Днд руководство по эпическому уровню

Epic Level Handbook is a 320-page sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition released in July 2002. It introduced comprehensive rules for playing characters above 20th level.

Official synopsis[]

Legends Begin Here

Songs are sung and tales are told of heroes who have advanced beyond most adventuring careers. They confront mightier enemies and face deadlier challenges, using powers and abilities that rival even the gods. This supplement for the D&D® game provides everything you need to transcend the first 20 levels of experience and advance characters to virtually unlimited levels of play. Along with epic magic items, epic monsters, and advice on running an epic campaign, the Epic Level Handbook also features stat blocks for epic NPCs from the FORGOTTEN REALMS® and GREYHAWK® campaign settings.

To use this supplement, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual. A player needs only the Player’s Handbook.


The Epic Level Handbook introduces rules for player characters and campaigns above 20th level.


The book’s cover is designed in the iconic third edition style to resemble a physical bound book clad in brass and inlaid with gemstones. While most third edition sourcebooks used color art on the front cover, the Epic Level Handbook features a monochrome artwork in a style more commonly used for character openers.

The cover art depicts by Arnie Swekel, depicting the iconic character Alhandra. The picture is divided down the middle; the right side shows Alhandra as she would be equipped at a low-level character, and the left side as she would appear as an epic level character.

Chapter 1: Characters, Skills, and Feats[]

Some 65 pages are dedicated to rules for player characters above 20th level, including the eleven classes of the Player’s Handbook (3.0) (2000), the six prestige classes of the Dungeon Master’s Guide (3.0) (2000), and the psion and psychic warrior classes from the Psionics Handbook (2001).

It introduces nine new epic prestige classes: the agent retriever, cosmic descryer, divine emissary, epic infiltrator, guardian paramount, high proselytizer, legendary dreadnought, perfect wight, and union sentinel.

It includes rules for skills checks with exceptionally high difficulty classes, such as balancing on a cloud, picking a lock as a free action, ignore falling damage, or swim up a waterfall. It also includes an extended Leadership table, and a series of feats for epic level characters.

Chapter 2: Epic Spells[]

This chapter introduces epic spells, a high-powered free-form system which allows for the creation of new spells on a points-based system. Spells require a Spellcraft check to be successfully cast.

It features 46 epic spells: animus blast, animus blizzard, contingent resurrection, create living vault, crown of vermin, damnation, demise unseen, dire winter, dragon knight, dragon strike, dreamscape, eclipse, eidolon, enslave, epic counterspell, epic mage armor, epic repulsion, epic spell reflection, eternal freedom, greater ruin, greater spell resistance, hellball, kinetic control, let go of me, living lightning, lord of nightmares, mass frog, momento mori, mummy dust, nailed to the sky, origin of species: achaierai, peripety, pestilence, rain of fire, raise island, ruin, safe time, soul dominion, soul scry, spell worm, summon behemoth, superb dispelling, time duplicate, vengeful gaze of god, verdigris and verdigris tsunami. These range in power from ruin, which deals 20d6 damage and requires a DC 27 check; and vengeful gaze of god, dealing 305d6 damage and requiring a DC 27 check.

Chapter 3: Running an Epic Game[]

This chapter advises DMs on how to run an epic-level campaign. It includes a list of 100 epic adventure ideas, advice on running and creating epic versions of core concepts (travel, wilderness, dungeons, settlements, NPCs, and encounters), and XP and treasure charts for high level play.

Chapter 4: Epic Magic Items[]

This chapter presents numerous epic-level magic items and guidelines for their creation. Epic items have a radically higher price than standard magic items, generally placing them out of the price range of non-epic characters. For example, while non-epic armor normally costs 1,000 times the enhancement bonus squared, armor of +6 or better costs 10,000 times the enhancement bonus squared

Chapter 5: Monsters[]

The Epic Level Handbook introduced the following creatures: abomination (anaxim, atropal, chichimec, dream larva, hecatoncheires, infernal, phaethon, phane, xixecal), behemoth, brachyurus, colossus (stone colossus, flesh colossus, iron colossus), demilich, devastation vermin, advanced dragon, force dragon, prismatic dragon, primal elemental, genius loci, gibbering orb, gloom, golem (mithral golem, adamantine golem), ha-naga, hagunemnon (protean), hoary hunter, hoary steed, hunefer, lavawight, legendary animal (legendary bear, legendary tiger), leshay, living vault, mercane, mu spore, neh-thalggu (brain collector), paragon creature, (paragon mind flayer), prismasaurus, pseudonatural creature (pseudonatural troll), ruin swarm, shadow of the void, shape of eire, sirrush, slaad, white slaad, black slaad, tayellah, thorciasid, elder titan, elder treant, umbral blot (blackball), uvuudaum, vermiurge, winterwight, and worm that walks.

The monsters in this sourcebook primarily range from challenge rating 21 to 39, with an average of 27.4. A few weaker creatures are included, such as the CR 5 mercane (inhabitants of the city of Union) and the CR 9 legendary bear. At the high end, few appear in the 40s (devestation spider, devistation spider, old prismatic dragon) and two in the 50s (the CR 50 devestation beetle, and the CR 57 hecatoncheires).

Even more powerful are the eldest categories of the CR 59 great wyrm force dragon and CR 66 greay wyrm prismatic dragon, with this sourcebook introducing a new «Colossal+» size category to accomodate them. The advanced dragon rules also allow for unlimited further progression for all types of true dragon.

The Epic Level Handbook presented the highest challenge rating monsters which would ever appear in any Wizards of the Coast D&D 3.0 or 3.5 sourcebook. The next highest was linnorm corpse-tearer in Monster Manual II (3e) (2002), at only CR 28. Some more powerful creatures than this would appear in Dragon Magazine and Dungeon Magazine.

Chapter 6: An Epic Setting[]

This chapter dedicates some sixty pages to presenting a context for epic-level adventures, including organizations, enemies, allies, and locations. It describes the epic City of Union, and presents the adventure module Kerleth’s Tower, along with some epic adventure ideas referred to as Adventure Concentrate.

Appendices I-III: Epic NPCs[]

Three chapters here present official statistics for high-level NPCs. Appendix I: Epic NPCs of Faerûn presents Alustriel, Elminster, Epic Red Wizard, Gerti Orelsdottr, Iyraclea, Khelben Arunsun, Manshoon, Shuruppak, Storm Silverhand, Szazz Tam, The Simbul, and statistics for an epic-level Red Wizards. Appendix II: Epic NPCs of Greyhawk presents Catlord, Eclavdra, Lord Robilar, and Mordenkainen. Appendix III: Epic NPCs gives ready-made NPC statistics for level 21-30 characters of the eleven core character classes.

Development and release[]


The Epic Level Handbook was written by Andy Collins and Bruce Cordell. Additional design was provided by John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, and James Wyatt. The cover art was an atypically monochrome artwork drawn by Arnie Swekel, depicting the paladin Alhandra, with full-color internal illustrations provided by numerous artists.

The Player’s Handbook (3.0) (2000) initially provided rules for Dungeons & Dragons characters up to 20th level only. The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3e) (2001), seeking to represent exceptionally powerful iconic NPCs of that world, introduced rudimentary rules for «epic» characters above 20th level. That book announced that more complete rules would appear in an upcoming Epic Level Handbook (incorrectly referred to at one point as «Epic-Level Campaigns»).

Andy Collins was the first writer assigned to the book, and wrote the core rules defining how characters progressed past 20th level, forming the basis for the rest of the rulebook. Collins also wrote many feats, and some monsters.[2] A basic design premise was that the rules should follow on naturally from the standard rules, on the assumption that the Epic Level Handbook would primarily be played by people who most enjoyed the level 1-20 play experience.[3]

Bruce Cordell later joined the project and contributed the free-form epic spellcasting system, drawing on a previous concept in his AD&D sourcebook College of Wizardry (1998), which introduced the Aleph or Language Primeval, a sort of original raw language of magic. Cordell had wanted to create such a freeform spellcasting system for D&D since before he came to work for TSR in 1995, and described the epic spells as the feature of which he was most proud. Cordell also contributed most of the monsters, including the abominations, and several feats.[2]

Thomas Reid was initially brought in to write an epic level adventure module for release after the Epic Level Handbook, but ended up contributing to the book itself, increasing it from around 220 pages to over 300. Reid created the book’s setting and adventure content, including the city of Union. He created monsters, magic items, and spells, and other elements.[3]

James Wyatt and John Rateliff contributed various elements such as NPCs and monsters. Reid, Wyatt and Rateliff’s contributions were made largely independently of the main writers, using their core systems as as basis.[2]


Epic Level Handbook was released by Wizards of the Coast in July 2002 as a 320-page hardback book for a price of US$39.95, or $55.95 Canadian.[4]

From July 5-7, 2002, the Wizards of the Coast website posted content to support the Epic Level Handbook: a product excerpt, a screensaver, a free web enhancement providing epic-level progressions for 24 prestige classes from six class-based D&D 3.0 sourcebooks, and three PC desktop wallpapers featuring art from the book.[5][6][7][8]

On July 26, 2002, 135 pieces of art from the book were published online.[9]

A product FAQ was created for the soucebook, last updated on April 4, 2003.[10] On July 18, 2003, an update booklet was released to allow conversion to the Dungeons & Dragons v.3.5 rules revision.[11] An errata document was released on February 16, 2006.[12]

Several articles supporting epic level content were published on the Wizards of the Coast website between July 2002 and October 2006, in a series called Epic Insights. These primarily added epic level support to D&D sourcebooks.[13]

On January 22, 2013, it was re-released in digital format. It is currently available on DriveThruRPG and Dungeon Masters Guild for $9.59.

Reception and influence[]

Critical reception[]

Prior to its release, an unfinished copy of the rulebook was leaked online, the first D&D third edition rulebook where this occurred. Initial reception was generally negative, with readers of the leaked material complaining of poor balance and lack of epic tone.[14]

Kevin Kulp felt that the epic rules successfully addressed the problem of Dungeons & Dragons third edition normally failing to scale well at high level. However, it tended to do this by flattening the power curve, making ability acqusition primarily feat-based, with some feats being substantially more powerful than others. He also noted that the Epic Level Handbook tended to create a world where all encounters were suddenly scaled to epic-level characters, such as cities where even the town guards are 30th-level, denying players the ability to feel like the most powerful heroes in the world.[14]

As of 2023, Epic Level Handbook reached the rank of Gold seller on DriveThruRPG.

Influence on other works[]

In the Dungeons & Dragons v.3.5 revision, the epic level rules were incorporated into the standard D&D rules, appearing in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (3.5) (2003). Content from the Epic Level Handbook was released as part of the System Reference Documents.

Product support for epic-level play was limited, as a relatively small proportion of campaigns ever reached such high level. Wizards of the Coast never released an epic-level adventure module. Only a few subsequent sourcebooks introduced a substantial number of monsters above CR 20, most notably Monster Manual II (3e) (2002) (mountain giant, hellfire wyrm, leviathan, linnorm, phoenix, spirit of the land, bone ooze, chaos roc, fiendwurm) and Fiend Folio (3e) (2003) (thunder worm, klurichir demon, myrmyxicus demon, paeliryon devil); and none were higher than CR 28.

Dungeon Magazine only ever published one D&D third edition adventure module for characters above 20th level: Quicksilver Hourglass, Dungeon #123 (Jun 2005), p.56. Dragon #297 (Jul 2002) included four articles supporting epic level play: Sentinels of the Shoal, Relics of Myth, Rival the Gods, and The Flame of Destiny. Epic level content also appeared in the article Dragon #308 (Jun 2003), p.94.

The epic level rules influenced the design of Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition, in which gameplay from level 21-30 is referred to as the «epic» tier. The function of epic prestige classes is replaced in that edition by the epic destiny.

Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition introduced a mechanic known as the epic boon, allowing characters to progress by gaining unique abilities after reaching the maximum 20th level.

External links[]

  • Epic Level Handbook on DriveThruRPG
  • Epic Level Handbook on Dungeon Masters Guild
  • Product page (Internet Archive)
  • Product Spotlight at Wizards.com (2002)
  • Art gallery at Wizards.com (2002)
  • Web enhancement at Wizards.com (2002)
  • Legendary Desktops at Wizards.com (2002)
  • Screensaver at Wizards.com (2002)
  • Chat Transcript: Epic Level Handbook at Wizards.com (2002)
  • Epic Level Handbook FAQ at Wizards.com (2003)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Product page. Wizards.com, via Web Archive.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Product Spotlight: Epic Level Handbook, Wizards.com, July 12, 2002.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Chat Transcript: Epic Level Handbook. Aug 27, 2002.
  4. Epic Level Handbook, Wizards.com product list.
  5. Web Enhancement: Epic Level Handbook, Wizards.com, July 6, 2002.
  6. Epic Level Handbook Screensaver. July 5, 2002.
  7. Legendary Desktops: Epic Level Handbook Wallpapers
  8. Excerpts: Epic Level Handbook, Wizards.com, July 5, 2002.
  9. Art Gallery: Epic Level Handbook. Wizards,com, July 26, 2002.
  10. Official D&D Game Rule FAQ, Wizards.com.
  11. D&D v.3.5 Accessory Update Booklet. Wizards.com, July 18, 2003.
  12. Official D&D Updates, Wizards.com.
  13. Epic Insights Archive, Wizards.com.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Epic Level Handbook (3e) on Dungeon Masters Guild
Dungeons & Dragons 3.0
Core rules
Player’s HandbookDungeon Master’s GuideMonster ManualDungeons & Dragons Adventure Game
Arms and Equipment GuideBook of ChallengesBook of Vile DarknessDefenders of the FaithDeities and DemigodsEnemies and AlliesEpic Level HandbookFiend FolioGhostwalkHero Builder’s GuidebookLiving Greyhawk Gazetteer (Dungeons & Dragons Gazetteer) • Manual of the PlanesMasters of the WildMonster Manual IIOriental AdventuresPsionics HandbookSavage SpeciesSong and SilenceStronghold Builder’s GuidebookSword and FistTome and Blood
The Sunless CitadelThe Forge of FuryThe Fright at TristorThe Speaker in DreamsThe Standing StoneReturn to the Temple of Elemental EvilHeart of Nightfang SpireDeep HorizonLord of the Iron FortressBastion of Broken SoulsCity of the Spider Queen
This content deviates from 5th edition standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care.DesignDisclaimer.png

Caution — Here there be monsters!
LookClosely.png This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5th edition rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:

This is content intended to provide a very different experience, effectively allowing player characters to continue their adventures and troublemaking even longer, ascending into godhood and beyond. This is also useful for DMs who might look to build out their gods as actual Powers that can be defeated. This is by no means an attempt to make an option perfectly balanced for standard 5th edition campaigns, and DMs should think very carefully before allowing this option. Syntax will be fixed properly once the primary sections are built up.

Epic Levels and Class Mastery[edit]

For every 30,000 XP after 355,000, the player can choose one of the following options:

  • An Epic Boon, as per the DMG, page 232.
  • A new Feat/ASI, as per the PHB page 165, although at epic levels the player is no longer restricted in how many times they may take a feat. The same ability cannot stack with itself, but a feat can be chosen multiple times if it provides a unique benefit with each iteration. For example, in epic level play, the Resilient feat could be taken multiple times if its bonuses were assigned to different abilities. In epic level play, as the character transcends the normal bounds of mortality, they are no longer limited to an ability score of 20.
  • Multiclassing into a class that is presently lower than level 20. While multiclassing into a class below level 20, you do not achieve additional abilities beyond what a character could achieve at level 20 (a 20th level wizard with level 4 barbarian does not gain additional spells or proficiency bonus).
  • Gain a level in a class that is level 20 or above but below level 30. Advancement tables for epic classes beyond level 20 are found below. Increasing a level beyond 20 does provide additional benefits (proficiency bonus, additional spells, etc).
  • Manifest a Divine Spark, which progresses you to Divine Rank 0. Common ways to attain a Divine Spark including killing a previous god, accomplishing a legendary task, or having the existing gods put in a good word for you with the overdeities. The Dungeon Master is encouraged to make players work for their divinity — after all, it’s what will begin to put them on the same level as the gods themselves.

None of the above options are mutually exclusive. If your campaign extends far enough, you may have a character with multiple Feats and ASIs, Epic Boons, and a level 30 Fighter/level 30 Barbarian with Divine Rank 20 and a trail of dead gods in their wake.

Epic Barbarian[edit]

The Epic Barbarian

Level Prof.Bonus Features Rage Damage
21 +7 Faster Movement (20″) ,Epic Boon +5
22 +7 Brutal Critical (4 dice) +5
23 +7 Epic Boon +6
24 +7 Battleborn +6
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon +7
26 +8 Barbaric Freedom +8
27 +8 Epic Boon +8
28 +8 Brutal Critical (5 dice) +8
29 +9 Blindsight, Epic Boon +9
30 +9 Furious Retribution, Death Save Advantage +10

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Faster Movement[edit]

Starting at 21st level, your speed increases by 20 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor. This is cumulative with the 10′ gained at level 5.

Brutal Critical[edit]

At level 22, the barbarian throws an additional 4 weapon dice when landing a critical hit (for a total of 5). At level 28, this increases to an additional 5 weapon dice.


Starting at level 24, any time you hit an opponent, they must roll a Strength saving throw with DC equal to your Strength score, or be knocked prone.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Barbaric Freedom[edit]

At level 26, all barbarian abilities that previously did not function while in heavy armor now do so. While wearing heavy armor, the barbarian can add his Constitution modifier to his AC. Reckless Attack no longer gives Advantage to enemies attacking the barbarian, unless the Barbarian chooses to.


At level 29, your senses have become so honed that you surpass the sensory limitations of mere mortals. You gain blindsight within 30 feet, and an additional 30 feet of blindsight while raging.

Furious Retribution[edit]

Starting at level 30, once per turn the barbarian can retaliate against any opponent that has damaged him and is within his reach, by striking back with an attack of his own.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Bard[edit]

The Epic Bard

Level Prof.Bonus Features Cantrips known Spells known Bardic Inspiration
21 +7 Bardic Initiative, Epic Boon 4 22 d12
22 +7 Knowledge Keeper 4 24 d12
23 +7 Epic Boon 5 25 d20
24 +7 Empathic Learning 5 25 d20
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 6 26 d20
26 +8 Inspired Rest 6 26 d20
27 +8 Epic Boon 7 27 d20
28 +8 Well Placed Anger 7 27 d20
29 +9 Mimicry, Epic Boon 8 28 d20
30 +9 Vocalborn, Death Save Advantage 8 28 d20

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Bardic Initiative[edit]

Starting at 21st level, when you roll initiative, all allies within 30 feet of you can add your initiative roll — 10 to their own initiative rolls, as long as the result is positive. To gain this benefit, a character must be able to hear the bard.

Knowledge Keeper[edit]

At level 22, you gain an additional two magical secrets, and your Jack of All Trades ability now gives you the full proficiency bonus.

Empathic Learning[edit]

At level 24, you can choose any ability of level 1-3 from any class or subclass and have it as your own.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Continual Inspiration[edit]

Beginning at level 26, any actions that require a degree of time to complete have their required time reduced by 50% for you and any allies within 30′ of you, to a minimum required time of 1 action to complete. Anything with a time variable can be reduced in time including Resting, Crafting, and Spellcasting.

Well Placed Anger[edit]

Beginning at level 28, once per long rest you can place anger on a friendly, neutral, or hostile creature that you can see. All hostile creatures within 30 feet of the target who can hear you must make a DC 28 Wisdom saving throw or be forced to attack the marked target until the end of your next turn.


At 29th level, your mastery of mimicry becomes even more versatile and adaptive. Once per day, you can choose a specific feature from a creature or class that you have encountered or witnessed in action. This includes any spells, class features, racial abilities, or unique traits that the chosen creature or feature possesses. This feature remains active and accessible to you as if you possessed them yourself until you complete a long rest.
It’s important to note that you can only mimic abilities or features that are within the realm of possibility for your character. For example, you cannot mimic abilities that require a specific anatomy or physical attribute that you don’t possess. Additionally, you can only mimic abilities or features that you have witnessed or encountered firsthand.


At level 30, you gain the Vocalborn song. Playing the Vocalborn song is straining beyond any other performance. You suffer a level of exhaustion, but allow all allies within sixty feet of you that are able to hear you to use spells and abilities that are otherwise limited to X uses once per short or long rest, without needing to rest before using them again. Every individual can only use an ability once during the duration of the song. While playing, you are vulnerable to all non-magical damage and resistant to all magical damage. Requires Concentration and lasts for your Charisma bonus in rounds.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Cleric[edit]

The Epic Cleric

Level Prof.Bonus Features Cantrips known
21 +7 Extra Attack, Epic Boon 6
22 +7 Epic Spell Capacity Increase (10) 6
23 +7 Epic Boon 6
24 +7 Divine Avatar 7
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 7
26 +8 Epic Spell Capacity Increase (11) 7
27 +8 Epic Boon 8
28 +8 Shedding Mortal Limits 8
29 +9 Intensify Spell, Epic Boon 9
30 +9 Divineborn, Death Save Advantage 9

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).


Beginning at 21st level, you may attack twice, instead of once, when you take the Attack action on your turn.

Epic Spell Capacity Increase[edit]

At level 22, you gain a single level 10 spell slot. At level 26, you gain a single level 11 spell slot.

Divine Avatar[edit]

Starting at level 24, you can use an action to enter a state that embodies the godly form. While in this state, you can cast any spell you have access to, whether prepared or not, without expending the spell slot. You can enter this state for as long as you want, but you must make a DC 20 Constitution every round or gain one level of exhaustion after the round ends. If this is enough to kill you, your body and soul are annihilated.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Shedding Mortal Limits[edit]

At level 28, you begin to shed the limitations imposed on your mortal body, with the following effects:

  • Divine Strike: This ability is no longer limited to a single use per turn, and can be used on the turns of others.
  • Potent Spellcasting: The damage increase now applies to spells of every level, and will increase the amount of healing done by your Wisdom modifier when used in conjunction with a healing spell. When used with any other spell, you may choose to give the targets temporary HP equal to your Wisdom mod for a round.

Intensify Spell[edit]

At level 29, whenever you cast a clerical spell, you can choose to intensify it. If you do, all variable, numeric effects of an intensified spell are maximized, then doubled; an intensified spell deals twice maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so forth as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. An intensified spell requires three spell slots of the target spell level.


You have become close to the divine, and can now perform divine interventions on behalf of your deity (or yourself). Once every long rest, you may rewind a whole round, back to the beginning of your last turn. Only you, deities of any rank, and clerics of equal level will know that you turned back time unless you choose to tell others. If you don’t tell them, they are bound to follow the same routine as last time.

Additionally, others might now call upon you for divine interventions as a saint of your deity. This might include lower level adventurers, commoners, or nobles, who have heard of your divinity and regard you as a direct extension of your deity… or perhaps, even a worthy contender for said deity’s place within the pantheon. When somebody calls on you (when is decided by the DM), you may choose to ignore them, or roll a d20; if you roll a 1-10, their pleas go unanswered, on an 11-16 you help them slightly, on a 17-19 you help them noticeably, and on a 20 you help them greatly. While receiving a call for help, you are unable to do anything else for one minute, as you are in deep concentration, and see through the eyes of the person calling upon you.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Druid[edit]

The Epic Druid

Level Prof.Bonus Features Cantrips known
21 +7 Monstrous Wild Shape, Epic Boon 4
22 +7 Druidic Versatility 4
23 +7 Epic Boon 4
24 +7 Nature’s Perseverance 4
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 4
26 +8 Intensify Spell 5
27 +8 Epic Boon 5
28 +8 Druidic Versatility 5
29 +9 Wild Shape Pusher, Epic Boon 5
30 +9 Natureborn, Death Save Advantage 5

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Monstrous Wild Shape[edit]

At level 21, you can use your normal Wild Shape ability to take the form of monstrosities (such as a gorgon or chimera). All other limitations are the same as per Wild Shape.

Druidic Versatility[edit]

At level 22, whenever you cast a spell and transform in the same turn, you get an extra 10 feet of movement for that turn. Furthermore, for every round you stay transformed, you get +1 to hit with the first offensive spell cast after exiting your Wild Shape, to a limit of +5. At level 28, your bonus increases to 20 feet of movement, and your limit on bonuses is +10.

Nature’s Perseverance[edit]

Beginning at level 24, whenever you cast a spell with a duration of Instant, you can make a Wisdom save with a DC equal to the spell slot x 3. On a successful save, the spell is cast as normal, but you do not expend a spell slot.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Intensify Spell[edit]

At level 26, whenever you cast a druid spell, you can choose to intensify it. If you do, all variable, numeric effects of an intensified spell are maximized, then doubled; an intensified spell deals twice maximum damage, cures twice the maximum number of hit points, affects twice the maximum number of targets, and so forth as appropriate. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected. An intensified spell requires three spell slots of the target spell level.

Wild Shape Pusher[edit]

At level 29, your control over the primal forces of nature has developed to the point that you can now inspire bestial transformation upon any willing target within 30 feet.

By using a bonus action, you can use Wild Shape on a willing target and transform them into a form of your choice. All benefits and limitations are as per the standard Wildshape rules. The target can return to their normal form at any time. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (min 1) per short or long rest.


Starting at level 30, you are immune to any non-magical condition you choose to be, and receive advantage and +5 on saving throws to resist magical conditions.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Fighter[edit]

The Epic Fighter

Level Prof.Bonus Features
21 +7 Superior Second Wind, Epic Boon
22 +7 Extra Attack (4)
23 +7 Epic Boon
24 +7 Legendary Vigor
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon
26 +8 Extra Attack (5)
27 +8 Epic Boon
28 +8 Improved Combat Reflexes
29 +9 Mastered Fighting Styles, Epic Boon
30 +9 Warborn, Death Save Advantage

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Superior Second Wind[edit]

At level 21, your Second Wind ability no longer requires a short or long rest between uses.


At level 22, you can attack five times, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to six when you reach 26th level in this class.

Legendary Vigor[edit]

At level 24, any abilities previously gained through the Fighter class or Martial Archetype that have a limited number of uses between rests, all have their number of uses increased by the Fighter’s Constitution modifier. This ability does not extend to the Eldritch Knight’s spell slots.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Improved Combat Reflexes[edit]

At level 28, your awareness of battle has now reached legendary proportions. You are no longer limited to a single reaction per round.

Mastered Fighting Styles[edit]

At level 29, any and all fighting styles gained through Fighter levels are modified in the following ways:

  • Archery, Defense, Dueling: The bonuses provided by the styles are tripled.
  • Great Weapon Fighting: Any roll of a 1, 2, or 3 is re-rolled repeatedly until a value of 4 or higher is rolled.
  • Protection: In addition to imposing Disadvantage on the attack roll, this style now also gives your ally the shield’s AC bonus and halves any damage inflicted by the attack.


Once per short rest, the fighter can use a bonus action to become an avatar of battle, increasing the statistics of himself and his allies immensely. While Warborn, all of the fighter’s hits are critical. For this turn, and the two following turns the fighter himself and all allies within 30 feet gain temporary hit points and additional dice for damage rolls. The fighter cannot go below 1 hit point while Warborn, but at the end of the fighter’s third turn, his current hit points drop to 1 and any and all benefits bestowed upon him and his allies immediately end.


Turn Temp HP Gained Extra Dmg
1 30 3d10
2 20 2d10
3 10 1d10

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Monk[edit]

The Epic Monk

Level Prof.Bonus Features AC Bonus Ki Unarmored Movement
21 +7 Force-Charged Flurry of Blows, Epic Boon +2 21 +40 ft
22 +7 Mind and Body +2 22 +40 ft
23 +7 Epic Boon +2 23 +40 ft
24 +7 Improved Stunning Strike +3 24 +45 ft
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon +3 25 +45 ft
26 +8 Force-Enhanced Flurry of Blows +3 26 +45 ft
27 +8 Epic Boon +4 27 +50 ft
28 +8 Natural Flurry +4 28 +50 ft
29 +9 Force-Empowered Flurry of Blows, Epic Boon +4 29 +55 ft
30 +9 Kiborn, Death Save Advantage +5 30 +60 ft

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Force-Charged Flurry of Blows[edit]

At level 21, whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, add 1d6 force damage to the attack.

Mind and Body[edit]

At level 22, whenever you regain hit points for any reason, you can increase the amount gained by 2d10.

Improved Stunning Strike[edit]

Beginning at level 24, targets struck by your Stunning Strike ability have disadvantage on their Constitution save to resist its effects.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Force-Enhanced Flurry of Blows[edit]

At level 26, whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, every hostile creature within 10 feet of the target takes the 1d6 force damage caused by Force-Charged Flurry of Blows.

Natural Flurry[edit]

Starting at level 28, your Flurry of Blows no longer uses your Bonus Action, nor does it consume Ki to use. Instead, attacks given by your Flurry of Blows are moved to your Attack action (for a total of four attacks) and all attacks used during your Attack action are considered to be Flurry of Blows for other abilities that are triggered by using Flurry of Blows.

Force-Empowered Flurry of Blows[edit]

Beginning at level 29, whenever you hit a creature with one of the attacks granted by your Flurry of Blows, you and all allies within 10 feet of you are healed for half the total force damage inflicted.


At level 30, you can enter a meditative stance by forfeiting your turn in its entirety. You cannot move, take a standard action, nor take a bonus action. Your combat reflexes are unhindered, however, and you can use your full AC bonus, and reactions used on other people’s turns. While in a meditative stance, you regain a cumulative +3 Ki per turn you remain meditating. You cannot surpass your maximum Ki with this feature. While meditating, you are resistant to all acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, and thunder damage.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Paladin[edit]

The Epic Paladin

Level Prof.Bonus Features
21 +7 Improved Lay On Hands, Epic Boon
22 +7 Perfected Divine Smite
23 +7 Epic Boon
24 +7 Distant Aura
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon
26 +8 Purifying Touch
27 +8 Epic Boon
28 +8 Divine Acknowledgement
29 +9 Persistent Smite, Epic Boon
30 +9 Empowered Aura, Death Save Advantage

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Improved Lay on Hands[edit]

At level 21, your Lay on Hands ability is now capable of removing curses. At this level, removing curses, curing poison, and curing disease do not consume Lay on Hands’ pool of healing power.

Perfected Divine Smite[edit]

At level 22, the righteous energies contained within you have expanded and increased the strength of your Smites. Your Improved Divine Smite ability now inflicts 3d8 radiant damage instead of the usual 1d8.

Distant Aura[edit]

Beginning at level 24, the range of your Auras are extended to 120′.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Purifying Touch[edit]

At level 26, your Cleansing Touch ability is no longer limited to a number of uses per Long Rest.

Divine Acknowledgement[edit]

At level 28, whether or not you are currently in service to a god, a god has taken notice of you and gifted you his favor. You gain two more uses of Channel Divinity each short or long rest, and the spells of a Cleric Domain of your choice are always considered prepared by you, and don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. You also receive one Ability of choice from that same Domain.

Persistent Smite[edit]

At level 29, your Improved Smite now carries the secondary effect of the last Smite spell you used. The effects last for only a single round, but do not require Concentration to maintain.

Empowered Aura[edit]

Starting at level 30, the Auras gained through your level 6, 7, and 10 class abilities have an equal and opposite effect on your enemies. If your aura provides a numerical bonus to you and your allies, the same value is imposed on your enemies within the range of your aura as a penalty. If your aura provides resistance to a damage type, enemies within range suffer vulnerability to that same damage type. If your aura provides advantage against an effect, enemies within range suffer disadvantage to that same effect. If your aura provides immunity to a condition, then any enemy that enters your aura must make a Charisma save against your Spellcasting DC or suffer the effects of that condition for one round.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Ranger[edit]

The Epic Ranger

Level Prof.Bonus Features Spells Known
21 +7 Nature’s Comfort, Epic Boon 12
22 +7 The Ties that Bind 12
23 +7 Epic Boon 13
24 +7 Dedicated Foe Slayer 13
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 14
26 +8 Homogenization 14
27 +8 Epic Boon 15
28 +8 Homogenized No More 15
29 +9 Renowned Slayer, Epic Boon 16
30 +9 Wildborn, Death Save Advantage 17

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Nature’s Comfort[edit]

At level 21, whenever there is an open sky above you and away from civilization, you have advantage on all dice rolls.

The Ties that Bind[edit]

At level 22, your prolonged contact with nature brings you one step closer to understanding the relationship that druids share with natural forces. You gain a single level six spell slot and can prepare a number of Druid or Ranger spells per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Dedicated Foe Slayer[edit]

Beginning at level 24, your Foe Slayer ability applies to both attack and damage rolls simultaneously. It also applies to every attack you make.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.


At level 26, you gain the benefits of either the Hunter or Beastmaster Ranger archetypes. You cannot choose an archetype that you already possess.

Homogenized No More[edit]

At level 28, you can choose one of the following abilities.

  • Predatory Instincts: You get to pick another feature from the Hunter’s Prey, Defensive Tactics, and Superior Hunter’s Defense abilities.
  • One with the Beast: Your beast companion can now be a large beast with a challenge rating of 1 or lower. Furthermore, the beast gains +10 ft. speed, your proficiency bonus added to all Saves, and its hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to four times your level when you gain this ability. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, its hit point maximum increases by an additional 4 hit points.

Renowned Slayer[edit]

At level 29, your favored enemies have disadvantage on all attacks against you, and whenever you damage a favored enemy, it must roll a Wisdom save against your spell save DC or become frightened by you for one round.


Starting at level 30, you have reached the pinnacle of survivalism. All enemies are considered Favored Enemies and you are familiar with all terrain types (as per Natural Explorer). In addition, if you have an animal companion, it too benefits from any bonuses gained through these abilities.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Rogue[edit]

The Epic Rogue

Level Prof.Bonus Features Sneak Attack
21 +7 Sneaky Opportunity, Epic Boon 11d6
22 +7 Superior Initiative 11d6
23 +7 Epic Boon 12d6
24 +7 Epic Reputation 12d6
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 13d6
26 +8 Trap Sense 13d6
27 +8 Epic Boon 14d6
28 +8 Advantageous Dodge 14d6
29 +9 Tricks of the Trade, Epic Boon 15d6
30 +9 Shadowborn, Death Save Advantage 15d6

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Sneaky Opportunity[edit]

At level 21, any attack of opportunity you make is considered a sneak attack.

Superior Initiative[edit]

At level 22, you gain a +10 bonus to all initiative rolls.

Epic Reputation[edit]

At level 24, you gain a +4 bonus to Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion checks.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Trap Sense[edit]

At level 26, you automatically detect all traps within 10 feet of you.

Advantageous Dodge[edit]

At level 28, you have learned to not only avoid incoming blows and projectiles, but to use them against your enemies. When an enemy misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to force the dodged attack to hit another enemy within five feet of you (if any).

Tricks of the Trade[edit]

At level 29, if you take a hit that deals more damage than twice the maximum number of your highest hit die plus your Constitution modifier, you may use your reaction to switch places with a willing target within 30 feet of you, and let them take the damage instead.


Starting at level 30, all damage dice rolled due to landing a critical hit are set to their maximum value

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Sorcerer[edit]

The Epic Sorcerer

Level Prof.Bonus Features Cantrips known Spells known Sorcery points
21 +7 Tuned Metamagic, Epic Boon 6 16 21
22 +7 Epic Spell Capacity Increase 7 16 22
23 +7 Epic Boon 7 16 23
24 +7 Compounded Metamagic 7 16 24
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 7 16 25
26 +8 Epic Spell Capacity Increase, Shared Metamagic 7 17 26
27 +8 Epic Boon 7 17 27
28 +8 Flexible Casting Freedom 7 17 28
29 +9 Epic Spell Capacity Increase, Epic Boon 7 17 29
30 +9 Metaborn, Death Save Advantage 8 18 30

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Tuned Metamagic[edit]

At level 21, all metamagic abilities have their Sorcery Point cost reduced by 1, to a limit of 0. In addition, Cantrips now benefit from being both Twinned and Quickened without cost.

Epic Spell Capacity Increase[edit]

At level 22, you gain a single level 10 spell slot, at level 26 you gain a single level 11 spell slot, and at level 29 you gain a single level 12 spell slot.

Compounded Metamagic[edit]

Beginning at level 24, you can apply as many metamagic effects as desired to any spell. In addition, Twinned Spell can affect spells that target more than one creature, and Extended Spell multiplies all affected spell duration by 12 with no maximum limit.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Shared Metamagic[edit]

At level 26, whenever a friendly caster casts a spell, you can spend the usual amount of Sorcery Points to have your metamagic ability affect and modify the spell being cast.

Flexible Casting Freedom[edit]

At level 28, you can create spell slots up to level 8 with your Flexible Casting ability.


Starting at level 30, all of your Metamagic abilities are doubled in effectiveness if it is possible to do so and have their Sorcery Point costs reduced further by 1, to a minimum of 0.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Warlock[edit]

The Epic Warlock

Level Prof.Bonus Features Cantrips Known Spell Slots Slot Level Invocations Known
21 +7 Additional Pact Boon, Epic Boon 4 4 5 9
22 +7 Empowered Eldritch Invocation 4 5 5 9
23 +7 Epic Boon 4 5 5 9
24 +7 Reactive Caster 4 5 6 10
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 4 5 6 10
26 +8 Empowered Pact Boons 5 6 6 10
27 +8 Epic Boon 5 6 6 11
28 +8 Eldritch Freedom 5 6 6 11
29 +9 Empowered Eldritch Invocation, Epic Boon 5 7 6 11
30 +9 Pactborn, Death Save Advantage 5 7 7 12

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Additional Pact Boon[edit]

At level 21, you may choose another Pact Boon, for a total of two.

Empowered Eldritch Invocations[edit]

At level 22, choose one of your Eldritch Invocations, and double its effects (if possible). At level 29, choose another Invocation to Empower in the same manner.

Reactive Caster[edit]

Beginning at level 24, when you are attacked you can use your Reaction to cast any spell with a casting time of one Action or Bonus Action. The spell is cast prior to receiving the effects of the triggering attack.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma (modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Empowered Pact Boons[edit]

At level 26, your Pact Bonus gains in power, with effects as follows:

  • Chain: Your boon familiar gets +1 AC and +1 Charisma, Intellect, and Wisdom for every warlock level above 20. Additionally, while you are within 10 feet of your familiar, you get +1 to all attack and damage rolls.
  • Blade: Your pact weapon grants you +2 AC, and for every 3 warlock levels above 20, deals an additional 1d4 Necrotic and 1d4 Acid damage. Additionally, when you land a critical hit with your pact weapon, you regain a used Pact Magic spell slot.
  • Tome: Your Book of Shadows gains an extra 2 cantrips. Additionally, whenever you cast a cantrip, you can choose to cast it twice for a single Action. You can do this an amount of times equal to your Charisma modifier every short or long rest.

Eldritch Freedom[edit]

At level 28, any invocations that modify your Eldritch Blast or Pact Weapon now affect your Eldritch Blast, Pact Weapon, and all Spells for which it could be applicable. Thirsting Blade gives all cantrips an extra level-based damage increase (or two when Empowered via Empowered Eldritch Invocation) and increases the level of the spell slot used for a Spell (or two when/if Empowered via Empowered Eldritch Invocation.)


Starting at level 30, you can call on your patron to empower your next offensive spell. For the cost of two spell slots, you can use the same spell three times with a single action. You may target the same creature with all three casts or target multiple enemies. Usable once every long rest.

Death Save Advantage[edit]

At level 30, your power has grown to the point that you are extremely hard to put down. Any death saving throws are made with advantage.

Epic Wizard[edit]

The Epic Wizard

Level Prof.Bonus Features Cantrips known
21 +7 Deep Memory, Epic Boon 6
22 +7 Epic Spell Capacity Increase (10) 6
23 +7 Epic Boon 6
24 +7 Improved Signature Spells 7
25 +8 Epic Racial Ability, Epic Boon 7
26 +8 Epic Spell Capacity Increase (11) 7
27 +8 Epic Boon 7
28 +8 Arcane Diversification 7
29 +9 Epic Spell Capacity Increase (12), Epic Boon 8
30 +9 Arcaneborn, Death Save Advantage 8

Epic Boon[edit]

At 21st level and every odd level thereafter, you gain the benefits of one Epic Boon. Alternatively, you can instead gain the benefits of a Feat or Ability Score Improvement (as per the class ability earned at level 4).

Deep Memory[edit]

At level 21, once per long rest you may exchange a memorized spell with a non-memorized spell.

Epic Spell Capacity Increase[edit]

At level 22, you gain a single level 10 spell slot, at level 26 you gain a single level 11 spell slot, and at level 29 you gain a single level 12 spell slot.

Improved Signature Spells[edit]

At level 24, your two level three Signature Spells no longer require spell slots to cast. In addition, you gain two level four Signature Spells that follow the usual rules described within the level 20 ability.

Epic Racial Ability[edit]

At level 25, you have mastered your natural racial abilities and gain an additional racial benefit as described at the end of this section.

Arcane Diversification[edit]

At level 28, you can choose a second Arcane Tradition and gain all of its abilities.


Starting at level 30, you are immune to any non-magical condition you choose to be, and receive advantage and +5 on saving throws to resist magical conditions.

Arcane Recovery[edit]

At level 30, once per day on a short rest, you may regain all spell slots of 7th level and lower.

Epic Racial Abilities[edit]

Upon reaching level 25 in any class for the first time, each race gains a unique benefit which separates them from others of their race. Your status as a paragon of your people is something that others who share your race can notice but will rarely understand. In addition to the ability gained by your race in the below table, you also have Advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with anyone of your same race.

Epic Racial Ability

Race Ability
Hill Dwarf Gain +5 to passive perception.
Mountain Dwarf Gain +2 to AC.
Gray Dwarf Gain the ability to cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell on yourself at will when not in direct sunlight.
High Elf Gain a 1st level spell of choice that can be cast once per short rest without a spell slot.
Wood Elf Gain +10 feet to speed
Dark Elf Gain the ability to cast Leomund’s Tiny Hut once per long rest.
Lightfoot Halfling Gain advantage on all Stealth checks.
Stout Halfling Gain poison immunity
Ghostwise Halfling Gain the effects of the Detect Thoughts spell permanently
Human Gain one Feat of choice.
Dragonborn Gain damage immunity to the same type of damage as your Draconic Ancestor
Forest Gnome Gain the ability to have Minor Illusion create both sounds and images simultaneously
Rock Gnome Gain the ability to spend an hour and 100 gp in materials in order to build a gadget that can identify items and locate hidden doors within 30′
Deep Gnome Gain resistance to all area spell damage
Half-Elf Gain immunity to charm effects
Half-Orc Whenever you land a killing blow, all hostile creatures within 30 ft. must make a DC 16 Constitution save or become frightened for one round.
Tiefling Gain immunity to fire damage.
Arakocra Gain the ability to fly even in medium or heavy armor.
Air Genasi Gain resistance to lightning damage and the ability to cast Levitate once every short or long rest
Earth Genasi Gain resistance to poison damage and the ability to cast Pass without Trace once per short or long rest.
Fire Genasi Gain immunity to fire damage.
Water Genasi Gain immunity to acid damage.
Goliath Gain the ability to use Stone’s Endurance an additional two times every short or long rest

Other races may pick an appropriate ability or one created by the DM.

Ascension, Godhood, and Divine Ranks[edit]

Ascension is typically achieved after epic or mythic level questing beyond 20th level. There are exceptions to this rule, such as those favored by gods, freak accidents, or just the whim of the gods. Typically, the DM is left to decide what options if any are available to ascend. Upon ascending, a creature gains the ability to advance in Divine Rank but can still advance in character levels the old fashioned way. Immediately after ascension, they are given a Divine Rank of 0 and gain the benefits of such. Typically you advance in Divine Rank over time by gaining worshipers. The more believers, the more power the deity has.

Divine Spark[edit]

In order to start on the road to godhood, you typically require the Divine Spark attached to your soul. This Divine Spark is always present in the child of at least one deity, as well as being attainable by:

Slaying an opponent who has the Divine Spark

Being gifted the Divine Spark by an overdeity or council of deities

Accomplishing a feat so legendary that the gods themselves take notice

Reaching level 30 in at least one class, especially a cleric (when you attain Divineborn and can work divine interventions on behalf of your god)

This is all a very polite way of saying that the Gods generally decide who becomes a quasi-deity, and that means the Dungeon Master has the choice whether to allow them into the sacred kingdom, as it were. Choose wisely, because once they have it they aren’t going to want to give godhood up. A person who receives the Divine Spark ascends, and gains Divine Rank 0, to differentiate them from those with no Divine Rank at all.

Divine Rank[edit]

Follower Value[edit]

Not all beings that can worship are equally valuable and/or powerful. To calculate the worth of a follower, add up their score from every category. They count as that many followers + 1. For example, a commoner that hasn’t payed any tithes and prays once a week is worth one follower. However, a 20th level cleric who prays constantly and has donated thousands of GP is worth 25 followers.

While this absolutely should not be calculated for every follower, the more important certainly should be worth more.

Category 1 — Dedication
  • A intelligent being that prays to you less than once a day gains no bonus
  • A intelligent being that prays to you once a day gets a +2.
  • A intelligent being that prays to you at least 3 times a day gets a +3.
Category 2 — Tithe
  • A intelligent being that has payed less than 10 GP on something dedicated to you gains no bonus.
  • A intelligent being that has payed at least 10 GP on something dedicated to you gets a +1
  • A intelligent being that has payed at least 100 GP on something dedicated to you gets a +2.
  • A intelligent being that has payed at least 1000 GP on something dedicated to you gets a +3.
Category 3 — Power
  • Add their level to their worth.
Category 4 — Divinity
  • A divine subject adds 1000× their divine rank to their worth.

Divine Rank 0: Ascension[edit]

Upon ascension, there are several important changes to your being. These are detailed below. Those with a Divine Rank of 0 are typically considered quasi-deities and are the recently ascended, as opposed to mortals who have no Divine Rank at all. Creatures that have a deity as one of their parents also typically start at Divine Rank 0 without further intervention. They typically have no or few worshippers, and being only locally known to be a deity, they cannot grant spells. They may increase ability scores over 20.

Divine Ability Score Increase. Upon ascending to divinity, you may increase 2 ability scores by 2, 4 ability scores by 1, or 1 ability score by 2 and 2 ability scores by 1 each, or select two feats. This occurs again at divinity levels 5, 10, 15, & 20.
Immortality. With your ascension comes the benefit of immortality. They are no longer affected by age, disease, or poison. Effects that would age the character no longer have any effect and the character is considered ageless. Death from combat and magic is still possible, and could result in permanent loss of the Divine Spark.
Immunities. Deities are immune to any effects not imposed by itself that would alter its form or mind, including but not limited to ability damage, polymorph, petrification, charm, dominate person or monster, or other such effects. Deities are also immune to magic that would automatically kill them regardless if theres a saving throw, magic that drains energy or levels, glyphs or symbols that only distracts the deity, and psionic abilities used by mortals or deities of lower rank.
Resistances. You gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Celestial Creature Subtype. You gain the celestial creature subtype in addition to any you might already have, and retain it even when polymorphed. You are affected accordingly by spells, abilities, and effects that name this type in their description.

The Boundary Between Divine Rank 0 and 1[edit]

Rising to Divine Rank 1

Upon the first hundred followers, a quasi-deity may embark on a quest to ascend further, to a demigod. This quest must be declared in advance, be completed with followers as witnesses, and may be assigned by an overdeity or divine council. The nature of the quest and the manner in which the new demigod completed it help define the new deity’s domain.

Returning to Divine Rank 0

Avatar form. A deity who wishes to explore mortal experiences and gain in traditional character levels can as a full action choose to temporarily strip themselves of divine ranks and return to their Rank 0, retaining their divine spark but without the celestial subtype. Like with a contingency spell, conditions must be explicitly stated by the deity for a trigger to be returned to divine form. Traditional experience can only be awarded as long as the Divine Rank stays at zero.
Divine shard. A deity who loses required followers can be reduced unwillingly to Rank 0. In this case, the former deity loses any physical form and gains the ability to possess an object or creature much like a ghost. Any object so possessed can grant its bearer the ability to communicate with the deity and use a single salient ability of the former divinity. Any creature so possessed gains up to two salient abilities in addition to character traits and flaws related to the deity, and the deity can choose to speak through the creature. A divine spark is vulnerable to be lost in this form, either by the host being slain, or by the host gathering followers and completing a quest of their own.

Divine Rank 1-5: Demigod[edit]

Divine Rank 1[edit]

Requirements: 100 Followers and completion of divine quest

Immortality II. Upon reaching a Divine Rank of 1, a deity of this rank can not take more than 20% of their max hp in a single attack, and in any case, where you are slain in the mortal realm, your body reforms in 1d4 days, and a deity of this rank stats (Max HP, Spellcasting mod, eca.) cannot be permanently altered by a being that has a divine rank of less than 5 above them.
Grant Spells.: A deity automatically grants spells to mortal divine spellcasters who pray to it. This can occur without action or awareness on the part of the deity. All deities can grant spells from the cleric spell list. Deities with levels in the appropriate classes can grant spells from the ranger, druid, or paladin spell lists to followers of those classes. At higher divine ranks, domain spells and powers can be granted as well. A deity can decide to withhold future spells from any particular mortal as a bonus action; but once a spell has been granted, it remains in the mortal’s mind until expended (the deity cannot simply ‘take it back’). A mortal follower can be restored to automatic granting of spells as a bonus action.
Salient Abilities. Gods of Divine Rank 1 and higher gain a Salient Ability plus one for each Divine Rank they possess. Additional salient divine abilities are awarded at lesser deity status (Rank 6) and intermediate status (Rank 11). Greater deities receive two additional abilities on reaching Rank 16. With each Rank, one previously chosen salient ability can be replaced.
Multitask You can do up 2 things at a time ex: you can do an action with both your avatar and divine form, talk to 2 people at once, read two books at the same time.
For salient abilities that mimic spell effects, use a DC of 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma bonus, an effective caster level of 10 + the deity’s divine rank, and a spell slot of 3rd level at Divine Rank 1, 5th level at Divine Rank 2, 7th level at Divine Rank 6, 9th level at Divine Rank 11, and «10th level» at Divine Rank 16. Refer to the section at the end of this page for elaboration on Salient Abilities.
Divine Perception. Deities of Divine Rank 1 or higher have incredibly sensitive perception. Such a deity’s senses (including darkvision and truesight if the deity has them) extend out to a radius of one mile per divine rank. Perception is limited to the senses a deity possesses. A deity cannot see through solid objects without using its remote sensing ability.
Remote Sensing. As a standard action, a deity can remotely use their divine perception from the location of any worshiper, holy site, or other object sacred to the deity, as if they were present in that location. This effect can also be centered on any place where someone speaks the deity’s name or title for up to 1 hour after the name is spoken, and at any location when an event related to the deity’s portfolio occurs. The remote sensing power can cross planes and penetrate any barrier except when blocked by a deity of equal or higher rank (Block Sensing described below). Remote sensing is not fooled by misdirection or nondetection or similar spells, and it does not create a magical sensor that other creatures can detect. A deity can extend its senses to additional simultaneous locations at higher divine ranks. Remote sensing does not hinder a deity’s ability to sill sense what’s going on nearby their current location.

Table — Remote Sensing Locations
Divine Rank Number of Locations
1-2 1
3-5 2
6-10 5
11-15 10
16-20 20
21+ 50
Once a deity chooses a remote location to sense, it automatically receives sensory information from that location until it chooses a new location to sense, until an hour has passed from the speaking of name or title, or until the location no longer exists.
When attempting to locate an unwilling follower who is not currently in an area the deity is remotely viewing, the person makes a Wisdom save against the deity’s spellcasting DC with the following modifiers to resist observation:

Table — Remote Sensing
Knowledge or Connection Wisdom Save Modifier
None* Remote Sensing fails
Secondhand (you have heard of the subject) +5
Firsthand (you have met or remotely viewed the subject) +0
Familiar (you know the subject well) –5
Likeness or picture –2
Possession or garment –4
A body part, a lock of hair, a bit of nail, etc. –10
*You must have some sort of connection to a creature you have no knowledge of.
Remote Communication. As a standard action, a deity of rank 1 or higher can send a communication to a being in a location it can sense by divine perception or remote sensing. The creature being contacted can (a) receive a telepathic message that only it can hear (b) receive a spoken message that can be overheard by anyone in earshot, where the deity’s voice can seem to issue from the air, the ground, or from some object of the deity’s choosing (but not an object or locale dedicated to another deity of equal or higher rank than the deity who is speaking) or (c) receive a visible manifestation or omen, the exact nature of which varies with the deity. A deity’s communication power can cross planes and penetrate any barrier. Once communication is initiated, the deity can continue communicating as a free action until it decides to end the communication. A deity can carry on as many remote communications at one time as it can remote sense at one time (see Remote Sensing, above).
Block Sensing. As a standard action, a deity of rank 1 or higher can block the remote sensing or communication ability of other deities of its rank or lower. This power extends for a radius of one mile per rank of the deity, or within the same distance around a temple or other locale sacred to the deity, or the same distance around a portfolio-related event. The deity can block two remote locations at once, plus the area within one mile of itself. The blockage lasts 1 hour per divine rank.

Divine Rank 2[edit]

Requirements: 250 Followers

Avatar You may create up to one avatar at a time and if it is destroyed it takes a year to create a new one. Your avatar can’t have a CR over 23 and it needs to be a animate object appropriate to your portfolio and a average example of it with only a slight change or special effect.
Lesser Domain Powers You gain a domain as a lesser deity and can grant spells from this domain to your followers. You also gain 3 lesser abilities that are appropriate to your domain. These typically are drawn from the existing domain spell list and each can be cast at will at a 5th level slot at a DC of 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma bonus. The deity’s effective caster level for such abilities is 10 + the deity’s divine rank. After use, roll a d6, if 6 the ability is recharged. Otherwise, they all become available after the equivalent of a long rest.
Divine Aura You gain the ability to reveal your divine nature to mortals by extending your aura at will as a bonus action anywhere from a radius of zero feet (effectively turning it off) up to a radius of 5 feet per divine rank. This aura communicates your alignment, domain, and name to all within the radius and may be accompanied by sounds, lights, subtle changes in temperature and other effects to suit your divine nature. Your aura can take on other effects through your choice of salient abilities. The deity can make its own worshipers, beings of its alignment, or both types of individuals immune to the any aura effect as a free action. The immunity lasts one day or until the deity dismisses it.

Divine Rank 3[edit]

Requirements: 450 Followers

Revive You can revive any dead mortal provided their body is in the presence of you or your avatar within 1 day of there death.

Magic resistance you become 70% resistant to mortal magic, 40% resistant to magic of deities of the same rank or lower, and 20% resistant to the magic of deity of a higher rank than you.

Immunities II You become immune to all non-magical damage.

Divine Rank 4[edit]

Requirements: 700 Followers

Divine Health Your hit die all become d20s and you gain your divine rank to the power of 2 as hit die so y + x² if y is your level and x is your divine rank. Ex. a character with a divine rank of 7 might have 69d20 hit die so around 759 hp.

Divine Rank 5[edit]

Requirements: 1000 Followers

Divine weapon You choose a single weapon to be your divine weapon. This weapon glows a certain colour according to your portfolio, This weapon will also deal divine slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage witch will bypass immunities and resistances to magical slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage and non-magical slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning damage. It also gets +5 to hit and x2 for all damage. You also use your charisma modifier for this weapon.

Divine Ranks 6-10 Lesser Deities[edit]

Called lesser deities, these entities grant spells and can perform more powerful deeds than demigods can. Lesser deities have anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands of worshipers and control larger godly realms than demigods. They also have keener senses where their portfolios are concerned.
Immediately after becoming a lesser deity you are no longer able to enter the prime material plane but your avatars still can.

Divine Rank 6[edit]

Requirements: 2500 Followers

Godly Travel Upon becoming rank 6 a deity can cast Plane Shift at will as an action, but only on itself, and only in order to travel to a sacred location that is dedicated to it or dedicated to a willing deity who is aware of the attempt.

Domain Powers The deity can expand its portfolio to include one full and one lesser domain, with the ability to grant spells to followers from both.

In the chosen full domain, a deity can use any channel domain power or domain spell it can grant a number of times per day equal to its divine rank (if the power normally can be used more often than that, the deity gets the greater number of uses). If a domain power is based on a cleric’s level (or one-half a cleric’s level), a deity with no cleric levels has an effective cleric level equal to the deity’s divine rank (or one-half the deity’s divine rank) for this purpose. Otherwise, all are cast at a DC of 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma bonus using a 7th level slot. The deity’s effective caster level for such abilities is 10 + the deity’s divine rank.

In the lesser divine domain, the deity’s abilities continue as described in Divine Rank 2.

Resistances II Choose one damage type specific to your domains you gain immunity to it if its not used on you by deities of equal or higher rank and you are completely resistant to it.

Divine Rank 7[edit]

Requirements: 6500 Followers

Avatar II You may create up to two avatars at a time and if one is destroyed it takes a month to create a new one. Your avatar can’t have a CR over 28 and it needs to be an animate object that is an average example of it with only a slight change or special effect.

Multitask II You can do up to 5 things at a time.

Divine Rank 8[edit]

Requirements: 10000 Followers

Immovable Prowess You can’t be banished or trapped by most means. This excludes some Elven high magic and 11 and 12th level spells.

Revive II You can revive any dead mortal provided an extension of you can see or sense there dead body within 1 week of there death.

Divine Rank 9[edit]

Requirements: 25000 Followers

Magic resistance II you become 90% resistant to mortal magic, 50% resistant to magic of deities of the same rank or lower, and 20% resistant to the magic of deity of a higher rank than you.

Divine Rank 10[edit]

Requirements: 65000 Followers

Divine Luck If you roll anything under 10 other than 1 on a check you can choose to change it to 10.

Divine Rank 11-15 Intermediate Deities[edit]

These entities have hundreds of thousands of mortal worshipers and control larger godly realms than demigods or lesser deities.

Divine Rank 11[edit]

Requirements: 100,000 Followers

Spontaneous Casting A deity of rank 11 or higher who has levels in a divine spellcasting class can spontaneously cast any spell it can grant without the use of preparing it.

Divine Rank 12[edit]

Requirements: 250,000 Followers

Avatar III You may create up to 5 avatars at a time and if one is destroyed it takes a week to create a new one. Your avatar can’t have a CR over 32 and it needs to be a animate or inanimate object that cant be bigger than the current biggest version of it.

Multitask III You can do up 100 things at a time (Ex: you can speak to multiple followers at once and observe the planes.)

Resistances III You become completely immune to your chosen damage type.

Divine Rank 13[edit]

Requirements: 650,000 Followers

Immovable Prowess II You can’t be banished or trapped by most means. This excludes some Elven high magic and 12th level spells.

Magic resistance III you become 95% resistant to mortal magic, 60% resistant to magic of deities of the same rank or lower, and 25% resistant to the magic of deity of a higher rank than you.

Divine Rank 14[edit]

Requirements: 1,000,000 Followers

Divine Rank 15[edit]

Requirements: 2,500,000 Followers

Divine Rank 16-20 Greater Deities[edit]

These entities may have millions of mortal worshipers, and can also have divine subjects of lower divine ranks. The most powerful of greater deities rule over other deities just as mortal sovereigns rule over commoners, and can include the followers of those lesser gods in their own count.

Divine Rank 16[edit]

Requirements: 6,500,000 Followers and 2 divine subjects

Avatar IV You may create up to 10 avatars at a time and if one is destroyed it takes a day to create a new one. Your avatar can be anything animate or inanimate as long as it does not have a CR over 37 and it cant be bigger than a planet

Multitask IV You can do a infinite amount of things at a time.

Divine Rank 17[edit]

Requirements: 10,000,000 Followers and 5 divine subjects

revive III You can revive any dead mortal.

Divine Rank 18[edit]

Requirements: 25,000,000 Followers and 10 divine subjects

Death At this point a deity can simply think of wanting almost any mortal dead and they just die with the exception of all beings more powerful than you and some beings slightly weaker than you (Cr 25 +)

Magic resistance IV you become 100% resistant to mortal magic, 75% resistant to magic of deities of the same rank or lower, and 50% resistant to the magic of deity of a higher rank than you.

Divine Rank 19[edit]

Requirements: 65,000,000 Followers and 25 divine subjects

Immovable Prowess III You can’t be banished or trapped by most means. This excludes some Elven high magic.

Divine Rank 20[edit]

Requirements: 100,000,000 Followers and 50 divine subjects

Immovable Prowess IV You can only be trapped or banished by a overdeity or the luminous being.

Divine Rank 21+ Overdeity[edit]

These entities are beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshipers. They do not grant spells, do not answer prayers, and do not respond to queries. If they are known at all, it is to a handful of scholars on the Material Plane. They are called overdeities. In some pantheistic systems, the consent of an overdeity is required to become a god.

Divine Rank 21[edit]

Requirements: 10,000,000,000 XP, Divine rank 20, allowance from the luminous being

Immovable Prowess V You can only be trapped or banished by an overdeity or the luminous being.

Death II You can just kill anything at will other than the luminous being and other overdeities.

Magic resistance V you become 100% resistant to mortal magic, 95% resistant to magic of deities of the same rank or lower, and 80% resistant to the magic of deity of a higher rank than you.

True power An overdiety would be able to create any spell that they choose to in 60 seconds (10 turns) these spells can’t have a level higher than 12, a deity of this rank also has unlimited spell slots

Salient Abilities[edit]

A salient divine ability is a special sort of feat which only deities with divine rank can take, similar but not equivalent to an Epic Boon. It gives a deity a new capability or improves one that the deity already has. Some salient divine abilities have prerequisites. A divine rank of at least 1 is a prerequisite for all salient divine abilities. A few deities have unique salient divine abilities that are described in the deity’s individual entry. (Note: spellbased rank 1 abilities should resemble 1st to 4th level magic with unlimited slots)

Demigod Salient Abilities[edit]

Level Name Requirements Description Suggested Domains
1 Alter Form As a move action, the deity can choose to Polymorph itself into a creature of any subtype at will, with a CR no higher than your divine rank. This does not change the deity’s Armor Class, attack bonus, hit points, or saves. The deity retains the celestial subtype in addition to the creature’s subtype. Nature, secrets, thieves
1 Alter Size As a free action, the deity can Enlarge/Reduce itself anywhere from Tiny to Gargantuan in size. Each step in size category doubles height, multiplies weight by eight, and increases/reduces weapon damage by d4 for one size step, d8 for two steps, d12 for three steps (not reducing weapon damage below 1). Enlarging/reducing one step provides advantage/disadvantage on Strength checks and saving throws; enlarging/reducing two steps also provides disadvantage/advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws. Note that this does not affect a deity’s other capabilities. Any
1 Arcane Mastery Spellcaster level 1st, Spellcasting Ability Score 25 Gain access to all spells you could potentially know as a wizard, sorcerer, or warlock, limited only by spell slots. Knowledge, magic
1 Banestrike At least one Favored Enemy When wielding a melee or ranged weapon (but not to spells, spell-like abilities, etc), add +2 to all attack rolls and +4d6 to damage against anyone marked as a Favored Enemy. Death, justice, vengeance, war
1 Battlesense You cannot be surprised or flanked, except by a deity of higher rank. You retain your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class in any situation if you can move, even if caught flat-footed or attacked by an invisible opponent. You are not subject to sneak attacks, except by a deity of higher rank. War
1 Call Creatures Summon creatures of one specific subtype to your aid. Each creature called can have no more Hit Dice than the deity has divine ranks, and the deity cannot have more creatures serving it at any given time than the deity has ranks. The creatures are transported to the deity’s presence through an interdimensional connection similar to that created by a gate spell, except that it opens to the Material Plane. The creatures willingly serve to the best of their ability. The calling effect is otherwise similar to the calling property of the gate spell. A deity can have this ability multiple times, choosing a different kind of creature each time. Any
1 Divine Glibness Charisma 25 You are immune to skills or spells which would detect your lies, and your silver tongue can sway the wills of others. As a full-round action, the deity can speak and convince others to take some course of action. This works like a mass suggestion spell cast at a level equal to 10 + the deity’s divine rank, except that it affects up to (10 + divine rank) creatures, no two of which can be more than (10 x divine rank) feet apart. The save DC is 10 + the deity’s Charisma modifier + the deity’s divine rank. Commerce, lies, thieves
1 Divine Paladin Paladin level 20 The deity’s divinity fuels their paladinly powers, increasing the range of their auras by 30 feet, adding +2d8 to all Smites, and adding a number of uses of Channel Divinity per day equal to the deity’s divine rank halved. This is cumulative with the benefits of epic-level paladinhood. Good, justice, law, nobility, war
1 Clearsight Wisdom 25 Knowledge, truth
1 Command Plants Speak to plants, rebuke them, and cause plant growth and blight targeting plants at will. Nature, harvest
1 Craft Magical Item (lesser) You can imbue items with additional magic for one hour, as elemental weapon for mundane items, but you can also temporarily elevate items by one level of rarity into similar items, like changing a rare +2 Shield into a very rare +3 Shield.
1 Divine Archery Dexterity 25 Shoot from really really far, spray a volley of arrows, and ignore cover and concealment with your shots.
1 Divine Armor Mastery Any armor you wear acts as if you’re not wearing armor at all, and what armor you do wear is improved.
1 Divine Blessing Grant half your ability score to others.
1 Divine Celerity Whenever you’re hastened, you gain superior benefits.
1 Divine Bard Inspire Courage +4 Sing out for miles, quickly, and even effecting things normally not effected. You can even countersong on the fly.
1 Divine Battle Mastery Fighter 20 You can attack wide groups of tempo, attack without penalty to attack rolls, and change weapons as a free action on a whim.
1 Divine Dodge Dexterity 25 Perfect dodge. It’s almost like you’re playing Exalted.
1 Divine Druid Wildshape (Huge Elemental) Change shape in a wildshape as a free action each round for the duration.
1 Divine Druid-CE Wildshape (Huge Elemental) Get Colossal and the ability to change into Magical Beast
1 Divine Fast Healing Constitution 25 Gain fast healing (or additional fast healing) based on your divine rank.

1 Divine Monk Monk 20 You suffered through monk, but now you’re the god of monks, and it shows.
1 Divine Rage Ability to Rage Stay in rage forever, and gain access to stronger more potent rage powers and resistances.
1 Divine Ranger Ranger 20 Gain both combat styles of a ranger, additional favored enemy bonuses, and blindsight against your favored enemy.
1 Divine Rogue Rogue 20 You can dodge out of any trap, determine how much loot you have with an instant, sneak attack oozes, constructs, you name it, slide out of sight, and even evade death!
1 Divine Shield Charisma 19 Gain a shield to absorb attacks.
1 Divine Skill Focus Become a master at any one skill, doing it faster and harder and ignoring the dangers of failure.
1 Divine Sneak Attack Ability to Sneak Attack Sneak attacks deal divine damage and apply against those who provoke attacks of opportunity or who are weaker than you. You can even deal nonlethal damage in any ratio you wish.
1 Divine Spell Focus Wizard 1 Gain +2 DC to the spell of your school, a bonus on caster level checks, and ignore evasion and mettle.
1 Divine Weapon Focus Take 10 on attack rolls once a round, 20 with a full attack action, and never fumble again.
1 Divine Weapon Specialization Divine Weapon Focus Add divine rank to damage with your chosen weapon, forcing concentration checks and hitting even when you might miss.
1 Drain Enemy Evil Alignment Deal damage to a creature’s maximum hp total, and penalties on a critical hit.
1 Grow Creature Use animal growth (applied to a creature type of your choice) on a number of creatures equal to your divine rank.
1 Increased Damage Reduction Constitution 25, alignment Improve current damage reduction by 5, and add an alignment requirement.
1 Increased Energy Resistance The deity gains resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic energy.
1 Indomitable Strength Strength 25 or War or Forge domain Roll 20s in opposed strength checks, wield weapons with greater strength behind them and less difficulty, and break force effects.
1 Instant Counterspell Cast counterspell as a reaction without using a spell slot.
1 Irresistible Blows Existing improved critical skill with selected weapon Cause an attack penalty on those you strike, bypass or reduce the effect of DR, and stagger opponents on critical hits.
1 Irresistible Performance Performance proficiency Gain several bardic music-like abilities, and bards gain increased power.
1 Know Secrets Proficiency in two Intelligence skills You can roll 20s on Knowledge checks automatically, and know things others have tried to keep secret.
1 Extra Sense Enhancement Wisdom 25 Your divine perception range is doubled, and you can see through objects within that range.
1 Speak With Creatures Speak with everyone and literally everything with language understanding as if you always have both Tongues and Comprehend Languages in effect.
1 Supreme Initiative Dexterity 25 Add your divine rank to initiative, avoid being flatfooted, and even strike harder on the first round.
1 Tap Into the Source You can tap into the immeasurable power of the source, gaining new abilities and greatly empowered your previous abilities. Idylean young God template.
1 Undead Mastery Ability to turn undead Gain unlimited destructive turn attempts, and you may use it once per round as a free action. And you didn’t even need to take all turn-granting classes to do it.
1 Rejuvenation Divine Fast Healing Gain the rejuvenating abilities of a deity five levels higher than yourself.
1 Mind Of The Beast Proficiency in Nature, Wisdom 15 As an action the deity can make plants and animals sentient like the Awaken spell, and it can reduce sentient creatures to animal or plant status like the Feeblemind spell.
2 Divine Air Mastery Tempest Domain or ability to fly Gain advantage in all ability checks and attack rolls when you and your target are airborne and not in contact with any other basic element.
2 Divine Earth Mastery Nature or Grave Domain Gain advantage in all ability checks and attack rolls when you and your target are buried in soft earth or encased in rock and not in contact with any other basic element.
2 Divine Fire Mastery Forge or War Domain Gain advantage in all ability checks and attack rolls when you and your target are on fire or in fire.
2 Divine Inspiration Charisma 25 Cast Bless or Bane as a bonus action within your Divine Aura
2 Divine Radiance Light Domain Radiate Daylight within your divine aura and dispel darkness. Cast Flame Strike on a single target within your divine aura as a bonus action (yes, you have lasers), and become immune to dazzling or blindness effects.
2 Divine Water Mastery Nature or Tempest domain Gain advantage in all ability checks and attack rolls when you and your target are underwater and not in contact with any other basic element.
2 Footsore Create difficult terrain within your divine aura radius as a bonus action.
2 Frightful Presence Charisma 25 Get a frightful presence aspect to your divine aura which removes fear immunity from all within your aura, except deities of higher rank.
2 Gift Of Life Life Domain Cast Raise Dead as a bonus action within your Divine Aura, changing the subject’s penalty by adding your Divine Rank, effectively turning the penalty into a temporary bonus at Ranks of 5 or higher.
2 Hand Of Death Grave Domain Cast Death Ward as a reaction or Inflict Wounds as an action on a target anywhere within your divine aura.
2 Know Death Grave or Life Domain Gain constant deathwatch and Lifesight, and keep status on the health of others.
2 Mantle of Darkness Death domain Your divine aura can becomes a zone of magical Darkness concealing you, and within which you can cast Vampiric Touch as a bonus or regular action.
2 Mantle of Fascination Cast Enthrall as a bonus action within your Divine Aura. Creatures normally immune to charm only have advantage against this effect.
2 Power of Creation Forge Domain As an action, cast Fabricate on any raw materials within your divine aura.
2 Power of Luck Trickery Domain or Ability to use Luck dice Gain a luck pool equal to your divine rank to spend on dice rolls, both yours and others.
2 Power of Nature Nature or Tempest domain Cast Protection from Energy on any creature within your divine aura as a bonus action, without requiring concentration. Control weather in the range of your divine perception as an action.
2 Power of Planes Arcana domain Cast Banishment on any creature within your divine aura as a bonus action, without requiring concentration.
2 Power of Truth Lawful Alignment or Knowledge Domain Know when creatures are lying within your divine aura, and/or force them to speak only the truth. Also, gain advantage on any roll against illusions.
2 See Magic Knowledge domain Detect Magic within your range of your Divine Perception, and Identify magic items within your divine aura as a bonus action.
2 Spellshaper Exclude allies from your areas of effect.
2 Stride Trickery or Light domain Double your base speed, gain +2 to AC, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gain an additional action each turn that can be used to Dash or Disengage.
2 Sunder and Disjoin Forge or Death Domain Break or disjoin nonmagical weapons or other worked objects of Medium size or smaller, no more than 5 feet in any dimension, on a touch, and gain immunity to mundane weapon attacks.
2 Wave of Chaos Chaotic Alignment or Trickery Domain As a bonus action or action, induce confusion or Enemies Abound on a creature within your divine aura, exempting yourself as a potential target/enemy unless you choose otherwise.

Lesser Deity Salient Abilities[edit]

(Note: spellbased rank 6 abilities should resemble 5th or 6th level magic with unlimited slots)
Level Name Requirements Description Suggested Domains
6 Area Divine Shield Charisma 25, Divine Shield salient ability Spread your Divine Shield salient ability to an area.
6 Create Object Create nonmagical matter at whim. For every 50 pounds created this way the deity must rest for 6 seconds within one week.
6 Divine Blast Charisma 25 Fire blasts of energy out to a great distance. The range of the Divine Blast is equal to your Divine rank times ten and the damage is equal to a number of d10s equal to your Divine Rank + your Charisma modifier.
6 Energy Burst Emanate 1d8 points of energy per divine rank, out to 10 feet per divine rank.
6 Extra Energy Immunity Resistance to the energy type selected Become immune to one element.
6 Free Move Dexterity 29, Divine Celerity The deity can move up to its speed once a round as a free action, even when not during its turn.
6 Instant Move Dexterity 29 The deity can travel up to their move speed as though using the dimension door spell, except that the deity never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after teleporting. Also, immunity to being prone.
6 Lay Curse Use bestow curse at will, greater bestow curse up to your divine ranks per day, and give off a dying curse if your current form is slain.
6 Lay Quest Use a special form of geas/quest to get things done, be aware of its progress, and be able to contact your unwitting servants.

Intermediate Deity Salient Abilities[edit]

(Note: spellbased rank 11 abilities should resemble 7th or 8th level magic with unlimited slots)
Level Name Requirements Description Suggested Domains
11 Annihilating Strike Str 25 Destroy things with a powerful disintegrating strike.
11 Control Creatures Cha 15 Take control of mooks, possessing them even at range.
11 Create Greater Object Create Object Create even more rare and exotic matter from thin air. For every 300 pounds of matter created this way the deity must rest for 6 seconds within one week.
11 Mass Divine Blast Divine Rank 11, Cha 29, Divine Blast salient divine ability As Divine Blast, but can be done to multiple targets or in various shapes.
11 Possess Mortal Divine Rank 11, Cha 29 Possess mortals and make them do your bidding.
11 Shapechange Divine Rank 11, Alter Form, Alter Size Gain a modified shapechange at will.
11 Divine Storm Divine Rank 11, any alignment subtype Your alignment manifests as a powerful maelstrom which destroys those opposite to you and protects you in divine energy.
11 Energy Storm Divine Rank 11, able to cast cure or inflict spells Your body releases positive or negative energy into a powerful maelstrom which destroys your opponents (and heals allies) and protects you in energy.

Greater Deity Salient Abilities[edit]

(Note: spellbased rank 16 abilities should resemble 9th level magic or better with unlimited slots)
Level Name Requirements Description Suggested Domains
16 Alter Reality at least one domain portfolio Gain the ability to duplicate most of the effects of wish once per minute.
16 Divine Creation Create Object salient ability, Create Greater Object salient ability Create magic items, or even creatures with your divine mastery. For every ton of materials produced the deity must rest for 6 seconds within one week.

Divine Characteristics (in development)[edit]

(Editor’s note: Still needs revision; fix links and change some of the fundamental concepts to work better with 5th edition. Incomplete.)

As noted, most deities have epic levels in at least one class, although nascent divinities such as children of the gods may be an exception to this rule. The deity’s proficiencies, skills, and base abilities are dependent on the classes they learn. Deities have some or all of the following additional qualities, depending on their divine rank.

Hit Points[edit]

Deities receive maximum hit points for each Hit Die. (Example: a level 20 barbarian with a Constitution of 18 and Divine Rank 0 would have 320 hit points.)


Deities can move much more quickly than mortals. A deity’s base land speed depends on its form (biped or quadruped) and its size, as shown on the following table. Some deities are exceptions, with speeds faster or slower than the norm.

Size Biped1 Quadruped2
Fine 20 ft. 60 ft.
Diminutive 30 ft. 70 ft.
Tiny 40 ft. 80 ft.
Small 50 ft. 90 ft.
Medium 60 ft. 100 ft.
Large 80 ft. 120 ft.
Huge 100 ft. 140 ft.
Gargantuan 120 ft. 160 ft.
Colossal 140 ft. 180 ft.
  1. Or any form with two or fewer legs.
  2. Or any form with three or more legs.

Note: Use the Biped column for burrow and swim speeds for all deities regardless of form. Use half the value in the Biped column for climb speeds for all deities. Use twice the value in the Quadruped column for fly speeds for all deities capable of flying.

Armor Class[edit]

A deity’s Charisma bonus, if any, becomes a deflection bonus to AC that stacks with all other Armor Class bonuses and is effective against touch attacks and incorporeal touch attacks.


A deity’s character levels determine its attack bonus. Deities of rank 1 or higher do not automatically fail on a natural attack roll of 1.

Bypassing Damage Reduction[edit]

The natural attacks of deities, as well as any weapons they wield, are considered aligned the same as the deity for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.

Always Maximize Roll[edit]

Greater deities (rank 16–20) automatically get the best result possible on any check, saving throw, attack roll, or damage roll. Calculate success, failure, or other effects accordingly. When a greater deity makes a check, attack, or save assume a 20 was rolled and calculate success or failure from there. A d20 should still be rolled and used to check for a threat of a critical hit.

Saving Throws[edit]

A deity’s classes, attributes, and character level determine its base saving throw bonuses. Deities of rank 1 or higher do not automatically fail on a natural saving throw roll of 1.


Deities generally have a high proficiency bonus and attribute bonus to use on skill checks, ability checks, caster DCs, and turning checks. Lesser deities (rank 6–10) may take a roll of 10 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Intermediate and greater deities (rank 11–20) always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all.


Deities have the following immunities. Individual deities may have more immunities. Unless otherwise indicated, these immunities do not apply if the attacker is a deity of equal or higher rank.

Energy Immunity[edit]

Deities of rank 1 or higher are immune to electricity, cold, and acid, even if the attacker is a deity of higher divine rank. Some deities have additional energy immunities.

Damage Reduction[edit]

A deity has damage reduction as shown below:

Divine Rank Damage Reduction
Quasi-deity (0) 10/epic
Demigod (1-5) 15/epic
Lesser deity (6-10) 20/epic
Intermediate deity (11-15) 25/epic
Greater deity (16-20) 30/epic

If the deity also has damage reduction from another source this damage reduction does not stack with the damage reduction granted by divine ranks. Instead, the deity gets the benefit of the best damage reduction in a given situation. Whenever a deity has a second kind of damage reduction that might apply to an attack, that damage reduction is listed in parentheses after the damage reduction entry in the deity’s statistics block.


Every deity of rank 1 or higher has at least limited knowledge and control over some aspect of mortal existence. A deity’s connection to its portfolio gives it a number of powers.

Portfolio Sense[edit]

Demigods have a limited ability to sense events involving their portfolios. They automatically sense any event that involves one thousand or more people. The ability is limited to the present. Lesser deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios and affects five hundred or more people. Intermediate deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past for every divine rank they have. Greater deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the number of people involved. In addition, their senses extend one week into the past and one week into the future for every divine rank they have. When a deity senses an event, it merely knows that the event is occurring and where it is. The deity receives no sensory information about the event. Once a deity notices an event, it can use its remote sensing power to perceive the event.

Automatic Actions[edit]

When performing an action within its portfolio, a deity can perform any action as a free action, as long as the check DC is equal to or less than the number on the table below. The number of free actions a deity can perform each round is also determined by the deity’s divine rank.

Divine Rank Maximum DC for
Automatic Action
Free Actions
per Round
1–5 15 2
6–10 20 5
11–15 25 10
16–20 30 20
Create Magic Items[edit]

A deity of rank 1 or higher can create magic items related to its portfolio without any requisite item creation feat, provided that the deity possesses all other prerequisites for the item. The maximum item value a deity can create is a function of its divine rank (see the table below). The item’s cost and creation time remain unchanged, but the deity is free to undertake any activity when not laboring on the item.

Divine Rank Maximum Market Price
1–5 4,500 gp
6–10 30,000 gp
11–15 200,000 gp (any nonartifact)
16–20 No maximum (including artifact)

If a deity has the item creation feat pertaining to the item it wishes to create, the cost (in gold and XP) and creation times are halved.

Divine Aura[edit]

The mere presence of a deity of rank 1 or higher can deeply affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank. All divine aura effects are mind-affecting, extraordinary abilities. Mortals and other deities of lower rank can resist the aura’s effects with successful Will saves; the DC is 10 + the deity’s rank + the deity’s Charisma modifier. Deities are immune to the auras of deities of equal or lower rank. Any being who makes a successful saving throw against a deity’s aura power becomes immune to that deity’s aura power for one day. Divine aura is an emanation that extends around the deity in a radius whose size is a function of divine rank. The deity chooses the size of the radius and can change it as a free action. If the deity chooses a radius of 0 feet, its aura power effectively becomes non-functional. When two or more deities’ auras cover the same area, only the aura that belongs to the deity with the highest rank functions. If divine ranks are equal, the auras coexist.

Divine Rank Divine Aura Size
1–5 10 ft./rank
6–10 100 ft./rank
11–15 100 ft./rank
16–20 1 mile/rank

The immunity lasts one day or until the deity dismisses it. Once affected by an aura power, creatures remain affected as long as they remain within the aura’s radius. The deity can choose from the following effects each round as a free action.

Godly Realm[edit]

Each deity of rank 1 or higher has a location that serves as a workplace, personal residence, audience chamber, and sometimes as a retreat or fortress. A deity is at its most powerful within its godly realm. A deity has at least modest control over the environment within its realm, controlling the temperature and minor elements of the environment. The radius of this control is a function of the deity’s rank and whether the realm is located on an Outer Plane or some other plane (including the Material Plane).

Divine Rank Radius of Control
Outer Plane Material Plane
1–5 100 ft./rank 100 ft./rank
6–10 1 mile 100 ft./rank
11–15 10 miles 100 ft./rank
16–20 100 miles 100 ft./rank

Within this area, the deity can set any temperature that is normal for the plane where the realm is located (for the Material Plane, any temperature from –20ºF to 120ºF), and fill the area with scents and sounds as the deity sees fit. Sounds can be no louder than one hundred humans could make, but not intelligible speech or harmful sound. The deity’s ability to create scents is similar. Deities of rank 6 or higher can create the sounds of intelligible speech. A demigod or lesser deity can erect buildings and alter the landscape, but must do so through its own labor, through magic, or through its divine powers. A deity of rank 6 or higher not only has control over the environment, but also controls links to the Astral Plane. Manipulating a realm’s astral links renders teleportation and similar effects useless within the realm. The deity can designate certain locales within the realm where astral links remain intact. Likewise, the deity can block off the realm from planar portals or designate locations where portals are possible. A deity of rank 11 or higher can also apply the enhanced magic or impeded magic trait to up to four groups of spells (schools, domains, or spells with the same descriptor). The enhanced magic trait enables a metamagic feat to be applied to a group of spells without requiring higher-level spell slots. Many deities apply the enhanced magic trait to their domain spells, making them maximized (as the Maximize Spell feat) within the boundaries of their realm. The impeded magic trait doesn’t affect the deity’s spells and spell-like abilities.

In addition, a deity of rank 11 or higher can erect buildings as desired and alter terrain within ten miles to become any terrain type found on the Material Plane. These buildings and alterations are manifestations of the deity’s control over the realm.

A greater deity (rank 16 or higher) also can perform any one of the following acts:

  • Change or apply a gravity trait within the realm.
  • Change or apply an elemental or energy trait within the realm.
  • Change or apply a time trait within the realm.
  • Apply the limited magic trait to a particular school, domain, or spell descriptor within the area, preventing such spells and spell-like abilities from functioning. The greater deity’s own spells and spell-like abilities are not limited by these restrictions.

Once a deity sets the conditions in its realm, they are permanent, though the deity can change them. As a standard action, the deity can specify a new environmental condition. The change gradually takes effect over the next 10 minutes. Changing astral links, planar traits, or terrain requires more effort, and the deity must labor for a year and a day to change them. During this time, the deity must spend 8 hours a day on the project. During the remaining 16 hours of each day, the deity can perform any action it desires, so long as it remains within the realm. The astral links, planar traits, and terrain remain unchanged until the labor is complete.


A deity of rank 1 or higher can use greater teleport as a spell-like ability at will, as the spell cast by a 20th-level character, except that the deity can transport only itself and up to 100 pounds of objects per divine rank. A deity of rank 6 or higher also can use plane shift as a spell-like ability at will, as the spell cast by a 20th-level character, except that the deity can only transport itself and up to 100 pounds of objects. If the deity has a familiar, personal mount, or personal intelligent weapon, the creature can accompany the deity in any mode of travel if the deity touches it. The creature’s weight counts against the deity’s weight limit.


A deity of rank 1 or higher with levels as a sorcerer or a wizard has the ability to treat any creature of a given kind as a familiar, as long as that creature is within a distance of one mile per divine rank of the deity. This special familiar ability only applies to one creature at a time, but the deity can switch between one creature and another instantaneously, as long as the second creature is within range. This special familiar ability does not replace the deity’s ability to have a normal familiar, which could be any kind of eligible creature.

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Epic Level Handbook (рус. Руководство по эпическим уровням) — книга правил для третьей редакции Dungeons & Dragons, посвящённая игре персонажами с уровнем выше 20-го, которые в терминах D&D называются «эпическими».

Хотя в самой книге написано, что она не содержит материала, распространяемого по OGL, всё основное содержание «Epic Level Handbook» было позднее включено в SRD для 3.5-й редакции.

В качестве дополнения к книге в журнале «Dragon» были опубликованы статьи «Epic Level Countdown: Epic Characters» (№ 294) и «Epic Characters: It’s a (Whole New) Kind of Magic» (№ 295). «Epic Level Handbook» также рассматривается в колонке «Sage Advice» в № 302.


Книга состоит из шести глав и трёх приложений.

Глава 1, «Characters, Skills, and Feats» (Персонажи, умения и фиты), содержит описание развития с 21-го по 30-й уровени персонажей всех базовых классов из «Player’s Handbook», престиж-классов из «Dungeon Master’s Guide», а также псионических классов из «Psionics Handbook», вводит новые престиж-классы, пререквизитами к которым является достижение персонажем эпического уровня, описывает эпическое применение умений с уровнями сложности 50-100 и выше, и эпические фиты.

Глава 2, «Epic Spells» (Эпические заклинания), посвящена магии эпических уровней и описывает заклинания выше 9-го уровня (максимум, доступный неэпическим персонажам), специальные правила их применения, создание собственных эпических заклинаний и вкратце — эпические псионические силы.

Глава 3, «Running an Epic Game» (Ведение эпической игры), содержит в основном рекомендации для мастеров по проведению игры с использованием персонажей эпических уровней, включает ряд вариантных правил и таблицы выдачи экспы для уровней выше 20-го.

Глава 4, «Epic Magic Items» (Эпические магические предметы), посвящена магическим предметам и описывает значительное их количество, включая разумные предметы и артефакты.

Глава 5, «Monsters» (Монстры), описывает преимущественно эпических монстров (с CR от 25 до 70), включая таких существ, как гекатонхейр, демилич, эпические драконы — силовой (Force Dragon) и радужный (Prismatic Dragon), мифрильный и адамантиновый големы, белый и чёрный слаады. Вводится также новый тип существ — Abomination, к которому отнесены могущественные чудовища, порождённые божествами, но искажённые и стремящиеся лишь к разрушению.

Глава 6, «An Epic Setting» (Эпический сеттинг), посвящена введению эпических элементов в сеттинг: описываются примеры организаций, локаций, союзников и противников.

В приложениях I и II описываются эпические неигровые персонажи для сеттингов Forgotten Realms (Эльминстер, Халастер Чёрный плащ, Алустриэль, Хелбен Арунсан, Маншун и другие) и Greyhawk (Властелин кошек, Морденкайнен, Робилар, Эклавдра). Приложение III содержит примеры NPC всех базовых классов с 21-го по 30-й уровень, продолжая таблицы из второй главы «Dungeon Master’s Guide».

Сетевое дополнение[]

В сетевом дополнении, написанном Энди Коллинзом, описываются эпические прогрессии для двух дюжин престиж-классов из «Defenders of the Faith», «Manual of the Planes», «Masters of the Wild», «Song and Silence», «Sword and Fist», «Tome and Blood».


  • Epic Level Handbook в каталоге RPG.net
  • Материалы из «Epic Level Handbook» в SRD v.3.5: базовые определения и классы, эпические скиллы, эпические фиты, эпические заклинания и псионические силы, эпические магические предметы, эпические монстры.
  • Сетевое дополнение

Справочник эпического уровня

Epic level hndbk v3 cover.jpg Epic Level Handbook для DD v3.
Автор Энди Коллинз и Брюс Р. Корделл
Жанр Ролевая игра
Издатель Wizards of the Побережье
Дата публикации 2001
Тип носителя Печать (Переплет )
Страницы 320
ISBN 0-7869-2658 -9

Справочник эпического уровня — это свод правил от Wizards of the Coast для Dungeons Dragons. Книга была опубликована в 2001 году и содержит необязательные правила игры для игры персонажами, которые достигли более высокого уровня опыта, чем предусмотрено стандартными правилами. В книге это называется игрой на «эпическом уровне».


  • 1 Содержание
  • 2 История публикаций
  • 3 Прием
  • 4 Ссылки


Справочник уровня Epic содержит правила для символов и достичь уровней выше 20, самого высокого уровня, охватываемого правилами Руководства игрока и Руководства мастера подземелий, основных сводов правил игры. Он предоставляет информацию о прогрессе на эпическом уровне для всех основных классов, престиж-классов из Руководства мастера подземелий и псионических классов из Псионики. Справочник. Он также предоставляет новые престиж-классы эпического уровня, магические предметы, различные правила, монстров и «эпические заклинания», все из которых подчиняются несколько иным правилам, чем стандартная игра. Варианты правил для этой книги содержатся на страницах 110–111, включая открытые рулоны; Смерть от массивного урона (также изменится новым умением); Расширенная «Дверь смерти» (добавляет уровень вашего персонажа * -1 к вашему Умирающему HP, когда он выше 20 уровня); Сопротивление заклинаниям для остановки времени; Рейтинги испытаний NPC (исправлено для эпических уровней); Epic Luck (1 переброс броска в день); И все правила варианта Three Deaths And You Out содержатся.

История публикаций

Справочник эпического уровня был разработан Энди Коллинзом и Брюсом Р. Корделлом и опубликован в 2001 году. Обложка Арни Свекель, интерьерные работы Дарена Бадера, Бром, Брайан Деспейн, Ларри Диксон, Майкл Даттон, Джефф Исли, Ларс Грант-Уэст, Ребекка Гуай, Джереми Джарвис, Элтон Лоусон, Тодд Локвуд, Дэвид Мартин, Рэйвен Мимура, Мэтью Митчелл, Винод Рэмс, Уэйн Рейнольдс, Даррелл Рич, Ричард Сардинья, Марк Сассо, Марк Смайли, Арни Свекел и Энтони Уотерс.

Коллинз был первым дизайнером, назначенным для книги, и отвечал за основные правила, в то время как Корделл работал над эпосом. колдовство и эпические монстры.

Книга была обновлена ​​для версии 3.5 с помощью документа обновления, доступного на веб-сайте Wizards of the Coast.

4-е издание рассматривает это в альтернативной манере с непрерывным повышением уровня 1-30. WotC освещал эту тему на своей конференции 2009 года. (нужны подробности)


Рецензент из Пирамида прокомментировал, что до «Руководства по эпическим уровням» третье издание не позволяло легко играть могущественными персонажами, особенно по сравнению с предыдущими выпусками. Другой рецензент прокомментировал, что в книге «рассматривается, как поддерживать работу системы Dungeons Dragons после 20-го уровня. Из-за природы системы многие соглашения системы, такие как соглашения о сохранении и бонусе атаки, также не работают, если экстраполировать их на прошлое. 20-й уровень ».

Джеймс Фолпел с сайта mania.com прокомментировал:« Справочник по эпическим уровням — знаковая книга от Wizards of the Coast, не только помогает мастерам подземелий запускать игры высокого уровня, но и побуждает умных игроков к этому [ sic ] безграничное величие. «


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