Раздел: Офисная Техника
Тип: Мфу
Инструкция к Мфу Epson Stylus Photo RX600
Основные операции
Руководство пользователя
податчик листов
подставка для бумаги
крышка податчика
выходной лоток
крышка сканера
пластина для сканирования
непрозрачных документов
панель управления
(См. «Функции панели
управления» на стр. 11 .)
слот для карт памяти
крышка отсека
для картриджей
защитный стопор
для подключения
устройства USB
Все права защищены. Никакую часть данного документа нельзя воспроизводить, хранить в поисковых
системах или передавать в любой форме и любыми способами (механическими, путем копирования,
записи или иными) без предварительного письменного разрешения Seiko Epson Corporation. По отношению
использования содержащейся здесь информации никаких патентных обязательств не предусмотрено.
Равно как не предусмотрено никакой ответственности за повреждения, произошедшие вследствие
использования содержащейся здесь информации.
Компания Seiko Epson Corporation и ее филиалы не несут ответственности перед покупателями данного
продукта или третьими сторонами за понесенные ими повреждения, потери, сборы или затраты, вызванные
несчастными случаями, неправильным использованием продукта, недозволенной модификацией, ремонтом
или изменением продукта и невозможностью (исключая США) строгого соблюдения инструкций по работе
и обслуживанию, разработанных Seiko Epson Corporation.
Seiko Epson Corporation не несет ответственности за любые повреждения или проблемы, возникшие из*за
использования любых функций или расходных материалов, не являющихся оригинальными продуктами
EPSON (Original EPSON Products) или продуктами, одобренными EPSON (EPSON Approved Products).
Seiko Epson Corporation не несет ответственности за любые повреждения или проблемы, возникшие
из*за электромагнитных помех при подключении интерфейсных кабелей, не одобренных PSON (EPSON
Approved Products).
— зарегистрированная торговая марка и EPSON Stylus™ * торговая марка Seiko Epson Corporation..
Авторские права 2001, Seiko Epson Corporation. Все права защищены. PRINT Image Matching™ * торговая
марка Seiko Epson Corporation. Логотип PRINT Image Matching * торговая марка Seiko Epson Corporation.
Авторские права 2002, Seiko Epson Corporation. Все права защищены. USB DIRECT*PRINT™ * торговая марка
Seiko Epson Corporation. Логотип USB DIRECT*PRINT * торговая марка Seiko Epson Corporation.
Торговая текстовая марка Bluetooth и логотипы принадлежат Bluetooth SIG, Inc. , и любое использование
этих марок Seiko Epson Corporation оговорено в лицензии.
и Windows
* зарегестрированные торговые марки Microsoft Corporation.
и Macintosh
* зарегестрированные торговые марки Apple Computer, Inc.
DPOF™ * торговая марка CANON INC., Eastman Kodak Company, Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. и Matsushita Electric
Industrial Co., Ltd.
SD™ * торговая марка.
Memory Stick и Memory Stick PRO * торговые марки Sony Corporation.
xD*Picture Card™ * торговая марка Fuji Photo Film Co.,Ltd.
Общее примечание: Прочие названия продуктов упоминаются в документе только для идентификации
и могут являться торговыми марками соответствующих владельцев. EPSON отрицает владение любыми
правами на эти марки.
Авторские права © 2003, Seiko Epson Corporation, Нагано, Япония.
Информация об изготовителе:
Seiko Epson Corporation (Япония)
Юридический адрес: 4*1, Ниси*Синздюку, 2*Чоме, Синздюку*ку, Токио, Япония
Срок службы изделия: 5 лет.
Основные операции
Инструкции по безопасности
Важные инструкции по безопасности . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Предупреждения, предостережения и примечания . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Работа с панелью управления
Функции панели управления . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Основные операции. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Загрузка бумаги . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Размещение документа на планшете . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Изменение режима копирования. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Настройка параметров копирования. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Примечания и полезные советы при копировании. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Печать напрямую с карты памяти
Установка карт памяти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Основы печати. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Печать с различными параметрами. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Printing Enlarged Images (Печать увеличенных изображений). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Печать с использованием индексной формы . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Печать индексной формы. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Печать с использованием функций DPOF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Печать в режиме PRINT Image Framer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Выбор фотографий и способа печати. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Настройка параметров печати . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Печать с пленки
Основы печати. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Печать с различными параметрами. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Printing Enlarged Images (Печать увеличенных изображений) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Выбор типа пленки . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Настройка параметров печати. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Укладка и настройка пленки на планшете. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Сканирование при помощи ЖК!панели и кнопок
Сканирование непрозрачных документов и сохранение результатов
на карте памяти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Сканирование пленок и сохранение результатов на карте памяти. . . . . . . . . .60
Использование дополнительных функций
Печать напрямую с цифровой камеры . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Сохранение изображений с карты памяти на внешнем устройстве
(резервное копирование) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Замена чернильных картриджей
Чернильные картриджи . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Проверка уровня чернил . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Меры предосторожности при замене картриджей. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Замена чернильных картриджей . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Обслуживание и транспортировка
Проверка дюз печатающей головки . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Прочистка печатающей головки. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Калибровка печатающей головки. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Возврат к заводским предустановкам . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Транспортировка устройства . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Устранение неполадок
Сообщения об ошибках. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Неправильный размер копии. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Карта памяти застряла между слотом и крышкой слотов для карт памяти 82
Удаление застрявшей бумаги. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Поддержка пользователей продукции EPSON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Информация о продукте
Характеристики устройства . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Предметный указатель. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Перечень настроек панели управления . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Инструкции по безопасности
Важные инструкции по безопасности
Прочитайте все инструкции в этом разделе перед установкой
и использованием устройства.
Размещение устройства
Не устанавливайте принтер в местах, подверженных резким
изменениям температуры и влажности. Держите устройство вдали
от прямых солнечных лучей, источников яркого света и тепла.
Избегайте запыленных мест, а также мест, подверженных вибрации
и ударам.
Вокруг устройства должно быть достаточно места для обеспечения
хорошей вентиляции.
Располагайте устройство рядом с электрической розеткой,
чтобы его легко можно было включить и отключить от сети.
Размещайте устройство на плоской устойчивой поверхности, которая
шире основания устройства в любом направлении. При установке
устройства около стены, оставляйте между ним и стеной промежуток
не менее 10 см. Устройство не будет работать правильно, если оно
установлено под углом или качается.
При хранении и транспортировке устройства не наклоняйте его,
не ставьте на бок и не переворачивайте. Иначе чернила могут
вылиться из картриджа.
Требования к источнику питания
Открывайте упаковку чернильных картриджей только перед
установкой их в принтер.
Не трясите чернильные картриджи, иначе чернила могут вылиться.
Инструкции по безопасности 7
На микросхему чернильного картриджа записана различная
информация о картридже, например, объем оставшихся чернил,
поэтому можно свободно доставать и заново устанавливать картридж.
Учтите, что некоторое количество чернил расходуется при каждой
установке картриджа, поскольку принтер автоматически проводит
инициализацию картриджа.
Используйте только источник питания того типа, который указан
на заводской этикетке на тыльной стороне устройства.
Используйте только шнур питания, который поставляется
с устройством. Применение другого шнура может привести
к возгоранию или поражению электрическим током.
Шнур питания, прилагаемый к устройству, предназначен
для использования только с этим устройством. Применение шнура
для подключения другой аппаратуры может привести к возгоранию
или поражению электрическим током.
Убедитесь, что шнур питания отвечает соответствующим местным
стандартам безопасности.
Не используйте поврежденный или перетертый шнур питания.
Если вы используете удлинитель с устройством, убедитесь, что общая
нагрузка от всех устройств, подключенных к удлинителю,
не превышает максимально допустимой. Также убедитесь,
что суммарная нагрузка не превышает максимально допустимую
от всех устройств, подключенных к электрической розетке.
При работе с устройством
Не прикасайтесь к деталям внутри устройства и чернильным
картриджам во время печати.
Не блокируйте и не закрывайте отверстия на корпусе устройства.
Не пытайтесь самостоятельно ремонтировать устройство.
Не помещайте предметы в отверстия на корпусе устройства.
Будьте осторожны, не проливайте на устройство жидкости.
8 Инструкции по безопасности
Чернильные картриджи должны быть всегда установлены в принтер.
При удалении картриджей возможно высыхание головки, при этом
печать станет невозможна.
Отключите принтер от электросети и предоставьте для ремонта
квалифицированным специалистам в следующих случаях:
шнур питания или вилка повреждены; в устройство попала жидкость;
устройство уронили или его корпус поврежден; устройство работает
неправильно или заметно снизилась скорость работы.
При использовании карты памяти
Не вынимайте карту памяти и не выключайте устройство, если идет
передача данных между картой и компьютером (индикатор карты
памяти мигает).
Способы работы с картами памяти различаются в зависимости от
типа карты. Подробнее об этом — в документации по карте памяти.
Используйте только совместимую с этим устройством карту памяти.
Подробнее об этом — в разделе «Совместимые карты памяти»
на стр. 25.
При установке чернильных картриджей
Вынимая чернильный картридж из упаковки, будьте осторожны,
чтобы не сломать крючки сбоку картриджа.
Держите чернильные картриджи в местах, не доступных для детей.
Не позволяйте детям играть с чернильными картриджами или пить
Обращайтесь с картриджами бережно, так как вокруг отверстия
для подачи чернил может остаться небольшое количество чернил.
При попадании чернил на вашу кожу тщательно промойте кожу
водой с мылом. При попадании чернил в глаза немедленно промойте
их водой. Если после этого сохраняются неприятные ощущения
или ухудшится зрение, немедленно обратитесь к врачу.
Инструкции по безопасности 9
Не прикасайтесь к зеленой микросхеме сбоку картриджа. Это может
привести к повреждению картриджа.
Не касайтесь обведенных на
рисунке частей картриджа.
Не снимайте и не рвите наклейку на картридже, иначе из картриджа
могут вытечь чернила.
Работа с ЖК!дисплеем
Для очистки дисплея используйте только сухую мягкую ткань.
Не используйте жидкости или химические средства.
Если дисплей устройства поврежден, обратитесь к вашему
При попадании вытекшего содержимого ЖК*дисплея на руки
немедленно вымойте их с мылом; если жидкость попадет в глаза,
немедленно промойте их водой; если после промывания вы
испытываете дискомфорт или проблемы со зрением, немедленно
обратитесь к врачу.
Предупреждения, предостережения и
необходимо тщательно выполнять во избежание травм.
необходимо соблюдать, чтобы не повредить оборудование.
содержат важные сведения и полезные советы по работе с принтером.
10 Инструкции по безопасности
Работа с панелью управления
Функции панели управления
Служит для предварительного просмотра изображений, отображения
параметров при настройке с помощью кнопок и вывода сообщений
об ошибках. Сообщения об ошибках описаны в разделе «Сообщения об
ошибках» на стр. 78.
Индикатор Вид Состояние
Ошибка Включено
Произошла ошибка. (Подробности
см. в разделе «Устранение неполадок»
на стр. 78)
Показывает, в каком режиме работает
Memory Card
(Карта памяти),
Film Print
(Печать с пленки),
Работа с панелью управления 11
Кнопки Функция
P On (Вкл.) Включает и выключает устройство
Setup (Настройка) Включает режим настройки
Загружает или выводит бумагу
Copy (Копирование) Включает режим копирования
Memory Card
Включает режим работы с картой памяти
(Карта памяти)
Film Print
Включает режим печати с пленки
(Печать с пленки)
Включает режим сканирования
Cancel (Отмена) Отменяет операцию и возвращает к предыдущему
OK Записывает заданные вами значения параметров
Menu (Меню) Отображает элементы меню
Recall/Save 3 sec
Когда устройство работает в режиме копирования,
нажмите и удерживайте эту кнопку в течение трех
секунд для сохранения текущих параметров.
(удерживать 3
Записанные параметры можно вызвать из памяти,
удерживая на кнопку меньше трех секунд
x B&W
Копирование или печать в тонах серого
x Color (Цветное) Цветное копирование, печать или сканирование
y Stop (Стоп) Останавливает копирование, печать или
сканирование. Копируемый или печатаемый лист
Выбирает элемент меню
12 Работа с панелью управления
Регулировка контраста ЖК!дисплея
1. Нажмите на кнопку Setup (Настройка).
2. Выберите LCD Contrast Adjustment (Регулировка контраста
1. Выберите LCD Contrast Adjustment
(Регулировка контраста ЖКдисплея).
2. Нажмите на кнопку OK.
3. Отрегулируйте контраст ЖК*дисплея. Нажмите на кнопку r,
чтобы сделать изображение светлее, или на кнопку l, чтобы сделать
его темнее.
4. Завершив настройку, нажмите на кнопку OK.
Работа с панелью управления 13
Перед копированием прочитайте раздел «Примечания и полезные советы
при копировании» на стр. 21.
Основные операции
1. Нажмите на кнопку Copy (Копирование).
2. Загрузите бумагу и положите оригинал на планшет (см. «Загрузка
бумаги» на стр. 15 или «Размещение документа на планшете»
на стр. 18).
3. При необходимости можно изменить режим копирования
(см. «Изменение режима копирования» на стр. 19).
Выбирайте режим копирования до настройки параметров
копирования, поскольку при смене режима восстанавливаются
значения по умолчанию всех параметров копирования (тип бумаги,
качество печати, количество копий, размер бумаги).
4. При необходимости можно изменить параметры копирования
(см. «Настройка параметров копирования» на стр. 20).
5. Нажмите на кнопку x Color для цветного копирования или на
кнопку x B&W — для черно*белого.
Не открывайте сканирующий блок во время копирования
и сканирования, иначе вы можете повредить устройство.
Не вытягивайте бумагу из принтера во время копирования.
14 Копирование
Загрузка бумаги
Всегда загружайте в устройство бумагу до начала печати.
Результат печати зависит от типа бумаги. Для получения
отпечатков наилучшего качества используйте соответствующую
Оставляйте перед устройством достаточно свободного
пространства, куда будут выбрасываться отпечатки.
1. Откройте выходной лоток и сдвиньте крышку податчика к себе.
2. Потянув вниз защелку, выдвиньте левую боковую направляющую так,
чтобы расстояние между двумя боковыми направляющими было
немного больше ширины бумаги.
Копирование 15
3. Встряхните пачку бумаги и подбейте ее на плоской поверхности,
чтобы подравнять края листов. Положите бумагу стороной для печати
вниз вплотную к направляющей крышки податчика.
4. Положите пачку бумаги на подставку и придвиньте левую
направляющую к левому краю бумаги.
Всегда загружайте бумагу в податчик узкой стороной вперед.
Убедитесь, что стопка бумаги находится вровень или ниже
треугольной метки на боковой направляющей.
Удостоверьтесь, что бумага находится под метками
на внутренней стороне направляющих.
5. Установите на прежнее место крышку податчика.
16 Копирование
В зависимости от типа бумаги в лоток можно положить разное
количество листов.
Тип бумаги Параметры
Емкость загрузки
типа бумаги
Plain Paper (Простая бумага) Простая До 120 листов
EPSON Bright White Ink Jet
Яркобелая До 80 листов
Paper (Яркобелая бумага
для струйной печати EPSON)
EPSON Photo Quality Ink Jet
Paper (Бумага EPSON для
струйной печати
фотографического качества)
EPSON Photo Paper
Фотобумага До 20 листов
(Фотобумага EPSON)
(Матовая бумага высокой
плотности EPSON)
EPSON Glossy Photo Paper
(Глянцевая фотобумага
EPSON Premium Glossy Photo
До 20 листов
Paper (Улучшенная глянцевая
фотобумага EPSON)
EPSON Premium Semigloss
Полуглянцевая До 20 листов
Photo Paper
(Улучшенная полуглянцевая
фотобумага EPSON)
EPSON IronOn Cool Peel
Один лист за раз
Transfer Paper
(только для
(Специальная бумага EPSON
для термопереноса)
Нельзя применять простую бумагу для печати в режиме BorderFree
(Без полей).
Копирование 17
Размещение документа на планшете
1. Откройте крышку сканера. Положите оригинал на планшет стороной
для копирования вниз. Убедитесь, что документ лежит правильно.
Не пытайтесь открыть крышку сканера более допустимого.
Область по краям планшета шириной до 2,5 мм не сканируется.
2. Проверьте, что на крышке сканера закреплена пластина
для сканирования непрозрачных документов.
3. Осторожно закройте крышку, чтобы не сдвинуть документ.
Для обеспечения хорошего качества сканирования закройте крышку
сканера, чтобы не мешал внешний свет.
18 Копирование
Изменение режима копирования
1. Нажмите на кнопку Menu (Меню).
2. Выберите режим копирования.
3. Нажмите на кнопку OK.
Режим копирования Функция
Обычное копирование
Копирование без полей
(Без полей)
Small Margin
Копирование с полями шириной 1,5 мм
(С малыми полями)
Заполнение всей страницы копиями изображения
в натуральную величину
Repeat4 (Повтор4)
Многократное копирование изображения на одном
Repeat9 (Повтор9)
Repeat16 (Повтор16)
Poster4 (Плакат4)
Разбивка исходного изображения на 4, 9 или 16
Poster9 (Плакат9)
фрагментов, увеличенных до выбранного вами
Poster16 (Плакат16)
размера бумаги. Склеив все копии вместе,
вы получите изображение плакатного размера
Копирование нескольких документов на один лист
(Две страницы
на одной/Четыре
страницы на одной)
Копирование зеркального отображения
на специальную бумагу для термопереноса
Copy Photo
Копирование нескольких фотографий,
размещенных на планшете, за раз
* Значение по умолчанию.
Копирование 19
Настройка параметров копирования
1. Выберите элемент меню.
2. Выберите параметр.
3. Нажмите на кнопку OK.
Элемент меню Параметр Описание
Number of copies
(Число копий)
Копирование в натуральную
(В натуральный
15 см > A4
Копия уменьшается или
A4 > 10
15 см
увеличивается в зависимости
6 дюймов > A4
от выбранного значения
A4 > 4
6 дюймов
(размер исходного
A4 > A5
документа > размер копии)
A5 > A4
Auto Fit Page
Документ уменьшается или
(По размеру
увеличивается, чтобы
подогнать копию под размер
Zoom In/Out
Paper type
Plain (Простая), BrightWhite (Яркобелая), PQIJ, Photo
(Тип бумаги)
Paper (Фотобумага), Matte (Матовая), GlossyPhoto
(Глянцевая фотобумага), Prem. Glossy
(Улучшенная глянцевая), SemiGloss (Полуглянцевая),
Iron On (Для термопереноса).
Подробности см. в разделе стр. 17
Paper size
A4, 10
15 см,
(Размер бумаги)
6 дюймов, A5
Copy Quality
Draft (Черновик),
Text (Текст),
Photo (Фотография)
и Best Photo
(Наилучшее фото)
Выключено (Off),
Этот параметр применим
Включено (On)
только для режима Copy Photo
(Копирование фотографий)
20 Копирование
Аннотации для Мфу Epson Stylus Photo RX600 в формате PDF
Топ 10 инструкций
Другие инструкции
Table of Contents
Quick Links
Related Manuals for Epson Stylus Photo RX600
Summary of Contents for Epson Stylus Photo RX600
Page 1
User’s Guide… -
Page 2: Copyright Notice
(excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation’s operating and maintenance instructions. Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original Epson Products or Epson Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Loading Paper ……..31 Copying With Epson Smart Panel ……32 Printing From a Computer Printing in Windows .
Page 4
Using Epson Smart Panel ……..57… -
Page 5
Printing and Scanning Without a Computer Compatible Memory Cards and Images ……84 Inserting and Removing Memory Cards ……84 Viewing Photos from a Memory Card . -
Page 6
Cropping Your Photos ……..112 Selecting Your Photo and Print Settings . -
Page 7
Epson Support …….. -
Page 8
Contents… -
Page 9: Welcome
Includes photo restoration features to restore faded color photos to their original brilliance. Supports Epson’s revolutionary PRINT Image Matching Exif (Exchangeable Image File) Print format. With both technologies, your digital camera saves specific printing information, such as gamma level and color saturation, with each JPEG or Tiff image file.
Page 10: Where You Can Find Information
Where You Can Find Information You can do a lot with your Epson Stylus Photo RX600! Look at the table below to find information on many of the available features. Original Text document — Print text — Copy text — Scan text…
Page 11
Print and restore color: Restore color when scanning and printing with the Reprint Photos option in Epson Smart Panel. See your Smart Panel Help. Fax: Use Epson Smart Panel and your own fax software. See the Smart Panel Help. Where You Can Find Information… -
Page 12: About Your Documentation
Using the printer software for basic and advanced printing, including instructions for creating borderless prints Using Epson Scan to produce high-quality scans of all your photos and documents Using a memory card, including supported cards and the correct way to insert…
Page 13: About Your Software
Your printer driver documents look. You can’t print from your computer without it. Tip: It’s a good idea to check Epson’s support website periodically for free updates to your printer and scanner software. Visit http://support.epson.com. Download instructions are posted for your convenience.
Page 14
Welcome! -
Page 15: Loading Paper
Loading Paper Follow the guidelines below to load paper in your Stylus Photo RX600. For a list of Epson papers, see the inside back cover of this manual. “Loading Single Sheets” below “Loading Envelopes” on page 17 “Loading Special Papers” on page 19 Loading Single Sheets 1.
Page 16
3. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it all the way to the left. 4. Insert your paper—short edge first—against the right edge of the sheet feeder, behind the tab. 5. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it against the paper (but not too tightly). -
Page 17: Loading Envelopes
Also be sure to: Load all paper with the printable side up. It’s usually brighter or whiter. Always load the short edge first, even when printing on 4 × 6 inch paper. Do not load paper above the arrow on the left edge guide. Load letterhead or preprinted paper top edge first.
Page 18
3. Load up to 10 envelopes at a time—short edge first, flap edge left, and printable side up. Place them against the right edge of the sheet feeder, behind the tab. Note: Do not place the envelopes in front of the feeder guard. 4. -
Page 19: Loading Special Papers
Check the paper package for additional instructions on using special papers. Load only the number of sheets or cards listed in this table: Paper type Epson Premium Bright White Paper Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Cards Epson Ink Jet Transparencies Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight PremierArt ™…
Page 20
Paper type Epson Glossy Photo Greeting Cards Epson Iron-On Transfer Paper Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper Epson ColorLife Photo Paper Epson Photo Stickers Loading Paper ® Loading capacity 10 cards… -
Page 21: Copying
Copying You can make copies with your Stylus Photo RX600 all by itself, just like a photocopier, or with a computer and the Epson Smart Panel software, as described in these sections. “Copying Without a Computer” below “Copying With a Computer” on page 30 Copying Without a Computer 1.
Page 22
4. Close the scanner lid. Note: If you place your photo or document against the edge of the glass, the edges of your photo or document may not be copied. To copy a thick document, you can remove the scanner lid. Turn off the RX600 and open the scanner lid completely. -
Page 23
7. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it all the way to the left. 8. Insert your paper—short edge first—against the right edge of the sheet feeder, behind the tab. 9. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it against the paper (but not too tightly). -
Page 24
: Select the type of paper you’ve loaded in the sheet feeder Loaded paper Plain paper Epson Premium Bright White Paper Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper Epson Iron-On Transfer Paper Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets Epson Glossy Photo Paper… -
Page 25
Depending on your copy settings, your copied image size may not be the exact same size as your original. Loaded paper Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper PremierArt Matte Scrapbook Photo Paper for… -
Page 26: Changing The Copy Layout
Changing the Copy Layout Your Stylus Photo RX600 offers you several layouts for copying. 1. Press the Menu Note: This menu is only available in Copy mode. 2. Choose Copy Layout to select one of the options in the table below. 3.
Page 27
Wallet Photo Prints nine wallet-size copies of the photo on the page *BorderFree is available only when you’re printing on selected Epson photo papers. **If you notice reduced print quality at the bottom of your copy, try using the Standard setting. -
Page 28: Lightening Or Darkening Copies
Lightening or Darkening Copies 1. Press the Menu 2. Press the d button to choose C 3. Press the l button to lighten or the r button to darken your copies. 4. Press the button to go back to the additional copy settings. Restoring Color as You Copy You can bring an old 4 ×…
Page 29: Saving And Reusing Copy Settings
Saving and Reusing Copy Settings You can save one set of custom copy settings so you can quickly reuse it for a similar copying job (for example, 5 × 7-inch photos on Premium Glossy Photo paper). You can then “reprint” photos by pressing a single button. 1.
Page 30: Copying With A Computer
Copying With a Computer Follow these steps to use EPSON Smart Panel to copy with your computer. Note: Some features, such as PhotoEnhance copying from the computer. Placing Your Document or Photo 1. Press the P 2. Open the scanner lid.
Page 31: Loading Paper
Note: If you place your photo or document against the edge of the glass, the edges of your photo or document may not be copied. To copy a thick document, you can remove the scanner lid. Turn off the RX600 and open the scanner lid completely. Disconnect the cord from the TPU connector and pull the lid straight up.
Page 32: Copying With Epson Smart Panel
1. Double-click the Panel. Note: You can also open Epson Smart Panel in Windows by selecting Start > All Programs or Programs > EPSON Smart Panel > EPSON Smart Panel. On a Macintosh, you can open Smart Panel from the Applications folder.
Page 33
You see the Copy Settings window: 3. Adjust any of the following copy settings: : Choose Source Type content of your original. Reduce/Enlarge your copy, or click your copy by. Lighten/Darken Number of Copies copies. Note: Press the Cancel button if you need to cancel any changes you’ve made. 4. -
Page 34
For more information on Smart Panel copy settings, see the on-screen Smart Panel User Guide or click ? on the main Smart Panel window. Copying EPSON Stylus Photo RX600 to change the displayed print settings (such as a different button to enhance your image or add effects: button to start copying. -
Page 35: Printing From A Computer
Whenever you print, make sure you do the following: Use the right paper. For the best-looking photos, most vivid colors, and greatest detail, always use genuine Epson papers and Epson ink. Choose the right printer settings. Your printer automatically adjusts for each type of paper. That’s why printer settings are important.
Page 36: Printing In Windows
3. Click the Preferences (If you see a Setup Preferences Printing From a Computer . You see a window like this one: Print Select EPSON Stylus Photo RX600 button. Properties , or Printer Options on the next screen.) Properties Click here to open your printer software is selected.
Page 37
4. Select the following in the Properties window: Select your paper Type Select your paper Size Select your document orientation 5. Select from these Quality Options : For rough drafts with reduced print quality Draft : For text-only documents and higher text quality Text Text &… -
Page 38: Selecting Default Settings
During printing, this window appears and shows the progress of your print job. You can use the buttons to cancel, pause, or resume printing. You can also see how much ink you have left. Selecting Default Settings Your printer settings apply only to the program you’re currently using. If you want, you can change the Windows default printer settings for all your programs.
Page 39: Customizing Windows Print Settings
Customizing Windows Print Settings You can use advanced settings for color matching, printing at the highest resolution available, or selecting a variety of special effects and layouts. 1. On the Main tab, click the the Properties window. 2. If you see a warning message, click 3.
Page 40
4. Once you’ve finished selecting advanced settings, you can: Click to save your settings, return to the Print window, and print. Click the Basic Click the Page Layout options. 5. Select the following page layout settings as necessary: Select flip or rotate options here Select resizing… -
Page 41: Printing Borderless Photos In Windows
You can print borderless photos with no margins, extending the image all the way to the edges of the paper. Although borderless printing is a bit slower (especially near the edges), you get beautiful snapshots or enlargements without trimming. Paper name Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight…
Page 42
1. Open your photo in your software program. 2. Select from the File menu, then click Print You see the following window: Borderless checkbox 3. Select Photo 4. Select one of the following paper types: Premium Glossy Photo Paper Matte Paper-Heavyweight Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Premium Semigloss Photo Paper… -
Page 43: Printing On A Macintosh
Printing on a Macintosh After you create a document in a software application, follow the steps in these sections to print it using basic print settings: Macintosh OS X, see below Macintosh OS 9, see page 46 Printing With OS X If you’re using an OS X-compatible application, follow the steps below to print your document.
Page 44
5. From the File menu select 6. Select Stylus Photo RX600 the same printer you chose in the Page Setup window. 7. Choose Print Settings 8. Select the following settings as necessary: Media Type page 55 for guidelines. : Select Color (for black text documents). -
Page 45
: Select this option to have the printer software automatically Automatic select the best settings for your paper type. : Use the slider to choose greater quality or speed. Quality/Speed Note: For more information about printer settings, click the Help button. The Quality setting gives you the best combination of quality and print speed for most prints. -
Page 46: Printing With Os 9
You see a screen like this: 13. Monitor the progress of your print job or do one of the following: Select the print job in the Status list, then click Select the print job, then click Select a print job marked “Hold” and click 14.
Page 47
3. From the File menu, select 4. Select the following print settings as necessary: : Select the paper type for the paper you’ve loaded. See Media Type page 55 for guidelines. : Select Color Color (for black text documents). Black : Select this Mode option to have the printer software Automatic automatically select the best settings for your paper type. -
Page 48
7. If you turned on background printing, you can select from the Application menu in the upper right corner of your desktop. You see the Epson Monitor IV window: Select your print job in the Document Name list, then click… -
Page 49: Customizing Macintosh Print Settings
Customizing Macintosh Print Settings You can use advanced settings to print at the highest available resolution, or adjust the print speed and layout. “Customizing OS X Print Settings” below “Customizing OS 9 Print Settings” on page 50 Customizing OS X Print Settings 1.
Page 50: Customizing Os 9 Print Settings
Customizing OS 9 Print Settings 1. Open the printer settings window, click button that appears. 2. Select these advanced settings as necessary: Click here to select Photo RPM for the best print quality on certain paper types Select various print options here Select color management settings here…
Page 51: Printing Borderless Photos On A Macintosh
You can print borderless photos with no margins, extending the image all the way to the edges of the page. Although borderless printing is a bit slower (especially near the edges), you get beautiful snapshots or enlargements, without trimming. Paper name Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight…
Page 52
Printing Borderless Photos With OS X 1. Start your application and open your photo file. 2. From the File menu, select 3. Select Stylus Photo RX600(Sheet Feeder — Borderless) for list. 4. Select your Paper Size. Caution: When printing borderless photos, select one of the supported paper sizes listed on page 51;… -
Page 53
9. Choose Print Settings 10. Select one of the following paper types as the Media Type setting: Premium Glossy Photo Paper Matte Paper-Heavyweight Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Premium Luster Photo Paper 11. Click Print from the pop-up menu. Select Stylus Photo RX600 (Sheet Feeder — Borderless) Printing on a Macintosh… -
Page 54
Printing Borderless Photos With OS 9 1. Start your application and open your photo file. 2. Select Page Setup Select this box 3. Click the Borderless Note: If you need to adjust the amount of image expansion necessary for borderless printing, click the Expansion button and move the Expansion slider. -
Page 55: Selecting Your Paper Type
Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Cards Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper PremierArt Matte Scrapbook Photo Paper for Epson Epson Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Paper Epson All-Purpose Glossy Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Greeting Cards…
Page 56
Printing From a Computer… -
Page 57: Scanning To A Computer
“Scanning Using the RX600 Buttons” on page 78 Using Epson Smart Panel Epson Smart Panel is an easy, step-by-step program that lets you scan your photo or document, then launch a variety of applications on your computer to handle the scanned file.
Page 58
Refer to the table below for a description of what each feature is used for: Smart Panel feature Reprint Photos Scan and Save Copy Center Copy to Fax Edit Text View and Create Scan to Application Scanning to a Computer Description Scans and prints photos in various sizes and layouts. -
Page 59: Scanning To A File
Description Scans a photo or document and attaches it to an e-mail so that you can send it right away. Scans a photo and uploads it to Epson’s photo-sharing web site. 0.1 in 0.1 in button in Smart Panel…
Page 60
RX600 and gently press down the original to keep it flat on the glass as you copy. When you’re finished, turn off the RX600 before replacing the scanner lid and plugging in the connector. 4. Start Epson Scan. Windows: Select EPSON Scan… -
Page 61
5. Type a name for your file in the Prefix box. 6. Select a file format in the Type box. 7. Click Epson Scan starts and scans your file to the location you specified. Note: Never open the scanner lid while scanning, or your scans may not look right. -
Page 62: Scanning From A Program
Professional Mode Note: Epson Scan starts in the mode you used last, but you can change the mode at any time. Tip: You can restore color in your old photos. See page 68 for details.
Page 63: Scanning Your Image
Scanning Your Image 1. Start your scanning program. 2. Open the File menu and choose Stylus Photo RX600 Import Acquire , then select EPSON Click to start Epson Scan Scanning From a Program…
Page 64
3. Epson Scan starts previewing your image in Full Auto Mode. To switch modes, click the 4. Select Home Mode Professional Mode from the Mode menu at the top of the screen. Scanning to a Computer button at the bottom of the screen. -
Page 65
Epson Scan previews your image and displays the screen for the mode you chose. Home Mode 5. If you don’t see an automatic preview of your scan to the right of the Epson Scan window, click the After a moment, your image appears in the Preview window. -
Page 66
7. Choose Document Type the type of image you’re scanning and the way you want to print or view it. (Click on the Epson Scan screen for detailed information about all the Help available settings.) Note: The Document Type you select determines the other options that appear in the Epson Scan window. -
Page 67: Adjusting The Scan Area (Marquee)
Adjusting the Scan Area (Marquee) Once you create a marquee on your preview image, you can use it to crop the area you want to scan. You can create a marquee on each preview image, if you’re scanning multiple documents at one time. To move the entire marquee, click and hold your mouse button inside the outlined area to move the marquee where you want it.
Page 68: Restoring Color In Faded Photos
Restoring Color in Faded Photos You can bring your old photos back to life when you scan them with Epson Scan. Your Stylus Photo RX600 and Epson Scan let you restore the color in your faded photos so that your scanned images look brand new.
Page 69: Scanning Your Photo
1. Do one of the following: In Windows, select > Scan EPSON Scan On a Macintosh, double-click 2. Epson Scan starts previewing your image in Full Auto Mode. To switch modes, click the Pause 3. Select Professional Mode the top of the screen.
Page 70
Epson Scan previews your image and displays the Professional Mode screen. 4. If you don’t see an automatic preview of your scan to the right of the Epson Scan window, click the After a moment, your image appears in the Preview window. -
Page 71
Document Type the type of image you’re scanning and the way you want to print or view it. (Click on the Epson Scan screen for detailed information about all the Help available settings.) 7. Size and adjust your image settings as necessary. -
Page 72: Scanning 35 Mm Slides And Film
35 mm slides or strips of negative or positive film. Note: You can scan 35 mm color film or slides in Full Auto Mode, Home Mode, or Professional Mode with Epson Scan. To scan black and white negative film, use Home Mode or Professional Mode. Scanning to a Computer…
Page 73: Removing The Film Holder And Document Mat
Removing the Film Holder and Document Mat 1. Open the scanner lid and slide out the document mat. Set the mat aside so you can reinstall it for scanning reflective documents later. Note: You can’t scan film or slides unless you remove the white document mat from the scanner lid.
Page 74: Loading 35 Mm Film Strips In The Film Holder
Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder 1. Remove the film cover for the film strip holder. 2. Slide your film strip into the holder with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. The top of the images should be facing the outside edge of the film holder and the images should be reversed.
Page 75: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Film Holder
5. Close the scanner lid. 6. Continue with the steps on page 77 to scan your film. Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder 1. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm slide section faces the center of the scanner glass.
Page 76
2. Place slides in the film holder as shown, with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. Make sure the top of images with portrait orientation face the front of the RX600 Note: If your slide image is in landscape orientation (wider than it is long), place it in the same direction as slide images in portrait orientation (longer than they are wide). -
Page 77: Scanning Film Or Slides With Epson Scan
Full Auto Mode 1. Make sure the white document mat has been removed from the scanner lid. See page 73. 2. Start Epson Scan as described on page 63. Your scanned image opens in your application window. Note: Never open the scanner lid while scanning, or your scans may not look right.
Page 78: Scanning Using The Rx600 Buttons
Note: Both Epson Scan and Epson Smart Panel must be installed on your computer to scan to your computer or to attach to an e-mail. Scanning to Your Computer 1.
Page 79
6. Use the u and d buttons to choose 7. Press the button. 8. With Windows, if you see the screen below on your computer, select and click the EPSON Scan checkbox. Then click Select this option Then select this checkbox Scan to PC. -
Page 80: Scanning To E-Mail
10. Follow the instructions in “Scanning to a File” on page 59 to complete the scan. Scanning to E-Mail This section explains how to use the RX600 buttons to launch Epson Smart Panel. You can also scan to e-mail by double-clicking the your desktop and clicking the online help for details.
Page 81
EPSON Smart Panel checkbox. Then click The Epson Smart Panel window appears. Epson Scan automatically previews and scans the image, which opens in the View Images and Set Options window. 9. Select any settings you want to change, then click The scanned image is transferred to your e-mail program and attached to a new e-mail message. -
Page 82
Scanning to a Computer… -
Page 83: Printing And Scanning Without A Computer
Printing and Scanning Without a Computer This section tells you how to view and print photos on memory cards, without using a computer. You can also scan photos, film, and slides to memory cards, and print photos from film or slides. If you connect your RX600 to your computer, you can transfer photos from a memory card to your computer.
Page 84: Compatible Memory Cards And Images
Compatible Memory Cards and Images You can use the following types of cards with your Stylus Photo RX600: CompactFlash Type I and Type II SD (Secure Digital) Card MMC (MultiMediaCard) miniSD Card (adapter required) xD-Picture Card Microdrive Make sure the image files on your card meet these requirements: JPEG files or uncompressed Tiff files only Resolutions ranging from 120 ×…
Page 85
3. Open the memory card slot cover. 4. Make sure the memory card light (next to the memory card slots) is off and that no cards are in any of the slots. Then insert a card into the correct slot, as shown. -
Page 86: Viewing Photos From A Memory Card
Viewing Photos from a Memory Card After you’ve inserted your memory card, you can view your photos on the RX600 screen. Note: You can also print an index sheet (also called a contact or proof sheet) containing small thumbnail images of the pictures on your memory card. See page 94 for instructions. 1.
Page 87: Selecting One Photo
Selecting all photos on page 89 Selecting your photos using DPOF on page 89 You can also do the following: Print an index sheet to scan in choices for printing on page 94 Print an index of all your photos on page 96 Selecting One Photo You can select a photo and print one or more copies of it on a page using a variety of layouts.
Page 88: Selecting A Range Of Photos
5. Use the l and r buttons to navigate to the photo you want to print, then use the u and d buttons to choose the number of copies for that photo. 6. Repeat step 4 for each photo you want to print, then press the 7.
Page 89: Printing All Your Photos
Printing All Your Photos You can print all the photos on your card at once. 1. Press the Memory Card 2. Use the u and d buttons to highlight 3. Use the l and r buttons to choose 4. Press the button.
Page 90: Printing Your Selected Photos
Printing Your Selected Photos Once you’ve selected your photos, you need to select your print settings. Follow the steps in these sections: “Selecting the Type, Size, Layout, and Quality” below “Selecting the Correct Paper Type” on page 91 “Selecting Special Print Settings” on page 92 “Saving and Reusing Print Settings”…
Page 91: Selecting The Correct Paper Type
(when you’re not using your computer to print): Loaded paper type Plain paper Epson Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Epson Semigloss Scrapbook Photo Paper Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight…
Page 92: Selecting Special Print Settings
Selecting Special Print Settings If necessary, use the u and d buttons to choose the special print settings listed below, then use the l and r buttons to change them. : Choose Filter Auto Correct: P.I.M. Exif Print settings (these options are automatically selected when your pictures contain P.I.M.
Page 93: Saving And Reusing Print Settings
Saving and Reusing Print Settings You can save one set of custom print settings so you can quickly reuse it for a similar printing job (for example, 5 × 7-inch photos on Premium Glossy Photo paper). You can then “reprint” photos by pressing a single button. After selecting settings, press and hold the current setting has been saved on the LCD screen button.
Page 94: Printing From An Index Sheet
Printing From an Index Sheet An index sheet lets you print small thumbnail images of the pictures on your memory card and provides an automated process to print your photos. Printing the Index Sheet 1. Press the Memory Card 2. Use the u and d buttons to highlight 3.
Page 95
Top of sheet Left edge For these paper types Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Epson Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight… -
Page 96: Using All Index Print
5. Close the scanner lid. 6. Use the u and d buttons to highlight 7. Press the x Color Note: To cancel a print job while printing, press the y Stop button. Using All Index Print If you don’t want to scan an index sheet to print your photos, you can print an All Index Print instead.
Page 97: Printing From Film Or Slides
Printing from Film or Slides You can use the film holder that came with the RX600 to scan and print from 35 mm slides or strips of negative or positive film, without using a computer. Removing the Film Holder and Document Mat 1.
Page 98: Loading 35 Mm Film Strips In The Film Holder
3. Continue with one of these sections: “Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder” below (for film) “Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder” on page 100 (for slides) Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder 1.
Page 99
4. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm film strip faces the center of the scanner glass. The positioning posts on the film holder fit in two small holes near the scanner lid, as shown. 5. Close the scanner lid. 6. -
Page 100: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Film Holder
Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder 1. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm slide section faces the center of the scanner glass. The positioning posts fit in two small holes near the scanner lid, as shown. 2.
Page 101: Printing Your Film Or Slide Image
3. Close the scanner lid. 4. Continue with the steps in the next section to print your slide image. Printing Your Film or Slide Image 1. Press the Film Print mode. 2. Use the u and d buttons to choose 3.
Page 102
Press the button. The RX600 previews and displays your photos on its screen. 6. Press the l and r buttons to move through the photos. If your photos are upside-down or backward, re-position them in the film holder, press the Cancel button, and start again at step 1. When the photo you want to print is in the middle of the screen, press the u or d buttons to choose the number of copies to print of that photo. -
Page 103: Scanning A Photo To A Memory Card
14. When you’re done adjusting print settings, press the x button. Your print job begins printing. B&W Note: To cancel a print job while printing, press the y Stop button. Your printed image may be cropped slightly from the original film or slide. This is because the proportions of film and slide images are different from the proportions of your paper.
Page 104
3. Make sure the memory card light (next to the card slots) is off and that no cards are inserted. Then insert a card into the correct slot, as shown. CompactFlash or Microdrive (bottom) SmartMedia (top) The memory card light flashes, then turns green. Note: If the card is not properly formatted, you see a message on the RX600 screen. -
Page 105
5. Place your photo face down on the glass in the upper left corner about 1/10 inch from the edges, as shown. Move the photo in about 1/10 inch from the edges Note: If you place your photo or document against the edge of the glass, the edges of your photo or document may not be copied. -
Page 106: Scanning Film Or Slides To A Memory Card
10. Use the u, d, l, and r buttons to select the following options: Scan area: Auto cropping ( select Max area) Document type Resolution 11. Press the x Color your memory card. Wait for scanning to finish and the memory card light to stop flashing, then remove the card.
Page 107: Inserting Your Memory Card
Inserting Your Memory Card 1. Make sure your Stylus Photo RX600 is not connected to your computer, or turn off your computer. 2. Open the memory card slot cover. 3. Make sure the memory card light (next to the card slots) is off and that no cards are inserted.
Page 108: Removing The Film Holder And Document Mat
Removing the Film Holder and Document Mat 1. Open the scanner lid and slide out the document mat. Set the mat aside so you can reinstall it for scanning reflective documents later. Note: You can’t scan film or slides unless the white document mat is removed from the scanner lid.
Page 109: Loading 35 Mm Film Strips In The Film Holder
Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder 1. Remove the cover for the film strip holder. 2. Slide your film strip into the holder with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. The top of the images should be facing the outside edge of the film holder and the images should be reversed.
Page 110: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Film Holder
5. Close the scanner lid. Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder 1. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm slide section faces the center of the scanner glass. The positioning posts fit in two small holes near the scanner lid, as shown.
Page 111: Scanning And Saving To Your Memory Card
2. Place slides in the film holder as shown, with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. Make sure the top of images with portrait orientation face the front of the RX600 Note: If your slide image is in landscape orientation (wider than it is long), place it in the same direction as slide images in portrait orientation (longer than they are wide).
Page 112: Cropping Your Photos
4. Use the u, d, l, and r buttons to select the following options: Scan area select Max area Document type Resolution 5. Press the x Color your memory card. Wait for scanning to finish and the memory card light to stop flashing, then remove the card.
Page 113
If you are printing from film, wait for the scanner to preview your photos, and use the l and r buttons to choose your photo. Then press the button. 5. Press the u and d buttons to highlight buttons to choose the type of paper that is loaded in the printer. (If you’re not sure about the paper type, see the table on page 91.) Note: It’s important to select the correct Paper Type setting for the paper you’re using, or… -
Page 114: Cropping Your Selected Photo
Cropping Your Selected Photo 1. You see the first cropping screen. Use the u, d, l, and r buttons to move the top and left guides over the photo to crop the top and left sides. 2. Press the button. 3.
Page 115: Configuring Photostarter
3. In Windows XP, you see a screen like this. You can choose any supported program or option to open, view, or print your photos. On a Macintosh, you see a drive icon appear on your desktop. You can open the drive and copy your photos to your computer.
Page 116
2. If this is your first time inserting a card, you see this screen: Click Next 3. The Epson PhotoStarter setup assistant opens. 4. Click again. The setup assistant asks you a Next series of questions about how you want PhotoStarter to work. -
Page 117
2. From the Image Capture menu, select 3. From the Camera Preferences drop-down list, select Applications folder opens. 4. Open the EPSON CardMonitor icon. 5. Click the button. Open 6. Close the Image Capture utility. 7. CardMonitor now opens automatically whenever you insert a card. Follow the instructions on the screen to copy images to your computer when you insert a card and to have CardMonitor open an image-editing application, if desired. -
Page 118: Preparing Your Computer To Remove A Memory Card
You can go back and change settings at any time by opening PhotoStarter. Open EPSON PhotoStarter 3 . Open the Tools menu and choose PhotoStarter 3 Preparing Your Computer to Remove a Memory Card Once you’re finished copying photos from your memory card, follow the steps below to prepare your computer before removing it.
Page 119: Printing From Other Devices
Printing From Other Devices Your Epson Stylus Photo RX600 can print photos stored: On a PictBridge-enabled digital camera (see page 120) On a data storage device, such as a CD-ROM or an Iomega (see page 121) On a Bluetooth-enabled device…
Page 120: Printing From A Digital Camera
Note: If your camera is not compatible with PictBridge or USB Direct Print, you’ll see a message saying that the connected device cannot be used. Epson cannot guarantee the compatibility of any cameras. Printing From Other Devices…
Page 121: Printing From A Cd Drive Or Zip Disk
Note: If your drive is not compatible with the Stylus Photo RX600, you’ll see a message saying that the connected device cannot be used. Epson cannot guarantee the compatibility of any drives. If you are using a Zip disk, it must be formatted as a FAT16 disk. Also, if you…
Page 122: Saving Photos To A Cd Or Zip Disk
2. Turn on the Stylus Photo RX600 and your storage device. After a moment, the Stylus Photo RX600 reads and counts the number of photos on your device. When it’s done, your images are available for printing. See “Printing From a Memory Card” on page 86 for printing instructions. Note: If you’ve backed up your images on a Zip disk, CD, or other storage device (see below), they’re stored in folders (001, 002, etc.).
Page 123
3. Connect a USB cable from your drive to the of the Stylus Photo RX600. EXT/IF USB port 4. Press the Memory Card 5. Press the d button to choose 6. Press 7. When you see the “Beginning Backup” message, press backup procedure. -
Page 124: Using A Bluetooth Device
To send and print photos wirelessly from Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as digital still cameras, PDAs, mobile phones, and computers, you can use the optional Bluetooth Photo Print adapter, available from Epson. The Bluetooth Photo Print adapter (C12C824142) is available from your local retailer or the Epson Store www.epsonstore.com (U.S.
Page 125: Connecting The Bluetooth Photo Print Adapter
Connecting the Bluetooth Photo Print Adapter Make sure the Stylus Photo RX600 is not currently printing. Plug the Bluetooth Photo Print adapter into the USB port on the front of the Stylus Photo EXT. I/F RX600, then fold the front section up or down. Caution: Do not connect the Bluetooth Photo Print adapter while the printer is printing.
Page 126: Printing With Bluetooth
With Windows, you must use the software included with your computer’s Bluetooth adapter to set up a connection with your printer. Your adapter may let you print using your Epson printer software. See the documentation included with your computer’s Bluetooth adapter.
Page 127: Choosing Bluetooth Settings
2. Use the u and d buttons to choose settings and use the l and r buttons to adjust them. Choose settings in the Bluetooth option menus listed below. Menu Item Settings BT Device Name Epson Stylus Photo Setting RX600- (number) (Default = 0) Discoverable…
Page 128
Menu Item BT Encryption BT Passkey Setting BT Device Address Printing From Other Devices Settings On/Off (Default = Off) Any four-digit number (Default = 0000) Bluetooth PIN Set at the factory Example: 11-11-11-11-11-11 Description Select On to encrypt communication. Encryption requires that a four-digit Passkey be entered into a device before it can… -
Page 129: Maintaining The Rx600
Maintaining the RX600 If you notice a decline in print quality, follow the instructions in this chapter to check and clean the print head. You’ll also find instructions on checking ink levels and replacing ink cartridges, aligning the print head, and transporting your Stylus Photo RX600.
Page 130
3. Press the u and d buttons to select 4. Press the button, then press Cleaning takes about 30 seconds, during which the message appears on the RX600 screen. Caution: Never turn off the Stylus Photo RX600 while the message Head Cleaning appears on the RX600 screen, unless the Stylus Photo RX600 hasn’t moved or made noise for more than 5 minutes. -
Page 131: Replacing Ink Cartridges
If you don’t see any improvement after cleaning three or four times, check the solutions beginning on page 139. You can also turn the Stylus Photo RX600 off and wait overnight—this allows any dried ink to soften—and then try cleaning the print head again.
Page 132: Checking The Ink Supply
Light Cyan Light Magenta Caution: To ensure good results, use genuine Epson ink cartridges and do not refill them. Other products may cause damage to your Stylus Photo RX600 not covered by Epson’s warranty. When you need new ink cartridges, contact your dealer, or call the Epson Store at (800) 873-7766 or visit www.epsonstore.com (U.S.
Page 133: Ink Cartridge Precautions
Ink Cartridge Precautions Warning: Keep ink cartridges out of the reach of children. If ink gets on your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water. If ink gets in your eyes, flush them thoroughly with water. Caution: To avoid damaging the printer, never move the print head by hand. You can’t print if an ink cartridge is empty.
Page 134
3. Open the ink cartridge cover holder by pulling the back up and toward you. Caution: Never attempt to open the cartridge holder’s cover while the print head is moving. Wait until the cartridges have moved to the replacement position. 4. -
Page 135
6. Insert the new cartridge into the holder. Press down firmly until it clicks into place. If you need to replace other ink cartridges, repeat steps 4 through 6 before continuing with step 7. 7. Close the cartridge cover, then lower the scanner unit. Caution: If you find it difficult to close the cover, make sure all the cartridges are firmly seated. -
Page 136: Aligning The Print Head
Aligning the Print Head If your printouts look grainy or vertical lines appear jagged, you may need to align the print head. Note: You can run a print head alignment using the printer software. Click the ? or Help button on your printer settings window for instructions on running a print head alignment.
Page 137: Transporting The Stylus Photo Rx600
8. The next pattern number appears. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each of the remaining alignment patterns. 9. When you’re finished you see a RX600 screen. Press Transporting the Stylus Photo RX600 If you move your Stylus Photo RX600 some distance, you need to prepare it for transportation in its original box or one of a similar size.
Page 138
4. Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. Then disconnect the USB cable from your computer. 5. Unplug the cord from the 6. Remove any paper from the sheet feeder and output tray, then remove the paper support. 7. Close the output tray. 8. -
Page 139: Solving Problems
Solving Problems If you have a problem with your Stylus Photo RX600, check the messages on the RX600 screen, run a nozzle check (see page 142), or see “Problems and Solutions” on page 142. See these sections: “Checking the RX600 Screen” below “Printing a Nozzle Check”…
Page 140
Error Message Service required. Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service life. See your printer’s documentation for details. The file size is too large to print. The file is too complex to print. Due to an error in the file, the document cannot be printed. -
Page 141
Error Message No memory card or disk. No memory card or disk inserted. Canceling save operation. There is not enough free space on the memory card or disk. Operation canceled. The memory card or disk is write- protected. Operation canceled. Format Error. -
Page 142: Printing A Nozzle Check
Setup and Software Installation Problems Tip: It’s a good idea to check Epson’s web site periodically for possible updates to your software. Visit http://support.epson.com and check the section for your product to see if there is new software available for downloading to your computer.
Page 143: Printing And Copying Problems
Your Epson software may be incorrectly installed. See “Uninstalling Your Software” on page 153. Make sure you carefully follow the steps on your Start Here sheet when you reinstall your software. You need to connect the Epson Stylus Photo RX600 at the correct time in the installation process.
Page 144
It sounds like the Stylus Photo RX600 is printing, but nothing prints. The print head nozzles may need cleaning; see page 129 for instructions. The Stylus Photo RX600 won’t operate properly if it’s tilted. Place it on a flat, stable surface. Printing or copying is too slow. -
Page 145: Scanning Problems
Make sure you select the correct Copy settings for the type of document you are trying to copy. See “Copying Without a Computer” on page 21 or “Copying With a Computer” on page 30. If you use the buttons on the control panel to select document with white or very light edges, the original size may not be recognized correctly.
Page 146: Paper Feed Problems
If paper jams, make sure the feeder guard is not flipped forward. See “Loading Single Sheets” on page 15 for details. Solving Problems EPSON Stylus Photo RX600 setting in your printer software and/or program aren’t Copies is selected in your application…
Page 147: Print Quality Problems
If paper jams frequently, make sure the left edge guide isn’t pushed too tightly against the paper. Also, try loading fewer sheets of paper. The stack should never be above the arrow on the inside of the left edge guide. Some paper types require that you load sheets individually, or you use a support sheet;…
Page 148
Use a support sheet with special paper or try loading your paper one sheet at a time. Align the print head; see page 136 for instructions. Use Epson papers for proper saturation and absorption of genuine Epson inks. Solving Problems… -
Page 149
Your printout is faint or has gaps. Clean the print head; see page 129 for instructions. The ink cartridges may be old or low on ink; see “Replacing Ink Cartridges” on page 131. Select the correct Type (Windows) or Media Type (Macintosh) setting for your paper;… -
Page 150: Miscellaneous Printing Problems
The ink cartridges may be old or low on ink; see “Replacing Ink Cartridges” on page 131. Make sure you loaded the correct paper type and selected the correct setting for it in your software or on the RX600 screen. Try turning off PhotoEnhance in your printer software.
Page 151: Scan Quality Problems
Change the Display Gamma setting and check the Destination setting in Epson Scan. Click Help is not selected; see page 26. If you’re printing from button on the Help in the Help in the Epson Scan window for details. Problems and Solutions…
Page 152
The image does not look the same as the original. Your image and display settings may not be correct for your document type. Click in the Epson Scan window for details. Help Your monitor and printer use different technologies to represent colors, so your printed colors can’t match your screen colors exactly. -
Page 153: Rx600 Screen Problems
A dotted line appears in the image. If this happens on both your screen and printout, clean the scanner glass with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth (paper towels are not recommended). If the glass is still not clean, use a small amount of glass cleaner on a soft cloth. Make sure you wipe off any remaining cleaner.
Page 154: Windows
Windows 1. Make sure your Epson Stylus Photo RX600 is plugged in and connected to your computer. 2. Windows XP: Click Other Windows systems: Click 3. Click Add or Remove Programs Add/Remove Programs 4. Select EPSON Printer Software Add/Remove 5. Make sure the icon for the Stylus Photo RX600 is selected, then click Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the driver.
Page 155: Macintosh Os X
Epson CardMonitor Epson Scan SPRX600 Series printer driver (double-click the installer) Note: Epson PhotoStarter must be uninstalled before you can uninstall Epson CardMonitor. 9. When you’re finished, follow the instructions on the Start Here sheet to reinstall your software. CD-ROM icon.
Page 156: Macintosh Os 9
Uninstall button. Uninstall 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall PhotoStarter. When you’re done, click Quit Note: Epson PhotoStarter must be uninstalled before you can uninstall Epson CardMonitor. 7. Double-click the 8. Select Uninstall button. Uninstall 9. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the software. Click you’re done and close the Storage folder.
Page 157: Where To Get Help
Where To Get Help If you need help with your Stylus Photo RX600 or Epson Scan software, see “Epson Support” below. If you need help with any other included software, see page 158. Epson Support Epson provides technical assistance 24 hours a day through the electronic support…
Page 158: Other Software Technical Support
You can purchase ink cartridges, paper, manuals, and accessories from the Epson Store at (800) 873-7766, or visit www.epsonstore.com (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (800) 463-7766 for dealer referral. Other Software Technical Support Software Epson Smart Panel ArcSoft PhotoImpression ®…
Page 159: Requirements And Notices
Requirements and Notices Windows System Requirements To use your Stylus Photo RX600 and its software, your system should have: Microsoft Windows compatible PC with Pentium processor Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP 256MB RAM (512MB or more of RAM recommended) At least 200MB of free hard disk space (300MB or more recommended) CD-ROM or DVD drive for installing the software Windows-compliant built-in USB port and USB cable that came with your…
Page 160: Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions Before using your Stylus Photo RX600, read and follow these safety instructions: Be sure to follow all warnings and instructions marked on the Stylus Photo RX600. Use only the type of power source indicated on the Stylus Photo RX600 label. Connect all equipment to properly grounded power outlets.
Page 161: Ink Cartridge Safety Instructions
Always turn the Stylus Photo RX600 off using the P button. Don’t turn off the power using a switch on a power strip or unplug the Stylus Photo RX600 until the P light is off and the message Turning off disappears from the LCD panel.
Page 162: Lcd Panel Safety Instructions
Be careful when you handle used ink cartridges; there may be ink remaining around the ink supply port. If ink gets on your skin, wash it off with soap and water. If it gets in your eyes, flush them immediately with water. Do not put your hand inside the Stylus Photo RX600 or touch the cartridge during printing.
Page 163: Fcc Compliance Statement
FCC Compliance Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Page 164: Declaration Of Conformity
Requirements and Notices Epson America, Inc. MS 3-13 3840 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 Telephone: (562) 290-5254 Epson Multi Function Printer C171B Compliance ® Partner, Epson has determined that guidelines for energy NERGY office equipment NERGY…
Page 165: Epson America, Inc. Limited Warranty
United States or Canada, conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications and will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. Epson also warrants that the consumable ink cartridges enclosed with the product will perform to the manufacturer’s specified usage, which usage may expire before the…
Page 166
Epson, e.g., dealer or user-added boards or components. Epson is not responsible for warranty service should the Epson label or logo or the rating label or serial number be removed or should the product fail to be properly… -
Page 167: Index
Index Numerics 35 mm film, 98, 109 35 mm slides, 100, 110 Accessories, 124 Advanced print settings Macintosh, 49 to 50 Windows, 39 to 40 Aligning print head, 136 to 137 All Index Print, 96 Auto detect, 66 to 67 Backwards image, 151 Banding, 18, 147 to 148 Blank pages, 145…
Page 168
84 Film printing from, 97 to 103 scanning to memory card, 107 to 112 scanning with EPSON Scan, 72 to 77 Film holder loading film, 72 to 75, 98, 109 loading slides, 75 to 76, 100, 110… -
Page 169
Gaps in prints, 149 Grainy printouts, 149 Help, 157 to 158 High Speed setting, 144, 148 Home Mode, 62, 64, 70 Image quality problems, 151 to 153 Image type, 66 Incorrect characters, 150 Incorrect colors, 149 to 152 Index sheet, 94 to 96 Ink cartridges checking levels, 132 empty, 133… -
Page 170
106 to 112 Network printing, 143 Noise, 142 Nozzle check, 130, 142 Paper Epson, 19 to 20 for borderless printing, 41, 51 loading, 15 to 20 ordering, 158 special types, 19 to 20, 55 Paper jams, 146 to 147… -
Page 171
145 Slides loading, 100, 110 printing from, 97 to 103 scanning to memory card, 107 to 112 scanning with EPSON Scan, 72 to 77 Slow printing or copying, 144 SmartPanel, using, 57 to 59 Smears, 148 Software descriptions, 13… -
Page 172
Technical support, 157 to 158 Text, incorrect, 150 Thick document copying, 22 scanning, 60, 63, 69 Thumbnail printing, 94 to 96 Time, 92 TPU, 22, 60, 63, 69 Transportation lock, 137 Transporting the RX600, 137 to 138 Troubleshooting, 139 to 158 Uninstalling software, 153 to 156 USB, 121 to 122 USB Direct Print, 120… -
Page 173
Epson Stylus Photo RX600 Parts Left edge guide Scanner lid On button Document mat Transportation lock USB cable Paper support Feeder guard Memory card EXT I/F slot cover USB port LCD screen Scanner glass Control panel Output tray Scanner unit… -
Page 174
How To Order Epson Ink and Paper To order Epson ink cartridges and paper, contact your dealer or call the Epson Store at (800) 873-7766, or visit www.epsonstore.com (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (800) 463-7766 for dealer referral.
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Page 1
User’s Guide… -
Page 2: Copyright Notice
(excluding the U.S.) failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation’s operating and maintenance instructions. Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original Epson Products or Epson Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.
Page 3: Table Of Contents
Loading Paper ……..31 Copying With Epson Smart Panel ……32 Printing From a Computer Printing in Windows .
Page 4
Using Epson Smart Panel ……..57… -
Page 5
Printing and Scanning Without a Computer Compatible Memory Cards and Images ……84 Inserting and Removing Memory Cards ……84 Viewing Photos from a Memory Card . -
Page 6
Cropping Your Photos ……..112 Selecting Your Photo and Print Settings . -
Page 7
Epson Support …….. -
Page 8
Contents… -
Page 9: Welcome
Includes photo restoration features to restore faded color photos to their original brilliance. Supports Epson’s revolutionary PRINT Image Matching Exif (Exchangeable Image File) Print format. With both technologies, your digital camera saves specific printing information, such as gamma level and color saturation, with each JPEG or Tiff image file.
Page 10: Where You Can Find Information
Where You Can Find Information You can do a lot with your Epson Stylus Photo RX600! Look at the table below to find information on many of the available features. Original Text document — Print text — Copy text — Scan text…
Page 11
Print and restore color: Restore color when scanning and printing with the Reprint Photos option in Epson Smart Panel. See your Smart Panel Help. Fax: Use Epson Smart Panel and your own fax software. See the Smart Panel Help. Where You Can Find Information… -
Page 12: About Your Documentation
Using the printer software for basic and advanced printing, including instructions for creating borderless prints Using Epson Scan to produce high-quality scans of all your photos and documents Using a memory card, including supported cards and the correct way to insert…
Page 13: About Your Software
Your printer driver documents look. You can’t print from your computer without it. Tip: It’s a good idea to check Epson’s support website periodically for free updates to your printer and scanner software. Visit http://support.epson.com. Download instructions are posted for your convenience.
Page 14
Welcome! -
Page 15: Loading Paper
Loading Paper Follow the guidelines below to load paper in your Stylus Photo RX600. For a list of Epson papers, see the inside back cover of this manual. “Loading Single Sheets” below “Loading Envelopes” on page 17 “Loading Special Papers” on page 19 Loading Single Sheets 1.
Page 16
3. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it all the way to the left. 4. Insert your paper—short edge first—against the right edge of the sheet feeder, behind the tab. 5. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it against the paper (but not too tightly). -
Page 17: Loading Envelopes
Also be sure to: Load all paper with the printable side up. It’s usually brighter or whiter. Always load the short edge first, even when printing on 4 × 6 inch paper. Do not load paper above the arrow on the left edge guide. Load letterhead or preprinted paper top edge first.
Page 18
3. Load up to 10 envelopes at a time—short edge first, flap edge left, and printable side up. Place them against the right edge of the sheet feeder, behind the tab. Note: Do not place the envelopes in front of the feeder guard. 4. -
Page 19: Loading Special Papers
Check the paper package for additional instructions on using special papers. Load only the number of sheets or cards listed in this table: Paper type Epson Premium Bright White Paper Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Cards Epson Ink Jet Transparencies Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight PremierArt ™…
Page 20
Paper type Epson Glossy Photo Greeting Cards Epson Iron-On Transfer Paper Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper Epson ColorLife Photo Paper Epson Photo Stickers Loading Paper ® Loading capacity 10 cards… -
Page 21: Copying
Copying You can make copies with your Stylus Photo RX600 all by itself, just like a photocopier, or with a computer and the Epson Smart Panel software, as described in these sections. “Copying Without a Computer” below “Copying With a Computer” on page 30 Copying Without a Computer 1.
Page 22
4. Close the scanner lid. Note: If you place your photo or document against the edge of the glass, the edges of your photo or document may not be copied. To copy a thick document, you can remove the scanner lid. Turn off the RX600 and open the scanner lid completely. -
Page 23
7. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it all the way to the left. 8. Insert your paper—short edge first—against the right edge of the sheet feeder, behind the tab. 9. Press the sides of the left edge guide together and slide it against the paper (but not too tightly). -
Page 24
: Select the type of paper you’ve loaded in the sheet feeder Loaded paper Plain paper Epson Premium Bright White Paper Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Paper Epson Iron-On Transfer Paper Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets Epson Glossy Photo Paper… -
Page 25
Depending on your copy settings, your copied image size may not be the exact same size as your original. Loaded paper Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper PremierArt Matte Scrapbook Photo Paper for… -
Page 26: Changing The Copy Layout
Changing the Copy Layout Your Stylus Photo RX600 offers you several layouts for copying. 1. Press the Menu Note: This menu is only available in Copy mode. 2. Choose Copy Layout to select one of the options in the table below. 3.
Page 27
Wallet Photo Prints nine wallet-size copies of the photo on the page *BorderFree is available only when you’re printing on selected Epson photo papers. **If you notice reduced print quality at the bottom of your copy, try using the Standard setting. -
Page 28: Lightening Or Darkening Copies
Lightening or Darkening Copies 1. Press the Menu 2. Press the d button to choose C 3. Press the l button to lighten or the r button to darken your copies. 4. Press the button to go back to the additional copy settings. Restoring Color as You Copy You can bring an old 4 ×…
Page 29: Saving And Reusing Copy Settings
Saving and Reusing Copy Settings You can save one set of custom copy settings so you can quickly reuse it for a similar copying job (for example, 5 × 7-inch photos on Premium Glossy Photo paper). You can then “reprint” photos by pressing a single button. 1.
Page 30: Copying With A Computer
Copying With a Computer Follow these steps to use EPSON Smart Panel to copy with your computer. Note: Some features, such as PhotoEnhance copying from the computer. Placing Your Document or Photo 1. Press the P 2. Open the scanner lid.
Page 31: Loading Paper
Note: If you place your photo or document against the edge of the glass, the edges of your photo or document may not be copied. To copy a thick document, you can remove the scanner lid. Turn off the RX600 and open the scanner lid completely. Disconnect the cord from the TPU connector and pull the lid straight up.
Page 32: Copying With Epson Smart Panel
1. Double-click the Panel. Note: You can also open Epson Smart Panel in Windows by selecting Start > All Programs or Programs > EPSON Smart Panel > EPSON Smart Panel. On a Macintosh, you can open Smart Panel from the Applications folder.
Page 33
You see the Copy Settings window: 3. Adjust any of the following copy settings: : Choose Source Type content of your original. Reduce/Enlarge your copy, or click your copy by. Lighten/Darken Number of Copies copies. Note: Press the Cancel button if you need to cancel any changes you’ve made. 4. -
Page 34
For more information on Smart Panel copy settings, see the on-screen Smart Panel User Guide or click ? on the main Smart Panel window. Copying EPSON Stylus Photo RX600 to change the displayed print settings (such as a different button to enhance your image or add effects: button to start copying. -
Page 35: Printing From A Computer
Whenever you print, make sure you do the following: Use the right paper. For the best-looking photos, most vivid colors, and greatest detail, always use genuine Epson papers and Epson ink. Choose the right printer settings. Your printer automatically adjusts for each type of paper. That’s why printer settings are important.
Page 36: Printing In Windows
3. Click the Preferences (If you see a Setup Preferences Printing From a Computer . You see a window like this one: Print Select EPSON Stylus Photo RX600 button. Properties , or Printer Options on the next screen.) Properties Click here to open your printer software is selected.
Page 37
4. Select the following in the Properties window: Select your paper Type Select your paper Size Select your document orientation 5. Select from these Quality Options : For rough drafts with reduced print quality Draft : For text-only documents and higher text quality Text Text &… -
Page 38: Selecting Default Settings
During printing, this window appears and shows the progress of your print job. You can use the buttons to cancel, pause, or resume printing. You can also see how much ink you have left. Selecting Default Settings Your printer settings apply only to the program you’re currently using. If you want, you can change the Windows default printer settings for all your programs.
Page 39: Customizing Windows Print Settings
Customizing Windows Print Settings You can use advanced settings for color matching, printing at the highest resolution available, or selecting a variety of special effects and layouts. 1. On the Main tab, click the the Properties window. 2. If you see a warning message, click 3.
Page 40
4. Once you’ve finished selecting advanced settings, you can: Click to save your settings, return to the Print window, and print. Click the Basic Click the Page Layout options. 5. Select the following page layout settings as necessary: Select flip or rotate options here Select resizing… -
Page 41: Printing Borderless Photos In Windows
You can print borderless photos with no margins, extending the image all the way to the edges of the paper. Although borderless printing is a bit slower (especially near the edges), you get beautiful snapshots or enlargements without trimming. Paper name Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight…
Page 42
1. Open your photo in your software program. 2. Select from the File menu, then click Print You see the following window: Borderless checkbox 3. Select Photo 4. Select one of the following paper types: Premium Glossy Photo Paper Matte Paper-Heavyweight Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Premium Semigloss Photo Paper… -
Page 43: Printing On A Macintosh
Printing on a Macintosh After you create a document in a software application, follow the steps in these sections to print it using basic print settings: Macintosh OS X, see below Macintosh OS 9, see page 46 Printing With OS X If you’re using an OS X-compatible application, follow the steps below to print your document.
Page 44
5. From the File menu select 6. Select Stylus Photo RX600 the same printer you chose in the Page Setup window. 7. Choose Print Settings 8. Select the following settings as necessary: Media Type page 55 for guidelines. : Select Color (for black text documents). -
Page 45
: Select this option to have the printer software automatically Automatic select the best settings for your paper type. : Use the slider to choose greater quality or speed. Quality/Speed Note: For more information about printer settings, click the Help button. The Quality setting gives you the best combination of quality and print speed for most prints. -
Page 46: Printing With Os 9
You see a screen like this: 13. Monitor the progress of your print job or do one of the following: Select the print job in the Status list, then click Select the print job, then click Select a print job marked “Hold” and click 14.
Page 47
3. From the File menu, select 4. Select the following print settings as necessary: : Select the paper type for the paper you’ve loaded. See Media Type page 55 for guidelines. : Select Color Color (for black text documents). Black : Select this Mode option to have the printer software Automatic automatically select the best settings for your paper type. -
Page 48
7. If you turned on background printing, you can select from the Application menu in the upper right corner of your desktop. You see the Epson Monitor IV window: Select your print job in the Document Name list, then click… -
Page 49: Customizing Macintosh Print Settings
Customizing Macintosh Print Settings You can use advanced settings to print at the highest available resolution, or adjust the print speed and layout. “Customizing OS X Print Settings” below “Customizing OS 9 Print Settings” on page 50 Customizing OS X Print Settings 1.
Page 50: Customizing Os 9 Print Settings
Customizing OS 9 Print Settings 1. Open the printer settings window, click button that appears. 2. Select these advanced settings as necessary: Click here to select Photo RPM for the best print quality on certain paper types Select various print options here Select color management settings here…
Page 51: Printing Borderless Photos On A Macintosh
You can print borderless photos with no margins, extending the image all the way to the edges of the page. Although borderless printing is a bit slower (especially near the edges), you get beautiful snapshots or enlargements, without trimming. Paper name Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight…
Page 52
Printing Borderless Photos With OS X 1. Start your application and open your photo file. 2. From the File menu, select 3. Select Stylus Photo RX600(Sheet Feeder — Borderless) for list. 4. Select your Paper Size. Caution: When printing borderless photos, select one of the supported paper sizes listed on page 51;… -
Page 53
9. Choose Print Settings 10. Select one of the following paper types as the Media Type setting: Premium Glossy Photo Paper Matte Paper-Heavyweight Glossy Photo Paper Photo Paper Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Premium Luster Photo Paper 11. Click Print from the pop-up menu. Select Stylus Photo RX600 (Sheet Feeder — Borderless) Printing on a Macintosh… -
Page 54
Printing Borderless Photos With OS 9 1. Start your application and open your photo file. 2. Select Page Setup Select this box 3. Click the Borderless Note: If you need to adjust the amount of image expansion necessary for borderless printing, click the Expansion button and move the Expansion slider. -
Page 55: Selecting Your Paper Type
Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet Cards Epson Photo Quality Self Adhesive Sheets Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight Epson Double-Sided Matte Paper PremierArt Matte Scrapbook Photo Paper for Epson Epson Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Paper Epson All-Purpose Glossy Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Greeting Cards…
Page 56
Printing From a Computer… -
Page 57: Scanning To A Computer
“Scanning Using the RX600 Buttons” on page 78 Using Epson Smart Panel Epson Smart Panel is an easy, step-by-step program that lets you scan your photo or document, then launch a variety of applications on your computer to handle the scanned file.
Page 58
Refer to the table below for a description of what each feature is used for: Smart Panel feature Reprint Photos Scan and Save Copy Center Copy to Fax Edit Text View and Create Scan to Application Scanning to a Computer Description Scans and prints photos in various sizes and layouts. -
Page 59: Scanning To A File
Description Scans a photo or document and attaches it to an e-mail so that you can send it right away. Scans a photo and uploads it to Epson’s photo-sharing web site. 0.1 in 0.1 in button in Smart Panel…
Page 60
RX600 and gently press down the original to keep it flat on the glass as you copy. When you’re finished, turn off the RX600 before replacing the scanner lid and plugging in the connector. 4. Start Epson Scan. Windows: Select EPSON Scan… -
Page 61
5. Type a name for your file in the Prefix box. 6. Select a file format in the Type box. 7. Click Epson Scan starts and scans your file to the location you specified. Note: Never open the scanner lid while scanning, or your scans may not look right. -
Page 62: Scanning From A Program
Professional Mode Note: Epson Scan starts in the mode you used last, but you can change the mode at any time. Tip: You can restore color in your old photos. See page 68 for details.
Page 63: Scanning Your Image
Scanning Your Image 1. Start your scanning program. 2. Open the File menu and choose Stylus Photo RX600 Import Acquire , then select EPSON Click to start Epson Scan Scanning From a Program…
Page 64
3. Epson Scan starts previewing your image in Full Auto Mode. To switch modes, click the 4. Select Home Mode Professional Mode from the Mode menu at the top of the screen. Scanning to a Computer button at the bottom of the screen. -
Page 65
Epson Scan previews your image and displays the screen for the mode you chose. Home Mode 5. If you don’t see an automatic preview of your scan to the right of the Epson Scan window, click the After a moment, your image appears in the Preview window. -
Page 66
7. Choose Document Type the type of image you’re scanning and the way you want to print or view it. (Click on the Epson Scan screen for detailed information about all the Help available settings.) Note: The Document Type you select determines the other options that appear in the Epson Scan window. -
Page 67: Adjusting The Scan Area (Marquee)
Adjusting the Scan Area (Marquee) Once you create a marquee on your preview image, you can use it to crop the area you want to scan. You can create a marquee on each preview image, if you’re scanning multiple documents at one time. To move the entire marquee, click and hold your mouse button inside the outlined area to move the marquee where you want it.
Page 68: Restoring Color In Faded Photos
Restoring Color in Faded Photos You can bring your old photos back to life when you scan them with Epson Scan. Your Stylus Photo RX600 and Epson Scan let you restore the color in your faded photos so that your scanned images look brand new.
Page 69: Scanning Your Photo
1. Do one of the following: In Windows, select > Scan EPSON Scan On a Macintosh, double-click 2. Epson Scan starts previewing your image in Full Auto Mode. To switch modes, click the Pause 3. Select Professional Mode the top of the screen.
Page 70
Epson Scan previews your image and displays the Professional Mode screen. 4. If you don’t see an automatic preview of your scan to the right of the Epson Scan window, click the After a moment, your image appears in the Preview window. -
Page 71
Document Type the type of image you’re scanning and the way you want to print or view it. (Click on the Epson Scan screen for detailed information about all the Help available settings.) 7. Size and adjust your image settings as necessary. -
Page 72: Scanning 35 Mm Slides And Film
35 mm slides or strips of negative or positive film. Note: You can scan 35 mm color film or slides in Full Auto Mode, Home Mode, or Professional Mode with Epson Scan. To scan black and white negative film, use Home Mode or Professional Mode. Scanning to a Computer…
Page 73: Removing The Film Holder And Document Mat
Removing the Film Holder and Document Mat 1. Open the scanner lid and slide out the document mat. Set the mat aside so you can reinstall it for scanning reflective documents later. Note: You can’t scan film or slides unless you remove the white document mat from the scanner lid.
Page 74: Loading 35 Mm Film Strips In The Film Holder
Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder 1. Remove the film cover for the film strip holder. 2. Slide your film strip into the holder with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. The top of the images should be facing the outside edge of the film holder and the images should be reversed.
Page 75: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Film Holder
5. Close the scanner lid. 6. Continue with the steps on page 77 to scan your film. Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder 1. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm slide section faces the center of the scanner glass.
Page 76
2. Place slides in the film holder as shown, with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. Make sure the top of images with portrait orientation face the front of the RX600 Note: If your slide image is in landscape orientation (wider than it is long), place it in the same direction as slide images in portrait orientation (longer than they are wide). -
Page 77: Scanning Film Or Slides With Epson Scan
Full Auto Mode 1. Make sure the white document mat has been removed from the scanner lid. See page 73. 2. Start Epson Scan as described on page 63. Your scanned image opens in your application window. Note: Never open the scanner lid while scanning, or your scans may not look right.
Page 78: Scanning Using The Rx600 Buttons
Note: Both Epson Scan and Epson Smart Panel must be installed on your computer to scan to your computer or to attach to an e-mail. Scanning to Your Computer 1.
Page 79
6. Use the u and d buttons to choose 7. Press the button. 8. With Windows, if you see the screen below on your computer, select and click the EPSON Scan checkbox. Then click Select this option Then select this checkbox Scan to PC. -
Page 80: Scanning To E-Mail
10. Follow the instructions in “Scanning to a File” on page 59 to complete the scan. Scanning to E-Mail This section explains how to use the RX600 buttons to launch Epson Smart Panel. You can also scan to e-mail by double-clicking the your desktop and clicking the online help for details.
Page 81
EPSON Smart Panel checkbox. Then click The Epson Smart Panel window appears. Epson Scan automatically previews and scans the image, which opens in the View Images and Set Options window. 9. Select any settings you want to change, then click The scanned image is transferred to your e-mail program and attached to a new e-mail message. -
Page 82
Scanning to a Computer… -
Page 83: Printing And Scanning Without A Computer
Printing and Scanning Without a Computer This section tells you how to view and print photos on memory cards, without using a computer. You can also scan photos, film, and slides to memory cards, and print photos from film or slides. If you connect your RX600 to your computer, you can transfer photos from a memory card to your computer.
Page 84: Compatible Memory Cards And Images
Compatible Memory Cards and Images You can use the following types of cards with your Stylus Photo RX600: CompactFlash Type I and Type II SD (Secure Digital) Card MMC (MultiMediaCard) miniSD Card (adapter required) xD-Picture Card Microdrive Make sure the image files on your card meet these requirements: JPEG files or uncompressed Tiff files only Resolutions ranging from 120 ×…
Page 85
3. Open the memory card slot cover. 4. Make sure the memory card light (next to the memory card slots) is off and that no cards are in any of the slots. Then insert a card into the correct slot, as shown. -
Page 86: Viewing Photos From A Memory Card
Viewing Photos from a Memory Card After you’ve inserted your memory card, you can view your photos on the RX600 screen. Note: You can also print an index sheet (also called a contact or proof sheet) containing small thumbnail images of the pictures on your memory card. See page 94 for instructions. 1.
Page 87: Selecting One Photo
Selecting all photos on page 89 Selecting your photos using DPOF on page 89 You can also do the following: Print an index sheet to scan in choices for printing on page 94 Print an index of all your photos on page 96 Selecting One Photo You can select a photo and print one or more copies of it on a page using a variety of layouts.
Page 88: Selecting A Range Of Photos
5. Use the l and r buttons to navigate to the photo you want to print, then use the u and d buttons to choose the number of copies for that photo. 6. Repeat step 4 for each photo you want to print, then press the 7.
Page 89: Printing All Your Photos
Printing All Your Photos You can print all the photos on your card at once. 1. Press the Memory Card 2. Use the u and d buttons to highlight 3. Use the l and r buttons to choose 4. Press the button.
Page 90: Printing Your Selected Photos
Printing Your Selected Photos Once you’ve selected your photos, you need to select your print settings. Follow the steps in these sections: “Selecting the Type, Size, Layout, and Quality” below “Selecting the Correct Paper Type” on page 91 “Selecting Special Print Settings” on page 92 “Saving and Reusing Print Settings”…
Page 91: Selecting The Correct Paper Type
(when you’re not using your computer to print): Loaded paper type Plain paper Epson Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Epson Semigloss Scrapbook Photo Paper Epson Premium Luster Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight…
Page 92: Selecting Special Print Settings
Selecting Special Print Settings If necessary, use the u and d buttons to choose the special print settings listed below, then use the l and r buttons to change them. : Choose Filter Auto Correct: P.I.M. Exif Print settings (these options are automatically selected when your pictures contain P.I.M.
Page 93: Saving And Reusing Print Settings
Saving and Reusing Print Settings You can save one set of custom print settings so you can quickly reuse it for a similar printing job (for example, 5 × 7-inch photos on Premium Glossy Photo paper). You can then “reprint” photos by pressing a single button. After selecting settings, press and hold the current setting has been saved on the LCD screen button.
Page 94: Printing From An Index Sheet
Printing From an Index Sheet An index sheet lets you print small thumbnail images of the pictures on your memory card and provides an automated process to print your photos. Printing the Index Sheet 1. Press the Memory Card 2. Use the u and d buttons to highlight 3.
Page 95
Top of sheet Left edge For these paper types Epson Premium Glossy Photo Paper Epson Premium Semigloss Photo Paper Epson Photo Paper Epson Glossy Photo Paper Epson Matte Paper Heavyweight… -
Page 96: Using All Index Print
5. Close the scanner lid. 6. Use the u and d buttons to highlight 7. Press the x Color Note: To cancel a print job while printing, press the y Stop button. Using All Index Print If you don’t want to scan an index sheet to print your photos, you can print an All Index Print instead.
Page 97: Printing From Film Or Slides
Printing from Film or Slides You can use the film holder that came with the RX600 to scan and print from 35 mm slides or strips of negative or positive film, without using a computer. Removing the Film Holder and Document Mat 1.
Page 98: Loading 35 Mm Film Strips In The Film Holder
3. Continue with one of these sections: “Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder” below (for film) “Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder” on page 100 (for slides) Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder 1.
Page 99
4. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm film strip faces the center of the scanner glass. The positioning posts on the film holder fit in two small holes near the scanner lid, as shown. 5. Close the scanner lid. 6. -
Page 100: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Film Holder
Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder 1. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm slide section faces the center of the scanner glass. The positioning posts fit in two small holes near the scanner lid, as shown. 2.
Page 101: Printing Your Film Or Slide Image
3. Close the scanner lid. 4. Continue with the steps in the next section to print your slide image. Printing Your Film or Slide Image 1. Press the Film Print mode. 2. Use the u and d buttons to choose 3.
Page 102
Press the button. The RX600 previews and displays your photos on its screen. 6. Press the l and r buttons to move through the photos. If your photos are upside-down or backward, re-position them in the film holder, press the Cancel button, and start again at step 1. When the photo you want to print is in the middle of the screen, press the u or d buttons to choose the number of copies to print of that photo. -
Page 103: Scanning A Photo To A Memory Card
14. When you’re done adjusting print settings, press the x button. Your print job begins printing. B&W Note: To cancel a print job while printing, press the y Stop button. Your printed image may be cropped slightly from the original film or slide. This is because the proportions of film and slide images are different from the proportions of your paper.
Page 104
3. Make sure the memory card light (next to the card slots) is off and that no cards are inserted. Then insert a card into the correct slot, as shown. CompactFlash or Microdrive (bottom) SmartMedia (top) The memory card light flashes, then turns green. Note: If the card is not properly formatted, you see a message on the RX600 screen. -
Page 105
5. Place your photo face down on the glass in the upper left corner about 1/10 inch from the edges, as shown. Move the photo in about 1/10 inch from the edges Note: If you place your photo or document against the edge of the glass, the edges of your photo or document may not be copied. -
Page 106: Scanning Film Or Slides To A Memory Card
10. Use the u, d, l, and r buttons to select the following options: Scan area: Auto cropping ( select Max area) Document type Resolution 11. Press the x Color your memory card. Wait for scanning to finish and the memory card light to stop flashing, then remove the card.
Page 107: Inserting Your Memory Card
Inserting Your Memory Card 1. Make sure your Stylus Photo RX600 is not connected to your computer, or turn off your computer. 2. Open the memory card slot cover. 3. Make sure the memory card light (next to the card slots) is off and that no cards are inserted.
Page 108: Removing The Film Holder And Document Mat
Removing the Film Holder and Document Mat 1. Open the scanner lid and slide out the document mat. Set the mat aside so you can reinstall it for scanning reflective documents later. Note: You can’t scan film or slides unless the white document mat is removed from the scanner lid.
Page 109: Loading 35 Mm Film Strips In The Film Holder
Loading 35 mm Film Strips in the Film Holder 1. Remove the cover for the film strip holder. 2. Slide your film strip into the holder with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. The top of the images should be facing the outside edge of the film holder and the images should be reversed.
Page 110: Placing 35 Mm Slides On The Film Holder
5. Close the scanner lid. Placing 35 mm Slides on the Film Holder 1. Position the film holder so that the 35 mm slide section faces the center of the scanner glass. The positioning posts fit in two small holes near the scanner lid, as shown.
Page 111: Scanning And Saving To Your Memory Card
2. Place slides in the film holder as shown, with the duller (emulsion) side facing up. Make sure the top of images with portrait orientation face the front of the RX600 Note: If your slide image is in landscape orientation (wider than it is long), place it in the same direction as slide images in portrait orientation (longer than they are wide).
Page 112: Cropping Your Photos
4. Use the u, d, l, and r buttons to select the following options: Scan area select Max area Document type Resolution 5. Press the x Color your memory card. Wait for scanning to finish and the memory card light to stop flashing, then remove the card.
Page 113
If you are printing from film, wait for the scanner to preview your photos, and use the l and r buttons to choose your photo. Then press the button. 5. Press the u and d buttons to highlight buttons to choose the type of paper that is loaded in the printer. (If you’re not sure about the paper type, see the table on page 91.) Note: It’s important to select the correct Paper Type setting for the paper you’re using, or… -
Page 114: Cropping Your Selected Photo
Cropping Your Selected Photo 1. You see the first cropping screen. Use the u, d, l, and r buttons to move the top and left guides over the photo to crop the top and left sides. 2. Press the button. 3.
Page 115: Configuring Photostarter
3. In Windows XP, you see a screen like this. You can choose any supported program or option to open, view, or print your photos. On a Macintosh, you see a drive icon appear on your desktop. You can open the drive and copy your photos to your computer.
Page 116
2. If this is your first time inserting a card, you see this screen: Click Next 3. The Epson PhotoStarter setup assistant opens. 4. Click again. The setup assistant asks you a Next series of questions about how you want PhotoStarter to work. -
Page 117
2. From the Image Capture menu, select 3. From the Camera Preferences drop-down list, select Applications folder opens. 4. Open the EPSON CardMonitor icon. 5. Click the button. Open 6. Close the Image Capture utility. 7. CardMonitor now opens automatically whenever you insert a card. Follow the instructions on the screen to copy images to your computer when you insert a card and to have CardMonitor open an image-editing application, if desired. -
Page 118: Preparing Your Computer To Remove A Memory Card
You can go back and change settings at any time by opening PhotoStarter. Open EPSON PhotoStarter 3 . Open the Tools menu and choose PhotoStarter 3 Preparing Your Computer to Remove a Memory Card Once you’re finished copying photos from your memory card, follow the steps below to prepare your computer before removing it.
Page 119: Printing From Other Devices
Printing From Other Devices Your Epson Stylus Photo RX600 can print photos stored: On a PictBridge-enabled digital camera (see page 120) On a data storage device, such as a CD-ROM or an Iomega (see page 121) On a Bluetooth-enabled device…
Page 120: Printing From A Digital Camera
Note: If your camera is not compatible with PictBridge or USB Direct Print, you’ll see a message saying that the connected device cannot be used. Epson cannot guarantee the compatibility of any cameras. Printing From Other Devices…
Page 121: Printing From A Cd Drive Or Zip Disk
Note: If your drive is not compatible with the Stylus Photo RX600, you’ll see a message saying that the connected device cannot be used. Epson cannot guarantee the compatibility of any drives. If you are using a Zip disk, it must be formatted as a FAT16 disk. Also, if you…
Page 122: Saving Photos To A Cd Or Zip Disk
2. Turn on the Stylus Photo RX600 and your storage device. After a moment, the Stylus Photo RX600 reads and counts the number of photos on your device. When it’s done, your images are available for printing. See “Printing From a Memory Card” on page 86 for printing instructions. Note: If you’ve backed up your images on a Zip disk, CD, or other storage device (see below), they’re stored in folders (001, 002, etc.).
Page 123
3. Connect a USB cable from your drive to the of the Stylus Photo RX600. EXT/IF USB port 4. Press the Memory Card 5. Press the d button to choose 6. Press 7. When you see the “Beginning Backup” message, press backup procedure. -
Page 124: Using A Bluetooth Device
To send and print photos wirelessly from Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as digital still cameras, PDAs, mobile phones, and computers, you can use the optional Bluetooth Photo Print adapter, available from Epson. The Bluetooth Photo Print adapter (C12C824142) is available from your local retailer or the Epson Store www.epsonstore.com (U.S.
Page 125: Connecting The Bluetooth Photo Print Adapter
Connecting the Bluetooth Photo Print Adapter Make sure the Stylus Photo RX600 is not currently printing. Plug the Bluetooth Photo Print adapter into the USB port on the front of the Stylus Photo EXT. I/F RX600, then fold the front section up or down. Caution: Do not connect the Bluetooth Photo Print adapter while the printer is printing.
Page 126: Printing With Bluetooth
With Windows, you must use the software included with your computer’s Bluetooth adapter to set up a connection with your printer. Your adapter may let you print using your Epson printer software. See the documentation included with your computer’s Bluetooth adapter.
Page 127: Choosing Bluetooth Settings
2. Use the u and d buttons to choose settings and use the l and r buttons to adjust them. Choose settings in the Bluetooth option menus listed below. Menu Item Settings BT Device Name Epson Stylus Photo Setting RX600- (number) (Default = 0) Discoverable…
Page 128
Menu Item BT Encryption BT Passkey Setting BT Device Address Printing From Other Devices Settings On/Off (Default = Off) Any four-digit number (Default = 0000) Bluetooth PIN Set at the factory Example: 11-11-11-11-11-11 Description Select On to encrypt communication. Encryption requires that a four-digit Passkey be entered into a device before it can… -
Page 129: Maintaining The Rx600
Maintaining the RX600 If you notice a decline in print quality, follow the instructions in this chapter to check and clean the print head. You’ll also find instructions on checking ink levels and replacing ink cartridges, aligning the print head, and transporting your Stylus Photo RX600.
Page 130
3. Press the u and d buttons to select 4. Press the button, then press Cleaning takes about 30 seconds, during which the message appears on the RX600 screen. Caution: Never turn off the Stylus Photo RX600 while the message Head Cleaning appears on the RX600 screen, unless the Stylus Photo RX600 hasn’t moved or made noise for more than 5 minutes. -
Page 131: Replacing Ink Cartridges
If you don’t see any improvement after cleaning three or four times, check the solutions beginning on page 139. You can also turn the Stylus Photo RX600 off and wait overnight—this allows any dried ink to soften—and then try cleaning the print head again.
Page 132: Checking The Ink Supply
Light Cyan Light Magenta Caution: To ensure good results, use genuine Epson ink cartridges and do not refill them. Other products may cause damage to your Stylus Photo RX600 not covered by Epson’s warranty. When you need new ink cartridges, contact your dealer, or call the Epson Store at (800) 873-7766 or visit www.epsonstore.com (U.S.
Page 133: Ink Cartridge Precautions
Ink Cartridge Precautions Warning: Keep ink cartridges out of the reach of children. If ink gets on your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water. If ink gets in your eyes, flush them thoroughly with water. Caution: To avoid damaging the printer, never move the print head by hand. You can’t print if an ink cartridge is empty.
Page 134
3. Open the ink cartridge cover holder by pulling the back up and toward you. Caution: Never attempt to open the cartridge holder’s cover while the print head is moving. Wait until the cartridges have moved to the replacement position. 4. -
Page 135
6. Insert the new cartridge into the holder. Press down firmly until it clicks into place. If you need to replace other ink cartridges, repeat steps 4 through 6 before continuing with step 7. 7. Close the cartridge cover, then lower the scanner unit. Caution: If you find it difficult to close the cover, make sure all the cartridges are firmly seated. -
Page 136: Aligning The Print Head
Aligning the Print Head If your printouts look grainy or vertical lines appear jagged, you may need to align the print head. Note: You can run a print head alignment using the printer software. Click the ? or Help button on your printer settings window for instructions on running a print head alignment.
Page 137: Transporting The Stylus Photo Rx600
8. The next pattern number appears. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each of the remaining alignment patterns. 9. When you’re finished you see a RX600 screen. Press Transporting the Stylus Photo RX600 If you move your Stylus Photo RX600 some distance, you need to prepare it for transportation in its original box or one of a similar size.
Page 138
4. Unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. Then disconnect the USB cable from your computer. 5. Unplug the cord from the 6. Remove any paper from the sheet feeder and output tray, then remove the paper support. 7. Close the output tray. 8. -
Page 139: Solving Problems
Solving Problems If you have a problem with your Stylus Photo RX600, check the messages on the RX600 screen, run a nozzle check (see page 142), or see “Problems and Solutions” on page 142. See these sections: “Checking the RX600 Screen” below “Printing a Nozzle Check”…
Page 140
Error Message Service required. Parts inside your printer are at the end of their service life. See your printer’s documentation for details. The file size is too large to print. The file is too complex to print. Due to an error in the file, the document cannot be printed. -
Page 141
Error Message No memory card or disk. No memory card or disk inserted. Canceling save operation. There is not enough free space on the memory card or disk. Operation canceled. The memory card or disk is write- protected. Operation canceled. Format Error. -
Page 142: Printing A Nozzle Check
Setup and Software Installation Problems Tip: It’s a good idea to check Epson’s web site periodically for possible updates to your software. Visit http://support.epson.com and check the section for your product to see if there is new software available for downloading to your computer.
Page 143: Printing And Copying Problems
Your Epson software may be incorrectly installed. See “Uninstalling Your Software” on page 153. Make sure you carefully follow the steps on your Start Here sheet when you reinstall your software. You need to connect the Epson Stylus Photo RX600 at the correct time in the installation process.
Page 144
It sounds like the Stylus Photo RX600 is printing, but nothing prints. The print head nozzles may need cleaning; see page 129 for instructions. The Stylus Photo RX600 won’t operate properly if it’s tilted. Place it on a flat, stable surface. Printing or copying is too slow. -
Page 145: Scanning Problems
Make sure you select the correct Copy settings for the type of document you are trying to copy. See “Copying Without a Computer” on page 21 or “Copying With a Computer” on page 30. If you use the buttons on the control panel to select document with white or very light edges, the original size may not be recognized correctly.
Page 146: Paper Feed Problems
If paper jams, make sure the feeder guard is not flipped forward. See “Loading Single Sheets” on page 15 for details. Solving Problems EPSON Stylus Photo RX600 setting in your printer software and/or program aren’t Copies is selected in your application…
Page 147: Print Quality Problems
If paper jams frequently, make sure the left edge guide isn’t pushed too tightly against the paper. Also, try loading fewer sheets of paper. The stack should never be above the arrow on the inside of the left edge guide. Some paper types require that you load sheets individually, or you use a support sheet;…
Page 148
Use a support sheet with special paper or try loading your paper one sheet at a time. Align the print head; see page 136 for instructions. Use Epson papers for proper saturation and absorption of genuine Epson inks. Solving Problems… -
Page 149
Your printout is faint or has gaps. Clean the print head; see page 129 for instructions. The ink cartridges may be old or low on ink; see “Replacing Ink Cartridges” on page 131. Select the correct Type (Windows) or Media Type (Macintosh) setting for your paper;… -
Page 150: Miscellaneous Printing Problems
The ink cartridges may be old or low on ink; see “Replacing Ink Cartridges” on page 131. Make sure you loaded the correct paper type and selected the correct setting for it in your software or on the RX600 screen. Try turning off PhotoEnhance in your printer software.
Page 151: Scan Quality Problems
Change the Display Gamma setting and check the Destination setting in Epson Scan. Click Help is not selected; see page 26. If you’re printing from button on the Help in the Help in the Epson Scan window for details. Problems and Solutions…
Page 152
The image does not look the same as the original. Your image and display settings may not be correct for your document type. Click in the Epson Scan window for details. Help Your monitor and printer use different technologies to represent colors, so your printed colors can’t match your screen colors exactly. -
Page 153: Rx600 Screen Problems
A dotted line appears in the image. If this happens on both your screen and printout, clean the scanner glass with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth (paper towels are not recommended). If the glass is still not clean, use a small amount of glass cleaner on a soft cloth. Make sure you wipe off any remaining cleaner.
Page 154: Windows
Windows 1. Make sure your Epson Stylus Photo RX600 is plugged in and connected to your computer. 2. Windows XP: Click Other Windows systems: Click 3. Click Add or Remove Programs Add/Remove Programs 4. Select EPSON Printer Software Add/Remove 5. Make sure the icon for the Stylus Photo RX600 is selected, then click Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the driver.
Page 155: Macintosh Os X
Epson CardMonitor Epson Scan SPRX600 Series printer driver (double-click the installer) Note: Epson PhotoStarter must be uninstalled before you can uninstall Epson CardMonitor. 9. When you’re finished, follow the instructions on the Start Here sheet to reinstall your software. CD-ROM icon.
Page 156: Macintosh Os 9
Uninstall button. Uninstall 6. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall PhotoStarter. When you’re done, click Quit Note: Epson PhotoStarter must be uninstalled before you can uninstall Epson CardMonitor. 7. Double-click the 8. Select Uninstall button. Uninstall 9. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the software. Click you’re done and close the Storage folder.
Page 157: Where To Get Help
Where To Get Help If you need help with your Stylus Photo RX600 or Epson Scan software, see “Epson Support” below. If you need help with any other included software, see page 158. Epson Support Epson provides technical assistance 24 hours a day through the electronic support…
Page 158: Other Software Technical Support
You can purchase ink cartridges, paper, manuals, and accessories from the Epson Store at (800) 873-7766, or visit www.epsonstore.com (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (800) 463-7766 for dealer referral. Other Software Technical Support Software Epson Smart Panel ArcSoft PhotoImpression ®…
Page 159: Requirements And Notices
Requirements and Notices Windows System Requirements To use your Stylus Photo RX600 and its software, your system should have: Microsoft Windows compatible PC with Pentium processor Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP 256MB RAM (512MB or more of RAM recommended) At least 200MB of free hard disk space (300MB or more recommended) CD-ROM or DVD drive for installing the software Windows-compliant built-in USB port and USB cable that came with your…
Page 160: Important Safety Instructions
Important Safety Instructions Before using your Stylus Photo RX600, read and follow these safety instructions: Be sure to follow all warnings and instructions marked on the Stylus Photo RX600. Use only the type of power source indicated on the Stylus Photo RX600 label. Connect all equipment to properly grounded power outlets.
Page 161: Ink Cartridge Safety Instructions
Always turn the Stylus Photo RX600 off using the P button. Don’t turn off the power using a switch on a power strip or unplug the Stylus Photo RX600 until the P light is off and the message Turning off disappears from the LCD panel.
Page 162: Lcd Panel Safety Instructions
Be careful when you handle used ink cartridges; there may be ink remaining around the ink supply port. If ink gets on your skin, wash it off with soap and water. If it gets in your eyes, flush them immediately with water. Do not put your hand inside the Stylus Photo RX600 or touch the cartridge during printing.
Page 163: Fcc Compliance Statement
FCC Compliance Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
Page 164: Declaration Of Conformity
Requirements and Notices Epson America, Inc. MS 3-13 3840 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach, CA 90806 Telephone: (562) 290-5254 Epson Multi Function Printer C171B Compliance ® Partner, Epson has determined that guidelines for energy NERGY office equipment NERGY…
Page 165: Epson America, Inc. Limited Warranty
United States or Canada, conforms to the manufacturer’s specifications and will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase. Epson also warrants that the consumable ink cartridges enclosed with the product will perform to the manufacturer’s specified usage, which usage may expire before the…
Page 166
Epson, e.g., dealer or user-added boards or components. Epson is not responsible for warranty service should the Epson label or logo or the rating label or serial number be removed or should the product fail to be properly… -
Page 167: Index
Index Numerics 35 mm film, 98, 109 35 mm slides, 100, 110 Accessories, 124 Advanced print settings Macintosh, 49 to 50 Windows, 39 to 40 Aligning print head, 136 to 137 All Index Print, 96 Auto detect, 66 to 67 Backwards image, 151 Banding, 18, 147 to 148 Blank pages, 145…
Page 168
84 Film printing from, 97 to 103 scanning to memory card, 107 to 112 scanning with EPSON Scan, 72 to 77 Film holder loading film, 72 to 75, 98, 109 loading slides, 75 to 76, 100, 110… -
Page 169
Gaps in prints, 149 Grainy printouts, 149 Help, 157 to 158 High Speed setting, 144, 148 Home Mode, 62, 64, 70 Image quality problems, 151 to 153 Image type, 66 Incorrect characters, 150 Incorrect colors, 149 to 152 Index sheet, 94 to 96 Ink cartridges checking levels, 132 empty, 133… -
Page 170
106 to 112 Network printing, 143 Noise, 142 Nozzle check, 130, 142 Paper Epson, 19 to 20 for borderless printing, 41, 51 loading, 15 to 20 ordering, 158 special types, 19 to 20, 55 Paper jams, 146 to 147… -
Page 171
145 Slides loading, 100, 110 printing from, 97 to 103 scanning to memory card, 107 to 112 scanning with EPSON Scan, 72 to 77 Slow printing or copying, 144 SmartPanel, using, 57 to 59 Smears, 148 Software descriptions, 13… -
Page 172
Technical support, 157 to 158 Text, incorrect, 150 Thick document copying, 22 scanning, 60, 63, 69 Thumbnail printing, 94 to 96 Time, 92 TPU, 22, 60, 63, 69 Transportation lock, 137 Transporting the RX600, 137 to 138 Troubleshooting, 139 to 158 Uninstalling software, 153 to 156 USB, 121 to 122 USB Direct Print, 120… -
Page 173
Epson Stylus Photo RX600 Parts Left edge guide Scanner lid On button Document mat Transportation lock USB cable Paper support Feeder guard Memory card EXT I/F slot cover USB port LCD screen Scanner glass Control panel Output tray Scanner unit… -
Page 174
How To Order Epson Ink and Paper To order Epson ink cartridges and paper, contact your dealer or call the Epson Store at (800) 873-7766, or visit www.epsonstore.com (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (800) 463-7766 for dealer referral.