Фоллаут 2 техническое руководство

Техническое руководство (англ. Technical manual) — предмет Fallout и Fallout 2.


  • 1 Описание
  • 2 Местонахождение
    • 2.1 Fallout
    • 2.2 Fallout 2
  • 3 Заметки
  • 4 Появление
  • 5 Примечания


Это небольшая брошюра, содержащая описание по ремонту силовой брони T-51b. К сожалению, в геймплее не имеет никакого применения.



Бункер Лост-Хиллз, уровень 1, большой склад, в одной из коробок[1].

Fallout 2[]

  • Город Убежища, в книжном шкафу позади Валери.
  • Целых четыре штуки имеются в продаже у Лао Чу из «Летящего дракона».
  • Можно найти в подвале оружейного магазина Нью-Рино.


Согласно механике игры техническое руководство изготовлено из металла.


Техническое руководство появляется в Fallout и Fallout 2.


  1. Взлом двери в склад сделает Братство Стали враждебным.


Книги Fallout

Большая научная книга · Книга по первой помощи · Кошачья лапка · Настольная книга скаута · Оружие и боеприпасы · Техническое руководство · Химические журналы  · Электроника Дина


Книги Fallout 2

  • Большая научная книга
  • Книга по первой помощи
  • Книга советов Fallout II
  • Конторская книга
  • Кошачья лапка
  • Кошачья лапка, выпуск 5
  • Настольная книга скаута
  • Оружие и боеприпасы
  • Техническое руководство
  • Травы и их применение в медицине
  • Химические журналы
  • Цветок лаванды
  • Электроника Дина
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Забрал :)

вот негодяй!

будем искать другие

в конце концов, кто сказал, что сюжетку должно быть легко пройти :)

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вот негодяй!

будем искать другие

в конце концов, кто сказал, что сюжетку должно быть легко пройти :)

так положить можно) 

а если еще и randomloot добавить, то с этим проблем не будет)))

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Народ поставил я игру, все хорошо, но не работает подсветка ни итемов ни контейнеров (((

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А как я в этом не шарю и даже не знаю где искать проблему.

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А как я в этом не шарю и даже не знаю где искать проблему.

Подсветка работает исключительно по левому шифту

Решение проблем

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Что то получилось. перешол на масштаб X2 и все заработало.

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Тема восстановлена.

К сожалению, по личным мотивам автор покинул форум и больше не поддерживает данную тему.

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Тема восстановлена.

К сожалению, по личным мотивам автор покинул форум и больше не поддерживает данную тему.

Как покинул ? Совсем и не вернется ?

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Как покинул ? Совсем и не вернется ?

Все темы автора были удалены самим автором.

Все возможно, но судя по заявлениям — в ближайшее время — нет.

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Камрады! Кто подскажет есть альтернатива звукам оружия YK ?

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У санитаров я на хорошем счету, поэтому мне разрешают съедать таблетки соседей! 

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Установка сторонних модов поверх Fixed Edition не рекомендyется. Это самодостаточная сборка с yникальными правками и изменениями, которые с дрyгими модами «как есть» может конфликтовать или быть полностью несовместимыми.

Часть конкретно минимодов от Эндкора есть в адаптированном виде в составе сборки RUP, но она на данный момент недостyпна на неопределённый срок. Так что ставить на чистый Ресторейшн.

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Fixed edition не предназначен для модов.

Minipack — на данный момент устанавливается лишь поверх оригинальной версии, по инструкции. 

Камрады! Кто подскажет есть альтернатива звукам оружия YK ?

Простая замена файлов не поможет.

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Просто невозможно вытекают глаза от текста. Вот не помню, раньше вроде были просто рамки черные по бокам и игра не растягивалась. Можно так как-то не в оконном играть? А если нет, то какое лучше разрешение поставить на 1920×1080. 

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Просто невозможно вытекают глаза от текста. Вот не помню, раньше вроде были просто рамки черные по бокам и игра не растягивалась. Можно так как-то не в оконном играть? А если нет, то какое лучше разрешение поставить на 1920×1080.

1280*720 оно же установлено по умолчанию.

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И снова вопрос, для чего нужны 2 книжки в Аббатсве, Армейское техническое руководство и Руководство по эксплуатации кв-75 ?

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У санитаров я на хорошем счету, поэтому мне разрешают съедать таблетки соседей! 

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И снова вопрос, для чего нужны 2 книжки в Аббатсве, Армейское техническое руководство и Руководство по эксплуатации кв-75 ?

А что в описании для этих книг написано?

Если их можно использовать, значит повышают навык\дают перк, в ином случае могут быть квестовым предметом.

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И снова вопрос, для чего нужны 2 книжки в Аббатсве, Армейское техническое руководство и Руководство по эксплуатации кв-75 ?

Ни для чего кроме антyража.

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1280*720 оно же установлено по умолчанию.

Так вот вообще текста не видно. Только на 800 600  и то, прям супер глаза вытекают. Я так понимаю, мне только в оконном?  :

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Calm Ghost

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Так вот вообще текста не видно. Только на 800 600  и то, прям супер глаза вытекают. Я так понимаю, мне только в оконном?  :

У каждого человека, свои очки (у меня -2 и я прекрасно вижу при 1280х720), если не подошло разрешение и не видите, то играйте в окне. Масштаб текста в данной игре, не предусмотрен (раньше не было таких мониторов).

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Так вот вообще текста не видно. Только на 800 600  и то, прям супер глаза вытекают. Я так понимаю, мне только в оконном?  :

Какого же размера у вас диагональ монитора, что 1280*720 и текста не видно?

Можете попробовать альтернативный метод

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Какого же размера у вас диагональ монитора, что 1280*720 и текста не видно?

Можете попробовать альтернативный метод

27 дюймов. При 1280 720 там не просто не видно текста, он превращается в месиво из пикселей. А вот метод действительно рабочий, огромное спасибо! 

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27 дюймов. При 1280 720 там не просто не видно текста, он превращается в месиво из пикселей. А вот метод действительно рабочий, огромное спасибо!

От 15 до 32 никакого месива не наблюдал, но спорить не стану. Хорошо, что метод работает.

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Товарищи, кто подскажет, как узнать расположение EPA (АЗОС), кроме Майрона и Путешествинника? 

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У санитаров я на хорошем счету, поэтому мне разрешают съедать таблетки соседей! 

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Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже.

Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.






THE VAULTS ………………………………..






THE MASTER ………………………………..


THE VATS ………………………………….


MY RETURN TO VAULT-13 ……………………..


THE TRIBE ………………………………..


INTERFACE …………………………….


MAIN MENU ………………………………..






Modifying Pre-generated Characters ……….




How to create your Character …………….


Character Concept ……………………….


Primary Statistics ……………………..


Derived Statistics ……………………..




Tag Skills …………………………….


Name, Age and Sex ……………………….


Finishing your Character ………………..


Character Screen Options ………………..


MAIN GAME SCREEN …………………………..





MOVEMENT CURSOR …………………………..


Walking ………………………………..


Running ………………………………..


Things that affect movement ………………


COMMAND CURSOR …………………………….


Action Icons …………………………..


INTERFACE BAR …………………………….


SKILLDEX ………………………………….




Cursors ………………………………..


Moving or Dropping Multiple Items …………


Inventory Screen ……………………….


Other Inventory Actions ………………….




Basic Info and Statistics ………………..


Hit Points and Medical Information ……….




Perks, Karma & Kills ……………………


Information Card ……………………….


Print, Cancel and Done ………………….




Functions of the PIPBoy 2000 …………….


The Clock and Calender ………………….








Close ………………………………….


MAPS ……………………………………..


World Map ………………………………


World Map Movement ……………………..


Terrain ………………………………..


Random Encounters ……………………….


Town Map ………………………………


Automap ………………………………..


NPC INTERACTION …………………………..


DIALOGUE ………………………………….


Chatting Dialogue ……………………….


Extended Dialogue ……………………….



BARTER ……………………………………


How to Barter …………………………..


Price Influences ……………………….


PARTY MEMBERS …………………………….


Party Member Inventory ………………….


Party Member Combat Control ………………




Save Game ………………………………


Load Game ………………………………


Preferences …………………………….




INTRODUCTION ………………………………


STATISTICS ………………………………..


Primary Statistics ……………………..


Derived Statistics ……………………..


SKILLS ……………………………………




Karma ………………………………….


Reputation (Town) ……………………….


Reputation (Special) ……………………




The Perk List …………………………..


EXPERIENCE ………………………………..


Skill Points …………………………..


Spending Skill Points ……………………


COMBAT ………………………………..




STARTING COMBAT …………………………..





ACTION POINTS …………………………….


Actions in Combat ……………………….




Attacking ………………………………


Inventory ………………………………


Other Actions …………………………..




RANGED WEAPONS …………………………….


Weapon Modes …………………………..




TARGETED SHOTS …………………………….


DAMAGE ……………………………………




ENDING COMBAT …………………………….


Victorious in the Battle

and Looting the Dead ……………………










Tips …………….


Credits ……………………



Support …………..






Wide Web Site …………




One” Pancake ……….



Kabobs” …………..



Keys ………………..





Thank you for purchasing Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game from Interplay Productions. You are about to enter a world of mutants, radioactivity, big guns and vacuum tubes. Before you can start playing, you need to install Fallout 2 on your computer and do a very simple setup procedure.


You should have the following in your Fallout 2 survival kit:

*Fallout 2 Game CD-ROM

*The Fallout 2 Manual

*Interplay Productions Reference and Troubleshooting Guide

The basic requirements to run the game are:

*IBM or 100% compatible Pentium™ 90 w/16 Megs of RAM

* Windows® 95/98/NT w/ DirectX 3.0a or higher

*DirectX certified SVGA card

*4X CD-ROM drive

*100% Compatible Microsoft Mouse required

*DirectX certified sound card



If you have Win95/98/NT installed on your computer, you should install the Win95 version of Fallout 2. DirectX must be installed prior to running SETUP.

To install the Win95/98/NT version of Fallout 2, follow these steps:

(1)Insert the Fallout 2 CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.




(2)If you have Autoplay enabled, then you will shortly see an Autoplay menu. Click on the Install button.

(3)If you do not have Autoplay enabled, open the CD-ROM and double-click on the SETUP icon.

(4)If necessary, you will need to install DirectX 3.0a or higher. You can install it from the Autoplay menu, or run DXSETUP.EXE from the DirectX directory on the CD-ROM.

To Uninstall, go to the Control Panel —> Add/Remove Programs, select FALLOUT 2 and click on the Add/Remove button. The uninstaller only removes the files installed by the installer. Any files created after install (config files, save games, etc.) must be removed by hand.


The README.TXT file on the CD contains up to date information that was not available when the manual went to press. We suggest you view the README to get the latest information and changes. You can do this from the Win95/98/NT Autoplay menu by clicking on the View Readme button.





one good thing about growing old is that you get your way. The new leaders of

Tribe (they refuse to call themselves Elders until I have

on, which should be soon, if lucky) want me to record my

knowledge for future generations. What knowledge they need is be found with sweat and blood,

some letters on a page. But future is a great unknown, they may have a point. To

make them happy, I’ve written down what I feel will be important. (The important words

“what I feel will be important.”)

They want me to write my memoirs. Fine. I’ll do it.

But as the song goes, I’ll do it my way. And I’m old

enough that I will get my way.





The Vaults

members of the Tribe, I

Like all of the original



came from the


I know little about the

Before the War, the


but it


government of the




A lot

States, which numbered

of people died when a

in the



lot of atomic bombs went

villages, and had




nearly destroyed

many tribesman per





village, paid to






these huge holes dug in





mountains and huts




worst thing

metal and stone built











many Vaults.



close to cities,


some far away. These Vaults were to be used as

safe places in case of atomic war.

As you may

guess, when the War came your ancestors made it to a Vault. Vault-13 to be specific.

For several generations, your ancestors and mine lived within the Vault. As best as they could figure, it was too dangerous to try and leave the Vault. They grew their own food, recycled their waste, read, worked, slept, had families, and even purified the necessary water within the Vault. I was born in the creche, and was raised by the community (and a robot). It was a good life, but all good things come to an end. About three generations after the War, the water-purification chip the Vault relied on to create the fresh water broke down. All the spare parts were missing or busted, and without the water-chip the Vault was doomed. Something had to be done.

The Overseer gathered the healthy of us between a certain age and made us draw straws. Guess what? I drew the short one. Wouldn’t be much of story if I didn’t, would it?

I left the Vault the next day.




Life on the Outside

My first few days were harrowing to say the least. I fought off some giant mutant rats that were more interested in eating me than they should have been. My only clue was the location of another Vault, number 15. I spent a couple of days stumbling through the desert before I came upon a small settlement. I stopped there for help, and encountered the little town called Shady Sands. I helped them, and they helped me. Understand that survival requires that you work together, even with people you may not trust. I did earn the trust, however, of two prominent citizens of Shady Sands — Tandy, and her father, Aradesh.

With their knowledge, and the help of a man called Ian, I continued on my way to Vault-15. The ruins of Vault-15, to be more specific. Ravaged by the elements, scavengers, and time itself, Vault-15 was no help for my people. The control room that contained their water-chip was buried under tons of fallen rock, and I had to move on.

After a small problem with some Raiders, who would continue for years to plague not only myself, but the Tribe, I found myself in Junktown. It was here that I learned the most important rule of all: doing a good thing sometimes means being a very bad person. My memories of Junktown are tainted, and I feel no remorse for my actions in that place. It was there that I came across a dog, who adopted me and was my faithful friend from there on. I miss Dogmeat to this day.

While Junktown was a city of traders (and traitors), it did not have a water-chip. I was not desperate yet, as there was still time for me to recover the chip and return to my home, but I needed to move on. Fortunately, they pointed me in the direction of the Hub, the largest city in the wasteland.

The Hub was a larger city than both Junktown and Shady Sands combined. You could drop the Vault in there, and you probably would not notice. But the




people of the Hub had no life, and it was a desolate place just the same. It eased my mind, however, to hire some merchants to bring water to the Vault. Looking back, it was probably a mistake to do so, but I was still innocent of the evils that lurked through the ruins of civilization.

A small clue led me to the city of the ghouls, the place they called Necropolis. It was there that I encountered large mutants, armed with weapons of an unknown origin. It is with heavy sadness that I say that Ian lost his life in the city of the dead. A super mutant burned him to death with a flamethrower. The passage of time is no proof against the memory of burning flesh. His sacrifice was not in vain, as I did find the waterchip buried beneath the city. It was with easier steps that I returned to Vault-13.

Enemies of the State

While the Overseer was obviously happy to see me returned to the Vault, alive and with the necessary water-chip, he was distrought at my description of the super mutants. It is here that I realized the mistake I had made with the water-merchants. I had pointed them, and others, in the direction of our home. Without the protection of anonymity, the Vault could easily have been destroyed. The knowledge of the fate of Vault-15 did not help.

The Overseer tasked me with a new mission. Find and destroy the danger of the super mutants.

Once again, I left the Vault. This time, it was was easier on my heart. Looking back now, I realize it was also the first time I should have seen the true hearts of the other vault-dwellers and the Overseer.

I returned to the Hub, looking for clues. Some time was spent there, and I discovered a shady underworld amongst the hustle and bustle of that large city. They thought they could manipulate me, but I proved them wrong and used the crooks instead. I did rescue a young man who belonged to




the Brotherhood of Steel. A few trouble-makers tried to stop me, but I learned much about survival since leaving the Vault.

It was in my best interest to leave town for a while. I journeyed to this Brotherhood. Thinking they would have the knowledge I sought, I tried to join them. They required me to go on a quest before they would let me in. Thinking it would be a short and easy quest, I agreed and set off for the place they called the Glow. The horror of atomic war was never so obvious to me until then.

The Brotherhood was surprised to see me, and even more surprised to see that I had not only survived their quest, but succeeded. They gave me the information I required and some of their technology, and I set off in search of the Boneyard.

On my way, I took a detour and stopped by Necropolis in order to see some old friends. Unfortunately, that place was now truly the city of the dead. All the ghouls had been slaughtered. Large mutants roamed the streets. I found one survivor who told me that the mutants had attacked shortly after I had left. Before he died, the ghoul told me that the mutants were looking for pure strain humans, and one in particular. The ghoul’s description of the mutants’ special target fit me perfectly. It was with a heavy heart and a cold burning on my soul that I continued on to Boneyard.

The Master

The city of Los Angeles must have been the largest in the world before the War. The LA Boneyard stretched forever, the skeletons of buildings lying under the

sun. Not even the wind entered this dead city.

I found many enemies, and a few friends, in the Boneyard. I killed when necessary and learned more about the nature of my true foes.




Deep under the ground, I found an evil that was behind the mutants and their army. Within a dark and forbidding Vault, where the walls dripped with human flesh, and the screaming of dying echoed through the halls, I found many evil creatures and mutants.

Walking among the misshapen ones, I killed one of their servants and took his clothing. Hidden from casual searches, I made my way to the bottom of the Vault. The deeper into the Vault I went, the more gruesome the journey. More and more flesh was to be found, integrated into the very walls. The worst part of it was that the flesh was still alive, and even aware of my presence.

After a while, I found myself in the presence of the most hideous sight yet. I still cannot bring myself to write of this discovery, but let it be known that when I left, the Beast was dead and the Master of the mutant army was no more.

The Vats

My job was still not finished, for I still had one task remaining. The Master had literally built his army one mutant at a time. Humans, preferably with little radiation damage, were to be captured and sent to the Vats. There they were dipped in something called FEV, which transformed them into the large, grotesque mutants.

I had to find these Vats, and put them out of action as well, lest another take the Masters place and continue to build the mutant army.

Fortunately, my friends at the Brotherhood had a few clues, and helped me reach my goal.

Invading the Vats, I came across more mutants and robots. None could stand in my way. I had a mission. I had a goal. I had a really large gun. It was here that Dogmeat fell, a victim of a powerful energy forcefield. I miss that dog.

I destroyed the Vats that day, and with it, the mutant army. The last I heard, they splintered and disappeared into the desert.




My Return to Vault-13

I was not treated to a heroe’s welcome when I returned to Vault-13. The overseer met me outside the massive Vault door, and told me point blank that while my services to the Vault will always be remembered, he could no longer trust me or what I had become. He said something along the lines that I had saved the Vault, and now I must leave. Bastard.

So, I left.

The days and weeks that followed were hard on me. I had met few true friends outside the Vault, and they had died following me. Now, my family had kicked me out and said that I could never return.

I screamed. I cried. Slowly I came to realize that the Overseer may have been correct. I had changed. Life outside the Vault was different, and now I, too, was different. But I have never forgiven him for doing what he did to me.

I wandered the desert, but never moved far from the mountains that shielded the Vault from the rest of the world. Perhaps I wanted to return, and force my way in, or plead for them to take me back. Fortunately, it did not come to that. I found a few wretched souls, a small group of Vaultdwellers, who upon hearing of what happened to me, had decided to leave the Vault and join my side. They knew little of the outside world, and would have died if it were not for my assistance.

Together, our little group moved north, away from the Vault, and away from that old life. Slowly, I taught them what experience had taught me. And together we learned to thrive.

The Tribe

Over time, our ragtag group turned into a tribe. I fell in love with one of them, and we raised a family, like all of our tribespeople.

We founded the Village, beyond the great cliff. It is a secure home thanks to our hard work. We would send scouts back towards the Vault, to help




others who thought like ourselves, but that slowly came to an end. We no longer head in that direction. I often wonder what became of Vault-13, and the other Vaults, but I never had the time to go exploring again.

I taught the others the skills they would need to survive and grow strong. Hunting, farming and other skills to feed us. Engineering and science to build our homes. Fighting to protect what was ours.

My love and I led the village and the Tribe.

The Tribe grew, and grew strong with our help. But all things come to an end. Our sons and daughters are now the leaders. I’m sure that the Tribe will continue to grow strong under the leadership of our children.

My love perished years ago, and not a day goes by that I do not think of Pat’s

face. I see it everytime at our children. This

our legacy to them, to their children, and to the rest the Tribe.

That is my story, and I am sticking to it.

-The Wanderer



Games PC FALLOUT 2 User Manual






Main Menu

When you start Fallout 2, after watching the introductory movie, you will see the Main Menu. This is probably the single most important screen in the entire game, since without it you can’t actually start playing.

Select from the following:

INTRO — Replay the intro movie. Use this to amaze your friends.

NEW GAME — Start a new game. Create a character, or select a pre-generated character, and start playing Fallout 2 from the very beginning. If you have just installed Fallout 2, or you have never saved a game, you will need to press this button. See page 16 for more information on starting a new game.

LOAD GAME — Once you have started a game and saved it in order to return to it at a later date without having to start a completely new game, this is the button for you. Pressing this button will take you to the Load Game screen (see page 78), where you can select from any of your previously saved games.

CREDITS — Press this button to see a list of the fine people who have brought you Fallout 2. Your enjoyment is all they have thought about!

EXIT — Pressing this button will return you to your normal operating system. You will not be asked to confirm the exit when you press this button. Zap! One second you are playing Fallout 2, the next second you are back to work. Life just isn’t fair.

Also displayed on the Main Menu screen is the current version number of the game. Check the Interplay website (see page 156) for the most recent version.




Starting a


New Game



When you first start

bypass a




playing Fallout 2, you

2 by pressing the space

will need to start a

bar or the ESC key.

new game.

This will

You should not do this

start you off with a

until you have viewed the

new character at



at least


beginning of the



information and

A character is a




representative of you,





the player, in the


Besides, they

story. The




will be your alter-ego,

and follow your

commands and pay


consequences for those




character is the single most important facet of the game and you should spend some time deciding what

kind of character to play. The decision about your character is the most important decision you have to make at the start of the game.

There are two ways to decide on a character: select a pre-generated character or create your own. Both ways have their

plusses and minuses, and we’ll leave the choice up to you.

When you click on NEW GAME from the Main Menu, you will see the character selection screen. This screen will always display one of three pregenerated characters. Besides a picture of the pre-generated character, you will see a brief summary of their primary statistics and their biography. You have four choices on this screen to choose from.









the character



creation screen and do not

start the game until you are







This basically





you complete control



of your character, but at




the cost of a little more




time before you can begin





players like


to investigate the game a

little with a pre-generated


and then restart

and create their own




advanced players can jump right into the character creation screen. This is probably the most emotionally satisfying way to select a character. See page 20 for information on the character creation screen.

SELECT CHARACTER — Take the currently selected pregenerated character and start the game immediately. This is the fastest choice, as it will get you into the game in the shortest amount of time. This choice is recommended for beginning players. See page 19 for a brief bio on each of the pregenerated characters.

MODIFY CHARACTER — Take the currently selected pregenerated character and go to the character creation screen. This is a compromise between NEW CHARACTER and SELECT CHARACTER. Once on the character creation screen, you will see the statistics and skills of the pre-generated character. You can then modify that character to suit your own nefarious needs.

CANCEL — Return to the Main Menu without starting a new game or selecting a character.




Pre-generated Characters

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time at the beginning of the game before you get to play, then start here. Pick one of the three pre-generated characters and hop right into the action. Some players will want to experience the game for a little while before creating their own character, and others will want to see the game to completion using any character. These three characters are all capable of finishing the Fallout 2 adventure. Pick the character that you like the most and start playing immediately!


Mingan’s whisper-soft tread and acquisitive fingers have always aided his natural curiosity. Several years ago the tribe decided that Mingan’s talents would be best used on

someone else. Since then Mingan has been the tribe’s most accomplished scout. However, the tents of nearby tribes provide little challenge these days. It’s time to scout farther afield.

Mingan is a thief character. Players that would like to sneak around, and “liberate” items from other characters should select Mingan.


Chitsa has always been able to convince others to do things her way. Her winning personality and stunning good looks, have often caused others to underestimate the tribe’s best trader. In the course

of her frequent journeys, Chitsa has learned to deal with the perils of travelling the Wastes. Now the




tribe needs help and new paths beckon to Chitsa. Chitsa is a diplomat character. If you would

like to talk to people and wring the most information from them without having to resort to violence all the time, then you should select Chitsa.


Narg’s exceptional physique has made him one of the best hunters in the tribe. Narg’s first, and usually only, impulse is to crush anything that he can’t figure out. Narg has become quite adept at crushing, and slicing, and dicing. Narg

would like to prove his worthiness to lead the tribe and he’ll let nothing stand in his way.

Narg is a barbarian fighter. If you want to cause the most damage, select Narg.

Modifying Pre-generated Characters

From the main menu, one of the options is to MODIFY CHARACTER. This will let you load the statistics for the currently selected character into the character creation screen. Here you can modify the character to your heart’s content, or just look at the character detail.

Creating a Character

The other option is to create your own character from scratch. Using the character creation screen, you will make choices that will determine how your character will start the game.

For more information on character abilities, see the Character chapter and the following pages:

Primary Statistics



Derived Statistics



Tag Skills









You can also click on any element of the character screen to get more information from the info card in the lower right hand corner of the screen. If you want details about any statistic, skill or trait, simply click on the part

in question. The card will change to show you a graphic cartoon of the statistic, skill, or trait and you will get a small text description.

How to create your Character

The easy way to create your character is to follow some simple steps. The character editor does not require that you follow of all these steps in order, so you can branch out and make little tweaks as you work on your character.

1.Think of a concept for your Character.

2.Select the Primary Statistics.

3.Select up to two Traits.

4.Choose three Tag Skills.

5.Select the sex of your Character.

6.Adjust the age of your Character.

7.Type your Character’s name.

8.Save your Character for future reference or changes.

9.Start the game!

Character Concept

Start with a brief idea of what your character should be. Determine what kind of character you would like to play. Should the character be male or female? Strong or weak? Smart or dumb? Good with ranged weapons, melee weapons or martial arts? The answers to these questions, and others, will determine your character concept. Some characters are very specialized, others will be good in many different skills and be generalists.




Primary Statistics

Adjusting the seven primary statistics will give you the most control over your character. See page 22 for more detailed information on primary statistics.

ST — Strength — The physical strength of your character. This statistic affects your ability to carry inventory items, do damage with melee weapons and use powerful weapons effectively.

PE — Perception — The ability to see and hear. A high Perception is critical for sharpshooting characters.

EN — Endurance — How tough your character is. Characters with a high Endurance can take more damage, and they are more resistant to poison and radiation.

CH — Charisma — The ability to look good and act charming. If your character has a good Charisma, it will make your relationships with non-player characters (NPCs, see page 85) in the game easier.

AG — Agility — How well your character moves. How far you can move in combat is directly related to the Agility score of your character. It will also affect the rating of many physical skills.

IN — Intelligence — How bright and smart your character is. The number of skill points you get each experience level, and the starting ratings of many mental skills, is based on your character’s Intelligence.

LK — Luck — This is the most unusual of all of the primary statistics. It covers nothing at all, a




little bit of some things and everything. All at once. Luck affects many things in tiny amounts.

You start with a base of 5 points in all of your primary statistics. This is average. Primary statistics are valued from 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. The following chart will give you an idea of the differences between the various levels.




small +

and —



to a




to adjust the statistic.

1)Very Bad






7)Very Good

8) Great



You also get 5 free CHAR POINTS that can be spent on your primary statistics. You must spend all of these free points before you can start the game. You can spend these free points in one statistic, spread them out over several statistics or in any combination you desire.

If you need more points, since you may want to increase more than one or two statistics to higher levels, you can always decrease any number of statistics. You cannot lower a statistic below 1. Any free points gained from lowering your statistics will appear in the CHAR POINTS display. You must also spend these points before you can start the game.




Lowering your statistics is a drastic measure, however. It should be considered with care. Lowering your Intelligence below four, for example, can have serious consequences on what your character can say to other people in the Fallout world.

Adjusting your primary statistics is the single most controllable thing you can do during character creation to define your character. The initial level of your skills, the derived statistics, and what you can excel at during the beginning of the game are based on your primary statistics. Choose wisely, as it is very difficult, if not impossible, to permanently modify your primary statistics after you are finished creating your character. Your skills will increase, and you will gain equipment that will allow your character to do different things, but your primary statistics will rarely change in any meaningful way.

Derived Statistics

Derived statistics are based on one or more primary statistics. While you cannot directly adjust a derived statistic, as you adjust

your primary statistics, you will see the values of the derived statistics change. See page 88 for more information and detail about all of the derived statistics.

HP — Hit Points — The amount of damage your character can take before buying the farm, croaking, taking a long dirt nap, and otherwise exiting the corporeal world. Based mostly on Endurance, but modified by ST as well. Fortunately, as you improve and gain

experience levels, you will also gain more hit points.




AC — Armor Class — How likely you are to be hit in combat. Slightly different than Damage Resistance (see below). High AC is better than low AC. Based strictly on Agility.

AP — Action Points — How much you can do in a single turn of combat (see Combat, page 118). The higher the number, the better it is. Based solely on Agility.

Carry Weight — The total amount of equipment you can lug around the world. Characters with high Strength scores can obviously carry more than characters with low Strength scores.

Melee Damage — How much bonus damage your character does with melee weapons or in hand-to-hand combat. Bigger is better. Based on Strength.

DR — Damage Resistance — If you do get hit, how much less damage to you take compared to the next fellow. Higher DR means you take less damage. Starts at 0% and goes up from there. Not based on any primary statistic.

Poison Resistance — How much damage you take from poison attacks is based on this derived statistic. The larger your poison resistance, the less damage you take. Based on Endurance.

Radiation Resistance — The larger your resistance to radiation, the less damage you will take when exposed to it. Based on Endurance.

Sequence — This statistic determines when you get to take an action in a combat turn. It is based on your Perception.

Healing Rate — How many points of damage you heal when you rest. Based on Endurance.




Critical Chance — The chance of causing a critical blow, and doing some form of additional damage, is based on this statistic. This statistic is based solely on Luck.


Traits are characteristics that better define just exactly who your character is. They don’t really fit into a single statistic or location, but are instead just called Traits. They all have a good and a bad impact on your character. If you want the good side of a Trait, you must take the bad with it. Fortunately, Traits are optional. You do not

have to take a Trait to finish your character. If you do want to select Traits, you may select up to two. You must do this during character creation, since you cannot select a new Trait once you start the game.

To select a Trait, click on the small button next to the Trait name. Select Traits will be highlighted. Click the button of a highlighted Trait to deselect it. You

can have at most two Traits selected at a time.

Fast Metabolism — This will increase your Healing Rate, but reduce your radiation and poison resistances.

Bruiser — This increases your Strength, but lowers your Action Points. Popular with the mean and nasty crowd.

Small Frame — At the cost of a reduced carry weight, you gain some Action Points. You will not be able to carry as much inventory, and this can have a major effect after the beginning of the game.




One Hander — You are more likely to hit with smaller, single-handed weapons, and less likely to hit with larger, two-handed weapons.

Finesse — You do less damage, but have a greater chance of doing a critical hit.

Kamikaze — You act before other people, since you have a higher Sequence, but you lose some Armor Class and are easier to hit.

Heavy Handed — You do more damage in melee or hand- to-hand combat. And while you have the same chance to cause a critical hit, your critical hits are not as good as the next fellow.

Fast Shot — You can use a projectile or thrown weapon more often each combat turn. The AP cost to use a weapon is reduced by one. Unfortunately, you cannot make targeted shots if you have this Trait. You will not even be able to switch to targeted shot mode if you are a Fast Shot.

Bloody Mess — This has no real game effect, beyond the fact that you will always see the bloodiest way a person can die. This is based on the setting of the Violence Level in the preference screen (see page 77.)

Jinxed — Everyone in the game is more likely to have a critical failure when fighting. That includes you, too.

Good Natured — Your combat skills start lower than normal, but your skills in First Aid, Doctor, Speech and Barter start higher.

Chem Reliant — Your chance to be addicted when using a Chem is higher, but you recover faster.






select a

skill to Tag, click the



next to


skill name. The

button will be lit, and


skill name



deselect the

skill, in

case you want to Tag

another skill,

simply click


button again.

Chem Resistant — Chems only affect you half as long as normal, but your chance to be addicted is reduced by half as well.

Sex Appeal — This trait increases your chance of having a good reaction with members of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, this trait tends to annoy members of your sex. Jealous twits.

Skilled — The trait increases the number of

skill points you receive every new level of experience. The cost is that it takes longer to gain Perks, additional abilities, that also come from earning experience levels.

Gifted — You have more innate abilities than most, but at a serious cost. All primary statistics are improved, but at a cost of lowered base skills and a reduced number of skill points as you advance in experience levels.

Tag Skills

Skills are learned abilities. You will be able to improve your Skills as you gain experience and learn more. All skills have a skill level, expressed as a percentage. The higher the skill level, the more likely you are able to succeed at using the skill.

Tag Skills define what skills you are especially good at. They are specializations. You must select three Tag Skills before you can leave the character creation screen.

Selecting what Skill to Tag is important. Tag Skills get an immediate +20% bonus, and more




importantly, improve faster than normal skills. When you gain experience levels, you will gain a number of skill points to spend. Each skill point is doubled when spent on a Tag Skill. See page 111 for a detailed explanation of gaining experience levels and skill points.

For more information about the various skills, see page 91.

Small Guns — The use of pistols and other small firearms in combat. Based on Agility.

Big Guns — The use of bigger firearms and other massive ranged weapons. Based on Agility.

Energy Weapons — Using energy weapons in ranged combat. Based on Agility.

Unarmed — Using your fists and feet in hand-to-hand combat. Based off of the average of Strength and Agility.

Melee Weapons — The use of melee weapons, like knives and spears, in battle. Based on the average of Strength and Agility.

Throwing — How well you can aim a thrown object. This is used with grenades, thowing knives, and other tossed weapons. Based on Agility.

First Aid — The healing of minor wounds. Based on Perception and Intelligence.

Doctor — The healing of major wounds, and crippled or broken bones. Based on Perception and Intelligence.

Sneak — The art of moving silently. Based solely on Agility.




Lockpick — How skilled you are in defeating locks and other mechanisms designed to keep you out. Based on Perception and Agility.

Steal — The skill of acquiring what is not yours. Can be used to steal items off of a person, or to give a person an item without them knowing about it. Based on Agility.

Traps — The skill in spotting and disarming traps. Also used to set traps and explosives. Based on Perception and Agility.

Science — Knowledge of all things scientific, like chemistry and computers. Also includes knowledge of machines, but not how to repair or jimmy them. Based only on Intelligence.

Repair — The practical side of the Science skill. How to fix (or break) machines and other man-made devices. Based on Intelligence.

Speech — How well you can talk to other people. A high speech skill can improve your chances of talking people into doing what you want them to do. Based off of Charisma.

Barter — The skill of trading items. A good Barter skill will allow you to trade less and get more. Based on Charisma.

Gambling — The skill of cards, dice and other gambling games. Based only on Luck.

Outdoorsman — The knowledge of plants, animals and living in wide open areas. Based on Intelligence and Endurance.

Name, Age and Sex

Click on the NONE button in the upper left hand corner of the screen to change your name. You




cannot change your name once you


start the game, so pick something

other than NONE,

the character

ThatÕs an

with no name.




Your name is

the key

to your




character. The

name you



should represent the concept

behind your game.

Your character’s age and sex

will also define your character.

And these attributes will have

minor effects in

the game world.

Some non-player characters will react differently to your character if your character is male instead of female. Age, on the other hand, will rarely affect your character and there is no difference between older or younger characters. There is no penalty for growing too old, either, in the game world.

Finishing your Character

Once you have spent all of your character points on your primary statistics, selected any optional Traits, selected your three Tag Skills, set your name, sex and age, you are ready to begin.

Click on the DONE button to start Fallout 2 using this character.

Click on the CANCEL button if you want to return to the character selection screen. The current character will be lost to time.

Alternatively, you can click on the OPTIONS button, which will display a window with some options that are available only during character creation.

Character Screen Options

These options are only available from the character creation screen.




SAVE — This will save the current character to a file on your computer’s hard drive. If you click this button, a save character window will appear. Enter a file name and press ENTER to save the character. Use this if you want to pass the file around to your friends, or if you want to keep a copy of your starting character for posterity. Once you start the game, you cannot use the haracter editor to modify your character.

LOAD — Click this button to load a previously saved character file. This will not load a regular save game. It will only load a character file saved through this window.

PRINT TO FILE — This will save your character in a friendly, easy to read text file version. This will allow you to post your character to the Internet, or just print it out and hang it on the wall! You will be asked for a file name. Type one in and press ENTER. Then look in the Fallout 2 directory for a text file with that name.

ERASE — If you click this button, it will erase the current character and let you start over from scratch. You will be asked for confirm this operation. For the sake of your little electron buddies that make up the current character, choose wisely.

DONE — Clicking this button will return you to the character editor screen.

Main Game


This is the screen that you spend the majority of your time using. It shows your character and a view of the world around him or her.




The screen is divided into two sections: the game view and the interface bar.

The game view is the upper part of the screen where the action takes place. Your character, and the non-player characters (NPCs) inhabit this part of the screen. It is in the game view that you perform most of your actions: moving around, grabbing items, talking to people, targeting enemy critters in combat, opening doors, exploring, and more.

The bottom part of the screen is the interface bar. You will use the interface bar to perform game-related activities: accessing inventory, selecting a weapon or weapon mode to attack with, accessing the character screen, selecting options, getting feedback from the display window, and more.

Using your mouse, you will perform actions using different types of cursors.

The Action


Fallout 2 uses an Action Cursor to show what actions can be performed at the current time. There are four basic modes the Action Cursor can be in when you are on the normal game screen.

Movement (game view only)


Targeting (turn-based combat only)

Hand (inventory only)




Normally, the only two cursor types available in the normal game screen are the Movement and Command cursors. Targeting is only available when you are in the turn-based combat mode. The Hand cursor is only available in Inventory, where it and the Command cursor are available.

Right-click to cycle between the available cursor types. Outside of combat, right-clicking will toggle between the Movement and Command cursor. In combat, the Targeting cursor is available by rightclicking when you see the Command cursor. Another right-click will cycle back to the Movement cursor.

A left-click will perform an action that is based on the cursor type.

See Combat, page 118, for more information on the Targeting cursor. See Inventory, page 45, for more information on the Hand cursor.

Movement Cursor

The default cursor is the movement cursor. It looks like a hex. Hex is short for hexagon, a sixsided polygon. Characters in Fallout 2 can be facing one of six directions. The movement cursor will control where your character can move to in the game view. Move this cursor around the screen. If you cannot move to the location under the hex, a red X will appear in the center of the cursor. There are two ways to move: walking and running. One of the preferences, Running, will change the default move type. See page 79 for more details about the preferences.


If you left-click when the movement cursor is displayed, your character will attempt to walk to that location, using the shortest path available. The shortest path to some destinations is not always the best one. If the shortest path looks dangerous to you, use small steps and walk carefully around that ticking box lying in the center of the corridor with the large red BOMB letters on it.




The setting of the Running preference may change the default action of the left-click.


If you press SHIFT and left-click when the movement cursor is displayed, your character will run to the desired location using the shortest path available. This assumes that the Running preference is set to the default of Normal. If the preference is instead set to Always, a simple left-click will make your character run, and you must hold SHIFT and left-click to make your character walk.

You can always interrupt your character while he or she is moving with another movement command.

Things that affect movement

If your character has a crippled leg or two, see Damage (page 131), your character cannot run. Movement during turn-based combat is limited and requires the spending of action points. Moving one hex requires one action point.

Command Cursor

The command cursor is the way of telling your character to interact with the environment and other people. Right-click until the command cursor is displayed. Use this cursor to point to an object or person

that you wish to interact with. If you move the cursor over an object or person, and let it rest for a brief moment, an icon will appear next to the command cursor. This icon will tell you what the default action is if you left-click the mouse button while the cursor is over this object or person. You do not have to wait for the icon to appear before you click! To perform the default action, left-click once.

To perform another action instead of the default action, move the command cursor over an object or person, and left-click and hold. You must hold the left mouse button until a list of action icons appears. One of the action icons will be highlighted.




Move the mouse up and down to change the highlighted action icon. Release the left mouse button to perform the highlighted action. The bottom action icon will always be Cancel (see below.)

Pausing the command cursor over an object or person will also display the name of the object or person in the display window on the interface bar. To get more information about that item or critter, use the Examine action icon (see below as well.)

Action Icons


Performing this action will attempt to pick up a small item (like a rock) or manipulate a large item (like a door.) You can only pick up inventory items, and you can only use scenery items. If you have enough room in your inventory, the item you pick up will be added to the top of your inventory. If you Get a dead body, you will have a chance to loot them for all they were worth.

You can get inventory items, loot dead bodies, and use scenery items.


Using this action will give you more detail about an object or person. You will get a longer description of the item or person, often with important information (like how much ammo is left in a gun, or how wounded a person appears to be.) In the main game view, this long description will appear in the display window. In Inventory, this long description appears in the character display window.

You can examine almost anything in Fallout 2.


To use one of your active skills on the targeted object or person, select this action icon. The skilldex will be displayed and you can select one of the skills. Some skills will not work on the targeted object or person (trying to Lockpick a




screaming mad ganger is pretty silly.)

You can use this action on any object or person that a skill can be used on.


Only available in Inventory. If you no longer want to carry an inventory item, especially if it is getting a little crowded in your back pocket, or wherever you keep all those guns and ammo, then use this action on an item. The dropped item will appear at your feet. Use this action carefully, since the dropped item may disappear from that location at a later date. If you drop a really important item, it may be possible that you cannot finish the game.

This works on any item in your Inventory.


To rotate your character clockwise, use this action icon. Every click of the mouse will rotate your character one hex-side. There is no Action Point cost for this action in combat. Your character will automatically rotate to face the proper direction for most actions that you peform.

This action icon only works on your character.


Use this action to start talking with an intelligent creature, or at least make the attempt to open communication. It also works on some computers, but not all. If a person has little to say, it will appear over their head in the main game view. If they want to actually listen to what you have to say, then it will open the Dialogue screen and you will be able to carry on an extended conversation with them. See page 64 for more information on the Dialogue screen.

This action icon works on people, intelligent creatures and some computers.





If you want to use an item from your Inventory on a person or object, then this action is the fastest way to accomplish that task. When you select this action icon on a legal target, a small version of your Inventory will appear. Scroll through your Inventory, if necessary, and select the item you wish to use, and your character will attempt to use it on the target. Obviously, the item must be appropriate. Using a stimpak on a door isn’t going to do much, while those lockpicks have little chance when used on a dog (unless it is a really weird dog.) This action does not Barter or Trade with a person. You must do that through the Dialogue screen.

This action will work on people, critters and scenery objects.


If you want to remove ammo from a weapon, use this action icon. It will work in the Inventory screen and the loot screen, when you are pilfering from the dead. You can use this action to remove the valuable ammo from the heavy gun, or change ammo types in your favorite firearm. The ammo will be added to the top of your inventory.

This action icon only works on weapons that contain ammunition, and only in the Inventory and loot screens.


Select this action icon when the screen is crowded and your path is blocked. It will ask all nearby critters to move out of your way. Some will respond, but others, especially guards, will not follow your directions. If that door is blocked by Ivan the Slow-witted, then this is your command.

Only available on your character, and only affects some nearby people and critters.


If you do not want to perform any of the above




actions on the target, select the cancel action and it will be as if nothing happened. This is always the bottom action icon.

Always available, from everywhere to everything.

Interface Bar

The bottom part of the main game screen is taken up by the Interface Bar. Don’t worry, this is a good thing. The

Interface Bar looks like this:

The Interface Bar allows you to give many different types of commands, and see feedback on how your character is performing.

If you have a special cursor, like a combat targeting cursor, or a skill target cursor, and you move it over the Interface Bar, the cursor will disappear and change into the normal pointer. This will cancel your weapon attack or skill use. You will have to re-select that action if you still want to perform it.

The Interface Bar is made up of the following components:

Display Monitor — This monitor prints out feedback as you or other characters perform actions. These little messages are important, so try not to miss any. Fortunately, you can scroll back to older messages by moving the cursor over the display until if changes into a small arrow. At the top of the display, it will be an up arrow and left-clicking will scroll back to older messages. At the bottom of the display, the arrow points down and leftclicking will scroll to the newer messages. If

older messages are being displayed when a new message is printed, the display will automatically jump to the most recent message.




Switch Active Item Button — You can have two items prepared to immediate use. These are your active items. You prepare these items in the Inventory screen (see page 45) when you place items into the ITEM1 and ITEM2 slots. This button will toggle between the two items, effectively changing the Active Item Button (see below.) If ITEM1 is being displayed, clicking this button will switch it to ITEM2. And if ITEM2 is the Active Item, clicking this button will switch it to ITEM1.

Inventory Button — Pressing this button, cleverly marked INV, will open the Inventory screen. If you do this before combat, it is free. If you do this during combat, it will cost you Action Points. Moral of the story: use Inventory outside of combat if you can help it. See page 45 for what you can actually do on the Inventory screen.

Action Points — This row of lights will tell you how many Action Points you have remaining. Action Points are only used in combat, during which time they will glow. Glowing lights mean that it is currently combat and currently your turn. When you use Action Points, the lights will blink off one at a time. When you get your full complement of Action Points at the start of a combat turn, the row of lights will light back up. While it is possible to have more than ten Action Points, only the first ten Action Points are actually displayed with this monitor. The lights will not start to blink off until you actually start using your last ten Action Points.

Options Button — This button will display a list of options available as you play Fallout 2:

SAVE GAME — This button will display the Save Game screen, where you can save your progress. This allows you to return to the game at a later date or restore any progress you have made in case of death or Other Nasty Things. See page 76.




LOAD GAME — This will allow you to load a previously saved game by displaying the Load Game screen. See page 78.

PREFERENCES — This button displays the Preferences screen, where you can alter the way Fallout 2 plays. See page 79.

EXIT — Quit the current game and return to the main menu. You may want to save your game before you do this, so Fallout 2 will remind you before you actually go back to the main menu.

DONE — Return to your current game of Fallout 2.

Active Item Button — This is where the current active item is displayed. You can have two items prepared, ITEM1 and ITEM2. See the Switch Active Item button (above) for details on how to switch items.

Left-clicking this button will use the active item or weapon. Right-clicking this large button will switch weapon modes.

Besides the graphic of the current active item or weapon, additional important information is also displayed on this button.

The Action Point (AP) cost to use this item or weapon in combat is displayed in the lower lefthand corner. In combat, if you do not have more AP than this number, you may not use this item or weapon until you gain additional AP.

The mode, or how this item will be used, is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the button. You can sometimes right-click to change this mode.




Some weapons can also make targeted shots. If you do not have the Fast Shot trait, you will see a targeted shot icon appear in the lower right-hand corner as you switch modes on the weapon. If you have selected the Fast Shot trait for your character, you cannot make targeted shots, and you will never see the targeted shot icon.

Ammo Bar — If the active item is a weapon that requires ammo, or an item that requires charges, then this bar will be displayed next to the active item button. This bar will give you a rough idea of how many shots or uses remain, before the weapon or item runs dry.

If the bar is full, stretching from the top to the bottom of the button, then the ammo or charges are maxed out. As you use

rounds of ammo, or charges of energy, the bar will drop. When you are dry, the bar will disappear completely.

For more detailed information about the number of rounds or charges remaining, use an Examine on the weapon or item.

Hit Point Counter — This counter displays your current Hit Points (HP) remaining. The color of the counter will give you a rough idea of your current health:


— Healthy


— Hurt


— About to Die

If your HP ever reach 0, you die and the game ends. You will have to reload a previously saved




game, or start the game over from the very beginning. You should save often, and in different save game slots, to make sure that you don’t have to start over from the very beginning. You should monitor this display, and use skills or items to increase your HP when they get low.

Armor Class Counter — This counter displays your current Armor Class (AC), based on your character statistics, traits, and currently worn armor. During combat, this counter will go up and down. If you have any extra Action Points at the end of your combat turn, they are automatically converted to a bonus to your AC. Don’t panic if your AC constantly changes.

Skilldex Button — Pressing this button will display the Skilldex window. See page 44.

Map Button — When you press this button, it will open and display the Automap window for the current map and level. See page 59 for more information on Automaps.

Character Button — The CHAR button can be pressed to switch to the Character screen. This is the screen that shows all of your characters statistics and skills. Very useful, and should always be used when the display monitor prints a message that you have gained an experience level. See page 49 for more information about the Character screen.

PIPBoy Button — Pressing this button will display the RobCo PIPBoy 2000, a personal data assistant that will help record information about your travels. See page 57 for details about this wonderful machine.

Combat Buttons — Outside of combat, this section of the Interface Bar is covered by a panel. When you are involved in combat, the panel will slide back to reveal two combat buttons: END TURN, which will end your current turn and let the next person or




creature have a chance to act, and END COMBAT, which will attempt to stop all hostilities. The End Combat button will not work if there are nearby hostile critters that want to

continue doing bad things to you. Green lights around the combat buttons mean that it is your turn. Red lights mean that someone else is getting a chance to do bad things.


Some skills are used automatically. When you shoot a gun in combat, the proper gun skill will automatically be used. Other skills require that you actively use them. These skills are available through the Skilldex.

Click on the Skilldex button on the Interface Bar, or use the Use Skill On action icon to access the Skilldex.

The Skilldex will display a list of all the possible skills that you could use in this situation. Not all skills will apply, so you must pick the proper skill.

There are a total of eight skills that you can choose from on the Skilldex. Each skill name is a button. Next to the button is a counter, showing your current level in the skill on the adjacent button. As usual, high numbers are better and show your percentage chance of succeeding in the use of that skill. The skill level is before modifiers, so it’s possible to have a really high skill and still fail.

Click on a skill button to use that skill. All skills, except for Sneak, will require you to pick a target. If you accessed the Skilldex through the command cursor with the Use Skill On action icon, then the target has already been chosen. If you use the Skilldex button off the Interface Bar, you will have to choose the target. In this case, the cursor will change to a targeting cursor. Move it




over the target, and left-

click. To not use the skill


after all, right-click




move the cursor over the



the 1

Interface Bar.



keys on

The Sneak skill does not




require a target, since you


the skills

can be the only target.




Instead, the Sneak skill

to resort



works like a toggle.





you are not sneaking, use




the Sneak skill to start



if you

sneaking around.

If you



a repetitive

are sneaking, use



Sneak skill again to stop

sneaking. While

you are

using the Sneak skill, a little indicator will

appear just on top of

the Interface



The Inventory screen is used to keep track and use items that you come across during the course of your adventure. It also allows you to equip your character with items or weapons. You are limited in the number of items that you can carry. Every item has a specific weight. The maximum number of items you can carry is based on your Carry Weight statistic. You can Examine an item to determine the items weight.


There are two cursors that you can use on this screen: The Hand cursor and the Command cursor. Right-click to switch between them.

The hand cursor will allow you to pick up and move items around. With

the hand cursor visible, move it over an item,




left-click and hold the mouse button down. Move the cursor around. Release the left mouse button to drop the item into its new location. If you are moving more than one item, a special window will appear and ask you how many of the items do you wish to move.

If you move completely identical items on to each other, they will “stack.” Stacked items show only one picture, but the number of items in the stack will appear. This is more convenient than having many items take up space in your inventory list. In the case of ammunition, it will show the total number of rounds in all of the magazines in this stack. When you move ammo, you move it by magazine, not individual rounds. Guns must have the exact number of rounds remaining, and the ammo must be of the exact same type. Stacking guns that are not unloaded is rare.

Moving or Dropping Multiple Items

The picture shows the items being moved. The counter shows the current number of items being moved. Press the + and —

buttons to increase or decrease the number of items being moved. You can also type the number of items, up to 99999, on your keyboard. If you are moving a bunch of items, type the number instead of using the +/- buttons.

If you want to move all the items, press the ALL button.

If you are happy with the number of items being moved, press DONE.

If you decided not to move any items at all, press CANCEL.

If you use the Drop Item action icon on a stack of items, you will also get this window.




Inventory Screen

The Inventory screen



divided into five



Inventory List

This is a

that you must right-




list of all your inventory


the hand

items that your





is carrying. As you





with the

up new items, they will be


cursor that


added to the top of



drop, examine,


list. If you Use an




from this list, it will

automatically be used on

your character.

If you

Examine an item, the long

description will appear in the inventory screen Display Window (see below.)

You can use the Home, End, PgUp, PgDn keys on your keyboard to quickly move the inventory list from top to bottom, and back.

The arrow buttons will also scroll the list. When an arrow is white, the list can no longer be moved in that direction. When the arrow is colored yellow, you can press it to move the list in that direction.

Character Portrait — This window will change to show what armor your character is wearing, and

weapon is equipped.

Display Window — This window normally shows the current status of your character. At the top of the window is your character’s name. Below that you find some numbers and abbreviations.

ST, PE, EN, CH, IN, AG, LK — Your character’s current statistics,

which will include any modifiers for radiation, chems or other effects.




Hit Points — Current HP/Maximum HP. When the first number drops to 0, you are dead and the game is over.

Armor Class — This area shows the current Armor Class (AC), Damage Resistance (DR) and Damage Threshold (DT) for the armor you are currently wearing. The different types of DR/DT are:

Normal — Bullets, knives and other blunt or sharp objects.

Laser — Damage from laser weapons. Reflective armor will have higher DR/DT in this type of damage.

Fire — Damage from flamers and other sources of heat.

Plasma — Damage from plasma weapons, which use super-heated matter almost on the point of becoming pure energy. Pretty advanced stuff.

Explode — Explosions of all types. Concussion and blast damage.

AC is the negative modifier applied to people or critters attacking you.

DT and DR are the amount of damage that the attack is reduced by.

The two areas at the bottom of your display window are for your currently active items (the items in ITEM1 and ITEM2, respectively.) Basic information about the item or weapon will be displayed, like the name. Other information displayed depends on the object type. Weapons will show damage, range, rounds left/maximum and the type of ammo. Other items will have brief descriptions of important information.

Current Weight/Total Weight — The two numbers at the bottom of the screen show your current total weight for all your inventory items, and the maximum




amount of weight that you can carry. You current weight cannot be larger than your maximum weight.

Armor Slot

— Only armor can be placed into


slot. Use

the hand cursor to

drop armor items


this slot.

Any armor that is

currently in


armor slot

will be dropped back into your


Item Slots — These two slots can hold items such as weapons. Other items can be placed here and then used from the Interface Bar. ITEM1 when empty can be used for unarmed punch attacks. ITEM2 when empty can be used for unarmed kick attacks.

There is also a DONE button. Press the DONE button to return to the game. While you are in the Inventory screen, time stops in the game. You can spend as much real-world time as you want in this screen, and no time will pass in the game.

Other Inventory Actions

You can also load and unload weapons. Drag ammo of the appropriate type to the weapon. When you drag ammo to a weapon, it will attempt to load it. To load the weapon successfully, the ammo caliber must be the same as the gun (no fair trying to load 9mm into a 10mm gun, either) and ammo type (JHP, FMJ) must be the same. If the weapon is completely loaded, you cannot add additional ammo, either.

Unload ammo from weapons by using the Unload action icon. The ammo will appear in your inventory. You can also unload ammo from a loot screen. It is far easier to carry small bits of ammo, then big heavy guns.

Character Screen

Use the character screen to access all the information about your character. On this screen, you can see detailed information about all of your character’s statistics, traits, perks, skills, and karmic results. You will also use the character




screen to improve your character when you increase in experience levels.

You must access the character screen from the interface bar

This section of the manual explains how the character screen works. For detailed information about the characteristics (statistics, skills, traits, perks and karmic kabobs) found on this screen, refer to the Character Reference chapter, starting on page 84.

The primary purpose of the character screen is to give you information about the status of your character: am I critically hurt? if so, where? poisoned? how many experience points do I have? when do I go up a level? how many extra

skill points do I have? what are my exact skill levels? and so on.

The character screen should be accessed as soon as you get a new experience level.

The character screen in the game is slightly different than the character screen you might have used if you created a new character or modified a pre-generated character. There are a couple of important differences, most notably, you cannot modify your character’s statistics, and the select Trait area has been replaced by Perks, Karma and Kills.

And you cannot change your name. Hopefully, you selected something other than NONE and it is a name that you like.

You can click on any text or object of importance on this screen, and the information card in the lower right-hand corner will change to display more information about the statistic, skill, reputation (and so on) that you selected.

If your character ever gains a new characteristic that you are not familiar with, use the information card. It helps.




Данный документ поможет пройти геймерам игру Fallout 2 с выполнением всех квестов (или почти всех). Часть 1-я: от автора, создаем героя, Арройо, Кламат и Ден (Яма).

От автора

Данный документ поможет пройти геймерам игру Fallout 2 с выполнением всех квестов (или почти всех). Основано на собственном опыте и, в основном, на прохождении от неизвестного автора sad и руководства Кравцова Алексея. Если информация идет из таких источников или там еще откуда-нибудь и лично мной не проверена, то такие фразы начинаются словами типа «Краем уха слышал, что…», «По непроверенным сведениям…», «По слухам…» и т.п.

Квесты пронумерованы так, как это сделано в пип-бое, если не указано иное.

Терминология по русской версии от “Левой корпорации” с уже встроенным патчем до версии 1.02 (отличительная черта версии — в главном меню в нижнем левом углу написано: «Русская версия (л), 1998 Левая корпорация. Играйте на здоровье!»), поэтому в скобках будут предложены возможные варианты некоторых названий.

Создаем героя

Правильно созданный персонаж — залог успеха в любой RPG.

Здесь будет предложена, на мой взгляд, наиболее оптимальная характеристика героя:

Основные показатели:

Снайпер (Чистый Пулеметчик)

  • Сила: 5-6 (6-7)
  • Мудрость: 8
  • Выносливость: 4-5
  • Обаяние: 5-6
  • Интеллект: 8 (9-10)
  • Ловкость: 9-10
  • Удача: 5.

В дополнительных умениях берем талант (иначе вы так не раскачаетесь) и точность. Никогда не берите ударную руку и сексуальность — это, по-моему, вообще неприемлемо для фаллоута. Некоторые берут быстрого стрелка, но от этого становится невозможным прицельный огонь.

Для снайпера раскачиваем навыки ручного оружия (это пистолеты, винтовки и т.п.), можно качнуть энергетическое (т.е. плазменное, лазерное и т.п.) вооружение и воровство.

В любом случае возьмите 1-2 умения обращения с оружием и оставшиеся очки умения распределите между воровством, взломом, разговором, доктором или наукой.


Начнем с таланта — он прибавляет по 1 ед. к основным качествам (силе и т.д.), правда, навыки будут похуже и очков умений на уровень будет поменьше, но, по-моему, это того стоит. Точность повышает шанс на критическое попадание на 10% — штука хорошая.

Теперь перейдем к основным показателям. Для снайпера сила больше 6 не нужна, т.к. в 8-м убежище (см. Город (Vault City)) берем красный модуль памяти, с помощью котрого повышается сила, а в Наварро берем Самоходный боевой доспех (Advanced Power Armor), он добавляет еще 4 ед. к силе (мин. сила для гаусс-винтовки 6); а вот для пулеметчика имеет смысл сила более 6 ед. (если таскать хлам типа тяжелых пулеметов, хотя для ПТРС (бозара) 6-ти хватит). Мудрость в 8 является оптимальной — в Военной базе лежит модуль памяти, который ее повышает. Минимальное условие (и удача в 5) для бонусов повышения критических аттак, бонуса скорости и др. На собственном опыте проверено, что выносливости в 5 вполне достаточно.

Обаяние в принципе тоже где-то в 5-6 нормально будет, но все же 6 смотрится предпочтитльнее на ранних этапах игры. Выбирайте из такого расчета, что ОБ/2 — максимальное количество помощников (если не брать специальный бонус, увеличивающий максимальное число попутчиков). Высокий интеллект никому не помешает — он нужен для эффективной работе с компьютерами и от него зависит количество очков умений на уровень, тем более если вы пулеметчик, то Big Gun надо очень круто раскачивать. Кстати, уже в процессе игры, даже если вы не раскачивали ручное оружие при создании персонажа, то все равно им пренебрегать не следует — не будете же вы все время ходить с базуками и пулеметами. (Представьте себе, как вы бОзарите с одним единственным муравьишкой…). Ловкость нужна для того, чтобы у вас было много ОД (очков действия) и высокий класс брони. Меньше 9 ОД настоятельно не рекомендуется (для примера: на очередь требуется 6 ОД (без всяких бонусов), обычный одиночный выстрел, как правило, 5 ОД). Ну а для удачи сколько останется, столько и будет, однако меньше 5-ти лучше вообще не ставить

Навыки. Сдесь лучше почитать мое краткое описание навыков и самому сделать выводы. Пожалуй, наиболее распространены следующие варианты:

  • ручное, энергетическое, воровать;
  • ручное, тяжелое, воровать;
  • тяжелое, воровать, взламывать.

Краткое описание навыков

  • Ручное оружие. Это пистолеты, автоматы, винтовки. Наиболее эффективны ружья и винтовки, особенно: охотничье ружье, армейское ружье, М-95 (X&X Ворон), Панкхор Джекхаммер (по Фаргусовской), снайперский карабин, Гаусс-внитовка. (Расположены в порядке возрастания крутости. Так что, если вы где встретите такие пушки, берите, не задумываясь). Среди ПП выделяются .233 пистолет и Хеглер Х11 и Х11Е — их можете дать Сулику. Плюсы ручного вооружения: малый вес, малые требования к силе. Гаусс-винтовка сносит любого (кроме последнего монстра) максимум с двух выстрелов (если стрелять прицельно в глаз). Минусы: стрельба очередями не очень крутая (по сравнению с тяжелым вооружением), хотя Джекхаммер или Хеглеры стреляют очередями очень даже неплохо. У снайперского карабина большие затраты ОД.
  • Тяжелое оружие. Различные пулеметы и базука (да-да, базука в игре одной единственной модификации). Наиболее яркие представители: ПТРС (бозар), пулемет Виндикатора и в общем-то все. Достаточно много игроков бОзарят со всеми. Действительно, штучки неплохая, тем более, что патроны к ней очень распространены. Тяжелое оружие хорошо использовать для массовых убийств — если объекты стоят на одной линии огня, то, стреляя в самый дальний, вы, скорее всего, заденете, а то и убьете близких к вам врагов. Но пользоваться надо осторожно, потому что можно попасть в вашего попутчика.
  • Энергетическое оружие. В основном представлено оружием, стреляющими только одиночными выстрелами. Обладает высоким теоретическим уроном. Не считая лазерных и плазменных пистолетов, хорошими характеристиками обладают плазменное ружье (а тем более ее апгрейд — турбо плазменное ружье), UK42B, а также лазерная винтовка. Если у вас раскаченное энергетическое оружие, то не задумываясь пользуйтесь вышеперечисленными пушками. Интересены также Solar Scorcher и Alien Blaster.
  • Рукопашный. Раскачивать особенно не нужно, хотя чтобы пройти тест у бойцов в Сан-Францико нужно более 120%. Также нужно, чтобы выиграть боксерский турнир в Нью-Рено. Полезно на ранних стадиях игры.
  • Холодное оружие. Этот класс вооружения полезен, в общем-то, только на ранних стадиях игры. С появлением приличного ружья необходимость в копьях, кувалдах и прочем отпадает.
  • Метательное. Здесь только гранаты, метательные ножи и камни. Гранат в игре мало, метательных ножей тоже, так что раскачивать необязательно
  • Санитар. Нужно для излечения мелких ран. Абсолютно не нужное умение, на мой взгляд. Доктор лучше smile.
  • Доктор. Тоже лечит героя и др. Значительно лучше санитара хотя бы тем, что за каждое успешное применение дают больше опыта. Необходимо для проведения имплантации. Чередуя отдых (сутки) с доктором, вы быстро вылечите своего героя и опыта прибавите.
  • Красться. Нужно для проникновения в какие-нибудь комнаты, или для других целей, где лучше, чтобы вас не заметили, например, для воровства. Процентов 50-60 вполне хватит.
  • Взлом. Требуется для открытия запертых дверей. Полезно на ранних статдиях игры. Лучше иметь его более 80%, довольно часто приходится что-нибудь взламывать.
  • Воровать. С этим умением вы можете украсть что нибудь. На ранних стадиях полезно красть стимпаки. Пригодится, когда нужно будет своровать ПТРС. Гаусс-винтовку и т.д. Весьма полезное умение, лучше, если у вас навык воровства более 80%.
  • Ловушки. Необходимо для установки взрывчатки и чтобы она не взорвалась у вас в руках. Также для обезвреживания ловушек. Особо раскачивать необязательно, хотя 50-60% не помешает.
  • Наука. Требуется для работы с компами. Добавляет такие фичи, как разговор с анклавцем с помощью компьютера в электростанции в Геско. При науке >120% можно починить робота в Сьерре, а также покопоаться в компе хаббологистов (см. Сан-Франциско). Так что смотрите сами, раскачивать ли ее в начале игры. Помогут раскачивать науку книги.
  • Ремонт. Необходимо для починки различных вещей. Нужно для починки генератора в Военной базе, токсичных пещерах и т.п., а также для отключения силовых полей. Полезно иметь более 80%. Существуют книги для увеличения этого навыка.
  • Разговор. Нужно, чтобы уговорить кого-нибудь сделать то, что тебе надо, добавление новых пунктов разговора. Вам легче обмануть кого-нибудь. Но в начале игры раскачивать нет особой необходимости. Полезно иметь более 80%.
  • Торговля. Чем выше навык, тем дешевле вам будут продавать различные товары. Однако цена, за которую вы будете продавать вещи, увеличиваться не будет sad.
  • Игра. Нужно для успешной игры в азартные игры. Лично я не играю в азартные игры (в игре), и денег мне хватает. Так что я это умение вообще не раскачиваю.
  • Скиталец. Помогает избегать неприятных встреч в пустыне, чем больше это умение, тем чаще вам будут задаваться вопросы «А вы хотите увидеть того-то и того-то?», тем более высок шанс набрести на какую-нибудь из рандомных локаций.

Ммм-да, загрузил я тут всех по полной программе, но позвольте дать несколько общих полезных советов.

  • Не стесняйтесь пользоваться искусством воровства, только сохраняйтесь перед кражей (а вдруг заметит!). Становитесь сзади от объекта (если невозможно — то так, чтобы он вас хотя бы не видел); можете попробовать использовать умение «Красться» (горячая клавиша — 1).
  • Суйте свой нос всюду, куда можно (курсор с ладонью) — на ранних стадиях игры забирайте все, а вот на поздних можно ограничиваться только по-настоящему полезными или дорогими вещами. Не забывайте обыскивать трупы.
  • Разговаривайте со всеми подряд, с кем только можно поговорить — можно узнать много интересного.
  • В начале — до того времени, как вы приобретете охотничье ружье и хотя бы с десяток стимпаков, используйте тактику «ударил-убежал» (так называемый Hit&Run).
  • Берите, в основном, те из бонусов, которые перечислены ниже.

Список наиболее крутых бонусов для снайпера, да и в общем-то для любых других типов героев.

  • Быстрая реакция. Повышает порядок действий. Идеальный вариант первого бонуса, первоначально выбор невелик.
  • Больше критических атак. Мнинмальный условия — МД8, УД5, по-видимому, бонус быстрой реакции, может и СЛ6. Повышение шанса критического урона на 5%. Достаточно полезная штука. Как правило, я его беру вторым бонусом.
  • Лучшие критические атаки. Странное у него описание. По-видимому, это означает, что если уж вы нанесли критическое повреждение, то это очень крутое повреждение. Я его беру третьим бонусом или четвертым. Минимальные условия — бонус «больше критических атак».
  • Бонус скорости. У меня он появляется где-то на 3-ем или 4-ом бонусе. Минимальное условие такие же, как и для бонуса увеличения шанса критического повреждения, а то и сам это бонус. Уменьшает ОД на выстрел на 1 с сохранением возможности прицельного выстрела.
  • После 3-го или 4-го бонуса появятся бонусы повышения качеств (СЛ. МД. ОБ и т.д.). Если у вас ЛВ9, то возьмите бонус повышения ловкости. В общем, советую взять какой-нибудь из этих бонусов.
  • Сила жизни. Весьма полезный бонус. На каждый уровень данного бонуса очков жизни на уровень повышается на 4. Без этого бонуса с каждым уровнем вы прибавляете 4 очка жизни. Если вы взяли один раз этот бонус, то с каждым уровнем вы будете прибалять не 4, а 8 очков жизни, если 2 раза, то 12 и т.д.
  • Меткость. Имеет смысл, если у вас низкий уровень ручного или энергетического оружия и недоступны более крутые бонусы. С этим бонусом вы будете стрелять точнее, т.е. шанс попадания будет выше и 95% будет сохраняться на более дальних дистанциях, чем без этого бонуса. Но этот бонус не самый лучший, лучше раскачать мудрость.
  • Снайпер. Минимальное условие — бонус меткости и еще какое-то. Оригинальное у него описание. По-видимому оно означает, что вы будете наносить больше критических повреждений при стрельбе.

Еще есть несколько интересных бонусов, но в общем-то, они не самые крутые. Например, «вор» — повышение на 10% умений воровать, взламывать, красться и, ИМХО, умения «ловушки».

Ну, вроде бы, на данный момент все.

Приступим непосредственно к описанию квестов.


Надеюсь, как проходить испытание в Храме Жителя Убежища описывать не надо. Самое главное, не глотайте целебный порошок — от него понижается мудрость (временно), а потом он еще пригодится.


1. Спасите от ящеров Дымка, собаку Нагора.

Как узнать: подходим к Нагору, это ваш брат, он стоит к востоку от шамана, и он вам пожалуется, что потерял свою собаку.

Выполнение: идем на северо-западный край деревни, переходим на другую локацию, бьем всех ящеров, проходим по каменной тропинке, стараясь не наступать в зеленые лужи (они жгутся). Собака будет там.

2. Найдите камень для Миноса и заточите копье.

Это задание вам дает «Человек, охраняющий мост» после того, как вы спросите его, почему его копье выглядит так странно.

Выполнение: подходим к вашей тетушке, которая никогда вас не любила, и вымениваем кремень на 3 целебных порошка (или на несколько баксов по бартеру). Можно также его просто украсть. Возвращаемся к Миносу, и он вам заточит копье.

3. Выполите все сорняки в саду Хакунина.

Как получить: разговариваем с местным шаманом, и он вам расскажет, что в его огороде завелись сорняки.

Выполнение. Идем в его огород и убиваем пару хищных цветков. За это он вам дает 3 целебных порошка.

4. Отыщите торговца Вика.

Этот квест вам дает сама Старейшая. Вик находится в Яме (Дене) у Мецгера.

5. Принесите в Арройо КОСОГОР (GECK).

В разговоре со Старейшей после Вика она как раз наречет вас найти этот чертов КОСОГОР (КОмплект по СОзданию ГОрода-Рая), в фаргусовской версии — ГЕКК. Он лежит в 13-м убежище и в АНКЛАВе. Об этом много позже smile.

Полезные советы

  • В деревне есть два мужика, которые повышают ваши навыки: один — рукопашного боя, другой — обращения с холодным оружием. Первый стоит возле огромной головы, а второй находится в палатке поблизости.
  • Почините колодец. За это вы получите 100 очков опыта.
  • У вашей тетушки (кажется) в горшке лежит 100 монет.

Кламат (Klamath)


1. Подбросьте дровишек в самогонный аппарат.

Как узнать: купите Виски Бобу в баре чего-нибудь выпить, и он вас об этом и попросит.
Выполнение. Идем на юг, переходим на следующую локацию, убиваем ящеров, заходим в халупу, находим там этот аппарат и закладываем туда дрова, они валяются в самом домике (имеет смысл выполнить это задание после квеста №2).

2. Спасите траппера Смайла.

Это задание вам дает тетка в баре — мать хозяйки Сулика.
Выполнение. Выходим из Кламата и идем в пещеры яда (ядовитые пещеры, Toxic Caves), предварительно захватив в районе трапперов резиновые сапоги. Находим Смайла, не забудьте захватить в шкафчике около лифта Rad Away и Рад X. С ним надо поговорить, потом провожаем его до выхода из пещер. Возвращаемся в Кламат, находим траппера в баре, он научит вас снимать шкуру с ящеров. В благодарность за это мамаша разрешает своей дочери отпустить Сулика бесплатно. Уговорите последнего присоединиться к вам, не помешает. Кстати, если включите генератор в пещерах яда и с помощью электронной отмычки откроете лифт, то внизу вас встретит боевой робот (поэтому сюда лучше заваливаться без друзей и после того, как возьмете крутую пушку и броню), а в шкафчиках вы найдете неплохие конфетки.

3. Защите браминов.

Квест дает вам большой дикарь Торр, он стоит около бара.
Выполнение. После базара с Торром вы оказываетесь на пастбище браминов. Убиваем всех скорпионов, при выходе из зоны квест вам засчитается. Можете убить братьев-близнецов. Не соглашайтесь на их предложения. У каждого брата по шипованному кастету — довольно дорогая и мощная штука.

4. Убейте Пинки — повелителя крыс.

Судя по всему, это задание появляется после разговора с «Высоким долговязым человеком», он стоит возле запертой двери в районе трапперов.
Выполнение. Сначала нужно раздобыть ключ, чтобы открыть запертую дверь. Его можно выцыганить у мужика, который дает вам квест, или покормив собаку в центре города. В доме, где много крыс, в правом верхнем углу есть люк. Залезаем в него, шляемся по пещерам, убиваем Пинки. После убийства крота-альбиноса не возвращаемся прежним путем, а находим другую лестницу. Затем в новых пещерах находим запертую дверь. Если не можете ее взломать, просто взрываем ее динамитом, который лежит рядом на полках. Поднимаемся по лестнице, обыскиваем тачку, находим какую-то деталюгу (кажется, это топливный корректор).

Полезные советы

  • После выполнения квеста алкаша его можно заложить, но уменьшится карма.
  • В другом баре (не в том, где стоит Сулик) находится мужик, который улучшает ваш рукопашный бой.
  • Обязательно узнайте координаты Ямы.
  • Не забудьте взять радио в доме Вика. Другие штучки тоже не помешают.
  • Постарайтесь купить кожаную броню.

Яма (Ден, Den)


1. Соберите с Фреда деньги.

Зайдите в бар к Ребекке, и она расскажет, что Фред задолжал ей 200 монет. Наезжаем на Фреда (он, скорее всего, будет у Флика, обозначается как «житель Ямы» — в моей версии, но в других версиях описание его тоже должно как-то отличаться от большинства чуваков), трясем с него баксы (хотя бы 100), ничего не давайте в долг. Отдаем деньги Бекки. Зайдя в Яму через несколько месяцев, вы увидите, что Фред купил себе костюм и разбогател. Побазарьте с ним — он даст 2000$; потом он мне дал по 4 или 5 упаковок атомных батареек и малых энергоблоков, а также плазменную гранату.

2. Отнимите у Дерека книгу.

Второе задание Ребекки. Переходим на восточную сторону, Дерек ходит около заведения Мамы — это мужик в зеленой рубашке и обозначается тоже как «Житель Ямы». Он вам скажет, что где-то оставил книженцию, и не помнит, где. Хватит терпения найти книгу на этой карте — молодцы, идите к Бекки и получайте монеты. (По некоторым сведениям, она чаще всего валяется на кладбище (а может, закопана в могиле???)).

При работе над обновлением сайта (07.12.2016) я все-таки решил заморочиться и выяснить, где же все-таки лежит эта книга. Оказалось, что она может находиться в одном из четырех мест:

  • в сортире севернее заведения Фрэнки;
  • у горящей бочки на юге локации;
  • на кладбище, возле дерева у самой западной (левой) могилы;
  • на северо-востоке от гильдии работорговцев между четырьмя деревьями, стоящими позади разрушенной стены;
  • Около помойки напротив старой церкви.

При перепрохождении я наконец-то нашел ее как раз между четырьмя деревьями. В могилу, соответственно, никто ее не закапывал! biggrin

3. Лара хочет узнать, что находится в церкви.

Как получить: треплемся с Ларой, она стоит в доме под лавкой Тубби.

Выполнение. Идем в восточную часть, базарим с охраной церкви, говорим, что вы от Мецгера, и что он хочет убедиться, что все в порядке. Кстати, здесь могут возникнуть сложности, перед базаром сохранитесь. Ну так вот, если все пройдет удачно, заходим в церковь и заглядываем в первый попавшийся ящик. Идем к Ларе, получаем баксы.

4. Получите у Мецгера разрешение на разборку.

Второй квест Лары. Базарим с Мецгером и получаем разрешение — ему глубоко наплевать, кто будет охранять его химикаты.

5. Обнаружьте слабость в действиях банды Тайлера.

Третий квест Лары.
Выполнение. Базарим с Тайлером, узнаем, что ночью у них пьянка.

6. Помогите Ларе разбить банду Тайлера.

Четвертый, и последний квест Лары. Выносим охрану церкви, заходим внутрь, убиваем остальных. Базарим с Ларой, получаем благодарность и монеты. Можно попросить время у Лары и заложить ее Тайлеру, в этом случае можно всех вынести, но от этого уменьшится карма.

7. Доставьте Смитти пищу от Мом.

Мамаша просит отнести еду для Смитти. Элементарно.

8. Принесите Смитти деталь от автомашины.

Это задание дает сам механик. Жизненно важная деталюга, без которой тачка просто не поедет, есть у Скитера в Геско. Полезная деталь валяется также в Кламате.

9. Спасите Вика от рабства, достав радиодетали у него в лавке и заплатив Мецгеру.

Сначала нужно поговорить с Виком. Если охранник вас не пропускает, то с торговцем можно побазарить через окно. Отдаем радио Вику, калякаем с Мецгером, платим 1000$, забираем Вика. Радио лежит в его доме в Кламате (на нем так и написано — Vic’s house), там также есть еще много чего интересного.

10. Верните Аннушке медальон.

Ночью в доме рядом с офисом Братства Стали появляется призрак. Болтаем с ним (или с ней, как хотите, т.к. призрак женского пола), получаем квестик. Поболтайте с Маманей, она вас отправит к некоему Жозефу (или что-то в этом роде). Мужик в окружении панков в западной части — тот, кто нам нужен. Наезжаем на него, он отдает вам медальон. Оттаскиваем его Аннушке. После выполнения квеста закопайте кости Аннушки на кладбище — получите опыт (только не перепутайте могилы — смотрите на могильные камни).

Полезные советы

  • Если вы попробуете спиртное у Ребекки, то владелец Дыры даст вам задание узнать, почему у нее оно (спиртное) такое дешевое. Подходим к двери бара, которая ведет в мелкую комнату. Через некоторое время охранник отходит к столам, проходим в комнатушку, спускаемся в подвал, смотрим на самогонный аппарат. Докладываем владельцу дыры. Он попросит вас сломать агрегат, но можно попробовать уболтать его покуапть спиртное у Бекки, а аппарат не ломать. (Сам я этот квест не брал, пересказывается с чужих слов).
  • Послушайте историю о котенке у дочки Мамы и историю бабы в баре у Бекки.
  • Если не хочется платить Мецгеру, можно (и даже скорее нужно) вынести работорговцев. Совет: украдите у Мецгера стимулятор и дробовик и запритесь в его комнате. Тогда оставшихся работорговцев можно отстрелять через окно рядом с дверью. Не советую этого делать, если у вас нет охотничьего ружья. После того, как вынесите слейверов, не забудьте сказать рабам, что они свободны. За убийство Мецгера Бекки предложит 1000 монет, если откажетесь — повысится карма. Слышал, что можно, играя бабой, вступить в гильдию работорговцев, и освободить Вика, переспав с Мецгером. (мной не проверено). Но за вступление в работорговцы у вас уменьшится карма (значительно) и будет соответствующее клеймо на лбу (в Фаргусовской версии так Мецгер и говорит — сделаем тебе клеймо). Внимание: в некоторых версиях игры возможны глюки при выходе из города после разборки с Мецгером. Перед битвой сохранитесь в отдельную позицию.
  • Не забудьте поговорить с Карлом (он у Мамаши) и послушайте его историю про призраков.
  • Флик руководит детьми-воришками. Если его убить, увеличится карма. Лучше всего это делать, когда у него будет в наличии охотничье ружье (8-20/40 /10 .233 — урон/дальность/макс. кол-во и тип патронов).
  • В любом случае, украдите у охранника Вика «Психо» — очень дорогая штука. На себе ее лучше не использовать — может возникнуть привыкание или т.п. неприятности.
  • У наркодилера можно узнать месторасположение Нью-Рено.

Другие части руководства:

  • Часть 2 (Модос, Город, Геско, Реддинг, Брокенхилл)
  • Часть 3 (Нью Рено, армейский склад «Сьерра», Убежище 15, НРК, Убежище 13, военная база)
  • Часть 4 (Сан-Франциско, Наварро, АНКЛАВ, случайные локации, разное)

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Page 2: Fallout 2 Manual



INTRODUCTION ………………………… 7

THE VAULTS ……………………………….. 8

LIFE ON THE OUTSIDE ………………………. 8

ENEMIES OF THE STATE ………………………. 10

THE MASTER ……………………………….. 11

THE VATS …………………………………. 12

MY RETURN TO VAULT-13 …………………….. 13

THE TRIBE ……………………………….. 13

INTERFACE ……………………………. 15

MAIN MENU ……………………………….. 16

STARTING A NEW GAME ………………………. 17

PRE-GENERATED CHARACTERS …………………… 19Modifying Pre-generated Characters ………. 20

CREATING A CHARACTER ………………………. 20How to create your Character ……………. 21Character Concept ………………………. 21Primary Statistics …………………….. 22Derived Statistics …………………….. 24Traits…………………………………. 26Tag Skills ……………………………. 28Name, Age and Sex ………………………. 30Finishing your Character ……………….. 31Character Screen Options ……………….. 31

MAIN GAME SCREEN ………………………….. 32

THE ACTION CURSOR ………………………… 33


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MOVEMENT CURSOR ………………………….. 34Walking ……………………………….. 34Running ……………………………….. 35Things that affect movement ……………… 35

COMMAND CURSOR ……………………………. 35Action Icons ………………………….. 36

INTERFACE BAR ……………………………. 39

SKILLDEX …………………………………. 44

INVENTORY…………………………………. 45Cursors ……………………………….. 45Moving or Dropping Multiple Items ………… 46Inventory Screen ………………………. 46Other Inventory Actions …………………. 49

CHARACTER SCREEN ………………………….. 49Basic Info and Statistics ……………….. 51Hit Points and Medical Information ………. 51Skills…………………………………. 54Perks, Karma & Kills …………………… 54Information Card ………………………. 56Print, Cancel and Done …………………. 56

THE HOLY ROBCO PIPBOY 2000 …………………. 57Functions of the PIPBoy 2000 ……………. 57The Clock and Calender …………………. 57Status…………………………………. 58Automaps……………………………….. 59Archives……………………………….. 60Close …………………………………. 60

MAPS …………………………………….. 60World Map ……………………………… 60World Map Movement …………………….. 61Terrain ……………………………….. 62Random Encounters ………………………. 62Town Map ……………………………… 62Automap ……………………………….. 63

NPC INTERACTION ………………………….. 64

DIALOGUE …………………………………. 64Chatting Dialogue ………………………. 65Extended Dialogue ………………………. 66

BARTER …………………………………… 68How to Barter ………………………….. 68


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Price Influences ………………………. 69

PARTY MEMBERS ……………………………. 70Party Member Inventory …………………. 70Party Member Combat Control ……………… 71

OPTIONS…………………………………… 75Save Game ……………………………… 75Load Game ……………………………… 76Preferences ……………………………. 77



STATISTICS ……………………………….. 85Primary Statistics …………………….. 85Derived Statistics …………………….. 88

SKILLS …………………………………… 91

KARMA…………………………………….. 99Karma …………………………………. 99Reputation (Town) ………………………. 100Reputation (Special) …………………… 100

PERKS…………………………………….. 101The Perk List ………………………….. 102

EXPERIENCE ……………………………….. 114Skill Points ………………………….. 116Spending Skill Points …………………… 116

COMBAT ……………………………….. 118


STARTING COMBAT ………………………….. 119

TARGETS…………………………………… 120

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ACTION POINTS ……………………………. 121Actions in Combat ………………………. 122Movement……………………………….. 122Attacking ……………………………… 123Inventory ……………………………… 124Other Actions ………………………….. 124

PROBABILITIES……………………………… 124

RANGED WEAPONS ……………………………. 126Weapon Modes ………………………….. 126


TARGETED SHOTS ……………………………. 130

DAMAGE …………………………………… 131

ARMOUR …………………………………… 133

ENDING COMBAT ……………………………. 134Victorious in the Battleand Looting the Dead …………………… 135

APPENDIX 1: Tutorial …………………. 138

APPENDIX 2: Hints and Tips ……………. 141

APPENDIX 3: Credits …………………… 143

APPENDIX 4: Technical Support ………….. 150

APPENDIX 5: Warranty …………………. 152

APPENDIX 6: World Wide Web Site ………… 154

APPENDIX 7: “The Big One” Pancake ………. 156

APPENDIX 8: “Carrion Kabobs” ………….. 157

APPENDIX 9: Quick Keys ……………….. 158


Page 6: Fallout 2 Manual




INSTALLATIONThank you for purchasing Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear RolePlaying Game from Interplay Productions. You are about toenter a world of mutants, radioactivity, big guns andvacuum tubes. Before you can start playing, you need toinstall Fallout 2 on your computer and do a very simplesetup procedure.

BEFORE YOU BEGINYou should have the following in your Fallout 2 survivalkit:

* Fallout 2 Game CD-ROM* The Fallout 2 Manual* Interplay Productions Reference and

Troubleshooting Guide

The basic requirements to run the game are:

* IBM or 100% compatible Pentium™ 90 w/16 Megs of RAM

* Windows® 95/98/NT w/ DirectX 3.0a or higher

* DirectX certified SVGA card

* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 100% Compatible Microsoft Mouse required

* DirectX certified sound card

WIN95/98/NT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSIf you have Win95/98/NT installed on your computer, youshould install the Win95 version of Fallout 2. DirectXmust be installed prior to running SETUP.

To install the Win95/98/NT version of Fallout 2,follow these steps:

(1) Insert the Fallout 2 CD-ROM into your CD-ROMdrive.

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(2) If you have Autoplay enabled, then you willshortly see an Autoplay menu. Click on the Installbutton.

(3) If you do not have Autoplay enabled, open the CD-ROM and double-click on the SETUP icon.

(4) If necessary, you will need to install DirectX3.0a or higher. You can install it from theAutoplay menu, or run DXSETUP.EXE from the DirectXdirectory on the CD-ROM.

To Uninstall, go to the Control Panel -> Add/RemovePrograms, select FALLOUT 2 and click on the Add/Removebutton. The uninstaller only removes the files installedby the installer. Any files created after install (configfiles, save games, etc.) must be removed by hand.

README FILEThe README.TXT file on the CD contains up to dateinformation that was not available when the manual wentto press. We suggest you view the README to get thelatest information and changes. You can do this from theWin95/98/NT Autoplay menu by clicking on the View Readmebutton.




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INTRODUCTIONThe one good thing about growing old is that you get yourway. The new leaders of the Tribe (they refuse to callthemselves Elders until I have passed on, which should besoon, if I’m lucky) want me to record my knowledge forfuture generations. Bah! What knowledge they need is tobe found with sweat and blood, not some letters on apage. But the future is a great unknown, and they mayhave a point. To make them happy, I’ve written down whatI feel will be important. (The important words being“what I feel will be important.”)

They want me to write my memoirs. Fine. I’ll do it.But as the song goes, I’ll do it my way. And I’m oldenough that I will get my way.

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The VaultsLike all of the originalmembers of the Tribe, I camefrom the Vaults. Before theWar, the government of theUnited States, which numberedin the thousands of villages,and had many, many tribesmanper village, paid to havethese huge holes dug inmountains and huts of metaland stone built underground.There were many Vaults. Somewere close to cities, andsome far away. These Vaultswere to be used as safeplaces in case of atomic war.

As you may guess, when the War came your ancestors madeit to a Vault. Vault-13 to be specific.

For several generations, your ancestors and mine livedwithin the Vault. As best as they could figure, it wastoo dangerous to try and leave the Vault. They grew theirown food, recycled their waste, read, worked, slept, hadfamilies, and even purified the necessary water withinthe Vault. I was born in the creche, and was raised bythe community (and a robot). It was a good life, but allgood things come to an end. About three generations afterthe War, the water-purification chip the Vault relied onto create the fresh water broke down. All the spare partswere missing or busted, and without the water-chip theVault was doomed. Something had to be done.

The Overseer gathered the healthy of us between acertain age and made us draw straws. Guess what? I drewthe short one. Wouldn’t be much of story if I didn’t,would it?

I left the Vault the next day.

Life on the OutsideMy first few days were harrowing to say the least. Ifought off some giant mutant rats that were moreinterested in eating me than they should have been. Myonly clue was the location of another Vault, number 15. I

The War.I know little about the War,

but it doesn’t really matter.A lot of people died when alot of atomic bombs went offand nearly destroyed theworld. If you don’t know whatan atomic bomb was, thenimagine the worst thingpossible. Atomic bombs wereworse than that.


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spent a couple of days stumbling through the desertbefore I came upon a small settlement. I stopped therefor help, and encountered the little town called ShadySands. I helped them, and they helped me. Understand thatsurvival requires that you work together, even withpeople you may not trust. I did earn the trust, however,of two prominent citizens of Shady Sands — Tandy, and herfather, Aradesh.

With their knowledge, and the help of a man calledIan, I continued on my way to Vault-15. The ruins ofVault-15, to be more specific. Ravaged by the elements,scavengers, and time itself, Vault-15 was no help for mypeople. The control room that contained their water-chipwas buried under tons of fallen rock, and I had to moveon.

After a small problem with some Raiders, who wouldcontinue for years to plague not only myself, but theTribe, I found myself in Junktown. It was here that Ilearned the most important rule of all: doing a goodthing sometimes means being a very bad person. Mymemories of Junktown are tainted, and I feel no remorsefor my actions in that place. It was there that I cameacross a dog, who adopted me and was my faithful friendfrom there on. I miss Dogmeat to this day.

While Junktown was a city of traders (and traitors),it did not have a water-chip. I was not desperate yet, asthere was still time for me to recover the chip andreturn to my home, but I needed to move on. Fortunately,they pointed me in the direction of the Hub, the largestcity in the wasteland.

The Hub was a larger city than both Junktown and ShadySands combined. You could drop the Vault in there, andyou probably would not notice. But the people of the Hubhad no life, and it was a desolate place just the same.It eased my mind, however, to hire some merchants tobring water to the Vault. Looking back, it was probably amistaketo do so, but I was still innocent of the evils thatlurked through the ruins of civilisation.

A small clue led me to the city of the ghouls, theplace they called Necropolis. It was there that Iencountered large mutants, armed with weapons of anunknown origin. It is with heavy sadness that I say that

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Ian lost his life in the city of the dead. A supermutant burned him to death with a flamethrower. Thepassage of time is no proof against the memory of burningflesh. His sacrifice was not in vain, as I did find thewater-chip buried beneath the city. It was with easiersteps that I returned to Vault-13.

Enemies of the StateWhile the Overseer was obviously happy to see me returnedto the Vault, alive and with the necessary water-chip, hewas distraught at my description of the super mutants. Itis here that I realised the mistake I had made with thewater-merchants. I had pointed them, and others, in thedirection of our home. Without the protection ofanonymity, the Vault could easily have been destroyed.The knowledge of the fate of Vault-15 did not help.

The Overseer tasked me with a new mission. Find anddestroy the danger of the super mutants.

Once again, I left the Vault. This time, it was waseasier on my heart. Looking back now, I realise it wasalso the first time I should have seen the true hearts ofthe other vault-dwellers and the Overseer.

I returned to the Hub, looking for clues. Some timewas spent there, and I discovered a shady underworldamongst the hustle and bustle of that large city. Theythought they could manipulate me, but I proved them wrongand used the crooks instead. I did rescue a young man whobelonged to the Brotherhood of Steel. A few trouble-makers tried to stop me, but I learned much aboutsurvival since leaving the Vault.

It was in my best interest to leave town for a while.I journeyed to this Brotherhood. Thinking they would havethe knowledge I sought, I tried to join them. Theyrequired me to go on a quest before they would let mein. Thinking it would be a short and easy quest, I agreedand set off for the place they called the Glow. Thehorror of atomic war was never so obvious to me untilthen.

The Brotherhood was surprised to see me, and even moresurprised to see that I had not only survived theirquest, but succeeded. They gave me the information Irequired and some of their technology, and I set off insearch of the Boneyard.

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On my way, I took a detour and stopped by Necropolisin order to see some old friends. Unfortunately, thatplace was now truly the city of the dead. All the ghoulshad been slaughtered. Large mutants roamed the streets. Ifound one survivor who told me that the mutants hadattacked shortly after I had left. Before he died, theghoul told me that the mutants were looking for purestrain humans, and one in particular. The ghoul’sdescription of the mutants’ special target fit meperfectly. It was with a heavy heart and a cold burningon my soul that I continued on to Boneyard.

The MasterThe city of Los Angeles must have been the largest in theworld before the War. The LA Boneyard stretched forever,the skeletons of buildings lying under the hot sun. Noteven the wind entered this dead city.

I found many enemies, and a few friends, in theBoneyard. I killed when necessary and learned more aboutthe nature of my true foes.

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Deep under the ground, I found an evil that was behindthe mutants and their army. Within a dark and forbiddingVault, where the walls dripped with human flesh, and thescreaming of dying echoed through the halls, I found manyevil creatures and mutants.

Walking among the misshapen ones, I killed one oftheir servants and took his clothing. Hidden from casualsearches, I made my way to the bottom of the Vault. Thedeeper into the Vault I went, the more gruesome thejourney. More and more flesh was to be found, integratedinto the very walls. The worst part of it was that theflesh was still alive, and even aware of my presence.

After a while, I found myself in the presence of themost hideous sight yet. I still cannot bring myself towrite of this discovery, but let it be known that when Ileft, the Beast was dead and the Master of the mutantarmy was no more.

The VatsMy job was still not finished, for I still had one taskremaining. The Master had literally built his army onemutant at a time. Humans, preferably with littleradiation damage, were to be captured and sent to theVats. There they were dipped in something called FEV,which transformed them into the large, grotesque mutants.

I had to find these Vats, and put them out of actionas well, lest another take the Masters place and continueto build the mutant army. Fortunately, my friends at theBrotherhood had a few clues, and helped me reach my goal.

Invading the Vats, I came across more mutants androbots. None could stand in my way. I had a mission. Ihad a goal. I had a really large gun. It was here thatDogmeat fell, a victim of a powerful energy forcefield. Imiss that dog.

I destroyed the Vats that day, and with it, the mutantarmy. The last I heard, they splintered and disappearedinto the desert.




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My Return to Vault-13I was not treated to a hero’s welcome when I returned toVault-13. The overseer met me outside the massive Vaultdoor, and told me point blank that while my services tothe Vault will always be remembered, he could no longertrust me or what I had become. He said something alongthe lines that I had saved the Vault, and now I mustleave. Bastard.

So, I left.The days and weeks that followed were hard on me. I

had met few true friends outside the Vault, and they haddied following me. Now, my family had kicked me out andsaid that I could never return. I screamed. I cried.Slowly I came to realise that the Overseer may have beencorrect. I had changed. Life outside the Vault wasdifferent, and now I, too, was different. But I havenever forgiven him for doing what he did to me.

I wandered the desert, but never moved far from themountains that shielded the Vault from the rest of theworld. Perhaps I wanted to return, and force my way in,or plead for them to take me back. Fortunately, it didnot come to that. I found a few wretched souls, a smallgroup of Vault-dwellers, who upon hearing of whathappened to me, had decided to leave the Vault and joinmy side. They knew little of the outside world, and wouldhave died if it were not for my assistance.

Together, our little group moved north, away from theVault, and away from that old life. Slowly, I taught themwhat experience had taught me. And together we learned tothrive.

The TribeOver time, our ragtag group turned into a tribe. I fellin love with one of them, and we raised a family, likeall of our tribespeople.

We founded the Village, beyond the great cliff. It isa secure home thanks to our hard work. We would sendscouts back towards the Vault, to help others who thoughtlike ourselves, but that slowly came to an end. We nolonger head in that direction. I often wonder what becameof Vault-13, and the other Vaults, but I never had thetime to go exploring again.

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I taught the others the skills they would need tosurvive and grow strong. Hunting, farming and otherskills to feed us. Engineering and science to build ourhomes. Fighting to protect what was ours.

My love and I led the village and the Tribe. The Tribegrew, and grew strong with our help. But all things cometo an end. Our sons and daughters are now the leaders.I’m sure that the Tribe will continue to grow strongunder the leadership of our children.

My love perished years ago, and not a day goes by thatI do not think of Pat’s face. I see it everytime I lookat our children. This journal is our legacy to them, totheir children, and to the rest of the Tribe.

That is my story, and I am sticking to it.

-The Wanderer




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Main MenuWhen you start Fallout 2, after watching the introductorymovie, you will see the Main Menu. This is probably thesingle most important screen in the entire game, sincewithout it you can’t actually start playing.

Select from the following:

INTRO — Replay the intro movie. Use this to amaze yourfriends.

NEW GAME — Start a new game. Create a character, orselect a pre-generated character, and start playingFallout 2 from the very beginning. If you have justinstalled Fallout 2, or you have never saved a game, youwill need to press this button. See page 16 for moreinformation on starting a new game.

LOAD GAME — Once you have started a game and saved it inorder to return to it at a later date without having tostart a completely new game, this is the button for you.Pressing this button will take you to the Load Gamescreen (see page 78), where you can select from any ofyour previously saved games.

CREDITS — Press this button to see a list of the finepeople who have brought you Fallout 2. Your enjoyment isall they have thought about!

EXIT — Pressing this button will return you to yournormal operating system. You will not be asked to confirmthe exit when you press this button. Zap! One second youare playing Fallout 2, the next second you are back towork. Life just isn’t fair.

Also displayed on the Main Menu screen is the currentversion number of the game. Check the Interplay website(see page 156) for the most recent version.




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Starting aNew GameWhen you first startplaying Fallout 2, youwill need to start anew game. This willstart you off with anew character at thebeginning of the story.A character is arepresentative of you,the player, in thestory. The characterwill be your alter-ego,and follow yourcommands and pay theconsequences for those actions. Obviously, yourcharacter is the single most important facet of thegame and you should spend some time deciding what

kind of character to play.The decision about yourcharacter is the mostimportant decision youhave to make at the startof the game.

There are two ways todecide on a character:select a pre-generatedcharacter or create yourown. Both ways have their

pluses and minuses, and we’ll leave the choice upto you.

When you click on NEW GAME from the Main Menu,you will see the character selection screen. Thisscreen will always display one of three pre-generated characters. Besides a picture of the pre-generated character, you will see a brief summaryof their primary statistics and their biography.You have four choices on this screen to choosefrom.

You can bypassa movie in Fallout 2 bypressing the space bar orthe ESC key. You should notdo this until you have viewedthe movie at least once.Important information andbackground story is oftenconveyed via a movie.Besides, they look good.


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NEW CHARACTER — Go immediately tothe character creation screen anddo not start the game until youare done there. This basicallygives you complete control of yourcharacter, but at the cost of alittle more time before you canbegin playing. Some players liketo investigate the game a littlewith a pre-generated character andthen restart and create their owncharacter then. More advancedplayers can jump right into thecharacter creation screen. This isprobably the most emotionally

satisfying way to select a character. See page 20 forinformation on the character creation screen.

SELECT CHARACTER — Take the currently selected pre-generated character and start the game immediately. Thisis the fastest choice, as it will get you into the gamein the shortest amount of time. This choice isrecommended for beginning players. See page 19 for abrief bio on each of the pre-generated characters.

MODIFY CHARACTER — Take the currently selected pre-generated character and go to the character creationscreen. This is a compromise between NEW CHARACTER andSELECT CHARACTER. Once on the character creation screen,you will see the statistics and skills of the pre-generated character. You can then modify that characterto suit your own nefarious needs.

CANCEL — Return to the Main Menu without starting a newgame or selecting a character.




You can usethe left and rightarrow buttonsunderneath thecharacter portrait tochange between thethree pre-generatedcharacters.


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Pre-generated CharactersIf you don’t want to spend a lot of time at thebeginning of the game before you get to play, then starthere. Pick one of the three pre-generated characters andhop right into the action. Some players will want toexperience the game for a little while before creatingtheir own character, and others will want to see the gameto completion using any character. These three charactersare all capable of finishing the Fallout 2 adventure.Pick the character that you like the most and startplaying immediately!

MinganMingan’s whisper-soft tread and

acquisitive fingers have alwaysaided his natural curiosity.Several years ago the tribedecided that Mingan’s talentswould be best used on someoneelse. Since then Mingan has beenthe tribe’s most accomplished

scout. However, the tents of nearby tribes provide littlechallenge these days. It’s time to scout farther afield.

Mingan is a thief character. Players that would liketo sneak around, and “liberate” items from othercharacters should select Mingan.

ChitsaChitsa has always been able to

convince others to do things herway. Her winning personality andstunning good looks, have oftencaused others to underestimate thetribe’s best trader. In thecourse of her frequent journeys,Chitsa has learned to deal with

the perils of travelling the Wastes. Now the tribe needshelp and new paths beckon to Chitsa.

Chitsa is a diplomat character. If you would like totalk to people and wring the most information from themwithout having to resort to violence all the time, then

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you should select Chitsa.

NargNarg’s exceptional physique has

made him one of the best huntersin the tribe. Narg’s first, andusually only, impulse is to crushanything that he can’t figureout. Narg has become quite adeptat crushing, and slicing, anddicing. Narg would like to prove

his worthiness to lead the tribe and he’ll let nothingstand in his way.

Narg is a barbarian fighter. If you want to cause themost damage, select Narg.

Modifying Pre-generated CharactersFrom the main menu, one of the options is to MODIFYCHARACTER. This will let you load the statistics for thecurrently selected character into the character creationscreen. Here you can modify the character to your heart’scontent, or just look at the character detail.

Creating a CharacterThe other option is to create your own character fromscratch. Using the character creation screen, you willmake choices that will determine how your character willstart the game.

For more information on character abilities, see theCharacter chapter and the following pages:

Primary Statistics Page 22Derived Statistics Page 24Tag Skills Page 28Traits Page 26




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You can also click on anyelement of the character screento get more information from theinfo card in the lower righthand corner of the screen. Ifyou want details about anystatistic, skill or trait,simply click on the part inquestion. The card will changeto show you a graphic cartoon of

the statistic, skill, or trait and you will get a smalltext description.

How to create your CharacterThe easy way to create your character is to follow somesimple steps. The character editor does not require thatyou follow of all these steps in order, so you can branchout and make little tweaks as you work on your character.

1. Think of a concept for your Character.2. Select the Primary Statistics.3. Select up to two Traits.4. Choose three Tag Skills.5. Select the sex of your Character.6. Adjust the age of your Character.7. Type your Character’s name.8. Save your Character for future reference or

changes.9. Start the game!

Character ConceptStart with a brief idea of what your character should be.Determine what kind of character you would like to play.Should the character be male or female? Strong or weak?Smart or dumb? Good with ranged weapons, melee weapons ormartial arts? The answers to these questions, and others,will determine your character concept. Some charactersare very specialised, others will be good in manydifferent skills and be generalists.

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Primary StatisticsAdjusting the seven primarystatistics will give you themost control over yourcharacter. See page 22 for moredetailed information on primarystatistics.

ST — Strength — The physicalstrength of your character. This statistic affects yourability to carry inventory items, do damage with meleeweapons and use powerful weapons effectively.

PE — Perception — The ability to see and hear. A highPerception is critical for sharpshooting characters.

EN — Endurance — How tough your character is. Characterswith a high Endurance can take more damage, and they aremore resistant to poison and radiation.

CH — Charisma — The ability to look good and actcharming. If your character has a good Charisma, it willmake your relationships with non-player characters (NPCs,see page 85) in the game easier.

AG — Agility — How well your character moves. How far youcan move in combat is directly related to the Agilityscore of your character. It will also affect the ratingof many physical skills.

IN — Intelligence — How bright and smart your characteris. The number of skill points you get each experiencelevel, and the starting ratings of many mental skills, isbased on your character’s Intelligence.

LK — Luck — This is the most unusual of all of theprimary statistics. It covers nothing at all, a littlebit of some things and everything. All at once. Luckaffects many things in tiny amounts.

You start with a base of 5 points in all of yourprimary statistics. This is average. Primary statistics




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are valued from 1 to 10, with 1being the worst and 10 being thebest. The following chart willgive you an idea of thedifferences between the variouslevels.

1) Very Bad2) Bad3) Poor4) Fair5) Average6) Good7) Very Good8) Great9) Excellent10) Heroic

You also get 5 free CHAR POINTS that can be spent onyour primary statistics. You must spend all of these freepoints before you can start the game. You can spend thesefree points in one statistic, spread them out overseveral statistics or in any combination you desire.

If you need more points, since you may want toincrease more than one or two statistics to higherlevels, you can always decrease any number of statistics.You cannot lower a statistic below 1. Any free pointsgained from lowering your statistics will appear in theCHAR POINTS display. You must also spend these pointsbefore you can start the game.

Click thesmall + and -buttons next to astatistic levelname to adjustthe statistic.


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Lowering your statistics is a drastic measure,however. It should be considered with care. Lowering yourIntelligence below four, for example, can have seriousconsequences on what your character can say to otherpeople in the Fallout world.

Adjusting your primary statistics is the single mostcontrollable thing you can do during character creationto define your character. The initial level of yourskills, the derived statistics, and what you can excel atduring the beginning of the game are based on yourprimary statistics. Choose wisely, as it is verydifficult, if not impossible, to permanently modify yourprimary statistics after you are finished creating yourcharacter. Your skills will increase, and you will gainequipment that will allow your character to do differentthings, but your primary statistics will rarely change inany meaningful way.

Derived StatisticsDerived statistics are based on one or more primarystatistics. While you cannot directly adjust a derivedstatistic, as you adjust your primary statistics, youwill see the values of the derivedstatistics change. See page 88 for moreinformation and detail about all of thederived statistics.

HP — Hit Points — The amount of damageyour character can take before buying thefarm, croaking, taking a long dirt nap,and otherwise exiting the corporealworld. Based mostly on Endurance, butmodified by ST as well. Fortunately, asyou improve and gain experience levels,you will also gain more hit points.

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AC — Armour Class — How likely you are to be hit incombat. Slightly different than Damage Resistance(see below). High AC is better than low AC. Basedstrictly on Agility.

AP — Action Points — How much you can do in asingle turn of combat (see Combat, page 118). Thehigher the number, the better it is. Based solelyon Agility.

Carry Weight — The total amount of equipment youcan lug around the world. Characters with highStrength scores can obviously carry more thancharacters with low Strength scores.

Melee Damage — How much bonus damage your characterdoes with melee weapons or in hand-to-hand combat.Bigger is better. Based on Strength.

DR — Damage Resistance — If you do get hit, howmuch less damage to you take compared to the nextfellow. Higher DR means you take less damage.Starts at 0% and goes up from there. Not based onany primary statistic.

Poison Resistance — How much damage you take frompoison attacks is based on this derived statistic.The larger your poison resistance, the less damageyou take. Based on Endurance.

Radiation Resistance — The larger your resistanceto radiation, the less damage you will take whenexposed to it. Based on Endurance.

Sequence — This statistic determines when you getto take an action in a combat turn. It is based onyour Perception.

Healing Rate — How many points of damage you healwhen you rest. Based on Endurance.

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Critical Chance — The chance of causing a critical blow,and doing some form of additional damage, is based onthis statistic. This statistic is based solely on Luck.

TraitsTraits are characteristics that better define justexactly who your character is. They don’t really fit intoa single statistic or location, but are instead justcalled Traits. They all have a good and a bad impact onyour character. If you want the good side of a Trait, youmust take the bad with it.

Fortunately, Traits are optional. You do not have totake a Trait to finish your character. If you do want toselect Traits, you may select up to two. You must do thisduring character creation, since you cannot select a newTrait once you start the game.

To select a Trait, click onthe small button next to theTrait name. Select Traits willbe highlighted. Click thebutton of a highlighted Traitto deselect it. You can have atmost two Traits selected at atime.

Fast Metabolism — This will increase your Healing Rate,but reduce your radiation and poison resistances.

Bruiser — This increases your Strength, but lowers yourAction Points. Popular with the mean and nasty crowd.

Small Frame — At the cost of a reduced carry weight, yougain some Action Points. You will not be able to carry asmuch inventory, and this can have a major effect afterthe beginning of the game.




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One Hander — You are more likely to hit with smaller,single-handed weapons, and less likely to hit withlarger, two-handed weapons.

Finesse — You do less damage, but have a greater chanceof doing a critical hit.

Kamikaze — You act before other people, since you have ahigher Sequence, but you lose some Armour Class and areeasier to hit.

Heavy Handed — You do more damage in melee or hand-to-hand combat. And while you have the same chance to causea critical hit, your critical hits are not as good as thenext fellow.

Fast Shot — You can use a projectile or thrown weaponmore often each combat turn. The AP cost to use a weaponis reduced by one. Unfortunately, you cannot maketargeted shots if you have this Trait. You will not evenbe able to switch to targeted shot mode if you are aFast Shot.

Bloody Mess — This has no real game effect, beyond thefact that you will always see the bloodiest way a personcan die. This is based on the setting of the ViolenceLevel in the preference screen (see page 77.)

Jinxed — Everyone in the game is more likely to have acritical failure when fighting. That includes you, too.

Good Natured — Your combat skills start lower thannormal, but your skills in First Aid, Doctor, Speech andBarter start higher.

Chem Reliant — Your chance to be addicted when using aChem is higher, but you recover faster.

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Chem Resistant — Chems onlyaffect you half as long asnormal, but your chance to beaddicted is reduced by half aswell.

Sex Appeal — This traitincreases your chance of havinga good reaction with membersof the opposite sex.Unfortunately, this trait tendsto annoy members of your sex.Jealous twits.

Skilled — The trait increasesthe number of skill points youreceive every new level of

experience. The cost is that it takes longer to gainPerks, additional abilities, that also come from earningexperience levels.

Gifted — You have more innate abilities than most, but ata serious cost. All primary statistics are improved, butat a cost of lowered base skills and a reduced number ofskill points as you advance in experience levels.

Tag SkillsSkills are learned abilities. You will be able to improveyour Skills as you gain experience and learn more. Allskills have a skill level, expressed as a percentage. Thehigher the skill level, the more likely you are able tosucceed at using the skill.

Tag Skills define what skills you are especially goodat. They are specialiseations. You must select three TagSkills before you can leave the character creationscreen.

Selecting what Skill to Tag is important. Tag Skillsget an immediate +20% bonus, and more importantly,improve faster than normal skills. When you gainexperience levels, you will gain a number of skill pointsto spend. Each skill point is doubled when spent on a TagSkill. See page 111 for a detailed explanation of gaining




To select askill to Tag, click the smallbutton next to the skillname. The button will belit, and the skill namehighlighted. To deselectthe skill, in case you wantto Tag another skill,simply click the buttonagain.


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experience levels and skill points.For more information about the various skills, see

page 91.

Small Guns — The use of pistols and other small firearmsin combat. Based on Agility.

Big Guns — The use of bigger firearms and other massiveranged weapons. Based on Agility.

Energy Weapons — Using energy weapons in ranged combat.Based on Agility.

Unarmed — Using your fists and feet in hand-to-handcombat. Based off of the average of Strength and Agility.

Melee Weapons — The use of melee weapons, like knives andspears, in battle. Based on the average of Strength andAgility.

Throwing — How well you can aim a thrown object. This isused with grenades, throwing knives, and other tossedweapons. Based on Agility.

First Aid — The healing of minor wounds. Based onPerception and Intelligence.

Doctor — The healing of major wounds, and crippled orbroken bones. Based on Perception and Intelligence.

Sneak — The art of moving silently. Based solely onAgility.

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Lockpick — How skilled you are in defeating locks andother mechanisms designed to keep you out. Based onPerception and Agility.

Steal — The skill of acquiring what is not yours. Can beused to steal items off of a person, or to give a personan item without them knowing about it. Based on Agility.

Traps — The skill in spotting and disarming traps. Alsoused to set traps and explosives. Based on Perception andAgility.

Science — Knowledge of all things scientific, likechemistry and computers. Also includes knowledge ofmachines, but not how to repair or jimmy them. Based onlyon Intelligence.

Repair — The practical side of the Science skill. How tofix (or break) machines and other man-made devices. Basedon Intelligence.

Speech — How well you can talk to other people. A highspeech skill can improve your chances of talking peopleinto doing what you want them to do. Based off ofCharisma.

Barter — The skill of trading items. A good Barter skillwill allow you to trade less and get more. Based onCharisma.

Gambling — The skill of cards, dice and other gamblinggames. Based only on Luck.

Outdoorsman — The knowledge of plants, animals and livingin wide open areas. Based on Intelligence and Endurance.

Name, Age and SexClick on the NONE button in the upper left hand corner ofthe screen to change your name.

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You cannot change your name onceyou start the game, so picksomething other than NONE, thecharacter with no name.

Your name is the key to yourcharacter. The name you pickshould represent the conceptbehind your game.

Your character’s age and sexwill also define your character.And these attributes will haveminor effects in the game world.Some non-player characters will react differentlyto your character if your character is male insteadof female. Age, on the other hand, will rarelyaffect your character and there is no differencebetween older or younger characters. There is nopenalty for growing too old, either, in the gameworld.

Finishing your CharacterOnce you have spent all of your character points onyour primary statistics, selected any optionalTraits, selected your three Tag Skills, set yourname, sex and age, you are ready to begin.

Click on the DONE button to start Fallout 2using this character.

Click on the CANCEL button if you want to returnto the character selection screen. The currentcharacter will be lost to time.

Alternatively, you can click on the OPTIONSbutton, which will display a windowwith some options that areavailable only during charactercreation.

Character Screen OptionsThese options are only availablefrom the character creation screen.

That’s anold joke, but it’sstill prettyfunny!


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SAVE — This will save the current character to a file onyour computer’s hard drive. If you click this button, asave character window will appear. Enter a file name andpress ENTER to save the character. Use this if you wantto pass the file around to your friends, or if you wantto keep a copy of your starting character for posterity.Once you start the game, you cannot use the charactereditor to modify your character.

LOAD — Click this button to load a previously savedcharacter file. This will not load a regular save game.It will only load a character file saved through thiswindow.

PRINT TO FILE — This will save your character in afriendly, easy to read text file version. This will allowyou to post your character to the Internet, or just printit out and hang it on the wall! You will be asked for afile name. Type one in and press ENTER. Then look in theFallout 2 directory for a text file with that name.

ERASE — If you click this button, it will erase thecurrent character and let you start over from scratch.You will be asked for confirm this operation. For thesake of your little electron buddies that make up thecurrent character, choose wisely.

DONE — Clicking this button will return you to thecharacter editor screen.

Main Game ScreenThis is the screen that youspend the majority of your timeusing. It shows your characterand a view of the world aroundhim or her.




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The screen is divided into two sections: the game viewand the interface bar.

The game view is the upper part of the screen wherethe action takes place. Your character, and the non-player characters (NPCs) inhabit this part of the screen.It is in the game view that you perform most of youractions: moving around, grabbing items, talking topeople, targeting enemy critters in combat, openingdoors, exploring, and more.

The bottom part of the screen is the interface bar.You will use the interface bar to perform game-relatedactivities: accessing inventory, selecting a weapon orweapon mode to attack with, accessing the characterscreen, selecting options, getting feedback from thedisplay window, and more.

Using your mouse, you will perform actions usingdifferent types of cursors.

The Action CursorFallout 2 uses anAction Cursor to showwhat actions can beperformed at thecurrent time. There arefour basic modes theAction Cursor can be inwhen you are on thenormal game screen.

Movement (game viewonly)

CommandTargeting (turn-based

combat only)Hand (inventory only)

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Normally, the only two cursor types available in thenormal game screen are the Movement and Command cursors.Targeting is only available when you are in the turn-basedcombat mode. The Hand cursor is only available inInventory, where it and the Command cursor are available.

Right-click to cycle between the available cursortypes. Outside of combat, right-clicking will togglebetween the Movement and Command cursor. In combat, theTargeting cursor is available by right-clicking when yousee the Command cursor. Another right-click will cycleback to the Movement cursor.

A left-click will perform an action that is based onthe cursor type.

See Combat, page 118, for more information on theTargeting cursor. See Inventory, page 45, for moreinformation on the Hand cursor.

Movement CursorThe default cursor is the movement cursor. It looks likea hex. Hex is short for hexagon, a six-sided polygon.Characters in Fallout 2 can be facing one of sixdirections. The movement cursor will control where yourcharacter can move to in the game view. Move this cursoraround the screen. If you cannot move to the locationunder the hex, a red X will appear in the centre of thecursor. There are two ways to move: walking and running.One of the preferences, Running, will change the defaultmove type. See page 79 for more details about thepreferences.

WalkingIf you left-click when the movement cursor is displayed,your character will attempt to walk to that location,using the shortest path available. The shortest path tosome destinations is not always the best one. If theshortest path looks dangerous to you, use small steps andwalk carefully around that ticking box lying in thecentre of the corridor with the large red BOMB letters onit. The setting of the Running preference may change thedefault action of the left-click.




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RunningIf you press SHIFT and left-click when the movementcursor is displayed, your character will run to thedesired location using the shortest path available. Thisassumes that the Running preference is set to the defaultof Normal. If the preference is instead set to Always, asimple left-click will make your character run, and youmust hold SHIFT and left-click to make your characterwalk.

You can always interrupt your character while he orshe is moving with another movement command.

Things that affect movementIf your character has a crippled leg or two, see Damage(page 131), your character cannot run. Movement duringturn-based combat is limited and requires the spending ofaction points. Moving one hex requires one action point.

Command CursorThe command cursor is the way of telling your character tointeract with the environment and other people. Right-click until the command cursor is displayed.

Use this cursor to point to an object or person thatyou wish to interact with. If you move the cursor over anobject or person, and let it rest for a brief moment, anicon will appear next to the command cursor. This iconwill tell you what the default action is if you left-click the mouse button while the cursor is over thisobject or person. You do not have to wait for the iconto appear before you click! To perform the defaultaction, left-click once.

To perform another action instead of the defaultaction, move the command cursor over an object or person,and left-click and hold. You must hold the left mousebutton until a list of action icons appears. One of theaction icons will be highlighted. Move the mouse up anddown to change the highlighted action icon. Release theleft mouse button to perform the highlighted action. Thebottom action icon will always be Cancel (see below.)

Pausing the command cursor over an object or personwill also display the name of the object or person in thedisplay window on the interface bar. To get more

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information about that item or critter, use the Examineaction icon (see below as well.)

Action IconsUSE ITEM/GET

Performing this action will attempt to pick up a smallitem (like a rock) or manipulate a large item (like adoor.) You can only pick up inventory items, and you canonly use scenery items. If you have enough room in yourinventory, the item you pick up will be added to the topof your inventory. If you Get a dead body, you will havea chance to loot them for all they were worth.

You can get inventory items, loot dead bodies, and usescenery items.

EXAMINEUsing this action will give you more detail about an

object or person. You will get a longer description ofthe item or person, often with important information(like how much ammo is left in a gun, or how wounded aperson appears to be.) In the main game view, this longdescription will appear in the display window. InInventory, this long description appears in the characterdisplay window.

You can examine almost anything in Fallout 2.

USE SKILL ONTo use one of your active skills on the targeted

object or person, select this action icon. The skilldexwill be displayed and you can select one of the skills.Some skills will not work on the targeted object orperson (trying to Lockpick a screaming mad ganger ispretty silly.)

You can use this action on any object or person that askill can be used on.

DROP ITEMOnly available in Inventory. If you no longer want to

carry an inventory item, especially if it is getting alittle crowded in your back pocket, or wherever you keepall those guns and ammo, then use this action on an item.The dropped item will appear at your feet. Use thisaction carefully, since the dropped item may disappear36



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from that location at a later date. If you drop a reallyimportant item, it may be possible that you cannot finishthe game.

This works on any item in your Inventory.

ROTATE CHARACTERTo rotate your character clockwise, use this action

icon. Every click of the mouse will rotate your characterone hex-side. There is no Action Point cost for thisaction in combat. Your character will automaticallyrotate to face the proper direction for most actions thatyou peform.

This action icon only works on your character.

TALKUse this action to start talking with an intelligent

creature, or at least make the attempt to opencommunication. It also works on some computers, but notall. If a person has little to say, it will appear overtheir head in the main game view. If they want toactually listen to what you have to say, then it willopen the Dialogue screen and you will be able to carry onan extended conversation with them. See page 64 for moreinformation on the Dialogue screen.

This action icon works on people, intelligentcreatures and some computers.

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USE INVENTORY ITEM ONIf you want to use an item from your Inventory on a

person or object, then this action is the fastest way toaccomplish that task. When you select this action icon ona legal target, a small version of your Inventory willappear. Scroll through your Inventory, if necessary, andselect the item you wish to use, and your character willattempt to use it on the target. Obviously, the item mustbe appropriate. Using a stimpak on a door isn’t going todo much, while those lockpicks have little chance whenused on a dog (unless it is a really weird dog.) Thisaction does not Barter or Trade with a person. You mustdo that through the Dialogue screen.

This action will work on people, critters and sceneryobjects.

UNLOAD AMMOIf you want to remove ammo from a weapon, use this

action icon. It will work in the Inventory screen and theloot screen, when you are pilfering from the dead. Youcan use this action to remove the valuable ammo from theheavy gun, or change ammo types in your favouritefirearm. The ammo will be added to the top of yourinventory.

This action icon only works on weapons that containammunition, and only in the Inventory and loot screens.

PUSHSelect this action icon when the screen is crowded and

your path is blocked. It will ask all nearby critters tomove out of your way. Some will respond, but others,especially guards, will not follow your directions. Ifthat door is blocked by Ivan the Slow-witted, then thisis your command.

Only available on your character, and only affectssome nearby people and critters.

CANCELIf you do not want to perform any of the above actions

on the target, select the cancel action and it will be asif nothing happened. This is always the bottom actionicon.

Always available, from everywhere to everything.




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Interface BarThe bottom part of themain game screen istaken up by theInterface Bar. Don’tworry, this is a good thing. The Interface Bar looks likethis:

The Interface Bar allows you to give many differenttypes of commands, and see feedback on how your characteris performing.

If you have a special cursor, like a combat targetingcursor, or a skill target cursor, and you move it overthe Interface Bar, the cursor will disappear and changeinto the normal pointer. This will cancel your weaponattack or skill use. You will have to re-select thataction if you still want to perform it.

The Interface Bar is made up of the followingcomponents:

Display Monitor — This monitorprints out feedback as you orother characters performactions. These little messagesare important, so try not tomiss any. Fortunately, you canscroll back to older messages bymoving the cursor over the display until if changes intoa small arrow. At the top of the display, it will be anup arrow and left-clicking will scroll back to oldermessages. At the bottom of the display, the arrow pointsdown and left-clicking will scroll to the newer messages.If older messages are being displayed when a new messageis printed, the display will automatically jump to themost recent message.

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Switch Active Item Button — You can have two itemsprepared to immediate use. These are your active items.You prepare these items in the Inventory screen (see page45) when you place items into the ITEM1 and ITEM2 slots.This button will toggle between the two items,effectively changing the Active Item Button (see below.)If ITEM1 is being displayed, clicking this button willswitch it to ITEM2. And if ITEM2 is the Active Item,clicking this button will switch it to ITEM1.

Inventory Button — Pressing this button, cleverly markedINV, will open the Inventory screen. If you do thisbefore combat, it is free. If you do this during combat,it will cost you Action Points. Moral of the story: useInventory outside of combat if you can help it. See page45 for what you can actually do on the Inventory screen.

Action Points — This row of lights will tell you how manyAction Points you have remaining. Action Points are onlyused in combat, during which time they will glow. Glowinglights mean that it is currently combat and currentlyyour turn. When you use Action Points, the lights willblink off one at a time. When you get your fullcomplement of Action Points at the start of a combatturn, the row of lights will light back up. While it ispossible to have more than ten Action Points, only thefirst ten Action Points are actually displayed with thismonitor. The lights will not start to blink off until youactually start using your last ten Action Points.

Options Button — This button will display a list ofoptions available as you play Fallout 2:

SAVE GAME — This button will display the Save Gamescreen, where you can save your progress. Thisallows you to return to the game at a later date orrestore any progress you have made in case of death orOther Nasty Things. See page 76.LOAD GAME — This will allow you to load a previouslysaved game by displaying the Load Game screen. See page78.

PREFERENCES — This button displays the Preferences




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screen, where you can alter the way Fallout 2 plays. Seepage 79.

EXIT — Quit the current game and returnto the main menu. You may want to saveyour game before you do this, so Fallout2 will remind you before you actually goback to the main menu.

DONE — Return to your current game ofFallout 2.

Active Item Button — This is where thecurrent active item is displayed. You can

have two items prepared, ITEM1 and ITEM2. See the SwitchActive Item button (above) for details on how to switchitems.

Left-clicking this button will use the active item orweapon. Right-clicking this large button will switchweapon modes.

Besides the graphic of the current active item orweapon, additional important information is alsodisplayed on this button.

The Action Point (AP) cost to use this item or weaponin combat is displayed in the lower left-hand corner. Incombat, if you do not have more AP than this number, youmay not use this item or weapon until you gain additionalAP.

The mode, or how this item will be used, is displayedin the upper right-hand corner of the button. You cansometimes right-click to change this mode.

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Some weapons can also make targeted shots. If you donot have the Fast Shot trait, you will see a targetedshot icon appear in the lower right-hand corner as youswitch modes on the weapon. If you have selected the FastShot trait for your character, you cannot make targetedshots, and you will never see the targeted shot icon.

Ammo Bar — If the active item isa weapon that requires ammo, oran item that requires charges,then this bar will be displayednext to the active item button.This bar will give you a roughidea of how many shots or usesremain, before the weapon oritem runs dry.

If the bar is full, stretchingfrom the top to the bottom ofthe button, then the ammo orcharges are maxed out. As youuse rounds of ammo, or chargesof energy, the bar will drop.When you are dry, the bar willdisappear completely.

For more detailedinformation about the number of rounds or chargesremaining, use an Examine on the weapon or item.

Hit Point Counter — This counter displays your currentHit Points (HP) remaining. The colour of the counter willgive you a rough idea of your current health:

WHITE — HealthyYELLOW — HurtRED — About to Die

If your HP ever reach 0, you die and the game ends.You will have to reload a previously saved game, or startthe game over from the very beginning. You should saveoften, and in different save game slots, to make surethat you don’t have to start over from the verybeginning. You should monitor this display, and useskills or items to increase your HP when they get low.




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Armour Class Counter — This counter displays your currentArmour Class (AC), based on your character statistics,traits, and currently worn armour. During combat, thiscounter will go up and down. If you have any extra ActionPoints at the end of your combat turn, they areautomatically converted to a bonus to your AC. Don’tpanic if your AC constantly changes.

Skilldex Button — Pressing this button will display theSkilldex window. See page 44.

Map Button — When you press this button, it will open anddisplay the Automap window for the current map and level.See page 59 for more information on Automaps.

Character Button — The CHAR button can be pressed toswitch to the Character screen. This is the screen thatshows all of your characters statistics and skills. Veryuseful, and should always be used when the displaymonitor prints a message that you have gained anexperience level. See page 49 for more information aboutthe Character screen.

PIPBoy Button — Pressing this button will display theRobCo PIPBoy 2000, a personal data assistant that willhelp record information about your travels. See page 57for details about this wonderful machine.

Combat Buttons — Outside of combat, this section of theInterface Bar is covered by a panel. When you areinvolved in combat, the panel will slide back to revealtwo combat buttons: END TURN, which will end your currentturn and let the next person or creature have a chance toact, and END COMBAT, which will attempt to stop allhostilities. The End Combat button will not work if thereare nearby hostile critters that want to continue doingbad things to you. Green lightsaround the combat buttons meanthat it is your turn. Red lightsmean that someone else is gettinga chance to do bad things.

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SkilldexSome skills are usedautomatically. When you shoot agun in combat, the proper gunskill will automatically be used.Other skills require that youactively use them. These skillsare available through theSkilldex.

Click on the Skilldex buttonon the Interface Bar, or use theUse Skill On action icon toaccess the Skilldex.

The Skilldex will display alist of all the possible skills

that you could use in this situation. Not all skills willapply, so you must pick the proper skill.

There are a total of eight skills that you can choosefrom on the Skilldex. Each skill name is a button. Nextto the button is a counter, showing your current level inthe skill on the adjacent button. As usual, high numbersare better and show your percentage chance of succeedingin the use of that skill. The skill level is beforemodifiers, so it’s possible to have a really high skilland still fail.

Click on a skill button to use that skill. All skills,except for Sneak, will require you to pick a target. Ifyou accessed the Skilldex through the command cursor withthe Use Skill On action icon, then the target has alreadybeen chosen. If you use the Skilldex button off theInterface Bar, you will have to choose the target. Inthis case, the cursor will change to a targeting cursor.Move it over the target, and left-click. To not use theskill after all, right-click or move the cursor over theInterface Bar.

The Sneak skill does not require a target, since youcan be the only target. Instead, the Sneak skill workslike a toggle. If you are not sneaking, use the Sneakskill to start sneaking around. If you are sneaking, usethe Sneak skill again to stop sneaking. While you areusing the Sneak skill, a little indicator will appearjust on top of the Interface Bar.

You can alsopress the 1 through 8

keys on your keyboard toaccess the skills quickly,without having to resortto the Skilldex. This cansave your valuable time,especially if you are doinga repetitive action.


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InventoryThe Inventory screen is used to keep track and use itemsthat you come across during the course of your adventure.It also allows you to equip your character with items orweapons. You are limited in the number of items that youcan carry. Every item has a specific weight. The maximumnumber of items you can carry is based on your CarryWeight statistic. You can Examine an item to determinethe items weight.

CursorsThere are two cursors that youcan use on this screen: TheHand cursor and the Commandcursor. Right-click to switchbetween them.

The hand cursor will allowyou to pick up and move itemsaround. With the hand cursorvisible, move it over an item,left-click and hold the mouse

button down. Move the cursor around. Release the leftmouse button to drop the item into its new location. Ifyou are moving more than one item, a special window willappear and ask you how many of the items do you wish tomove.

If you move completely identical items on to eachother, they will “stack.” Stacked items show only onepicture, but the number of items in the stack willappear. This is more convenient than having many itemstake up space in your inventory list. In the case ofammunition, it will show the total number of rounds inall of the magazines in this stack. When you move ammo,you move it by magazine, not individual rounds. Guns musthave the exact number of rounds remaining, and the ammomust be of the exact same type. Stacking guns that arenot unloaded is rare.

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Moving or Dropping Multiple ItemsThe picture shows the items being moved. The counter

shows the current number of items being moved. Press the+ and — buttons to increase or decrease the number of

items being moved. You can alsotype the number of items, up to99999, on your keyboard. If youare moving a bunch of items,type the number instead ofusing the +/- buttons.

If you want to move all theitems, press the ALL button.

If you are happy with thenumber of items being moved, press DONE.

If you decided not to move any items at all, pressCANCEL.

If you use the Drop Item action icon on a stack ofitems, you will also get this window.

Inventory ScreenThe Inventory screen is divided into five parts:

Inventory List — This is a list of all your inventoryitems that your character is carrying. As you pick up newitems, they will be added to the top of the list. If youUse an item from this list, it will automatically be usedon your character. If you Examine an item, the longdescription will appear in the inventory screen DisplayWindow (see below.)

You can use the Home, End, PgUp, PgDn keys on yourkeyboard to quickly move the inventory list from top tobottom, and back.

The arrow buttons will also scroll the list. When anarrow is white, the list can no longer be moved in thatdirection. When the arrow is coloured yellow, you canpress it to move the list in that direction.

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Character Portrait — This windowwill change to show what armouryour character is wearing, andweapon is equipped.

Display Window- This windownormally showsthe currentstatus of yourcharacter. Atthe top of thewindow is yourcharacter’sname. Belowthat you find

some numbers and abbreviations.

ST, PE, EN, CH, IN, AG, LK — Your character’s currentstatistics, which will include any modifiers forradiation, chems or other effects.

Rememberthat you must right-click to change betweenthe hand and actioncursor. It is only withthe action cursor thatyou can drop, examine,or use items.


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Hit Points — Current HP/Maximum HP. When the first numberdrops to 0, you are dead and the game is over.

Armour Class — This area shows the current Armour Class(AC), Damage Resistance (DR) and Damage Threshold (DT)for the armour you are currently wearing. The differenttypes of DR/DT are:

Normal — Bullets, knives and other blunt or sharpobjects.

Laser — Damage from laser weapons. Reflective armourwill have higher DR/DT in this type of damage.

Fire — Damage from flamers and other sources of heat.

Plasma — Damage from plasma weapons, which use super-heated matter almost on the point of becoming pureenergy. Pretty advanced stuff.

Explode — Explosions of all types. Concussion andblast damage.

AC is the negative modifier applied to people or crittersattacking you.

DT and DR are the amount of damage that the attack isreduced by.

The two areas at the bottom of your display window arefor your currently active items (the items in ITEM1 andITEM2, respectively.) Basic information about the item orweapon will be displayed, like the name. Otherinformation displayed depends on the object type. Weaponswill show damage, range, rounds left/maximum and the typeof ammo. Other items will have brief descriptions ofimportant information.

Current Weight/Total Weight — The two numbers at thebottom of the screen show your current total weight forall your inventory items, and the maximum amount ofweight that you can carry. You current weight cannot belarger than your maximum weight.

Armour Slot — Only armour can be placed into this slot.Use the hand cursor to drop armour items into this slot.

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Any armour that is currently in the armour slot will bedropped back into your inventory.

Item Slots — These two slots can hold items such asweapons. Other items can be placed here and then usedfrom the Interface Bar. ITEM1 when empty can be used forunarmed punch attacks. ITEM2 when empty can be used forunarmed kick attacks.

There is also a DONE button. Press the DONE button toreturn to the game. While you are in the Inventoryscreen, time stops in the game. You can spend as muchreal-world time as you want in this screen, and no timewill pass in the game.

Other Inventory ActionsYou can also load and unload weapons. Drag ammo of theappropriate type to the weapon. When you drag ammo to aweapon, it will attempt to load it. To load the weaponsuccessfully, the ammo calibre must be the same as thegun (no fair trying to load 9mm into a 10mm gun, either)and ammo type (JHP, FMJ) must be the same. If the weaponis completely loaded, you cannot add additional ammo,either.

Unload ammo from weapons by using the Unload actionicon. The ammo will appear in your inventory. You canalso unload ammo from a loot screen. It is far easier tocarry small bits of ammo, then big heavy guns.

Character ScreenUse the character screen toaccess all the informationabout your character. On thisscreen, you can see detailedinformation about all of yourcharacter’s statistics, traits,perks, skills, and karmicresults. You will also use thecharacter screen to improveyour character when you

increase in experience levels.You must access the character screen from the

interface bar

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This section of the manual explains how the characterscreen works. For detailed information about thecharacteristics (statistics, skills, traits, perks andkarmic kabobs) found on this screen, refer to theCharacter Reference chapter, starting on page 84.

The primary purpose of the character screen is to giveyou information about the status of your character: am Icritically hurt? if so, where? poisoned? how manyexperience points do I have? when do I go up a level?how many extra skill points do I have? what are my exactskill levels? and so on.

The character screen should be accessed as soon as youget a new experience level.

The character screen in the game is slightly differentthan the character screen you might have used if youcreated a new character or modified a pre-generatedcharacter. There are a couple of important differences,most notably, you cannot modify your character’sstatistics, and the select Trait area has been replacedby Perks, Karma and Kills.

And you cannot change your name. Hopefully, youselected something other than NONE and it is a name thatyou like.

You can click on any text or object of importance onthis screen, and the information card in the lower right-hand corner will change to display more information aboutthe statistic, skill, reputation (and so on) that youselected.

If your character ever gains a new characteristic thatyou are not familiar with, use the information card. Ithelps.

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Basic Info and StatisticsThe top of the screen shows your Name, Age and Sex. Onthe right side, below that information, are your currentprimary statistics.

Immediately below that information is an importantlittle box that contains your current level, experiencepoint total, and the experience required to gain the nextlevel. Since increasing your level will improve yourskills, and occasionally give you access to new abilitiescalled Perks (see page 101 for more information on thosevital and nifty powers), you should monitor this areaclosely. It may be worth it to waste an additional rat(animal, human or otherwise) in order to get those last20 points of XP.

Level — Your current experience level. The higher thebetter. Increasing your level is some times called“levelling”, which you can do to entire towns if you areof high enough level.

EXP — Your current experience point total. You gainexperience from solving problems, completing quests,using your skills successfully, and of course, killingThose That Stand In Your Way. The higher your currentlevel, the more XP it takes to increase levels. (The nextbit of info will show you how much experience you need.)

Next Level — The total amount of experience you needbefore you gain a level of experience. If you’ve seen themovie, “A Bridge Too Far,” you will understand what it islike to look at this value sometimes.

Hit Points and Medical InformationYour current and maximum hit points will be shown in thisarea. Remember, when your current hit points get too low,you are in danger of dying an early (or just unlucky)death. Be prepared, keep healing items ready and use yourhealing skills as often as possible.

The information under your character’s HP totals isvery important. It shows any critical damage yourcharacter may have taken. In a perfect world, they shouldbe dull green. In this case, bright is bad. If a line is

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in bright green, like the rest of the screen, you havebeen inflicted by something horrible and potentiallylife-threatening.

Poisoned — This means that you have been poisoned (byrattle-snakes, giant scorpions from Hell, or Iguana-on-a-Stick that has gone bad from sitting out in the sun toolong.) Note that this is dangerous, but not necessarilyfatal. Poison does damage over time. The more poison thatyou have been infected with, the longer you will takedamage. Fortunately, as the poison starts to wear off, ittakes longer and longer to damage you again.

Radiated — Everyone in the post-nuclear world has someamount of radiation. Heck, if you live on a tallmountain, you will absorb some rads every year. And don’tuse those new fangled “Microwaves,” as they can be verybad for your health. When you start the game, you willhave very little to no measurable radiation. You canstill encounter freak areas of radiation, but you aremore likely to run into radiation-infected creatures thatmean to do you harm. The more accumulated radiationdamage you have, the worse the effect of additionalradiation on your body. Since radiation damage takes awhile to truly affect you, you would be wise to monitorthis characteristic. You can tell exactly how muchradiation you have been exposed to by using a Geigercounter. Some doctors may be able to treat radiationdamage, and there are two types of drugs that can help.

The following are specific types of damage: crippledlimbs (or crippled eyes) that have a detrimental effecton your character. They can only be healed with the useof the Doctor skill. First Aid has no affect on this typeof damage. Generally, you can only get a crippled limb oreye from a critical hit in combat.

Eye Damage — If your character takes a bad blow to hereyes or head, she can be crippled in the eyes. Until theeye damage is healed, your character will have a reducedPerception. This will affect your character’s ability tospot things and will affect ranged combat dramatically.

Crippled Right/Left Arm — If your character takes a

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serious blow to one ofhis arms, it may becrippled. It could bethe arm, or the wrist,or the hand that isseriously hurt. In anycase, if one arm iscrippled, yourcharacter cannot usetwo-handed weapons. Ifboth arms arecrippled, yourcharacter is in aserious hurt andcannot use any weaponsat all.

Crippled Right/LeftLeg — A critical hitto your character’sleg may cause that legto be crippled. If oneleg is crippled, itwill cost more ActionPoints (AP) to move.One crippled leg alsomakes it impossible torun. If both legs are crippled, the AP cost to move isincreased even more. Most characters, with averageamounts of APs, will barely be able to move with twocrippled legs. Naturally, having both legs crippled meansyou still cannot run. Non-combat walking speed is notaffected, but this is pretty much a sham to protect yourcharacter from ruffians and other nogood-doers. Get to adoctor right quick! Well, as quick as your crippledcharacter can…

If you seemessages in the

display window telling you thatyou have been exposed toradiation, you would be a wiseplayer to use another savegameslot until you discover what foulthing has been done to you.Radiation damage can permenatelylower your statistics, do HPdamage, or kill you outright. It alldepends on the amount ofradiation. Note, that the mostlethal amount of radiation stilltakes a small amount of timebefore the really bad effectstake affect. Save often, and usethose different slots!


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SkillsAll of your character’s skills and their current levelare displayed here. Your character’s current skill pointtotal, gained from experience levels, will be displayedon the Skill Point counter. You can spend these skillpoints to improve your skills, or you can save them foruse at a later time. Since it costs more skill points toimprove a skill as it increases in skill level, it makessense to store a small number of skill points. Justremember that every skill point you store is one that youcould be using!

To spend skill points, simply click on the skill tohighlight it and move the skill point spending bar tothat skill. Press the + or — buttons to increase ordecrease the number of skill points you are spending onthat skill. You cannot decrease the number of skillpoints in a particular skill below where it started whenyou entered the character screen at this time.

See page 115 for information about Experience Points,Levels and new skill points.

Perks, Karma & KillsThis section of the screen contains three differentdisplays. Click on a tab to switch to that display. Youcan choose from:

Perks — This display shows your character’s currentPerks, or special abilities that you gain every fewlevels. For most normal characters, every three levelsyou will have the ability to choose from a list of Perks.Characters that have the Skilled trait must advance fourlevels before they can choose a new Perk. Each Perk willappear as a separate entry. If you selected the Perkmultiple times to increase the ability of the Perk, thatrank will appear as a number next to the Perk name. Clickon a Perk to view the information card about it.

Use the arrow buttons to scroll the list up or down ifyou have too many Perks to view on one screen at thesame time.

At the bottom of this display, you will see yourchosen traits.




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Karma — As the player, you will make choices for yourcharacter and those choices will have ramifications. Theresults of your choices will be found on this display.For good or bad, your actions will change your character.This display basically shows three types of information:Karma score, town reputations and special reputations.

Your charcter’s Karma score is kind of a one-shotindicator of the results of all the actions you havetaken up to now. A positive number means that you havebasically acted as a good guy. A negative number meansthat you have been the bad guy. Imagine it as a scale.Every good deed and bad deed that you do, regardless ifit is noticed by the outside world, is recorded. Baddeeds will lower your Karma, while good deeds will raiseyour Karma. A Karma that hovers around zero means thatyou are basically neutral, or you are like a newbornchild — you haven’t had a chance to prove yourself oneway or the other.

Reputation is also a measure of your deeds, but onlyif other people witness your actions. Each location willthink of you differently, but some locations can hearabout your deeds from one town or the other, and willthusly be modified by your reputation in other towns. Apositive reputation is good, a negative one is bad andone that is close to zero is neutral. It is possible tohave a really good reputation in a town, and have areally low Karma (in this case, you are a stinker and noone knows about you, yet.) It is also possible to have apoor rep and good Karma (you do good things, but no onehas noticed.)

Your character can earn Special Reputations for doingactions that are really spectacular, either good or bad.Special Reputations will modify what people think of you,and can give you additional positive or negativemodifiers.

Kills — This display simply shows the number of critters(including humans) that you have slain in battle, bycritter type. If you kill a bunch of rats, for example,you can refer to this card to see just how many rats youhave killed since you started Fallout 2. While this doesserve no real purpose, since you gain experience pointsfor each kill and that is recorded in a different

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location, it does serve as an excellent tool for braggingrights.

Information CardThis card will update to show you more detailedinformation about the currently selected statistic,skill, perk, trait, karmic bobble, or anything else thatis selectable on the character screen.

It also has a cute picture depicting the chosencharacteristic in action. Sometimes, cute is not theproper word to be used.

Print, Cancel and DoneThe following options are available at the bottom of thecharacter screen.

Print — Pressing this button will save the current recordof your character as a text file on your own computer.Show it to your friends, or post it on the Internet. Whenyou press this button, a window will appear. Type thename of the text file in this window. When you hit theENTER key on your keyboard, the text file will be saved.If you want, you can then copy this text file to yourprinter, or open it with a text editor and print it outfrom there.

Cancel — Returns to the game. All changes that you havemade to this character since you entered this screen willbe lost. If you spend some skill points, or if youpurchase a Perk that you later regret, press this buttonand, with a wave of a magic wand, everything will be asit was!

Done — Accepts any changes that you have made and returnsyou to the game. The typical way of exiting the characterscreen.




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The Holy RobCo PIPBoy2000One of the most holy artifactsto be found in the Fallout 2world is the RobCo PIPBoy 2000.This Personal InformationProcessor is highly soughtafter since few functioningunits remain. While your

character does not start off with this wonderful device,one of your first quests will be to retrieve it.

The PIPBoy (as it is commonly called) is a handydevice that you wear on your wrist. It stores informationautomatically for you, like a personal secretary, andalso includes a clock and calender function for keepingtrack of time.

Use the buttons on the left-hand side of the screen toselect the primary function of the PIPBoy. All othercommands will be entered directly on the screen of thePIPBoy. You can click on most lines of text to get moreinformation.

Functions of the PIPBoy 2000The various functions of the PIPBoy are described below.Remember that none of these functions are available untilyour character finds the PIPBoy.

The Clock and CalenderThe upper left-hand corner of the PIPBoy screen shows thecurrent date and time. The date is shown inDay:Month:Year format. The time is shown in militarytime, a 24-hour clock. When a 24-hour clock is used, anAM or PM notation is not required. Between 0000 and 1159are the morning hours, 1200 to 2359 are the eveninghours. 1300 is the same as 1 o’clock in the afternoon.1800 is 6 o’clock, and so on.

The button between the date and the time is an alarmclock. Press this button to show a list of timer settingsin the main display. Select one of the timer settings,and game time will advance quickly. During this time,your character will rest or sleep. This means that you

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will gain more Hit Points than if your charactercontinued to walk around or fight. Resting is also a goodway of passing the time until the sun rises or sets.

The various timer settings available:10 minutes30 minutes1 hour2 hours3 hours4 hours5 hours6 hoursUntil morning (0600 / 6:00AM)Until noon (1200 / 12:00PM)Until evening (1800 / 6:00PM)Until midnight (0000 / 12:00AM)Until healed

Use the 10 minute to 6 hour timers if you need toperform a specific action at a particular time of day.Some events only occur during the night or during theday. Some shops are only open during daylight hours, forexample.

The “until” timers are a little more powerful. Theywill advanced the clock until the condition is meet. Ifyou are low on healing items, and you don’t care if youwaste some time, use the “Rest until healed” timer. Thiswill advance the clock quickly, and it will keep yourcharacter resting until he is restored to full health.You can monitor the current/maximum number of hit pointson this screen.

While your character is resting, the clock willadvanced quickly. Press ESC to wake up and cancel theremainder of the timer.

StatusThe primary function of your PIPBoy is to record yourcharacter’s current progress. All quests will be enteredinto this section of the PIPBoy when they are assigned toyour character. You can press this button to display alist of the current and former quests. Quests that havebeen completed are crossed out. Select a quest to get

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more information on it.The Status function also displays data copied from

holotapes, a kind of recordable media. Select an entry todisplay the data. If more than one page of data isavailable, use the NEXT and BACK text buttons to movethrough the data. To copy data from a holotape, use theInventory screen to select the holotape and then use theUse action icon from the command cursor on it.

AutomapsYour PIPBoy can display an automap for any location thatyour character has visited. Press this button to displaythe list of locations. Select the primary location todisplay a list of all the submaps within that location.Select a map to display.

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ArchivesAll movies are captured on thePIPBoy’s video recorder for laterplayback. Select any previouslyviewed movie to view it again.

ClosePress this button to power down thePIPBoy and return to the game.

MapsThe game view just shows a small section of the Fallout 2world. There are three different types of maps besidesthe game view that show the world at different scales.From largest to smallest:

World MapTown MapGame View


World MapThe largest map in the game,

the world map shows an overlandview of the wasteland. You willuse this map to move yourcharacter from town to town. Youcan only get to the world map byexiting a town via an “exitgrid.” This is an example ofwhat an exit grid looks like:

Note that there are two types of exit grids. Green exitgrids take you from one part of a town to another, andbrown exit grids take you to the world map. Step on theexit grid to be automatically transported. You can use anexit grid to escape from a hostile location, but don’texpect a pleasant welcome when you return.

The world map is divided into four different sections:

Leavingthe map via an exitgrid is a great wayto end combat!


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Map Display — This is the viewof the map. Areas that you havenot explored are dark. Theimmediate area around yourexplorations is slightlyilluminated. This means thatyour character has seen thecontents of that area, but hasnot yet walked through thatpart of the world map. Green

circles are important locations, towns usually, that youcan visit. Large green circles have their own town map(see below.)

Sun/Moon Display — You can see the current date and timethrough this indicator. This display will also show youif it is day or night at your current spot on the worldmap. Notice that as you move, the sun sets and rises.Many towns change depending on whether it is day or nightwhen you arrive.

Location List — As you discover important locations, abutton for that location will be added to this list. Ifyou ever want to visit a known location, simply click onthat locations button and your character will startmarching there immediately. You can scroll this list, ifnecessary.

Town/World Button — This button will toggle between thetown and world maps.

World Map MovementTo move around the world, move your cursor over yourintended destination and click. Your character will beginmoving there immediately. Movement is not instantaneousand may take days or weeks of game time. As you explore,darkened areas of the world map will be revealed.

You can also use the location list to select apreviously visited location to head for.

When you reach your destination, a green triangle willappear. Click on the triangle to enter that location. Youcan always click on a new destination, if you want tokeep exploring.

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The world of the wasteland is a difficult place totravel in. You have two obstacles — terrain and randomencounters. Either or both of these can slow down yourtravelling and make your life difficult.

TerrainSome terrain is more difficult to travel through thanothers. There are four basic types of terrain:

Mountain — The most difficult to move through. Mountainareas will force your character to move the slowest.

Desert — This terrain is hot and dry. Movement is normal,however.

City — Walking through this terrain is usually thefastest way to travel. Even with the ruins, cities arethe easiest to travel through.

Coastland — Similar to desert terrain. Movement isnormal.

Random EncountersWhen you are travelling on the world map, it is stillpossible to encounter other travellers or dangerousanimals. These are known as random encounters, since youare never sure what you will be coming across, or when.Some areas of the map may have more encounters thanothers. Random encounters are usually hostile, but notalways.

Depending on your Outdoorsman skill, some Perks andwhether or not you have the Motion Sensor, you may beable to detect a random encounter before it detects you.In this case, you are given the option of bypassing theencounter and continuing your journey, or going aheadwith the encounter.

Town MapThe town map is a detailed representation of an importantlocation, usually a town (thus the name.) Town maps giveyou an idea of what the location is, where the majorbuildings or points of interest within that location are,

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and a quick way of jumping into a town once you haveexplored it.

To access a town map, click on the TOWN/WORLD buttonon the world map. One of the locations (most likely themost previously visited location) is displayed. To changetown maps, click on a known location button in thelocation list. You can only view town maps for placesthat you have visited.

The green triangles function just like the ones on theworld map do. Click on one of them to jump to that partof town. To help you remember what triangle is associatedwith what part of that location, move the cursor over atriangle marker to reveal the marker name.

AutomapAn automap is a shrunken view of agame view map. It is shrunken soyou can see all of that map atonce. The PIPBoy 2000 records allautomaps, and can give you accessto any automap that you havevisited. To access the automap forthe map your character iscurrently on, press the MAP buttonon the interface bar.

The automap is a window thatappears. Only the current level ofthe map you are on is displayed. All other levels (likethe basement of a building, or a second story) aredisplayed through the PIPBoy.

Notice that the automap only displays large objects,like walls and buildings. The function of an automap isto help you find your way around town.

Your current location is marked with a solid redcross. Exit grids are orange.

If you have the Motion Sensor as an active item, youcan press the SCANNER button to reveal other critterswithin the automap. All other critters show up as reddots. You can only scan maps that your character iscurrently on.

The HI/LO toggle button will change between high andlow resolution. At high resolution, more detail isdisplayed on the map. Low resolution easier to read on

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some cluttered maps.Press the CANCEL button to return to the game.

NPC InteractionNon-player characters (NPCs) are the people besides yourcharacter that inhabit the Fallout 2 world. Much of yourtime will be spent interacting with them on some level oranother (even if it is with the blade of your dagger, ora couple rounds of .44), and you must be prepared to doso.

There are two types of NPCs, those that are party-members and those that are not. Party-member NPCs areyour friends (or at least they are pretending to be yourfriends) or people tagging along with you for a while.Those that are not, are everyone else in the world.

DialogueTalking makes the world go around. So does sex. And whileyou may not be able to go to bed with every person inthe game, at least you can talk to them. Most of thetime, they will even talk back. Talking to people is animportant part of your job, as an explorer, since it isone of the primary ways of getting information andquests.

To talk to a person, use the command cursor and theTalk action icon. The Talk icon is the default action, somost of the time you only have to click on a person tostart talking to them. If you are in the middle ofcombat, and trying to blow them away, don’t expect themto start a little chat about the weather at that point.Some NPCs will also start a conversation with you, whenyou get close enough to them. All dialogue works the sameonce a conversation is started.

There are two types of dialogue: chatting andextended.

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Chatting DialogueIf an NPC has very little to

say to you, and they don’t reallywant to hear what you have tosay anyways, they will just chatwith you. A line of dialogue willappear over their head in themain game view. Most of the time,this is something as simple as“Hello!”, but sometimes thosesneaky game designers will put a“Hey, you’d better not move, or Iwill shoot you” type of line inthere. In other words, most of

the time,don’t worry what that person has tosay to you. Sometimes, an importantclue or order could be given to youvia the chatting dialogue line.

NPCs will also chat duringcombat. These are called combattaunts. Few combat taunts arepleasant. Fortunately, you can turnthem off via the Preferences screen(see page 79.) Your character willnever use combat taunts. We fullyexpect you to scream those outloud, and frighten your neighbours.

If an NPCdoesn’t have a head,that is not to say theyare not important. Andif an NPC does have ahead, that doesn’t makethem critical to thegame.


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Extended DialogueWhen NPCs have something to say,and you can respond to theircomments or ask questions, youwill enter the extended dialoguescreen. From here, you will get aview of the NPC, see what he orshe has to say, and get a chanceto respond to them. This screenwill also allow you to Barter orTrade with the NPC, and reviewthe current conversation.

Some NPCs are special, and youwill see a close-up of theirhead. Others are not so special,

and you will just see a shot of this character juststanding around in the game view.

If an NPC does have a head, watch their facialexpressions. They will give you a clue as to how the NPCreally feels about your character.

The NPCs dialogue will appear below their portrait orpicture. If the text of what they have to say to you istoo big to fit on the screen at once, only a smallportion will be displayed at a time. The rest of the textwill be displayed one screen at a time, until you seetheir entire speech. You can use the mouse cursor toreview their speech, or advance it if you are a quickreader.

Below the NPC’s speech, you will have one or morelines that your character can say. Exactly which linesthat appear are based on your character. Yourcharacteristics are the major factor, primarilyIntelligence, but sometimes what skills you excel at.What else your character has done, or talked to peopleabout, will also modify what options you have.

If you only see [DONE], you are at the end of aconversation.

NPCs will react differently to different lines. Ifyour character says something stupid or inappropriate,some NPCs will get upset and others will just get on withtheir lives. Since having a higher Intelligence meansthat you get to see more options, you can choose betweensimple grunts and well-spoken diatribes against the

Characterswith a high Intelligencewill have more optionsto select from whentalking to NPCs.Something to thinkabout when you selector create a character.


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capitalistic war-mongers. An Intelligence of three orless means that your character can only grunt and will beunable to converse like a sentient being. NPCs will havea hard time understanding characters with super low IN.

Select a line of dialogue for your character to say bymoving the mouse cursor over an option, and when the linehighlights, click the left-button. The NPC will usuallyrespond to that line of dialogue, and then you will bepresented with more options. Continue making comments, orasking questions, until the NPC runs out of things to sayor you really anger them and it starts combat.

Some of the lines are questionable, and can make theNPC respond one way or another. These lines usually havesome sort of characteristic roll associated with them.Usually Speech, but occasionally another skill or even astatistic. The most common usage of Speech is to lie toan NPC. The quality of your lie, and their ability (orinability) to see through your lie, depends greatly onyour Speech skill.

You can review an extended dialogue, to see what youor the NPC have said, by pressing the REVIEW button onthis screen. A simple window will appear with theconversation printed verbatim.

If the conversation islonger than can be printed onone screen, use the arrow keysto scroll the screen. Press theDONE button to return to theconversation. You can onlyreview the current conversationwith this NPC, and as soon asyou quit the dialogue, theconversation will be lost. Foryou programmers out there, it

gets sent to /dev/null.The only way to completely exit a conversation,

however, is by getting to the end. Once you start talkingto an NPC, you must see it through. One of your optionswill usually allow you to end the conversation at any time,and once you or the NPC run out of things to say youwill see the [DONE] option, but until then you mustcontinue to talk it out.

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BarterBarter is the exchange of goods.Without a real monetary system,and a government to back it up,most people have resorted totrading goods in order to get by.

To access the barteringinterface, press the BARTERbutton from the dialogue screen.If the character wishes to barterwith you, and most will, then thebarter interface will slide upand cover the lower section ofthe screen.

If you decide to cancel bartering, without making thedeal, press the TALK button. You will be returned to thenormal dialogue screen.

To barter with an NPC, youmust trade an equal amount ofgoods. Your Barter skill willmodify the worth of the items inyour inventory, since you willbe better at making them seemmore valuable. A high Barterskill will give your loot morevalue. A low Barter skill meansthat you have to give more ofyour items to get the same amount of goods from an NPC.

Your inventory list is on the left-hand side of thescreen. The equipment and items that the NPC is willingto barter away is on the right-hand side of the screen.The table between the two lists is where the barteringwill actually take place. At the bottom of each side ofthe table is the total value for all items that are upfor trade. As you add more items to your side, forexample, the dollar value will rise. The dollar value onthe NPC side of the table shows the total value of allitems that you want to trade for.

How to BarterTake inventory items that you are willing to give up, orno longer need, and place them on your side of the table

Barter isused with non-party-member NPCs only. NPCsthat believe in youenough to join yourcause, and your party,use a slightly differentmethod of trading goods.See page 70 for moredetails.


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(the left.) Take the itemsthat you want from the NPCsinventory list and place themon his side of the table (theright.) You cannot placeitems directly into the othersides table or inventorylist. That would be a majorno-no. You must use thetable.

If you move multiple items(like a bunch of ammo orStimpaks), then you get themove multiple item window.Remember that you can type inthe number of items to move,in addition to using the +and — buttons. Typing a largenumber of items works well when you are dealing withcash.

Once you have balanced the two sides of the table withan equal amount of goods (or if the trade is in thefavour of the NPC), then you can press the OFFER buttonto make the offer. If the NPC accepts, the goods will beexchanged automatically. Your new items will be added tothe top of your inventory list.

If the NPC does not accept the deal, you need to placemore items on your side of the table or remove items fromhis side. Remember to watch the dollar values of theitems at the bottom of the trading table. Press the OFFERbutton again when you have adjusted the trade.

Price InfluencesThere are many things that will determine the total valueof your goods compared to what the NPC will barter themfor.

Obviously, your Barter skill is the single mostimportant factor. Remember, the better your Barter skill,the more you can get for your items.

The Barter skill of the NPC comes into play. Some NPCsalso just charge more for their goods (shopkeepers forexample.)

Your reputation will modify the value of the trade.

Not all trade isdone by pure barter. Someof the towns are printingmoney again. Money makes agreat way to store lots ofvalue, since it is very light-weight and takes up no realroom in your inventory.When you have the chance,convert your heavy loot intoportable cash.


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Having a good reputation will giveyou a better price break.

The NPCs personal reaction toyour character will also modify thevalue of the goods being traded. Ifthe NPC likes your character, she ismore likely to give your character abreak and a better deal.

If you offer a really poor trade,it may actually insult the NPC andlower their opinion of yourcharacter.

Party MembersIt is possible to have other people join your character.You may have to talk them into it, solve a quest, paythem money or otherwise convince them that your characterneeds their services. Non-player characters that want tojoin your character’s party are few in number.

The benefits of additional party members are many.They will assist you in combat, to some degree oranother, and they will lend their experience and skillsto yours. They can help you carry more equipment. Theycan offer their wisdom by giving you information andadvice.

And they are another target, meaning that combat willbe a tiny little bit safer for your character.

You have limited control over party members, however.You cannot control them directly in combat. You can givethem orders before combat starts, but once the battle ison, they are their own person.

Using the Talk action icon on a party member will giveyou access to the two parts youdo have control over: theirinventory and their basiccombat strategies.

Party MemberInventoryTalk with a party member andyou will see the extended

You shouldremember to keepyour NPCs wellstocked up onStimpaks, ammo andother perishables.


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dialogue screen. Notice that the BARTER button has beenreplaced with the TRADE button. Press the Trade buttonand the trading interface will slide up over the lowerportion of the screen.

Trading is similar to Barter (see page 68), but it hasseveral important differences. First, the values at thebottom of the trading table show the total inventoryweight of the characters involved.

Second, and most importantly, trades do not have to beequal when you are trading with party members. Since yourcharacter is the leader of the party, you have completecontrol over who gets what.

Drag items from your inventory to the table to givethem to the NPC. Move items from the NPCs inventory listto the table if you want them. Press the TRADE buttonwhen you are done moving items. Press the TALK button tocancel the current trade.

Party Member CombatControlAlso on the extended dialoguescreen of a party member is theCOMBAT CONTROL button. Pressingit will slide the combatcontrol interface over thelower portion of the screen.

This panel shows some basicinformation about this NPC. You can also select many ofthe buttons to adjust the way the NPC acts. You canadjust the actions of the NPC at anytime except themiddle of combat.

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This information is not adjustable:

HP — Shows the current and maximum Hit Points of the NPC.

Skill — This is the best non-combat skill that the NPCknows.

Carrying — The current and maximum weight that this NPCcan carry.

Melee Dam — The current Melee Damage bonus for this NPC.

APs — How many Action Points this NPC has.

You can press the following buttons:

Use Best Weapon — This will force the NPC to stop usingtheir current weapon and use the best weapon in theirinventory. The choice of the best weapon depends on theWeapon Preference of the NPC, something that is part oftheir Disposition (see below.) Unlike the playercharacter, NPCs cannot use all weapon types. IndividualNPCs will be trained in the use of different weapons. Thenewly selected weapon will be displayed.

Use Best Armour — This will force the NPC to stop wearingtheir current armour and use the best armour in theirinventory (which could be the armour they are currentlywearing.) Unlike the player character, their image willnot change when they wear new armour. Trust us, they arewearing the new duds, but you just can’t see it. Thedisplay will show what armour the NPC is wearing and theywill get the benefit of the armour’s Armour Class, DamageThreshold and Damage Resistance.

Disposition — This controls the way the party member actsin combat. Some NPCs do not allow particular dispositionsto be set. If a really butch combat guy joins your party,he may just say no if you try and set him to the Cowarddisposition. Press one of the following to attempt to setthe NPC to that disposition:


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Each of the first four dispositions are preset. Thefifth disposition, Custom, allows you, the player, toindividually set the components thatmake up a disposition. And if you are asking just exactlywhat those components are, here you go:

Burst — This controls how often the party member uses theselector switch on any burst-capable weapon they areusing. Basically, this controls whether or not the NPCwill shoot more than one round at a time, if they have aweapon that is capable of burst fire. Possible choices,in descending order of likelihood:

AlwaysSometimes, don’t worry about hitting me.Be careful not to hit me.Be sure you won’t hit me.Be absolutely sure you won’t hit me.

Run Away — This determines when the party member willdecide to flee from combat. It is based on the percentageof HP remaining. The less hit points remaining, the morelikely it is for the NPC to stop attacking and startlooking for a back door to run out or a bush to hideunder. Possible choices, in descending order oflikelihood:

Abject CowardYour finger hurts.You’re bleeding a bit.Not feeling good.You need a tourniquet.Never!

Weapon Preference — This determines what kind of weaponthe party member prefers to use. If you select Melee(only), Ranged (only) or Unarmed, then the party memberwill not attack if they cannot use their listedpreference. Possible choices:

MeleeMelee then RangedRanged then Melee

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Distance — This controls how the party member movesaround in combat. Some of these will not be available orwork properly, depending on the weapon preference.Possible choices:

Stay close to me.Charge!Snipe the enemy.On your own.Stay where you are.

Attack Who — This preference controls who the NPC willdecide to attack, if they have a choice. Possiblechoices:

Whomever is attacking me.The Strongest.The Weakest.Whomever you want.Whomever is closest.

Chem Use — This final setting controls how often the NPCwill use chems. Two of these settings allow the use ofany chem, while the two Stimpak settings only allow theuse of Stimpaks. NPCs can only use chems that they havein their inventory, so you will have ultimate controlover what they can and can’t use. Possible choices:

I’m clean.Stimpaks when hurt a bit.Stimpaks when hurt a lot.Any chem some of the time.Any chem, any time.

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OptionsOptions allow you to save your game, load apreviously saved game, change thepreferences, or exit the game and returnto the main menu. The various options areaccessed by pressing the options button(the Big “O”) on the interface bar.

When you press the options button onthe interface bar, this small window withfive different options will appear. Press one of thesebuttons to access that option. Save Game, Load Game, andPreferences are all complex enough that they need theirown sections (see below.) The other two buttons arepretty straight-forward and are briefly explained here:

Exit — This returns you the main menu. Since it does notautomatically save your game, another window will appearasking you to confirm this action.

Done — Closes the options window and returns to the game.

Save GameWhen you want to stop playing,or if you want to save yourprogress so if something ReallyBad happens you don’t have tostart over from the verybeginning, then you want to usethis option. Saving your gameoften is a good idea, especiallyif you are in a dangerous areaor if you get a bad feeling about what is just aroundthe corner.

There are ten save game slots. A save game slot willhold one save game file, so you can save up to tendifferent locations or positions at a time.

Once you save ten save games, you will have to selectone of the older games to overwrite when you decide tosave a new game.

When you first start playing Fallout 2, all ten slotswill be empty. Each slot will say EMPTY, just to prove

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our point.To see what a save game

slot contains, left-clickonce on a slot. A picture ofwhere you saved the game willappear, along with a small

text description showing the name, game date, and time ofthe saved location.

To save a game, double-left-click on a slot, or selectthe slot and press the DONE button. Type a descriptionthat makes sense to you. Press ENTER on your keyboard, orpress the DONE button. If you chance you mind, and do notwant to use this slot, press CANCEL.

The game will be saved, and you will get a messageinforming you if the everything went well. The mostcommon problem when saving is if you run out of free harddisk space. The longer you play, the larger the save gamefile will get.

Load GameWhen it comes time to return toa previously saved game, thenyou will want to use thisscreen. This is also the samescreen available from the mainmenu.

The load game screen is verysimilar to the save gamescreen.

The list of the ten save game slots is displayed onthe left-hand side of the screen. A small picture of thecurrently selected save game is displayed on the upperright-hand side. A description of that same save game isjust below the picture.

To load a game, double-left-click on the appropriateslot or left-click once on the slot to select it and thenpress the DONE button.

If you do not want to load a game, press the CANCELbutton.

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PreferencesThese preferences controlaspects of the game. All thepreferences here can beadjusted by you, the player. Inthis way, you are given achance to modify the game toyour liking.

All of the preferences belowhave two or more settings. One of the settings will bethe default setting, which is set back at the Falloutfactory by well-trained professionals. Don’t worry,however, they won’t get upset if you decide to deviatefrom the norm and change the default setting.

There is a philosophy about savinggames. Some people say that you should only have one

savegame file, and you should rarely save to it. Thesepeople believe that this increases the danger of playingthe game, and is thus more dramatic. Others claim that youshould be able to save before every combat, be able toreplay every action and have unlimited saves. Since theFallout 2 development team is pretty nice, we tend to leantowards the latter. You are allowed to save up to 10 savegames, using slots, at pretty much anytime. Should yousave every few steps? Well, it’s up to you. We do highlysuggest that you use multiple slots when you save. Startwith slot 1, and then use slot 2, then slot 3 and so on. Onlyuse slot 1 again when you have gone through all ten slots.This way, if something really bad happens to yourcharacter or savegame, you have a fairly recent backup ofthe game and you won’t lose much progress. But thefrequency of your game saving, and how you use it to playthe game, is entirely in your hands.


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The options are listed in the brackets following thename of the preference. The underlined option is thefactory-set default option.

Game Difficulty [Easy, Normal, Hard]This preference controls the overall difficulty of

reaction and other non-combat related rolls. Negativereaction modifiers are halved, and all non-combat rollsare made with a +20% bonus if set to Easy. If set toHard, all negative reaction rolls are increased by 25%,and all non-combat skills are reduced by 10%.

You can adjust this preference at anytime during thegame. There is no penalty or reward for using any of thesettings.

Combat Difficulty [Wimpy, Normal, Rough]Controls the difficulty of combat. On Wimpy level, all

opponents have a negative modifier to hit you, do lessdamage and take fewer targeted shots. On the Roughsetting, they will hit you more often, do more damage andtend to take more targeted shots.There is no penalty orreward for using any of the settings, and you can changethis preference whenever you wish.

Combat Speed [Slider: [Normal -> Fastest, PlayerCheckbox]

This slider controls how fast the non-playercharacters move and attack during combat (actually, justhow fast they animate — they still get their normalamount of attacks, but it just looks like they are movingquickly.)

If the Player checkbox is clicked on, then the playerwill also be animated quickly.

If combat is moving a little too slow for you, movethe slider to the right until combat is humming along atthe speed you like.

Combat Taunts [On, Off]This preference turns the combat taunt messages on and

off. If you get tired of the little quotes that non-player characters say during combat, then turn thispreference off.

The player character never says a combat taunt.

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Combat Messages [Verbose, Brief]When set to Verbose, combat messages will be more

detailed with “flavour” text. If set to Brief, themessages will contain the same information but they willbe shorter, since they only contain the critical stuff.

Target Highlight [On, Off, Targeting Only]When set to On, this preference will always highlight

characters during combat. When set to Off, you will neverget a highlight. When set to Targeting Only, thehighlights will only appear when you are actually using atargeting cursor in combat.

The colour of the highlight will give you detailedinformation about the character. See page 116 in theCombat section for more details.

Violence Level [None, Minimal, Normal, Maximum Blood]This preference controls what happens when a character

is killed in the game. On Maximum Blood, you will see themost violent, gruesome deaths possible. Normal shows mostof the deaths, but doesn’t show a couple of the reallybloody ones. Minimal shows characters falling over in apool of blood. None just shows the characters fallingover.

Since there is no practical difference in the game(except that it is a little more difficult to tell deadcharacters from unconscious characters with the Nonesetting), you can set it to whatever setting you like.

Notice that Maximum Blood is the default setting, andNormal is not. That should be a scary indicator of whatthe development team considers normal…

Text Delay [Slider: Slow -> Normal -> Faster]This preference controls how long floating text and

dialogue screen messages are displayed. Slow speed textmessages are displayed for twice as longas normal. Faster speed messages are only displayed forhalf the normal amount of time.

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Language Filter [On, Off]There is some naughty language in Fallout 2. When the

Language Filter is used, this text will appear as “&^!@!”instead of the more normal “!@&^@%!”. Hmm. This manual isusing a language filter. The setting of this preferenceis left to the user.

Running [Normal, Always]If set to Always, your character will run instead of

walk when you left-click with the movement cursor, andyou must shift-click to make the character walk. Normalis the default setting, where left-click is walk andshift-click is run.

A note to our younger players:If you are under the age of 17, you should look at

the little black rating on the box to this game. It saysMature. We mean it. There are some really adultsituations that occur in this game. There are coupleof preferences that you can set to make it more likelythat your parents will not kick you out of the house ifthey discover you playing this game. Click the LanguageFilter to On, and click the Violence Level to Normal orMinimal.A note to parents: If you discover your child playingthis game with all the settings set to their normalMature levels, we don’t actually suggest that you kickyour kid out of the house. That would be really rude.


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Master Audio Volume[Slider: Off -> Quiet -> Normal -> Loud]

This preference controls the overall volume of theaudio. If set to Off, it overrides all other audiopreferences. The Music, Sound Effects and Speech volumecontrols will all adjust their volume based on the masteraudio volume control.

Music/Movie Volume[Slider: Off ->>Quiet -> Normal -> Loud]

This slider controls the volume of the music and theaudio during the cinematic movie sequences.

Sound Effects Volume[Slider: Off -> Quiet -> Normal ->>Loud]

This slider controls the volume of the sound effects.

Speech Volume[Slider: Off -> Quiet -> Normal -> Loud]

Controls the volume of the digitised speech somecharacters use.

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Brightness Level[Slider: Normal -> Brighter]

This preference controls the how bright the graphicsare on your screen. For some computers, video cards andmonitors, you may need to turn the brightness level up anotch or two to see the darker screens better.

Mouse Sensitivity [Slider: Normal -> Faster]This slider controls how fast the mouse cursor moves.

The higher the setting, the faster the mouse.

Item Highlight [Off, On]If set to On, when you move the command cursor over an

item on the ground, that item will be highlighted. If setto Off, you will have more difficulty finding items onthe ground.

Subtitles [Off, On]This preference controls any subtitles during

cinematic movie sequences. If set to On, you will seetext displayed at the bottom of the movie.

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Type of CharactersThis chapter will describe in detail the differentcharacteristics that form Fallout characters. There aredifferent types of characters in the Fallout world:

Player Character — This is your alternate ego that existswithin the Fallout world. This is the single mostimportant character in the game. If the player character(PC) is killed the game is over. PCs are also the mostdetailed of all the characters in the game, having accessto all statistics, traits, skills, perks and karmicslices of life. Grouped together, all those things arecalled characteristics.

Non-Player Characters — These are the computer controlledpeople in the game. Every character except the PC will bea non-player character (NPC), by definition. NPCs are notas detailed as the PC, and only have a limited subset ofcharacteristics.

Party Members — It is possible for the player to findNPCs that will join the PC. These are called partymembers, since they are a member of your party, or groupof characters. They will follow your character around,and you have a small amount of control over theiractions, as compared to regular NPCs.

Critters — This term is sometimes used to describe anNPC, usually a non-intelligent animal or monster, but itcan include any NPC.

StatisticsThere are two types of statistics: Primary and Secondary.Primary statistics are set during character creation andwill rarely change during the course of the game.Secondary statistics are derived from the primarystatistics.

Primary StatisticsStrength — This statistic is used in the secondarystatistics Carry Weight, Melee Damage, and Hit Points.

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All weapons have a minimum Strength requirement, as well.If your character’s Strength is not high enough to usethe weapon properly, the chance to hit is modified by -20% for each point of low Strength. A high enough skillcan offset the low Strength modifier. You will be warnedby a message in combat if your character’s ST is too low.Examine the weapon for more details about its ST

A note about dice rolls.Dice? In a computer role-playing game? Well, Fallout 2 is

a true, back to basics role-playing game. These games wereoriginally played, and still are, at a table with paper, pencil,and dice. Fallout 2 stays true to those origins. Someparts of the manual will refer to rolls. In this case, Fallout2 is rolling against one of your characteristics with“virtual” dice.There are two types of rolls: checks and results.Checks are rolls against your characteristics, usually tosee if you can accomplish a particular task (like shootingsomeone in the back.) If the computer rolls below yourcharacteristic, a statistic or skill, then you succeed. Ifthe computer rolls above the characteristic, you fail. Thecomputer will roll dice that are appropriate to thecharacteristic and there can be modifiers. There is alwaysa chance of failure, regardless of how high thecharacteristic. There is not always a chance for success,especially if you have a particularly low characteristic.Results are random numbers that are generated when yousucceed or fail at a task. A result may be the amount ofdamage done by a firearm, or how much damage you takefrom a trap, or how many hit points you heal by using aStimpak.Fallout 2 will handle all of this for you. We are telling youthis so you get a better idea of what is happening “underthe hood.” In addition, a strong understanding ofprobabilities will helpyou succeed when you play the game.


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Perception — This is used in the Sequence secondarystatistic, and several skills (Lockpick, Traps, First Aidand Doctor.) The primary use of this statistic isdeterming the maximum distance your character can shoot aranged weapon effectively. The better the PE score, thefarther your character can shoot. Perception is also usedby the computer to determine if your character noticesthe small details, traps and how far away you start froma random encounter.

Endurance — The Hit Point, Poison Resistance, RadiationResistance, and Healing Rate secondary statistics arebased on Endurance, which also modifies the startinglevel of your character’s Outdoorsman skill. Endurance isused by the computer in combat to see if you can resistthe effects of some critical hits (like blows to thehead) and not get knocked down, or knocked out.

Charisma — No secondary statistics are based on Charisma.It does heavily influence the Barter and Speech skills.Charisma is used to determine the maximum number of NPCsthat will join your party. You can only have Charismadivided by two, round down, number of party members. Itis also important in determining the initial reaction ofNPCs to your character. Characters with high Charismascores will be better liked. The game will compare yourcharacter’s Charisma to the NPC’s Charisma. NPCs withhigh Charisma scores will be more resistant to the charmsof your character.

Agility — This statistic is the basis for the ArmourClass and Action Point secondary statistics. It modifiesthe most skills as well, especially combat skills.Agility is used by the computer whenever your charactermust perform some physical act of dexterity (to avoid atrap, for example.)

Intelligence — No secondary statistics use Intelligence.Many of the non-combat skills use it for the base values,however. Intelligence is a very important statistic whentalking to characters. It will determine what you can and

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can’t say to NPCs. Characters with high Intelligencescores will be able to speak intelligently and ask moreprofound questions. Intelligence also determines thenumber of skill points your character gains each level.

Luck — The Critical Chance secondary statistic is basedon Luck, so is the Gambling skill. Luck is used in combatto determine how often you get critical hits, and howgood those critical hits are. Luck is also used by thecomputer to see if good or bad things happen to you.Characters with high Luck scores are more likely to comeacross special random encounters.

Derived StatisticsHit Points — This stat determines if your character livesor dies after being shot in the chest, or takes othertypes of damage. Your current and maximum hit points areshown on the character screen, and the interface barshows you your current HP, since it is such an importantstat to see. When your character takes damage, you willsee a message in the display window. For example, “Youare hit for 16 points of damage. Ouch.” If you had 30 HPwhen that message came up, you now have 14 HP. See thatmessage again and you are dead unless you healed some HPdamage. Skills, such as First Aid and Doctor, or healingitems, like Stimpaks, can reduce the amount of HP damage

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your character has sustained. You can never “heal” moredamage than your maximum HP total.

Armour Class — This statistic reduces the chance of anopponent to hit your character during combat. If you havean AC of 30%, which is pretty high, all characters thatattempt to attack you have a -30% to their chance to hit,in addition to the other modifiers (such as darkness,range, and cover.) If you never get hit, there is nochance of your character taking damage.

Action Points — This is number of actions your charactercan take during a single turn of combat. Individualactions have different AP costs. You can only perform anaction if you have enough AP to cover the cost. Walking,for example, costs one AP per hex moved. If you have noAP remaining, you cannot move. The AP cost of using anitem is listed on the active item button on the interfacebar. Other actions are listed in the combat section, onpage 118.

Carry Weight — This is the total amount of weight yourcharacter can carry in her inventory. Almost all itemshave a weight, in pounds, which you can discover by doingan Examine on the item. The total number of items,multiplied by their weight per item, equals yourcharacter’s total inventory weight. This must be belowyour character’s Carry Weight, or when you put an itemdown your character may not be able to pick it back up.

Melee Damage — This is the amount of damage added to theupper end of hand-to-hand and melee attacks. It ispossible to have a Melee Damage of 5 and still do onlyone point of damage when you attack, based on armour andthe fact that this stat adds to the maximum amount ofrandom damage done, not the minimum. If a weapon does 1-4points of damage (which you can see on the inventoryscreen), and your character has a Melee Damage of 2, thatweapon would do 1-6 points of damage before beingmodified by the armour of your target.

Damage Resistance — This is the general amount of damagethat your character is strong enough to just shrug off.

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Every attack will be reduced by this percentage. Inconjunction with armour, which will have it’s own DamageResistance and another stat called Damage Threshold (seepage 135), every attack will do less damage to yourcharacter’s Hit Point total. Example: Your character ishit for 10points, a Damage Resistance of 10% would reduce that to 9points.

Poison Resistance — The amount of poison your charactertakes is reduced by this percentage. If your charactertakes 20 points of poison, and has a PR of 20%, then thefinal amount of poison taken would be 16 points. Overtime, this 16 points will be reduced to 0 and yourcharacter will no longer be affected by poison. The morepoints of poison that affects your character, the lessamount of time before you take damage from the poison.

Radiation Resistance — This stat reduces the amount ofradiation your character is exposed to by thispercentage. This stat can be temporarily increased bytaking Rad-X, a chem. Some types of armour will alsoaffect the amount of radiation damage your character isexposed to. This statistic will not help againstpreviously exposed radiation.

Sequence — The greater the value of this statistic, themore likely your character is to go first in a turn ofcombat. Generally, the character that starts combat getsan action and then all critters that are involved in thatcombat are sequenced (get it) into a list. The critterwith the highest Sequence value goes first on the list,and it works its way down from there. A high Sequencedoes not mean that a character gets to go multiple timesbefore slower Sequenced characters. The larger thebattle, the more opponents, the more valuable thisstatistic becomes. As new critters are added to a battle,they will be sequenced in according to their Sequencestatistic.

Healing Rate — This stat determines the number of HitPoints healed when your character rests or travels. Whenyour character rests, and can catch his wind, the current

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HP total will be increased by the Healing Rate everycouple of hours. It is only effective when the characterrests or travels. When travelling, healing is slower thanwhile resting, too, but that usually doesn’t matter sincemore time is spent travelling than resting overnight.

Critical Chance — This is the base chance to cause acritical hit in combat. Characters with high combatskills, or high quality weapons, will also score morecritical hits. The difference between a successful combatroll and the proper weapon skill is modified by a formulaand added to the Critical Chance stat. Then another rollis made, and if it is under the modified Critical Chance,a critical hit is scored. And that is a completelydifferent table that depends on the type of critter youare attacking, and where you hit them.

SkillsSkills are learned abilities of your character. The skilllevel shows how good your character is at that skill.Each skill will have its own skill level, which isexpressed as a percentage. That percentage shows yourchance of success, before modifiers. No skill is 100%certain, however, and all skills max out at 95% (aftermodifiers.)

The maximum skill level is 200%. Skill levels can beincreased everytime your character gains a level, but itstarts getting harder and harder to improve well-knownskills. Skills can also be improved by reading specificbooks or completing quests within the game.

Small Guns — Firearms covered by the use of this skill:pistols (both revolvers and autoloaders), sub-machineguns(SMGs), rifles, and shotguns. The skill level is yourbase percentage to hit. Modifiers include: weapon weight,range, darkness, and cover. This skill is usedautomatically in combat when you attack with theappropriate weapon.

Big Guns — Similar to Small Guns, but this skill affectsmuch bigger weapons: rocket launcher, mini-gun, flamer,and other large weapons. This skill is used automatically

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in combat when you attack with the appropriate weapon.

Energy Weapons — Also like Small Guns, but it affects anyranged weapon that uses energy cells instead ofconventional chemical propellants. This skill is usedautomatically in combat when you attack with theappropriate weapon.

Unarmed — The skill of punching and kicking. Very fewweapons will also use this skill (the armed version ofUnarmed), like Brass Knuckles. You must not have anactive item in one of your slots to use this skill toits full ability, however. ITEM1 is for punch attacks.ITEM2 covers using your feet (don’t ask, it involves someweird yoga practice.) Your character starts by just beingable to punch or kick, but there are more unarmedtechniques than that. As your character’s characteristicsimprove, the type of unarmed attack will change. Theseimprovements are automatic, as long as the requirementsare met. There are two different modes for each type ofattack. Right-click on the Punch or Kick button to changethe mode from primary to secondary. The Unarmed skill isautomatically used when you attack.

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Primary Punch AttacksStrong PunchEffects: +3 damageAP Cost: 3Requires: Unarmed 55%, Agility 6

Hammer PunchEffects: +5 damage, +5% critical chanceAP Cost: 3Requires: Unarmed 75%, Agility 6, Strength 5, Level 6

HaymakerEffects: +7 damage, +15% criticalAP Cost: 3Requires: Unarmed 100%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 9

Secondary Punch AttacksJabEffects: +5 damage, +5% criticalAP Cost: 6Requires: Unarmed 75%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 5

Palm StrikeEffects: +7 damage, +20% critical, armour piercingAP Cost: 6Requires: Unarmed 115%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 12

Piercing StrikeEffects: +10 damage, +40% critical, armour piercingAP Cost: 8Requires: Unarmed 130%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 16

Primary Kick AttacksStrong KickEffects: +5 damageAP Cost: 4Requires: Unarmed 40%, Agility 6

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Snap KickEffects: +7 damageAP Cost: 4Requires: Unarmed 60%, Agility 6, Level 6

Power KickEffects: +9 damage, +5% criticalAP Cost: 4Requires: Unarmed 80%, Agility 6, Strength 6, Level 9

Secondary Kick AttacksHip KickEffects: +7 damageAP Cost: 7Requires: Unarmed 60%, Agility 7, Strength 6, Level 6

Hook KickEffects: +9 damage, +10% critical, armour piercingAP Cost: 7Requires: Unarmed 100%, Agility 7, Strength 6, Level 12

Piercing KickEffects: +12 damage, +50% critical, armour piercingAP Cost: 9Requires: Unarmed 125%, Agility 8, Strength 6, Level 15

Melee Weapons — This covers the use of most meleeweapons. Knives, spears, hammers are all melee weapons.The skill level is the base chance to hit your opponent,modified by your opponent’s armour class. Melee weaponshave a greater chance of doing a critical hit. This skillis used automatically when you attack with a meleeweapon.

Throwing — Whenever a weapon is thrown, this skill getsused. Knives are melee weapons, but if you throw a daggerat your opponent, this skill will be used. Grenades are agood reason to improve this skill. If you miss, thethrown object still has to end up somewhere. It’spossible to throw a weapon and have it land right at yourfeet. If it’s a knife, no big deal. If it is grenade,that’s a really big deal. The maximum distance a weaponcan be thrown is based on your character’s Strength. This

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skill is used automatically when you attempt to throw aweapon.

First Aid — The skill can heal minor wounds only. Whenused successfully, it will heal a small amountof Hit Point damage. It can only be used a few times aday. This skill takes a few minutes to use, so it willadvance the game clock by a few minutes.

If you use a First Aid kit, you will increase yourchance of successfully using this skill. Using a FirstAid kit on a person will automatically use your First Aidskill (with a positive modifier) on that person. Thesupplies in a First Aid kit will eventually run out andthe item will be automatically discarded.

Doctor — This skill heals major wounds. Not only does itheal more HP damage than First Aid, it can also restore acrippled limb to full health (see page 53 for informationabout crippled limbs.) Like the First Aid skill, it canonly be used successfully a few times a day. If all theuses of one of the healing skills are used up, it isstill possible to use the other healing skill until itruns out of uses as well. Using this skill will advancethe game clock by several hours.

Using a Doctor’s Bag will increase your chance ofsuccessfully using this skill.

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Sneak — Sneaking makes itharder for your character tobe detected. Using this skillis a toggle. You are eitherSneaking, or you are not.When you are Sneaking, youdon’t actually know if theskill is working properly.When you first startSneaking, and every minuteafter, the computer rollsagainst your Sneak skill. Ifsuccessful, all critters willhave their Perception halvedwhen trying to notice you.

Normally, if your character runs, it will automaticallyturn Sneak off. You can tell if your character is tryingto use this skill if the Sneak icon is displayed abovethe interface bar.

Lockpick — When you use this skill on a locked door orcontainer, the computer will roll against your Lockpickskilled modified by the difficulty of the lock. Ifsuccessful, the lock will be picked. If you fail, youjust lose the time spent trying to pick the lock. If youcritically fail, the lock is jammed and cannot be pickeduntil a long period of time has passed. Every attempttakes a few game minutes.

A lockpick can be used to increase the chance ofsuccess. There are two different types of locks:mechanical and electronic. Use the proper lockpick forthe type of lock. Lockpicks cannot be “used” up, but theycan be broken or destroyed on a critical failure.

Steal — The skill level of Steal determines the basechance of “removing” an item from another person orobject without being noticed. Modifiers include: thefacing of the target compared to your character (standingright in front of the target is a bad idea), the size ofthe object you are trying to steal (smaller objects areeasier to steal than larger objects), and the number of96



You canactually use the Steal skillto plant items on a target.Just drag from yourcharacter’s inventory totheirs. They get a chanceto notice what you aredoing, of course. It worksjust like a normal Steal, butin reverse.


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objects you are trying to steal at one time (stealing asmall number of objects is easier than stealingeverything a person owns.) When you use this skill on aperson, you will see a loot screen. Drag as many items asyou want from the target’s inventory to your inventory.Each item you move will create an opportunity for thetarget to notice what you are doing. Their chance tonotice your Steal action depends on your skill, theresult of the Steal roll after all the modifiers, andtheir Perception. The higher their Perception, the morelikely they are to notice your character if she screwsup.

Traps — This skill is used to spot, disarm, and planttraps and explosives. If you attempt to use a trappeditem, you will have a chance to notice the trap based onyour Traps skill or Perception (depends on the trap.) Ifyou do not notice the trap, it will go off in your face.You can use the Traps skill to attempt to disarm thetrap. If you succeed, the trap is disarmed. If you fail,you can always try again. If you critically fail, thetrap goes off in your face. If you find a trap triggeron the floor, you will see the trigger appear. Use theTraps skill on the trigger to attempt to disarm it. Ifyou find a trap on a container, or door, then you see amessage in the display window. If you were attempting toopen the trapped container or door, Fallout will stopyou. Try again and you can set off the trap. The Trapsskill is also used when you set and place explosives. Touse dynamite, for example, do the following:

Open inventory.Select the explosive and Use

it.A timer will appear. Set the

time you would like theexplosive to go off. A Trapsroll will be made. If yousucceed, the trap will go offon time. If you fail, the trap

will go off before you intended it to. If you criticallyfail, the trap goes off immediately.

This is the timer. Use the + and — buttons to adjust

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the time. Press DONE when the time is set to yoursatisfaction. Press CANCEL to not set the timer on theexplosive. Once you start a timer, you cannot stop theexplosive from detonating.

You can use an explosive to trap a door or containeritem. Simply use an explosive that is not currently on atimer on the door or container. The game will roll yourTraps skill and, if things go well, the next person toopen that door will get a major case of concussion andblast damage.

Science — This skill is really used in two differentways. The active use of this skill is mostly used oncomputers and hi-tech pieces of equipment. This skill isalso used passively to determine whether or not yourcharacter can understand or notice something scientific.This skill covers all the different types of scientificfields. Using this skill generally takes no game time.

This skill often needs to be used before the Repairskill. It will give you a general idea of what is wrong.

Repair — Use this skill to fix something that is broken,or break something that is fixed. Using the proper toolfor the job will help increase the chance of success. Theuse of this skill will really depend on the situation youcome across in the game. Some items may be easier thanothers to fix.

Speech — This skill is only used in extended dialogues(see page 66.) Besides being used to present a convincingargument, and getting the NPC to agree with you, it isused to present a convincing lie and getting the NPC toagree with you. The difference between an argument and alie is that if you blow the argument, the NPC generallywill not want to slit your throat. You never get to usethis skill actively while talking, as the lines thatSpeech rolls are used on are not marked. A higher Speechskill is useful for getting your way. You can use theSpeech skill actively to start a conversation, but justclicking on the person is usually easier to do.

Barter — The skill of trading goods is used automaticallyin the barter screen (see page 68.) Your Barter skill,




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along with many other factors, will be used to set thevalue of any goods that you are attempting to trade. Theonly game effect of this skill is to increase the valueof your goods (and to meet the requirement of a fewPerks.)

Gambling — Games of chance will always exist. Wheneveryou come across a game of chance, this skill will be usedto determine whether your character wins or loses. Thisskill is used automatically when you decide to have yourcharacter gamble in the game.

Outdoorsman — This is used mostly on the World Map. Itwill determine if you can avoid a random encounter. It isalso used to determine how far away from a critter youstart a random encounter, along with your character’sPerception statistic. The Outdoorsman skill may also beused in specific encounters. Outdoorsman is never usedactively.

KarmaThese characteristics are earned automatically based onyour actions. All actions have consequences, and youractions will earn you some type of Karma.

KarmaKarma is the private result of your characters actions.Kill a good person, and your Karma heads towards thenegative. Kill a bad person or monster, and your Karmaclimbs up.

Karma is expressed as a number.Beginning characters start with a Karma of 0. The only

other way a character can have a Karma of 0 is if theybalance their actions, doing both good and bad in equalamounts. This is actually hard to do.

If the actions of your character lean towards thegood, the Karma value will rise. Get a positive Karmahigh enough, and your character will earn a Karmic title.The higher your Karma, the better the title.

On the other hand, if your character performs baddeeds, then your Karma will drop. It can actually go

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negative, which means you’ve been a bad boy (or girl.)The lower it drops, the badder your character is. If theKarma gets really low, your character can earn a Karmictitle. The worse the Karma, the better the title (if youlike going in that direction.)

Karmic titles can have an affect on your character,but only after a certain point. It takes a lot for yourcharacter’s inner personality to shine through (or in thecase of bad Karma, ooze through.)

The difference between Karma and Reputation is that noone has to watch you perform your actions to affect yourKarma. Your character knows, and that’s good enough forhis soul.

Reputation (Town)If you perform deeds in front of people, you willeventually earn a Reputation. Most Reputations are basedon a town, since that’s where people live and tend towatch each other do things.

Like Karma, Reputations are expressed as numbers. Thehigher the rep, the better it is. The lower the rep, themore notorious your character is.

Many towns will trade with other towns, or eventuallycommunicate with them, so your character’s reputation inone town will affect her reputation in other parts of thewasteland. It may take time, however, and the influencedepends on the link between the two towns.

Reputation will modify what people think of yourcharacter. “Good” non-player characters like good reps.“Bad” NPCs like bad reps. “Good” NPCs do not like badreps. “Bad” NPCs do not like good reps.

Reputation can affect what NPCs think of yourcharacter, bartering deals and the NPCs likelihood ofbeing hostile.

Reputation (Special)You can earn special Reputations by performing certaindeeds. These can be good or bad reps. You will see themappear in the Karma area of the character screen. Thesewill have some game affect, usually of a serious manner.




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Perks are special abilities that your character canoccasionally select when yourcharacter gains an experiencelevel. These rewards aresimilar to traits, excepteverything is good. No badstuff here.

You can select one Perkevery three levels (starting at level 3 — so level 3, 6,9, 12, 15, 18 and so on) unless you have the Skilledtrait, who get a Perk every four levels (level 4, 8, 12,16, 20 and so on.)

The list of Perks that you can choose from are basedon your character’s characteristics. Some Perks are onlyavailable if your character is of high enough level, forexample. Your character must meet or exceed all of therequirements. Some Perks have no requirements. Therequirements for a Perk are listed below.

You will have the opportunity to pick a Perk when youenter the character screen after achieving a level thatgrants you a Perk. You may choose not to pick a Perk,but if you don’t select one before the next Perk-grantinglevel, you lose the Perk. You can only have one Perk atmost to pick.

The Perk selection window will show all the Perks thatare available to your character. You can select a Perk toread about it on the information card. Use the arrowbuttons to scroll the list. Press the DONE button to takethe highlighted Perk. Press the CANCEL button to hold offand pick the Perk the next time you enter the characterscreen.

Some Perks can be selected multiple times. The maximumnumber of times the Perk can be selected is the number ofranks that Perk has. The number of ranks is also listedbelow.

Perks that increase a skill will increase the skill bya number of skill points. These work just like normalskill points. Thus, if your characters base skill ispretty high, the increase will be smaller than if thebase skill was low.

The list of Perks is organised alphabetically.

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The Perk ListAction Boy

Each rank of this Perk will add an additional ActionPoint to your character’s total number of APs that youcan spend each combat turn.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Agility 5, Level 12

Adrenaline RushWhen your character’s current Hit Points (HP) drops

below 50% of her maximum HP, she gains +1 to Strength.This can raise your character’s Strength to a maximum of10. Lasts until the end of the current combat.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Strength 1 to 9, Level 6

AwarenessThis Perk gives you more information when you Examine

a critter. You can see their exact amount of hit points,and what weapon they are armed with (if any.)Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 5, Level 3

Better CriticalsThe critical hits you cause in combat are more

devastating. You gain a +20% bonus on the critical hittable, almost ensuring that more damage will be done.This does not affect the chance to cause a critical hit.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 6, Luck 6, Agility 4, Level 9

Bonus HtH AttacksYour character can make more hand-to-hand or melee

style attacks per combat turn with this Perk. The AP costto use a HtH or melee attack is reduced by one.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 6, Level 15

Bonus HtH DamageWith this Perk, your character does more damage when

using HtH or melee attacks. Each attack does +2 points ofdamage for each rank of this Perk.




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Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Agility 6, Strength 6, Level 3

Bonus MoveFor each rank of this Perk, your character can move an

additional two hexes per turn of combat. The first hexesmoved each turn cost no APs. At the first rank, yourcharacter would have to move three hexes just to becharged one AP. Bonus Move APs show up as yellow lightson the interface bar.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Agility 5, Level 6

Bonus Ranged DamageYour character does +2 points of damage per round

fired with ranged weapons, for each rank of this Perk.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Agility 6, Luck 6, Level 6

Bonus Rate of FireThis Perk allows your character to shoot a little

faster. Each ranged weapon attack costs one AP less toperform.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 7, Intelligence 6, Perception 6,Level 15

Cautious NatureThis Perk increases Perception by +3 in random

encounters to determine how far away your characterstarts from hostile critters.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 6, Level 3

ComprehensionWith this Perk, your character gains an additional

+50% to the number of skill points earned when readingeducational books.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Intelligence 6, Level 3

Cult of PersonalityThis Perk will make your character’s Karma a positive

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modifier to all people. Everybody likes your character!Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Charisma 10, Level 12

Demolition ExpertFor characters that like to blow things up, there is

nothing better than this Perk. Explosives set by thischaracter do more damage and willalways detonate on time.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 4, Traps 90%, Level 9

DodgerThis Perk will lower the chance your character will be

hit in combat by increasing the Armour Class by +5 perrank.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 6, Level 9

Earlier SequenceYour character will be more likely to move before

other characters in combat with this Perk. Each rank ofthis Perk will increase the Sequence statistic by +2.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Perception 6, Level 3

EducatedEvery rank of this Perk will add +2 skill points when

your character gains an experience level.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Intelligence 6, Level 6

EmpathyYou will get a better idea of what to say when you

are speaking to an NPC when your character has this Perk.The lines of dialogue will be colour-coded. It us up toyou to figure out what the colours actually mean.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 7, Intelligence 5, Level 6

ExplorerThis Perk will make it more likely that your character

will run across strange and interesting random




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encounters.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Level 9

Faster HealingCharacters with Faster Healing just plain heal faster.

For each rank of this Perk, your character gains a +2 tothe Healing Rate statistic.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Endurance 6, Level 3

Fortune FinderRandom encounters yield more money. Of course, you

have to take it off the cold, dead bodies of youropponents.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Luck 8, Level 6

GamblerThis Perk adds +40 skill points to Gambling.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Gambling 50, Level 6

Gain AgilityIncreases your Agility by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 1-9, Level 12

Gain CharismaIncreases your Charisma by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Charisma 1-9, Level 12

Gain EnduranceIncreases your Endurance by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Endurance 1-9, Level 12

Gain IntelligenceIncreases your Intelligence by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Intelligence 1-9, Level 12

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Gain LuckIncreases your Luck by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Luck 1-9, Level 12

Gain PerceptionIncreases your Perception by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 1-9, Level 12

Gain StrengthIncreases your Strength by +1 permanently.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Strength 1-9, Level 12

GhostIn areas of darkness, or at night, characters with

this Perk gain +20% to their Sneak skill.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Sneak 60%, Level 6

HarmlessYour character’s innocent demeanour makes stealing

from people a little easier. +40 skill points to Steal.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Steal 50%, Karma > 49, Level 6

HealerEach rank of this Perk will increase the number of Hit

Points healed by the use of the First Aid or Doctorskills by 4-10 points. The second rank adds +8-20 pointsper use.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Perception 7, Agility 6, Intelligence 5,First Aid 40%, Level 3

Heave Ho!For purposes of determining the maximum range of

thrown weapons only, this Perk will increase Strength by+2 for each rank.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Level 6




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Here and NowWith this Perk, your character gains one experience

level immediately.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Level 9

HtH EvadeIf both item slots are empty, at the end of a combat

turn, your character will gain 3 points of Armour Classfor every unused Action Point (instead of the normal 1unused AP = +1 point of AC.)Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Unarmed 75%, Level 12

Kama Sutra MasterThis Perk confers great stamina and skill when doing

the dirty.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Endurance 5, Agility 5, Level 3

Karma BeaconYour Karma ran over someone’s Dogma. Karma is doubled

for the purposes of dialogue and reactions.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Charisma 6, Level 9

LifegiverEverytime your character gains a level, gain an

additional four Hit Points for each rank of this Perk.With two ranks of Lifegiver, that’s +8 HP each level!Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Endurance 4, Level 12

Light StepCharacters with this Perk are much less likely to set

off traps.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 5, Luck 5, Level 9

Living AnatomyThis Perk confers +20 skill points to Doctor. Since

characters with this Perk have greater knowledge ofanatomy, they also do +5 points of damage with every

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attack to living creatures.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Doctor 60%, Level 12

Magnetic PersonalityCharacters with this Perk can attract an additional

party member.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Charisma 1-9, Level 3

Master ThiefThis Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 skill points to

the Lockpick and Steal skills.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Lockpick 50%, Steal 50%, Level 12

Master TraderThis Perk makes your items more valuable when

bartering.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Charisma 7, Barter 60%, Level 9

MedicThis Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 skill points to

First Aid and Doctor.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: First Aid 40% or Doctor 40%, Level 12

More CriticalsCharacters with this Perk cause more critical hits in

combat. Each rank adds +5 to the Critical Chancestatistic.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Luck 6, Level 6

Mr. FixitThis Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 skill points to

the Repair and Science skills.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Repair 40% or Science 40%, Level 12




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Mutate!Picking this Perk will also make you select one of

your current Traits to remove. You then get a chance topick another Trait. Weird, huh?Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Level 9

Mysterious StrangerWhen you select this Perk, there is a chance (30% +

(2x Luck)) that your character will gain a temporaryally, but only in random encounters.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Luck 4, Level 9

NegotiatorThis Perk gives a one-time bonus of +20 skill points

to Speech and Barter.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Barter 50%, Speech 50%, Level 6

Night VisionYour character can see better in darkness when you

select this Perk. This reduces the negative for attackingin low-light conditions.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 6, Level 3

Pack RatEach rank of this Perk adds +50 lbs. to your

character’s Carry Weight statistic.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Level 6

PathfinderThis Perk reduces your travel time on the World Map by

25% for each rank.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Endurance 6, Outdoorsman 60%, Level 6

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PickpocketCharacters with this Perk do not suffer the negative

modifiers for facing and size that are normallyassociated with Steal.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 8, Steal 80%, Level 15

PresenceThe initial reaction of NPCs are modified by +10% for

each rank of this Perk.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Charisma 6, Level 3

PyromaniacThis Perk will make your character do horrible things

with fire — to other people. +5 points of damage withfire-based weapons.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Big Guns 75%, Level 9

Quick PocketsThe cost to access Inventory during combat is only two

AP with this Perk.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 5, Level 3

Quick RecoveryIt only costs one AP to stand up after being knocked

down.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 5, Level 6

Rad ResistanceEach rank of this Perk increases the Radiation

Resistance statistic of your character by +15%.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Endurance 6, Intelligence 4, Level 6

RangerThis Perk adds +20 skill points to Outdoorsman. It

also makes finding special random encounters slightlyeasier.Number of Ranks: 1




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Requirements: Perception 6, Level 6

SalesmanYour character becomes an adept salesman with this

Perk. +40 skill points to the Barter skill.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Barter 50%, Level 6

ScoutYour character can now scout a little farther on the

World Map. This will increase the amount of the map youcan see while exploring and make finding the specialrandom encounters a little easier.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 7, Level 3

SharpshooterFor each rank of this Perk, increase Perception by +2

for the purposes of determining the modifiers for rangein combat.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Perception 7, Intelligence 6, Level 9

Silent DeathWhile Sneaking, characters with this Perk do double

damage using a HtH or melee attack if they can hit theiropponent in the back.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 10, Sneak 80%, Unarmed 80%, Level18

Silent RunningThis Perk allows characters to run and still Sneak.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 6, Sneak 50%, Level 6

SlayerIn HtH or melee combat, holders of this Perk do

critical hits with a successful Luck roll.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 8, Strength 8, Unarmed 80%, Level24

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Smooth TalkerEach rank of this Perk will increase the number of

options your character has while talking to NPCs.Basically, characters will be able to say things theywould not normally be able to discuss due to theirIntelligence.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Intelligence 4, Level 3

SnakeaterThis Perk adds +25% to the Poison Resistance

statistic.Number of Ranks: 2Requirements: Endurance 3, Level 6

SniperYour character will do a critical hit with a ranged

weapon with a successful Luck roll and this Perk.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 8, Perception 8, Small Guns 80%,Level 24

SpeakerThis Perk gives a one-time bonus of 40 skill points to

the Speech skill.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Speech 50%, Level 9

StonewallYour character is only half as likely to be knocked

down in combat.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Strength 6, Level 3

Strong BackEach rank of this Perk increases the Carry Weight

statistic by 50 lbs.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Strength 6, Endurance 6, Level 3




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SurvivalistGain 40 skill points in the

Outdoorsman skill with this Perk.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Endurance 6,Intelligence 6, Outdoorsman 40%,Level 3

Swift LearnerEach rank of this Perk adds an

additional +5% to your character’sexperience point total wheneveryour character earns experience.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Intelligence 4,Level 3

Tag!Pick an additional Tag skill.

Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Level 12

ThiefA one-time bonus of +10 skill points to Sneak,

Lockpick, Steal and Traps.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Level 3

ToughnessEach rank of this Perk adds +10 to your character’s

Damage Resistance statistic.Number of Ranks: 3Requirements: Endurance 6, Luck 6, Level 3

Weapon HandlingThis Perk adds +3 to Strength for weapon minimum

Strength checks.Number of Ranks: 1Requirements: Agility 5, Level 12

It isrumoured that thereare special Perks. Youmay be awarded one ofthese Perks forcompleting specialquests. Keep your eyeout for these specialawards.


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ExperienceAs your character survives, and succeeds at overcomingthe obstacles in his path, he will gain experiencepoints. When a certain number of experience points areobtained, your character will increase in level. Whenthat happens, your character will gain more Hit Points,more skill points and the occasional Perk.

Experience points can be given to your character forkilling critters in combat, solving problems, and usingskills successfully. The more difficult the critter,problem or skill use, the more experience points yourcharacter will be awarded with.

It requires more experience points to increase inlevel, the higher level your character is. Go up inlevels, and you need even more experience to get to thenext level.

A level is just a generalised measure of how muchexperience your character has earned, and how capableyour character is.

The amount of experience required to gain the nextlevel is shown on your character screen.




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Level XP Required1 02 1,0003 3,0004 6,0005 10,0006 15,0007 21,0008 28,0009 36,00010 45,00011 55,00012 66,00013 78,00014 91,00015 105,00016 120,00017 136,00018 153,00019 171,00020 190,00021 210,000

and so on…

Every new level gains your character the following:

Hit Points — Add 3+(1/2 Endurance) to your maximum HPtotal.

Skill Points — Gain 5+(2x Intelligence) skill points.

Your character will occasionally gain a Perk, everythree or four levels.

There is no maximum level. You can continue to gainexperience and improve your character, but it takes moreand more experience to increase levels as you play.

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Skill PointsEvery new experience level will give your character anumber of skill points that you can spend to improve yourcharacter’s skills. It is harder to improve a skill thatis at a higher level. When your character spends skillpoints to improve a skill, it will cost more skill pointsif the skill is of a higher level.

Tag skills improve faster. They gain +2% instead ofthe normal +1%.

The number of skill points your character gains eachlevel is dependent on their Intelligence (the higher theIntelligence, the more skill points), and whether or notyour character has the Skilled trait or the Educatedperk.

Spending Skill PointsTo spend skill points, simply click on the skill tohighlight it and move the skill point spending bar tothat skill. Press the + or — buttons to increase ordecrease the number of skill points you are spending onthat skill. You cannot decrease the number of skillpoints in a particular skill below where it started whenyou entered the character screen at this time.




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Matters of Life and DeathAs you explore the post-nuclear world, you willeventually come into conflict with other characters orcreatures. Sometimes you can solve these problems withdiplomacy or stealth, depending on what your character isgood at. Sometimes it is going to come down to who hasthe bigger gun.

And who can use it better…Combat in Fallout 2 is turn-based. While the rest of

the game is “real-time,” meaning that while you aremoving other characters may move as well, a turn-basedgame is different. The way it works is that yourcharacter gets a chance to act, then the next person doesall of his actions, and then the next person and so on.When everyone has had a chance to act, the turn is overand the whole thing starts over again at the top.

When everyone else is dead or they have fled, thecombat is over and the game reverts back to real-time. Ifyour character dies, then the game is over.

This chapter on combat will often refer to hexes. Ahex is short for hexagon, or a six-sided polygon. Hexesare a way of managing distance and movement. Each hex isone meter. A target ten hexes away is ten meters away, orroughly thirty feet.

Starting CombatThere are two ways combat can start. You can initiate it,or someone else can. You can start combat by left-clicking on the active item, if it is a weapon, or usingthe “A” quick key. NPCs will usually only start combat ifthey are hostile, or if you really anger them by doingsomething they hate.

Anyway you look at it, once combat starts, you’dbetter be prepared to end it.

The person who starts combat gets a free turn, thenall combatants (people participating in the battle) areordered in a list by the Sequence statistic. The critterwith the highest Sequence gets to go first, then thecritter with the next best Sequence and so on. Ties aredetermine by the best Agility, and if that is still tied,the best Luck. If it is still tied at that point, the

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computer just picks a random critter who is tied for thatposition.

Each combatant, starting at the top of the list andworking down, gets a chance to act. When everyone hasgone, it starts all over again at the top of the list.

When combat starts, thecombat buttons in the lowerright-hand side of the interfacebar will be revealed. If thefour lights around the buttonsare bright green, it is yourcharacter’s turn. If the lightsare red, it is a computer characters turn. When it isyour character’s turn, you can act. When it is not, youmust watch the events on screen and wait for the nextturn.

Each turn of combat is five seconds of game time. Itmight take longer of actual time to play out that turn.When it is your turn, you can think about your actionsfor as long as you like. There are no time limits here.

TargetsOne of the first things you need to do is determinepossible targets. You can use the Target Highlightpreference to determine when targets will be highlighted.We will assume that preference is set to Targeting Only.

When you right-click to change cursor modes, one ofthe cursors is the targeting cursor. The targeting cursoris also available when you click on a weapon in theactive item button area.

All targets within your character’s line of sight*(LOS) and/or Perception range* will be highlighted. Thecolour of the highlight is important.




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RED — A critter highlighted red is a possible enemywithin your character’s LOS and Perception range. Proceedwith caution. It’s possible that the critter is neutral,and wants to have nothing to do with you and yourproblems. It’s also possible that the critter could beplanning evil things to do with your character’s corpse.

YELLOW — The critter is out of your character’s LOS, butwithin Perception range. It will be impossible for yourcharacter to attack this critter, unless your charactermoves closer.

GREEN — This is a friendly critter. Don’t shoot!

NONE — If there is no highlight around a critter, thatparticular character or creature is out of ourcharacter’s LOS and Perception range.

* LOS is Line of Sight. This is a straight line betweentwo characters. If the line is blocked, the charactersare not in LOS of each other. LOS is mutual. Bydefinition, a character that has LOS to a critter iswithin the LOS of the critter. LOS can be blocked bywalls, trees and other large objects.

* Perception range is what your character can hear orsmell, in addition to see. It is possible for yourcharacter to know that a critter is behind a while,because your character can just perceive them.

Action PointsThe number of actions you can take each turn aredetermined by a character’s total number of Action Points(AP), the more APs your character has, the more thingsshe can do.

You will spend your character’s APs when you performan action, when you are out of APs your turn is over.Fortunately, you get all of your APs back at the start ofthe next turn.

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The number of action points your character has islocated over the active item button on the interface bar.The AP lights only show the first ten AP your characterhas. If your character has more than 10 AP remaining,those action points will not be shown. When you spendenough APs so that less than ten are remaining, thenumber of lights representing APs will start to wink off.

Different actions cost different amounts of APs. Itcosts very little to walk one hex (one AP to bespecific), but it costs more to walk several hexes.Attacking with a knife is faster than aiming with arifle, so the knife attack will cost less AP to perform.

Actions in CombatThe following chart will give you an idea of the numberof APs required to perform an action. The actual amountmay vary, depending on your character and what item yourcharacter uses.

Action Base AP CostMovement 1 AP per hexHand to Hand (HtH) Attack 3 APMelee Weapon Attack 4 APRanged Attack (single) 5 APRanged Attack (burst) 6 APTargeted Attack (single) 6 APReloading Ammo 2 APAccessing Inventory 4 APOpening a door or other action 3 APToggling active items 0 APSwitching weapon modes 0 AP

MovementThe AP cost to move is shown in the middle of themovement cursor when you pause the cursor for a momentover the destination hex. If there is a red X in thecentre of the cursor, then you do not have enough AP tomove that far, or there is something (or someone)blocking your access to that hex.

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Running in combat has no bonus or penalty.You can reserve enough AP to move and still use your

active item by holding down the CTRL key while clickingto move. If you want enough AP left over to shoot yourtarget, but you want to get as close as possible to thetarget in order to reduce the range penalty to a minimum,use reserve movement. Example: Your character has nine APremaining. Your current weapon is a Colt 6520. It costsfive AP to shoot that weapon in non-targeted mode. If youhold down CTRL while clicking on a hex that is eighthexes away, you will only move (9-5) four hexes towardsthe destination hex. You will still have five APremaining, just enough to shoot the pistol.

AttackingThe number of AP required to make an attack depends onthe type of weapon used (if any) and the type of attack.Weapons that are big and bulky will require more AP touse than smaller weapons. The AP cost for the attack isalways shown in the lower left-hand corner of the activeitem button.

All ranged weapon attacks are assumed to be aimed.Ammunition is scarce. Every shot must count.

Targeted shots are aimed shots that your characterspends more time performing. Targeted shots require anadditional AP to perform.

To attack, right-click on the active item button(which should contain a weapon or be empty, if you wantto use Unarmed attacks) until the button is displayingthe attack mode you want to use. Left-click on the buttonto get a targeting cursor. Move the targeting cursor overthe target and left-click again to attack.

You can continue to attack in a turn until you run outof APs to pay for an attack. It is possible to use twodifferent types of attacks, as well.

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InventoryIf you press the INV button onthe interface bar, it will costfour AP to open inventory. Ifyou do not have the four AP,you cannot open inventory.

Once you open inventory,however, you can perform asmany actions in there as youwant. If you do nothing atall, it still costs the fourAP. If you attempt to openinventory again on the sameturn, it will cost anadditional four AP.

Other ActionsIf you perform actions that require a reasonable amountof work and time, like opening a door, it will cost threeAP. Some skills or actions require so much game time thatthey cannot be used in a combat turn. Specifically, FirstAid and Doctor skills cannot be used in combat.

Some interface issues require no time at all in thelarger scheme of things. Right-clicking on the activeitem button to change weapon modes requires no APs.Neither does switching between the two active item slots.

ProbabilitiesAttacks in combat are not a sure thing. People are movingaround, trying really hard not to be hit. Armour deflectsblows that otherwise would have done damage.

Weapon attacks will often refer to a “chance to hit.”You can see this chance when you move the targetingcursor over a legal target. The number is the percentagechance, after modifiers, of actually hitting the target.The higher this number, the more likely you will be ableto hit.

Some examples:

10% chance to hit — You should only be able to hit thetarget one out of every ten times.

If you wantto reload and use ahealing item on the sameturn, it is cheaper toopen inventory and doeverything there. And ifyou go to inventory touse a healing item, youshould remember to reloadany ranged weapons atthe same time.


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50% chance to hit — You shouldhit half the time and miss theother half.

95% chance to hit — You shouldhit 19 out of 20 times, so youwill rarely miss. This, by theway, is the maximum chance tohit. Even with super high

skills, and all the modifiers, you have a maximum chanceof 95% to hit.

Your chance to hit is based on the appropriate weaponskill and it is modified by the range, light level,armour, cover your target has, and if the attack istargeted, the specific location you are trying to hit.

For ranged weapons, the distance between yourcharacter and your target is critical. The closer yourcharacter is to the target, the better the chance to hit.Your Perception is the base factor for how far away atarget can be before it gets harder to hit it. If thetarget is really close, you will even have a positivemodifier to your to hit chance.

If your target is in the dark, it will be harder tosee them accurately. Targets that are hard to see arehard to hit. The light level of the target will modifyyour chance to hit. The darker it is, the harder it willbe to hit them.

Armour provides protection by actually deflecting theattack. Attacks that are deflected, or bounce in the caseof really heavy armour, do no damage. Neat. The negativemodifier to a to hit roll is the Armour Class (AC) ofthe armour. See page XX for more details about armour andhow it can help you even if you are hit.

Any obstacle between you and your target is consideredcover. People, barrels, trees are all cover. You cannotshoot through walls, but it might be possible to shootthrough a window.

See page 130 for details about targeted attacks. Thedifferent locations on the target may be selected. Eachlocation may have a different modifier to the to hitchance, but offers the opportunity to increase the amountof damage done.

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Ranged WeaponsWeapons that can be used a range of one hex, two hexesor more are called ranged weapons. They often have somesort of finite range, but that is often 15, 20 or morehexes away.

Anything from a gun to a thrown rock can be a rangedweapon. If you can attack farther than two hexes away, itmust be a ranged weapon.

Weapon ModesBy right-clicking on the active item button, you canchance the weapon mode. Not all weapons will have allmodes.

SINGLE — This will fire one shot from the weapon. Oneround of ammo will be used. The computer will roll onechance to hit. If it succeeds, the shot hits and doesdamage. If it fails, nothing happens except you spentsome APs that could have been better used.

Single shots may also be targeted, if your characterdoes not have the Fast Shot trait. The targeting symbolwill appear in the lower right-hand corner of the activeitem button when you are in targeted shot mode. See page126 for more info on these kinds of attacks.

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BURST — This mode will usemultiple rounds of ammunition.Every type of burst weapon willhave a different rate of fire(ROF), which determines thenumber of rounds fired with a

single action. Burst weapons use ammo faster, butgenerally have a better chance to hit overall.

Every single bullet will get an individual chance tohit. Even with a low skill, burst weapons with a high ROFwill usually hit something.

And something is the key word. Burst weapons not onlyattack the target, but any other potential target withthe cone shaped area of effect.

A burst is capable of covering many hexes and hittingall targets within that area. Most of the bullets areaimed at the primary target. The rest of the bullets canstrike anybody within the cone. Friends, enemy’s,helpless sheep, whatever is in the cone that is centredaround your target. Each bullet will do the weaponslisted amount of damage. If all rounds hit, a burstweapon can do an awful lot of damage.

However, if are right on top of an enemy, and youburst them — they will be riddled by all the bullets.The cone needs a minimum of a few hexes to work.

Besides potentially using a lot of ammo, burst shotsmay not be targeted. You just don’t have the fine controlnecessary to bring the sight to target with all therecoil.

THROW — This will toss theweapon at the enemy target. Thisis generally a shorter rangedattack than other rangedweapons. The exact range willdepend on the Strength statistic

of the character throwing the weapon.Grenades, knives and rocks can all be thrown. If you

have an identical item in your inventory, it willautomatically be loaded into the same slot. This lets youtoss frag grenades like they are going to nuke thefactory in five minutes and you’d better use all that youcan.

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All thrown weapons have to land somewhere. Even if athrown weapon misses the target, it will land on theground somewhere around you or the target. Grenades havea tendency to do bad things if this happens.

RELOAD — Weapons that require ammo can be reloaded. Youmust have the identical kind of ammo in your inventory.The weapon will be maxed out, or all of your inventoryammo will be used, whichever comes first.

The ammo bar next to the active item button shows if aweapon requires ammo, and how close it is to needing areload. The lower the bar, the more likely you will bereloading in the very near future. Burst weapons thathave a high ROF use a lot of ammo. Single-shot weapons,like rocket launcher’s, also need to be reloaded quiteoften.

Besides using this method to reload, which only coststwo AP, you can spend four AP and open inventory. Once ininventory, you can perform as many inventory actions as youwould like. Including swapping weapons, ammo type, usinghealing items and so on.

Examine the weapon in inventory to get an exact countof the remaining ammo, if you are interested.

Melee Weapons & HtH CombatThe use of melee weapons and unarmed combat is

collectively known as Hand to Hand combat (HtH). Thissort of combat occurs at very close ranges. Most of thetime the two opponents will be adjacent, at a range ofone hex. Some melee weapons can attack an opponent thatis two hexes away. Anything beyond that, you need aranged weapon. This type of combat can be very deadly,since most attacks are faster and the chance for acritical hit is increased.

HtH combat has a major disadvantage: if you can hityour opponent, he can hit you. With ranged weapons, youcan fire from a distance, and if your opponent is notsimilarly armed, you can plink at them as they approach.

The good thing about HtH combat: less ammunition isused, and the attacks are generally a little faster toperform, letting your character take additional actions.

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SWING & THRUST — These areattack types common to meleeweapons. Melee weapons have abase amount of damage, plus theyget a bonus from Strength (theMelee Damage statistic.)

Many melee weapons can make a targeted attack. Thisattack costs an additional AP to perform, but is morelikely to cause damage. See page 130 for targetedattacks.

RELOAD — Some melee weapons require power cells, a typeof ammo. If the power level gets low in the weapon, usethis option to recharge the weapons battery.

PUNCH — If ITEM1 is empty ininventory, you can make punchattacks. The better your unarmedskill, and othercharacteristics, the more damageyour

punches will do. Basic punch damage is based off of yourcharacter’s Melee Damage stat. Characters that work onimproving their Unarmed skill will learn how to throwmore and more powerful punches. Some punches requireother characteristics as well.

See the Unarmed skill description starting on page 89for more information.

KICK — ITEM2 in inventory mustbe empty so you can make kickattacks. Kicks do more damage,but require more AP. Kick damageis modified by Melee Damage.

Characters that specialise inUnarmed can do better and better kicks as they learnmore. Other characteristics are required to learn thismore advanced kicks.

See the Unarmed skill description starting on page 91for more information.

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Targeted ShotsMost attacks are done justtrying to hit the opponent. Butif the character takes a littlemore time, it is possible tomake a more difficult attackthat can do more damage. Theseare known as targeted attacks.

Not all attacks can be targeted. Burst and explosiveweapons cannot make targeted attacks. Characters thathave the Fast Shot trait will never even see the targetedshot icon.

Right-click on a weapon in the active item buttonuntil a small targeting icon appears in the lower right-hand corner of the button. Left-click on the button toselect the targeting cursor. The colour is red to remindyou that this is a targeted shot. Left-click on thetarget.

A window will appear showing a wireframe of the targetand all the specific locationsyou can target.

You can attack one of eightdifferent locations. Eachlocation, like an arm or leg,is easier or harder to hit.Your adjusted to hit chance isshown next to the locationname. A to hit chance of “—”

means your character has no chance of success, the attackis just too difficult for a character of that skill.Click on a location name to attempt the attack. Press theCANCEL button if you decide the targeted attack is notworth it. A normal attack always goes for the torso.

Targeted attacks have a higher chance of scoring acritical hit. The more difficult the location was to hit,the higher the chance of actually doing a critical hit.The type of critical hit that is achieved is also basedon the location of the targeted hit. Hitting a person inthe head can do more damage than hitting them in the leftleg.

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DamageDamage is the result of a successful attack in combat.The more damage you do, the more likely your opponentwill be killed, knocked out, knocked down or just plainput out of the fight.

Damage can also occur from traps or other non-combatsources.

Hit Points — Damage removes HP. The amount of damage isalways shown as an amount of HP damage. A critter’scurrent HP is equal to their maximum HP minus all thedamage they have taken. When a critter’s HP reaches 0,that critter is dead. If the player character loses allof his HP, the game is over.

Critical Hits — Some attacks are just more deadly thanothers. The attack may have hit a critical spot, or wasswung with a extra effort, or was just a lucky attack.These critical hits can cause more damage or have someother nasty effect on the poor recipient of the hit. Thechance to cause a critical hit is based on the CriticalChance statistic, if the attack was targeted or not, andwhat the difference was between the attacker’s skill andthe final number rolled by the computer.

Some common critical hit effects:

Extra Damage — x1.5, x2 or even x3 points of damage.

Crippled Limb — The attack was so good it disabled alimb.

Ignore Armour — The attack bypasses armour andcompletely affects the target.

Unconsciousness — The attack knocks the target out.The amount of time the target will remain unconscious isbased on their Endurance. The higher the EN, the quickerthe target recovers.

Knockdown — The target is knocked to the ground. Itwill require them to spend a small amount of AP to get

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up the next turn.

Instant Death — Some critical hits are just so brutalthe target is instantly slain, usually in a veryspectacular manner.

The type of effect achieved by the critical hitdepends on the target, and the actual location of atargeted shot.

Critical Failures — It is entirely possible that theattack was so screwed up, that the attacker did somethingreally stupid. This is known as a critical failure, andis usually not a good thing. Critical failures can happento the PC, as well as all other critters. Criticalfailures happen to the attacker, which can include yourcharacter.

Trying to make a targeted shot with a really lowchance to hit increases the chance that your characterwill suffer from a critical failure. The Jinxed traitmeans that everyone will suffer from more criticalfailures.

The type of critical failure depends on the weaponused. Characters making unarmed attacks are not immune tothe dread power of critical failures.

Some common critical failure effects:

Running out of ammo — The magazine was damaged, or theammo malfunctioned.

Jammed Weapon — Oops! The weapon may jam and requiretime to repair.

Loss of AP — The attacker did something stupid, likebrain fart.

Dropped Weapon — The attacker loses grip on his weaponand it falls to the ground.

Weapon Explodes — This is bad. Only really likely withexplosive or energy weapons.

Hit Unintentional Target — The attacker misses hisoriginal target and hits someone else.

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Damage Self — The attacker somehow hurts herself.

There are other critical failure effects. Have funfinding them out.

Poison — Poison is a nasty type of attack. Poison doesdamage over time. Many creatures can do poison damage,along with their regular HP attacks. Anti-venom canreduce the effect of poison. The more poison a characterhas been affected by, the longer it takes before thepoison is gone, and the more damage the poison while doon the way out.

See Poison Resistance for more info on poison, page91.

Radiation — Radiation is an invisible attack. You willnot see the radiation that kills you. Some critters cancause radiation damage, in addition to their normaldamage. Radiation does not normally leave your system,either. You must use drugs or other curative processes toremove radiation. And the more radiation in your system,the more likely it is to damage you and the worse theeffect.

See Radiation Resistance on page 91 for more aboutradiation.

Unconsciousness — This usually occurs from a criticalhit. During this time, the unconscious critter will fallto the ground and can do nothing until he recovers. Therecovery time is based on Endurance.

Death — There are two ways to die: lose all of your hitpoints or be unconscious and the only remaining crittersaround you are hostile. We suggest you do neither.

ArmourArmour is protective clothing that can reduce the effectof damage in combat. It is highly suggested that you findarmour, wear it and upgrade whenever possible.

The better the armour, the more damage it can protectagainst. There are three different statistics thatdetermine the quality of the armour and how much damageit can stop.

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Armour Class — This is the chance that the armour willforce the attack to miss, usually by deflecting the shot.The higher the Armour Class (AC), the better the armour.The AC acts as a negative modifier on the attackerschance to hit. Example: A ganger is wearing Leatherarmour, which is AC15. A desert ranger has a to hitchance of 65%, after all other modifiers. The chance tohit the target is only 50%.

Damage Threshold — If a character in armour is hit, thenthe first thing armour can do is block the damage. DamageThreshold (DT) is subtracted from the initial amount ofdamage (what the target would take if it weren’t for thearmour.) Example: The desert ranger hits the ganger fromthe above example. The attack does 20 points of damage.Owie! The DT of Leather armour is 4. The first fourpoints of the rangers attack is stopped cold, leavingonly 16 points of damage.

Damage Resistance — The armour can also absorb the energyof the attack and spread it out over a larger area,reducing the damage proportionally. Damage Resistance(DR) is the percentage of damage, after the DT, that theattack is reduced by. Example: The ganger is in hurtshape. Fortunately, Leather armour has a DR of 20%, whichreduces the 16 points of damage to 13 points. Here’s themath: 16 — (16 x .2 = 3.2 (round down to 3)) = 13. TheLeather armour stopped a little over a third of the totaldamage.

Ending CombatIf there are no more hostile critters around, combat willend automatically. You can also attempt to end combatearly by using the END COMBAT button on the interfacebar. If there are hostile critters nearby that want tocontinue fighting, the END COMBAT button will not workbut you will have lost the remainder of your turn.

When combat ends, the combat buttons on the interfacebar are covered up again and the game returns to real-time.

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Victorious in Battle and Looting the DeadYour character will gain a number of experience pointsbased on the toughness of the critters faced. It may beenough XP to increase your character’s level, or you mayneed to explore some more and face additional challenges.

You can also loot the dead bodies for their stuff.Left-click, or select the Use action icon, on a dead

body to loot it. A loot screen will appear with yourcharacter on the left-hand side and the dead body on theright-hand side. If there is more than one dead body onthe hex, there will be some arrows to select theadditional corpses.

There is a TAKE ALL on the loot screen that will moveall items from the corpse or container object to yourcharacter’s inventory. That’s the quick way of grabbingeverything.

You can also use the Unload Ammo action icon on aweapon in the corpses inventory and it drop the ammodirectly into your inventory.

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APPENDIX 1:Tutorial

This section will give you a brief tutorial on gamefunctions and give you a head start at the beginning ofthe game. This tutorial assumes that you have alreadyinstalled Fallout 2 and doubled-click on the Fallout 2icon or ran it from the Win95 Start menu.

Start a new game by selecting NEW GAME from the mainmenu. For now, click on the TAKE button to select Narg, acombat-based character that is the easiest character tostart the game with.

After the tribal elder tells you of your mission, youwill appear standing in front of the temple of trials.Narg, your character, is standing on the steps in thecentre of the screen. Press F1 if you need a quickreminder of the basic functions and icons on this screen.

Equip Narg with a weapon, since Narg likes to kick alittle bootie every now and then. Click on the INV buttonon the interface bar to open Narg’s bag of goodies. Nargis pretty poor and only has a spear. That’ll have to dofor now. Move the cursor over the spear. Right-click onceto change the cursor mode. Left-click on the spear toexamine it a little more closely. Then right-click againto change the cursor back to the hand. Left-click on thespear and hold the mouse button this time. Notice thatthe cursor becomes the spear. The cursor is one with thespear. Drag the spear to the ITEM1 slot and release theleft-mouse button. Narg is now wielding the spear. Clickon the DONE button to return to the game.

Move the cursor to the corners of the screen. Thescreen will scroll to show you more of the map. This mapis pretty small. About the only things ofinterest on this map are the actual entrance to thetemple and that guy standing to the south of you.

Go talk to that guy. Right-click to change cursormodes and left-click on the guy, er, guard. Narg will runup to him and start a conversation. See page 63 for fullinformation about talking to non-player characters. Fornow, click on the “Just thought I’d say hello…” lineand say good-bye to the man. If you move the cursor overthe NPC for a moment, you will see a brief description of

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him in the display monitor.Left-click to change back to the movement cursor and

click in the dark entrance area of the temple.Good thing you pulled out that spear. There is a

(somewhat) dangerous animal hiding in the darkness of thetemple. Move Narg in the direction of the scorpion. Don’tmove too close. Wait for the scorpion to notice you andstart combat.

The scorpion should move right up to Narg. Convenientfor Narg, bad for the scorpion. Left-click on the spearbutton on the interface bar. The cursor will change to atargeting attack cursor and the scorpion will highlight.Left-click on the scorpion to attack it. If you miss,click the END TURN button. If you hit and don’t kill thescorpion, left-click to change cursor modes and walk awayfrom the scorpion. If you kill it, click the END COMBATbutton.

Change the cursor to the action cursor (right-clickuntil the cursor is an arrow) and left-click on the largedoor. This type action uses the item in question. In thecase of doors, this action attempts to open them.

Walk north and take the first corridor on your right.Kill any scorpions that you come across. As a shortcut,you can right-click in combat to select the targetingcursor. Keep moving away from the monsters, as it makesthem work harder to attack you. Narg only gets one attackwith his spear each turn.

Continue on to the end of this corridor, until youcome to a small room. Use the Pot in the north end ofthe room. Drag the bag of healing powder from the pot toNarg’s inventory or use the TAKE ALL button. Click on theDONE button you are finished looting the pot. Then leavethis room and continue back to the main corridor andcontinue to explore this level until you come to anotherset of large doors to the north.

(If you want to move faster, hold down SHIFT whileclicking to move. This will make your character runinstead of walk.)

Notice this door is locked. You will need to pick thelock. Click on the SKILLDEX button and select LOCKPICK.The cursor will change to a yellow targeting cursor.Left-click on the door to attempt to pick the lock.Continue using the SKILLDEX button until you pick the

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lock.Then use the door to open it and proceed north.This next corridor is trapped where it widens and

opens up. Proceed slowly through the area. If Narg sees araised plate, it indicates that a trap trigger has beenfound. Walk slowly to the west side of the corridor andthen walk carefully to the north. Avoid stepping on anytrap triggers.

If Narg gets hurt, either by the scorpions or thetraps, open Inventory and use the healing powder. To doso, right-click to change cursor modes to the Inventoryaction cursor. Left-click and hold on the healing powder.A column of icons will appear. While holding the mousebutton, move the mouse down to select the upraised hand(the Use icon) and release the mouse button. Narg willmunch on the powder and feel much better.

From here, you should continue to have Narg explorethe temple. Keep proceeding, killing hostile animals asyou come across them and using your skills and wits tobypass other obstacles.

Good luck!

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APPENDIX 2:Hints and Tips

In addition to the tutorial found in Appendix 1, here aresome basic hints and tips for beginners.

Save OftenUse the save game feature often and use it well. Do

not save over your previous save game slot. Use all 10slots, alternating between them to protect your characterand your game.

Examine EverythingKeep a close eye on the screen. Examine everyone and

everything until you get a hang of the world. The dirt,as it were, is in the details.

Concentrate on your CharacterAt the beginning of the game, when every level counts,

spend your skill points in what your character does well.This means that you should improve your tag skills untilthey are very useful. Master a few skills first and thenimprove the rest of your character. All characters shouldhave at least one combat tag skill (Melee and Unarmedwork best for starting characters, Small Guns is alwaysuseful and the others can be improved later when youstart getting the better equipment.)

Pay AttentionIf an NPC says something, they probably mean it. It

may be a lie or a trap, but your character should alwayspay attention to what someone has to say.

Save!We did mention to save your game, right?

Combat HintsMove around. Don’t stand still. Action Points are

better spent on moving farther away from an attacker thanthe AC bonus. Especially if you have a ranged weapon andthey do not. Moving around also allows you to use cover.

Pick your targets carefully and then follow through on

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the attack.Always use Inventory wisely for reloading and healing

your character.Ammo can be scarce. Conserve it if possible. Melee

weapons and hand-to-hand attacks on small, pitifulcritters can save you some expensive ammo. Don’t beafraid to spend ammo if it means less danger to yourcharacter, however.

Get some Friends (NPCs, that is)Having additional NPC party-members is great. Not only

can they offer additional information, but they do thefollowing:

* Split enemy attacks in combat. More targets for theenemy means less people actively trying to kill yourcharacter.

* Carry goods. More NPCs mean that you can lug morestuff around.

* Some NPCs are very skilled, and it will effectivelymean that your character gains a lot of experience aslong as you have these skilled NPCs around.

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APPENDIX 3:Credits

PROGRAMMINGLead ProgrammerJesse Reynolds

ProgrammersChris JonesNick Kesting

Robert Hertenstein 2Thomas FrenchChris HollandDan Spitzley

AdditionalProgramming By

Tim CainJohn Price

Movie TechnologyPaul Edelstein

Installer/AutoplayDarren Monahan

ARTArt DirectorGary Platner

ArtistsRobert Collier

Tramell Ray IsaacJeff McAteerBrian Menze

Scott Rodenhizer

HeadsScott Rodenhizer

Additional Art ByAaron BrownPeter KrokoMike McCarthyChad Moore

Eddie Rainwater

Intern ArtistsCharles M. Gregory

Daniel JacobsJohn JacobsKarel Jacobs

Christopher Jones

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Benc OrpakAdoni Torres

Original Game Artwork ByJason AndersonLeonard BoyarskyMichael Dean

Sharon ShellmanPaul Hormis

DESIGNLead Designers

Feargus UrquhartMatt Norton

DesignersJason G. SuinnJohn Deiley

Chris AvelloneZeb Cook

Dave HendeeColin McComb

Technical DesignerScott Everts

Level DesignersJohn DeileyScott Everts

Jason G. Suinn

Additional Design ByRobert Hertenstein 2

Nick KestingFred Hatch

Design/DialogueMark O’Green

SPECIAL Game System Design ByChris TaylorTim Cain

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Jess HeinigFeargus Urquhart

Original Game Design ByTim Cain

Leonard BoyarskyJason AndersonJason TaylorScott Campbell

UK Package DesignJames Morgan

PRODUCTIONDivision DirectorFeargus Urquhart

ProducersEric Demilt

Feargus Urquhart

Assistant ProducerFred Hatch

Asst. Division DirectorJeremy Barnes

Production AssistantJason G. Suinn

QUALITY ASSURANCEDirector of Quality Assurance

Chad Allison

Assistant Director of QAColin Totman

Project SupervisorsGreg «Moose» Baumeister

Steve McLaffertyDarrell Jones

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Senior TestersDennis PresnellChad NicholasEd Hyland

TestersDany MartinezWR SaundersRodney SmithTony Piccoli

David MaldonadoDan Levin

Eric PribishScott WarnerDerek JohnsonTim AndersonPrimo PulancoJeremy RayJeremy Seely

Scott Humphreys

Senior I.S. TechnicianBill Delk

I.S. TechnicianTom Quast

Director of Compatibility & Information ServicesFrank Pimentel

QA Database AdministratorSteve Cabiness

Compatibility TechniciansDerek GibbsJohn ParkerEd Robles

Louie Iturzaeta

AUDIOAudio DirectorCharles Deenen

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Audio MasteringCraig Duman

Background TV musicRonald Valdez

Cinematics Re-recording MixerDave West

Cinematics SoundeffectsWest Productions

Foley ArtistsDoug TurnerGary MurelloLarry Peacock

Foley EditorCaron Weidner

Foley MixerDebby Ruby

Foley Mixer/ArtistCecilia Perna

Foley Recorded atWest Productions

Foley SupervisionCharles DeenenLarry Peacock

FX EditorMichael Dickeson

Music ByMark Morgan

forFour Bars Entertainment

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Intro Re-Recording MixerCharles Deenen

Music SupervisorBrian Luzietti

Sound FX LibrariansDoug Rappaport

Sergio Bustamante IIRon Valdez

Sound FX DesignCharles DeenenGregory AllenLarry Peacock


Caron Weidner

Voice EditorsDoug Rappaport

Sergio Bustamante II

Voice ProducerFred Hatch

Voice Recording EngineerPaul Hurtubise

Voice SupervisorChris Borders

Voice Talent CoordinationJulie Morgavi

Voice Dialogue Recorded At

Hollywood Recording Services

Hollywood, CA

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Voice DirectionJamie Thomason


Director of MarketingPaul Sackman

Marketing ManagersMike MarkinGreg Peterson

Associate Marketing ManagerGreg Bauman

PR ManagerKrys Card

Traffic ManagerThom DohnerPaul Naftalis

Thanks to:(Dave H.) The Unwashed Villagers, the Dyer Family, JambaJuice, The Tick, SouthPark; (Chris A.) Eileen Suh and Mah

and Pa Avellone; (t.ray) my mother,my father, my son and my brother and to all of

my adoring fans for buying this game; (Rob H.) BeckyWarner and Billie Ryder; (Jesse R.)

«To Dad, you were an inspiration all my life.I miss you always.»

Special Thanks to:The members of the Fallout and Fallout 2

message boards. Thanks for your comments, suggestions andother esoteria!

Fallout 2 was brought to you byInterplay Productions,

Team Fallout 2 and the letter Q.

Recipes by: Chris Parmelee

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APPENDIX 4:Technical support

If you have any problems while installing or using thisgame, please follow the steps below.

1. Check the readme file supplied on the CD

2. Make a note of any error messages

3. Check the Interplay web-sitehttp://www.interplay.com for details of known problems,updates and patches.

4. Call the Virgin Interactive customer services team:

Technical Support on:

Tel: + 44 (0)207 551 4266

Fax: + 44 (0)207 551 4267

For some problems we may need to refer you to yourhardware supplier. For hint information please use thenumber in the following section.

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Finding out more

You can find out more about Interplay games on our website


You can also order games, hints guides and merchandisethrough our direct sales team on:

+44 1628 423723.

You can also contact us by:

WorldWide Web:



Customer Services Department

Virgin Interactive Entertainment Europe Ltd.

74a Charlotte Street



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APPENDIX 5:Warranty

In the unlikely event of a software fault please returnthe complete package, with your receipt, to the originalplace of purchase. Interplay disclaims all responsibilityfor incidental or consequential damages. These statementsdo not affect your statutory rights.

If you do telephone, please be sitting in front of yourcomputer (if possible) and be sure to provide us with asmuch information as possible. Make sure to note the exacttype of hardware that you are using in your system,including: • Speed and Manufacturer of your Processor.• Make & Model of your Sound Card and Video Card.• Make & Model of your CD-ROM drive.• Amount of RAM present.• Any additional Hardware and Peripherals.• Information contained in your Config.Sys & Autoexec.Batfiles.

Note: If you have any problems in obtaining any SystemInformation please consult your System supplier. It isextremely important that you have the information aboveat hand when you call.When contacting us by post, ensure you include the Title& Version of the game, a detailed description of theproblem you are experiencing and the exact type ofhardware that you are using.When sending us a fax, please remember to leave your faxmachine switched on and ready to receive. If you areusing a Telephone/Fax system please make sure that theFax connection is enabled. Ensure to include your name, areturn Fax number with the area code and a Voice numberso we can contact you if we experience problems whentrying to Fax you back.




Page 154: Fallout 2 Manual

NOTICEInterplay reserves the right to make modifications orimprovements to the product described in this manual atany time and without notice.

COPYING PROHIBITEDThis software product and the manual are copyrighted andall rights are reserved by Interplay Productions and areprotected by the copyright laws that pertain to computersoftware. You may not copy the software except that youmay make a single copy for backup purposes only. You maynot loan, sell, rent, lease, give, sub-license, orotherwise transfer the software (or any copy) unlessexpressly permitted to do so by Interplay ProductionsLtd. You may not modify, adapt, translate, createderivative works, decompile, disassemble, or otherwisereverse engineer or derive source code from, all or anyportion of the software or anything incorporated thereinor permit any third party to do so.




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APPENDIX 6:Interplay Website

INTERPLAY’S WORLD WIDE WEBSITE»Welcome to the InterplayWeb! As a companydedicated to providinginnovative, high qualityinteractive entertainmentsoftware, we are alwaysstriving to stay as closeas possible to the leadingedge of technology. ThisWeb site is designed toprovide a wealth ofinformation andopportunities to you. As a company of fanatic gamers, welove the idea of gamers all over the world tapping intocyberspace to see, touch and feel our latest games. To makeit work, our goal is to keep this site fresh and new, tomake it a place where you can tell US what you like aboutour game and what you don’t like about them! Enjoy yourvisit to our web site, explore all the different areas wehave to offer, and come back soon. Keep checking us out aswe introduce new and exciting areas for you to experience. Once again, Welcome!»

Brian Fargo

To find us





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APPENDIX 7:»The Big One» Pancake

1/3 cup Butter4 eggs1 cup milk1 cup flour

In a blender whip eggs for 1 min. Gradually add milk andthen flour while blender is on. After adding milk andflour continue blending for 30 seconds. Melt butter. Pourmelted butter into souffle dish (or round high dish),then add mixture to dish. Bake at 425 degrees for 20-25minutes (Until fluffy and golden brown & firm.Pancake will fall apart after being removed from theoven. Serve with fresh strawberries, powdered sugar,lemon, syrup, cinnamon, or anything you desire. Makesapproximately 8 servings.

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APPENDIX 8:»Carrion Kabobs»

1/4 cup lemon juice1/2 cup salad oil3 cloves of garlic (Minced or pressed)1 tablespoon ground cumin2 pounds boned leg of lamb (fat trimmed) cut into 1 1/2inch chunks2 each medium sized green, red, yellow bell peppers (or 6of 1 kind) stemmed, seeded, and cut into 1 1/2inchpieces.

In a bowl, combine lemon, oil, garlic, and cumin. Add thelamb; stir to coat. Cover and chill for at least 4, orup to 24 hours.Ignite 60 charcoal briquettes on firegate of barbecue;let burn until coals are covered with just gray ash,about 30 minutes. Spread coals evenly. Place grill 4 to 6inches above coals.Thread equal portions of lamb,slightly apart, on 6slender 10- to 12-inch metal, or wooden skewers. Threadequal portions of peppers slightly apart and alternatingcolours, on 6 more skewers. Brush peppers all over withcumin marinade.Place peppers and lamb on grill. Cook, turning andbasting once with cumin marinade, until peppers aretender when pierced, and meat is done to your liking (cutto test), 10 to 15 minutes for medium rare. Makes 6servings.

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APPENDIX 9:Quick Keys

Game Quick KeysA Attack — Start CombatC Character ScreenI InventoryP PIPBoy 2000 Main ScreenZ PIPBoy Alarm ClockO or ESC OptionsB Toggle Active ItemsM Toggle Mouse ModeN Toggle Active Item ModeS Skilldex1 Use Sneak Skill2 Use Lockpick Skill3 Use Steal Skill4 Use Traps Skill5 Use First Aid Skill6 Use Doctor Skill7 Use Science Skill8 Use Repair Skill? Show Date and Time< Rotate Counter-clockwise> Rotate ClockwiseSpace End Turn (Combat only)ENTER End Combat (Combat)ENTER DONE (Non-combat)TAB AutomapHOME Centre Screen on PC (Game View)

Inventory Quick KeysHOME Jump to top of listEND Jump to bottom of listPGUP Jump up one screenPGDN Jump down one screen

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System Quick Keys- Decrease Brightness+ Increase BrightnessF1 HelpF2 Master Volume DownF3 Master Volume UpF4 or CTRL-S Save GameF5 or CTRL-L Load GameF6 Quick SaveF7 Quick LoadF10 or CTRL-X Exit to Main MenuF12 Save ScreenshotCTRL-P Pause

Character Editor KeysTAB Change WindowArrow Keys Move within Window+ Add- Subtract

Page 161: Fallout 2 Manual

Fallout 2: A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game: ©1998 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Fallout, Interplay andthe Interplay Logo are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved.

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