Ингалятор microlife neb 50 инструкция по применению видео

EN: Read the instructions carefully before using this device.

FR: Veuillez lire attentivement les instructions avant d‘utiliser ce produit.

ES: Lea atentamente las instrucciones antes de utilizar este dispositivo.

DE: Vor Verwendung Bedienungsanleitung genau studieren.

RU: Перед использованием прибора внимательно прочтите данное руководство.

PL: Przed rozpoczęciem eksploatacji należy dokładnie zapoznać się z niniejszą

instrukcją obsługi.

HU: Az eszköz használata előtt gondosan olvassa végig ezt az útmutatót.

CZ: Před použitím tohoto výrobku si pečlivě přečtěte návod.

SK: Pred použitím prístroja si pozorne prečítajte návod.


Microlife AG

Espenstrasse 139

9443 Widnau / Switzerland

Tel. +41 / 71 727 70 30

Fax +41 / 71 727 70 39

Email admin@microlife.ch


IB NEB 50 V9-1 3111

Microlife NEB 50


Small Compressor Nebuliser

Instruction Manual (1-6)


Nebulisateur portable à compression

Mode d’emploi (7-12)


Nebulizador compacto para inhalación

Manual de instrucciones (13-18)


Kompaktes Inhalationsgerät

Bedienungsanleitung (19-24)


Компрессорный ингалятор компактный

Руководство для пользователей



Kompaktowe urządzenie inhalacyjne

Instrukcja używania



Kisméretű kompresszoros inhalátor

Kezelési útmutató



Malý kompresorový inhalátor

Návod k obsluze



Malý kompresorový inhalátor

Návod na obsluhu


Microlife NEB 50

Nebuliser kit holder

Short Instruction







Nebuliser Kit

Correct Assembly


Medicine cup

Small Compressor Nebuliser


Instruction Manual

Table of contents

1. Introduction

2. Preparation and usage of the device

3. Cleaning

4. Maintenance, care, and service

5. Malfunctions and actions to take

6. Additional safety instructions

7. Guarantee

8. Technical specifications

Device symbols


ON (power) Attention: Read the instructions carefully


OFF (power) Alternating current


Type B Class II

Separate collection


Respironics New Jersey, Inc.

5 Wood Hollow Road

Parsippany, NJ 07054 / USA

Respironics Deutschland GmbH

Gewerbestrasse 17

82211 Herrsching / Germany

1065620 Rev 01

1. Introduction

Your new Microlife nebuliser is a high-quality device for inhalation therapy for

asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses.

The device is capable of generating a medication mist of particles that are small

enough to reach even the deepest regions of your lungs and be of maximal benefit.

Please only use the medication prescribed to you by your doctor and follow your

doctor’s instructions with regard to dosage, duration, and frequency of the therapy. For

safety reasons, the device and all its accessories should only be used by one person.

The operation and usage of the device is very straightforward. All common liquid

medication can be used for inhalation therapy.

Electromagnetic information: Portable and RF communication devices such as

cellular phones, pagers, etc. can interrupt operation of electrical medical equipment.

For this reason, your compressor must be placed far enough away from these devices

to prevent interference. This device meets IEC60601-1-2 standard for electromagnetic

compatibility (EMC).

Prior to using the device, please read this manual carefully and retain it in a safe

place for future reference.

The figure shows the Microlife inhalation device:



Medicine cup

Power cord

Face mask, adult

Face mask, child

Compressor / Device

Air hose (tubing)


Air filter compartment

located at bottom side

Nebuliser kit holder


2. Preparation and usage of the device

Prior to using the device for the first time, we recommend cleaning it as per the

instructions in this manual.

Please refer to the foldout page with the figures on the correct usage of the device at

the beginning of the manual. Do not use the device if you think it is damaged or notice

anything unusual.

1. Assemble the nebuliser as shown in the figures. Ensure that all parts are complete.

2. Fill the nebuliser with the inhalation solution as per your doctor’s instructions.

Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum level.

3. Connect the nebuliser to the device using the air hose and then plug the device

into the electricity supply (230V~ / 50Hz).

4. Now switch on the device (I) and place the mouthpiece in the mouth or fit the

mask. Make sure mist is visible, coming from the mouthpiece/mask.

If possible use the mouthpiece as this gives a better drug delivery to the lungs.

However, you may prefer to use the facemask and you will find two sizes are

supplied to suit different size faces. The mask should completely enclose the

mouth and nose areas. Take the mouthpiece between your teeth, surround it with

your lips and breathe in and out slowly through your mouth or place the mask in

position over nose and mouth and breathe slowly in and out through your mouth.

5. During the therapy, breathe in and out calmly. Sit in a relaxed position with the

upper part of the body upright. Stop inhalation if you feel unwell.

6. After completion of the inhalation period recommended by your doctor, please

switch off the device (0) and unplug it from the electricity supply. Disconnect

the tubing and clean the nebulizer using the instructions listed on the Cleaning

instruction section of the Instructions for use.

7. Empty the remaining medication from the nebuliser and clean the device as per

the instructions in this manual.

3. Cleaning

1. Disconnect the nebulizer from the tubing. Unscrew the top from the medicine

cup, rinse out the nebulizer and refill with clean water. Reassemble the top and

medicine cup, reconnect the tubing and run the nebulizer again for a few seconds

to flush out any drug trapped in the nebulizer jets.

2. Take apart the nebulizer.


3. Disconnect the tubing from the medicine cup.

4. Wash all items (except tubing) in hot soapy water.

5. Rinse all parts in clean water. Shake off excess water and allow to air dry. Do not

towel dry.

6. Reassemble the nebulizer and insert into compressor device.

7. Turn on the device and let it run for 5 -10 minutes to dry the components. This

should eliminate any residue which could obstruct the air and medication flow.

Once a week:

1. Disassemble the nebulizer.

2. Boil the nebulizer and mouthpiece in water with 2 -3 drops of dish washing liquid

for 10 minutes.

3. Rinse all parts in clean water for at least 2 minutes.

4. Shake out excess water and allow to air dry.

5. Reassemble and store the nebulizer in a clean place when not in use.

• Never immerse face masks and the air hose into hot water!

• The device must not come into contact with water or heat!

The face mask should be rinsed out with water after use. The device and the air hose

should be wiped out once a day with a clean, moist cloth – the device must not be

plugged into the electricity supply during this process!

It is very important to carefully follow the cleaning and disinfecting instructions

for efficient and safe product performance.

Warning! Clogged jets or improper assembly may prevent proper delivery of


Caution: To reduce the risk of infection, clean and disinfect the nebulizer between


Never use a cleaning brush or put sharp objects into the jet hole or baffle as this will

damage the nebulizer.

4. Maintenance, care, and service

You can procure all necessary spare parts from your dealer or pharmacist, or please

contact Microlife directly for details of your local Microlife supplier.

Use original manufacturer-supplied nebulizers only.

You will find detailed user information on our products and services at www.microlife.com.


We recommend replacing the nebuliser, mouthpiece, and masks after 3 months use.

The filter should be continually checked for

cleanliness and replaced if dirty, or after a

maximum of 3 months use. Spare filters are

provided with the device. To replace the filter,

open the compartment on the bottom side of

the device and exchange the filter as shown.

Use original manufacturer-supplied filters only.

Do not use the device without the filter.

Maintenance and repairs

Never open the device. There are no serviceable parts within the unit. The compressor

requires no lubrication or maintenance.

5. Malfunctions and actions to take

Malfunction Action

The device cannot be

1. Check whether the device is correctly plugged into the

switched on.

electricity supply.

2. The device has switched off automatically due to

overheating. Wait until it has cooled down.

The nebuliser only

1. Check whether the air hose is correctly connected at

functions poorly or

both ends.

not at all.

2. Make sure that the air hose is not kinked or blocked.

3. Check whether the nebuliser is correctly assembled.

4. Make sure that medication has been added.

The service team at Microlife will be pleased to provide assistance if you have any

questions or problems!

6. Additional safety instructions

• Ifthereisvisibledamagetothedeviceorpowercord,pleasestopusingthedevice.


• Thedeviceisonlyallowedtobeusedforthepurposedescribedintheinstructions.The

manufacturer is not liable for damages due to incorrect usage.

• Donotsubjectthedevicetoextremetemperatures,moisture,dustordirectsunlight.

• Nevertrytorepairthedevicebyyourself.Unauthorisedopeningofthedevicewill

render the guarantee void.

• Ensurethatchildrendonotusethedevicewithoutsupervision;somepartsareso

small that they could be swallowed and present a choking hazard.

• Ifthedevicehasreceivedahardknock(fallenonthefloor), you find a malfunction

or damage, or notice something unusual, you should have the device checked by

your national Microlife customer service organisation.

• Donotuseinaventilatorcircuit.

7. Guarantee

This device is guaranteed for 2 years from the date of purchase. The guarantee

covers the device, not the replaceable components like the nebuliser, masks,

mouthpiece, air hose, and filter. The guarantee is void if the device is improperly used

or changes made by third parties. The guarantee is only valid on presentation of the

bill or a guarantee card completed by the dealer or pharmacy you purchased it from.

8. Technical specifications

Nebulisation rate: 0.3 ml/min. (3 ml inhalation takes less than 10 minutes)

Particle size: 1.9 µm (MMAD with 0.9% NaCl using API system) or

4.48 µm (MMD with Salbutamol using Malvern system)

Compressor air flow: 9 l/min.

Acoustic noise level: 58 dBA

Power source: 230 V~, 50 Hz

Power cord length: 2 m

Operating temperature: 10-40°C;10-95%relativehumiditymaximum

Storage temperature: -25-+70°C;10-95%relativehumiditymaximum

Operating limits: 30 min. ON / 30 min. OFF

Weight: 1560 g

Size: 195 mm x 160 mm x 105 mm

Reference to standards: EN60601-1, EN60601-1-2 (EMC)

Performance information provided above may vary for drugs supplied in suspension or

high viscosity form.


ингалятор микролайф neb 50 компрессорный фото

  • Инструкция
  • Аналоги


Комплект содержит:


Детская и взрослая маски


Запасные фильтры

Показания к применению

Для ингаляционной терапии астмы, хронического бронхита и других респираторных заболеваний


  • Очень прост в использовании
  • Очень мелкий размер распыляемых частиц
  • Обеспечивает доступ к нижним отделам легких
  • Мощный поршневой компрессор

В соответствии с требованиями Постановления Правительства РФ от 19.01.1998 N 55 на сайте Народня аптека не осуществляется дистанционная продажа лекарственных средств, медицинских изделий, БАД. Мы строго соблюдаем закон. Поэтому мы не доставляем заказы на дом, а также не осуществляем продажу непосредственно на сайте.

Заказала на сайте неогид. На картинке Он был один а по факту пришёл абсолютно другой ингалятор, Но с таким же названием. Не использовали его вообще, налили воду в трубку чтобы проверить, но он выпускал безумно мало пара который даже не попадал в рот потому что небыло напора. Позвонили в неогид насчет возврата, сказали что приедут эксперты проверит если что Заберут. После чего Никто не приехал, мы звонили на фирму нам сказали что медицинские приборы возврату не подлежат. Обратились в Яндекс Маркет по поводу возврата, после чего нам написали с неогида что что если мы хотим вернуть товар то нам надо с ним приехать к ним в офис чтобы провести экспертную оценку И если всё хорошо то мы должны будем заплатить за эту экспертную оценку, если есть недостатки он не работает то нам вернут деньги. При этом я думаю что они скажут что это всё хорошо и что портак и должен выпускать. Безумно недовольна товаром и магазином неогид никому не посоветую там что-то покупать точка ингалятор стоит просто без дела девать его некуда теперь выброшенные на ветер деньги!!!

Недостатки: Пара выпускает ужасно мало! Он даже не попадает куда надо

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