Эхолот хамминберд 180 инструкция по применению

  • Страница 1

    Installation and Operations Manual 531678-1_B Installation and Operations Manual P i r a n h a M A X ™ 1 5 0 , 1 6 0 , 17 0 , 1 8 0 , 1 9 0 c P i r a n h a M A X ™ 1 5 0 , 1 6 0 , 17 0 , 1 8 0 , 19 0 c[…]

  • Страница 2

    T hank Y ou! Thank y ou for choosing Humminbird®, America’s #1 name in fishfinders. Humminbird® has built its reputation by designing and manuf acturing top-quality , thor oughly reliable marine equipment. Y our Humminbird® is designed for trouble-free use in e ven the harshest marine envir onment. In the unlikely event that y our Humminbir[…]

  • Страница 3

    WEE E DIRE CT IVE : EU D ire cti ve 2 00 2/9 6/E C “W aste o f Ele ctr ic al an d Ele ct ron ic Equ ip men t Dir ec tiv e (W EEE )” im pa cts m ost d is tri but or s, se lle rs, a nd m anu fac tu rer s of con su mer e lec tr oni cs in t he E uro pea n Un ion . T he WE EE Di rec ti ve r equ ire s th e pro du cer o f con su mer e le ctr oni cs t […]

  • Страница 4

    T ab le o f Co nt en ts Installation Overview 1 Control Head Installation 2 Determine Where to Mount …………………………………………………………………… 2 Connect the Po wer Cable to the Boat …………………………………… ……………….. 2 Assembling the Control Head Base …………………………..[…]

  • Страница 5

    iv T ab le o f Co nt en ts The Menu System 30 Light (Setting Not Saved in Memory) ……………………………………………….. 30 Sensitivity (Setting Saved in Memory) ……………………………………………… 30 Depth Range (Setting Not Saved in Memory) …………………………………… 31 Zoom (Setting Not Saved […]

  • Страница 6


  • Страница 7

    Installation Overvie w Before you start installation , we encourage you to read these instructions carefully in order to get the full benefit from y our PiranhaMAX™. Ther e are three basic installation tasks that you must perf orm for the PiranhaMAX™: • Installing the control head • Installing the transducer • T esting the complete instal[…]

  • Страница 8

    Control Head Installation Determine Wher e to Mount Begin the installation by determining where to mount the control head. Consider the following to determine the best location: • T o chec k the l ocat ion p lann ed fo r the c ontr ol hea d, tes t run t he cab les f or th e pow er a nd transducer . See the installation section for your transducer[…]

  • Страница 9

    NO TE: Humminbird® is not responsible for over-voltage or over -current failures. The control head must have adequate protection through the proper selection and installation of a 1 amp fuse. 1a. If a fu se term inal is ava ilabl e, use cri mp-on t ype ele ctric al conn ector s (not included) that match the terminal on th e fuse pa nel. At tach th[…]

  • Страница 10

    Assembling the Control Head Base Y our control head base will either have a tilt mount or a tilt and s wivel mount. Refer to procedures A or B belo w to assemble and mount the control head base. A. If you hav e a tilt mount, follow these steps: 1. Set the tilt mount control head base in place on the mounting surface. Mark the four mounting screw lo[…]

  • Страница 11

    Routing the Control Head Cables Under the Deck Use the following steps to r oute the control head cables under the deck. NO TE: Under the deck cable routing is not always possible. If this is not an option, the cables should be routed and secured above deck. T il t Mo unt o r T il t an d Sw iv el M oun t: 1a. Mark and drill a 3/4″ hole as show[…]

  • Страница 12

    Attaching the Control Head to the Base Follow these steps to attach the contr ol head to the already-assembled base: NO TE: The transducer cable and po wer cable should be routed prior to securing the mounting bracket to the deck. 1. Apply marine-grade silicone sealant to the drilled holes for the mounting bracket. 2. Pl ace t he m oun ti ng b ra c[…]

  • Страница 13

    Attaching the Cables to the Control Head F ol lo w th es e st ep s to a tt ac h th e po wer a nd t r an sd uc er c ab le s to t he c on tr o l he ad : 1. Ma tch in g the c ab le p lug s to t he s hap e an d ori en ta tio n of t he so ck et s, i ns ert t he tr an sdu ce r and p ow er cab les i nt o the correct so ckets on the control h ead (F ig ur […]

  • Страница 14

    T ransducer Installation Ov erview The tr ansducer can be installed on the transom of the boat, inside the hull, or onto a trolling motor , depending on your transducer type. The type of transducer you ha ve will also determine how the cable will be routed. Go to the section that describes your transducer , and follow the steps to position and moun[…]

  • Страница 15

    T ransom T ransducer Installation Locating the T ransducer Mounting P osition T urbulence: Y ou m ust firs t deter mine th e best lo cati on on the t ransom t o install the transducer . It is very important to locate the transducer in an area that is r elative ly free of tu rbulent w ater . Consider the f ollowi ng to find the be st location with t[…]

  • Страница 16

    • If the transom is behind the propeller(s), it may be impossible to find an area clear from turbulence, and a diff erent mounting technique or tran sduce r type sh ould be c onsid ered, s uch as an I nside t he Hull T ransducer . • If you plan to trailer your boat, do not mount the transducer too close to trailer bunks or roller s to avoid mov[…]

  • Страница 17

    Preparing the Mounting Location After d eterm ining t he mount ing loc ation f or the tr ans duc er , fol low t he st eps b elo w to p osit ion a nd mo un t th e tr an sd uc er br ack et . 1. Mak e sur e th at t he b oat i s le vel o n th e tr ai le r , bo th f ro m po rt t o st ar bo ar d an d fr om b ow t o st er n, b y pl ac in g yo ur l ev el o[…]

  • Страница 18

    4. Ma ke s ur e tha t th e dr il l bi t is p er pe ndi cu la r to t he a ct ua l sur f ac e of t he tr an so m, N O T pa ra ll el t o th e gr ou nd , be f or e yo u dr il l. U si ng a 5 /3 2” bi t, d ri ll th e tw o ho le s on ly t o a de pth o f ap pr oxim at el y 1” . NO TE: O n fib er gl ass h ul ls, i t is b es t to us e pr ogr es si ve ly […]

  • Страница 19

    2. Pla ce the t wo r atc hets , one o n eith er si de of th e tr ansd uce r knuc kle , so tha t the be ads on e ach r atc het l ine up w ith th e des ire d posi tio n numb er on th e knuc kle ( Fig ur e 18a) . If y ou ar e set ting t he ra tch ets at p osi tion 1 , the b eads o n eac h rat che t will l ine up w ith t he rib o n the t ran sdu cer kn[…]

  • Страница 20

    3. Pu t th e piv ot bol t th ro ugh t he a ss emb ly t o ho ld it i n po sit io n an d loo se ly i nst al l the n ut , bu t do NO T tig hte n th e nu t at th is t im e (F ig ur e 19 ). 4. Align t he mounting bracket tran sducer assembly with the drill ed holes in the tr an so m. W it h a 5/1 6″ s oc ke t dr iv er , mo unt th e ass em bl y to t[…]

  • Страница 21

    6. Adj ust t he t ra ns duc er a ss emb ly v er ti cal ly , un til t he s ea m on th e le adi ng e dg e of th e tr an sd uce r (t he e dge c lo ses t to t he t ra ns om of t he bo at ) is l ev el a nd j ust s li gh tly b el ow th e hul l (F ig ur e 23 ). NO TE: T he tr an sd uc er h as a n at ur al do wn wa rd s la nt of 4 -5 d eg re es f ro m le a[…]

  • Страница 22

    Routing the Cable The tr ansducer cable has a low pr ofile connector , which must be routed to the point where the control head is mounted. T here are se veral wa ys to route the transducer cable to the area wher e the control head is installed. T he most common procedure r outes the cable through the transom into the boat. NO TE: Y our boat may ha[…]

  • Страница 23

    3. Pl ace th e es cut cheo n pl ate ove r th e cable ho le and use it as a gui de to mark the two escutcheon plate mounti ng holes. Remove th e plate, drill two 9/64″ di ameter x 5/8″ de ep holes, an d th e n fi ll b ot h ho le s wi th marine -grade silicon e sealant. Pla ce the escutc heon plate over the ca ble hole and attach w ith two […]

  • Страница 24

    T est and Finish the Installation On ce y ou h av e in st all ed b ot h the c on tr ol h ead and t he t ra ns om t ra ns duc er , an d hav e route d all the cab les, yo u must perf orm a fin al test bef ore lo cking the tr an sd uce r in p lac e. T est ing s ho ul d be pe rf or me d wit h th e bo at in t he w at er . 1. Press POWER once to turn the[…]

  • Страница 25

    NO TE: It is often necessary to make several incremental transducer adjustments before op timum high sp eed perform ance is achi eved. Du e to the wide v ariety of bo at hulls, howev er, it is not always possible to obtain high speed depth readings. 6. On ce y ou ha ve r ea ch ed a c o ns is te n tl y go od s on ar si gn al a t th e d es ir ed sp e[…]

  • Страница 26

    I n s id e th e Hu l l T r an sd uc e r I n s t al la t i o n In -hu ll m ou nti ng g ene r all y pr od uc es go od r es ul ts in s in gl e thi ck nes s fi be rg la ss- hulled b oats. Hum minbir d® canno t guaran tee depth p erfor mance whe n tr an smi tti ng a nd r ece iv ing t hr oug h th e hul l of th e bo at, s in ce so me si gn al lo ss oc cu[…]

  • Страница 27

    Determine the T ransducer Mounting Location Decide where to install the transducer on the inside of the hull. Consider the following to find the best location: • Observe the outside of the boat hull to find the areas that are mostly fr ee from turbulent water . Avoid ribs, strakes and other protrusions, as these create turbulence (Figure 28). •[…]

  • Страница 28

    T rial Installation Y ou will not be able to adjust the mounting after an inside the hull transducer is insta lled. It is best, the ref ore, to p erfor m a trial ins tallat ion fir st that in cludes running the boat at various speeds, in order to determine the best mounting area befor e permanently mounting the transducer . 1. Plug the transducer i[…]

  • Страница 29

    Route the Cable 1. Once the mounting location is determined and you have mark ed the position of the transducer , route the cable from the transducer to the control head. P ermanently Mount the T ransducer 1. Make sure the position of the transducer is mark ed. 2. Y ou may have to disconnect the cable to the contr ol head and reconnect it at the en[…]

  • Страница 30

    T r ol lin g Mo to r T r ans du cer I ns ta lla ti on Severa l style s of the tra nsdu cer are com patib le with t rollin g motor m ount ing. (Figu re 32). I f you have a trol ling m otor bracket, ref er to the separate installation ins truct ions th at are inc luded w ith th e bracket. Y ou m ay purcha se a T ro lling M otor A dapte r kit tha t wi[…]

  • Страница 31

    P ow ering ON and OFF Press an d hold the P OWER-ME NU key until th e PiranhaM AX™ powers on, then release the k ey . T o pow er off, pr ess and hold the POWER-MENU ke y until the unit shuts down. When the PiranhaMAX™ powers on, the Start-Up menu temporarily appears. F rom this menu, select either Start-Up, Simulator , or SetUp. • Use Start-U[…]

  • Страница 32

    What Y ou See On the Displa y The Pir anhaMAX™ displays underw ater information in an easy -to-understand format. T he top of the display corresponds to the water surf ace at the transducer , and the bottom of the display corresponds to the Depth Range automatically se lected for the cur rent water d epth. T he Bottom Contour v aries as the depth[…]

  • Страница 33

    PMAX150/190c (Single Beam) and PMAX160/170 (Dual Beam) Display PMAX180 (T ri Beam) Display * Uni ts w ith 8 3 kHz D ua l Bea m son ar s how t arg et s in th e wid e be am as h oll ow f ish i con s. * Uni ts w ith 4 55 kH z T ri Bea m son ar sh ow t arg ets i n th e lef t bea m as l eft -loo kin g fi sh sym bo ls, a nd ta rg ets i n the r ig ht be a[…]

  • Страница 34

    PiranhaMAX™ Sonar T echnology The Pir anhaMAX™ is the easiest to use fishfinder ever . For most anglers, all you’ll ever need to do is power on and fish! The Pir anhaMAX™ automatically determines depth and makes adjustments to keep the bottom and fish visible on the display . The Pir anhaMAX™ uses sonar technology to send sound waves fr o[…]

  • Страница 35

    Single Beam Sonar The PiranhaMAX™1 50 and PiranhaMAX™190c use a 200 kHz single beam sonar system with a 20° area of cov erage. Boat speed, wav e action, bottom hardness, water conditions and transdu cer installation can all affect depth capability . Dual Beam Sonar T he Pir an haMA X™16 0 and Pi ran haMA X™17 0 use a 20 0/83 k Hz dua l bea[…]

  • Страница 36

    T he Menu System A simple menu system allows you to access your PiranhaMAX™ adj ustable settings. T o activate the menu system, press the POWER- MENU key . Press the POWER-MENU key repeatedly to displa y the PiranhaMAX™ menu settings, one at a time. When a menu setting is on the display , use the RIGHT and LEFT Arro w key s to adjust th e menu […]

  • Страница 37

    Depth Range (Setting Not Saved in Memory) Pres s the POWER- MENU ke y until DE PTH RANGE a ppear s. Auto matic is th e de fa ul t set ti ng. Whe n in au to ma tic , th e lo w er r ang e wi ll b e adj us te d by t he un it to f ollo w the b ott om. (A ut o, 15 to 6 00 ft [P ir anha MAX ™150 /160 ], 15 t o 800 ft [P ir an haM AX ™17 0/ 18 0/ 190 […]

  • Страница 38

    Chart Speed (Setting Saved in Memory) Press the POWER-MENU key until CHAR T SPEED appears. Select a setting from 1-5 to increase or decr ease the chart speed, where 1 is the slowest and 5 is the fastest chart speed. Chart speed determines the speed at which the sonar information moves acr oss the display , and consequently the amount of detail show[…]

  • Страница 39

    Filter (Setting Saved in Memory) Press the POWER-MENU key until FIL TER appears. Select either Off or On. Filter adjusts the sonar filter to limit interfer ence on the display from sources such as your boat engine, turbulence, or other sonar de vices. (On, Off, Def ault = Off) SetUp Menu (Setting Not Saved in Memory) Press the POWER-MENU ke y until[…]

  • Страница 40

    Fish ID+ TM (SetUp Menu) (Setting Saved in Memory) Make s ure that t he SetUp me nu is selec ted, then p ress the P OWER-ME NU key until FI SH ID+ T M ap pears . Select ei ther Off to v iew “r aw” son ar retu rns or On to view Fish sy mbols. Fish ID+ TM uses adv anced signal processing to inte rpret sonar r eturns , and will di splay a F ish Sy[…]

  • Страница 41

    Structure ID® represents weak r eturns as light pixels and s trong ret urns as d ark pix els. T his h as the benefit of ensuring that strong returns will be clearly visible on the display . Bla ck (Bottom Black) displays all pixels belo w the bott om conto ur as bla ck, r egar dless o f signa l stre ngth. This has the benefit of pr oviding a high […]

  • Страница 42

    Battery Alarm (SetUp Menu) (Setting Saved in Memory) Make sure that the SetUp menu is selected, then press the POWER-MENU key unti l BATTERY ALAR M a ppears . S elect Of f o r 8 .5 to 13.5 V olt s. Batte ry Alarm soun ds when the inp ut battery v oltage is eq ual to or less th an the menu setting. (Off, 8.5 to 13.5 V olts, Default = Off) Scroll thr[…]

  • Страница 43

    Maintenance Y our Pi ra nha MA X™ is d es ign ed t o pr ov id e ye ar s of tr oubl e-f r ee op er at ion w it h virtua lly no main tenance . Follo w these s imple pr ocedur es to ensu re you r Pi ra nh aMA X™ c ont in ue s to de li ve r to p per f orm an ce . If t he un it c om es in to c on tac t wi th sa lt s pr a y , wip e th e aff ecte d su[…]

  • Страница 44

    T roubleshooting Do not attempt to repair the PiranhaMAX™ your self . Ther e are no user -serviceable parts inside, and special tools and techniques are requir ed for assembly t o ensure the w aterproof integr ity of the housing. Repair s should be performed only by authorized Humminbir d technicians. Many r eques ts for r epair r eceiv ed by Hum[…]

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    3. Th er e is no bo tt om r ea di ng v is ibl e on t he d isp la y . If the l oss of bo ttom in for mati on occu rs onl y at hig h boat sp eeds, t he tr ans duc er ne eds a dju sti ng – se e yo ur Pi ra nha MAX ™ Ins tal lat ion G uid e fo r deta ils. Al so, in v ery de ep wa ter , it may be n eces sary to i ncr ease th e se ns iti vi ty s et t[…]

  • Страница 46

    7. My un it lo se s po w er at h ig h sp ee ds. Y our Pi ra nh aMA X™ h as o ve r -vo lt age p r ote ct io n tha t tu rns t he u ni t off w he n input v oltage e xceeds 20 V DC. Some out board m otors d o not eff ective ly re gu la te th e po w er ou tp ut o f the e ng in e’s a lt er nat or a nd c an pr od uc e vo lt ag e in e xce ss o f 20 V o[…]

  • Страница 47

    International Purchases A sep ara te w arr ant y is pr ov ide d by in ter nat iona l dis tri buto rs f or un its p urc has ed out side t he Un ited S tat es. T his war ran ty is i nclu ded b y yo ur loc al di stri but or and thi s dist rib utor m ain tain s loca l ser vice f or y our u nit. W arr ant ies ar e on ly va lid in th e ar ea o f in te nd[…]

  • Страница 48

    Hu mm in bi r d® 1 — Y ea r Li mi te d W ar r an ty W e w arr ant th e ori gina l ret ail p urc has er tha t pro duc ts mad e by Hu mmi nbir d® ha ve be en man uf actu re d fre e fro m def ect s in mat eria ls an d wor kma nshi p. T his warranty is effectiv e for one year from the date of original r etail purchase. Hum minb ir d® pr odu cts f ou[…]

  • Страница 49

    Hu mm in bi r d® S er vi ce P ol ic y Even though you’ll probably never need to take adv antage of our incredible service policy , it’s good to know that we back our products this confidently . W e do it because you deserve the best. W e will make every effort to r epair your unit within three business da ys from the receipt of your unit[…]

  • Страница 50

    Re tu rn in g Y ou r Un it f or Se rv ic e Bef or e se ndi ng y our u nit i n for r epair , pl eas e con tac t the f act ory , eith er b y pho ne or b y emai l, to o btai n a Rep air A uth oriz ati on Num ber f or y our un it. NO TE: Please do not return your Humminbird® to the store for service. Pl eas e ha v e yo ur pr oduc t mo del n am e and s[…]

  • Страница 51

    Sp ec if ic at io ns De pt h Cap ab il it y … .. … .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. … . 60 0 ft ( 185 m ) – (P MA X15 0/ 16 0) 80 0 ft (2 50 m ) – (P MAX 17 0/ 180 /1 90 c) P ow er Out pu t …. .. … .. .. … .. .. … .. … .. .. … .. .. … .. .. … .. … .. .. … .. .. 80 0 W atts ( PT P) ?[…]

  • Страница 52

    46 Contact Humminbird® Co nt ac t th e Hu mm in bi r d® C us to me r R es ou rc e Ce n te r in a n y of t he f ol lo win g w ay s: By T el ep ho ne (M on da y — Fri da y 8:0 0 a. m. t o 4: 30 p .m . Ce nt r al S ta nd ar d T ime ): 1- 80 0- 63 3- 14 6 8 By e -m ai l (t yp ic al ly w e res p on d to y ou r e- ma il wit hi n th r ee b us in es s da[…]

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    Installation and Operations Manual 531678-1_B Installation and Operations Manual P i r a n h a M A X ™ 1 5 0 , 1 6 0 , 17 0 , 1 8 0 , 1 9 0 c P i r a n h a M A X ™ 1 5 0 , 1 6 0 , 17 0 , 1 8 0 , 19 0 c[…]

  • Page 2: Humminbird 180

    T hank Y ou! Thank y ou for choosing Humminbird®, America’s #1 name in fishfinders. Humminbird® has built its reputation by designing and manuf acturing top-quality , thor oughly reliable marine equipment. Y our Humminbird® is designed for trouble-free use in e ven the harshest marine envir onment. In the unlikely event that y our Humminbir[…]

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    WEE E DIRE CT IVE : EU D ire cti ve 2 00 2/9 6/E C “W aste o f Ele ctr ic al an d Ele ct ron ic Equ ip men t Dir ec tiv e (W EEE )” im pa cts m ost d is tri but or s, se lle rs, a nd m anu fac tu rer s of con su mer e lec tr oni cs in t he E uro pea n Un ion . T he WE EE Di rec ti ve r equ ire s th e pro du cer o f con su mer e le ctr oni cs t […]

  • Page 4: Humminbird 180

    T ab le o f Co nt en ts Installation Overview 1 Control Head Installation 2 Determine Where to Mount …………………………………………………………………… 2 Connect the Po wer Cable to the Boat …………………………………… ……………….. 2 Assembling the Control Head Base …………………………..[…]

  • Page 5: Humminbird 180

    iv T ab le o f Co nt en ts The Menu System 30 Light (Setting Not Saved in Memory) ……………………………………………….. 30 Sensitivity (Setting Saved in Memory) ……………………………………………… 30 Depth Range (Setting Not Saved in Memory) …………………………………… 31 Zoom (Setting Not Saved […]

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  • Page 7: Humminbird 180

    Installation Overvie w Before you start installation , we encourage you to read these instructions carefully in order to get the full benefit from y our PiranhaMAX™. Ther e are three basic installation tasks that you must perf orm for the PiranhaMAX™: • Installing the control head • Installing the transducer • T esting the complete instal[…]

  • Page 8: Humminbird 180

    Control Head Installation Determine Wher e to Mount Begin the installation by determining where to mount the control head. Consider the following to determine the best location: • T o chec k the l ocat ion p lann ed fo r the c ontr ol hea d, tes t run t he cab les f or th e pow er a nd transducer . See the installation section for your transducer[…]

  • Page 9: Humminbird 180

    NO TE: Humminbird® is not responsible for over-voltage or over -current failures. The control head must have adequate protection through the proper selection and installation of a 1 amp fuse. 1a. If a fu se term inal is ava ilabl e, use cri mp-on t ype ele ctric al conn ector s (not included) that match the terminal on th e fuse pa nel. At tach th[…]

  • Page 10: Humminbird 180

    Assembling the Control Head Base Y our control head base will either have a tilt mount or a tilt and s wivel mount. Refer to procedures A or B belo w to assemble and mount the control head base. A. If you hav e a tilt mount, follow these steps: 1. Set the tilt mount control head base in place on the mounting surface. Mark the four mounting screw lo[…]

  • Page 11: Humminbird 180

    Routing the Control Head Cables Under the Deck Use the following steps to r oute the control head cables under the deck. NO TE: Under the deck cable routing is not always possible. If this is not an option, the cables should be routed and secured above deck. T il t Mo unt o r T il t an d Sw iv el M oun t: 1a. Mark and drill a 3/4″ hole as show[…]

  • Page 12: Humminbird 180

    Attaching the Control Head to the Base Follow these steps to attach the contr ol head to the already-assembled base: NO TE: The transducer cable and po wer cable should be routed prior to securing the mounting bracket to the deck. 1. Apply marine-grade silicone sealant to the drilled holes for the mounting bracket. 2. Pl ace t he m oun ti ng b ra c[…]

  • Page 13: Humminbird 180

    Attaching the Cables to the Control Head F ol lo w th es e st ep s to a tt ac h th e po wer a nd t r an sd uc er c ab le s to t he c on tr o l he ad : 1. Ma tch in g the c ab le p lug s to t he s hap e an d ori en ta tio n of t he so ck et s, i ns ert t he tr an sdu ce r and p ow er cab les i nt o the correct so ckets on the control h ead (F ig ur […]

  • Page 14: Humminbird 180

    T ransducer Installation Ov erview The tr ansducer can be installed on the transom of the boat, inside the hull, or onto a trolling motor , depending on your transducer type. The type of transducer you ha ve will also determine how the cable will be routed. Go to the section that describes your transducer , and follow the steps to position and moun[…]

  • Page 15: Humminbird 180

    T ransom T ransducer Installation Locating the T ransducer Mounting P osition T urbulence: Y ou m ust firs t deter mine th e best lo cati on on the t ransom t o install the transducer . It is very important to locate the transducer in an area that is r elative ly free of tu rbulent w ater . Consider the f ollowi ng to find the be st location with t[…]

  • Page 16: Humminbird 180

    • If the transom is behind the propeller(s), it may be impossible to find an area clear from turbulence, and a diff erent mounting technique or tran sduce r type sh ould be c onsid ered, s uch as an I nside t he Hull T ransducer . • If you plan to trailer your boat, do not mount the transducer too close to trailer bunks or roller s to avoid mov[…]

  • Page 17: Humminbird 180

    Preparing the Mounting Location After d eterm ining t he mount ing loc ation f or the tr ans duc er , fol low t he st eps b elo w to p osit ion a nd mo un t th e tr an sd uc er br ack et . 1. Mak e sur e th at t he b oat i s le vel o n th e tr ai le r , bo th f ro m po rt t o st ar bo ar d an d fr om b ow t o st er n, b y pl ac in g yo ur l ev el o[…]

  • Page 18: Humminbird 180

    4. Ma ke s ur e tha t th e dr il l bi t is p er pe ndi cu la r to t he a ct ua l sur f ac e of t he tr an so m, N O T pa ra ll el t o th e gr ou nd , be f or e yo u dr il l. U si ng a 5 /3 2” bi t, d ri ll th e tw o ho le s on ly t o a de pth o f ap pr oxim at el y 1” . NO TE: O n fib er gl ass h ul ls, i t is b es t to us e pr ogr es si ve ly […]

  • Page 19: Humminbird 180

    2. Pla ce the t wo r atc hets , one o n eith er si de of th e tr ansd uce r knuc kle , so tha t the be ads on e ach r atc het l ine up w ith th e des ire d posi tio n numb er on th e knuc kle ( Fig ur e 18a) . If y ou ar e set ting t he ra tch ets at p osi tion 1 , the b eads o n eac h rat che t will l ine up w ith t he rib o n the t ran sdu cer kn[…]

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    3. Pu t th e piv ot bol t th ro ugh t he a ss emb ly t o ho ld it i n po sit io n an d loo se ly i nst al l the n ut , bu t do NO T tig hte n th e nu t at th is t im e (F ig ur e 19 ). 4. Align t he mounting bracket tran sducer assembly with the drill ed holes in the tr an so m. W it h a 5/1 6″ s oc ke t dr iv er , mo unt th e ass em bl y to t[…]

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    6. Adj ust t he t ra ns duc er a ss emb ly v er ti cal ly , un til t he s ea m on th e le adi ng e dg e of th e tr an sd uce r (t he e dge c lo ses t to t he t ra ns om of t he bo at ) is l ev el a nd j ust s li gh tly b el ow th e hul l (F ig ur e 23 ). NO TE: T he tr an sd uc er h as a n at ur al do wn wa rd s la nt of 4 -5 d eg re es f ro m le a[…]

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    Routing the Cable The tr ansducer cable has a low pr ofile connector , which must be routed to the point where the control head is mounted. T here are se veral wa ys to route the transducer cable to the area wher e the control head is installed. T he most common procedure r outes the cable through the transom into the boat. NO TE: Y our boat may ha[…]

  • Page 23: Humminbird 180

    3. Pl ace th e es cut cheo n pl ate ove r th e cable ho le and use it as a gui de to mark the two escutcheon plate mounti ng holes. Remove th e plate, drill two 9/64″ di ameter x 5/8″ de ep holes, an d th e n fi ll b ot h ho le s wi th marine -grade silicon e sealant. Pla ce the escutc heon plate over the ca ble hole and attach w ith two […]

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    T est and Finish the Installation On ce y ou h av e in st all ed b ot h the c on tr ol h ead and t he t ra ns om t ra ns duc er , an d hav e route d all the cab les, yo u must perf orm a fin al test bef ore lo cking the tr an sd uce r in p lac e. T est ing s ho ul d be pe rf or me d wit h th e bo at in t he w at er . 1. Press POWER once to turn the[…]

  • Page 25: Humminbird 180

    NO TE: It is often necessary to make several incremental transducer adjustments before op timum high sp eed perform ance is achi eved. Du e to the wide v ariety of bo at hulls, howev er, it is not always possible to obtain high speed depth readings. 6. On ce y ou ha ve r ea ch ed a c o ns is te n tl y go od s on ar si gn al a t th e d es ir ed sp e[…]

  • Page 26: Humminbird 180

    I n s id e th e Hu l l T r an sd uc e r I n s t al la t i o n In -hu ll m ou nti ng g ene r all y pr od uc es go od r es ul ts in s in gl e thi ck nes s fi be rg la ss- hulled b oats. Hum minbir d® canno t guaran tee depth p erfor mance whe n tr an smi tti ng a nd r ece iv ing t hr oug h th e hul l of th e bo at, s in ce so me si gn al lo ss oc cu[…]

  • Page 27: Humminbird 180

    Determine the T ransducer Mounting Location Decide where to install the transducer on the inside of the hull. Consider the following to find the best location: • Observe the outside of the boat hull to find the areas that are mostly fr ee from turbulent water . Avoid ribs, strakes and other protrusions, as these create turbulence (Figure 28). •[…]

  • Page 28: Humminbird 180

    T rial Installation Y ou will not be able to adjust the mounting after an inside the hull transducer is insta lled. It is best, the ref ore, to p erfor m a trial ins tallat ion fir st that in cludes running the boat at various speeds, in order to determine the best mounting area befor e permanently mounting the transducer . 1. Plug the transducer i[…]

  • Page 29: Humminbird 180

    Route the Cable 1. Once the mounting location is determined and you have mark ed the position of the transducer , route the cable from the transducer to the control head. P ermanently Mount the T ransducer 1. Make sure the position of the transducer is mark ed. 2. Y ou may have to disconnect the cable to the contr ol head and reconnect it at the en[…]

  • Page 30: Humminbird 180

    T r ol lin g Mo to r T r ans du cer I ns ta lla ti on Severa l style s of the tra nsdu cer are com patib le with t rollin g motor m ount ing. (Figu re 32). I f you have a trol ling m otor bracket, ref er to the separate installation ins truct ions th at are inc luded w ith th e bracket. Y ou m ay purcha se a T ro lling M otor A dapte r kit tha t wi[…]

  • Page 31: Humminbird 180

    P ow ering ON and OFF Press an d hold the P OWER-ME NU key until th e PiranhaM AX™ powers on, then release the k ey . T o pow er off, pr ess and hold the POWER-MENU ke y until the unit shuts down. When the PiranhaMAX™ powers on, the Start-Up menu temporarily appears. F rom this menu, select either Start-Up, Simulator , or SetUp. • Use Start-U[…]

  • Page 32: Humminbird 180

    What Y ou See On the Displa y The Pir anhaMAX™ displays underw ater information in an easy -to-understand format. T he top of the display corresponds to the water surf ace at the transducer , and the bottom of the display corresponds to the Depth Range automatically se lected for the cur rent water d epth. T he Bottom Contour v aries as the depth[…]

  • Page 33: Humminbird 180

    PMAX150/190c (Single Beam) and PMAX160/170 (Dual Beam) Display PMAX180 (T ri Beam) Display * Uni ts w ith 8 3 kHz D ua l Bea m son ar s how t arg et s in th e wid e be am as h oll ow f ish i con s. * Uni ts w ith 4 55 kH z T ri Bea m son ar sh ow t arg ets i n th e lef t bea m as l eft -loo kin g fi sh sym bo ls, a nd ta rg ets i n the r ig ht be a[…]

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    PiranhaMAX™ Sonar T echnology The Pir anhaMAX™ is the easiest to use fishfinder ever . For most anglers, all you’ll ever need to do is power on and fish! The Pir anhaMAX™ automatically determines depth and makes adjustments to keep the bottom and fish visible on the display . The Pir anhaMAX™ uses sonar technology to send sound waves fr o[…]

  • Page 35: Humminbird 180

    Single Beam Sonar The PiranhaMAX™1 50 and PiranhaMAX™190c use a 200 kHz single beam sonar system with a 20° area of cov erage. Boat speed, wav e action, bottom hardness, water conditions and transdu cer installation can all affect depth capability . Dual Beam Sonar T he Pir an haMA X™16 0 and Pi ran haMA X™17 0 use a 20 0/83 k Hz dua l bea[…]

  • Page 36: Humminbird 180

    T he Menu System A simple menu system allows you to access your PiranhaMAX™ adj ustable settings. T o activate the menu system, press the POWER- MENU key . Press the POWER-MENU key repeatedly to displa y the PiranhaMAX™ menu settings, one at a time. When a menu setting is on the display , use the RIGHT and LEFT Arro w key s to adjust th e menu […]

  • Page 37: Humminbird 180

    Depth Range (Setting Not Saved in Memory) Pres s the POWER- MENU ke y until DE PTH RANGE a ppear s. Auto matic is th e de fa ul t set ti ng. Whe n in au to ma tic , th e lo w er r ang e wi ll b e adj us te d by t he un it to f ollo w the b ott om. (A ut o, 15 to 6 00 ft [P ir anha MAX ™150 /160 ], 15 t o 800 ft [P ir an haM AX ™17 0/ 18 0/ 190 […]

  • Page 38: Humminbird 180

    Chart Speed (Setting Saved in Memory) Press the POWER-MENU key until CHAR T SPEED appears. Select a setting from 1-5 to increase or decr ease the chart speed, where 1 is the slowest and 5 is the fastest chart speed. Chart speed determines the speed at which the sonar information moves acr oss the display , and consequently the amount of detail show[…]

  • Page 39: Humminbird 180

    Filter (Setting Saved in Memory) Press the POWER-MENU key until FIL TER appears. Select either Off or On. Filter adjusts the sonar filter to limit interfer ence on the display from sources such as your boat engine, turbulence, or other sonar de vices. (On, Off, Def ault = Off) SetUp Menu (Setting Not Saved in Memory) Press the POWER-MENU ke y until[…]

  • Page 40: Humminbird 180

    Fish ID+ TM (SetUp Menu) (Setting Saved in Memory) Make s ure that t he SetUp me nu is selec ted, then p ress the P OWER-ME NU key until FI SH ID+ T M ap pears . Select ei ther Off to v iew “r aw” son ar retu rns or On to view Fish sy mbols. Fish ID+ TM uses adv anced signal processing to inte rpret sonar r eturns , and will di splay a F ish Sy[…]

  • Page 41: Humminbird 180

    Structure ID® represents weak r eturns as light pixels and s trong ret urns as d ark pix els. T his h as the benefit of ensuring that strong returns will be clearly visible on the display . Bla ck (Bottom Black) displays all pixels belo w the bott om conto ur as bla ck, r egar dless o f signa l stre ngth. This has the benefit of pr oviding a high […]

  • Page 42: Humminbird 180

    Battery Alarm (SetUp Menu) (Setting Saved in Memory) Make sure that the SetUp menu is selected, then press the POWER-MENU key unti l BATTERY ALAR M a ppears . S elect Of f o r 8 .5 to 13.5 V olt s. Batte ry Alarm soun ds when the inp ut battery v oltage is eq ual to or less th an the menu setting. (Off, 8.5 to 13.5 V olts, Default = Off) Scroll thr[…]

  • Page 43: Humminbird 180

    Maintenance Y our Pi ra nha MA X™ is d es ign ed t o pr ov id e ye ar s of tr oubl e-f r ee op er at ion w it h virtua lly no main tenance . Follo w these s imple pr ocedur es to ensu re you r Pi ra nh aMA X™ c ont in ue s to de li ve r to p per f orm an ce . If t he un it c om es in to c on tac t wi th sa lt s pr a y , wip e th e aff ecte d su[…]

  • Page 44: Humminbird 180

    T roubleshooting Do not attempt to repair the PiranhaMAX™ your self . Ther e are no user -serviceable parts inside, and special tools and techniques are requir ed for assembly t o ensure the w aterproof integr ity of the housing. Repair s should be performed only by authorized Humminbir d technicians. Many r eques ts for r epair r eceiv ed by Hum[…]

  • Page 45: Humminbird 180

    3. Th er e is no bo tt om r ea di ng v is ibl e on t he d isp la y . If the l oss of bo ttom in for mati on occu rs onl y at hig h boat sp eeds, t he tr ans duc er ne eds a dju sti ng – se e yo ur Pi ra nha MAX ™ Ins tal lat ion G uid e fo r deta ils. Al so, in v ery de ep wa ter , it may be n eces sary to i ncr ease th e se ns iti vi ty s et t[…]

  • Page 46: Humminbird 180

    7. My un it lo se s po w er at h ig h sp ee ds. Y our Pi ra nh aMA X™ h as o ve r -vo lt age p r ote ct io n tha t tu rns t he u ni t off w he n input v oltage e xceeds 20 V DC. Some out board m otors d o not eff ective ly re gu la te th e po w er ou tp ut o f the e ng in e’s a lt er nat or a nd c an pr od uc e vo lt ag e in e xce ss o f 20 V o[…]

  • Page 47: Humminbird 180

    International Purchases A sep ara te w arr ant y is pr ov ide d by in ter nat iona l dis tri buto rs f or un its p urc has ed out side t he Un ited S tat es. T his war ran ty is i nclu ded b y yo ur loc al di stri but or and thi s dist rib utor m ain tain s loca l ser vice f or y our u nit. W arr ant ies ar e on ly va lid in th e ar ea o f in te nd[…]

  • Page 48: Humminbird 180

    Hu mm in bi r d® 1 — Y ea r Li mi te d W ar r an ty W e w arr ant th e ori gina l ret ail p urc has er tha t pro duc ts mad e by Hu mmi nbir d® ha ve be en man uf actu re d fre e fro m def ect s in mat eria ls an d wor kma nshi p. T his warranty is effectiv e for one year from the date of original r etail purchase. Hum minb ir d® pr odu cts f ou[…]

  • Page 49: Humminbird 180

    Hu mm in bi r d® S er vi ce P ol ic y Even though you’ll probably never need to take adv antage of our incredible service policy , it’s good to know that we back our products this confidently . W e do it because you deserve the best. W e will make every effort to r epair your unit within three business da ys from the receipt of your unit[…]

  • Page 50: Humminbird 180

    Re tu rn in g Y ou r Un it f or Se rv ic e Bef or e se ndi ng y our u nit i n for r epair , pl eas e con tac t the f act ory , eith er b y pho ne or b y emai l, to o btai n a Rep air A uth oriz ati on Num ber f or y our un it. NO TE: Please do not return your Humminbird® to the store for service. Pl eas e ha v e yo ur pr oduc t mo del n am e and s[…]

  • Page 51: Humminbird 180

    Sp ec if ic at io ns De pt h Cap ab il it y … .. … .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. … .. .. .. .. .. … .. .. .. … . 60 0 ft ( 185 m ) – (P MA X15 0/ 16 0) 80 0 ft (2 50 m ) – (P MAX 17 0/ 180 /1 90 c) P ow er Out pu t …. .. … .. .. … .. .. … .. … .. .. … .. .. … .. .. … .. … .. .. … .. .. 80 0 W atts ( PT P) ?[…]

  • Page 52: Humminbird 180

    46 Contact Humminbird® Co nt ac t th e Hu mm in bi r d® C us to me r R es ou rc e Ce n te r in a n y of t he f ol lo win g w ay s: By T el ep ho ne (M on da y — Fri da y 8:0 0 a. m. t o 4: 30 p .m . Ce nt r al S ta nd ar d T ime ): 1- 80 0- 63 3- 14 6 8 By e -m ai l (t yp ic al ly w e res p on d to y ou r e- ma il wit hi n th r ee b us in es s da[…]

Обзор эхолота Humminbird PiranhaMAX 180

Компания Humminbird более 50 лет занимается разработкой и производством и продажей эхолотов. Выпускаемые ей эхолоты используют для подледной рыбалки, устанавливают на маленькие рыбацкие лодки и на большие океанские суда, используют в летнюю жару и в зимнюю стужу. Эхолот Humminbird PiranhaMAX 180 относится к моделям начального уровня и рассчитан на эксплуатацию начинающими рыболовами.

Как работает эхолот

По принципу действия эхолот Humminbird PiranhaMAX 180 не отличается от аналогичных устройств. Погруженный в воду датчик излучает волны разной частоты. В воде волна достигает дна или любого твердого предмета, отражается от него и возвращается к датчику. Эхолот подсчитывает разницу времени между излученной и отраженной волнами, вычисляет пройденное расстояние. Анализируя поступающую информацию эхолот на дисплее рисует рельеф дна, показывает проплывающие водоросли, рыбу, мусор и другие водные объекты. Основываясь на рельефе дна, осматривая коряги, ямы и придонные валуны рыболов выбирает места для удачной рыбалки.

Обзор модели

В продажу эхолот поступает в картонной коробке, в которой находится прибор, двухлучевой датчик, кронштейн для установки сонара на транец лодки, руководство пользователя на русском языке, подставка эхолота и провод питания прибора. На крышке коробки напечатано фото прибора и краткий перечень технических характеристик.

Корпус прибора изготовлен из прочного серого пластика. На лицевой стороне находится чуть утопленный вглубь монохромный экран и три управляющие кнопки. Корпус эхолота герметичный, случайные брызги воды или небольшой дождь не испортят прибор. Размеры эхолота составляют 150*110*80 мм. Прибор предназначен для эксплуатации на небольших катерах или пластиковых или полихлорвиниловых лодках. Для работы эхолоту требуется питание напряжением 12 В.

Экран эхолота черно-белый, тип FSTN, разрешение 240 на 160 пикселей. Диагональ экрана равна четырем дюймам.  Экран яркий, его хорошо видно в светлое время суток. Ночью и в сумерки можно включить подсветку изображения. Ниже дисплея установлены три кнопки «вправо», «влево» и «Power menu».

Датчик устанавливается на транец лодки, соединяется проводом с эхолотом. Эхолот Humminbird PiranhaMAX 180 комплектуется датчиком XNT-9-QB-90-T (Tril Beam). Во время своей работы сонар излучает три луча. Основной луч выходит на частоте 200кГц и имеет угол 20°. Два дополнительных луча выходят под углом в 35° на частоте 455кГц. Вместе все три луча охватывают дно под углом в 90°. Широкое расхождение лучей сонара обеспечивает на экране точность изображения дна водоема, прорисовывая малейшие неровности дна, затонувшие деревья, камни, рыбу, водоросли. Мощность излучаемых сигналов — 0,2кВт, в пиковые значения сонар работает с мощностью до 1.6кВт. Лучи сонара способны прорисовать дно водоема на глубине до 160 метров. 

Эхолот работает в широком диапазоне температур. Его можно использовать для летней и зимней рыбалки. 

Как пользоваться эхолотом

Перед началом работы прибора необходимо установить на лодку крепления для датчика и корпуса эхолота. 

Крепление для датчика оптимально расположить в нижней части транца рядом с правым баллоном. Подставку для эхолота располагают на приборной панели катера, или крепят на ликтрос надувной лодки. При использовании эхолота в небольшой надувной лодке крепление прибора устанавливают на крышку большого пластикового бокса, в котором расположена аккумуляторная батарея.

Для работы эхолоту необходим электрический ток напряжением 12В. Для этого прибор соединяют прилагаемыми в комплекте проводами с небольшой аккумуляторной батареей или генератором подвесного лодочного мотора. Во время работы прибор потребляет 0,2А, аккумулятора небольшой емкости хватит на несколько дней рыбалки.

Эхолот готов к работе после соединения его проводами с датчиком сонара и аккумуляторной батареей.

После включения прибор сразу начинает посылать сигналы, анализировать и выводить информацию на монитор. Рыболов на экране видит линию поверхности воды, глубину, рельеф и структуру дна, температуру воды, водоросли. Мелкая рыба изображается небольшими дугами, крупная выводится на экран в виде рыбок с указанием глубины, на которой находится каждая рыбина.

Для удобства эксплуатации пользователь может настроить следующие параметры эхолота:

• подсветка. В яркий день подсветку отключают, в сумерки включают на 1/2 яркости, ночью устанавливают максимальную освещенность экрана;

• чувствительность эхолота. От этого параметра зависит размер рыбы, на которую реагирует датчик. Чем выше чувствительность, тем меньше по размеру предметы отображаются на экране прибора, При низкой чувствительности эхолот программным методом отсекает мелкие веточки, мусор и водоросли;

• масштаб изображения выбирается от 5 до 185 метров. В автоматическом режиме прибор сам выбирает этот параметр;

• единицы измерения. Прибор может выводить информацию на экран в нескольких системах измерений. Расстояния эхолот отображает в метрах, футах и фатомах, температуру в градусах по шкале Цельсия или Фаренгейта;

• ZOOM — в этом режиме эхолот подробно показывает придонный слой водоема;

• сигнализация дна водоема. Режим актуален для водоемов с резкими перепадами глубины. При подключении этого режима эхолот звуковым сигналом предупредит об опасном повышении дна водоема;

• сигнализация рыбы. При подключении этого режима эхолот оценивает размер рыбы и выводит на экран соответствующую пиктограмму;

• идентификатор рыбы. При подключении режима прибор по плотности и структуре объекта определяет что под ним: рыба, водоросли, палка или камень. При обнаружении рыбы прибор на экран выводит соответствующий значок.

Преимущества и недостатки 

Как и у любого прибора у эхолота Humminbird PiranhaMAX 180 есть свои достоинства и недостатки.

К достоинствам эхолота относятся:

• низкая цена эхолота делает его доступным для приобретения всеми любителями рыбной ловли;

• эхолот Humminbird PiranhaMAX 180 очень экономичен. Аккумулятора небольшой емкости хватит на несколько дней рыбной ловли;

• эхолот не требователен к напряжению, его можно напрямую подключать к генератору подвесного лодочного мотора;

• яркость экрана эхолота можно подстраивать под внешнее освещение;

• корпус эхолота герметичен, Прибор не пострадает от случайных брызг воды или дождевых капель;

• эхолот русифицирован. В комплекте с ним идет инструкция на русском языке.

К недостаткам эхолота относится:

• прибор не оснащен навигационным модулем, не может запоминать рыболовные маршруты и места уловистой рыбалки;

• для питания прибора необходим внешний аккумулятор;

• эхолот не оснащен модулем беспроводной связи Wi-Fi, позволяющим вывести информацию на смартфон или планшет с большой диагональю экрана;

• в эхолоте установлен монохромный экран.

Обзор эхолотов для рыбалки: для каяка, лодки ПВХ, байдарки. Эхолоты – устройства, определяющие рельеф дна, и позволяющие быстро найти места для хорошего улова.

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD PIRANHA143x/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-143.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 153x/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-153x%281%29.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 150/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-150.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 160/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-160.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 165 x/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-165x-1.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 176xi/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-176xi.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 180x/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-180.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 195 Cx/sysfiles/files/piranhamax-195cx.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD FISHINBUDDY140cx/sysfiles/files/humminbird-fishinbuddi-140cx.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD SMARTCAST RF15/sysfiles/files/humminbird-smartcast-rf15e.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD SMARTCAST RF25/sysfiles/files/humminbird-smartcast-rf25e.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD FISHINBUDDY 110x/sysfiles/files/humminbird-fishinbuddi-110x.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 718x/sysfiles/files/humminbird-718x.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 728x/sysfiles/files/humminbird-728x.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 748 3D/sysfiles/files/humminbird-748-3d.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 778Cx HD/sysfiles/files/humminbird-778cx-hd.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 788cxi- HD/sysfiles/files/humminbird-788cxi-hd-combo.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 788Cxi HD Combo Di/sysfiles/files/humminbird-788cxi-hd-combo-di.pdf

    Инструкция Humminbird 788Cxi HD Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-788cxi-hd-combo-si.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 898Сx Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-898cx-combo-si.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 899 Cx HD Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-899-cx-hd-combo-si.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 998Cx Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-998cx-combo-si.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 998 Cx HD Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-998cx-hd-combo-si.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 999Cx HD Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-999cxi-hd-combo-si.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD 1198 Cx Combo Si/sysfiles/files/humminbird-1198cx-si-combo.pdf

    Инструкция HUMMINBIRD ONIX  /sysfiles/files/humminbird-onix-ion.pdf

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