Indesit wil 1000 ot инструкция на русском

Instructions for use




Installation, 2-3




Unpacking and levelling

Electric and water connections




Technical details

Washing machine description, 4-5

Detergent dispenser



Control panel




Running a wash cycle, 6

Programme table, 7

Detergents and laundry, 8

Preparing your laundry

Special items

Load-balancing system

WIL 1000 OT

Precautions and advice, 9

General safety


Saving energy and respecting the environment

Care and maintenance, 10

Cutting off the water or electricity supply

Cleaning your appliance

Cleaning the detergent dispenser

Caring for your appliance door and drum

Cleaning the pump

Checking the water inlet hose

Troubleshooting, 11

Service, 12

Before calling for Assistance



Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for

Levelling your appliance correctly will provide it with


future reference. Should the appliance be sold,

stability and avoid any vibrations, noise and shifting

transferred or moved, make sure the instruction

during operation. If it is placed on a fitted or loose

manual accompanies the washing machine to inform

carpet, adjust the feet in such a way as to allow

the new owner as to its operation and features.

enough room for ventilation beneath the washing


Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital

information on installation, use and safety.

Electric and water connections

Unpacking and levelling

Connecting the water inlet hose


1. Insert seal A into the

1. Unpack the washing machine.

end of the inlet hose

2. Check whether the washing machine has been

and screw the latter

damaged during transport. If this is the case, do not

onto a cold water tap

install it and contact your retailer.

with a 3/4 gas threaded


mouth (see figure).

3. Remove the 3

Before making the

protective screws and

connection, allow the

the rubber washer with

water to run freely until

the respective spacer,

it is perfectly clear.

situated on the rear of

the appliance (see

2. Connect the other end


of the water inlet hose to

the washing machine,

screwing it onto the

appliance’s cold water

inlet, situated on the top

4. Seal the gaps using the plastic plugs provided.

right-hand side on the

5. Keep all the parts: you will need them again if the

rear of the appliance

washing machine needs to be moved to another

(see figure).


Packaging materials are not children’s toys.

3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the hose.


The water pressure at the tap must be within the

values indicated in the Technical details table

Your machine may make a considerable amount of

(on the next page).

noise if the two front feet have not been adjusted


If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact

1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy floor,

a specialist store or an authorised serviceman.

without resting it up against walls, furniture cabinets

or other.

2. If the floor is not

perfectly level, compen-

sate for any unevenness

by tightening or

loosening the adjustable

front feet (see figure);

the angle of inclination,

measured according to

the worktop, must not

exceed 2°.


Connecting the drain hose

Do not use extensions or multiple sockets.


Connect the drain hose,

The power supply cable must never be bent or

without bending it, to a

dangerously compressed.

draining duct or a wall

drain situated between

The power supply cable must only be replaced by

65 and 100 cm from

an authorised serviceman.

65 — 100 cm

the floor;

Warning! The company denies all liability if and when

these norms are not respected.

alternatively, place it

over the edge of a

basin, sink or tub,

fastening the duct

supplied to the tap (see

figure). The free end of

the hose should not be


We advise against the use of hose extensions; in

case of absolute need, the extension must have the

Technical details

same diameter as the original hose and must not

exceed 150 cm in length.


WIL 1000 OT

Electric connection

59.5 cm wide

Before plugging the appliance into the mains


85 cm high

52.5 cm deep

socket, make sure that:

the socket is earthed and in compliance with the


from 1 to 5 kg

applicable law;


voltage 220/230 Volts 50 Hz

the socket is able to sustain the appliance’s


maximum absorbed power 1850 W

maximum power load indicated in the Technical

maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)

details table (on the right);


minimum pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)


drum capacity 46 litres

the supply voltage is included within the values i

ndicated on the Technical details table

Spin speed

up to 1000 rpm

(on the right);



programme ; TIMER knob «auto»;

the socket is compatible with the washing

according to

run with a load of 5 kg.

machine’s plug. If this is not the case, replace

IEC456 directive

the socket or the plug.

This appliance is compliant with the

following European Community

The washing machine should not be installed in an


outdoor environment, not even when the area is

73/23/CEE of 19/02/73 (Low

sheltered, because it may be very dangerous to

Voltage) and subsequent amendments

leave it exposed to rain and thunderstorms.

89/336/CEE of 03/05/89

(Electromagnetic Compatibility) and

When the washing machine is installed, the mains

subsequent amendments

— 2002/96/CE

socket must be within easy reach.


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Related Manuals for Indesit WIL 1000 OT

Summary of Contents for Indesit WIL 1000 OT

  • Page 1
    Èeský,25 Français,13 English,1 Polski,37 Românã,49 ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ,61…
  • Page 2
    (see figure) (see figure) (see figure) (on the next page) (see figure)
  • Page 3
    (see figure) (on the right) (on the right)
  • Page 4
    (see “Detergents and laundry”).
  • Page 5
    Indicator lights Detergent dispenser Detergent dispenser: (see “Washing machine description”). Indicator lights: (see “Running a wash cycle”). (see “Troubleshooting”).
  • Page 6
    (see table of programmes below). “Detergents and laundry” (see table of programmes below)
  • Page 7
    Nature of fabrics Program- Maximum Maximum Times Wash cycle description and soiling Load (kg) temperature…
  • Page 8
    (see “Washing machine description”).
  • Page 10
    (see figure) (see figure) (see figure)
  • Page 11
    (see “Service”) see “Running a wash cycle”). (see “Installation”) (see “Installation”) (see “Installation”) (see “Installation”) (see “Installation”) (see “Installation”) (see “Installation”) see “Care and maintenance”) (see “Installation”)
  • Page 12
    • (see “Troubleshooting”) • •…
  • Page 14
    (voir figure) (voir figure) (voir figure) (voir page ci-contre) (voir figure)
  • Page 15
    voir figure) voir figure) (voir ci-contre) (voir ci-contre)
  • Page 16
    (voir «Produits lessiviels et linge»).
  • Page 17: Tiroir À Produits Lessiviels

    Voyants Tiroir à produits lessiviels Tiroir à produits lessiviels (voir “Description du lave-linge”) Voyants: (voir “Comment effectuer un cycle de lavage”). (voir page 7) (voir “Anomalies et remèdes”).

  • Page 18
    (voir tableau programmes page suivante). (voir “Produits lessiviels et linge”) (voir tableau programmes page suivante)
  • Page 19
    Nature des textiles Program- Charge Température et degré de Durée Description du cycle de lavage maxi. (kg) maxi. salissure…
  • Page 20
    (voir «Description du lave-linge»).
  • Page 22
    (voir figure) (voir figure) (voir figure)
  • Page 23
    (voir “Assistance”) (voir “Comment effectuer un cycle de lavage”). (voir “Installation”) (voir “Installation”) (voir “Installation”) (voir “Installation”) (voir “Installation”) (voir “Installation”) (voir “Installation”) voir “Entretien et soin”) (voir “Installation”)
  • Page 24
    • (voir “Anomalies et remèdes”) • •…
  • Page 26
    (viz obrázek) (viz obrázek), (viz obrázek). Tlak v rozvodu vody se musí pohybovat v rozmezí hodnot uvedených v tabulce s technickými údaji (viz vedlejší strana). (viz obrázek)
  • Page 27: Technické Údaje

    (viz obrázek) Technické údaje Model WIL 1000 OT šíøka 59,5 cm Rozmìry výška 85 cm hloubka 52,5 cm Kapacita od 1 do 5 kg napìtí 220/230 V 50 Hz Napájení maximální pøíkon 1850 W (viz vedle) maximální tlak 1 MPa (10 bar) Pøipojení…

  • Page 28
    (viz “Prací prostøedky a prádlo”).
  • Page 29
    Kontrolky Dávkovaè pracích prostøedkù Dávkovaè pracích prostøedkù: viz “Popis praèky” Kontrolky: (viz “Jak provést prací cyklus”). (viz “Poruchy a zpùsob jejich odstranìní”).
  • Page 30
    (viz tabulka programù na následující stranì). (viz “Prací prostøedky a prádlo”) (viz tabulka programù na následující stranì)
  • Page 31
    Druh tkaniny a Prací Doby Max. Max. teplota Popis pracího cyklu stupeò jejího náplò programy zneèištìní (kg) aut. (125 min) 60° 30 min. 40° Praní, máchání, prùbìžné a Bílá bavlna 45 min. 60° závìreèné odstøeïování 60 min. 60° 3h — 24h 60°…
  • Page 32
    (viz “Popis praèky”).
  • Page 33
  • Page 34
    (viz obrázek); (viz obrázek) (viz obrázek):…
  • Page 35
    (viz “Servisní služba”) (viz “Jak provést prací cyklus”). (viz “Instalace”). (viz “Instalace”). (viz “Instalace”). (viz “Instalace”). (viz “Instalace”). (viz “Instalace”). (viz “Instalace”). – viz “Údržba a péèe” (viz “Instalace”).
  • Page 36
    • (viz “Poruchy a zpùsob jejich odstranìní”);…
  • Page 38
    (zobacz rysunek). (zobacz rysunek). (zobacz rysunek). (zobacz na s¹siedniej stronie). (zobacz rysunek).
  • Page 39: Dane Techniczne

    zobacz rysunek Dane techniczne Model Wymiary Pojemnoœæ Dane pr¹du elektrycznego (zobacz obok); Dane sieci wodoci¹gowej zobacz obok Szybkoœæ wirowania Programy kontrolne zgodnie z przepisami IEC456 Po zainstalowaniu pr…

  • Page 40
    (zobacz “Œrodki pior¹ce i bielizna”).
  • Page 41
    Kontrolki Szufladka œrodków pior¹cych Szufladka na œrodki pior¹ce: zobacz “Opis pralki” Kontrolki: (patrz “W jaki sposób wykonaæ cykl prania”). (zobacz “Anomalie i œrodki zaradcze”).
  • Page 42
    Uwaga: (patrz tabela programów na nastêpnej stronie) (patrz tabela programów na nastêpnej stronie) (patrz “Œrodki pior¹ce i bielizna”)
  • Page 43
    Rodzaj tkaniny £adunek Temperatura oraz stopieñ Programy Czas MAKS. Opis cyklu prania maks. zabrudzenia (Kg) Auto (125 min.) 60° 30 min. 40° Pranie, p³ukania, odwirowania Bawe³na bia³a 45 min. 60° poœrednie i koñcowe 60 min. 60° 3godz – 24godz 60° auto (70 min.) 30 min.
  • Page 44
    (patrz “Opis pralki”).
  • Page 45
  • Page 46
    zobacz rysunek ; zobacz rysunek zobacz rysunek :…
  • Page 47
    zobacz “Serwis Techniczny” (patrz “W jaki sposób wykonaæ cykl prania”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Instalacja”). zobacz “Konserwacja” zobacz “Instalacja”).
  • Page 48
    • zobacz “Anomalie i œrodki zaradcze”);…
  • Page 50
    (a se vedea figura). (a se vedea figura). (a se vedea figura). Ambalajele nu constitui (a se vedea pagina alãturatã). (a se vedea figura);…
  • Page 51: Date Tehnice

    (a se vedea figura). Nu es Date tehnice Model WIL 1000 OT lãrgime: 59,5 cm Dimensiuni înãlþime: 85 cm profunzime: 52,5 cm Capacitate de la 1 la 5 kg tensiune: 220/230 Volþi 50 Hz Legãturi electrice putere maximã absorbitã: 1850 W (a se vedea alãturi);…

  • Page 52
    (a se vedea “Detergenþi ºi rufe albe”).
  • Page 53
    Indicatoare luminoase Sertarul detergenþilor Sertarul detergenþilor: (a se vedea “Descrierea maºinii de spãlat” Indicatoare luminoase: (a se vedea “Cum se desfãºoarã un program de spãlare”). (a se vedea “Anomalii ºi remedii”).
  • Page 54
    (a se vedea tabelul de programe de la pagina urmãtoare). (a se vedea pagina urmãtoare). (a se vedea “Detergenþi ºi rufe albe”) (a se vedea tabelul de programe de la pagina urmãtoare)
  • Page 55
    Tipul de þesãturã Încãrcãturã ºi gradul de Temperatura Duratã Descrierea programului de spãlare Programe murdãrie max. (Kg) max. auto (125 min.) 60° 30 min. 40° Spãlare, clãtiri, stoarcere intermediarã Bumbac – rufe albe 45 min. 60° ºi finalã 60 min. 60°…
  • Page 56
    Echipament sportiv: (a se vedea “Descrierea maºinii de spãlat”). Sistem de echilibrare a încãrcãturii…
  • Page 57
  • Page 58
    (a se vedea figura): (a se vedea): capacul rotindu-l în sens invers (a se vedea figura): este normal…
  • Page 59
    (a se vedea “Asistenþã”) (a se vedea “Cum se desfãºoarã un program de spãlare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). (a se vedea “Instalare”). a se vedea “Întreþinere ºi îngrijire”…
  • Page 60
    • a se vedea”Anomalii ºi remedii”);…
  • Page 62
    ñì. ðèñ. (ñì. ðèñ.) ñì. ðèñ.). ñì. ñ. 3). (ñì. ðèñ.)
  • Page 63: Òåõíè÷Åñêèå Õàð Àêòåð Èñòèêè

    Ïðîèçâîäèòåëü íå íåñåò îòâåòñòâåííîñòè çà óùåðá çäîðîâüþ è ñîáñòâåííîñòè, åñëè îí âûçâàí íåñîáëþäåíèåì óêàçàííûõ íîðì óñòàíîâêè. ðèñ. Òåõíè÷åñêèå õàð àêòåð èñòèêè Ìîäåëü WIL 1000 OT øèðèíà 59,5 ñì Ðàçìåð û âûñîòà 85 ñì ãëóáèíà 52,5 ñì Çàãð óçêà 1 — 5 êã…

  • Page 64
    (ñì. “Ìîþùèå ñðåäñòâà è áåëüå”). $»…
  • Page 65: Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü Ìîþùèõ Ñðåäñòâ

    Èíäèêàòîðû Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü ìîþùèõ ñðåäñòâ Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü ìîþùèõ ñðåäñòâ: ñì. “Îïèñàíèå ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíû” Èíäèêàòîðû: (ñì. “Ïîðÿäîê âûïîëíåíèÿ öèêëà ñòèðêè”). (ñì. “Íåèñïðàâíîñòè è ìåòîäû èõ óñòðàíåíèÿ“).

  • Page 66
    (ñì. òàáëèöó ïðîãðàìì íà ñëåäóþùåé ñòðàíèöå). ñì. “Ìîþùèå ñðåäñòâà è áåëüå”) (ñì. òàáëèöó ïðîãðàìì íà ñëåäóþùåé ñòðàíèöå)
  • Page 67
    Òèï òêàíåé è Ïðîãðàì- Ïðîäîëæèò- Ìàêñ. Ìàêñ. ñòåïåíü Îïèñàíèå öèêëà ñòèðêè ìû åëüíîñòü (êã) òåìïåðàòóðà çàãðÿçíåíèÿ auto (125 min.) 60° 30 min. 40° Áåëûå õ/á 45 min. 60° Ñòèðêà, îïîëàñêèâàíèå, ïðîìåæóòî÷íûé è êîíå÷íûé îòæèì 60 min. 60° 3h — 24h 60°…
  • Page 68
    (ñì. “Îïèñàíèå ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíû”). $&…
  • Page 69
  • Page 70
    ñì. ðèñ.); ñì. ðèñ.) ñì. ðèñ.):…
  • Page 71
    (ñì.”Ñåðâèñíîå îáñëóæèâàíèå”), (ñì. “Ïîðÿäîê âûïîëíåíèÿ öèêëà ñòèðêè”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). ñì. “Îáñëóæèâàíèå è óõîä” ñì. “Óñòàíîâêà”). Åñëè ïîñëå ïðîâåðêè ìàøèíà ïðîäîëæàåò ðàáîòàòü íå äîëæíûì îáðàçîì, îáðàòèòåñü â Àâòîðèçîâàííûé Ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð çà ïîìîùüþ. (ñì. “Ñåðâèñíîå îáñëóæèâàíèå”).
  • Page 72
    195052289.02 07/2005 — Xerox Business Services • ñì. “Íåèñïðàâíîñòè è ìåòîäû èõ óñòðàíåíèÿ”). Íå ïîëüçóéòåñü óñëóãàìè ëèö, íå óïîëíîìî÷åííûõ Ïðîèçâîäèòåëåì. Ïðè ðåìîíòå òðåáóéòå èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ îðèãèíàëüíûõ çàïàñíûõ ÷àñòåé.

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Руководство пользователя стиральной машины Indesit WIL 1000 OT

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



INDESIT WIL 1000 OT инструкция по эксплуатации
(72 страницы)

  • Языки:Русский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.95 MB
  • Описание:
    Стиральная машина


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для INDESIT WIL 1000 OT. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации INDESIT WIL 1000 OT. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить INDESIT WIL 1000 OT, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



INDESIT WIL 1000 OT инструкция по эксплуатации
(72 страницы)

  • Языки:Русский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    2.95 MB
  • Описание:
    Стиральная машина


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для INDESIT WIL 1000 OT. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации INDESIT WIL 1000 OT. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить INDESIT WIL 1000 OT, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

Instructions for use




Installation, 2-3




Unpacking and levelling

Electric and water connections




Technical details

Washing machine description, 4-5

Detergent dispenser



Control panel




Running a wash cycle, 6

Programme table, 7

Detergents and laundry, 8

Preparing your laundry

Special items

Load-balancing system

WIL 1000 OT

Precautions and advice, 9

General safety


Saving energy and respecting the environment

Care and maintenance, 10

Cutting off the water or electricity supply

Cleaning your appliance

Cleaning the detergent dispenser

Caring for your appliance door and drum

Cleaning the pump

Checking the water inlet hose

Troubleshooting, 11

Service, 12

Before calling for Assistance



Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for

Levelling your appliance correctly will provide it with


future reference. Should the appliance be sold,

stability and avoid any vibrations, noise and shifting

transferred or moved, make sure the instruction

during operation. If it is placed on a fitted or loose

manual accompanies the washing machine to inform

carpet, adjust the feet in such a way as to allow

the new owner as to its operation and features.

enough room for ventilation beneath the washing


Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital

information on installation, use and safety.

Electric and water connections

Unpacking and levelling

Connecting the water inlet hose


1. Insert seal A into the

1. Unpack the washing machine.

end of the inlet hose

2. Check whether the washing machine has been

and screw the latter

damaged during transport. If this is the case, do not

onto a cold water tap

install it and contact your retailer.

with a 3/4 gas threaded


mouth (see figure).

3. Remove the 3

Before making the

protective screws and

connection, allow the

the rubber washer with

water to run freely until

the respective spacer,

it is perfectly clear.

situated on the rear of

the appliance (see

2. Connect the other end


of the water inlet hose to

the washing machine,

screwing it onto the

appliance’s cold water

inlet, situated on the top

4. Seal the gaps using the plastic plugs provided.

right-hand side on the

5. Keep all the parts: you will need them again if the

rear of the appliance

washing machine needs to be moved to another

(see figure).


Packaging materials are not children’s toys.

3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the hose.


The water pressure at the tap must be within the

values indicated in the Technical details table

Your machine may make a considerable amount of

(on the next page).

noise if the two front feet have not been adjusted


If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact

1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy floor,

a specialist store or an authorised serviceman.

without resting it up against walls, furniture cabinets

or other.

2. If the floor is not

perfectly level, compen-

sate for any unevenness

by tightening or

loosening the adjustable

front feet (see figure);

the angle of inclination,

measured according to

the worktop, must not

exceed 2°.


Connecting the drain hose

Do not use extensions or multiple sockets.


Connect the drain hose,

The power supply cable must never be bent or

without bending it, to a

dangerously compressed.

draining duct or a wall

drain situated between

The power supply cable must only be replaced by

65 and 100 cm from

an authorised serviceman.

65 — 100 cm

the floor;

Warning! The company denies all liability if and when

these norms are not respected.

alternatively, place it

over the edge of a

basin, sink or tub,

fastening the duct

supplied to the tap (see

figure). The free end of

the hose should not be


We advise against the use of hose extensions; in

case of absolute need, the extension must have the

Technical details

same diameter as the original hose and must not

exceed 150 cm in length.


WIL 1000 OT

Electric connection

59.5 cm wide

Before plugging the appliance into the mains


85 cm high

52.5 cm deep

socket, make sure that:

the socket is earthed and in compliance with the


from 1 to 5 kg

applicable law;


voltage 220/230 Volts 50 Hz

the socket is able to sustain the appliance’s


maximum absorbed power 1850 W

maximum power load indicated in the Technical

maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)

details table (on the right);


minimum pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)


drum capacity 46 litres

the supply voltage is included within the values i

ndicated on the Technical details table

Spin speed

up to 1000 rpm

(on the right);



programme ; TIMER knob «auto»;

the socket is compatible with the washing

according to

run with a load of 5 kg.

machine’s plug. If this is not the case, replace

IEC456 directive

the socket or the plug.

This appliance is compliant with the

following European Community

The washing machine should not be installed in an


outdoor environment, not even when the area is

73/23/CEE of 19/02/73 (Low

sheltered, because it may be very dangerous to

Voltage) and subsequent amendments

leave it exposed to rain and thunderstorms.

89/336/CEE of 03/05/89

(Electromagnetic Compatibility) and

When the washing machine is installed, the mains

subsequent amendments

— 2002/96/CE

socket must be within easy reach.


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Руководство пользователя стиральной машины Indesit WIL 1000 OT

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• Загрузка на компьютер — Вы можете также скачать Руководство пользователя стиральной машины Indesit WIL 1000 OT на свой компьютер и сохранить его в файлах.

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All the parts included in this document are the property of Indesit Company S.p.A.

All rights reserved. This document and the information it contains are supplied without liability for possi-

ble errors or omissions; no part of this document can be reproduced, used or copied without written

permission or without being authorised by the terms of a contract clause.

Service Manual

WM ONTIME — 2005







Summary of Contents for Indesit WIL 1000 OT

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