Газоанализатор as8800l инструкция на русском языке

Combustible Gas Detector


Instruction Manual

Combustible Gas Detector


Instruction Manual

1. Introduction

This instrument provide combustible gas detection.

It is excellent apply on any situation of combustible

gas or vapour or residue for pinpointing known leaks,

checking for leaks and verifying safety of potential

hazardous locations.

Some application are:

A. Gas lines and pipes

B. Propane gas refill station

C. Fuel in marine bilges

D. Exhaust and fuel leaks

E. Check manholes for safety


Although the unit will respond to high level of

Carbon Monoxide, it should not be used as a a detector

for this gas in normal room or working atmospheres.

It used to pinpoint a leak as described in the

Operation Instructions.

2. How it works

After the automatic warm up, when the sensor of

the instrument detected vaporous & gas-form

combustible compound, the signal variate as the

increase tick rate with LED will light up to located

the combustible leaks. That help the user to take

effective reaction to clear potential hazard.

3. Features

3.1 Adjustable sensitivity

3.2 Auto fast warm-up

3.3 Alarm indication

3.4 Low battery indication

3.5 Leak size indication (Audio and Visible)

3.6 Instant response and pinpoint leak position


1. Introduction

This instrument provide combustible gas detection.

It is excellent apply on any situation of combustible

gas or vapour or residue for pinpointing known leaks,

checking for leaks and verifying safety of potential

hazardous locations.

Some application are:

A. Gas lines and pipes

B. Propane gas refill station

C. Fuel in marine bilges

D. Exhaust and fuel leaks

E. Check manholes for safety


Although the unit will respond to high level of

Carbon Monoxide, it should not be used as a a detector

for this gas in normal room or working atmospheres.

It used to pinpoint a leak as described in the

Operation Instructions.

2. How it works

After the automatic warm up, when the sensor of

the instrument detected vaporous & gas-form

combustible compound, the signal variate as the

increase tick rate with LED will light up to located

the combustible leaks. That help the user to take

effective reaction to clear potential hazard.

3. Features

3.1 Adjustable sensitivity

3.2 Auto fast warm-up

3.3 Alarm indication

3.4 Low battery indication

3.5 Leak size indication (Audio and Visible)

3.6 Instant response and pinpoint leak position


4. Diagram and description

① ON/OFF switch

② Power indicator

③ Leak size indicator

④ Speaker

⑤ Sensitivity adjust knob

⑥ Battery compartment

⑦ Flex probe

⑧ Probe knob


4. Diagram and description

① ON/OFF switch

② Power indicator

③ Leak size indicator

④ Speaker

⑤ Sensitivity adjust knob

⑥ Battery compartment

⑦ Flex probe

⑧ Probe knob




Combustible Gas Detector


Instruction Manual

Combustible Gas Detector


Instruction Manual

1. Introduction

This instrument provide combustible gas detection.

It is excellent apply on any situation of combustible

gas or vapour or residue for pinpointing known leaks,

checking for leaks and verifying safety of potential

hazardous locations.

Some application are:

A. Gas lines and pipes

B. Propane gas refill station

C. Fuel in marine bilges

D. Exhaust and fuel leaks

E. Check manholes for safety


Although the unit will respond to high level of

Carbon Monoxide, it should not be used as a a detector

for this gas in normal room or working atmospheres.

It used to pinpoint a leak as described in the

Operation Instructions.

2. How it works

After the automatic warm up, when the sensor of

the instrument detected vaporous & gas-form

combustible compound, the signal variate as the

increase tick rate with LED will light up to located

the combustible leaks. That help the user to take

effective reaction to clear potential hazard.

3. Features

3.1 Adjustable sensitivity

3.2 Auto fast warm-up

3.3 Alarm indication

3.4 Low battery indication

3.5 Leak size indication (Audio and Visible)

3.6 Instant response and pinpoint leak position


1. Introduction

This instrument provide combustible gas detection.

It is excellent apply on any situation of combustible

gas or vapour or residue for pinpointing known leaks,

checking for leaks and verifying safety of potential

hazardous locations.

Some application are:

A. Gas lines and pipes

B. Propane gas refill station

C. Fuel in marine bilges

D. Exhaust and fuel leaks

E. Check manholes for safety


Although the unit will respond to high level of

Carbon Monoxide, it should not be used as a a detector

for this gas in normal room or working atmospheres.

It used to pinpoint a leak as described in the

Operation Instructions.

2. How it works

After the automatic warm up, when the sensor of

the instrument detected vaporous & gas-form

combustible compound, the signal variate as the

increase tick rate with LED will light up to located

the combustible leaks. That help the user to take

effective reaction to clear potential hazard.

3. Features

3.1 Adjustable sensitivity

3.2 Auto fast warm-up

3.3 Alarm indication

3.4 Low battery indication

3.5 Leak size indication (Audio and Visible)

3.6 Instant response and pinpoint leak position


4. Diagram and description

① ON/OFF switch

② Power indicator

③ Leak size indicator

④ Speaker

⑤ Sensitivity adjust knob

⑥ Battery compartment

⑦ Flex probe

⑧ Probe knob


4. Diagram and description

① ON/OFF switch

② Power indicator

③ Leak size indicator

④ Speaker

⑤ Sensitivity adjust knob

⑥ Battery compartment

⑦ Flex probe

⑧ Probe knob





Характеристики газоанализатора
Скорость отбора проб мгновенная
Время разогрева 20 сек
Чувствительность переменная, минимум 50 ppm (метан)
Обнаруженный газ углеводороды (метан, природный газ, этан, бензол, ацетилен, пропан), галогенированные углеводородороды (метилхлорид, метилен хлорид), спирт (метанол, этанол)
Настройка чувствительности датчика ручная
Кнопка сброса на держателе датчика
Индикация питания светодиодная
Индикатор низкого заряда батареи 3,2 ± 0,2 В
Защита от перегрузки по току
Индикатор степени утечки есть
Общие характеристики
Питание 3 батареи АА х 1,5 В
Длина гофры 36 см
Время работы от батареи около 9 часов
Рабочая температура от 0°С до +50°С, относительная влажность < 80%
Температура хранения от -10°С до +60°С, относительная влажность < 90%
Габариты 240 х 140 х 40 мм
Комплектация газоанализатор SMART SENSOR AS8800L – 1 шт
инструкция по эксплуатации – 1 шт

Технические характеристики, внешний вид и комплектация
могут быть изменены
производителем без предварительного уведомления.

Описание и отзывы


Описание продукта:

Название торговой марки   Смарт-датчик
Цвет: Красный + черный
Материал: АБС-пластик
Обнаружение детектор утечки газа: Горючий газ
Чувствительность: Переменный, минимум 50 PPM (метан)
Режим тревоги: Звуковая сигнализация и светильник
Время отклика: Мгновенная
Время разогрева: <20 секунд
Тип батареи: 3 * AA (не включены) 1,5 V щелочные батареи типа АА (не входят в комплект поставки)
Рабочий цикл: 3 года
Время отклика: Мгновенная
Время непрерывной работы: 9 часов (незначительные отклонения в рабочем состоянии)
Длина зонда: 35,5 см/13.98in
Рабочая температура: 0 ~ 50 ℃, относительная влажность 0 ~ 80%
Температура хранения: 10 ~ 60 ℃, относительная влажность: 0 ~ 70%
Размер изделия: прибл. 160*65*33 мм/6,30*2,56 * 1.30in (L * Ш * В)
Вес изделия: прибл. 175 г/6,17 унций
Размер посылка: прибл. 23,5*14*4 см/9,25*5,51 * 1.57in (L * Ш * В)
Посылка Вес: Прибл. 214 г/7,56 унций

Инструкция по эксплуатации:

 1. Выключите устройство и ручка чувствительности полностью против часовой стрелки.
2. Включите устройство в незагрязненной среде, сдвинув переключатель ВКЛ, индикатор питания будет гореть. Индикатор питания, удерживающий светильник, показывает, что мощность аккумулятора достаточно, это гарантирует точное обнаружение устройства.
3. После включения устройство автоматически нагревается в течение 20 секунд, будет слышен тикающий звук.
4. Отрегулируйте управление чувствительностью до тех пор, пока первый течеискатель светильник не поднимется, тикающая Скорость вверх.
5. Приблизились к датчику к известному источнику утечки, размер утечки указывает на увеличение света с быстрым тиком. Вышеуказанные шаги для обеспечения правильной работы устройства, теперь устройство готово к использованию. Если питание аккумулятора в достаточном состоянии, но датчик подходит к известным утечкам без каких-либо реакций, не используйте инструмент, пожалуйста, верните для ремонта.
6. В сочетании с повышенным коэффициентом клеща, индикатор размера утечки будет светильник вниз к вершине, как более большие горючие концентрации.
7. Поиск общей области утечки. Когда обнаруживаемое соединение входит в датчик, тикание ускоряется.
8. Если вы ищете источник интенсивной утечки, пожалуйста, понизьте чувствительность на чистом воздухе, поворачивая регулируемую ручку (до тех пор, пока индикатор размера утечки не выключится).


Yueqing Tianen Electric Factory. Основана в 2005 году.Имеет различные товары, такие как

Реле, выключатель, переключательEs, ThErMoCOUple, термостат, регулятор температуры,

Выключатель питания, AVS, теплоотвод, нагреватель, распределительная коробка, распределительная коробка и так далее.

Мы являемся производителем и имеем десятилетний опыт в электротехнической промышленности.


Наши услуги

A. Пунктуальное Время доставки:
Мы выполняем ваш заказ в нашем хорошо организованном производственном расписании, гарантируем ваше пунктуальное время доставки.
Производственный отчет до того, как ваш заказ упакованы.
Отправка уведомления и фотографий, отправленных вам, как только ваш заказ будет отправлен.

B. Послепродажное обслуживание:
Мы уделяем большое внимание вашему питанию после получения товара.
Мы предоставляем 12 месяцев гарантии после прибытия товара.
Мы обещаем, что все детали доступны в течение всего срока службы.
Мы возместим ваши жалобы в течение 48 часов.

C. Профессиональные продажи:
Мы ценим каждый запрос, отправленный нам, гарантируем быстрое конкурентное предложение.
Мы сотрудничаем с клиентом для участия в торгах. Предоставьте все необходимые документы.
Мы команда продаж, с технической поддержкой инженерной команды.


Похожие товары

Combustible Gas Detector


Instruction Manual

Combustible Gas Detector


Instruction Manual

1. Introduction

This instrument provide combustible gas detection.

It is excellent apply on any situation of combustible

gas or vapour or residue for pinpointing known leaks,

checking for leaks and verifying safety of potential

hazardous locations.

Some application are:

A. Gas lines and pipes

B. Propane gas refill station

C. Fuel in marine bilges

D. Exhaust and fuel leaks

E. Check manholes for safety


Although the unit will respond to high level of

Carbon Monoxide, it should not be used as a a detector

for this gas in normal room or working atmospheres.

It used to pinpoint a leak as described in the

Operation Instructions.

2. How it works

After the automatic warm up, when the sensor of

the instrument detected vaporous & gas-form

combustible compound, the signal variate as the

increase tick rate with LED will light up to located

the combustible leaks. That help the user to take

effective reaction to clear potential hazard.

3. Features

3.1 Adjustable sensitivity

3.2 Auto fast warm-up

3.3 Alarm indication

3.4 Low battery indication

3.5 Leak size indication (Audio and Visible)

3.6 Instant response and pinpoint leak position


1. Introduction

This instrument provide combustible gas detection.

It is excellent apply on any situation of combustible

gas or vapour or residue for pinpointing known leaks,

checking for leaks and verifying safety of potential

hazardous locations.

Some application are:

A. Gas lines and pipes

B. Propane gas refill station

C. Fuel in marine bilges

D. Exhaust and fuel leaks

E. Check manholes for safety


Although the unit will respond to high level of

Carbon Monoxide, it should not be used as a a detector

for this gas in normal room or working atmospheres.

It used to pinpoint a leak as described in the

Operation Instructions.

2. How it works

After the automatic warm up, when the sensor of

the instrument detected vaporous & gas-form

combustible compound, the signal variate as the

increase tick rate with LED will light up to located

the combustible leaks. That help the user to take

effective reaction to clear potential hazard.

3. Features

3.1 Adjustable sensitivity

3.2 Auto fast warm-up

3.3 Alarm indication

3.4 Low battery indication

3.5 Leak size indication (Audio and Visible)

3.6 Instant response and pinpoint leak position


4. Diagram and description

① ON/OFF switch

② Power indicator

③ Leak size indicator

④ Speaker

⑤ Sensitivity adjust knob

⑥ Battery compartment

⑦ Flex probe

⑧ Probe knob


4. Diagram and description

① ON/OFF switch

② Power indicator

③ Leak size indicator

④ Speaker

⑤ Sensitivity adjust knob

⑥ Battery compartment

⑦ Flex probe

⑧ Probe knob




5. Operation instruction

5.1 Turn the unit off and the sensitivity knob fully

counter clockwise.

5.2 Turn the unit on in a non-contaminated atmosphere

by slide the switch to ON, the power indicator

will be lit. Power indicator keep on light show

the battery power is sufficient, it ensure the

unit precise detection.

5.3 After turn on, the unit will auto warm-up within

20 sec, a ticking sound will be heard.

5.4 Adjust the sensitivity control until the first

leak indicator light up, the ticking speed up.

5.5 Approached the sensor to a known leak source,

the leak size indicate lights will increase with

the rapid ticking. Above steps to ensure the unit

working correctly, now the unit are ready to use.

If the battery power in sufficient state but the

sensor approach a known leaks without any

responds, do not use the instrument, please

return for repair.

5.6 In conjunction with the increased tick rate,

the leak size indicator will light from down to

top as a larger combustible concentrations.

5.7 Search the general area of the leak. When

a detectable compound enters the sensor, the

ticking speed up.

5.8 If you are searching for a heavy leak source,

please lower the sensitivity in a clear air by

turning the adjustable knob (until the leak size

indicator turn off).

6. To change batteries

6.1 During operation, if the power indicator is

blinking, it is necessary to change batteries.

6.2 Change the batteries properly, cover battery


5. Operation instruction

5.1 Turn the unit off and the sensitivity knob fully

counter clockwise.

5.2 Turn the unit on in a non-contaminated atmosphere

by slide the switch to ON, the power indicator

will be lit. Power indicator keep on light show

the battery power is sufficient, it ensure the

unit precise detection.

5.3 After turn on, the unit will auto warm-up within

20 sec, a ticking sound will be heard.

5.4 Adjust the sensitivity control until the first

leak indicator light up, the ticking speed up.

5.5 Approached the sensor to a known leak source,

the leak size indicate lights will increase with

the rapid ticking. Above steps to ensure the unit

working correctly, now the unit are ready to use.

If the battery power in sufficient state but the

sensor approach a known leaks without any

responds, do not use the instrument, please

return for repair.

5.6 In conjunction with the increased tick rate,

the leak size indicator will light from down to

top as a larger combustible concentrations.

5.7 Search the general area of the leak. When

a detectable compound enters the sensor, the

ticking speed up.

5.8 If you are searching for a heavy leak source,

please lower the sensitivity in a clear air by

turning the adjustable knob (until the leak size

indicator turn off).

6. To change batteries

6.1 During operation, if the power indicator is

blinking, it is necessary to change batteries.

6.2 Change the batteries properly, cover battery



A. Battery must only be replaced in an area known

to be no-hazardous.

B. Turn off the unit when replace the battery.

C. Do not short circuit the metal pieces of the battery.

D. Do not clean the sensor probe to avoid the water,

oil stain, dust entering into probe. (important)

7. Specifications

Combustible gas

Detect Item

Variable, minimum 50 PPM




Response time

<20 seconds

Warm-up time

9 hours (slightly vary with


working condition)

operation time

Replace batteries while

Low battery

power indicator blinks


Power supply

3*1.5V AA batteries

Working Condition

0 to 50°C; ≤80% RH(Non gel)

Storage Condition

10 to 60°C; 0% to 90% RH



A. Battery must only be replaced in an area known

to be no-hazardous.

B. Turn off the unit when replace the battery.

C. Do not short circuit the metal pieces of the battery.

D. Do not clean the sensor probe to avoid the water,

oil stain, dust entering into probe. (important)

7. Specifications

Combustible gas

Detect Item

Variable, minimum 50 PPM




Response time

<20 seconds

Warm-up time

9 hours (slightly vary with


working condition)

operation time

Replace batteries while

Low battery


power indicator blinks

Power supply

3*1.5V AA batteries

0 to 50°C; ≤80% RH(Non gel)

Working Condition

Storage Condition

10 to 60°C; 0% to 90% RH


8. Cautions

8.1 Do not use the instrument in an area of extremely

high level of combustible gas.

8.2 The gas/vapor of organic solvent might interfere

the function of the unit. During detection, please

eliminate the influence of the organic solvent.

8.3 In order to ensure correct operation and indication,

the unit should be switched on and warm-up in

non-contaminated atmosphere.


8. Cautions

8.1 Do not use the instrument in an area of extremely

high level of combustible gas.

8.2 The gas/vapor of organic solvent might interfere

the function of the unit. During detection, please

eliminate the influence of the organic solvent.

8.3 In order to ensure correct operation and indication,

the unit should be switched on and warm-up in

non-contaminated atmosphere.




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