Фотоаппарат сони альфа 58 инструкция по применению

Характеристики, спецификации

Разрешение матрицы:

20.1 Мпикс


OLED 2.7″ поворотный

Режимы фокусировки:

автоматический, ручной

Тип автофокусировки:

TTL phase detection

Совместимые объективы (крепление байонета):

Minolta A-type

Размер матрицы:

15.4 x 23.2 мм

Стабилизатор изображения:

стабилизация с подвижной матрицей

Чувствительность матрицы:

ISO 100-16000

Замер экспозиции:

многосегментный, точечный, центрально-взвешенный

Режимы экспозиции:

с приоритетом диафрагмы, с приоритетом затвора


+/- 3 EV с шагом 1/3 ступени

Скорость затвора:

1/4000 — 30 сек

Баланс белого:

автоматический, из списка, ручная установка

Настройки баланса белого:

2500K — 9900K, вспышка, дневной свет, лампа накаливания, облачность, тень, флюоресцентное освещение

Режимы съемки:

Intelligent Auto, автоматический, брекетинг баланса белого, высококонтрастный, закат, лампа, насыщенно, панорама, пейзаж, портрет, программируемый, резкий, ручной, специальные эффекты, стандарт, сцена, черно-белый, яркий

Серийная съемка, кадров/сек.:



Есть, 10 сек., 2 сек.

Запись фото:

JPEG — 5536 x 2160

Запись видео:

AVCHD — 1920 x 1080 — 50 g


выдвижная, горячий башмак

Режимы вспышки:

автоматический, беспроводная, заполняющая, медленная синхронизация, подавление «эффекта красных глаз», синхронизация по задней шторке

Максимальная дальность работы:

10 м

Поддерживаемые форматы карт памяти:

Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo, SD, SDHC, SDXC

Поддерживаемый стандарт батарей:

собственный аккумулятор

Модель аккумулятора в комплекте:


Батареи в комплекте:

1, Li-ion

Инструкция к Фотоаппарату цифровой зеркальному Sony SLT-A58



Подготовка камеры

фотоаппарат со

Съемка и просмотр

сменным объективом


Фотосъемка в

зависимости от объекта

Использование функций

α Руководство


Использование функций



Список функций

Просмотр фотоснимков

на компьютере




Алфавитный указатель

©2013 Sony Corporation




операции ……………..……………….…………………….………….. 11

В данном разделе приведена основная информация по

эксплуатации фотоаппарата.

Примечания по использованию фотоаппарата …. 12

Подготовка камеры

Проверка комплектации ……..……..…..…….……..……. 15

Компоненты камеры …….……..…..……..…….……..……. 17

Передняя сторона ..……..…….……..……..…….…….... 17

Задняя сторона ..……..…….……..……..…….……..……. 19

Верхняя сторона …..…….……..……..…….……..……. 20

Боковые стороны/Нижняя сторона …….…..……. 22

Объектив ..…….……..…..……..……..…….……..……..…. 24

Зарядка батарейного блока …..……..……..…….…….... 25

Установка аккумулятора/карты памяти (продается

отдельно) ………………………………..………………..…….. 27

Карты памяти, которые вы можете

использовать …………..…………………..…………. 29

Присоединение объектива ..……..……..…….……..…….31

Включение фотоаппарата и установка часов ……. 35

Перед съемкой ……..…….……..……..…….……..……..…. 38

Регулировка оптической резкости видоискателя

(диоптрийная коррекция) .…….……..……..…. 38

Как правильно держать фотоаппарат ……..……. 38

Съемка и просмотр изображений

Съемка неподвижных изображений ………….…….... 40

Запись фильмов ………..…..……..……..…….……..……..…. 43

Воспроизведение изображений …………..……………… 44

Удаление изображений (Удалить) …………..……..…. 45


Фотосъемка в зависимости от объекта

Регулировка угла установки ЖК-экрана ……….….. 46

Выбор режима съемки …………..…….……..……..……. 47

Супер авторежим ….……..…..…….……..…….. 48

Выбор сцены ………..……..……..…….……..…….. 50

Панорамный обзор .………….……..……..……. 51

Непрер. приор. АЭ с телеконв. …..……..….. 52

Использование функций съемки

Использование вспышки …….……..…….……..……..….. 53

Настройка яркости изображения ..……..……..……. 55

Выбор режима протяжки ……..……..……. 57

Переключение информационной индикации в

режиме записи (DISP) ……….…….……..……..…..….. 58

Настройка размера изображения …..…….……..…….. 59

Размер изобр. ..…….……..……..…….……..……..……. 59

Панорама: размер ….…….……..……..…….…………. 60

Использование функций воспроизведения

Увеличение изображений ……..…….……..…..……..….. 61

Переключение на отображение списка

изображений ……….……..……..…….……..……..……. 62

Просмотр изображений на экране телевизора …. 63

Список функций

Функции, которыми можно управлять с помощью

кнопок/переключателя………..……..…….…………. 64

Выбор функции с помощью кнопки Fn

(Функция) ……..…….……..……..…….……..……..……. 66

Функции, которые можно выбирать с помощью

кнопки Fn (Функция) …………………………………….67

Выбор функций с помощью кнопки MENU ……… 69

Использование функции рекомендаций

камеры .…….……..…..……..……..…….……..……..……. 78

Встроенная справка ……..……..……..…….……..…….. 78

Подсказки по съемке …..……..……..…….……..….. 78


Просмотр фотоснимков на компьютере

Какие возможности предоставляет программное

обеспечение …..……..……..…….……..……..…….…….... 80

Какие возможности предоставляет

“PlayMemories Home” ……………..…….…….... 81

Какие возможности предоставляет

“Image Data Converter …………..…….…….... 82

Установка программного обеспечения ……..…….... 83

Установка программы

“PlayMemories Home” ……………..…….…….... 83

Просмотр руководства “Справочное

руководство по PlayMemories Home” …… 84

Установка программы “Image Data

Converter” …….……..…….……..……..…….…….... 84

Просмотр руководства “Руководство по Image

Data Converter” …..…….……..……..…….…….... 85

Установка программы “Remote Camera

Control” …………..…….……..……..…….……..……. 86

Выбор способа создания видеодиска ..……..……..…. 87

Создание диска с помощью компьютера …..….. 88

Создание диска с помощью устройства,

отличного от компьютера …..…….……..……. 89


Список экранных значков ……..……..…….……..……. 90

Функции, доступные для каждого режима

съемки ..…….……..……..…..…….……..……..…….…….... 93

Доступные режимы вспышки ……..…….……..……..…. 94




…..…….….……………….……………….………………... 95

В данном разделе приведена дополнительная информация по

эксплуатации фотоаппарата.


Настройка фотоаппарата .……………………………..…… 96

Снятие наглазника окуляра …..…….……..……..….. 96

Экранная индикация режима съемки …..……..…….. 97

Выбор режима экрана …………..…….……..……..….. 97

Гистограмма ….…….……..……..…..…….……..……..….. 98

Контроль объекта через объектив без

отображения эффектов ……..…….…………. 99

Список значков режима видоискателя ……..….. 99

Съемка четкого изображения без дрожания

фотоаппарата ….……..…….……..…..……..……..…….. 102

Индикатор предупреждения о дрожании

фотоаппарата …….…..……..…….……..…….. 102

Использование функции SteadyShot …..…….. 103

Использование штатива ……..……..…..……..…….. 103


Выбор режима фотосъемки ………..……..…..…….. 104

Интеллект. Авто/ Вспышка выкл ……… 104

Супер авторежим ……..…….……..……..….. 104

Выбор сцены ………..……..……..…….……..…… 105

Панорамный обзор .………….……..……..…….. 108

Непрер. приор. АЭ с телеконв. …..…….. 110

Программное авто ……………………………………. 111

Приор. диафрагмы ……..……..…….……..…….. 112

Приор. выдержки …………..…….……..……..…….. 115

Ручной экспозиция ……..……..…….……..…….. 117

BULB ……..……..…….……..……..…….……..…….. 119

Установка записи видео ……………..…….……..…….. 121

Простая запись видео …………………………………… 121

Цифров увелич …………..……..…….……..……..…….. 123

Изменение чувствительности отслеживания

автофокуса во время записи видео .…….. 123


Запись видео с регулировкой выдержки и

диафрагмы …………..…….……..……..…….…….. 124

Формат файла …….…….……..……..…….……..…….... 125

Параметры записи …………..……..…….……..…….... 126

Запись звука ……….…..…….……..……..…….……..….. 127

Регулировка фокусировки ..……..……..…….……..….. 128

Автофокус ..……..……..…….……..……..…..…….…….. 129

Блокировка фокуса ….……..……..…….……..…….... 131

Режим АФ ……..……..……..…..……..…….……..…….... 132

Область AF …..……..……..…..……..…….……..…….... 133

Подсветка АФ …….…….……..……..…….……..…….... 134

Следящий AF ..……..……..…….……..……..…….…….. 135

Фокусировка вручную ..…..……..…….……..…….... 137

Выделение контуров …..…….……..……..…….…….. 139

Фокусировоч. лупа …………..……..…….……..…….... 139

Распознавание лиц .……..…….…..……..……..…….…….. 141

Распознаван. лиц ..…….……..……..…….……..…..….. 141

Регистрация лиц …….……..……..…….……..…..….. 142

Авто кадрирование ………….…..……..…….……..….. 144

Smile Shutter ….……..……..…….……..……..…….…….. 145

Регулировка яркости изображения …….……..….. 147

Блокировка АЭ .……..…….……..……..…….……..….. 147

AEL с выдержкой …..…….……..……..…….……..….. 148

Режим измер. ……..…….…..……..……..…….……..….. 148

Кор.эксп.вспыш. ……….……..……..…….……..…….... 149

Управл.вспышкой …..…….……..……..…….……..….. 150

Вспышка ….…….……..……..…..…….……..……..…….…….. 152

Беспроводная вспышка ……….…..……..…….…….. 153

Установка ISO ……..……..…….……..……..…….…..…….. 155

Многокадр. шумоподавл. ….……..……..…….…….. 156

Автоматическая компенсация яркости и

контрастности (Д-диапазон) …….……..…….…….. 157

Опт.Д-диап. …………..……..…….……..……..…….…….. 157

Авто HDR …..……..…….……..……..…….……..…….... 158

Установка обработки изображений ….……..…..….. 160

Эффект рисунка …….……..…..……..…….……..….. 160

Творческ. стиль ….…….……..……..…….…..……..….. 162


Регулировка цветовых тонов

(Баланс белого) ……….……..……..…….……..…….. 164

Экран точной регулировки цвета ……………….. 166

Цвет. темпер./Цветной фильтр …………………… 166

Пользоват. баланс белого …..……..…….……..…… 167

Зуммирование ………….…..……..……..…….……..…….. 169

Выбор режима протяжки ……..……..…….. 172

Покадров. Съемка …..……..…….……..……..…….. 172

Непрерыв. Съемка ….……..……..…….…..……..…… 172

Автоспуск ……..…..…….……..……..…….……..…….. 173

Брек.: Непрер./Покадр. брекетинг ……….…….. 174

Брекетинг WB …..…….……..……..…..…….……..…… 176


Экранная индикация режима

воспроизведения …….…….……..……..…….……..…… 177

Переключение экрана во время

воспроизведения ..…………………..…………….. 177

Список значков дисплея гистограммы ……… 177

Использование функций воспроизведения …… 179

Поворот изображения …………….……..…..…….. 179

Выб. фото./видео ……….……..…….……..……..…….. 180

Слайд-шоу ……..…….……..……..…….……..…..…….. 180

Дисп.реж.воспр. ……….……..…..……..…….……..…… 181

Прокрутка панорамных изображений ….…….. 181

Защита изображений (Защита) …….…..……..…… 182

Удаление изображений (Удалить) ……..……..…….. 183

Удалить (Неск. снимков) ………..…..……..…….. 183

Удаление всех изображений или видеозаписей в

каждом режиме просмотра…………………..184

Воспроизведение на телевизоре ….……..……..….. 185

Использование приложения “BRAVIA”

Sync ….……..……..…….……..……..…….……..…... 185


Настройка фотоаппарата

Установка формата и качества изображения ….. 187

Формат ………..……..…..…….……..……..…….……..….. 187

Качество ……….………….……..……..…….……..…….... 187

Установка других функций фотоаппарата ………. 189

ШП длит. экспоз. ….……..…….……..……..…….…….. 189

ШП высокого ISO …….……..……..…….……..…….... 190

Цвет. простран. …..…….……..……..…….……..…….... 190

Спуск б/объектива .……..…….……..……..…..…….... 191

Сетка …..…….……..……..…….……..……..…….…..…….. 191

Авто.просмотр ………….…..……..……..…….……..….. 192

Функ. кнопки AEL …………..……..…….……..…….... 192

Кнопка ISO …………..…..……..……..…….……..…….... 193

Кнопка предпросмотра ……..………….……..…….... 193

Электронная передняя шторка затвора ………. 194

Яркость видоискат. ……..…….……..…..……..…….... 194

Эконом. питания ….……..…….……..……..…….…….. 195

Настр. FINDER/LCD .……..……..…….……..…….... 195

Коррекция объектива ……….……..……..…….……..….. 196

Корр. об.: Периферич. затенение ……..…..…….. 196

Коррекция объектива: Хром. аберр. ……….….. 196

Коррекция объектива: Дисторсия ….…….…….. 196

Установка способа записи на карту памяти …..197

Форматировать …..…….……..……..…….……..…….... 197

Номер файла …………….……..……..…….…..……..….. 197

Название папки …………….……..……..…….……..….. 198

Выбор папк. записи ……………..……..…….……..….. 198

Создать папку ………………………………………………. 198

Восстан. БД изобр. ……..…….……..…..……..…….... 199

Парам. Выгрузки ………….……..……..…….……..….. 199

Возврат к исходным установкам ……………..…….... 201

Подтверждение версии фотоаппарата …………….. 205



Использование фотоаппарата с

компьютером …….…..…….……..……..…….……..…… 206

Рекомендуемая конфигурация компьютера

(Windows) …..…….……..……..…….……..…….. 207

Рекомендуемая конфигурация компьютера

(Mac) …..……..…….…..……..……..…….……..…… 208

Подключение фотоаппарата к компьютеру ……. 209

Создание USB-соединения ……………..……..….. 209

Установка режима USB-соединения

(Настройка USB LUN)……….…….……..…… 210

Подключение к компьютеру ……….…..……..…… 210

Импортирование изображений в компьютер

(Windows) …………..……..…….……..……..…….. 211

Импортирование изображений в компьютер

(Mac) …..……..…….…..……..……..…….……..…… 213

Удаление USB-соединения ………….……..…….. 213

Создание диска с видеозаписями ……..……..…….. 215

Создание диска с качеством высокой четкости

(HD) на компьютере (диск с записью

AVCHD) ………….……..……..…..…….……..…… 215

Создание диска с качеством стандартной

четкости (STD)…………..…….……..……..…….. 216

Типы дисков, которые можно использовать с

программой “PlayMemories Home” …….. 217


Указание DPOF ……..…….……..……..…….……..…….. 218

Печать даты …………..…….……..……..…….……..…… 219


Чистка фотоаппарата и объектива ……………….…. 220

Чистка датчика изображения ….……..…….……..…... 221


Поиск и устранение неисправностей/Прочее

Устранение неисправностей ..……..…..…….……..….. 224

Предупреждающие сообщения …….…..……..…….... 235

Меры предосторожности ………………..…….…..…….. 238

Использование фотоаппарата за границей —

Источники питания ……………..……..…….……..….. 243

Формат AVCHD …..……..…….……..……..…….……..….. 244

Карты памяти …….……..……..…….……..……..…….…….. 245

Аккумулятор/Зарядное устройство ……………..….. 248

Лицензия .……..…….……..……..…….……..……..…….…….. 250

Алфавитный указатель .……………….…………………….………… 252


Основные операции

В данном разделе приведена основная информация

по эксплуатации фотоаппарата. В первую очередь

ознакомьтесь с данным разделом. Для более

эффективного использования фотоаппарата см.

раздел “Дополнительные операции” (стр. 95).



Аннотация для Фотоаппарата цифровой зеркального Sony SLT-A58 в формате PDF

Топ 10 инструкций

Другие инструкции

Посмотреть инструкция для Sony Alpha SLT-A58 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории фотокамеры, 7 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.6. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Sony Alpha SLT-A58 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Фотокамера Sony Alpha SLT-A58 имеет 20,1 Мегапикселей, использует технологию CMOS, а максимальное разрешение изображения достигает 5456 x 3632 пикселей. Камера представлена в комплекте со зеркальным объективом и не имеет системы стабилизации изображения. Общая мощность матрицы составляет 20,4 Мегапикселей, а размер сенсора — 23,2 x 15,4 миллиметра. Фотокамера поддерживает форматы изображений JPG и RAW, а также имеет две разрешения для фотографий — 3872 × 2576\r\n2736 x 1824.

Камера имеет высокое разрешение и может снимать фотографии в высоком качестве. Она предоставляет пользователю определенную гибкость в настройке параметров изображения и поддерживает формат RAW. В отличие от некоторых конкурентов, камера не имеет системы стабилизации изображения, что может привести к некоторым трудностям при создании стабильной и четкой фотографии при использовании более длительных выдержек.

Sony Alpha SLT-A58 — камера высокого качества и эффективно выполняет основные функции, которые ей предназначены. Камера идет в комплекте со зеркальным объективом и обеспечивает пользователю высокое качество изображения, но при этом может показаться немного сложной для использования и настройки без предварительной подготовки.

фото камера
Руководство пользователя (PDF), Буклет по продукции (PDF)
Качество изображения
Мегапиксели 20.1 MP
Тип камеры Однообъективный зеркальный фотоаппарат с объективом
Размер сенсора изображения — «
Тип сенсора CMOS
Максимальное разрешение изображения 5456 x 3632 пикселей
Разрешение фотоснимков 3872 × 2576\r\n2736 x 1824
Стабилизатор изображения Нет
Всего мегапикселей 20.4 MP
Размер сенсора (Ш х В) 23.2 x 15.4 mm
Поддерживаемые форматы изображения JPG, RAW
Оптическое увеличение — x
Цифровой зум — x
Фокусное расстояние 18 — 55 mm
Минимальное фокусное расстояние (эквив. пленки 35 мм) — mm
Максимальное фокусное расстояние (эквив. пленки 35 мм ) — mm
Минимальное число установки диафрагмы 3.5
Максимальное число установки диафрагмы 5.6
Тип объектива Станд. зум
Интерфейс крепления объектива Sony A
Фокус TTL
Фокусировка Автофокус/Ручной
Режимы автофокусировки Непрерывная автофокусировка
Точки автофокусировки 15
Удержание автофокусировки Да
Чувствительность по ISO 100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400,12800,16000
Режимы световой экспозиции Aperture priority AE, Auto, Manual, Shutter priority AE
Контроль световой экспозиции Программный автоматический режим
Коррекция световой экспозиции ± 3EV (1/3EV step)
Экспонометр Centre-weighted, Evaluative (Multi-pattern), Spot
Удержание автоматической настройки экспозиции Да
ISO чувствительность (мин) 100
ISO чувствительность (макс) 16000
Наивысшая скорость выдержки камеры 1/4000 s
Самая низкая скорость выдержки камеры 30 s
Тип затвора камеры Электронный
Режимы вспышки Auto, Fill-in, Red-eye reduction, Slow synchronization
Цифровой указатель продолжительности вспышки 10 m
Время перезарядки вспышки 4 s
Разъем подключения внешней вспышки Да
Коррекция экспозиции вспышки ±2EV (1/3 EV step)
Прочие свойства
Встроенная вспышка Да
Тип источника питания Аккумулятор
Количество HDMI портов 1
Аксессуары в комплекте 8GB SD
Максимальное разрешение видео 1920 x 1080 пикселей
Разрешение видео 1440 x 1080,1920 x 1080 пикселей
Тип HD Full HD
Поддерживаемый видеоформат AVCHD, H.264, MP4, MPEG4
Запись видео Да
Встроенный микрофон Да
Запись голоса Да
Поддерживаемые форматы аудио AC3
Оперативная память — MB
Совместимые карты памяти SD, SDHC, SDXC
Слоты памяти 1
Дисплей TFT
Диагональ экрана 2.7 «
Разрешение дисплея (числовое) 460800 пикселей
Поворотный ЖК дисплей Да
Тип видоискателя Электронный
Увеличение 0.88 x
Порты и интерфейсы
PictBridge Нет
Версия USB 2.0
Гнездо входа постоянного тока (DC) Да
Линейный вход микрофона Да
Баланс белого Auto, Cloudy, Daylight, Flash, Fluorescent, Incandescent, Shade
Сюжетные режимы Portrait, Sunset, Landscape (scenery)
Режимы съемки Auto, Movie, Program
Фотоэффекты Яркий
Задержка автоcпуска — s
Регулировка контрастности Да
Регулировка цветовой насыщенности Да
Режимы воспроизведения Movie, Single image, Slide show
Поддерживается монтаж на штатив Да
Гистограмма Да
Просмотр в реальном времени Да
Редактирование изображения Вращающийся
Файловая система камеры DCF 2.0, Exif 2.3, RAW
Вес и размеры
Ширина 128.6 mm
Глубина 77.7 mm
Высота 95.5 mm
Вес 492 g
Технология батареи Литиевая
Производительность батареи (CIPA стандарт) 700 снимков
Емкость батареи 1650 mAh
Тип батареек NP-FM500H
Число поддерживаемых батарей 1
Индикатор уровня заряда батареи Да
Условия эксплуатации
Диапазон температур при эксплуатации 0 — 40 °C
Содержимое упаковки
Батарейки в комплекте Да
Футляр для транспортировки Да

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Какой вес Sony Alpha SLT-A58?

Sony Alpha SLT-A58 имеет вес 492 g.

Какой размер экрана Sony Alpha SLT-A58?

Размер экрана Sony Alpha SLT-A58 составляет 2.7 «.

Какая высота Sony Alpha SLT-A58?

Sony Alpha SLT-A58 имеет высоту 95.5 mm.

Какая ширина Sony Alpha SLT-A58?

Sony Alpha SLT-A58 имеет ширину 128.6 mm.

Какая толщина Sony Alpha SLT-A58?

Sony Alpha SLT-A58 имеет толщину 77.7 mm.

Инструкция Sony Alpha SLT-A58 доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоSony Alpha SLT-A58 доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Interchangeable Lens

Digital Camera

Instruction Manual




Preparing the camera

Shooting and viewing


Shooting images to suit

your subject

Using the shooting


Using the playback


Function list

Viewing images on a





Related Manuals for Sony α SLT-A58

Summary of Contents for Sony α SLT-A58

  • Page 1
    4-459-708-12(1) Interchangeable Lens Preparing the camera Digital Camera Shooting and viewing images Shooting images to suit your subject Instruction Manual Using the shooting functions A-mount Using the playback functions Function list Viewing images on a computer Others Index SLT-A58…
  • Page 2
    INSTRUCTIONS lithium ion batteries. -SAVE THESE • Be sure to charge the battery pack using a genuine Sony battery charger or a device INSTRUCTIONS that can charge the battery pack. • Keep the battery pack out of the reach of DANGER small children.
  • Page 3
    You can help preserve If you have any questions about this our environment by product, you may call: returning your used Sony Customer Information Center rechargeable batteries 1-800-222-SONY (7669). to the collection and The number below is for the FCC related recycling location matters only.
  • Page 4: For Customers In Europe

    EU Directives FCC Rules. This product has been manufactured by or These limits are designed to provide on behalf of Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 reasonable protection against harmful Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. interference in a residential installation. Inquiries related to product compliance…

  • Page 5
    Disposal of Old Electrical & Disposal of waste batteries Electronic Equipment (Applicable in (applicable in the European Union the European Union and other and other European countries with European countries with separate separate collection systems) collection systems) This symbol on the battery This symbol on the or on the packaging product or on its packaging…
  • Page 6
    If the plug supplied with this equipment has a detachable fuse cover, be sure to attach the fuse cover after you change the fuse. Never use the plug without the fuse cover. If you should lose the fuse cover, please contact your nearest Sony service station.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Notes on using your camera ……….10 Preparing the camera Checking the supplied items ……….12 Identifying parts ………….. 13 Front …………….13 Back …………….14 Top …………….15 Sides/Bottom ………….. 16 Lens …………….18 Charging the battery pack ……….19 Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) ………………

  • Page 8
    Using the shooting functions Using the flash …………..41 Adjusting the image brightness ……..43 Selecting the drive mode ……..45 Switching the recording information display (DISP) ..46 Setting image size …………47 Image Size …………..47 Panorama: Size …………47 Using the playback functions Enlarging images ………….
  • Page 9
    Others List of screen icons …………71 Functions available for each shooting mode ….74 Flash modes available …………. 75 Learning more about the camera (α Handbook) ….. 76 Checking the number of recordable images/ recording time …………77 Specifications …………..81 Index …………….
  • Page 10: Notes On Using Your Camera

    Notes on using your camera Shooting procedure • Do not expose the camera to sunlight or shoot toward the sun for extended This camera has 2 modes for monitoring periods of time. The internal mechanism subjects: an LCD screen mode using the may be damaged.

  • Page 11
    Notes on using your camera Notes on importing AVCHD movies to On the data specifications described a computer in this manual When importing AVCHD movies to a The data on performance and specifications computer, for Windows computers, use the are defined under the following conditions, “PlayMemories Home”…
  • Page 12: Preparing The Camera

    Preparing the camera Checking the supplied items First check the model name of your camera (page 11). The accessories supplied differ depending on the model. The number in parentheses indicates the quantity. Supplied with all models • Body cap (1) (Attached to the •…

  • Page 13: Identifying Parts

    Identifying parts See the pages in parentheses for details on operation for the parts. Front Shutter button (30) Microphone** Power switch (27) Mode dial (36) Control dial (33, 36) (Flash pop-up) button (41) Self-timer lamp (45) Mounting index (24) Lens contacts* Lens release button (25) Mirror* Focus mode switch (51)

  • Page 14: Back

    Identifying parts Back Eyepiece sensors Control button v/V/b/B/DISP (Display Viewfinder* Contents) (46)/WB (White • When you look into the Balance) (54)/ (Drive viewfinder, viewfinder mode is Mode) (45)/ (Picture Effect) activated, and when you move (54) your face away from the viewfinder, viewing mode Control button (Enter)/AF returns to LCD screen mode.

  • Page 15: Top

    1)2) Multi interface shoe For details on compatible accessories for the Multi interface shoe, visit the MENU button (55) Sony web site, or consult a Sony Image sensor position dealer or local authorized Sony service facility in your area. mark…

  • Page 16: Sides/Bottom

    Identifying parts Sides/Bottom Hooks for shoulder strap m (Microphone) jack • Attach both ends of the strap to • When an external microphone the camera. is connected, the internal microphone is automatically turned off. If the external microphone is a plug-in-power type, the power of the microphone is supplied by the camera.

  • Page 17
    Identifying parts Battery insertion slot (21) Battery cover (21) Tripod receptacle • Use a tripod with a screw length of less than 5.5 mm (7/32 inch). You will be unable to firmly secure the camera to tripods with a screw length of 5.5 mm (7/32 inch) or longer, and attempting to do so may damage the camera.
  • Page 18: Lens

    (Supplied with the SLT-A58Y) • The DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM II/DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM/ DT 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 SAM are designed for Sony A-mount cameras (models equipped with an APS-C sized image sensor). You cannot use these lenses on 35mm-format cameras.

  • Page 19: Charging The Battery Pack

    Charging the battery pack When using the camera for the first time, be sure to charge the NP- FM500H “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (supplied). The “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack can be charged even when it has not been fully depleted. The battery pack can also be used when it has not been fully charged.

  • Page 20
    Charging the battery pack Connect the battery charger For the U.S.A. and Canada Plug to a wall outlet (wall socket). Light on: Charging Light off: Charge completed About 175 minutes Charging time CHARGE lamp • When charging a fully depleted battery pack at a temperature of 25°C (77°F).
  • Page 21: Inserting The Battery Pack/Memory Card (Sold Separately)

    Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) Open the battery cover by sliding the lever. Insert the battery pack completely, using the tip of the battery to press the lock lever. Lock lever Close the cover. Slide and open the memory card cover.

  • Page 22: Insert A Memory Card

    Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) Insert a memory card. • With the notched corner facing in the direction shown, insert the memory card until it clicks into place. Ensure that the notched corner faces the correct direction. Close the cover. To remove the battery pack Turn off the camera and check that the vibration of the camera has stopped and…

  • Page 23: Memory Cards That You Can Use

    Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) To check the remaining battery level The supplied battery pack is a lithium-ion battery pack that can exchange information related to operating conditions with your camera. The remaining battery time in percent figures is displayed according to the operating conditions of your camera.

  • Page 24: Attaching A Lens

    Attaching a lens Remove the body cap from Front lens cap the camera and the packaging lid from the rear of the lens. • Quickly change the lens somewhere away from dusty locations so as to keep dust or debris from getting inside the camera.

  • Page 25
    Attaching a lens Notes • When attaching a lens, do not press the lens release button. • Do not use force when attaching a lens. • E-mount lenses are not compatible with this camera. • When using a lens equipped with a tripod socket, attach the socket on the lens side to the tripod to maintain balance.
  • Page 26
    Attaching a lens To attach a lens hood It is recommended that you use a lens hood to reduce flare and ensure optimum image quality. Fit the hood into the mount on the end of the lens barrel and rotate the hood clockwise until it clicks.
  • Page 27: Turning On The Camera And Setting The Clock

    Turning on the camera and setting the clock When you turn on the camera for the first time, the date/time setup screen appears. Set the power switch to ON to turn on the camera. The screen to set date and time appears. •…

  • Page 28
    Turning on the camera and setting the clock Repeat step 4 to set other items, then press the center of the control button. Check that [Enter] is selected, then press the center of the control button. To cancel the date/time setting operation Press the MENU button.
  • Page 29: Before Shooting

    Before shooting Adjusting the viewfinder’s visual acuity (diopter adjustment) Adjust the diopter-adjustment dial to your eyesight until the display appears clearly in the viewfinder. Notes • The dioptric adjustment attachment (sold separately) cannot be used with this camera. Holding the camera properly Stabilize your upper body and take a position that keeps the camera from moving.

  • Page 30: Shooting And Viewing Images

    Shooting and viewing images Shooting still images In [Intelligent Auto] mode, the camera analyzes the subject and allows you to shoot with the appropriate settings. Select when shooting in a location where flash use is restricted. Set the mode dial to (Intelligent Auto) or (Flash Off).

  • Page 31
    Shooting still images Press the shutter button halfway down to focus. When the focus is confirmed, z or (Focus indicator) lights up. Focus indicator Press the shutter button fully down to shoot. • When [Auto Object Framing] is set to [Auto] and the camera shoots faces, close-ups, or subjects tracked by [Lock-on AF], the camera…
  • Page 32: Recording Movies

    Recording movies Press the MOVIE button to MOVIE button start recording. • Movie recording can be started from any exposure mode. • The shutter speed and aperture are adjusted automatically. If you want to set them to particular values, set the mode dial to (Movie) (page 36).

  • Page 33: Playing Back Images

    Playing back images Press the button. button MENU button t 1 t [Still/Movie Select] t Select the desired mode • To play back still images, select [Folder View(Still)], and to play back movies, select [Folder View(MP4)] or [AVCHD View], depending on the file format.

  • Page 34: Deleting Images (Delete)

    Deleting images (Delete) Once you have deleted an image, the image cannot be restored. Be sure that you do not want the image before deleting it. Display the image you want to delete and press the button. button Select [Delete] using v on the control button, then press the center of the control button.

  • Page 35: Shooting Images To Suit Your Subject

    Shooting images to suit your subject Adjusting the angle of the LCD screen Adjust the LCD screen to an easily viewable angle. • The LCD screen tilts down about 55 degrees and up about 135 degrees.

  • Page 36: Selecting A Shooting Mode

    Selecting a shooting mode Set the mode dial to the desired shooting mode. The following shooting modes are available: (Intelligent In [Intelligent Auto] mode, the camera analyzes the subject Auto)/ (Flash Off) and allows you to shoot with the appropriate settings. (30) Select [Flash Off] when you want to shoot without the flash.

  • Page 37: Superior Auto

    Selecting a shooting mode Superior Auto Set the mode dial to (Superior Auto). Point the camera towards the subject, and adjust the focus and shoot the subject. Scene recognition Scene Recognition icon When the camera recognizes the subject and adjusts itself for shooting conditions, the following information appears on the screen: Scene Recognition icon, appropriate shooting function, and the…

  • Page 38: Scene Selection

    Selecting a shooting mode Scene Selection Set the mode dial to (Scene Selection), then press the center of the control button. Select the desired mode using v/V, then press the center of the control button. • To change the scene, press the Fn button, then select another scene. Adjust the focus and shoot the subject.

  • Page 39: Sweep Panorama

    Selecting a shooting mode Sweep Panorama Set the mode dial to (Sweep Panorama). Point the camera at the subject for which you want to adjust the brightness and focus, and press the shutter button halfway down. Point the camera at the edge of the composition while pressing the shutter button halfway down, and then press the shutter button…

  • Page 40: Tele-Zoom Cont. Priority Ae

    Selecting a shooting mode Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE Set the mode dial to (Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE). Adjust the focus and shoot the subjects. • The camera continues to shoot while the shutter button is pressed fully down. • The center area on the screen is cropped and the camera records the images continuously at a maximum of about 8 images per second.

  • Page 41: Using The Shooting Functions

    Using the shooting functions Using the flash In dark environments, use the flash to shoot the subject brightly and to prevent camera shake. When shooting against the sun, use the flash to lighten the image of the backlit subject. Fn button t (Flash Mode) t Select the desired setting •…

  • Page 42
    Using the flash (Flash Off) Does not fire even if the flash is raised. • You cannot select this item when the mode dial is set to P, A, S, or M. If you do not want to use the flash in these modes, push the flash down.
  • Page 43: Adjusting The Image Brightness

    Adjusting the image brightness Normally, the exposure is automatically selected (Automatic exposure). Based on the exposure acquired by the automatic exposure, you can perform exposure compensation. You can make the entire image brighter by shifting to the + side. The entire image becomes darker when you shift to the –…

  • Page 44
    Adjusting the image brightness Notes • This item cannot be set when the exposure mode is set to [Intelligent Auto], [Superior Auto], or [Scene Selection]. • When the exposure mode is set to M, the exposure can be adjusted only when [ISO] is set to [AUTO].
  • Page 45: Selecting The Drive Mode

    Selecting the drive mode You can select the appropriate drive mode, such as single, continuous, or bracket shooting, to suit your purpose. on the control button t Select the desired mode (Single This mode is for normal shooting. Shooting) (Cont. Shooting) The camera records images continuously. (Self-timer) The 10-second self-timer is convenient if the photographer wants to appear in the photo, while the 2-second self-timer is…

  • Page 46: Switching The Recording Information Display (Disp)

    Switching the recording information display (DISP) Each time you press DISP on the control button, the recording information display changes as follows. You can set the recording information display separately for viewfinder mode and LCD screen mode. Graphic Display Display All Info. No Disp.

  • Page 47: Setting Image Size

    Setting image size Image Size MENU button t 1 t [Image Size] t Select the desired size [Aspect Ratio]: [3:2] Image size Usage guidelines L: 20M 5456 × 3632 pixels For shooting at the highest image quality M: 10M 3872 × 2576 pixels For prints up to A3+ size S: 5.0M 2736 ×…

  • Page 48: Using The Playback Functions

    Using the playback functions Enlarging images A still image can be enlarged for closer examination. This is convenient for checking the focus condition of a recorded image. Display the image you want to button enlarge, then press the button. Zoom the image in or out using the button or button.

  • Page 49: Switching To The Image List Display

    Switching to the image list display You can display multiple images on the screen simultaneously. Press the button. The image index screen is displayed. • You can select the number of images displayed on one page of the image index screen using [Image Index] in the button Playback menu.

  • Page 50: Viewing Images On A Tv Screen

    Viewing images on a TV screen To view images that were recorded on the camera on a TV set, an HDMI cable (sold separately) and an HD TV equipped with an HDMI connector are required. Turn off both your camera and the To the HDMI connector TV, and connect the camera to the…

  • Page 51: Function List

    Function list Functions that can be operated using the buttons/switch You can set up or operate various functions using the buttons/switch. For the location of the buttons/switch, see “Identifying parts” (page 13). button (41) Pops the flash up. button (43)/AV button/ Adjusts the exposure./Sets up the aperture value./Scales button (48) an image up when viewing images.

  • Page 52: Selecting A Function Using The Fn (Function) Button

    Selecting a function using the Fn (Function) button This button is used for setting up or executing functions used frequently in shooting. Press the Fn button. Select the desired item using v/V/b/B on the control button, then press the center z to execute. The setup screen appears.

  • Page 53: Functions That Can Be Selected Using The Fn (Function) Button

    Functions that can be selected using the Fn (Function) button The functions that can be selected using the Fn button are as follows: Scene Selection (38) Selects an appropriate mode from among the Scene Selection preset settings to suit shooting conditions. (Portrait/Sports Action/Macro/Landscape/Sunset/Night Scene/Hand-held Twilight/Night Portrait) Movie…

  • Page 54
    Functions that can be selected using the Fn (Function) button White Balance Adjusts the color tone of images. (Auto WB/Daylight/Shade/Cloudy/Incandescent/Fluor.: Warm White/Fluor.: Cool White/Fluor.: Day White/Fluor.: Daylight/Flash/C.Temp./Filter/Custom) DRO/Auto HDR Adjusts the brightness and contrast automatically. (Off/D-Range Opt./Auto HDR) Creative Style Selects the desired image processing.
  • Page 55: Functions Selected Using The Menu Button

    Functions selected using the MENU button You can set the basic settings for the camera as a whole or execute functions such as shooting, playback, or other operations. Press the MENU button, then set up the desired item using v/V/b/B on the control button, then press the center of the control button.

  • Page 56
    Functions selected using the MENU button Long Exposure NR Sets noise reduction processing for shots with a shutter speed of 1 second or longer. (On/Off) High ISO NR Sets noise reduction processing for high-sensitivity shooting. (High/Normal/Low) Flash control Sets the method for determining the intensity of flash output. (ADI flash/Pre-flash TTL) AF Illuminator Sets the AF illuminator, which provides light for a dark scene…
  • Page 57
    Functions selected using the MENU button Audio Recording Sets whether to record audio when shooting a movie. (On/Off) Wind Noise Reduct. Reduces wind noise during movie recording. (On/Off) Custom menu Eye-Start AF Sets whether to use auto focus when you look through the viewfinder.
  • Page 58
    Functions selected using the MENU button Peaking Level Enhances the outline of in-focus ranges with a specific color in manual focus mode. (High/Mid/Low/Off) Peaking Color Sets the color used for the peaking function. (Red/Yellow/White) Live View Display Sets whether to display the effect of a function on the screen, such as the effect of the exposure compensation value.
  • Page 59
    Functions selected using the MENU button Lens Comp.: Compensates for distortion on the screen caused by the Distortion attached lens. (Auto/Off) e-Front Curtain Sets whether or not to use the electronic front curtain shutter Shutter function. (On/Off) Face Registration Registers or changes the person to be given priority when focusing.
  • Page 60
    Functions selected using the MENU button Memory Card Tool menu Format Formats the memory card. File Number Sets the method used to assign file numbers to still images and MP4 movies. (Series/Reset) Folder Name Sets the folder format for still images. (Standard Form/Date Form) Select REC Folder Changes the selected folder for storing still images and MP4…
  • Page 61
    Functions selected using the MENU button Power Save Sets the level of the power saving feature. (Max/Standard) Power Saving Start Sets the interval after which power save mode engages. Time (30 Min/5 Min/1 Min/20 Sec/10 Sec) HDMI Resolution Sets the resolution when the camera is connected to an HDMI (Auto/1080p/1080i) CTRL FOR HDMI Operates the camera from a TV that supports “BRAVIA”…
  • Page 62: Using The Guide Function Of The Camera

    Using the guide function of the camera In-Camera Guide When you press the (In-Camera Guide) button on the Fn (Function) screen or menu screen, a guide for the currently selected function or setting automatically appears. (In-Camera Guide) button To select unavailable functions or settings on the Fn screen, press the center of the control button to display the appropriate setup to enable them.

  • Page 63
    Using the guide function of the camera To access all shooting tips You can search through all the shooting tips from the menu. Use this item when you want to read shooting tips you have seen before. MENU button t 3 t [Shooting Tip List]t Select the desired shooting tip…
  • Page 64: Viewing Images On A Computer

    Viewing images Uploading images to network service on calendar Importing images from your camera Creating a movie Sharing images on disc “PlayMemories Online” Installing “PlayMemories Home” (for Windows only) You can install “PlayMemories Home” from the following URL (page 66): www.sony.net/pm…

  • Page 65: What You Can Do With «Image Data Converter

    • “PlayMemories Home” is not compatible with Macs. Use the applications that are installed on your Mac. For details, visit the following URL: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ What you can do with “Image Data Converter” With “Image Data Converter,” you can do the following: •…

  • Page 66: Installing The Software

    “PlayMemories Home” functions differ from those of “PMB,” use “PlayMemories Home.” Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following URL, then click [Install] t [Run]. www.sony.net/pm Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • Page 67: Installing «Image Data Converter

    PlayMemories Home support page (English only): http://www.sony.co.jp/pmh-se/ Installing “Image Data Converter” Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following URL. For Windows: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Win/ For Mac: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. Viewing “Image Data Converter Guide”…

  • Page 68: Installing «Remote Camera Control

    • You can record an image directly to the computer. • You can perform Interval Timer Shooting. Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following URL. For Windows: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Win/ For Mac: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • Page 69: Selecting The Method For Creating A Movie Disc

    Record setting available Disc type/usage Player Blu-ray disc playback devices (Sony Blu-ray disc player, PlayStation®3, etc.) To keep high-definition image quality (HD) AVCHD format playback devices (Sony Blu-ray disc player, –*…

  • Page 70: Creating A Disc Using A Computer

    • To create Blu-ray discs using “PlayMemories Home,” install our proprietary add-on software. For details, access the following URL: http://support.d-imaging.sony.co.jp/BDUW/ • PlayStation®3 may not be available in some countries/regions. • Movies recorded with the [60i 24M(FX)]/[50i 24M(FX)] or [24p 24M(FX)]/[25p 24M(FX)] setting in [Record Setting] are converted by “PlayMemories Home”…

  • Page 71: List Of Screen Icons

    Others List of screen icons Graphic Display (LCD screen) Display Indication Exposure mode (36) P A S M Display All Info. (LCD screen) Scene Recognition icons (37) Memory card (21)/ Upload (61) Remaining number of recordable images For playback (Basic information Aspect ratio of still display) images (55)

  • Page 72
    List of screen icons Display Indication Flash charge in progress Display Indication (41) REC 0:12 Recording time of the Setting Effect OFF (58) movie (m:s) No audio recording of Focus (31) movies (57) 1/250 Shutter speed SteadyShot/Camera F4.0 Aperture shake warning EV scale (43) (Only for viewfinder) SteadyShot error…
  • Page 73
    List of screen icons Display Indication Face Detection (53)/ Smile Shutter (53) Auto Object Framing (53) Smile Detection Sensitivity indicator Display Indication Metering mode (53) Flash compensation (53) White balance (Auto, Preset, Custom, Color temperature, Color filter) (54) 7500K A5 G5 D-Range Optimizer/Auto HDR (54) Creative Style (54)/…
  • Page 74: Functions Available For Each Shooting Mode

    Functions available for each shooting mode The functions you can use depend on the selected shooting mode. In the table below, indicates the function is available, and a – indicates the function is not available. The functions you cannot use are displayed in gray on the screen. Auto Exposure Cont.

  • Page 75: Flash Modes Available

    Flash modes available The flash modes you can select depend on the shooting mode and functions selected. In the table below, indicates the function is selectable, and a – indicates the function is not selectable. The flash modes you cannot select are displayed in gray on the screen. (Fill- (Slow (Rear…

  • Page 76: Learning More About The Camera (Α Handbook)

    (α Handbook) The “α Handbook” can be downloaded from the Internet. Refer to the “α Handbook” for in-depth instructions on the many camera functions. Access the Sony support page. http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/Support/ Select your country or region. Search for the model name of your camera within the support page.

  • Page 77: Checking The Number Of Recordable Images/Recording Time

    The table shows the approximate number of images that can be recorded on a memory card formatted on this camera. The values are defined using Sony standard memory cards for testing. The values may vary depending on the shooting conditions and the type of memory card used.

  • Page 78
    – Using a battery pack that is charged for an hour after the CHARGE lamp goes out. – Using Sony “Memory Stick PRO Duo” media (sold separately). • The number of still images is based on the CIPA standard under the following conditions.
  • Page 79: Available Recording Time For A Movie

    Checking the number of recordable images/recording time – Continuous movie recording: When the limit of the continuous movie recording (29 minutes) is reached, press the MOVIE button and continue recording. No other operations such as zoom are performed. Available recording time for a movie The table below shows the approximate total recording times using a memory card formatted on this camera.

  • Page 80: Notes On Continuous Movie Recording

    Checking the number of recordable images/recording time Notes on continuous movie recording • It requires a great deal of power to perform high quality movie recording or continuous shooting using the APS-C size image sensor. Therefore, if you continue to shoot, the temperature inside the camera will rise, especially that of the image sensor.

  • Page 81: Specifications

    Specifications Camera [System] Camera Type Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera Lens A-mount lens [Image sensor] Image format 23.2 mm×15.4 mm (APS-C format), CMOS image sensor Total pixel number of image sensor Approx. 20 400 000 pixels Effective pixel number of camera Approx.

  • Page 82
    Specifications Diopter Adjustment –4.0 m –1 to +4.0 m –1 (diopter) [LCD screen] LCD panel 6.7 cm (2.7 type) TFT drive/Clear Photo LCD screen Total number of dots 460 800 dots [Exposure control] Metering Cell “Exmor” CMOS sensor Metering method 1 200-zone evaluative metering Metering Range –2 EV to +17 EV (at ISO 100 equivalent with F1.4…
  • Page 83
    5 images/RAW: 6 images [Image zooming playback] Scaling range Image size: L: Approx. ×1.0 – ×15.4/M: Approx. ×1.0 – ×11.2/S: Approx. ×1.0 – ×7.7 [Recording format] File format JPEG-compliant (DCF Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver. 2.3, MPF Baseline), RAW (Sony’s exclusive ARW2.3 format)
  • Page 84
    Specifications Movie (AVCHD format) AVCHD format Ver. 2.0 compatible Video: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Audio: Dolby Digital 2ch, equipped with Dolby Digital Stereo Creator • Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Movie (MP4 format) Video: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Audio: MPEG-4 AAC-LC 2ch [Recording media] “Memory Stick XC Duo”…
  • Page 85
    Specifications On image data compatibility • This camera conforms with the DCF (Design rule for Camera File system) universal standard established by JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association). • Playback on other equipment of images recorded using your camera and playback on your camera of images recorded or edited using other equipment are not guaranteed.
  • Page 86
    Specifications Lens DT 18-55mm DT 55-200mm DT 18-135mm Name (Model name) F3.5-5.6 SAM II F4-5.6 SAM F3.5-5.6 SAM (SAL18552) (SAL55200-2) (SAL18135) Equivalent 35mm- format focal length* 27–82.5 82.5–300 27–202.5 (mm) Lens groups-elements 7–8 9–13 11–14 Angle of view* 76°-29° 29°-8° 76°-12°…
  • Page 87
    Specifications On focal length The picture angle of this camera is narrower than that of a 35 mm-format camera. You can find the approximate equivalent of the focal length of a 35 mm- format camera and shoot with the same picture angle by increasing the focal length of your lens by half.
  • Page 88
    Specifications Trademarks • Mac and Mac OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc. • is a trademark of Sony • Intel, Intel Core, MMX, and Corporation. Pentium are trademarks or • “Memory Stick,” , “Memory registered trademarks of Intel Stick PRO,”…
  • Page 89
    Specifications • The application for PlayStation 3 requires PlayStation Network account and application download. Accessible in areas where the PlayStation Store is available.
  • Page 90: Index

    Index Index Demo Mode ……. 61 Digital Zoom……55 AEL w/ shutter ……56 Diopter-adjustment ….29 AF area ……..53 Disc creation ……69 AF Illuminator ……56 DISP……….. 46 AF Track. Duration ….56 DISP Button(Finder)….57 Aperture Priority……36 DISP Button(Monitor) ….57 Area Setting ……..28 Display ……..

  • Page 91
    Index Format ……..60 Long Exposure NR….. 56 Func. of AEL button ….58 Function button ….52, 53 Mac……….67 Macro ……… 38 Graphic Display ……46 Manual Exposure ……. 36 Grid Line……..57 Memory card ……21 MENU ……..55 Menu ……….
  • Page 92
    Index Program Auto ……36 Specifications……81 Protect………59 Specify Printing ……59 Sports Action ……38 SteadyShot ……… 56 Quality ……..55 Still/Movie Select …… 59 Strap ……….. 16 Sunset……… 38 Rear Sync……..42 Superior Auto……37 Record Setting ……56 Sweep Panorama……39 Recording information display …46 Recording movies …….32 Recover Image DB …..60…
  • Page 93
  • Page 94
  • Page 95
  • Page 96
    Additional information on this product and answers to frequently asked questions can be found at our Customer Support Website. Printed using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink. © 2013 Sony Corporation Printed in Thailand…
  • Page 97
    Preparing the camera Digital Camera Shooting and viewing images Shooting images to suit your subject α Handbook Using the shooting functions A-mount Using the playback functions Function list Viewing images on a computer Others Advanced Operations Index ©2013 Sony Corporation SLT-A58…
  • Page 98
    Table of Contents Basic Operations …………..9 This section provides basic information on operating the camera. Notes on using your camera ……….10 Preparing the camera Checking the supplied items ……….12 Identifying parts …………… 13 Front …………….13 Back …………….14 Top …………….
  • Page 99
    Using the shooting functions Using the flash …………..41 Adjusting the image brightness ……..43 Selecting the drive mode ……..45 Switching the recording information display (DISP) ..46 Setting image size …………47 Image Size …………..47 Panorama: Size …………47 Using the playback functions Enlarging images ………….
  • Page 100
    Others List of screen icons …………71 Functions available for each shooting mode ….74 Flash modes available …………75 Advanced Operations …………..76 This section provides further information on operating the camera. Preparation Setting up the camera …………77 Removing the Eyepiece cup ……..77 Shooting mode screen display ………
  • Page 101
    Changing the tracking sensitivity of autofocus during movie recording ……….102 Recording movies with the shutter speed and aperture adjusted …………102 File Format …………… 103 Record Setting …………104 Audio Recording …………105 Adjusting the focus …………106 Autofocus …………..106 Focus-lock …………..
  • Page 102
    Adjusting color tones (White Balance) ……136 Fine adjustment screen for color ……137 Color Temp./Color Filter ……… 138 Custom white balance ……….138 Zooming ……………. 140 Selecting the drive mode ……..143 Single Shooting …………143 Cont. Shooting …………143 Self-timer …………..
  • Page 103
    Auto Review …………. 161 Func. of AEL button ……….161 ISO Button …………… 162 Preview Button …………162 Electronic Front Curtain Shutter ……163 Viewfinder Bright………… 163 Power Save …………… 164 FINDER/LCD Setting ……….164 Lens compensation …………165 Lens Comp.: Peripheral Shading ……
  • Page 104
    Creating a movie disc ………… 181 Creating a high definition quality (HD) disc (AVCHD recording disc) on a computer ……181 Creating a standard definition quality (STD) disc ..182 Discs you can use with “PlayMemories Home” ..183 Print Specifying DPOF …………
  • Page 105: Basic Operations

    Basic Operations This section provides basic information on operating the camera. Read this section first. To use the camera even more effectively, see “Advanced Operations” (page 76).

  • Page 106: Notes On Using Your Camera

    Notes on using your camera Shooting procedure • Do not expose the camera to sunlight or shoot toward the sun for extended This camera has 2 modes for monitoring periods of time. The internal mechanism subjects: an LCD screen mode using the may be damaged.

  • Page 107
    Notes on using your camera Notes on importing AVCHD movies to On the data specifications described a computer in this manual When importing AVCHD movies to a The data on performance and specifications computer, for Windows computers, use the are defined under the following conditions, “PlayMemories Home”…
  • Page 108: Preparing The Camera

    Preparing the camera Checking the supplied items First check the model name of your camera (page 11). The accessories supplied differ depending on the model. The number in parentheses indicates the quantity. Supplied with all models • Body cap (1) (Attached to the •…

  • Page 109: Identifying Parts

    Identifying parts See the pages in parentheses for details on operation for the parts. Front Shutter button (30) Microphone** (105) Power switch (27) Mode dial (36) Control dial (92, 94, 96) (Flash pop-up) button (41, 126) Self-timer lamp (144) Mounting index (24) Lens contacts* Lens release button (25) Mirror*…

  • Page 110: Back

    Identifying parts Back Eyepiece sensors (77) Control button v/V/b/B/DISP (Display Viewfinder* Contents) (46, 147)/WB (White • When you look into the Balance) (136)/ (Drive viewfinder, viewfinder mode is Mode) (45, 143)/ (Picture activated, and when you move Effect) (133) your face away from the viewfinder, viewing mode Control button (Enter)/AF returns to LCD screen mode.

  • Page 111: Top

    Multi interface shoe (127) For details on compatible accessories for the Multi interface shoe, visit the MENU button (55) Sony web site, or consult a Sony Image sensor position dealer or local authorized Sony service facility in your area. mark (108)

  • Page 112: Sides/Bottom

    Identifying parts Sides/Bottom Hooks for shoulder strap m (Microphone) jack • Attach both ends of the strap to • When an external microphone the camera. is connected, the internal microphone is automatically turned off. If the external microphone is a plug-in-power type, the power of the microphone is supplied by the camera.

  • Page 113
    Identifying parts Battery insertion slot (21) Battery cover (21) Tripod receptacle • Use a tripod with a screw length of less than 5.5 mm (7/32 inch). You will be unable to firmly secure the camera to tripods with a screw length of 5.5 mm (7/32 inch) or longer, and attempting to do so may damage the camera.
  • Page 114: Lens

    (Supplied with the SLT-A58Y) • The DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM II/DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM/ DT 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 SAM are designed for Sony A-mount cameras (models equipped with an APS-C sized image sensor). You cannot use these lenses on 35mm-format cameras.

  • Page 115: Charging The Battery Pack

    Charging the battery pack When using the camera for the first time, be sure to charge the NP- FM500H “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack (supplied). The “InfoLITHIUM” battery pack can be charged even when it has not been fully depleted. The battery pack can also be used when it has not been fully charged.

  • Page 116
    Charging the battery pack Connect the battery charger For the U.S.A. and Canada Plug to a wall outlet (wall socket). Light on: Charging Light off: Charge completed About 175 minutes Charging time CHARGE lamp • When charging a fully depleted battery pack at a temperature of 25°C (77°F).
  • Page 117: Inserting The Battery Pack/Memory Card (Sold Separately)

    Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) Open the battery cover by sliding the lever. Insert the battery pack completely, using the tip of the battery to press the lock lever. Lock lever Close the cover. Slide and open the memory card cover.

  • Page 118
    Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) Insert a memory card. • With the notched corner facing in the direction shown, insert the memory card until it clicks into place. Ensure that the notched corner faces the correct direction. Close the cover. To remove the battery pack Turn off the camera and check that the vibration of the camera has stopped and…
  • Page 119: Memory Cards That You Can Use

    Inserting the battery pack/memory card (sold separately) To check the remaining battery level The supplied battery pack is a lithium-ion battery pack that can exchange information related to operating conditions with your camera. The remaining battery time in percent figures is displayed according to the operating conditions of your camera.

  • Page 120: Attaching A Lens

    Attaching a lens Remove the body cap from Front lens cap the camera and the packaging lid from the rear of the lens. • Quickly change the lens somewhere away from dusty locations so as to keep dust or debris from getting inside the camera.

  • Page 121
    Attaching a lens Notes • When attaching a lens, do not press the lens release button. • Do not use force when attaching a lens. • E-mount lenses are not compatible with this camera. • When using a lens equipped with a tripod socket, attach the socket on the lens side to the tripod to maintain balance.
  • Page 122
    Attaching a lens To attach a lens hood It is recommended that you use a lens hood to reduce flare and ensure optimum image quality. Fit the hood into the mount on the end of the lens barrel and rotate the hood clockwise until it clicks.
  • Page 123: Turning On The Camera And Setting The Clock

    Turning on the camera and setting the clock When you turn on the camera for the first time, the date/time setup screen appears. Set the power switch to ON to turn on the camera. The screen to set date and time appears. •…

  • Page 124
    Turning on the camera and setting the clock Repeat step 4 to set other items, then press the center of the control button. Check that [Enter] is selected, then press the center of the control button. To cancel the date/time setting operation Press the MENU button.
  • Page 125: Before Shooting

    Before shooting Adjusting the viewfinder’s visual acuity (diopter adjustment) Adjust the diopter-adjustment dial to your eyesight until the display appears clearly in the viewfinder. Notes • The dioptric adjustment attachment (sold separately) cannot be used with this camera. Holding the camera properly Stabilize your upper body and take a position that keeps the camera from moving.

  • Page 126: Shooting And Viewing Images

    Shooting and viewing images Shooting still images In [Intelligent Auto] mode, the camera analyzes the subject and allows you to shoot with the appropriate settings. Select when shooting in a location where flash use is restricted. Set the mode dial to (Intelligent Auto) or (Flash Off).

  • Page 127
    Shooting still images Press the shutter button halfway down to focus. When the focus is confirmed, z or (Focus indicator) lights up (page 107). Focus indicator Press the shutter button fully down to shoot. • When [Auto Object Framing] is set to [Auto] and the camera shoots faces, close-ups, or subjects tracked by [Lock-on AF], the camera…
  • Page 128: Recording Movies

    Recording movies Press the MOVIE button to MOVIE button start recording. • Movie recording can be started from any exposure mode. • The shutter speed and aperture are adjusted automatically. If you want to set them to particular values, set the mode dial to (Movie) (page 102).

  • Page 129: Playing Back Images

    Playing back images Press the button. button MENU button t 1 t [Still/Movie Select] t Select the desired mode • To play back still images, select [Folder View(Still)], and to play back movies, select [Folder View(MP4)] or [AVCHD View], depending on the file format.

  • Page 130: Deleting Images (Delete)

    Deleting images (Delete) Once you have deleted an image, the image cannot be restored. Be sure that you do not want the image before deleting it. Display the image you want to delete and press the button. button Select [Delete] using v on the control button, then press the center of the control button.

  • Page 131: Shooting Images To Suit Your Subject

    Shooting images to suit your subject Adjusting the angle of the LCD screen Adjust the LCD screen to an easily viewable angle. • The LCD screen tilts down about 55 degrees and up about 135 degrees.

  • Page 132: Selecting A Shooting Mode

    Selecting a shooting mode Set the mode dial to the desired shooting mode. The following shooting modes are available: (Intelligent In [Intelligent Auto] mode, the camera analyzes the subject Auto)/ (Flash Off) and allows you to shoot with the appropriate settings. (30, 85) Select [Flash Off] when you want to shoot without the flash.

  • Page 133: Superior Auto

    Selecting a shooting mode Superior Auto Set the mode dial to (Superior Auto). Point the camera towards the subject, and adjust the focus and shoot the subject. Scene recognition Scene Recognition icon When the camera recognizes the subject and adjusts itself for shooting conditions, the following information appears on the screen: Scene Recognition icon, appropriate shooting function, and the…

  • Page 134: Scene Selection

    Selecting a shooting mode Scene Selection Set the mode dial to (Scene Selection), then press the center of the control button. Select the desired mode using v/V, then press the center of the control button. • To change the scene, press the Fn button, then select another scene. Adjust the focus and shoot the subject.

  • Page 135: Sweep Panorama

    Selecting a shooting mode Sweep Panorama Set the mode dial to (Sweep Panorama). Point the camera at the subject for which you want to adjust the brightness and focus, and press the shutter button halfway down. Point the camera at the edge of the composition while pressing the shutter button halfway down, and then press the shutter button…

  • Page 136: Tele-Zoom Cont. Priority Ae

    Selecting a shooting mode Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE Set the mode dial to (Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE). Adjust the focus and shoot the subjects. • The camera continues to shoot while the shutter button is pressed fully down. • The center area on the screen is cropped and the camera records the images continuously at a maximum of about 8 images per second.

  • Page 137: Using The Shooting Functions

    Using the shooting functions Using the flash In dark environments, use the flash to shoot the subject brightly and to prevent camera shake. When shooting against the sun, use the flash to lighten the image of the backlit subject. Fn button t (Flash Mode) t Select the desired setting •…

  • Page 138
    Using the flash (Flash Off) Does not fire even if the flash is raised. • You cannot select this item when the mode dial is set to P, A, S, or M. If you do not want to use the flash in these modes, push the flash down.
  • Page 139: Adjusting The Image Brightness

    Adjusting the image brightness Normally, the exposure is automatically selected (Automatic exposure). Based on the exposure acquired by the automatic exposure, you can perform exposure compensation. You can make the entire image brighter by shifting to the + side. The entire image becomes darker when you shift to the –…

  • Page 140
    Adjusting the image brightness Notes • This item cannot be set when the exposure mode is set to [Intelligent Auto], [Superior Auto], or [Scene Selection]. • When the exposure mode is set to M, the exposure can be adjusted only when [ISO] is set to [AUTO].
  • Page 141: Selecting The Drive Mode

    Selecting the drive mode You can select the appropriate drive mode, such as single, continuous, or bracket shooting, to suit your purpose. on the control button t Select the desired mode (Single This mode is for normal shooting. Shooting) (143) (Cont.

  • Page 142: Switching The Recording Information Display (Disp)

    Switching the recording information display (DISP) Each time you press DISP on the control button, the recording information display changes as follows. You can set the recording information display separately for viewfinder mode and LCD screen mode. Graphic Display Display All Info. No Disp.

  • Page 143: Setting Image Size

    Setting image size Image Size MENU button t 1 t [Image Size] t Select the desired size [Aspect Ratio]: [3:2] Image size Usage guidelines L: 20M 5456 × 3632 pixels For shooting at the highest image quality M: 10M 3872 × 2576 pixels For prints up to A3+ size S: 5.0M 2736 ×…

  • Page 144: Using The Playback Functions

    Using the playback functions Enlarging images A still image can be enlarged for closer examination. This is convenient for checking the focus condition of a recorded image. Display the image you want to button enlarge, then press the button. Zoom the image in or out using the button or button.

  • Page 145: Switching To The Image List Display

    Switching to the image list display You can display multiple images on the screen simultaneously. Press the button. The image index screen is displayed. • You can select the number of images displayed on one page of the image index screen using [Image Index] in the button Playback menu.

  • Page 146: Viewing Images On A Tv Screen

    Viewing images on a TV screen To view images that were recorded on the camera on a TV set, an HDMI cable (sold separately) and an HD TV equipped with an HDMI connector are required (page 155). Turn off both your camera and the To the HDMI connector TV, and connect the camera to the…

  • Page 147: Function List

    Function list Functions that can be operated using the buttons/switch You can set up or operate various functions using the buttons/switch. For the location of the buttons/switch, see “Identifying parts” (page 13). button (41, 126) Pops the flash up. button (43)/AV button Adjusts the exposure./Sets up the aperture value./Scales (96)/ button (48)

  • Page 148: Selecting A Function Using The Fn (Function) Button

    Selecting a function using the Fn (Function) button This button is used for setting up or executing functions used frequently in shooting. Press the Fn button. Select the desired item using v/V/b/B on the control button, then press the center z to execute. The setup screen appears.

  • Page 149: Functions That Can Be Selected Using The Fn (Function) Button

    Functions that can be selected using the Fn (Function) button The functions that can be selected using the Fn button are as follows: Scene Selection (38, Selects an appropriate mode from among the Scene Selection preset settings to suit shooting conditions. (Portrait/Sports Action/Macro/Landscape/Sunset/Night Scene/Hand-held Twilight/Night Portrait) Movie (102)

  • Page 150
    Functions that can be selected using the Fn (Function) button White Balance (136) Adjusts the color tone of images. (Auto WB/Daylight/Shade/Cloudy/Incandescent/Fluor.: Warm White/Fluor.: Cool White/Fluor.: Day White/Fluor.: Daylight/Flash/C.Temp./Filter/Custom) DRO/Auto HDR (130) Adjusts the brightness and contrast automatically. (Off/D-Range Opt./Auto HDR) Creative Style (134) Selects the desired image processing.
  • Page 151: Functions Selected Using The Menu Button

    Functions selected using the MENU button You can set the basic settings for the camera as a whole or execute functions such as shooting, playback, or other operations. Press the MENU button, then set up the desired item using v/V/b/B on the control button, then press the center of the control button.

  • Page 152
    Functions selected using the MENU button Long Exposure NR Sets noise reduction processing for shots with a shutter speed (159) of 1 second or longer. (On/Off) High ISO NR (159) Sets noise reduction processing for high-sensitivity shooting. (High/Normal/Low) Flash control (124) Sets the method for determining the intensity of flash output.
  • Page 153
    Functions selected using the MENU button Audio Recording Sets whether to record audio when shooting a movie. (105) (On/Off) Wind Noise Reduct. Reduces wind noise during movie recording. (105) (On/Off) Custom menu Eye-Start AF Sets whether to use auto focus when you look through the viewfinder.
  • Page 154
    Functions selected using the MENU button Peaking Level (115) Enhances the outline of in-focus ranges with a specific color in manual focus mode. (High/Mid/Low/Off) Peaking Color (115) Sets the color used for the peaking function. (Red/Yellow/White) Live View Display Sets whether to display the effect of a function on the screen, (80) such as the effect of the exposure compensation value.
  • Page 155
    Functions selected using the MENU button Lens Comp.: Compensates for distortion on the screen caused by the Distortion (165) attached lens. (Auto/Off) e-Front Curtain Sets whether or not to use the electronic front curtain shutter Shutter (163) function. (On/Off) Face Registration Registers or changes the person to be given priority when (118) focusing.
  • Page 156
    Functions selected using the MENU button Memory Card Tool menu Format (166) Formats the memory card. File Number (166) Sets the method used to assign file numbers to still images and MP4 movies. (Series/Reset) Folder Name (166) Sets the folder format for still images. (Standard Form/Date Form) Select REC Folder Changes the selected folder for storing still images and MP4…
  • Page 157
    Functions selected using the MENU button Power Save (164) Sets the level of the power saving feature. (Max/Standard) Power Saving Start Sets the interval after which power save mode engages. Time (164) (30 Min/5 Min/1 Min/20 Sec/10 Sec) HDMI Resolution Sets the resolution when the camera is connected to an HDMI (155) (Auto/1080p/1080i)
  • Page 158: Using The Guide Function Of The Camera

    Using the guide function of the camera In-Camera Guide When you press the (In-Camera Guide) button on the Fn (Function) screen or menu screen, a guide for the currently selected function or setting automatically appears. (In-Camera Guide) button To select unavailable functions or settings on the Fn screen, press the center of the control button to display the appropriate setup to enable them.

  • Page 159
    Using the guide function of the camera To access all shooting tips You can search through all the shooting tips from the menu. Use this item when you want to read shooting tips you have seen before. MENU button t 3 t [Shooting Tip List]t Select the desired shooting tip…
  • Page 160: Viewing Images On A Computer

    Viewing images Uploading images to network service on calendar Importing images from your camera Creating a movie Sharing images on disc “PlayMemories Online” Installing “PlayMemories Home” (for Windows only) You can install “PlayMemories Home” from the following URL (page 66): www.sony.net/pm…

  • Page 161: What You Can Do With «Image Data Converter

    • “PlayMemories Home” is not compatible with Macs. Use the applications that are installed on your Mac. For details, visit the following URL: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ What you can do with “Image Data Converter” With “Image Data Converter,” you can do the following: •…

  • Page 162: Installing The Software

    “PlayMemories Home” functions differ from those of “PMB,” use “PlayMemories Home.” Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following URL, then click [Install] t [Run]. www.sony.net/pm Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • Page 163: Installing «Image Data Converter

    PlayMemories Home support page (English only): http://www.sony.co.jp/pmh-se/ Installing “Image Data Converter” Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following URL. For Windows: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Win/ For Mac: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation. Viewing “Image Data Converter Guide”…

  • Page 164: Installing «Remote Camera Control

    • You can record an image directly to the computer. • You can perform Interval Timer Shooting. Using the Internet browser on your computer, go to the following URL. For Windows: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Win/ For Mac: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • Page 165: Selecting The Method For Creating A Movie Disc

    Record setting available Disc type/usage Player Blu-ray disc playback devices (Sony Blu-ray disc player, PlayStation®3, etc.) To keep high-definition image quality (HD) AVCHD format playback devices (Sony Blu-ray disc player, –*…

  • Page 166: Creating A Disc Using A Computer

    • To create Blu-ray discs using “PlayMemories Home,” install our proprietary add-on software. For details, access the following URL: http://support.d-imaging.sony.co.jp/BDUW/ • PlayStation®3 may not be available in some countries/regions. • Movies recorded with the [60i 24M(FX)]/[50i 24M(FX)] or [24p 24M(FX)]/[25p 24M(FX)] setting in [Record Setting] are converted by “PlayMemories Home”…

  • Page 167
    Others List of screen icons Graphic Display (LCD screen) Display Indication Exposure mode (36) P A S M Display All Info. (LCD screen) Scene Recognition icons (37, 85) Memory card (21, 205)/ Upload (168) Remaining number of recordable images For playback (Basic information Aspect ratio of still display) images (157)
  • Page 168
    List of screen icons Display Indication Flash charge in progress Display Indication (41) REC 0:12 Recording time of the Setting Effect OFF (80) movie (m:s) No audio recording of Focus (31, 107) movies (105) 1/250 Shutter speed (94) SteadyShot/Camera F4.0 Aperture (92) shake warning (83) EV scale (43, 97, 146)
  • Page 169
    List of screen icons Display Indication Face Detection (117)/ Smile Shutter (120) Auto Object Framing (119) Smile Detection Sensitivity indicator (120) Display Indication Metering mode (123) Flash compensation (124) White balance (Auto, Preset, Custom, Color temperature, Color filter) (136) 7500K A5 G5 D-Range Optimizer (130)/Auto HDR (131)
  • Page 170: Functions Available For Each Shooting Mode

    Functions available for each shooting mode The functions you can use depend on the selected shooting mode. In the table below, indicates the function is available, and a – indicates the function is not available. The functions you cannot use are displayed in gray on the screen. Auto Exposure Cont.

  • Page 171: Flash Modes Available

    Flash modes available The flash modes you can select depend on the shooting mode and functions selected. In the table below, indicates the function is selectable, and a – indicates the function is not selectable. The flash modes you cannot select are displayed in gray on the screen. (Fill- (Slow (Rear…

  • Page 172: Advanced Operations

    Advanced Operations This section provides further information on operating the camera.

  • Page 173: Preparation

    Preparation Preparation (Advanced Operations) Setting up the camera Removing the Eyepiece cup When attaching the FDA-A1AM Angle Finder (sold separately) to the camera, remove the Eyepiece cup. Carefully slide the Eyepiece cup off by pushing on each side. • Put your fingers under the Eyepiece cup, and slide it upward.

  • Page 174: Shooting Mode Screen Display

    Shooting mode screen display Selecting the screen mode You can select the desired screen mode. When you switch the screen by pressing DISP on the control button (page 46), only selected screens are displayed. You can set the screens to be displayed on the LCD screen and the viewfinder separately.

  • Page 175: Histogram

    Shooting mode screen display Histogram The histogram displays the luminance distribution that shows how many pixels of a particular brightness exist in the picture. The exposure compensation will change the histogram accordingly. Both ends of the histogram show a high- key or low-key portion.

  • Page 176: Monitoring The Subject Through The Lens Without Effects Displayed

    Shooting mode screen display Monitoring the subject through the lens without effects displayed You can monitor the subject through the lens without displaying effects, such as [Exposure Comp.], [White Balance], [Creative Style], [Picture Effect], etc. MENU button t 2 t [Live View Display] t [Setting Effect OFF] •…

  • Page 177
    Shooting mode screen display Display Indication Overheating warning (10) Display Indication Database file full (199)/ Exposure mode (36) Database file error (199) P A S M Display Indication Drive mode (45, 143) Memory card (21, 205)/ Upload (168) Flash mode (41, 126)/ Red-eye reduction (57) Remaining number of recordable images…
  • Page 178
    Shooting mode screen display Display Indication Picture Effect (133) Auto Object Framing (119) Display Indication 1/125 Shutter speed (94) F3.5 Aperture (92) Exposure compensation (43)/Metered Manual (97) Flash compensation (124) EV scale (146) ISO AUTO ISO sensitivity (129) AE lock (122) Histogram (79) z Lock-on Lock-on AF (111)
  • Page 179: Shooting A Clear Image Without Camera Shake

    Shooting a clear image without camera shake “Camera shake” refers to unwanted movement of the camera that occurs during shooting, resulting in a blurred image. To reduce camera shake, follow the instructions below. Camera shake warning indicator When the camera detects potential camera shake, the (Camera shake warning) indicator flashes.

  • Page 180: Using A Tripod

    Shooting a clear image without camera shake Using a tripod In the following cases, we recommend that you mount the camera on a tripod. • Shooting without a flash under dark conditions. • Shooting with slow shutter speeds, which are typically used in night-time shooting.

  • Page 181: Shooting

    Shooting Shooting (Advanced Operations) Selecting the shooting mode Intelligent Auto/ Flash Off Set the mode dial to (Intelligent Auto), and shoot images (page 30). • Select (Flash Off) when shooting in a location where the use of flash is restricted. Notes •…

  • Page 182: Scene Selection

    Selecting the shooting mode Scene Selection This mode is suitable for Shooting with preset settings based on the scene Set the mode dial to (Scene Selection), select the desired mode, and shoot images (page 38). (Portrait) Blurs away backgrounds and sharpens the subject.

  • Page 183
    Selecting the shooting mode (Sunset) Shoots the red of the sunrise or sunset beautifully. (Night Scene) Shoots night scenes at a distance without losing the dark atmosphere of the surroundings. • The shutter speed is slower, so we recommend using a tripod. •…
  • Page 184: Sweep Panorama

    Selecting the shooting mode Notes • Since the camera judges the settings automatically, many features will be unavailable, such as exposure compensation and ISO setting. • The flash is set to [Autoflash] or [Flash Off] for each [Scene Selection] mode. You can change these settings (pages 41, 75, 126).

  • Page 185
    Selecting the shooting mode • The camera continues shooting during [Sweep Panorama] recording, and the shutter keeps clicking until the end of the shot. • [Auto Object Framing] and the zoom feature of the camera cannot be used. Tips for shooting a panoramic image Pan or tilt the camera in an arc with a Vertical Horizontal direction…
  • Page 186: Tele-Zoom Cont. Priority Ae

    Selecting the shooting mode Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE This mode is suitable for Shooting a fast-moving subject continuously to capture a moment. Shooting children’s facial expressions that change from moment to moment. Set the mode dial to (Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE), and shoot images (page 40).

  • Page 187: Program Auto

    Selecting the shooting mode Program Auto This mode is suitable for Changing settings for ISO sensitivity, Creative Style, D-Range Optimizer, etc. while using automatic exposure. Set the mode dial to P. Set the shooting functions to your desired settings (pages 106 to 146).

  • Page 188: Aperture Priority

    Selecting the shooting mode Aperture Priority This mode is suitable for Placing the subject in sharp focus and blurring everything in front of and beyond the subject. Opening the aperture narrows the range that is in focus. (Depth of field becomes shallower.) Shooting depth of scenery.

  • Page 189
    Selecting the shooting mode Adjust the focus and shoot the subject. The shutter speed is automatically adjusted to obtain the correct exposure. • When the camera judges that the proper exposure cannot be obtained using the selected aperture value, the shutter Shutter speed speed flashes.
  • Page 190: Shutter Priority

    Selecting the shooting mode To check blurring of the background (Preview button) The LCD screen and the viewfinder show an image captured with the widest aperture. The change in aperture affects the sharpness of the subject image, creating a discrepancy between the sharpness of the image before shooting Preview button and that of the actual image.

  • Page 191: Control Dial

    Selecting the shooting mode Select the shutter speed using the control dial. Shutter speed Adjust the focus and shoot the subject. The aperture is automatically adjusted to obtain the correct exposure. • When the camera judges that the proper exposure cannot be obtained with the Aperture (F-number) selected shutter speed, the aperture value flashes.

  • Page 192: Manual Exposure

    Selecting the shooting mode • Press the button when you shoot with the flash. However, when using the flash, if you close the aperture (a larger F-number) by making the shutter speed slower, the light of the flash will not reach distant subjects. Manual Exposure This mode is suitable for Shooting with the desired exposure setting by adjusting both the shutter speed…

  • Page 193: Bulb

    Selecting the shooting mode Shoot the image after the LCD screen exposure is set. • When [ISO] is set to other than [AUTO], check the exposure value using Metered Manual*. Toward +: Images become brighter. Toward –: Images become darker. Metered Manual * When the camera is in M mode, it will show an under or over compensation…

  • Page 194
    Selecting the shooting mode Rotate the control dial to the left until [BULB] is displayed. BULB While pressing the AV button, rotate the control dial to adjust the aperture (F-number). AV button Press the shutter button halfway down to adjust the focus. Press and hold the shutter button for the duration of the shot.
  • Page 195
    Selecting the shooting mode • If you use a Remote Commander* that is equipped with a shutter button lock function (sold separately), you can keep the shutter open using the Remote Commander. * Use a Remote Commander that is compatible with a Multi/Micro USB Terminal.
  • Page 196: Movie Recording Setup

    Movie recording setup Recording movies easily Movie recording can be started from any exposure mode. The shutter speed and aperture value are adjusted automatically. Press the MOVIE button to start recording (page 32). Shooting techniques • Start recording after you adjust the focus. •…

  • Page 197: Digital Zoom

    Movie recording setup • Do not shoot a strong light source, such as the sun. The internal mechanism of the camera may be damaged. • When you import AVCHD movies to a computer, use “PlayMemories Home” (pages 64, 178). • When you continue to shoot for an extended period of time, the temperature of the camera rises and the image quality may deteriorate.

  • Page 198: Changing The Tracking Sensitivity Of Autofocus During Movie Recording

    Movie recording setup Changing the tracking sensitivity of autofocus during movie recording When you record fast moving subjects, select [High], and when several subjects are moving or crossing back and forth, select [Low]. MENU button t 1 t [AF Track. Duration] t Select the desired setting Recording movies with the shutter speed and aperture adjusted…

  • Page 199: File Format

    Movie recording setup (Shutter Allows you to shoot after adjusting the shutter speed Priority) (94) manually using the control dial. (Manual Allows you to shoot after adjusting the exposure manually Exposure) (96) (both the shutter speed and the aperture value) using the control dial.

  • Page 200: Record Setting

    Movie recording setup Record Setting The higher the average bit-rate, the higher the image quality. MENU button t 1 t [Record Setting] t Select the desired setting [File Format]: [AVCHD] Record Setting Bit-rate Recording 60i 24M(FX)* Maximum Records high image quality movies at 1920 × 1080 50i 24M(FX)** 24 Mbps (60i/50i).

  • Page 201: Audio Recording

    Movie recording setup Audio Recording When you record movies, the operating noise of the camera or lens may be recorded. You can record movies without audio. MENU button t 1 t [Audio Recording] t [Off] When the focus mode is set to manual focus, the operating noise of the lens during autofocus will not be recorded (page 114).

  • Page 202: Adjusting The Focus

    Adjusting the focus There are 2 methods for adjusting the focus: autofocus and manual focus. Depending on the lens, the method for switching between the autofocus and manual focus is different. The switch to be To switch to auto To switch to manual The type of lens used focus…

  • Page 203
    Adjusting the focus Press the shutter button halfway down to check the focus and shoot the image. • When the focus is confirmed, the focus indicator changes to z or (below). • The AF area in which the focus has AF area been confirmed turns green.
  • Page 204: Focus-Lock

    Adjusting the focus To measure the exact distance to the subject mark located on the top of the camera shows the location of the image sensor*. When you measure the exact distance between the camera and the subject, refer to the position of the horizontal line.

  • Page 205: Autofocus Mode

    Adjusting the focus Autofocus Mode Fn button t (Autofocus Mode) t Select the desired setting (Single-shot The camera focuses and the focus is locked when you press the shutter button halfway down. (Automatic AF) [Autofocus Mode] switches between [Single-shot AF] and [Continuous AF] based on the movement of the subject.

  • Page 206: Af Area

    Adjusting the focus AF area Select the desired AF area to suit the shooting conditions or your preference. The AF area where the focus has been confirmed turns green and the other AF areas disappear. AF area Fn button t (AF area) t Select the desired setting (Wide) The camera determines which of the 15 AF areas is used in…

  • Page 207: Af Illuminator

    Adjusting the focus AF Illuminator You can set the AF illuminator to focus on a subject under dark lighting. MENU button t 2 t [AF Illuminator] t Select the desired setting • Since the camera uses the built-in flash as an AF illuminator, press the button to open the flash.

  • Page 208
    Adjusting the focus Press the shutter button halfway down so that the camera automatically locks onto a target and tracks the subject. The camera continues to focus while the shutter button is pressed and held Target frame halfway down. When the subject is in focus, the target frame turns green.
  • Page 209
    Adjusting the focus To change the mode Fn button t (Lock-on AF) t [On] or [Off]. (On) Press the center of the control button on the recording information display to display a target frame. Align the target frame with the subject to be tracked, and press the center of the control button.
  • Page 210: Manual Focus

    Adjusting the focus Manual focus When it is difficult to get the proper focus in autofocus mode, you can adjust the focus manually. Set the focus mode switch on the lens to MF. If the lens is not equipped with a focus mode switch, set the focus mode switch on the camera to Rotate the focusing ring of the…

  • Page 211: Peaking

    Adjusting the focus Direct manual focus When a lens that is equipped with a direct manual focus function is mounted and [Autofocus Mode] is set to [Single-shot AF] or [Automatic AF], you can make fine adjustments using the focusing ring after the focus is locked (DT 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 SAM, etc.

  • Page 212: Focus Magnifier

    Adjusting the focus Focus Magnifier You can check the focus by enlarging the image before shooting. MENU button t 3 t [Preview Button] t [Focus Magnifier] Press the Focus Magnifier button. Focus Magnifier button Press the Focus Magnifier button again to enlarge the image and select the portion you want to enlarge using v/V/b/B on the control button.

  • Page 213: Detecting Faces

    Detecting faces Face Detection The camera detects faces, adjusts the focus and exposure, performs image processing, and adjusts flash settings. Fn button t (Smile/Face Detect.) t Select the desired setting Face Detection Off Turns off Face Detection. Face Detection On Enables Face Detection and prioritizes recognized faces that (Regist.

  • Page 214: Face Registration

    Detecting faces Notes • When the exposure mode is [Sweep Panorama] or [Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE], [Face Detection] cannot be used. • Up to 8 faces can be detected. • The camera may not detect any faces, or may detect some other object, depending on the shooting conditions.

  • Page 215: Auto Object Framing

    Detecting faces To delete a registered face You can delete a registered face. MENU button t 4 t [Face Registration] t [Delete] t Select the face you want to delete • When you select [Delete All], you can delete all registered faces at one time.

  • Page 216: Smile Shutter

    Detecting faces • When [Quality] is set to [RAW] or [RAW & JPEG], this function cannot be used. • This feature cannot be used with the following functions: Continuous shooting, continuous bracket, [Multi Frame Noise Reduct.], [Auto HDR], the zoom feature of the camera, manual focus, or [Soft Focus], [HDR Painting], [Rich-tone Mono.], or [Miniature] in [Picture Effect].

  • Page 217
    Detecting faces Shooting techniques • To focus on the smile, overlay the Face Detection frame and AF area. • Do not cover the eyes with bangs, etc. Keep the eyes narrowed. • Do not obscure the face with a hat, a mask, sunglasses, etc. •…
  • Page 218: Adjusting The Brightness Of The Image

    Adjusting the brightness of the image AE Lock When shooting into the sun or by a window when the exposure may not be appropriate for the subject, use the light meter where the subject is bright enough and lock the exposure before shooting. To reduce the brightness of the subject, point the camera toward a spot that is brighter than the subject and use the light meter to lock the exposure of the entire image.

  • Page 219: Ael W/ Shutter

    Adjusting the brightness of the image AEL w/ shutter Sets whether to fix the exposure when you press the shutter button halfway down. MENU button t 3 t [AEL w/ shutter] t Select the desired setting Notes • AEL button operation is given priority over the [AEL w/ shutter] settings. Metering Mode Fn button t (Metering Mode) t Select the desired mode…

  • Page 220: Flash Comp

    Adjusting the brightness of the image Flash Comp. When shooting with the flash, you can adjust the amount of flash light alone, without changing the exposure compensation. You can only change the exposure of the main subject within the flash range. Fn button t (Flash Comp.) t Select the desired setting Toward +: Makes the flash level higher.

  • Page 221
    Adjusting the brightness of the image Notes • When the distance between the subject and the external flash (sold separately) cannot be determined (wireless flash shooting using an external flash (sold separately), shooting with an off-camera flash using a cable, shooting with a macro twin flash, etc.), the camera automatically selects [Pre-flash TTL].
  • Page 222: The Flash

    The flash Press the Fn button, select the desired flash mode, press the button, and shoot images (page 41). Shooting techniques • The lens hood may block the light of the flash. Remove the lens hood when using the flash. •…

  • Page 223: Wireless Flash

    The flash Wireless flash With a flash that has a wireless shooting function (sold separately), you can shoot with the flash without a cord, even when the flash is not attached to the camera. By changing the position of the flash, you can shoot an image with a three-dimensional feel by highlighting the contrast of light and shadow on the subject.

  • Page 224
    The flash Wireless flash with lighting ratio control You can use the wireless lighting ratio control in combination with multiple flashes. For details, refer to the operating instructions supplied with flash (HVL-F60M (sold separately), HVL-F58AM (sold separately), or HVL- F43AM (sold separately)).
  • Page 225: Setting Iso

    Setting ISO Sensitivity to light is expressed by the ISO number (recommended exposure index). The larger the number, the higher the sensitivity. Press the ISO button to display ISO button the ISO screen. Select the desired setting using v/V on the control button. •…

  • Page 226: Compensating For Brightness And Contrast Automatically (D-Range)

    Compensating for brightness and contrast automatically (D-Range) Fn button t (DRO/Auto HDR) t Select the desired setting (Off) Does not use the DRO/Auto HDR functions. (D-Range Opt.) By dividing the image into small areas, the camera analyzes the contrast of light and shadow between the subject and the background, producing an image with the optimal brightness and gradation.

  • Page 227: Auto Hdr

    Compensating for brightness and contrast automatically (D-Range) Notes • The setting is fixed to [Off] when the exposure mode is set to [Sweep Panorama], or when [Multi Frame Noise Reduct.] or [Picture Effect] is used. • The setting is fixed to [Off] when [Sunset], [Night Scene], [Night Portrait], or [Hand-held Twilight] is selected in [Scene Selection].

  • Page 228
    Compensating for brightness and contrast automatically (D-Range) Notes • You cannot use this function on RAW images. • When the exposure mode is set to [Intelligent Auto], [Superior Auto], [Sweep Panorama], [Tele-zoom Cont. Priority AE] or [Scene Selection], or when [Multi Frame Noise Reduct.] is selected, you cannot select [Auto HDR].
  • Page 229: Setting Image Processing

    Setting image processing Picture Effect Select the desired effect filter to achieve more impressive and artistic images. Set the mode dial to (Picture Effect), and select the desired setting. • For a mode that has a fine adjustment option, select the desired setting using b/B.

  • Page 230: Creative Style

    Setting image processing (Miniature) Creates an image that enhances the subject vividly, with the background defocused considerably. This effect can often be found in pictures of miniature models. You can select the area to be in focus using b/B. The focus on other areas is greatly reduced.

  • Page 231
    Setting image processing (Standard) For shooting various scenes with rich gradation and beautiful colors. (Vivid) The saturation and contrast are heightened for shooting striking images of colorful scenes and subjects such as flowers, spring greenery, a blue sky, or ocean views. (Portrait) For shooting the skin color in a soft tone, ideally suited to shooting portraits.
  • Page 232: Adjusting Color Tones (White Balance)

    Adjusting color tones (White Balance) The color tone of the subject changes depending on the characteristics of the light source. The table below shows how the color tone changes based on various light sources, compared with a subject that appears white under the sunlight.

  • Page 233: Fine Adjustment Screen For Color

    Adjusting color tones (White Balance) AWB (Auto WB) The camera automatically detects a light source and adjusts the color tones. (Daylight) If you select an option to suit a specific light source, the color tones are adjusted for the light source (preset white balance). (Shade) (Cloudy) (Incandescent)

  • Page 234: Color Temp./Color Filter

    Adjusting color tones (White Balance) Color Temp. Fine-tune color in the B (blue) direction using b and the A (amber) direction using B. Color Filter Fine-tune color in the G (green) direction using v and the M (magenta) direction using V. Color Temp./Color Filter WB on the control button t (C.Temp./Filter) t B…

  • Page 235
    Adjusting color tones (White Balance) Hold the camera so that the white area fully covers the AF area located in the center, and then press the shutter button down. The shutter clicks and the calibrated values (Color Temperature and Color Filter) are displayed.
  • Page 236: Zooming

    Zooming You can magnify images with a higher scale than the optical zoom of the lens. Magnify the image with the zoom ring when using a zoom lens (page 30). Press the ZOOM button. ZOOM button Magnify the image to your desired zoom scale using b/B on the control button.

  • Page 237
    Zooming Image Setting Zoom scale with optical zoom size Zooms images by – trimming them in the About 1.4× available range (without deterioration of image quality). About 2× [Clear Image Zoom]: [Off] [Digital Zoom]: [Off] Gives priority to image About 2× quality when zooming images.
  • Page 238
    Zooming To change the [Digital Zoom] setting The default setting is [Off]. If you want to use higher magnification regardless of the deterioration of the image, set it to [On]. MENU button t 2 t [Digital Zoom] t Select the desired setting…
  • Page 239: Selecting The Drive Mode

    Selecting the drive mode Single Shooting This mode is for normal shooting. on the control button t (Single Shooting) Notes • When the exposure mode is set to [Sports Action] in [Scene Selection], you cannot use [Single Shooting]. Cont. Shooting The camera records images continuously.

  • Page 240: Self-Timer

    Selecting the drive mode Notes • When is selected, the recorded image is displayed between the shots. • You cannot shoot continuously when using [Scene Selection] modes other than [Sports Action]. Self-timer The 10-second self-timer is convenient when the photographer wants to appear in the photo and the 2-second self-timer is convenient for reducing camera shake.

  • Page 241
    Selecting the drive mode on the control button t (Bracket: Cont.) or (Single Bracket) t Select the desired bracket step • _EV displayed with is the currently selected value. Adjust the focus and shoot the subject. The base exposure is set at the first shot in the bracket. •…
  • Page 242: Wb Bracket

    Selecting the drive mode The EV scale in bracket shooting Ambient light* bracket Flash bracket (e.g., 0.3 steps, 3 shots, (e.g., 0.7 steps, 3 shots, Exposure compensation 0) Flash compensation –1.0) Viewfinder LCD screen (When [DISP Button(Monitor)] is set to [For Shown in the top row.

  • Page 243: Playback

    Playback Playback (Advanced Operations) Playback mode screen display Switching the screen during playback Each time you press DISP on the control button, the screen changes as follows. Display Info. No Disp. Info. Histogram List of histogram display icons Display Indication Display Indication Image quality of still…

  • Page 244
    Playback mode screen display Display Indication Display Indication 2013-1-1 Database file full (199)/ Date of recording 10:37AM Database file error (199) Overheating warning (10) File number/Number of images in the view mode * When the image has a high-key or Display Indication low-key portion, that portion flashes…
  • Page 245: Using The Playback Functions

    Using the playback functions Rotating an image Display the image you want to rotate, then press the button. button Press the center of the control button. The image is rotated counter-clockwise. When you want to do another rotation, repeat step 2. •…

  • Page 246: Slide Show

    Using the playback functions Slide Show MENU button t 1 t [Slide Show]t [Enter] Plays back recorded images in order (Slide Show). The slide show automatically stops after all the images have been played back. • You can view the previous/next image using b/B on the control button. •…

  • Page 247: Scrolling Panoramic Images

    Using the playback functions Scrolling panoramic images Select a panoramic image, then press the center of the control button. • Press the center of the control button again to pause the playback. You can scroll a panoramic image manually by pressing v/V/b/B during pause.

  • Page 248: Protecting Images (Protect)

    Protecting images (Protect) You can protect images against accidental erasure. MENU button t 1 t [Protect] t [Multiple Img.] Select the image you want to protect using b/B on the control button, then press the center of the control button. mark is put in the check box.

  • Page 249: Deleting Images (Delete)

    Deleting images (Delete) You can delete selected images or all the images. Once you have deleted an image, you cannot restore it. Be sure that you do not want the image before deleting it. Notes • Protected images cannot be deleted. To display the desired folder Select the bar on the left of the screen using the control button, then select the desired folder using v/V.

  • Page 250: Deleting All Images Or Movies In Each View Mode

    Deleting images (Delete) Deleting all images or movies in each view mode You can delete all still images or movies in each view mode displayed. MENU button t 1 t [Delete] t [All in Folder] or [All AVCHD view files] Select [Delete] using v on the control button, then press the center of the control button.

  • Page 251: Tv Playback

    “PhotoTV HD” This camera is compatible with the “PhotoTV HD” standard. By connecting Sony’s PhotoTV HD-compatible devices using an HDMI cable, a whole new world of photos can be enjoyed in breathtaking Full HD quality. “PhotoTV HD” allows for a highly-detailed, photo-like expression of subtle textures and colors.

  • Page 252
    TV playback Sync Menu items Slide Show Plays back images automatically (page 150). Single-image Returns to the single-image screen. playback Image Index Switches to the image index screen. Still/Movie Select Switches the view mode. Delete Deletes images. Notes • The operations available are restricted when the camera is connected to a TV using an HDMI cable (sold separately).
  • Page 253: Camera Setup

    Camera Setup Camera Setup (Advanced Operations) Setting the aspect ratio and image quality Aspect Ratio MENU button t 1 t [Aspect Ratio] t Select the desired ratio Normal ratio. 16:9 HDTV ratio. Notes • [Aspect Ratio] cannot be set when the exposure mode is set to [Sweep Panorama]. Quality MENU button t 1 t [Quality] t Select the desired setting…

  • Page 254
    Setting the aspect ratio and image quality About RAW images Download and install “Image Data Converter” on your computer to open a RAW image recorded on this camera. With this software, a RAW image can be opened and converted to a common format, such as JPEG or TIFF, and its white balance, color saturation, contrast, etc., can be readjusted.
  • Page 255: Setting The Other Camera Functions

    Setting the other camera functions Long Exposure NR When you set the shutter speed to 1 second or longer (Long exposure shooting), noise reduction is turned on for the same duration that the shutter is open. This reduces the grainy noise typical for a long exposure. When noise reduction is in progress, a message appears and you cannot take another picture.

  • Page 256: Color Space

    Setting the other camera functions Color Space The way colors are represented with combinations of numbers or the range of color reproduction is called “color space.” You can change the color space, depending on your purpose. MENU button t 3 t [Color Space] t Select the desired setting sRGB This is the standard color space of the digital camera.

  • Page 257: Grid Line

    Setting the other camera functions Grid Line The grid line is an auxiliary line for shooting composition. You can set the grid line to on/off or select the type of grid line. The available range of movie recording is also displayed. MENU button t 2 t [Grid Line] t Select the desired setting Auto Review…

  • Page 258: Iso Button

    Setting the other camera functions Notes • While the exposure value is locked, appears on the LCD screen and in the viewfinder. Be careful not to reset the setting. • When [AEL toggle] is selected, be sure to press the AEL button again to release the lock.

  • Page 259: Electronic Front Curtain Shutter

    Setting the other camera functions Shot. Result Preview The aperture is narrowed to match the selected aperture value and you can check the blurring. The effect of DRO or the shutter speed value is also reflected. • The preview image may be darker, depending on the shutter speed value.

  • Page 260: Power Save

    Setting the other camera functions Power Save You can shorten the waiting time until the camera turns on power save mode when it is not being operated to prevent the battery from being consumed. If you operate the camera, for example, pressing the shutter button halfway down, the camera returns to shooting mode.

  • Page 261: Lens Compensation

    (only for automatic compensation compliant lenses). For further information on automatic compensation compliant lenses, visit the Sony web site, or consult your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility. Lens Comp.: Peripheral Shading Compensates for the shaded corners of the screen caused by certain lens characteristics.

  • Page 262: Setting The Memory Card Recording Method

    Setting the memory card recording method Format Note that formatting irrevocably erases all data on a memory card, including protected images. MENU button t 1 t [Format] t [Enter] Notes • During formatting, the access lamp lights up. Do not eject the memory card while the lamp is lit.

  • Page 263: Select Rec Folder

    Setting the memory card recording method Standard Form The folder name format is as follows: folder number + MSDCF. Example: 100MSDCF Date Form The folder name format is as follows: folder number + Y (the last digit)/MM/DD. Example: 10030405 (Folder name: 100, date: 2013/04/05) Notes •…

  • Page 264: Recover Image Db

    Setting the memory card recording method Recover Image DB When inconsistencies are caused in the image database file by processing files on computers, etc., images on the memory card will not be played back on this camera. If this happens, the camera repairs the file. MENU button t 1 t [Recover Image DB] t [Enter] Notes…

  • Page 265
    Setting the memory card recording method • Eye-Fi cards include a wireless LAN function. Do not insert any Eye-Fi cards in the camera when it is prohibited to do so, such as on an airplane. If there is an Eye-Fi card inserted in the camera, set [Upload Settings] to [Off].
  • Page 266: Resetting To Default Settings

    Resetting to default settings You can reset the main functions of the camera. MENU button t 3 t [Initialize] t Select the desired setting t [OK] The following items will be reset. Shooting functions (Reset Default/Rec mode reset) Items Reset to Exposure Comp.

  • Page 267
    Resetting to default settings Items Reset to Quality (157) Fine Panorama: Size (47) Standard Panorama: Direction (89) Right Clear Image Zoom (140) Digital Zoom (101, 140) Long Exposure NR (159) High ISO NR (159) Normal Flash control (124) ADI flash AF Illuminator (111) Auto SteadyShot (83)
  • Page 268
    Resetting to default settings Items Reset to DISP Button(Monitor) (78) Display All Info./Graphic Display/No Disp. Info. DISP Button(Finder) (78) No Disp. Info./Graphic Display Peaking Level (115) Peaking Color (115) White Live View Display (80) Setting Effect ON Func. of AEL button (161) AEL hold ISO Button (162) Preview Button (162)
  • Page 269
    Resetting to default settings Setup menu (Reset Default) Items Reset to Menu start (60) Mode Dial Guide (60) LCD Brightness (60) ±0 Viewfinder Bright. (163) Auto Viewfinder Color Temp. (60) Power Save (164) Standard Power Saving Start Time (164) 1 Min HDMI Resolution (155) Auto CTRL FOR HDMI (155)
  • Page 270: Confirming The Camera Version

    Confirming the camera version Displays the camera version. Confirm the version when a firmware update is released. If you mount a lens compatible with the lens version up feature, the lens version is also displayed. MENU button t 3 t [Version] Notes •…

  • Page 271: Computer

    Computer Computer (Advanced Operations) Using the camera with your computer Use the following applications to allow more versatile uses of images shot using your camera. • “PlayMemories Home” You can import still images or movies recorded using the camera to your computer so that you can view them, and use various convenient features to enhance the images you have shot.

  • Page 272: Recommended Computer Environment (Mac)

    Using the camera with your computer ** Starter (Edition) is not supported. Recommended computer environment (Mac) The following computer environment is recommended when using the software and importing images via a USB connection. OS (pre-installed) USB Connection: Mac OS X v10.3 – 10.8 “Image Data Converter Ver.4”: Mac OS X v10.5, 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion) “Image Data…

  • Page 273: Connecting The Camera To A Computer

    Connecting the camera to a computer Making a USB connection Selects the method used to make a USB connection between the camera and a computer or a USB device using a USB cable. MENU button t 2 t [USB Connection] t Select the desired setting Auto Establishes a Mass Storage or MTP connection…

  • Page 274: Connecting To A Computer

    Connecting the camera to a computer Multi Normally, use [Multi]. Single Set [USB LUN Setting] to [Single] only if you cannot make a connection. Connecting to a computer Insert a sufficiently charged battery pack into the camera, or connect the camera to a wall outlet (wall socket) using the AC- PW10AM AC Adaptor (sold separately).

  • Page 275: Importing Images To A Computer (Mac)

    Do not delete or copy AVCHD movies on the memory card from the computer. Sony is not liable for consequences resulting from such operations via the computer.

  • Page 276: Deleting The Usb Connection

    The image is displayed. Software for Mac computers For details on other software for Mac computers, access the following URL: http://www.sony.co.jp/imsoft/Mac/ Deleting the USB connection Perform steps 1 and 2 below before performing the following operations: • Disconnecting the USB cable.

  • Page 277: Creating A Movie Disc

    Creating a movie disc Creating a high definition quality (HD) disc (AVCHD recording disc) on a computer You can create a high definition quality (HD) AVCHD recording disc from AVCHD movies imported to a computer using the software “PlayMemories Home.” Start up [PlayMemories Home] and select Tools in the upper right of the screen t…

  • Page 278: Creating A Standard Definition Quality (Std) Disc

    To create Blu-ray discs using “PlayMemories Home,” install proprietary add-on software. For details, access the following URL: http://support.d-imaging.sony.co.jp/BDUW/ An Internet connection environment is required to install the software. See “PlayMemories Home Help Guide” for details. Creating a standard definition quality (STD) disc…

  • Page 279: Discs You Can Use With «Playmemories Home

    Creating a movie disc Discs you can use with “PlayMemories Home” You can use the following types of 12 cm discs using “PlayMemories Home.” For Blu-ray discs, see page 182. Disc type Features DVD-R/DVD+R/DVD+R DL Unrewritable DVD-RW/DVD+RW Rewritable • Always update your PlayStation®3 to the latest version of the PlayStation®3 system software.

  • Page 280: Print

    Print Print (Advanced Operations) Specifying DPOF Using the camera, you can specify still images before printing them at a shop or with your printer. Follow the procedure below. DPOF specifications are left with images after printing. It is recommended that you unspecify them after printing. MENU button t 1 t [Specify Printing] t [DPOF Setup] t [Multiple Img.] t [Enter]…

  • Page 281: Cleaning

    Cleaning Cleaning (Advanced Operations) Cleaning the camera and lens Cleaning the camera • Do not touch parts inside the camera, such as the lens contacts or the mirror. Since dust on the mirror or around the mirror may affect the images or the performance of the camera, blow the dust away using a commercially available blower*.

  • Page 282: Cleaning The Image Sensor

    Cleaning the image sensor If dust or debris enters the camera and adheres to the image sensor (the part that acts as the film), it may appear as dark spots on the photo image, depending on the shooting environment. If there is dust on the image sensor, clean it following the steps below.

  • Page 283: Cleaning Mode

    Cleaning the image sensor Cleaning the image sensor using a blower If further cleaning is needed after using cleaning mode, clean the image sensor using a blower, following the steps below. Perform the cleaning operation described in steps 1 to 4 of “Cleaning the image sensor automatically using the camera’s cleaning mode.”…

  • Page 284
    Cleaning the image sensor After cleaning is finished, lower the mirror with a finger until it clicks. • Lower the mirror frame back down with a finger. Be careful not to touch the mirror surface. • Lower the mirror down until it locks firmly.
  • Page 285: Troubleshooting/Others

    Troubleshooting/Others Troubleshooting/Others (Advanced Operations) Troubleshooting If you experience trouble with the camera, try the following solutions. Check the following items. Remove the battery pack and reinsert it after about 1 minute, and turn on the power. Reset the settings (page 170). Consult your dealer or local authorized service facility.

  • Page 286: Shooting Images

    Troubleshooting The power turns off suddenly. • If you do not operate the camera for a certain period of time, the camera reverts to power-saving mode. To cancel power saving, operate the camera, such as pressing the shutter button halfway down (page 164). The CHARGE lamp flashes when charging the battery pack.

  • Page 287
    Troubleshooting The shutter does not release. • You are using a memory card with a write-protect switch, and the switch is set to the LOCK position. Set the switch to the recording position. • Check the free capacity of the memory card. •…
  • Page 288
    Troubleshooting The flash does not work. • The flash mode is set to [Autoflash]. If you want to make sure the flash fires each time, set the flash mode to [Fill-flash] (pages 41, 126). The flash takes too long to recharge. •…
  • Page 289: Viewing Images

    Troubleshooting The eyes of the subject are red. • Activate the red eye reduction function (page 57). • Get close to the subject, and shoot the subject within the flash range using the flash. Check the flash range in “Specifications.” Dots appear and remain on the LCD screen.

  • Page 290
    Troubleshooting Computers You do not know if the OS of your computer is compatible with the camera. • Check “Using the camera with your computer” (page 175). Your computer does not recognize your camera. • Check that the camera is turned on. •…
  • Page 291
    Troubleshooting Memory card Cannot insert a memory card. • The insertion direction of the memory card is wrong. Insert it in the correct direction (page 21). Cannot record on a memory card. • The memory card is full. Delete unnecessary images (pages 34, 153). •…
  • Page 292
    Troubleshooting Cannot print images with the date. • Using “PlayMemories Home,” you can print images with the date (page 64). • This camera does not have a feature for superimposing dates on images. However, because the images shot with the camera include information on the recording date, you can print images with the date superimposed if the printer or the software can recognize Exif information.
  • Page 293
    • If an AC Adaptor (sold separately) is used, disconnect the power plug. Connect the power plug and turn on the camera again. If the camera does not work after performing these steps, consult your Sony dealer or local authorized Sony service facility.
  • Page 294: Warning Messages

    Troubleshooting/Others (Advanced Operations) Warning Memory card locked. messages • You are using a memory card with a write-protect switch, and the switch is set to the LOCK If the following messages appear, position. Set the switch to the follow the instructions below. recording position.

  • Page 295
    Warning messages Internal temp. high. Allow it to Camera Error. Turn power off then cool. System Error • The camera has become hot because you have been shooting • Turn the power off, remove the continuously. battery pack or lens, then reinsert Turn the power off.
  • Page 296: Precautions

    Precautions Care The surface of the LCD screen has a coating that may peel off if scratched. Do not use/store the camera in Please note the following points for handling and care. the following places • Grease or hand cream left on the •…

  • Page 297: On The Internal Rechargeable

    1 hour. battery, the internal rechargeable battery may be dead. Consult your If moisture condensation occurs Sony dealer or local authorized Sony Turn off the camera and wait for service facility. about an hour for the moisture to How to charge the internal evaporate.

  • Page 298
    Precautions Notes on disposal or transfer • Do not look at the sun or a strong light through an unattached lens or of the camera the viewfinder. This may cause For the protection of personal irrecoverable damage to your eyes. information, perform the following It may also cause a malfunction of operations when you dispose of or…
  • Page 299: Using Your Camera Abroad — Power Sources

    Using your PAL system (1080 50i) Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, camera abroad — Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Holland, Hong Power sources Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, You can use your camera, the battery Singapore, Slovak Republic, Spain, charger and the AC-PW10AM AC Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand,…

  • Page 300: Avchd Format

    AVCHD format Recording media: Memory card *1 1080i specification A high definition specification that The AVCHD format is a high uses 1,080 effective scanning lines definition digital video camera format and the interlace system. used to record a high definition (HD) *2 720p specification signal of either the 1080i A high definition specification that…

  • Page 301: Memory Cards

    Memory cards • When the write-protect switch of a memory card is set to the LOCK position, you cannot perform operations such as recording or deleting images. Notes on using memory • Memory cards formatted on a cards computer are not guaranteed to operate with this camera.

  • Page 302
    Memory cards “Memory Stick XC-HG Duo” Notes on using “Memory Stick media* Micro” media (sold “Memory Stick PRO Duo” separately) media* “Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo” • This product is compatible with media* “Memory Stick Micro” media Compatible with your camera (“M2”).
  • Page 303: Battery Pack/Battery Charger

    Battery pack/ • When the CHARGE lamp flashes, this may indicate a battery error or Battery charger that a battery pack other than the specified type has been installed. Check that the battery pack is the specified type. If the battery pack is •…

  • Page 304: Battery Life

    Battery pack/Battery charger Effective use of the battery How to store the battery pack pack Store the battery pack in a dry, cool place after removing it from the • Battery performance decreases in camera. Even if you do not use the low-temperature environments.

  • Page 305: License

    PERSONAL USE OF A Use the following URL to download CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE http://www.sony.net/Products/Linux/ REMUNERATION TO We would prefer you do not contact (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN us about the contents of source code.

  • Page 306: Index

    Index Index Autofocus Mode …… 109 Automatic AF ……109 A (Aperture Priority) ….92 AVCHD ….103, 104, 204 ADI flash ……..124 AVCHD View ……149 AdobeRGB …….160 AE Lock……..122 AEL ……….161 Battery pack ….19, 21, 207 AEL button …….161 Beep sound (Audio signals)..

  • Page 307
    Index Contrast ……..134 EV scale ……. 43, 97, 146 Control button ……51 Exposure compensation ….. 43 Control dial ….92, 94, 96 Eye-Fi……..168 Creative Style……134 Eyepiece cup ……77 CTRL FOR HDMI….155 Eyepiece sensor….14, 77 Custom (White Balance)..
  • Page 308
    Index Focus Hold Button……58 In-Camera Guide ……. 62 Focus indicator ……107 Incandescent (White Balance)….137 Focus Magnifier……116 Index ………. 49 Focus-lock ……..108 Initialize ……..170 Folder Name ……166 Install ……… 66 Folder View ……149 Intelligent Auto ….30, 85 For viewfinder (Monitor) …80 ISO Button …….
  • Page 309
    Index Macro ……..38, 86 Manual Exposure ……. 96 P (Program Auto) ……. 91 Manual focus……114 Panorama: Direction ….89 Mass Storage……177 Panorama: Size……47 Memory card…… 21, 205 Partial Color ……133 MENU……..55 PC Remote ……. 177 Menu ……….
  • Page 310
    Index Sharpness ……… 134 Shooting ……..30 RAW ………157 Shooting mode ……36 RAW+J ……..157 Shooting Tip List ……. 63 Rear Sync……..42 Shooting Tips……62 Record Setting ……104 Shot. Result Preview….94 Record Setting (Movie) ….104 Shoulder strap ……16 Recording information display ……46, 147 Shutter Priority……
  • Page 311
    Index Sunset……..38, 87 Windows ……64, 67 Superior Auto……. 37, 85 Wireless……..42 Sweep Panorama….39, 88 Wireless flash ……127 T8 ……….40 Zone (AF area) ……110 Tele-zoom Cont. Priority Zoom ……..30, 140 AE ……..40, 90 Time zone ……..

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    Sony Alpha SLT-A58 - инструкция по эксплуатацииМодель: Зеркальная фотокамера Sony Alpha SLT-A58
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    С Sony Alpha SLT-A58 создавайте эффектные кадры благодаря матрице Exmor APS HD CMOS 20,1 МП с широким диапазоном чувствительности — уделите внимание мельчайшим деталям даже в условиях плохого освещения. Вместе с процессором изображений BIONZ матрица обеспечивает четкость и резкость снимков вне зависимости от условий съемки. Поймайте динамику спортивного события или мимолетное изменение выражения на лице модели с помощью функции серийной съемки. Высокопроизводительная система автофокусировки по 15 точкам (с тремя крестообразными датчиками) обеспечивает высокую скорость съемки — 8 кадров в секунду, — позволяя ловить интересные моменты в кадр. Не каждый фотограф обладает природным чувством кадра. Многим из нас не обойтись без небольшой помощи — режима автоматической компоновки кадра. Этот режим автоматически кадрирует исходное изображение, придавая ему профессиональный вид. Затем вы можете решить, какой вариант изображения вам больше нравится. Любите видео больше, чем фотографии? Снимайте плавное и невероятно четкое Full HD видео с непрерывной автофокусировкой, отслеживающей действие даже в момент зумирования. В отличие от работы с зеркальными фотоаппаратами, здесь вы можете просматривать материал в видоискателе OLED Tru-Finder прямо во время съемки.


    • Основные операции. В данном разделе приведена основная информация по эксплуатации фотоаппарата.
      • Примечания по использованию фотоаппарата.
      • Подготовка камеры.
        • Проверка комплектации.
        • Компоненты камеры.
          • Передняя сторона.
          • Задняя сторона.
          • Верхняя сторона.
          • Боковые стороны/Нижняя сторона.
          • Объектив.
        • Зарядка батарейного блока.
        • Установка аккумулятора/карты памяти (продается отдельно).
          • Карты памяти, которые вы можете использовать.
        • Присоединение объектива.
        • Включение фотоаппарата и установка часов.
        • Перед съемкой.
          • Регулировка оптической резкости видоискателя (диоптрийная коррекция).
          • Как правильно держать фотоаппарат.
      • Съемка и просмотр изображений.
        • Съемка неподвижных изображений.
        • Запись фильмов.
        • Воспроизведение изображений.
        • Удаление изображений (Удалить).
      • Фотосъемка в зависимости от объекта.
        • Регулировка угла установки ЖК-экрана.
        • Выбор режима съемки.
          • Супер авторежим.
          • Выбор сцены.
          • Панорамный обзор.
          • Непрер. приор. АЭ с телеконв.
      • Использование функций съемки.
        • Использование вспышки.
        • Настройка яркости изображения.
        • Выбор режима протяжки.
        • Переключение информационной индикации в режиме записи (DISP).
        • Настройка размера изображения.
          • Размер изобр.
          • Панорама: размер.
      • Использование функций воспроизведения.
        • Увеличение изображений.
        • Переключение на отображение списка изображений.
        • Просмотр изображений на экране телевизора.
      • Список функций.
        • Функции, которыми можно управлять с помощью кнопок/переключателя.
        • Выбор функции с помощью кнопки Fn (Функция).
        • Функции, которые можно выбирать с помощью кнопки Fn (Функция).
        • Выбор функций с помощью кнопки MENU.
        • Использование функции рекомендаций камеры.
          • Встроенная справка.
          • Подсказки по съемке.
      • Просмотр фотоснимков на компьютере.
        • Какие возможности предоставляет программное обеспечение.
          • Какие возможности предоставляет “PlayMemories Home”.
          • Какие возможности предоставляет “Image Data Converter”.
        • Установка программного обеспечения.
          • Установка программы “PlayMemories Home”.
          • Просмотр руководства “Справочное руководство по PlayMemories Home”.
          • Установка программы “Image Data Converter”.
          • Просмотр руководства “Руководство по Image Data Converter”.
          • Установка программы “Remote Camera Control”.
        • Выбор способа создания видеодиска.
          • Создание диска с помощью компьютера.
          • Создание диска с помощью устройства, отличного от компьютера.
      • Прочее.
        • Список экранных значков.
        • Функции, доступные для каждого режима съемки.
        • Доступные режимы вспышки.
    • Дополнительные операции. В данном разделе приведена дополнительная информация по эксплуатации фотоаппарата.
      • Подготовка.
        • Настройка фотоаппарата.
          • Снятие наглазника окуляра.
        • Экранная индикация режима съемки.
          • Выбор режима экрана.
          • Гистограмма.
          • Контроль объекта через объектив без отображения эффектов.
          • Список значков режима видоискателя.
        • Съемка четкого изображения без дрожания фотоаппарата.
          • Индикатор предупреждения о дрожании фотоаппарата.
          • Использование функции SteadyShot.
          • Использование штатива.
      • Съемка.
        • Выбор режима фотосъемки.
          • Интеллект. Авто/ Вспышка выкл.
          • Супер авторежим.
          • Выбор сцены.
          • Панорамный обзор.
          • Непрер. приор. АЭ с телеконв.
          • Программное авто.
          • Приор. диафрагмы.
          • Приор. выдержки.
          • Ручной экспозиция.
          • BULB.
        • Установка записи видео.
          • Простая запись видео.
          • Цифров увелич.
          • Изменение чувствительности отслеживания автофокуса во время записи видео.
          • Запись видео с регулировкой выдержки и диафрагмы.
          • Формат файла.
          • Параметры записи.
          • Запись звука.
        • Регулировка фокусировки.
          • Автофокус.
          • Блокировка фокуса.
          • Режим АФ.
          • Область AF.
          • Подсветка АФ.
          • Следящий AF.
          • Фокусировка вручную.
          • Выделение контуров.
          • Фокусировоч. лупа.
        • Распознавание лиц.
          • Распознаван. лиц.
          • Регистрация лиц.
          • Авто кадрирование.
          • Smile Shutter.
        • Регулировка яркости изображения.
          • Блокировка АЭ.
          • AEL с выдержкой.
          • Режим измер.
          • Кор.эксп.вспыш.
          • Управл.вспышкой.
        • Вспышка.
          • Беспроводная вспышка.
        • Установка ISO.
          • Многокадр. шумоподавл.
        • Автоматическая компенсация яркости и контрастности (Д-диапазон).
          • Опт.Д-диап.
          • Авто HDR.
        • Установка обработки изображений.
          • Эффект рисунка.
          • Творческ. стиль.
        • Регулировка цветовых тонов (Баланс белого).
          • Экран точной регулировки цвета.
          • Цвет. темпер./Цветной фильтр.
          • Пользоват. баланс белого.
        • Зуммирование.
        • Выбор режима протяжки.
          • Покадров. Съемка.
          • Непрерыв. Съемка.
          • Автоспуск.
          • Брек.: Непрер./Покадр. брекетинг.
          • Брекетинг WB.
      • Воспроизведение.
        • Экранная индикация режима воспроизведения.
          • Переключение экрана во время воспроизведения.
          • Список значков дисплея гистограммы.
        • Использование функций воспроизведения.
          • Поворот изображения.
          • Выб. фото./видео.
          • Слайд-шоу.
          • Дисп.реж.воспр.
          • Прокрутка панорамных изображений.
        • Защита изображений (Защита).
        • Удаление изображений (Удалить).
          • Удалить (Неск. снимков).
          • Удаление всех изображений или видеозаписей в каждом режиме просмотра.
        • Воспроизведение на телевизоре.
          • Использование приложения “BRAVIA” Sync.
      • Настройка фотоаппарата.
        • Установка формата и качества изображения.
          • Формат.
          • Качество.
        • Установка других функций фотоаппарата.
          • ШП длит. экспоз.
          • ШП высокого ISO.
          • Цвет. простран.
          • Спуск/объектива.
          • Сетка.
          • Авто.просмотр.
          • Функ. кнопки AEL.
          • Кнопка ISO.
          • Кнопка предпросмотра.
          • Электронная передняя шторка затвора.
          • Яркость видоискат.
          • Эконом. питания.
          • Настр. FINDER/LCD.
        • Коррекция объектива.
          • Корр. об.: Периферич. затенение.
          • Коррекция объектива: Хром. аберр.
          • Коррекция объектива: Дисторсия.
        • Установка способа записи на карту памяти.
          • Форматировать.
          • Номер файла.
          • Название папки.
          • Выбор папк. записи.
          • Создать папку.
          • Восстан. БД изобр.
          • Парам. Выгрузки.
        • Возврат к исходным установкам.
        • Подтверждение версии фотоаппарата.
      • Компьютер.
        • Использование фотоаппарата с компьютером.
          • Рекомендуемая конфигурация компьютера (Windows).
          • Рекомендуемая конфигурация компьютера (Mac).
        • Подключение фотоаппарата к компьютеру.
          • Создание USB-соединения.
          • Установка режима USB-соединения (Настройка USB LUN).
          • Подключение к компьютеру.
          • Импортирование изображений в компьютер (Windows).
          • Импортирование изображений в компьютер (Mac).
          • Удаление USB-соединения.
        • Создание диска с видеозаписями.
          • Создание диска с качеством высокой четкости (HD) на компьютере (диск с записью AVCHD).
          • Создание диска с качеством стандартной четкости (STD).
          • Типы дисков, которые можно использовать с программой “PlayMemories Home”.
      • Печать.
        • Указание DPOF.
          • Печать даты.
      • Чистка.
        • Чистка фотоаппарата и объектива.
        • Чистка датчика изображения.
      • Поиск и устранение неисправностей/Прочее.
        • Устранение неисправностей.
        • Предупреждающие сообщения.
        • Меры предосторожности.
        • Использование фотоаппарата за границей — Источники питания.
        • Формат AVCHD.
        • Карты памяти.
        • Аккумулятор/Зарядное устройство.
        • Лицензия.
      • Алфавитный указатель.

    Скачать: disk.yandex.ru | mega.co.nz

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