In 2007, instructions for three combiner models, all built from three or four of that year’s canister sets, were released in BrickMaster magazines. Alternate models were also shown in the back of the instruction booklets of the year’s playsets, although official instructions were never released.

Combiner Models


2007 Magazine Combiner Models

Alternate Models

2007’s Playsets featured alternate models. Much like the two preceeding years, instructions were never released. These models were shown at the end of the respective set’s instruction manual.


2007 Playset Alternate Models


In 2008, instructions for one combiner model were released in BrickMaster magazines, and another 2008 edition of BrickMaster contained a code that could be used online to access instructions for a second model, although the instructions were also freely available on BIONICLE’s website. Another model, depicting Spiriah, was featured in the standard LEGO Magazine, but its instructions, too, were only available online. Instructions for a fourth combiner model for 2008 were also released on the LEGO Club website.

Combiner Models


2008 Online Combiner Models


2008 Magazine Combiner Model

Alternate Models

An alternate model for the large vehicle set 8942 Jetrax T6 was advertised in the LEGO Club magazine. The magazine included a code that could be entered on the LEGO Club website to access the instructions required to construct the model.


2008 Online Alternate Model


Only one combiner model was released for BIONICLE in 2009. Its instructions were included in a BrickMaster magazine.

Combiner Models


2009 Magazine Combiner Model


In 2010, a combiner model that used pieces from all six sets of the BIONICLE Stars line was first revealed on the back cover of BIONICLE Glatorian 7: Rebirth, included in the March/April edition of the LEGO Club magazine. Instructions were later made available on the BIONICLE website. Additionally, 7116 Tahu could be combined with the golden pieces featured in each of the six sets to create the «Golden BIONICLE,» depicting Tahu wearing the Golden Armor.

Combiner Models


2010 Featured Combiner Model


2010 Online Combiner Model

The return of BIONICLE in 2015 was accompanied by the release of numerous combiner models. The instruction manuals of each Toa and Protector set advertised a power-up feature, where each Protector’s weapons could be added to the Toa of the same element. Instructions for these power-up models were located on the BIONICLE website.

Two other Protector-Toa combiner models, which were more complex than the power-up models and required major disassembly (like most other combiner models), were featured in LEGO Club magazines. Instructions for both were released on the LEGO Club website, but one required a Club Code from the magazines. These models also appeared in BIONICLE: Mask of Creation. The iOS version also featured a combination of 70781 Protector of Earth and 70789 Onua – Master of Earth, but no instructions or images of the physical model were ever released.

Two combiner models composed of Skull Creature sets have been advertised on the boxes and instruction manuals of their component sets. Instructions for the models were located on the BIONICLE website.

Combiner Models


2015 Online Combiner Models
Power-Up Models
2015 Power-Up «Combiner» Models


While the ability to combine a Creature set and a Uniter set was a heavily advertised feature of the Winter 2016 wave, no traditional combiner models that required sets to be rebuilt were shown in instruction manuals or on product packaging. However, in March 2016, the instructions for two combiner models called TwoToa, which each incorporated the pieces of two Uniter sets, were released on the LEGO Club website. The Summer 2016 wave featured a combiner made up of four of the five sets: Umarak the Destroyer and the three Elemental Beasts. Two other models, the Shadow Spawn and Makuta, were part of BIONICLE: The Journey to One series. However, instructions were never officially released by LEGO. Additionally, the Makuta model uses a prototype mold for the Mask of Ultimate Power, which was never made available in sets.

Combiner Models


2016 Online Combiner Models

The Journey to One

2016 The Journey to One Combiner Models
BIONICLE Combiner and Alternate Models of 2002
Combiner Model Akamai Nuva | Wairuha Nuva | Bohrok Kaita Za (Va) | Bohrok Kaita Ja (Va) | Ghekula | Keras | Hapaka | Mata Nui Fishing Bird | Pokawi | Infernavika | Bohrok Va Kaita (Kabaya) (Recombination 1) (Recombination 2) | «Fusion Bohrok»
Alternate Model «Boxor Walker» | «Exo-Raptor» | «Bahrag Spider» | Waikiru
Other Models Ranama | Kirikori Nui

Коллекция конструктора LEGO «Bionicle» это удивительное совмещение конструирования и многофункциональности собранных моделей. Первые наборы были выпущены еще в 2001 году и сразу же завоевали высокую популярность среди экшен-фигур. Это произошло благодаря разнообразию героев и четко продуманной сюжетной линии. За основу коллекции изготовителями была выбрана необычная и увлекательная история, в которой есть 3 добродетели: судьба, единство и долг.

«SLIZERS» и «ROBORIDERS» были предшественниками «Bionicle», они частично отдали свой образ этим игрушкам с некоторыми элементами и похожим дизайном. Невероятный успех коллекции «Bionicle» убедил компанию LEGO в дальнейшем продвижении конструкторов во всех сферах.

Захватывающий мир Биониклов

В  «Bionicle» играют уже более 15 лет. И, несмотря на то, что коллекция создана для детей 6-12 лет, у нее есть большое количество взрослых поклонников. Данная серия игрушек завоевала популярность среди взрослых людей благодаря своим безграничным возможностям вымышленного мира, который окутывает всю коллекцию.

Фантастические образы, технические возможности, параллельные миры, вымышленные вселенные, борьба добра и зла не оставят равнодушными ни детей, ни взрослых. Благодаря взрослым фанатам у коллекции «Бионикл» появились собственные фан-форумы и фан-клубы, на которых люди ведут дискуссии о возможностях персонажей, неожиданных поворотах сюжета и даже создают собственных героев.


Последние наборы «Бионикл» компания выпустила в 2016 году и не перестает радовать поклонников новыми моделями. В состав наборов вошли 13 моделей, которые содержат в себе «Стражей Стихий», «Повелителей Стихий» и их паукообразных противников.

Новые экшен-фигуры созданы из деталей, которые совсем не похожи на «Бионикл» тех лет. У новинок элементы «Техник» заменены бронёй и креплениями из линии «Лего Фабрика Героев». Разработчики уверены, что благодаря новому дизайну покупатели смогут быстро освоиться среди новых персонажей и поучаствовать в новой эпической борьбе между добром и злом.

Преимущества коллекции «Бионикл»

Сказочный мир очутился на пороге войны, и его повелители объединились в борьбе против бесстрашного чудовища паучьего семейства. В игре необходимо выбрать представителя одной из стихий и победить противника, чтобы получить право обладать волшебной маской силы. Интригует, не правда ли? Не удивительно, завораживающий жанр полностью соответствует своему названию.

Лего «Бионикл» не позволит вам скучать:

  1. Экипировку героев и сюжетную линию можно менять.
  2. Разнообразие и множество деталей заставит потрудиться над созданием своего робота.
  3. Игра в команде может повернуть сюжет в новое неожиданное русло.
  4. Для совместного введения военных действий представители разных стихий могут объединяться в группы.
  5. Разнообразие игровых коллекций подскажет новые направления игры в борьбе за власть.

Серию «Bionicle» часто связывают с коллекцией «Техник», из-за применения уникальных крепёжных деталей, а также возможности объединения или трансформации собранных героев. Но это совсем не так. Сюжет «Бионикл» является гораздо интересней и глубже, чем просто создание собственных моделей.

Большим преимуществом в коллекции «Bionicle» является функциональная упаковка. Канистры, в которых были выпущены герои, играют важную роль и совмещают между собой героев разных подсерий.

За все время компания Лего успела выпустить около 267 наборов, и с помощью уникальных упаковок можно легко определить из какой Вселенной прибыл Бионикл и к какому клану он относится.

Наборы LEGO из коллекции «Бионикл», — это завораживающая игра, с помощью которой вы сможете перенестись в другие волшебные страны, загадочные планеты и неизведанные миры.

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