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Toyota Land Cruiser 100 / Lexus LX 470. Модели 1998-2007 гг. выпуска с бензиновым двигателем 2UZ-FE (V8 4,7л). Включая рестайлинговые модели с 2002 года выпуска. Руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию

Toyota Land Cruiser 100 / Lexus LX 470. Модели 1998-2007 гг. выпуска с бензиновым двигателем 2UZ-FE (V8 4,7л). Включая рестайлинговые модели с 2002 года выпуска. Руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию

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Страниц: 506

Год издания: 2016

Язык: Русский

Руководство по ремонту Toyota Land Cruiser 100 & Lexus LX470 1998-2007 гг. выпуска, оборудованных бензиновым двигателем 2UZ-FE (V8 4,7 л). В издание включены сведения по рестайлинговым моделям Toyota Land Cruiser 100 и Lexus LX 470 с 2002 года выпуска. Издание содержит руководство по эксплуатации, подробные сведения по техническому обслуживанию автомобилей, ремонту и регулировке некоторых элементов систем двигателя (в т.ч. системы впрыска топлива, снижения токсичности, зажигания, систем смазки и охлаждения, запуска и зарядки), элементов автоматических коробок передач (АКПП), раздаточной коробки, тормозной системы (включая антиблокировочную систему тормозов (ABS), систему курсовой устойчивости (VSC)), рулевого управления, переднего редуктора, редуктора переднего моста, подвески, кузовных элементов, систем кондиционирования и вентиляции и др. Книга предназначена для автовладельцев, персонала СТС и ремонтных мастерских.


Василиса, Нижний Новгород, 03.04.2017
Я что-то о вашем сайте от коллег слышала. Кто-то спец литературу скачивал у вас. Подзабыла вскоре об этом, пока не решила чего-нибудь в поездку не скачать. А когда выпал в поиске вспомнила) «Toyota Land Cruiser 100 / Lexus LX 470. Модели 1998-2007 гг. выпуска с бензиновым двигателем 2UZ-FE (V8 4,7л). Включая рестайлинговые модели с 2002 года выпуска. Руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию» скачала. В командировку отправилась с еще 3 книжками от вас. Только код надо ввести и все. Я не платила ничего кстати.

Ирина, Хмельницкий, 14.03.2017
Искала книгу Toyota Land Cruiser 100 / Lexus LX 470. Модели 1998-2007 гг. выпуска с бензиновым двигателем 2UZ-FE (V8 4,7л). Включая рестайлинговые модели с 2002 года выпуска. Руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию, подруга насоветовала. А так как читаю в метро или урывками дома, мне надо электронную. Вбила в поисковик название. Пробы скачать на других сайтах заканчивались фразой: «бесплатный отрывок закончился». А к вам как в библиотеку пришла) скачала бесплатно, только смска с кодом на тлф для подтверждения была. Ваш сайт в закладки занесла. Дружить будем?

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) terminal is properly in place. (d) Check hose and wiring connectors to make sure that they are secure and correct. (e) Non−reusable parts (1) Always replace cotter pins, gaskets, O−rings and oil seals etc. with new ones. (2) In component illustrations, non−reusable parts are indicated with ”z” symbols. (f) Precoated parts Precoated parts are bolts, nuts, etc. that are coated with Seal lock Adhesive a seal lock adhesive at the factory. (1) If a precoated part is retightened, loosened or Z11554 moved in any way, it must be recoated with the spe- 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E) cified adhesive. (2) When reusing precoated parts, clean off the old adhesive and dry with compressed air. Then apply the new seal lock adhesive appropriate to that bolt, nut, etc.

IN−5 INTRODUCTION − REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS (3) In component illustrations precoated parts are indi- cated with ”L” symbol. (g) When necessary, use a sealer on gaskets to prevent leaks. (h) Carefully observe all specifications for bolt tightening torques. Always use a torque wrench. (i) Use of special service tools (SST) and special service ma- terials (SSM) may be required depending on the nature of the repair. Be sure to use SST and SSM where speci- fied and follow the proper procedures. A list of SST and SSM can be found in Preparation section in this manual. Medium Current Fuse and High Current Fuse (j) When replacing fuses, be sure the new fuse has the cor- rect amperage rating. DO NOT exceed the rating or use Equal Amperage Rating one with a lower rating. Illustration BE1367 Part Name Abbreviation FUSE FUSE Symbol MEDIUM CURRENT FUSE M−FUSE HIGH CURRENT FUSE H−FUSE FUSIBLE LINK FL CIRCUIT BREAKER CB V00076 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

IN−6 INTRODUCTION − REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS (k) Care must be taken when jacking up and supporting the vehicle. Be sure to lift and support the vehicle at the prop- er locations (As for vehicle lift and support location, please refer to Chassis & Body Repair Manual for each vehicle). S Release the parking brake on a level surface and shift to Neutral (or N position). S When jacking up the front wheels of the vehicle, place stoppers behind the rear wheels. S When jacking up the rear wheels of the vehicle at first place stoppers in front of the front wheels. S When jacking up only the front or rear wheels, set rigid racks and place stoppers in front and behind the wheels in contact with the ground. S After the vehicle is jacked up, be sure to support it on rigid racks. It is extremely dangerous to do any work on a vehicle raised on a jack alone, even for a small job that can be finished quickly. (l) Observe the following precautions to avoid damage to the following parts: (1) Do not open the cover or case of the ECU unless absolutely necessary. (Static electricity transmitted through human touch may destroy the IC). WRONG CORRECT (2) To disconnect vacuum hoses, pull on the end of the hose, not the middle. WRONG IN0253 (3) To pull apart electrical connectors, pull on the con- nector itself, not the wires. CORRECT (4) Be careful not to drop electrical components, such IN0252 as sensors or relays. If they are dropped on a hard floor, they should be replaced and not reused. (5) When steam cleaning an engine, protect the elec- tronic components, air filter and emissions−related components from water. (6) Never use an impact wrench to remove or install temperature switches or temperature sensors. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

IN−7 INTRODUCTION − REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS (7) When checking continuity at the wire connector, in- sert the tester probe carefully to prevent terminals from bending. (8) When using a vacuum gauge, never force the hose onto a connector that is too large. Use a step−down adapter for adjustment. Once the hose has been stretched, it may leak. Example (m) Tag hoses before disconnecting them: (1) When disconnecting vacuum hoses, use tags to identify how they should be reconnected. (2) After completing a job, double check that the vacu- um hoses are properly connected. A label under the hood shows the proper layout. (n) Unless otherwise stated, all resistance should be mea- sured at an ambient temperature of 20˚C (68˚F). Mea- IN0002 surement should be made after the engine has cooled down. If measured at high temperature immediately after the vehicle has been running, resistance may be outside specifications. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

IN−7 INTRODUCTION − FOR ALL OF VEHICLES FOR ALL OF VEHICLES PRECAUTION IN00R−01 1. FOR VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH A CATALYTIC CONVERTER CAUTION: If large amounts of unburned gasoline flow into the converter, it may overheat and create a fire haz- ard. To prevent this, observe the following precautions and explain them to your customer. (a) Use only unleaded gasoline (b) Avoid prolonged idling Avoid running the engine at idle speed for more than 20 minutes. (c) Avoid spark jump test (1) Perform spark jump test only when absolutely necessary. Perform this test as rapidly as possible. (2) While testing, never race the engine. (d) Avoid prolonged engine compression measurement Engine compression tests must be done as rapidly as possible. (e) Do not run engine when fuel tank is nearly empty This may cause the engine to misfire and create an extra load on the converter. (f) Avoid coasting with ignition turned off and prolonged braking (g) Do not dispose of used catalyst along with parts contaminated with gasoline or oil 2. IF VEHICLE IS EQUIPPED WITH MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM For vehicles with mobile communication systems such as two−way radios and cellular telephones, observe the following precautions. (1) Install the antenna as far as possible away from the ECU and sensors of the vehicle’s electronic system. (2) Install the antenna feeder at least 20 cm (7.87 in.) away from the ECU and sensors of the ve- hicle’s electronics systems. For details about ECU and sensors locations, refer to the section on the applicable component. (3) Do not wind the antenna feeder together with the other wiring. As much as possible, also avoid running the antenna feeder parallel with other wire harnesses. (4) Confirm that the antenna and feeder are correctly adjusted. (5) Do not install powerful mobile communications system. 3. FOR USING HAND−HELD TESTER CAUTION: Observe the following for safety reasons: S Before using the hand−held tester, the hand−held tester’s operator manual should be read throughly. S Be sure to route all cables securely when driving with the hand−held tester connected to the vehicle. (i.e. Keep cables away from feet, pedals, steering wheel and shift lever.) S Two persons are required when test driving with the hand−held tester, one person to drive the vehicle and one person to operate the hand−held tester. 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−7 INTRODUCTION − FOR ALL OF VEHICLES FOR ALL OF VEHICLES PRECAUTION IN00R−01 1. FOR VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH A CATALYTIC CONVERTER CAUTION: If large amounts of unburned gasoline flow into the converter, it may overheat and create a fire haz- ard. To prevent this, observe the following precautions and explain them to your customer. (a) Use only unleaded gasoline (b) Avoid prolonged idling Avoid running the engine at idle speed for more than 20 minutes. (c) Avoid spark jump test (1) Perform spark jump test only when absolutely necessary. Perform this test as rapidly as possible. (2) While testing, never race the engine. (d) Avoid prolonged engine compression measurement Engine compression tests must be done as rapidly as possible. (e) Do not run engine when fuel tank is nearly empty This may cause the engine to misfire and create an extra load on the converter. (f) Avoid coasting with ignition turned off and prolonged braking (g) Do not dispose of used catalyst along with parts contaminated with gasoline or oil 2. IF VEHICLE IS EQUIPPED WITH MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM For vehicles with mobile communication systems such as two−way radios and cellular telephones, observe the following precautions. (1) Install the antenna as far as possible away from the ECU and sensors of the vehicle’s electronic system. (2) Install the antenna feeder at least 20 cm (7.87 in.) away from the ECU and sensors of the ve- hicle’s electronics systems. For details about ECU and sensors locations, refer to the section on the applicable component. (3) Do not wind the antenna feeder together with the other wiring. As much as possible, also avoid running the antenna feeder parallel with other wire harnesses. (4) Confirm that the antenna and feeder are correctly adjusted. (5) Do not install powerful mobile communications system. 3. FOR USING HAND−HELD TESTER CAUTION: Observe the following for safety reasons: S Before using the hand−held tester, the hand−held tester’s operator manual should be read throughly. S Be sure to route all cables securely when driving with the hand−held tester connected to the vehicle. (i.e. Keep cables away from feet, pedals, steering wheel and shift lever.) S Two persons are required when test driving with the hand−held tester, one person to drive the vehicle and one person to operate the hand−held tester. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

IN−8 INTRODUCTION − FOR ALL OF VEHICLES FOR ALL OF VEHICLES PRECAUTION IN0KJ−01 1. FOR VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH A CATALYTIC CONVERTER CAUTION: If large amounts of unburned gasoline flow into the converter, it may overheat and create a fire haz- ard. To prevent this, observe the following precautions and explain them to your customer. (a) Use only unleaded gasoline. (b) Avoid prolonged idling. Avoid idling the engine for more than 20 minutes. (c) Avoid spark jump test. (1) Perform spark jump tests only when absolutely necessary. Perform this test as rapidly as pos- sible. (2) While testing, never race the engine. (d) Avoid prolonged engine compression measurement. Engine compression tests must be done as rapidly as possible. (e) Do not run engine when fuel tank is nearly empty. This may cause the engine to misfire and create an extra load on the converter. (f) Avoid coasting with ignition turned off and prolonged braking. (g) Do not dispose of used catalyst with gasoline or oil contaminated parts. 2. IF VEHICLE IS EQUIPPED WITH MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM For vehicles with mobile communication systems such as two−way radios and cellular telephones, observe the following precautions. (1) Install the antenna as far away as possible from the ECU and sensors of the vehicle’s electronic system. (2) Install the antenna feeder at least 20 cm (7.87 in.) away from the ECU and sensors of the ve- hicle’s electronics systems. For details about ECU and sensors locations, refer to the applicable component’s section . (3) Avoid winding the antenna feeder together with the other wiring, as much as possible, and also avoid running the antenna feeder parallel with other wire harnesses. (4) Check that the antenna and feeder are correctly adjusted. (5) Do not install powerful mobile communications system. 3. FOR USING HAND−HELD TESTER CAUTION: Observe the following for safety reasons: S Before using the hand−held tester, read its user manual throughly. S Be sure to route all cables securely when driving with the hand−held tester connected to the vehicle. (I.e., keep cables away from feet, pedals, steering wheel and shift lever.) S Two persons are required when test−driving with the hand−held tester: one person to drive the vehicle and another to operate the hand−held tester. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

IN−8 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS GENERAL INFORMATION IN005−05 A large number of ECU controlled systems are used in the LAND CRUISER (Station Wagon). In general, the ECU controlled system is considered to be a very intricate system requiring a high level of technical knowledge and expert skill to troubleshoot. However, the fact is that if you proceed to inspect the circuits one by one, troubleshooting of these systems is not complex. If you have adequate understanding of the system and a basic knowledge of electricity, accurate diagnosis and necessary repair can be performed to locate and fix the problem. This manual is designed through emphasis of the above standpoint to help ser- vice technicians perform accurate and effective troubleshooting, and is compiled for the following major ECU controlled systems: System Page 1. Engine DI−1 2. Sub Fuel Tank System DI−131 The troubleshooting procedure and how to make use of it are described on the following pages. 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−8 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS GENERAL INFORMATION IN005−36 A large number of ECU controlled systems are used in the LAND CRUISER (Station Wagon). In general, the ECU controlled system is considered to be a very intricate system requiring a high level of technical knowledge and expert skill to troubleshoot. However, the fact is that if you proceed to inspect the circuits one by one, troubleshooting of these systems is not complex. If you have adequate understanding of the system and a basic knowledge of electricity, accurate diagnosis and necessary repair can be performed to locate and fix the problem. This manual is designed through emphasis of the above standpoint to help ser- vice technicians perform accurate and effective troubleshooting, and is compiled for the following major ECU controlled systems: System Page 1. Engine DI−1 The troubleshooting procedure and how to make use of it are described on the following pages. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−9 SYSTEMS HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS GENERAL INFORMATION IN04S−49 A large number of ECU controlled systems are used in the LAND CRUISER. In general, the ECU controlled system is considered to be a very intricate system requiring a high level of technical knowledge and expert skill to troubleshoot. However, the fact is that if you proceed to inspect the circuits one by one, troubleshoot- ing of these systems is not complex. If you have adequate understanding of the system and a basic knowl- edge of electricity, accurate diagnosis and necessary repair can be performed to locate and fix the problem. This manual is designed through emphasis of the above standpoint to help service technicians perform ac- curate and effective troubleshooting, and is compiled for the following major ECU controlled systems: The troubleshooting procedure and how to make use of it are described on the following pages. System Page 1. Engine DI−1 FOR USING HAND−HELD TESTER S Before using the tester, read its operator manual thoroughly. S Connected the cable of the tester to DLC3, turn the ignition switch ON and operated the tester. If the tester cannot communicate with the ECU controlled system, there is a problem on the vehicle side or tester side. (1) If communication is normal when the tester is connected to another vehicle, inspect the diagnosis data link line (Bus†line) or ECU power circuit of the vehicle. (2) If communication is still not possible when the tester is connected to another vehicle, the problem lies in the tester. Perform the Self Test procedures outlined in the Tester Operator’s Manual. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−9 SYSTEMS HOW TO PROCEED WITH TROUBLESHOOTING IN006−05 Carry out troubleshooting in accordance with the procedure on the following page. Here, only the basic pro- cedure is shown. Details are provided in each section, showing the most effective methods for each circuit. Confirm the troubleshooting procedures first for the relevant circuit before beginning troubleshooting of that circuit. Vehicle Brought Workshop 1 Customer Problem 1 Analysis Ask the customer about the conditions and the environment when the problem occurred. 2 Symptom Confirmation 3 and Diagnostic Trouble Symptom Simulation Code Check 2, 3 4 Diagnostic Trouble Confirm the symptoms and the problem conditions, Code Chart and check the diagnostic trouble codes. (When the problem symptoms do not appear during confirmation, use the symptom simulation method described later on.) 5 Matrix Chart of Problem Symptoms 6 Circuit Inspection or Parts 4, 5, 6 Inspection Check the results obtain in Step 2, then confirm the inspection procedure for the system or the part which should be checked using the diagnostic trouble code chart or the matrix chart of problem symptoms. 7 Repair 7 Check and repair the affected system or part in accordance with the instructions in Step 6. 8 Confirmation Test 8 End After completing repairs, confirm that the problem has been eliminated. (If the problem is not reproduced, perform the confirmation test under the same conditions and in the same environment as when it occurred for the first time.) 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−10 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 1. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS In troubleshooting, the problem symptoms must be confirmed accurately and all preconceptions must be cleared away in order to give an accurate judgment. To ascertain just what the problem symptoms are, it is extremely important to ask the customer about the problem and the conditions at the time it occurred. Important Point in the Problem Analysis: The following 5 items are important points in the problem analysis. Past problems which are thought to be unrelated and the repair history, etc. may also help in some cases, so as much information as possible should be gathered and its relationship with the problem symptoms should be correctly ascertained for reference in troubleshooting. A customer problem analysis table is provided in the troubleshooting section for each system for your use. Important Points in the Customer Problem Analysis D What −−−−− Vehicle model, system name D When −−−−− Date, time, occurrence frequency D Where −−−−− Road conditions D Under what conditions? −−−−− Running conditions, driving conditions, weather conditions D How did it happen? −−−−− Problem symptoms (Sample) Engine control system check sheet. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS CHECK ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Check Sheet Inspector’s km Name miles Customer’s Name Driver’s Name Model and Model Data Vehicle Year Brought in Frame No. License No. Engine Model Odometer Reading Engine does Engine does not crank No initial combustion No complete combustion not Start Difficult to Engine cranks slowly Start Other Poor Idling Problem Symptoms Poor Incorrect first idle Idling rpm is abnormal High ( rpm) Low ( rpm) Drive ability Surging Rough idling Other Engine Stall Hesitation Back fire Muffler explosion (after−fire) Knocking Other Soon after starting After accelerator pedal depressed After accelerator pedal released During A/C operation Shifting from N to D Other Others Datas Problem Constant Sometimes ( times per day/month) 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−11 SYSTEMS 2. SYMPTOM CONFIRMATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK The diagnostic system in the LAND CRUISER fulfills various functions. The first function is the Diagnostic Trouble Code Check in which a malfunction in the signal circuits to the ECU is stored in code in the ECU memory at the time of occurrence, to be output by the technician during troubleshooting. Another function is the Input Signal Check which checks if the signals from various switches are sent to the ECU correctly. By using these check functions, the problem areas can be narrowed down quickly and troubleshooting can be performed effectively. Diagnostic functions are incorporated in the following systems in the LAND CRUIS- ER. System Diagnostic Trouble Input Signal Check Other Diagnosis Function Code Check (Sensor Check) Engine f f Diagnostic Test (with Check Mode) Mode Sub Fuel Tank System f In diagnostic trouble code check, it is very important to determine whether the problem indicated by the diag- nostic trouble code is still occurring or occurred in the past but returned to normal at present. In addition, it must be checked in the problem symptom check whether the malfunction indicated by the diagnostic trouble code is directly related to the problem symptom or not. For this reason, the diagnostic trouble codes should be checked before and after the symptom confirmation to determine the current conditions, as shown in the table below. If this is not done, it may, depending on the case, result in unnecessary troubleshooting for normally operating systems, thus making it more difficult to locate the problem, or in repairs not pertinent to the problem. Therefore, always follow the procedure in correct order and perform the diagnostic trouble code check. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK PROCEDURE Diagnostic Trouble Confirmation Diagnostic Trouble Problem Condition Code Check (Make a of Symptoms Code Check note of and then clear) Diagnostic Trouble Problem symptoms Same diagnostic Problem is still occurring in the diagnostic Code Display exist trouble code is circuit displayed Normal code is The problem is still occurring in a place displayed other than in the diagnostic circuit. (The diagnostic trouble code displayed first is either for a past problem or it is a secondary problem.) No problem The problem occurred in the diagnostic symptoms exist circuit in the past. The problem is still occurring in a place Normal Code Display Problem symptoms Normal code is other than in the diagnostic circuit. exist displayed The problem occurred in a place other than in the diagnostic circuit in the past. No problem Normal code is symptoms exist displayed 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−12 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS Taking into account the above points, a flow chart showing how to proceed with troubleshooting using the diagnostic trouble code check is shown below. This flow chart shows how to utilize the diagnostic trouble code check effectively, then by carefully checking the results, indicates how to proceed either to diagnostic trouble code troubleshooting or to troubleshooting of problem symptoms. Diagnostic trouble code check Making a note of and clear ing of the diagnostic trouble codes displayed Symptom confirmation No problem symptoms Problem symptoms exist exist Simulation test using the symptom simulation methods Diagnostic trouble code check D Diagnostic trouble code displayed D Normal code displayed D Normal code displayed D Problem symptoms exist D Problem symptoms exist D No problem symptoms exist Troubleshooting of problem indicated Troubleshooting of each System Normal by diagnostic trouble code problem symptom If a diagnostic trouble code was displayed in the initial diagnostic trouble code check, it indicates that the trouble may have occurred in a wire harness or connector in that circuit in the past. Therefore, check the wire harness and con- nectors (See page IN−19). 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−13 SYSTEMS 3. SYMPTOM SIMULATION The most difficult case in troubleshooting is when there are no problem symptoms occurring. In such cases, a thorough customer problem analysis must be carried out, then simulate the same or similar conditions and environment in which the problem occurred in the customer’s vehicle. No matter how much experience a technician has, or how skilled he may be, if he proceeds to troubleshoot without confirming the problem symptoms he will tend to overlook something important in the repair operation and make a wrong guess somewhere, which will only lead to a standstill. For example, for a problem which only occurs when the en- gine is cold, or for a problem which occurs due to vibration caused by the road during driving, etc., the prob- lem can never be determined so long as the symptoms are confirmed with the engine hot condition or the vehicle at a standstill. Since vibration, heat or water penetration (moisture) are likely causes for problems which are difficult to reproduce, the symptom simulation tests introduced here are effective measures in that the external causes are applied to the vehicle in a stopped condition. Important Points in the Symptom Simulation Test: In the symptom simulation test, the problem symptoms should of course be confirmed, but the problem area or parts must also be found out. To do this, narrow down the possible problem circuits according to the symp- toms before starting this test and connect a tester beforehand. After that, carry out the symptom simulation test, judging whether the circuit being tested is defective or normal and also confirming the problem symp- toms at the same time. Refer to the matrix chart of problem symptoms for each system to narrow down the possible causes of the symptom. 1 VIBRATION METHOD: When vibration seems to be the major cause. CONNECTORS Slightly shake the connector vertically and horizontally. Shake Slightly WIRE HARNESS Slightly shake the wire harness vertically and horizontally. The connector joint, fulcrum of the vibration, and body through portion are the major areas to be checked thorough- ly. PARTS AND SENSOR Swing Slightly Apply slight vibration with a finger to the part of the sensor Vibrate Slightly considered to be the problem cause and check if the malfunction occurs. HINT: Applying strong vibration to relays may result in open relays. V07268 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−14 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 2 HEAT METHOD: When the problem seems to occur when the suspect area is heated. Heat the component that is the likely cause of the malfunction M a l f u n c- with a hair dryer or similar object. Check to see if the malfunction tion occurs. NOTICE: (1) Do not heat to more than 60˚C (140˚F). (Temperature limit that no damage is done to the component.) (2) Do not apply heat directly to parts in the ECU. 3 WATER SPRINKLING METHOD: When the malfunction seems to occur on a rainy day or in a high−humidity condition. Sprinkle water onto the vehicle and check to see if the malfunc- tion occurs. NOTICE: (1) Never sprinkle water directly into the engine compartment, but indirectly change the temperature and humidity by applying water spray onto the radiator front surface. (2) Never apply water directly onto the electronic components. (Service hint) If a vehicle is subject to water leakage, the leaked water may contaminate the ECU. When testing a vehicle with a water leak- age problem, special caution must be used. 4 OTHER: When a malfunction seems to occur when electrical load is excessive. Turn on all electrical loads including the heater blower, head ON lights, rear window defogger, etc. and check to see if the mal- function occurs. V07469 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−15 SYSTEMS 4. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART The inspection procedure is shown in the table below. This table permits efficient and accurate troubleshoot- ing using the diagnostic trouble codes displayed in the diagnostic trouble code check. Proceed with trouble- shooting in accordance with the inspection procedure given in the diagnostic chart corresponding to the diagnostic trouble codes displayed. The engine diagnostic trouble code chart is shown below as an example. D DTC No. D Trouble Area Indicates the diagnostic trouble code. Indicates the suspect area of the problem. D Page or Instructions Indicates the page where the inspection procedure for each circuit is to be found, or gives instructions for checking and repairs. D Detection Item Indicates the system of the problem or contents of the problem. DTC CHART (SAE Controlled) HINT: Parameters listed in the chart may not be exactly the same as your reading due to the type of instrument or other factors. If a malfunction code is displayed during the DTC check in check mode, check the circuit for that code listed in the table below. For details of each code, turn to the page referred to under the ”See page” for the respective ”DTC No.” in the DTC chart. DTC No. Detection Item Trouble Area CHK ENG (See page) *1 *Memory P0105/31 Vacuum Sensor Circuit Malfunction D Open or short in vacuum sensor circuit (DI−12) D Vacuum sensor D Engine ECU P0110/24 Intake Air Temp. Circuit Malfunction D Open or short in intake air temp. sensor circuit − (DI−28) D Intake air temp. sensor − D Engine ECU P0115/22 (DI−31) Water Temp. Circuit Malfunction D Open or short in water temp. sensor circuit D Water temp. sensor P0120/41 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit D Engine ECU (DI−32) Malfunction D Open or short in throttle position sensor circuit D Throttle position sensor D Engine ECU D Open or short in Oxygen sensor circuit D Oxygen sensor 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−16 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 5. PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE The suspect circuits or parts for each problem symptom are shown in the table below. Use this table to trou- bleshooting the problem when a ”Normal” code is displayed in the diagnostic trouble code check but the problem is still occurring. Numbers in the table indicate the inspection order in which the circuits or parts should be checked. HINT: When the problem is not detected by the diagnostic system even though the problem symptom is present, it is considered that the problem is occurring outside the detection range of the diagnostic system, or that the problem is occurring in a system other than the diagnostic system. D Page Indicates the page where the flow chart for each circuit is located. D Circuit Inspection, Inspection Order Indicates the circuit which needs to be checked for each problem symptom. Check in the order indicated by the numbers. D Problem Symptom D Circuit or Part Name Indicates the circuit or part which needs to be checked. PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE Symptom Suspect Area See page Engine does not crank (Does not start) No initial combustion (Does not start) 1. Starter and starter relay ST−12, 13 No complete combustion (Does not start) Engine cranks normally (Difficult to start) 1. Engine ECUpowersource circuit DI−124 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 Cold engine (Difficult to start) 3. Engine ECU IN−30 Hot engine High engine idle speed (Poor idling) 1. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 idling) 1. Starter signal circuit DI−121 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 3. Compression EM−3 1. Starter signal circuit DI−121 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 1. Starter signal circuit DI−121 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 1. A/C signal circuit (Compressor circuit) AC−54 2. Engine ECU power source circuit DI−124 1. A/C signal circuit 2. Fuel pump control circuit 1. Compression 2. Fuel pump control circuit 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−17 SYSTEMS 6. CIRCUIT INSPECTION How to read and use each page is shown below. D Diagnostic Trouble Code No. and Detection Item D Circuit Description The major role and operation, etc. of the circuit and its component parts are explained. DTC P0325/52 Knock Sensor Circuit Malfunction CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Knock sensor are fitted to the cylinder block to detect engine knocking. This sensor contains a piezoelectric element which generates a voltage when it becomes deformed, which occurs when the cylinder block vibrates due to knocking. DTC No. Detection Item Trouble Area P0325/52 D Open or short in knock sensor circuit No knock sensor 1 signal to engine D Knock sensor (Looseness) ECU with engine speed between D Engine ECU 1,700 rpm and 5,200 rpm WIRING DIAGRAM D Indicates the diagnostic trouble code, diagnostic trouble code set parameter and suspect area of ECU the problem. Knock Sensor D Wiring Diagram This shows a wiring diagram of the circuit. GR 12 KNK Use this diagram together with ELECTRICAL E6 WIRING DIAGRAM to thoroughly understand the circuit. E1 Wire colors are indicated by an alphabetical code. B = Black, L = Blue, R = Red, BR = Brown, LG = Light Green, V = Violet, G = Green, O = Orange, W = White, GR = Gray, P = Pink, Y = Yellow The first letter indicates the basic wire color and the second letter indicates the color of the stripe. V08423 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E)

IN−18 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS D Indicates the position of the ignition switch during the check. D Inspection Procedure Use the inspection procedure to determine LOCK ON if the circuit is normal or abnormal, and , if it is abnormal, use it to determine whether Ignition Switch LOCK (OFF) Ignition Switch ON the problem is located in the sensors, actuators, wire harness or ECU. START ACC Ignition Switch START Ignition Switch ACC INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1 Check continuity between terminal KNK of ECU connector and body ground. LOCK KNK PREPARATION: (a) Remove the glove compartment (See page FI−37). AB0117 E6 Connector (b) Disconnect the E6 connector of ECU. A00265 A00255 CHECK: Measure resistance between terminal KNK of ECU connector and body ground. OK: Resistance: 1 MW or higher OK Go to step 3. NG 2 Check knock sensor (See page FI−34). OK Replace knock sensor. D Indicates the place to check the voltage or resistance. D Indicates the connector position to checked, from the front or back side. Wire Harness Check from the connector front side. (without harness) Check from the connector back side. In this case, care must be taken not to bend the terminals. (with harness) D Indicates the condition of the connector of ECU during the check. KNK KNK E6 Connector E6 Connector Connector being checked is connected. Connector being checked is disconnected. 2UZ−FE ENGINE (RM630E) V08425

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−9 SYSTEMS HOW TO PROCEED WITH TROUBLESHOOTING IN006−39 Carry out troubleshooting in accordance with the procedure on the following page. Here, only the basic pro- cedure is shown. Details are provided in each section, showing the most effective methods for each circuit. Confirm the troubleshooting procedures first for the relevant circuit before beginning troubleshooting of that circuit. Vehicle Brought Workshop 1 Customer Problem 1 Analysis Ask the customer about the conditions and the environment when the problem occurred. 2 Symptom Confirmation 3 and Diagnostic Trouble Symptom Simulation Code Check 2, 3 4 Diagnostic Trouble Confirm the symptoms and the problem conditions, Code Chart and check the diagnostic trouble codes. (When the problem symptoms do not appear during confirmation, use the symptom simulation method described later on.) 5 Matrix Chart of Problem Symptoms 6 Circuit Inspection or Parts 4, 5, 6 Inspection Check the results obtain in Step 2, then confirm the inspection procedure for the system or the part which should be checked using the diagnostic trouble code chart or the matrix chart of problem symptoms. 7 Repair 7 Check and repair the affected system or part in accordance with the instructions in Step 6. 8 Confirmation Test 8 End After completing repairs, confirm that the problem has been eliminated. (If the problem is not reproduced, perform the confirmation test under the same conditions and in the same environment as when it occurred for the first time.) 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

IN−10 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 1. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS In troubleshooting, the problem symptoms must be confirmed accurately and all preconceptions must be cleared away in order to give an accurate judgment. To ascertain just what the problem symptoms are, it is extremely important to ask the customer about the problem and the conditions at the time it occurred. Important Point in the Problem Analysis: The following 5 items are important points in the problem analysis. Past problems which are thought to be unrelated and the repair history, etc. may also help in some cases, so as much information as possible should be gathered and its relationship with the problem symptoms should be correctly ascertained for reference in troubleshooting. A customer problem analysis table is provided in the troubleshooting section for each system for your use. Important Points in the Customer Problem Analysis D What −−−−− Vehicle model, system name D When −−−−− Date, time, occurrence frequency D Where −−−−− Road conditions D Under what conditions? −−−−− Running conditions, driving conditions, weather conditions D How did it happen? −−−−− Problem symptoms (Sample) Engine control system check sheet. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS CHECK ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM Check Sheet Inspector’s km Name miles Customer’s Name Driver’s Name Model and Model Data Vehicle Year Brought in Frame No. License No. Engine Model Odometer Reading Engine does Engine does not crank No initial combustion No complete combustion not Start Difficult to Engine cranks slowly Start Other Poor Idling Problem Symptoms Poor Incorrect first idle Idling rpm is abnormal High ( rpm) Low ( rpm) Drive ability Surging Rough idling Other Engine Stall Hesitation Back fire Muffler explosion (after−fire) Knocking Other Soon after starting After accelerator pedal depressed After accelerator pedal released During A/C operation Shifting from N to D Other Others Datas Problem Constant Sometimes ( times per day/month) 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−11 SYSTEMS 2. SYMPTOM CONFIRMATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK The diagnostic system in the LAND CRUISER (Station Wagon) fulfills various functions. The first function is the Diagnostic Trouble Code Check in which a malfunction in the signal circuits to the ECU is stored in code in the ECU memory at the time of occurrence, to be output by the technician during troubleshooting. Another function is the Input Signal Check which checks if the signals from various switches are sent to the ECU correctly. By using these check functions, the problem areas can be narrowed down quickly and troubleshooting can be performed effectively. Diagnostic functions are incorporated in the following systems in the LAND CRUIS- ER (Station Wagon). System Diagnostic Trouble Input Signal Check Other Diagnosis Function Code Check (Sensor Check) Engine f f Diagnostic Test (with Check Mode) Mode In diagnostic trouble code check, it is very important to determine whether the problem indicated by the diag- nostic trouble code is still occurring or occurred in the past but returned to normal at present. In addition, it must be checked in the problem symptom check whether the malfunction indicated by the diagnostic trouble code is directly related to the problem symptom or not. For this reason, the diagnostic trouble codes should be checked before and after the symptom confirmation to determine the current conditions, as shown in the table below. If this is not done, it may, depending on the case, result in unnecessary troubleshooting for normally operating systems, thus making it more difficult to locate the problem, or in repairs not pertinent to the problem. Therefore, always follow the procedure in correct order and perform the diagnostic trouble code check. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK PROCEDURE Diagnostic Trouble Confirmation Diagnostic Trouble Problem Condition Code Check (Make a of Symptoms Code Check note of and then clear) Diagnostic Trouble Problem symptoms Same diagnostic Problem is still occurring in the diagnostic Code Display exist trouble code is circuit displayed Normal code is The problem is still occurring in a place displayed other than in the diagnostic circuit. (The diagnostic trouble code displayed first is either for a past problem or it is a secondary problem.) No problem The problem occurred in the diagnostic symptoms exist circuit in the past. The problem is still occurring in a place Normal Code Display Problem symptoms Normal code is other than in the diagnostic circuit. exist displayed The problem occurred in a place other than in the diagnostic circuit in the past. No problem Normal code is symptoms exist displayed 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

IN−12 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS Taking into account the above points, a flow chart showing how to proceed with troubleshooting using the diagnostic trouble code check is shown below. This flow chart shows how to utilize the diagnostic trouble code check effectively, then by carefully checking the results, indicates how to proceed either to diagnostic trouble code troubleshooting or to troubleshooting of problem symptoms. Diagnostic trouble code check Making a note of and clear ing of the diagnostic trouble codes displayed Symptom confirmation No problem symptoms Problem symptoms exist exist Simulation test using the symptom simulation methods Diagnostic trouble code check D Diagnostic trouble code displayed D Normal code displayed D Normal code displayed D Problem symptoms exist D Problem symptoms exist D No problem symptoms exist Troubleshooting of problem indicated Troubleshooting of each System Normal by diagnostic trouble code problem symptom If a diagnostic trouble code was displayed in the initial diagnostic trouble code check, it indicates that the trouble may have occurred in a wire harness or connector in that circuit in the past. Therefore, check the wire harness and con- nectors (See page IN−19). 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−13 SYSTEMS 3. SYMPTOM SIMULATION The most difficult case in troubleshooting is when there are no problem symptoms occurring. In such cases, a thorough customer problem analysis must be carried out, then simulate the same or similar conditions and environment in which the problem occurred in the customer’s vehicle. No matter how much experience a technician has, or how skilled he may be, if he proceeds to troubleshoot without confirming the problem symptoms he will tend to overlook something important in the repair operation and make a wrong guess somewhere, which will only lead to a standstill. For example, for a problem which only occurs when the en- gine is cold, or for a problem which occurs due to vibration caused by the road during driving, etc., the prob- lem can never be determined so long as the symptoms are confirmed with the engine hot condition or the vehicle at a standstill. Since vibration, heat or water penetration (moisture) are likely causes for problems which are difficult to reproduce, the symptom simulation tests introduced here are effective measures in that the external causes are applied to the vehicle in a stopped condition. Important Points in the Symptom Simulation Test: In the symptom simulation test, the problem symptoms should of course be confirmed, but the problem area or parts must also be found out. To do this, narrow down the possible problem circuits according to the symp- toms before starting this test and connect a tester beforehand. After that, carry out the symptom simulation test, judging whether the circuit being tested is defective or normal and also confirming the problem symp- toms at the same time. Refer to the matrix chart of problem symptoms for each system to narrow down the possible causes of the symptom. 1 VIBRATION METHOD: When vibration seems to be the major cause. CONNECTORS Slightly shake the connector vertically and horizontally. Shake Slightly WIRE HARNESS Slightly shake the wire harness vertically and horizontally. The connector joint, fulcrum of the vibration, and body through portion are the major areas to be checked thorough- ly. PARTS AND SENSOR Swing Slightly Apply slight vibration with a finger to the part of the sensor Vibrate Slightly considered to be the problem cause and check if the malfunction occurs. HINT: Applying strong vibration to relays may result in open relays. V07268 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

IN−14 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 2 HEAT METHOD: When the problem seems to occur when the suspect area is heated. Heat the component that is the likely cause of the malfunction M a l f u n c- with a hair dryer or similar object. Check to see if the malfunction tion occurs. NOTICE: (1) Do not heat to more than 60˚C (140˚F). (Temperature limit that no damage is done to the component.) (2) Do not apply heat directly to parts in the ECU. 3 WATER SPRINKLING METHOD: When the malfunction seems to occur on a rainy day or in a high−humidity condition. Sprinkle water onto the vehicle and check to see if the malfunc- tion occurs. NOTICE: (1) Never sprinkle water directly into the engine compartment, but indirectly change the temperature and humidity by applying water spray onto the radiator front surface. (2) Never apply water directly onto the electronic components. (Service hint) If a vehicle is subject to water leakage, the leaked water may contaminate the ECU. When testing a vehicle with a water leak- age problem, special caution must be used. 4 OTHER: When a malfunction seems to occur when electrical load is excessive. Turn on all electrical loads including the heater blower, head ON lights, rear window defogger, etc. and check to see if the mal- function occurs. V07469 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−15 SYSTEMS 4. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHART The inspection procedure is shown in the table below. This table permits efficient and accurate troubleshoot- ing using the diagnostic trouble codes displayed in the diagnostic trouble code check. Proceed with trouble- shooting in accordance with the inspection procedure given in the diagnostic chart corresponding to the diagnostic trouble codes displayed. The engine diagnostic trouble code chart is shown below as an example. D DTC No. D Trouble Area Indicates the diagnostic trouble code. Indicates the suspect area of the problem. D Page or Instructions Indicates the page where the inspection procedure for each circuit is to be found, or gives instructions for checking and repairs. D Detection Item Indicates the system of the problem or contents of the problem. DTC CHART (SAE Controlled) HINT: Parameters listed in the chart may not be exactly the same as your reading due to the type of instrument or other factors. If a malfunction code is displayed during the DTC check in check mode, check the circuit for that code listed in the table below. For details of each code, turn to the page referred to under the ”See page” for the respective ”DTC No.” in the DTC chart. DTC No. Detection Item Trouble Area CHK ENG (See page) *1 *Memory P0105/31 Vacuum Sensor Circuit Malfunction D Open or short in vacuum sensor circuit (DI−12) D Vacuum sensor D Engine ECU P0110/24 Intake Air Temp. Circuit Malfunction D Open or short in intake air temp. sensor circuit − (DI−28) D Intake air temp. sensor − D Engine ECU P0115/22 (DI−31) Water Temp. Circuit Malfunction D Open or short in water temp. sensor circuit D Water temp. sensor P0120/41 Throttle Position Sensor Circuit D Engine ECU (DI−32) Malfunction D Open or short in throttle position sensor circuit D Throttle position sensor D Engine ECU D Open or short in Oxygen sensor circuit D Oxygen sensor 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

IN−16 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 5. PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE The suspect circuits or parts for each problem symptom are shown in the table below. Use this table to trou- bleshooting the problem when a ”Normal” code is displayed in the diagnostic trouble code check but the problem is still occurring. Numbers in the table indicate the inspection order in which the circuits or parts should be checked. HINT: When the problem is not detected by the diagnostic system even though the problem symptom is present, it is considered that the problem is occurring outside the detection range of the diagnostic system, or that the problem is occurring in a system other than the diagnostic system. D Page Indicates the page where the flow chart for each circuit is located. D Circuit Inspection, Inspection Order Indicates the circuit which needs to be checked for each problem symptom. Check in the order indicated by the numbers. D Problem Symptom D Circuit or Part Name Indicates the circuit or part which needs to be checked. PROBLEM SYMPTOMS TABLE Symptom Suspect Area See page Engine does not crank (Does not start) No initial combustion (Does not start) 1. Starter and starter relay ST−12, 13 No complete combustion (Does not start) Engine cranks normally (Difficult to start) 1. Engine ECUpowersource circuit DI−124 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 Cold engine (Difficult to start) 3. Engine ECU IN−30 Hot engine High engine idle speed (Poor idling) 1. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 idling) 1. Starter signal circuit DI−121 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 3. Compression EM−3 1. Starter signal circuit DI−121 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 1. Starter signal circuit DI−121 2. Fuel pump control circuit DI−127 1. A/C signal circuit (Compressor circuit) AC−54 2. Engine ECU power source circuit DI−124 1. A/C signal circuit 2. Fuel pump control circuit 1. Compression 2. Fuel pump control circuit 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−17 SYSTEMS 6. CIRCUIT INSPECTION How to read and use each page is shown below. D Diagnostic Trouble Code No. and Detection Item D Circuit Description The major role and operation, etc. of the circuit and its component parts are explained. DTC P0325/52 Knock Sensor Circuit Malfunction CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Knock sensor are fitted to the cylinder block to detect engine knocking. This sensor contains a piezoelectric element which generates a voltage when it becomes deformed, which occurs when the cylinder block vibrates due to knocking. DTC No. Detection Item Trouble Area P0325/52 D Open or short in knock sensor circuit No knock sensor 1 signal to engine D Knock sensor (Looseness) ECU with engine speed between D Engine ECU 1,700 rpm and 5,200 rpm WIRING DIAGRAM D Indicates the diagnostic trouble code, diagnostic trouble code set parameter and suspect area of ECU the problem. Knock Sensor D Wiring Diagram This shows a wiring diagram of the circuit. GR 12 KNK Use this diagram together with ELECTRICAL E6 WIRING DIAGRAM to thoroughly understand the circuit. E1 Wire colors are indicated by an alphabetical code. B = Black, L = Blue, R = Red, BR = Brown, LG = Light Green, V = Violet, G = Green, O = Orange, W = White, GR = Gray, P = Pink, Y = Yellow The first letter indicates the basic wire color and the second letter indicates the color of the stripe. V08423 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E)

IN−18 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS D Indicates the position of the ignition switch during the check. D Inspection Procedure Use the inspection procedure to determine LOCK ON if the circuit is normal or abnormal, and , if it is abnormal, use it to determine whether Ignition Switch LOCK (OFF) Ignition Switch ON the problem is located in the sensors, actuators, wire harness or ECU. START ACC Ignition Switch START Ignition Switch ACC INSPECTION PROCEDURE 1 Check continuity between terminal KNK of ECU connector and body ground. LOCK KNK PREPARATION: (a) Remove the glove compartment (See page FI−37). AB0117 E6 Connector (b) Disconnect the E6 connector of ECU. A00265 A00255 CHECK: Measure resistance between terminal KNK of ECU connector and body ground. OK: Resistance: 1 MW or higher OK Go to step 3. NG 2 Check knock sensor (See page FI−34). OK Replace knock sensor. D Indicates the place to check the voltage or resistance. D Indicates the connector position to checked, from the front or back side. Wire Harness Check from the connector front side. (without harness) Check from the connector back side. In this case, care must be taken not to bend the terminals. (with harness) D Indicates the condition of the connector of ECU during the check. KNK KNK E6 Connector E6 Connector Connector being checked is connected. Connector being checked is disconnected. 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM895E) V08425

IN−10 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS HOW TO PROCEED WITH TROUBLESHOOTING IN04T−25 Carry out troubleshooting in accordance with the procedure below. Only a basic procedure is shown. Details in the diagnostics Section show the most effective methods for each circuit. Confirm troubleshooting proce- dures first for the relevant circuit before beginning troubleshooting of that circuit. Vehicle Brought to Workshop 1 Customer Problem 1 Analysis Ask the customer about the conditions and the environment in which the problem occurred. 2 Symptom Confirmation 3 and Diagnostic Trouble Symptom Simulation Code Check 2, 3 4 Diagnostic Trouble Confirm the symptoms and the problem condi- Code Chart tions, and check the diagnostic trouble codes. (When the problem symptoms do not appear dur- ing confirmation, use the symptom simulation method described later on.) 5 Problem Symptoms Table 6 Circuit Inspection or Parts 4, 5, 6 Inspection Check the results obtained in Step 2. Confirm the inspection procedure for the system or the part that should be checked using the diagnostic trouble code chart or the problem symptoms table. 7 Repair 7 Check and repair the affected system or part in accordance with the instructions in Step 6. 8 Confirmation Test 8 End After completing repairs, confirm that the problem has been eliminated. (To be absolutely sure the problem no longer ex- ists, perform the confirmation test under the same conditions and environment as when it occurred the first time.) 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−11 SYSTEMS 1. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS S The 5 items in the table below are important points in the problem analysis: S In troubleshooting, the problem symptoms must be confirmed accurately. Preconceptions should be discarded in order to give an accurate judgement. To ascertain what the problem symptoms are, it is extremely important to ask the customer about the problem and the conditions at the time it occurred. Important Points in the Customer Problem Analysis D What −−−−− Vehicle model, system name D When −−−−− Date, time, occurrence frequency D Where −−−−− Road conditions D Under what conditions? −−−−− Running conditions, driving conditions, weather conditions D How did it happen? −−−−− Problem symptoms (Sample) Supplemental restraint system check sheet. CUSTOMER PROBLEM ANALYSIS CHECK Supplemental Restraint System Check Sheet Inspector’s Name VIN Customer’s Name Production Date // km LicenceNo. miles Date Vehicle Brought In / / Odometer Reading Date Problem First Occurred Fine Cloudy Rainy Snowy // Weather Other Temperature Approx. Vehicle Operation Starting Idling Acceleration Deceleration Driving ] [ Constant speed Other 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

IN−12 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 2. SYMPTOM CONFIRMATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK The diagnostic system in the LAND CRUISER fulfills various functions. S The first function is the Diagnostic Trouble Code Check (DTC) Check, In a DTC Check, a previous mal- function’s DTC can be checked by a technician during troubleshooting. (A DTC is a code stored in the ECU memory whenever a malfunction in the signal circuits to the ECU occurs.) S Another function is the Input Signal Check, which checks if the signals from various switches are sent to the ECU correctly. By using these check functions, the problem areas can be narrowed down and troubleshooting is more effective. Diagnostic functions are incorporated in the following systems in the LAND CRUISER: System Diagnostic Trouble Input Signal Check Other Diagnosis Code Check (Sensor Check) Function Engine f f Diagnostic Test (with Check Mode) Mode In the DTC Check, it is very important to determine whether the problem indicated by theDTC is: 1) still occur- ring, or 2) occurred in the past but has since returned to normal. In addition, the DTC should be compared to the problem symptom to see if they are related. For this reason, DTCs should be checked before and after confirmation of symptoms (i.e., whether or not problem symptoms exist) to determine current conditions, as shown in the table below. Never skip the DTC Check. Failure to check DTCs may, depending on the case, result in unnecessary trou- bleshooting for systems operating normally or lead to repairs not pertinent to the problem. Follow the proce- dures listed above in the correct order. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK PROCEDURE Diagnostic Trouble Confirmation Diagnostic Trouble Problem Condition Code Check (Make a of Symptoms Code Check note of and then clear) Diagnostic Trouble Problem symptoms Same diagnostic Problem is still occurring in the diagnostic Code Display exist trouble code is circuit displayed Normal code is The problem is still occurring in a place displayed other than in the diagnostic circuit (The diagnostic trouble code displayed first is either for a past problem or it is a secondary problem) No problem The problem occurred in the diagnostic symptoms exist circuit in the past The problem is still occurring in a place Normal Code Display Problem symptoms Normal code is other than in the diagnostic circuit exist displayed The problem occurred in a place other than in the diagnostic circuit in the past No problem Normal code is symptoms exist displayed 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED IN−13 SYSTEMS Taking into account the points on the previous page, a flow chart showing how to proceed with troubleshoot- ing using the DTC check is shown below. Directions from the flow chart will indicate how to proceed to DTC troubleshooting or to the troubleshooting of problem symptoms table. Diagnostic trouble code check Making a note of and clearing of the diagnostic trouble codes displayed Symptom confirmation No problem symptoms Problem symptoms exist exist Simulation test using the symptom simulation methods Diagnostic trouble code check D Diagnostic trouble code displayed D Normal code displayed D Normal code displayed D Problem symptoms exist D Problem symptoms exist D No problem symptoms exist Troubleshooting of problem indicated Troubleshooting of each System Normal by diagnostic trouble code problem symptom If a diagnostic trouble code was displayed in the initial diagnostic trouble code check, it indicates that the trouble may have occurred in a wire harness or connector in that circuit in the past. Therefore, check the wire harness and con- nectors (See page IN−20). 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

IN−14 INTRODUCTION − HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT ECU CONTROLLED SYSTEMS 3. SYMPTOM SIMULATION The most difficult case in troubleshooting is when no problem symptoms occurring. In such cases, a thor- ough customer problem analysis must be carried out. then simulate A simulation of the same or similar condi- tions and environment in which the problem occurred in the customer’s vehicle should be carried out. No matter how much skill or experience a technician has, troubleshooting without confirming the problem symp- toms will lead to something important in the repair operation being overlooked and lead to mistakes or delays in repairs. For example: With a problem that only occurs when the engine is cold, or occurs as a result of vibration caused by the road during driving, the problem can never be determined as long as the symptoms are being checked on a sta- tionary vehicle or a vehicle with a warmed−up engine. Vibration, heat or water penetration (moisture) is difficult to reproduce. The symptom simulation tests below are effected substitutes for the conditions and can be applied on a stationary vehicle. Important Points in the Symptom Simulation Test: In the symptom simulation test, the problem symptoms as well as the problem area or parts must be con- firmed. First, narrow down the possible problem circuits according to the symptoms. Then, connect the tester and carry out the symptom simulation test, judging whether the circuit being tested is defective or normal, and also confirming the problem symptoms at the same time. Refer to the problem symptoms table for each system to narrow down the possible causes of the symptom. 1 VIBRATION METHOD: When vibration seems to be the major cause. CONNECTORS Slightly shake the connector vertically and horizontally. Shake Slightly WIRE HARNESS Slightly shake the wire harness vertically and horizontally. The connector joint, fulcrum of the vibration, and body through portion are the major areas that should be checked thoroughly. PARTS AND SENSOR Swing Slightly Apply slight vibration with a finger to the part of the sensor Vibrate Slightly considered to be the cause of the problem and check wheth- er or not the malfunction occurs. HINT: Applying strong vibration to relays may result in open relays. V07268 2UZ−FE ENGINE SUP (RM1113E)

2UZ-FE — 4.7-литровый мотор компании Toyota, выпускаемый в период 1998-2012 гг. Устанавливался на мощные пикапы и внедорожники компании. Мощность от 230 до 282 лошадиных сил и две версии: с системой VVT-i или без нее.

Технические особенности двигателя 2UZ-FE

Мотор 2UZ-FE находится на первом месте по объему в линейке «UZ». Выпуском занимались заводы, находящиеся в Аичи, Тахаре, Японии и Соединенных Штатах. Двигатель производился в 2-х версиях: с механизмом изменения фаз газораспределения VVTi и без нее. В обоих случаях мотор имеет чугунный блок цилиндров и алюминиевую головку.

Для получения подробной информации можно найти номер двигателя, который нанесен в развале блока и в передней части. Имеющиеся цифры можно использовать для расшифровки и получения точных параметров.

Характеристики мотора

Параметры ДВС:

  • число цилиндров и клапанов — 8 и 32 соответственно;
  • диаметр цилиндра и ход поршня — 94 и 84 мм соответственно;
  • мощность — от 230 до 282 лошадиных сил;
  • крутящий момент — 410-440 Н*м;
  • ресурс — до 500 тыс. км;
  • степень сжатия — 10 к 1;
  • расположение цилиндров — V-образное;
  • класс экологичности — Евро 3 и 4;
  • вес — от 230 до 255 кг.
Двигатель 2UZ FE
Двигатель 2UZ FE

Перечень модификаций ДВС

История серии «UZ» началась в 1989 году. Первым появился 1UZ-FE, предназначенный для установки на спортивные и дорогие машины. В 1998-м выпустили 2UZ-FE с VVT-i или без нее. Последним был 4.3-литровый силовой агрегат 3UZ-FE. Он изготавливался на заводах в Японии, оснащался системой впрыска SPFI и DOHC-системой.

Считается, что для всех моторов при правильном тюнинге доступно увеличение мощности до 1000 HP. Это не так, ведь на практике удается добиться параметра вдвое меньше (подробнее об этом в отдельном разделе).


Двигатель 3UZ-FE
Двигатель 3UZ-FE

Расход топлива

Рекомендуемый производителем тип топлива — АИ-95. Заливать горючее в меньшем качестве не рекомендуется из-за риска повреждения.

Расход бензина в условиях города достигает 16.5 л, по трассе — 10 л, а в смешанном цикле — 12.5 л. Для такого объема это классический показатель.

Горючее АИ-95 и АИ-98
Горючее АИ-95, АИ-92 и АИ-98

На какие автомобили ставили двигатель 2UZ-FE

За время выпуска мотор 2UZ-FE ставился на многие машины, среди которых Mitsubishi, Nissan, Land Cruiser 200, Nissan Avenir, Lexus GX и другие. Для наглядности сведем данные в таблицу.

Марка Модель Годы выпуска
Тойота Land Cruiser 100 1998-2007
  Tundra 1 2000-2006
  Land Cruiser 200 2007-2011
  Tundra 2 2006-2009
  Sequoia 2 2007-2009
  Sequoia XK40 2001-2007
  4Runner 4 2003-2009
Лексус GX470 1 2002-2009
  LX470 2 1998-2007

Тойота Лэнд Крузер

Тойота Лэнд Крузер 200
Toyota Tundra XK20
Toyota Tundra
Lexus GX 470
Lexus GX 470

Варианты тюнинга мотора

Цилиндры мотора расположены по V-образной схеме, что в комплексе с надежностью силовой части дает возможность оптимизировать устройство. Для этого доступны следующие методы:

  1. Установка компрессора Кит от TRD. Можно купить новый или поставить бывший в эксплуатации вариант. Дополнительно рекомендуется докупить выхлоп-прямоток и коллекторы 4-2-1. При правильном подходе удается увеличить мощность до 350 лошадиных сил. Для улучшения результата рекомендуется поставить поршни из кованого металла, ARP-шпильки, шатуны, улучшенные форсунки, ЭБУ VEMS и обеспечить подачу воздуха под давлением 0.7 бар. В таком случае мощность увеличится до 400 «лошадок».
  2. Турбо. В качестве замены компрессору рекомендуется использовать турбо, созданное на Turbo Kit. На выбор доступна покупка готового узла Garrett GT 40 или самостоятельный сбор. В последнем случае необходим коллектор, интеркулер и турбина. Для решения задачи также пригодится контроллер буста, блок управления VEMS, вестгейт, хомуты, устройств слива и подачи масла, теплоизоляционный материал и хомуты. Результат — увеличение мощности до 450 л. с.
  3. Двойное турбо. Как вариант, стоит найти и купить 2 турбины Garrett VNT25, а после поставить кованую поршневую. Мощность увеличится до 500 «лошадей».
Компрессор Кит от TRD
Компрессор Кит от TRD

В рассмотренных случаях подойдут нагнетатели большей мощности, но тогда придется дорабатывать двигатель и повышать давление наддува. В случае ошибки высок риск повреждения и выхода из строя силового агрегата.

Регламент обслуживания 2UZ-FE

Базовые правила техобслуживания:

  • объем масла / периодичность замены — 6.8 л / до 10 000 км;
  • хладагент, насос — до 150 000 км;
  • свечи зажигания — через 80 000 км;
  • ремень ГРМ — раз в 100 000 км;
  • заслонка коллектора впуска — раз в 150-200 тыс. км;
  • проверка зазоров клапанов — через 130-150 тыс. км.
Ремень ГРМ 3UZ-FE
Ремень ГРМ 2UZ-FE

Двигатель 2UZ-FE, как и другие представители линейки «UZ», отличаются неприхотливостью к обслуживанию. Достаточно проводить работы с учетом технического регламента и следить за состоянием.

При выборе масла рекомендуется отдавать предпочтение рабочим жидкостям 5W-30 по SAE и следовать рекомендациям завода-изготовителя.

Vitex LLS C4 SAE 5W30 RN0720
Vitex LLS C4 SAE 5W30 RN0720

Недостатки, поломки и проблемы Toyota 2UZ-FE

Несмотря на видимую надежность, 2UZ-FE имеет ряд слабых мест, которые должны знать автовладельцы. К основным проблемам стоит отнести:

Истирание и повреждение клапанов VVTi. Неисправность легко распознать по ухудшению динамики и падению оборотов.

Повреждение стального коллектора впуска. В версии 1UZ-FE он изготовлен из чугуна и имеет больший срок службы. Здесь же важно следить за состоянием и сразу реагировать на повреждения.

Риск откручивания заслонок и попадания винтов внутрь цилиндра. Результатом может стать необходимость капитального ремонта.

Ослабление крепления заслонки коллектора впуски и ее падение в клапанный узел.

Растяжение ремня ГРМ двигателя 2UZ-FE. Узел имеет небольшой ресурс, поэтому замена выполняется с периодичностью раз в 100 000 км.

Неисправность насоса. Как и ремень, он имеет небольшой срок службы и меняется с такой же периодичностью.

Выход из строя гидравлического натяжителя. Элемент, который при механическом воздействии может повредиться. С ним нужно обращаться осторожно.

Клапан vvti

Клапан VVTi
Натяжитель ремня ГРМ гидравлический
Натяжитель ремня ГРМ гидравлический

К недостаткам 2UZ-FE также стоит отнести большую массу, повышенный расход топлива, периодическое регулирование клапанных зазоров.

Ремонт двигателя Toyota 2UZ-FE

При эксплуатации автомобиля с рассматриваемым мотором необходимо сделать за его состоянием и периодически проводить ремонт. Действия автовладельца зависят от типа неисправности.

Рассмотрим основные поломки и шаги по ремонту:

  1. Повышенный расход антифриза. Для восстановления требуется замена насоса патрубков, насоса или прокладки ГБЦ.
  2. Посторонние звуки в районе головки блока цилиндров. Проводится ремонт ГБЦ или регулирование зазоров клапанов.
  3. Уменьшение мощности и момента Н*м. При таких поломках необходим ремонт мотора, контроль и замена датчиков при неисправности.
  4. Сбои оборотов. Для устранения неисправности проводится чистка клапана, диагностика и ремонт системы VVT-i.

Опыт эксплуатации мотора 2UZ-FE

Двигатели линейки «UZ» хорошо себя показали в процессе эксплуатации. При правильном и своевременном обслуживании они могут отходить не меньше 500 000 км. Если этого мало, ресурс двигателя легко увеличить путем капитального ремонта.

2UZ-FE хорошо себя показывает в нижних оборотах, легко переключается на пониженную Расход топлива в городе высокий, но на трассе имеет неплохие показатели. Мощности всегда хватает, в том числе на скорости более 180 км/ч. При этом сохраняется ощущение запаса.

В комментариях расскажите об опыте эксплуатации машины с мотором 2UZ-FE. Приведите неисправности, с которыми приходилось сталкиваться, выделите плюсы ДВС. Сохраните материал в закладки, чтобы в любой момент вернуться к полезной информации.

Компания Toyota в последнее время прекрасно освоила разноплановые V8. Они создали такие моторы, как 1uz, 2uz, 3uz. Сегодня мы рассмотрим один из надежнейших агрегатов этой линейки, а именно второе поколение данного двигателя. Он устанавливался на внедорожники, спортивные авто, а также седаны премиум-класса, выпускаемые Тойотой.

Описание двигателя 2UZ

Двигатель Toyota 2UZ

2UZ-FE был разработан еще в далеком 2000 году. Это V-образный двигатель объемом 4,7 литра. Данный агрегат имел наибольший объем в разработанной японцами гамме моторов. Было всего две версии. Изначально двигатель имел 232 л.с. и многоточечный впрыск. В 2005 году появилась вторая версия агрегата, где уже имелась система VVT-i, многоточечный впрыск, и выдавала такая конфигурация 271 л.с.

Силовая установка производилась на двух разных заводах: в Тахара, Аичи, Япония, а также в США, TMM Алабама. Блок силового агрегата был чугунным, что позволило повысить прочность. Мотор имеет короткоходную физику, диаметр цилиндра составляет 94 мм, а ход поршня 84 мм.

Автомобили, оснащаемые данным силовым агрегатом, имели огромный спрос. Ведь двигатель очень сбалансирован: высокая мощность, приемлемый расход топлива, высокие экологические показатели, а также мотор отличался низким уровнем шума от своих конкурентов.

Регламент обслуживания 2Uz FE

Этот мотор нуждается в систематическом обслуживании для гарантирования продолжительности ресурса:

  1. Нужно следить за системой охлаждения: помпу и термостат в среднем меняют каждые 30 – 40 тысяч км, вместе с ними рекомендуется заменить и антифриз.
  2. Каждые 10 тыс. км следует производить замену масла и фильтрующих элементов.
  3. После пробега в 30 тыс.км необходима замена свечей зажигания, а также регулировка тепловых зазоров клапанов.
  4. Контроль за приводом ГРМ следует осуществлять каждые 10 тыс.км, а его замену производить после пройденных 100000 км.
  5. Дроссельный узел требует внимания не часто, но его чистка после преодоления последующих 30000 км не повредит.

Обзор неисправностей и способы их ремонта

Во время длительной эксплуатации мотор 2UZ FE выявил наиболее характерные для него неисправности:

Расход охлаждающей жидкости 1)Пробой прокладки Гбц.

2)Износ помпы.

3)Выработка патрубков системы охлаждения.

1)Замена прокладки ГБЦ, шлифовка плоскости.

2)Замена помпы.

3)Замена патрубков.

Шум в районе ГБЦ 1)Нарушение тепловых зазоров клапанов.

2)Износ пар трения распредвал/пастель.

1)Регулировка тепловых зазоров.

2)Ремонт ГБЦ.

Обороты нестабильные 1)Засорение клапана РХХ.

2)Проблемы с системой VVT-i.

1)Чистка клапана.

2)Диагностика и ремонт.

Снижение мощности 1)Износ поршневых колец.

2)Выход из строя датчиков, влияющих на образование смеси.

1)Ремонт двигателя.

2)Диагностика и замена датчиков.

Варианты тюнинга мотора

Двигатель 2UZ FE легко переносит тюнинг. В нем заложен огромный запас прочности и потенциал к доработкам, например, можно произвести:

  • доработку впускного коллектора;
  • увеличение степени сжатия;
  • увеличение диаметра клапанов;
  • замену распредвалов;
  • установку нагнетателей;
  • прошивку ЭБУ;
  • установку облегченного маховика.

Повышение мощности не сильно вредит силовой установке, сохраняя достойный ресурс. Но следует понимать, что расход топлива значительно вырастет с увеличением количества лошадиных сил. Кроме того, компания TRD (Toyota Racing Development) оснащает данную установку механическим нагнетателем, что позволяет поднять мощность до 400 л.с.

Двигатель Toyota 2UZ

На фото представлен механический компрессор TRD

Модели, на которые устанавливался двигатель

Двигатель Toyota 2UZ

Данная модель двигателя производилась на конвейерах тойоты 11 лет. Им оснащались большие пикапы и внедорожники компании «Тойота» и «Лексус»:

  1. Toyota Land Cruiser.
  2. Toyota 4Runner.
  3. Toyota Tundra.
  4. Toyota Sequoia.
  5. Lexus GX 470.
  6. Lexus LX 470.

Двигатель Toyota 2UZ

Перечень модификаций 2UZ-FE

Модификаций двигателя 2UZ-FE было всего две. Одна из них производилась в промежуток 2000-2005 г., а вторая – после, в ней присутствовала система VVT-i и был реализован распределенный впрыск, что позволило повысить экологический класс:

  1. Мощность — 230-232 л. с. против 271-282 л. с. у VVTi.
  2. Крутящий момент — 410-422 Нм против 427-440 Нм.
  3. Степень сжатия — 9,6 против 10.
  4. Особенности – у VVTi системы ACIS и ETCS-i.
  5. Экологический класс — Евро 1-2 против Евро 2-3.

Характеристики двигателя

Двигатель Toyota 2UZ

Характеристики и показатели обоих моторов приведены в таблице ниже.

Технические характеристики 2UZ-FE

Производство Toyota Motor Manufacturing Alabama
Марка двигателя 2UZ-FE, бензиновый

2UZ-FE VVT-i, бензиновый

Годы выпуска 2005-2011
Материал блока цилиндров чугун
Система питания инжектор
Тип механизма газораспределения DOHC, с верхним расположением двух валов, привод ремнем

DOHC, с верхним расположением двух валов, система VVT-i, привод ремнем

Тип впрыска Многоточечный электронный впрыск MPFI

Распределенный впрыск EFI

Тип или компоновка цилиндров V-образная, под углом 90°
Количество цилиндров 8
Клапанов на цилиндр 4
Ход поршня, мм 84
Диаметр цилиндра, мм 94
Степень сжатия 9.6


Объем двигателя, куб.см 4664
Мощность двигателя, л.с./об.мин 230/4800


271/4800 (VVTi)

282/4800 (VVTi)

Крутящий момент, Нм/об.мин 410/3600


427/3400 (VVTi)

440/3400 (VVTi)

Топливо 95
Системы зажигания ДВС Электронная, с отдельными катушками на каждый цилиндр
Расход  топлива, л/100 км (для Sequoia):








Система смазки Комбинированная, частично под давлением и частично — разбрызгиванием
Тип системы охлаждения Жидкостная, закрытого типа с принудительной циркуляцией
Расход масла, гр./1000 км до 1000
Масло в двигатель 0W-30





Сколько масла в двигателе, л 6.2
Замена масла проводится, км 7000-10000
Ресурс двигателя, тыс. км:

по данным завода

на практике



Тюнинг, л.с.:


без потери ресурса



Вес изделия, кг 245
Материал БЦ Высокопрочный чугун
Материал ГБЦ Алюминиевый сплав
Соответствие экологическим нормам ЕВРО 2/ЕВРО 3

Двигатель 2UZ разрабатывался непосредственно для премиальных авто, поэтому инженерам нужно было добиться максимально низких вибраций от двигателя и понизить уровень создаваемого шума.

Для этого были использованы такие системы, как:

  • (ETCS – Electronic Throttle Control System) – электронная дроссельная заслонка. Она позволила увеличить экологический класс двигателя и дать пользователю максимально комфортное управление силовой установкой.
  • (SCS – Starter Control System) – универсальный стартер. Крутит двигатель до тех пор, пока не образуется нормальная, правильная топливовоздушная смесь. Данная система не только увеличивает ресурс двигателя, но и продлевает жизнь стартеру.
  • (TDI — Toyota Direct Ignition) – технология повышения стандартных показателей. Система автоматически регулирует уровень опережения зажигания, что позволяет повысить мощностные характеристики двигателя, а также делает его более экологичным.

Как и все двигатели серии UZ, силовая установка получилась крайне удачной и практически не доставляет проблем автовладельцам. Мотор имеет низкий уровень шума и высокие мощностные характеристики, а также соответствует экологическим нормам.

Стоит отметить, что двигатели второго поколения прихотливы к качеству масла и свечей зажигания. Плановое проведение технического обслуживания позволяет данным двигателям проезжать 500+ тыс.км без капитального ремонта.

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