Хлебопечка alaska bm 2000 инструкция по применению

Посмотреть инструкция для Alaska BM 2000 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории хлебопечки, 37 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.1. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: -. У вас есть вопрос о Alaska BM 2000 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Хлебопечки Alaska BM 2000 — это бытовые приборы, созданные для приготовления свежего хлеба в домашних условиях. Они оснащены различными функциями, включая программы для изготовления различных видов хлеба, а также настроек для выбора его размера и степени прожарки. Устройства имеют встроенный дисплей, на котором отображаются настройки и время приготовления.

Хлебопечки работают автоматически, имеют функцию отложенного старта, позволяющую приготовить хлеб к определенному времени, и функцию подогрева, которая помогает сохранить свежесть хлеба. Корпус приборов изготовлен из прочных материалов, гарантирующих долговечность использования.

Модель BM 2000 отличается большой емкостью и способностью готовить до 1,5 килограмма хлеба за один раз. Также в ней есть функция автоматического добавления ингредиентов в определенное время, что делает процесс приготовления хлеба еще более удобным.

Хлебопечки Alaska BM 2000 — это удобные и функциональные приборы для каждого дома, которые помогут наслаждаться свежим и ароматным хлебом без лишних усилий.


Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Alaska BM 2000.

Почему хлеб не поднимается?

Вероятно, это связано с дрожжами. Вы добавили слишком мало дрожжей или использовали старые дрожжи.

Почему хлеб каждый раз имеет разную форму и высоту?

Форма хлеба зависит от многих факторов, в том числе количества и качества используемых ингредиентов, а также от температуры окружающей среды.

Почему в некоторых случаях хлебная корка получается слишком толстой или твердой?

Если корка толстая или твердая, это означает, что использовалось чрезмерное количество муки или она слишком старая.

При приготовлении теста не получается сформировать шар, что мне делать?

Добавьте воды.

Инструкция Alaska BM 2000 доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Alaska BM 2000, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в -.

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Page 1: Manual Alaska BM2000

User manualBread Baker BM 2600

Page 2: Manual Alaska BM2000

Dear Customer,

Congratulations on your purchase of this ALASKA product. Like all products from ALASKA ,this product has also been developed on the basis of the latest technology and produced usingreliable and modern electronic components.

Please take a few minutes before starting operation of the machine and read the follow ingoperating instructions.

Many thanks .

(EGXH0 274A


Important safety instructionsDescr iption of bread machinePrograms and ope rating panelPrior to initial startupStartup operationCleaning and careTechnical specificationsIngredientsRecipesTroubleshootingGuarantee


SIG GmbHSchlueterstrasse 50-40235 Duesseldorf

2-44 — 55-7

78 -9


10 — 1516 — 23


1. Please read this user manual prior to using the appliance! Please comply with all safetyinformation in order to avoid damages to your unit caused by improper use!

2. If this ppliance should be passed on to third parties, please also enc lose this usermanual.

3 . In case of im roper use or wrong operation , no liability is accepted for possible damages.4 . Prior to use , pi ase check whether the power supply type and voltage rating correspond to

the data listed on the type plate .5 . Use this unit only for its intended use. This bread machine is intended only for private use,

not for commercial applications.6 . The applianc is not suitable for outdoor use .7. Always supervise children when using electronic devices, since they might not be able to

recognise th dangers inherent in handling electronic devices .


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31. Never attempt to remove foods from the bread machine while it is switched on or while thepower plug is still connected to the power supply.

32 . Bulky food items, metal foils, packaging or similar items may not be placed into theappliance.

33 . This applianc is not intended for use by persons (includinq children) with reducedphysical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless theyhave been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a personresponsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not playwith the appliance.




~,~l__— 7

—t—t-~— 11

~»»‘—t-rH— 10

—:z’l’r / ‘—- 9

‘#-.7″‘»’-i- — — — 8

2 — — — — — — -\

3 ———7~ll.~4 ——=-:::>»»‘7:~.y…f_41

1. Cover2. Baking pan3. Dough hook4. Drive axle5. Operating and control panel with LCD screen6. Casing7. Power cable with power plug8. Ventilation openings9. Baking compartment

10. Steam release openings11. Viewing window12. Measuring spoon13. Measuring cup14. Extraction help for dough hooks

8. Place the appliance only on a level, sturdy and heat-resistant surface, away from gasflames or stoves and heaters and out of reach of children .

9 . Do not use the appliance if the appliance itself or the power cable seems damaged or ifthe appliance has been dropped.

10. Immediately disconnect the power plug in th event of damages or malfunctions.11 . Do not attempt to repair the appliance yourself. In case of defects, this appliance may

only be repaired by qualified professionals. Do not open the unit casing under anycircumstances. Danger to life by electric shock!

12. Do not submerge the appliance in water or oth r liquids . Please be sure that no liquidenters into the appliance.

13. Prevent damage to the power cable from crushing, bending or rubbing on edges , keep thepower cable away from hot surfaces.

14. Never touch the power plug with wet or damp hands.15. When using an extension cable, this must be suitable for the corresponding power rating.16. Place all power cables neatly out of the way so as to avoid a possible accidental pulling or

tripping .17. When disconnecting from the power outlet, do not pull on the power cable, do not wrap

the power cable around the unit. Regularly inspect power plug and power cable fordamages .

18. Do not insert any foreign objects into the appliance’s casing.19. After each use and prior to cleaning the device , please disconn ct the power plug from the

power outlet.20 . In case the power cable of this appliance is damaged , it must be replaced by the

manufacturer, the manufacturer’s authorized service c ntres or similar qualified personnel ,to avoid hazards.

21. Only use accessories, which were enclosed with the appliance .22. The bread machine may be switched on only after the baking pan was filled with

ingredients and inserted into the appliance . Operating without ingredients can cause thedevice to overheat.

23. Disconnect the power plug from the power supply prior to removing the baking pan fromthe appliance.

24 . Danger of Burns! The baking pan will be very hot. Always use oven mitts or potholderswhen removing the baking pan from the appliance . Please allow all metal parts to cool offbefore touching them.

25. Do not touch any moving parts.26. Please be careful when moving the appliance while it is filled with liquid .27. Once the appliance is switched on and immediately after it is switched off, please maintain

a safety distance of 5 cm around the bread machine . Please keep in mind that th xteriorof the appliance will become very hot during operation and that the air is superheat d ifsteam is released .

28. The components of the bread machine, excluding the dough hook (3) and baking pan (2)are not dishwasher safe and must only be cleaned by hand.

29. Never leave the unit unsupervised while it is in operation or timer operation .30 . Do not cover the appliance while it is switched on. Heat and steam must be able to be

released without obstructions. Never use the bread machine near flammable material.Danger of fire!

3 4

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The weight of the bread can be selected for programs 1-3 , 5, 11. The device is preset to2.0LB (approx. 900 g). Push the key LOAF SIZE until the black mark on the LCD screen(5) highlights the desired size.

Timer key s 6 \1Use the keys 6 and ‘i1 to set the total time, after which the bread should be finished . Thetimer can be preprogrammed to max. 13 hours.

Each time the keys 6 and ‘i1 are pushed, the timer will advance or regress by 10minutes . Push and hold the key or ‘i1 ,the timer will change continuously by 10minutes increments.

Note: The prese t program times cannot be changed.

7 — ULTRA FAST IISame c s ULTRA FAST /, but for a bread weighing 900 g.8 — DOUGHUse for, . . y st dough to bake braids or rolls.Program without baking phase.9 -JAMUse to pr s rve your own jam.10 — CAKKn ad, ri and bake using baking powder.11 — SANDWICH

Kn ad, ri and b ke for a sandwich. For baking light bread with a thin crust.12 — BAK

Use this program exclusively for baking, without kneading the dough or letting it rise. Youcan also 1I this program to re-bake bread, which was not completely baked .Key START/STOP

Use th k y START/STOP on the operating and control panel (5) to start or pause theprogram s I ct d by you. After selecting the program using the key MENU , simply pushthe key START/STOP to start the program. To momentarily interrupt the program , pushand hold the key START/STOP until you hear a beep .Note: Whenever this key is pushed , a short signal will sound .Key COLOR (le ve l of browning)

The level of browning can be selected for programs 1-7 . If the key COLOR is pushed , thetime displayed in the LCD screen (5) will change and an arrow will indicate whether thelevel LIGHT, MEDIUM, or DARK has been selected.

With this bread machine, you will be able touse store-bought bread mixes. The recipe is usually printed on or enclosed in thepackaging.bake bread according to the enclosed recipes or commercially available recipe books .This bread machine is equipped with the functions kn ading, rising and baking.knead dough, e.g. for pasta, baked goods or dinner rolls.preserve jam.This bread machine is suitable for baking bread with a maximum total weight of 900 g.Never fill the baking pan (2) with ingredients, including liquids, exceeding this amount.Loss of elect ric power :This appliance is equipped with a power loss saf ty function. Therefore, the appliance willcontinue the program, which was used last, after power outage of less than 15 minutes.However, even a short power outage could caus th appliance to restart. In this event, orin the event of longer power outages, it is possi I to finish aking the dough by pushingthe key START/STOP.


Key MENUThe bread machine is equipped with 12 programs, which can be selected by pushing thekey MENU in the operating and control panel (5) . Push the k y M NU until the desiredprogram appears on the LCD screen (5) .1 — BASICProgram for white and mixed breads consisting mainly of white flour (wheat/rye). Whenadding a small am5?V’2!.J1D-20%) of rolle,~ or whole grains, this program can also be used.2 — FRENCH t’ao’ «F0-CUtCQbProgram for bread made of white, finely ground flour, French style bread, and light breadswith crunchy crust. _3 — WHOLE WHEAT 700 ‘V\ a:Program for breads with a high content of whole wheat and rye flour. These breads areusually heavy and more c0p1pact than breads made from white flour.

4 — QUICK ‘Rcip~dO . . .Use this program to bake bread in approx. half the time. The bread will be of a less finetexture and not quite so flavourful. _5 — SWEET t- . h.a) p1DProgram for baked goods, cakes and sweet bread, also for recipes using additional sugar,

raisins or chocolate . I LJL~_

6 — ULTRA FAST I V(\J<(.A I~l’ 0Knead, rise and bake a bread weighing 700 g in the shortest possible time. The bread isusually a bit smaller and rougher in comparison to the program QUICK.



for a light coloured crustfor a medium coloured crustfor a dark coloured crust

approx. 700 gapprox . 900 g

5 6

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Timer Operation — example:(applies only for programs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 8 , 10, 11, and 12)Please also observe the information listed under Startup Operation .

Let’s assume that the time is 20:30 (8:30 p.rn.) and the bread should be finished at 7:00(7 a.rn.). That is 10 hours and 30 minutes from now.Add all selected ingredien ts into the baking pan (2) , as listed in your recipe. Please besure that the yeast does not come into contac t with any liquid or salt.Insert the baking pan (2) into the bread machine and close the cover (1) .Use the key MENU to select the desired program.Use the keys lJ. and ‘il to set the timer to 10:30 (time until bread is finished).Push the key START/STOP. The time separator «:» starts blinking on the LCD screen (5) .

The bread will be done at the desired time.To stop timer operation, push and hold the key START/STOP until you hear a beep.Program 1 will appear on the LCD screen (5) . . .Note: Use the timer operation only to bake bread using store-bought bread mixes, sincefresh ingredients, e.g . eggs and milk, can spoil very quickly.


Remove all packaging material.Remove baking pan (2) by doing a small anti-elockwise rotation and clean it using mild .dish liquid and warm water. Clean the dough hook (3) , measuring cup (13) and measunngspoon (12) the same way. Dry all parts. Wipe the exterior side of the appliance with a

slightly damp cloth and dry it using a soft cloth.Place the appliance vertically on a sturdy, level and heat-resistant surface.



Remove the baking pan (2) from the device and insert the dough hook (3) onto the driveaxle (4) located on the floor of the baking pan (2) . Please be sure that the dough hook (3)locks.Fill the selected and precisely measured ingredients into the baking pan (2) . (Please alsosee chapter Ingredients). It is very important to add the ingredien ts to the baking pan (2)prior to inserting the baking pan (2) into the bread machine.Otherwise, the bread machine will be soiled or the heating coils might be damaged. Addthe ingredients, in the order listed in the recipe, into the baking pan (2) . First, add all liquidingredients and then the flour. Sugar and salt should be evenly distributed along the side ofthe flour. Form a small well in the flour, add the yeast into the well. Please be sure that theyeast do s not come into con tact with salt or liquid.Ensure that the exterior of the backing pan (2) is clean and install the baking compartment(9) in the baking compartment (9) and anchor this by doing a small clockwise rotation.Connect the power plug (7) to a suitable power supply. You will hear a beep.The baking time of program 1 will be displayed on the LCD screen (5) , at the setting forMEDIUM and a bread size of 2.0LB.Push the key MENU until the desired program is displayed on the LCD screen (5) .Use the keys COLOR and LOAF SIZE to select the desired settings (please also seePrograms and Operating Panel) .It the timer is to be used, please set it now (please also see Timer Operation) .To start the program, push the key STARTj STOP. The time required for the selectedprogram will be displayed on the LCD screen (5) (except for timer operation).The program will now start. The time displayed on the LCD screen (5) will count down.The bread machine now completes various baking processes. Kneading, rising of thedough and baking — depending on the selected program.During the kneading process, the device will mix the ingredients for several minutes. It isnormal for the appliance to audibly vibrate during the kneading process.The appliance will then allow the dough to rise. During this time, the yeast will becomeactive. It is possible for the viewing window (11) to fog up during this time. After sometime, the condensation will escape through the steam release openings ( 10).When using the programs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 11, the device will sound a signal to remind you toadd further ingredients, e.g . raisins or nuts, if required . Open the cover (1) for only a shortmoment to prevent the dough from collapsing .To momentarily interrup t the baking process, push and hold the key START/STOP forapprox . 2 seconds. Once the baking process has been interrupted, it cannot continue. Inthis case, please start program 12 =BAKE.Attention ! During operation, the ventilation openings (8) and steam release openings (10)must remain uncovered.If smoke escapes from the cover, please keep the cover closed. In this event. pleasestop the program by pushing and holding the key START/STOP for approx. 2 seconds,and then disconnect the power plug (7) from the power outlet. Never extinguish possiblysmoking dough with water! Smoke can be created if the dough rises above the rim of thebaking pan (2) and comes into contact with the heat coil. Therefore, it is important toadhere to the measuremen ts listed in the recipes!


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1. All -Purpose Flour

All-purpose flour is a mixture of refined hard and soft wheat flour types suitable for baking breadand cakes.

Ingredients — Temperatures

All ingredients , particularly liquids (water or milk) should be at room temperature, meaning21 °C . If the ingredients are too cold , e.g. under 10 °C , the yeast will not be activated. Very hotliquids, hotter than 40°C, can kill the yeast organisms.

230 V-50 Hz600 Wattsmax. 13 hours

Operational voltagePower consumptionTimer

~t is of~en said t~at cooking is an art, which depends on the cook’s creativity, while bread bakingIS a science. This means that the process during which flour, water and yeast are mixed, startsa chemical reaction enabling the creation of bread dough. Please remember that the mix ofingredients produces specific results . Please read the following instructions to understand therole of various ingredients in the bread baking process.

Environmental protection

Discarded electric appliances are recyclable and should not be discarded inthe domestic waste! Please actively support us in conserving resources andprotecting the environment by returning this appliance to the collection centres (ifavailable).

Avoid opening the bread mach ine during operation in order to achieve optimum bakingresults . You can watch the baking process through the viewing window (11 ).After baking: Once the program is finished, 10 signals will sound and the bread machinewill automatically switch to Warming . The bread can remain in the device for another 60minutes without moisture soaking the bread . However, the bread should be removed fromthe baking pan (2) as soon as possible.Stop the warming process by pushing and holding the key START/STOP for approx. 2seconds.Please disconnect the power plug (7) from the power outlet to be sure that the device iscompletely shut down .Open the cover (1) . Backing pan (2) and the bread are very hot! Use the pot holder andoven gloves to remove the backing pan (2) from the device. For this, release the backingpan by doing a small anti-elockwise rotation from the anchor. Place the backing pan (2) ona heat-resistant surface , however never place it on table cloth or plastic surface.Allow the baking pan (2) to cool down for approx . 5 minutes before removing the breadfrom the pan . Hold the baking pan (2) diagonally above a baking rack and slightly shake ituntil the bread comes loose .If the dough hook (3) is still inserted into the bread, remove it using a blunt object. Pleasedo not use any metal objects to remove the dough hook (3) as this could damage thesurface coating of the dough hook (3) .

The bread should cool off for another 15-30 minutes before eating it.If a second bread is to be baked and if HH:MM flashes on the LCD screen (5) and a sign I

sounds, the bread machine is not yet sufficiently cooled off. Wait another 10 — 20 minutesbefore using the device again.Always allow unit to cool off before cleaning it.


Prior to cleaning the appliance, please be sure that the power plug (7) is disconnectedfrom the power supply and that the appliance is completely cooled off.Remove the baking pan (2 ) from the device and remove the dough hook (3 ) from the drivaxle (4) inside the baking pan ( 2 ) . The baking pan (2 ) and dough hook (3) are non-stickcoated . This facilitates cleaning . Clean the dough hook (3) and baking pan ( 2) using amild dish liquid and warm water. Never use acidic or abrasive cleaning agents or abrasivesponges! If the dough hook (3) is encrusted or hard to remove from the drive axle (4 ), fillthe baking pan (2) with hot water. After approx. 30 minutes , clean and remove the doughhook (3) . Carefully dry these parts before replacing them into the appliance.The baking pan (2) and dough hook (3) are dishwasher save .Wipe the baking chamber and exterior side of the appliance with a slightly damp cloth anddry it using a soft cloth .Never hold the unit under running water and never submerge the unit in water or otherfluids . Never pour water or other liquids into the baking chamber of the appliance.

2 . Bread Flour

Use bread flour to achieve better results. This flour is ground in order to be particularly suitablefor baking breads using yeast . It has a higher content of egg white than all-purpose flour. Theprotein contained in the flour transforms into glutted as soon as it is mixed with a liquid . Glutenbecomes elastic during kneading and forms the texture of the dough . All-purpose flour forms aweak texture and small loaves of bread.

3 . Whole-Wheat Flour

For whole-wheat flour , the complete grain of wheat is ground. It contains the germ and thebran , which causes the wholewheat flour to be heavier and also more nutrit ious than all­purpose flour . Bread loaves baked with whole-wheat flour are usually smaller and heavier thanbread loaves made with white flour. To avoid this, whole-wheat flour is often mixed with allpurpose, bread or bran flour to achieve taller loaves of bread with a light texture .

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4. Rye Flour, Whole Grain FlourRye flour is similar to whole-wheat flour. It is also called Graham Flour and has a high fibrecontent. Rye flour must always be mixed with a large quantity of all-purpose flour, bread orgluten flour, because the gluten content of rye flour is insufficient to form the structure for an

evenly risen , grainy loaf of bread.

5. Gluten FlourGluten flour is wheat flour, which was treated to remove most of the starch content. Whatremains is a very high gluten content (gluten is wheat protein, which gives elasticity to breaddough) . This flour is usually available at most health food stores . Occasionally, small portionsof it are used in combination with flour types with a low gluten content — e .g . wheat flour — to

increase volume and achieve a light structure.

6. Cake FlourCake flour consists of soft or low-protein types of wheat. It is used for cake recipes.

7. Self-Rising FlourSelf-rising flour contains unnecessary leavening ingredients, which influence the baking of

breads and cakes. The use of self rising flour is not recommended .

Important note regarding flour typesEven though they look similar, various flour types can vary significantly depending on origin,

the process used to grind or store them, etc . You will notice that you must gain experiencewith several types of flour until you are able to bake perfect loaves of bread. The brochure athand contains a collection of recommendations for baking , which will be useful to you . It is alsoimportant to store flour correctly. It should be stored in secure, airtight containers . Rye and

whole-wheat flour should be stored in the refrigerator or a cool location to prevent these types

of flour from becoming rancid.

8. BranUnprocessed bran and wheat germs are the coarse external parts of wheat or rye grains. It canbe separated from the flour by sieving it. Small quantities of bran and germ are often addedto bread to increase its nutritional value, to make it heavier and give it flavour. It is also used to

increase bread texture.



9 . Corn and Oat flourCorn and oat flour is made by grinding coarse kernels of yellow or white corn or pre-treated oatgrains. They are often used to improve flavour and lighten the texture.

10 . Split Wh eatSplit wheat is very coarse. This type of wheat consists of wheat grains cut into fragments. Itgives a nutty flavour and crunchy texture to whole grain breads.

11. Seven-Gra in MixSeven-grain mixes are a mix of split wheat, bran, rye, corn kernels, flax seeds and hulled millet.12.Sugar Sugar is important for the colour and flavour of bread . Sugar is food for yeast andsupports the fermenting process. The recipes listed in the above manual are based on theuse of crystallized sugar. Do not use powdered sugar or brown sugar unless this is specificallyrecommended . Artificial sweeteners cannot be used as a sugar substitute as the yeast will notbe properly activated .

13. SaltSalt is a balancing element for the flavour of breads and cakes as well as the colour of the

crust , which is formed during baking. Salt also limits the rising ability of yeast. The quantityof salt listed in recipes should therefore not be increased. For diet reasons, salt can even be

omitted . However, it is possible for the bread to rise higher than normal if salt is omitted .

14. Yeast — Active Dry YeastYeast produces gas (carbon dioxide) during the fermenting process, which lightens the breaddough. Yeast must be able to feed itself with sugar and carbohydrates of the flour in order toproduce this gas . All recipes calling for the use of yeast require active, grainy yeast . Basically,there are three different types of yeast: fresh yeast, dry yeast and instant yeast. We recommendusing traditional dry yeast. Instant yeast may be used in small amounts (note: all recipes listed

in this manual are based on the use of dry yeast. The use of fresh or pressed baking yeastis not recommended, since it achieves weaker results). Yeast must always be stored in therefrigerator so that it remains fresh . High temperatures kill yeast organisms. Please be sure to

use only fresh yeast. Check the expiration date . Opened yeas t packages or cans containingleftover yeast to be used at a later time should be closed immediately after opening, kep t air

tight and placed in the refrigerator.


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If the bread or dough does not rise, it is usually caused by the use of old yeast. Please performthe following test to determine whether the yeast is old and inactive :A) Fill a small bowl or cup half full with lukewarm water.B) Mix in one teaspoon of sugar, then sprinkle two teaspoons yeast on the water surface.C) Place the bowl or cup in a warm environment and wait 10 minutes.D) The mixture should foam and smell like yeast. If this is not the case, please purchase fresh


15. LiquidsUquids, e.g . milk (1%, 2%, whole milk or fat-free milk) or a combination of milk powder andwater can be used to bake bread. Milk improves flavour, gives bread a smooth structure andcauses the crust to be softer, while using only water results in a crunchy crust. Juices aresometimes listed as the liquid ingredient (apple juice, orange juice, etc.) to improve the flavourof the bread .

16 . Egg sEggs give bread and cake dough a rich and smooth structure. The recipes listed in this manualare based on the use of large eggs.

17. FatOil , baking fat, butter and margarine «shorten» or soften the structure of yeast breads. Theunique crust and structure of French bread (baguette) is caused by omitting butter . Breadsusing butter will remain «fresh» longer. Please keep in mind that butter or margarine shouldalways be soft or in liquid form when it is added to the ingredients. Avoid using soft or dietmargarine, which does not have the required fat content.

18 . Baking PowderBaking powder is used as a leavening agent for fast-baking breads and cakes. This leaveningagent does not require time to rise prior to baking, since the chemical reaction will occur onlyafter liquid ingredients are added.

19 . Baking SodaBaking soda is another leavening agent, which should not be confused or replaced with bakingpowder. Baking soda also does not require time to rise prior to baking , since the chemicalreaction will occur only during the baking process.



Measuring ingred ientsThe key — and the most important step when using bread machines — is the exact and carefulmeasurement of ingredients. It is extraordinarily important to precisely measure liquid and solidingredients. Otherwise, the result might be unsatisfactory. The ingredients must also be addedto the baking pan in the order listed in the recipe. Uquid and solid ingredients require thefollowing methods for measuring, which vary somewhat:

Mea suring liquidsTo measure liquids like water or milk, we recommend using transparent containers madeof plastic or glass or the enclosed measuring cup (10 ). To read the value of the respectivequantity, first place the container on a horizontal, level surface at eye level (do not read valuesat an angle) . The level of the liquid must correspond to the respective mark on the container.An «estimated» quantity is not recommended ; it could influence the balance of the recipe .

Measuring sol id ingred ient sUse the enclosed measuring spoon (9) :

the small spoon corresponds to a teaspoonthe large spoon corresponds to a tablespoon

Measuring solid ingredients (different types of flour, in particul ar) should be performed usingstandardized measuring cups. Such measuring cups are available in different sizes . Add theingredients into the measuring cups , one spoon at a time, and «cut» across the rim of themeasuring cup using a knife . Tapping the measuring cup or using it like a scoop can cause theingredients to be compacted, therefore resulting in larger quantities . This additional quantitycan influence the balance of the recipe. Do not sift flour.

Small quantities of solid or liquid ingredients (e.g . yeast, sugar, salt, milk powder, honey,molasses) should be measured using the enclosed measuring spoon (9 ). Decisive is the «cut»,not the heaped quantity . This minor difference can influence the balance of the recipe.


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Miscellaneous tipsAlways add all ingredients to the baking pan (2) , so that the yeast does not come intocontact with any liquids.At higher elevations (more than 900 m above sea level) or when using very soft water, theyeast’s fermenting process will be increased, the dough will rise faster. To avoid excessiverising of the dough, reduce the quantity of yeast by approx. 1/ 4 of the amount listed inrecipes.To achieve a satisfactory result, we recommend carefully maintaining a log of allingredients and recipes used. In the event that a recipe does not achieve satisfactoryresults, you can then adjust the amount of the respectiv ingredient accordingly. Pleasekeep in mind that using flour types from various manufacturers can also influence theresult. This also applies to other ingredients. For example, never use two different types ofyeast for the same bread.

Special Glazing for Yeast BreadGive a «pro fessional touch» to your freshly baked bread. Select one of the following glazes foryour bread.

Egg GlazeMix 1 large egg and 1 teaspoon water, apply liberally (note: baste on the dough only prior tobaking).

Melt ed Butter Cru stTo achieve a soft, tender crust, baste melted butter on top of the freshly baked bread.

Milk Glaze

To achieve a softer, shiny crust, baste the freshly baked bread with butter or heavy cream.

Sweet Glaze

Mix one cup of sifted, powdered sugar with 1 to 2 tablespoons milk. Drip over raising bread orsweet bread.

Poppy, sesame, caraway, corn meal/dates: Uberally sprinkle select ingredients over the glazedbread.



Bagu ette Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 250ml 300ml

Salt 1 1/2 Teaspoons ~~…’ 2 Teaspoons

Sugar 2 Tablespoons ch ~~ 2 1/ 2 Tablespoons..

150 gSemolina 120 g

Bread flour 270 g 350 g

Dry yeast 1 1/ 4 Teaspoons 2 1/ 2 Teaspoons

Oil 2 Tablespoons 2 1/2 Tablespoons

Prog ram 2: FRENCH

Raisin/Nut Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water or milk 250ml 300ml

Margarine or butter 2 Tablespoons 2 1/2 Tablespoons

Salt 1 1/2 Teaspoons 2 Teaspoons

Sugar 2 Tablespoons 2 1/2 Tablespoons

Bread flour 450 9 520 g

Dry yeast 1 1/ 5 Teaspoons 1 1/ 2 Teaspoons

Raisins 50 9 75 9

Ground walnuts 30g 40 g

Program 1: BASIC

Coa rse Baguette Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Milk 280 ml 330 ml

Margarine or butter 1 1/ 2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Sugar 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Coarse Bread flour 38 0 9 510 9

Dry yeast 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Program 1: BASIC


Page 10: Manual Alaska BM2000


Traditional Baguette

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 270 ml 340ml

Margarine or butter 1 Tablespoon 1 1/2 Tablespoons

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 3/4 Tablespoons

Milk powder 1 1/2 Tablespoons 1 1/4 Tablespoons

Bread flour 450g 520 9

Dry yeast 1 1/4 Teaspoons 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Program 1: BASIC

Italian Baguette

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 220ml 280 ml

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Sugar 2 1/2 Teaspoons 3 Teaspoons

Bread flour 300g 400 9

Corn semolina 1 1/2 Teaspoons 1 3/4 Teaspoons

Program 11: SANDWICH

Sweet Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Fresh milk 210 ml 230 ml

Margarine or butter 1 1/ 2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Salz 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Honig 1 1/2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Zucker 3 Tablespoons 4 Tablespoons

Brotmehl 450g 520 9

Trockenhefe 1 Teaspoon 1 1/4 Teaspoons

Program 5: SWEET



Coarse Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 240ml 310 ml

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Oil 11/2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

rea flour 380 9 500g

Sugar 3/4 Tablespoons 1 Tablespoon

Dry yeast 1 1/4 Teaspoons 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Program 2: FRENCH

Irish Soda Bread

Butter Milk 220ml

Eggs 2

Oil 2 Tablespoons

lour 1/2 Cup

Baking soda 1 Tablespoon

Salt 1/2 Teaspoons

Raisins 1 Cup

Program 4: QUICK

Rice Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Rice Water 230 ml 300ml

Bread flour 400g 520 9

Round. uncooked rice 35 9 50 9

Sugar 3 Teaspoons 4 Teaspoons

Dry yeast 9/10 Teaspoons 1 Teaspoon

Oil 1 Tablespoon 1 1/2 Tablespoons

Program 1 : BASIC


Page 11: Manual Alaska BM2000


Carrot Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 250 ml 3 10ml

Butter 1 1/ 2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Bread flour 450 9 520g

Finely chopped carro ts 56 9 70 9

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Sugar 2 Tablespoons 2 1/2 Tablespoons

Dry yeast 1 Teaspoon 1 1/4 Teaspoons

Program 1: BASIC

Potato Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water or milk 170ml 230 ml

Margarine or butter 1 1/2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Mashed, boiled potatoes 120 9 150 9

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Sugar 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Bread flour 380g 460g

Dry yeast 1 Teaspoon 1 1/4 Teaspoons

Program 1: BASIC

Wheat Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 150 ml 220 ml

Sugar 2 1/ 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Margarine or butter 1 1/ 2 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Eggs 2 2

Whole Grain Wheat Flour 380g 500g

Dry yeast 2 1/ 2 Teaspoons 4 Teaspoons

Program 3: WHOLE WHEAT



Corn Bread

Milk 120ml

Eggs 3

Margarine or butter 1/ Cup

Sugar 1/4 Cup

S It 1 T poon

lour 00 g

Corn flour 140 9

Baking Powder 5 Teaspoons

Program 4 : QUICK

Fig/Walnut Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 250 ml 310ml

Bread flour 330 9 460 9

Rye Flour 75 9 100 9

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon

Oil 1 Tablespoon 2 Tablespoons

Finely chopped figs 35 9 50 9

Chopped walnuts 35 9 50 9

Honey 1 Teaspoon 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Dry yeast 1 1/4 Teaspoons 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Program 1: BASIC

Cla ssic French Baguette

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 230 ml 300ml

Salt 1 Teaspoon 1 1/3 Teaspoons

Sugar 3/4 Tablespoons 1 Tablespoon

Bread flour 390 9 500 9

Dry yeast 1 1/4 Teaspoons 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Oil 1 Tablespoon 2 Tablespoons

Program 2: FRENCH


Page 12: Manual Alaska BM2000


1 1/ 3 Tablespoons

05 g

2.0 LB (900 g)


Program 6 — ULTRA FAST I for 700 g or Program 7 — ULTRA FAST II for 900 g

Oil 1 Tablespoon 2 Ta lespoon s

Dry yeast 3 Teaspoons

Vacation Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Wat r 100 ml 120 ml

Milk 140 ml 180 ml

il 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Salt 1 1/2 Teaspoons 2 Teaspoons

Sugar 4 Tablespoons 5 Tablespoons

Bread flour 380 9 500 9

Chopped walnut Og 80 9

Dry yeast 1 1/ 2 ~ a poons 1 3/4 Teaspoons

Program 5 — SW T

Nutritional Sweet Bread

oaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2 .0 LB (900 g)

Water 120ml 190 ml

Eggs 2 3

Oil 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Sugar 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Salt 1 1/2 Teaspoons 2 Teaspoons

Bread flour 400 9 520 9

Raisins 50 9 75 9

Dry yeast 1 Teaspoon 1 1/2 Teaspoons

Program 5 — SWEET

Ultra-Fast Pesto Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Warm water (48 °C) 270ml 340ml

Pesto 3 Tablespoons 1/2 Cup

Milk powder 1 1/3 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Sugar 1 1/3 Tablespoons 2 Tablespoons

Salt 1/2 Teaspoons 2/3 Teaspoons

Bread flour 380g 500g

Dry yeast 3 Teaspoons 4 Teaspoons

Program 6 — ULTRA FAST I for 700 g or Program 7 — ULTRA FAST II for 900 g

Loganberry (Cowberry) / Walnut Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Milk 120ml 160 ml

Eggs 2 2

Butter oil 4 Tablespoons 5 Tablespoons

Sugar 4 Tablespoons 5 Tablespoons

Salt 1 1/ 2 Teaspoons 2 Teaspoons

Lemon peel 3/4 Teaspoons 1 Teaspoon

Bread flour 380 9 500g

Chopped walnuts 40 9 60g

Dry yeast 1 Teaspoon 1 1/ 4 Teaspoons

Program 5 — SWEET

Cinnamon/Raisin/Nut Bread

Loaf size 1.5 LB (700 g) 2.0 LB (900 g)

Water 220 ml 270 ml

Oil 2 Tablespoons 3 Tablespoons

Cinnamon 3/4 Teaspoons 1 Teaspoon

Brown , dark sugar 1 Tablespoon 1 1/3 Tablespoons

Raisins 60 9 80 9

Nuts 60 9 80 9

Salt 1 1/2 Teaspoons 2 Teaspoons

Bread flour 35 0 9 460 g

Dry yeast 1 Teaspoon 1 1/4 Teaspoons

Program 5 — SWEET

21 22

Page 13: Manual Alaska BM2000


The bread is soggyIf, after baking, the bread was left in the baking pan (2) for too long , the moisture contained inthe warm bread cannot evaporate. After some time, this will soak the bread .

The br ead rose too mu chYou might have used too much yeasl, flour or wat r. U only dry y I, inc fr sh y st caninfluence the result negatively.

The dough is not kneaded, even though the motor run s.The dough hook (3) might not be correctly inserted onto the drive axle (4) or the baking pan(2) was not correctly attached to the drive axle (4) .

d xtraction help (14) . Pleasenot t damaged .

III til I r J I f) hI III III 1>1 lel I>y J 11lC] til(( IllIlIl C I Ill! dou Il h

The dough was not kneaded completelyThe ingredients might not have been added to the baking pan (2) in the correct order or thetotal weight of the ingredients was too high. The butter used might have been too hard or the

liquid was too co ld.

Th ro t d J J 11)1 rYou nu Jill II.lVI II 4 1100111\1 x iralion date . They .I I III I ,11111. V )lII( Illll )1\1 .1 Wllh .. It 1n9 roc ss of theI HI ,h I h . >VI I ( 1) I th I I cI rn I IIlU I I II .IIIl.l I dunnq th I king process. A

hi Jh ionf III 0 1 wh I fjl III II III \Il I JI.1I1l wlllllrntlih II III J of Ih lou h, which is completely

norm. I

The dough hook I luRemov th I uqh II lot

be car ful tnnt 11 1/ 11 11 llc

Blu eberry Jam

Thawed, frozen blueberries 950 9

2 : 1 Gelling sugar 500 9

Lemon juice 1 Tablespoon

Program 9: JAM

Strawberry Jam

Washed and cleaned fresh strawberries,either finely chopped or pureed 900 9

2 : 1 Gelling sugar 500 g

Lemon juice 1 Tablespoon

Program 9 : JAM

Orange Jam

Peeled and finely chopped oranges 900g

Peeled and finely chopped lemons 100g

2 : 1 Gelling sugar 500 9

Program 9: JAM

The finished bread is too mo ist insideWhen using the same recipe next time, add an additional tablespoon of flour or usecorrespondingly less water or milk. You can also try to reduce the quantity of yeast by max.


The bread is not baked completelyYou might h v s I cted the wrong program . Replace the bread into the baking pan (2) and

11111 h I akin it u «1 program 12 .

23 ‘ J

Page 14: Manual Alaska BM2000

GUARANTEEA statutory guarantee applies for this product.Claims must be submitted immediately after their determination.

The right to guarantee claims expires upon any intervention of the purchaser or third parties .Damages caused by wrong treatment or operation, by false placement or storage, improperconnection or installation, as well as force or other external influences are not covered by thisguarantee. We recommend careful reading of the operating instructions as it containsimportant information.

The purchaser must prove the right to guarantee claims by presentation of the purchasereceipt.

Note:1. In case this product does not function correctly, please firstly check if there are other

reasons, e.g . interruption of the power supply, or incorrect handling are the cause .2. Please note that the following documents need to be submitt d together with your faulty

product:- Purchase receipt- Model description/Type/Brand- Describe the fault and problem as detailed as possible

In the case of a claim for guarantee or defects, please contact the seller personally.

GWL 7/08 E/GB




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