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Thank you for your favor with our products.
We are dedicated to providing high performance and high stability radio communication products. This two-way
radio is no exception. The radio is a DMR dual-slot digital walkie-talkie developed and produced by my team with
3000 memory channels, full-color LCD display and full keyboard hand-tuning function. In order to make you fully
understand the various advantages of the radio performance and use and maintenance methods, please read
this manual carefully.
Main Features
Broadband walkie talkie
Support UV double segment, frequency range UHF400.000-480.000MHz / VHF136.000-174.000MHz
DMO True2-Slot dual time slot
Direct mode dual-slot communication achieves two groups of calls at a frequency point at the same time, so
that the communication efficiency is doubled and frequency resources are saved
Digital and analog compatible, smooth over
Support DMR digital and analog two communication modes to ensure that the original analog products
smooth transition to digital products to meet different communication needs
Digital signaling function
Rich calling modes that support DMR protocol, including single call, group call and all call; supports remote
inhibit function and other applications
SMS function
Supports SMS, text editing and draft in 64 characters in Chinese and English, so that text messages calls can
be sent when voice call is inconvenient
High sound quality
This digital two-way radio uses advanced AMBE +2TM voice processing technology to achieve high quality
Manual writing-frequency
Supports channel / frequency mode, allows manual writing-frequency in frequency mode, and
writing-frequency software can be used to set the required frequency without connecting the computer
High/low power switch
Meets the power requirements of different call distances to save more energy
To users:
Summary of Contents for Baofeng DM-1701
Сопутствующие Товары
Черный (Baofeng UV-5R)
Зеленый (Baofeng UV-5R)+200.00 р.
Красный (Baofeng UV-5R)+200.00 р.
Синий (Baofeng UV-5R)+200.00 р.
Желтый (Baofeng UV-5R)+200.00 р.
Дополнительно хочу:
Запрограммировать LPD/PMR каналы (бесплатно)
1699.00 р.
Черный (Baofeng UV-82)
Зеленый (Baofeng UV-82)+200.00 р.
Синий (Baofeng UV-82)+200.00 р.
Дополнительно хочу:
Запрограммировать LPD/PMR каналы (бесплатно)
1799.00 р.
Чёрный (Baofeng BF-888S)
Красный (Baofeng BF-888S)
Желтый (Baofeng BF-888S)
Синий (Baofeng BF-888S)
Дополнительно хочу:
Запрограммировать LPD/PMR каналы (бесплатно)
1850.00 р. 850.00 р.
Дополнительно хочу:
Запрограммировать LPD/PMR каналы (бесплатно)
1990.00 р.
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- How to Program Baofeng DM-1701 DMR (Updated: 2021 May)
Dm 1701 инструкция на русском языке
Baofeng DM-1701 – компактная радиостанция с 2 режимами связи. Помимо стандартной аналоговой связи, рация поддерживает цифровой режим, благодаря которому вы сможете разговаривать со своим собеседником так же, как по телефону. В цифровом режиме звук передается без характерного шипения и не искажается при слабом сигнале. Устройство способно сохранить до 3000 каналов в буквенном значении. Благодаря аккумулятору емкостью 2000 мАч, вы сможете пользоваться рацией до 15,5 часов без подзарядки.
Благодаря новому чипу RDA RDA1846S RF IC, рация устраняет из эфира шум и треск, обеспечивает качественный звук и при этом экономит заряд аккумулятора.
Радиостанция поддерживает 2 режима работы — аналоговый и цифровой. В отличие от аналоговой связи, где вы можете либо говорить, либо слушать собеседника, в цифровом режиме настроена двусторонняя связь. Благодаря этому, вы сможете разговаривать по рации так же, как по обычному телефону.
Радиостанция работает в двух диапазонах, что позволяет оптимально использовать устройство в городской среде, в лесу или на открытой местности.
Рация способна сохранить до 3000 каналов. Каналы запоминаются в буквенном значении, что значительно упростит навигацию.
Гарнитура в комплекте
Вам не придётся каждый раз доставать рацию из кармана или снимать с пояса, чтобы ответить на входящий вызов. В комплект входит удобная гарнитура, которая позволяет полностью освободить руки при разговоре.
Аккумулятор емкостью 2000 мАч позволит вам пользоваться устройством в течение 15,5 часов.
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BAOFENG DM-1701 — двухдиапазонный цифровой портативный трансивер с поддержкой DMR Tier 2, цифровым скрамблером (стандарт AMBE+2) и встроенным FM-приемником.
Поддержка ETSI DMR Tier II обеспечивает возможность работы с аналоговыми и цифровыми репитерами, а также с DMR-радиостанциями Motorola.
К основным преимуществам рации относятся: независимая работа двух каналов, возможность удаленного управления, пользовательская БД и крупный цветной ЖК-дисплей.
- 3000 каналов
- Пользовательская БД на 120 кб
- Режим «беспорядочного мониторинга» — контроль активности группы абонентов во всем тайм-слоте (помимо традиционных способов сканирования)
- Яркий цветной ЖК-дисплей размером 1.4″x1.1″
- Удаленное управление: обнаружение, блокирование/активация
- Работа с sms-сообщениями
- Функция «Одинокий работник»
- Улучшенное шумоподавление (новый чип RDA1846S)
- Возможность «гибкой» настройки средствами самой радиостанции
Инструкция для BAOFENG DM-1701 будет доступна на нашем сайте в ближайшее время.
Софт для программирования BAOFENG DM-1701 * .
* — контроллер интерфейса (чип UART) находится в самом трансивере, соответственно для программирования рации типовой программатор не подходит. Используйте штатный программатор Baofeng, предназначенный для прошивки цифровых радиостанций DM-1701, DM-1801 и DM-5R+.
141KØF3E (полоса 20 kHz)
16KØF3E (полоса 25 kHz)
Цифр.: 4FSK (7K60FXD/7K60FXE)
Baofeng 1701 dmr программирование
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How to Program Baofeng DM-1701 DMR (Updated: 2021 May)
The Baofeng DM-1701 radio is a dual-band VHF and UHF radio with both, digital DMR (true Tier I and II) as well as analog FM capabilities. There is a NEW VERSION created by the cooperation with Baofeng and Radioddity releasing. It’s featured with many new features such as 120,000 contacts import, digital monitor, talkgroup adding by keypad, and so on. DM-1701 offers a total of 3,000 channels (Analog and Digital), up to 10,000 manually addable contacts, and you can operate various functions through the radio panel. This article aims to provide methods of how to upgrade firmware, how to import the DMR ID database, and how to program it once you get it, etc. Special thanks to our first customer Klaus (DG5EAU) who offered help on this.
What you need to do.
1. Get a DM-1701 digital radio
2. Get a programming cable for DM-1701 (Cable included if your radio comes from Radioddity)
3. Download DM-1701’s latest firmware & software from Radioddity website
Note: Please make sure you get the right cable before programming. The USB programming cable has the typical USB Type-A plug on one side (to plug into the proper USB-port of a PC) and a two-pin «K-1» connector to plug into the DM-1701 radio. In order to not mix up the cable with cables of other radios, it is a good idea to place some permanent sticker onto the cable.
How to Upgrade Firmware of DM-1701
Step 1. Install and run the firmware upgrade software «DMR Firmware Download (User English) Setup v3.06» (or other versions).
Step 2. Connect the radio to the computer with the programming cable, press and hold PTT + SK1 when turning on the radio, the radio will go into upgrade mode and the Rx/Tx signal light will flash green and red.
Step 3. Click «Open file upgrade» and select the firmware file DM-1701(CSV)-V02.02.bin (or other versions), then click «Download file of upgrade».
Step 4. After it shows «Download upgrade file successful», reboot the radio and the upgrade is finished.
When upgrading the firmware, please make sure the battery is with power.
This firmware is specific to this model (NEW VERSION created by the cooperation with Baofeng and Radioddity) only. Loading a DM-1701 firmware to a different model radio will not add extra features to that radio but quite likely make it unusable.
How to Import DMR ID database to your DM-1701
You can choose to download the full DMR ID database according to your needs. With its current 120k+ entries, the list contains almost all amateur radio DMR ID numbers in the world. You can find the DMR database at various sites, such as https://ham-digital.org/status/
Make sure that your CSV-file looks similar to the following picture.
If you have double-checked the format of your CSV file you may then import it to your CPS.
If you want to finish the import quicker, please select the CSV-file provided by Radioddity directly.
Step 1. Run the programming software, select the following option. (Program – Write Contacts)
Step 2. Click «Import» on the pop-up, select the provided CSV file from your PC.
Step 3. After import success, connect the radio to your PC with a cable, turn on the radio and click «Write». The screen of radio would display «PC Program USB Mode», the green light would keep on till finish writing (due to the size of the database, loading data may take more than 5 minutes). After the success of writing, restart your radio with 100k contacts data!
Step 4. Confirm the import.
Check it on the radio by press MENU – Contacts – ViewContactsCSVList – ContactCSVist
How to Export DMR Database from CPS to PC
You may even create a CSV file of the DMR database you just read from your DM-1701 using this last option of the ‘Read/Write contacts” menu.
Step 1. Click on «Program» -> «Read/Write contacts»
Step 2. Select «export» within the popup window
Note: Bear in mind that you need to read the DMR database from the DM-1701 radio to the CPS before using the export functionality.
How to Program DM-1701 by PC
Before programming your radio, connect your DM-1701 to a PC, run the programming software read the current information from the radio to your PC to create an initial CPS template, and at the same time back up the factory data for future use.
Step 1. Click on «Program» -> «Read Data» to read the current information from your radio.
Step 2. Click «Edit» -> «General Setting» to edit functions like Alert Tone, Lone Worker, Power On Password, Talkaround, etc.
Note: If you set a PC programming password, you must remember this password. If you forget it, there will be no way to retrieve it.
Step 3. Click «Edit» -> «Menu Item» to check various functions. Those menu functions checked will later be displayed in the various menus of the DM-1701 radio. Those not checked will not be displayed and not become accessible on the radio.
Step 4. Click «Edit» -> «Button Definitions» to edit Radio Buttons, One-touch Access and Number Key Quick Contact Access.
Step 5. Click «Edit» -> «Text Message» to edit the quick text messages that you use frequently.
Step 6. Click «Edit» -> «Privacy Setting» to set digital encryption password. The person you are talking to can only hear your voice by setting the same encryption password as you, avoiding other people hearing your call.
Step 7. Click «Edit» -> «Digital Emergency System» to set the emergency system including system name, alarm type, alarm mode, etc.
Step 8. Click «Edit» -> «DTMF Signaling» to apply settings if DM-1701 is used in a system that makes use of DMTF-signaling
Step 9. Click «Edit» -> «VFO Mode» to set various parameters.
As for how to prepare for DMR operation and more details of the programming guide mentioned above, please download the Baofeng DM-1701 programming guide created by Radioddity from the support page or just CLICK HERE to download the V1.0 version.
Power-on Password Required
If your DM-1701 radio suddently required a power-on password while he did not (remember) try to set any password for the radio, try the following solution.
If the default password set by the Programming Software (CPS) «»00000000″» does not work, the situation can be reversed, but it is going to take a few steps.
1). Using Windows File Manager, open the folder that the DM-1701 CPS is started from. The default location is C:\BAOFENG\CPS DM-1701 V1.0x, where x is the last digit of the Version. Located in this directory, you will find a file named «»setting»».
2). Open this file using Notepad (Right-Click on the File and Choose Open With, then Choose Notepad from the Application choices offered) .
3). Locate the Line that has «»password=0″». Change this to «»password=password»» & save the change. Save the edited file using the Save option, not the Save As option [See screen capture attached for setting file contents].
4). Then open the CPS (If already opened before editing the setting file, close the CPS and open it again for the CPS to recognize the change in the setting file)
5). Write a Blank data file (codeplug) to the radio. This is generated with the New option from the File menu of the program software. It will contain the change in the setting file.
6). Once that is done, choose Read from the Program tab in the CPS to retrieve the modified codeplug.
7). Edit the data for the correct values — Password(s), Radio Name, etc. Items to pay attention to will be the Password and Lock in the Menu Item options & Power On Password in the General Setting options.
8). Write the corrected codeplug to the radio.
For more questions and answers, be free to browse our HELP CENTER, or CLICK HERE to contact us to get a solution.