Diagbox инструкция как с ней работать

Ахтунг! Со временем ссылка стала неактивна — товар боле недоступен, но как вы понимаете есть масса идентичных товаров на том же сайте. Поэтому статью удалять не стал.

Итак я получил и настроил китайский кабель диагностики и спешу поделиться с вами впечатлениями а главное пояснениями как установить и подключить эту зверугу не обладая подобным опытом.
Я пишу только касательно этого лота, будьте внимательны. Я не продавец и не спец, я всего лишь помогаю вам упростить начало использования тем что переведу и немного поясню описание лота.

Все манипуляции с железом и автомобилем на ваш страх и риск, разумеется.

Кабель поставляется в нескольких вариантах. Лучше конечно то что лучше. У меня Lite версия она позволила мне обнаружить нерабочий сенсор ABS больше мне от нее пока не нужно, будет нужно я куплю версию пожирнее. Кроме того она видит и многие другие блоки автомобиля, мне некогда углубляться в изучение этой темы.

Описание лота где я купил шнурок в конце статьи.

Для диагностики продавец предложит диски с софтом и драйверами. Я установил только диагбокс ( Diagbox)
Если вы тоже чайник и у вас авто 2005 года и старше, то этого должно хватить.

Рассмотрим установку поближе.

Для этой программы рекомендуется ОС Windows 7 32-bit. С другими корректная работа не гарантируется.
Для Лексии и PP2000 только Windows XP.
Нельзя инсталлировать в одной системе Diagbox вместе с Lexia или PP2000.

Продавец пишет что с виртуальными образами ОС его кабели не работают (будут проблемы с USB). Не проверял.
Пишет он это потому что эти программы старые и стало модно качать и запускать их из виртуальных ОС, так что бывают уже готовые сборки Виртуалка+диагбокс или лексия.

Для программного обеспечения требуется как минимум Intel Celeron/Pentium III 400 МГц, 128 Мб оперативной памяти и 50 Мб свободного жесткого диска (хотя могу вообразить как оно будет тупить на такой сборке).
и порт USB 1,1 (рекомендуется USB 2,0) В USB 3.* можете даже не пробовать.

Я скачал и поставил 32-битную семерку.
Ее можно взять в открытом доступе по ссылочке на Google Drive.

Для тех кто захочет ставить Лексию или PP2000 и ему понадобится XP для вас я тоже нашел ссылочку для скачивания на Google Drive.

Из полученного файла-образа .iso седьмой windows легко создать загрузочную флешку чтобы с нее установить систему на ноутбук.
Для этого есть разные утилиты но я предпочел простую официальную утилиту Windows7-USB-DVD-tool которую можно взять здесь.

Запускаем эту утилиту, выбираем файл образа, указываем где смонтирована наша флешка и вперед.
Флешку перед этим желательно отформатировать (все данные удалятся).

Я нашел старую флешку, с помощью этой утилиты сделал из нее загрузочный образ Windows 7 и установил систему на нотбук. Для этого в BIOS есть соотв. меню настроек где можно указать откуда компьютер должен пытаться загрузиться — с жесткого диска, СД или флешки, может по сети — по разному, зависит от компьютера и выходит за рамки нашей сегодняшней темы. Если что спрашивайте у Гугла, он многое знает.

Загружаемся с флешки и устанавливаем систему не забыв выбрать 32-битный вариант.

Итак, система установлена. Лучше не спешить с установкой всевозможного софта и установить лишь то что нужно для комфортной работы с Diagbox.
Это драйверы чипсета и видеодрайверы, программу для снятия скриншотов (например LightShot) остальное пока ни к чему. Особенно нам не нужны файрволы и антивирусы.

Установка программы диагностики
Программу Diagbox и драйвер к шнурку найдете на CD или можете скачать копию здесь с Яндекс Диска. (1,57Гб)

1. Отключаем ноутбук от интернета и выключаем модуль WI-Fi. Недопустимо соединение программы с сетью.

2. Выключаем и выгружаем все антивирусы, файрволы и брандмауеры, закрываем все запущенные программы.

3. Запускаем на ноутбуке установку программы Diagbox. Если что смотрим прилагаемую вместе с поставкой видеоинструкцию на CD (лежит в корне первого диска) или качаем здесь.

У нас теперь имеется готовая версия Diagbox 7.02

Теперь делаем резервную копию важного файла который лежит по адресу C:>AWRoot>bin>fi>APPDIAG.SYS
Скопируем его куда-нибудь на рабочий стол.

Установим обновление запустив программу обновления DiagBox Update V7.01 to V7.57 из папки setup 2
Запускаем файл. Отказываемся от приглашения перезагрузить компьютер, выходим из программы и находим наш резервный файлик APPDIAG.SYS — возвращаем его на место в системную папку, с перезаписью.
Снова запускаем Diagbox и он начинает инсталлировать обновление. Дожидаемся окончания установки и снова выходим из программы.

Теперь у нас есть версия программы 7.57
Дальше можно последовательно поочередно установить следующие обновления вплоть до 7.83 для этого перед каждым обновлением снова проделываем резервное копирование файла C:>AWRoot>bin>fi>APPDIAG.SYS из системной папки и возврат его на место после обновления.

Но, все последующие обновления устанавливать необязательно. Версия V7.57 нормальная, стабильная и подходит для большинства задач.

Установка драйвера кабеля, об этом на видео у продавца не сказано и я потратил время чтобы додуматься.
После всех вышеуказанных действий у вас на рабочем столе появится ярлык Diagbox Driver, подключаем кабель к USB и запускаем этот ярлык. Программа установит драйвер шнурка.

Перезагружаем компьютер, бежим вприпрыжку к машине и диагностируем.
Подключайте, выбирайте марку, модель.
У меня программа автоматически определила модель и VIN, но не помешает проверить правильно ли.
Не забывайте чтобы ни программа ни кабель не встречались с подключением к Интернету.
Охота погуглить коды ошибок? Используйте телефон, другой ноутбук, делайте скриншоты.

Где я купил кабель?
Заходите по ссылке товара сюда и выбирайте свой вариант фулл или лайт, какой больше подходит.

Ахтунг! Со временем ссылка стала неактивна — товар боле недоступен, но как вы понимаете есть масса идентичных товаров на том же сайте. Поэтому статью удалять не стал.

Успехов в труде и счастья в личной жизни. Мир.

Зачем я все это написал?
Потому что сам искал информацию а повсюду то ссылки битые то кричащий заголовок, а в тексте: «Инфы в сети полно не буду повторяться» .
Человек, запомни — Интернет это система ссылок с одной страницы на другую — если указанной информации в сети достаточно, так будь любезен поделись проверенными ссылками. На этом все.

DiagBox 7.83 — это программное обеспечение, разработанное для диагностики автомобилей марки Peugeot и Citroen. Оно предоставляет пользователю возможность проводить множество различных проверок автомобиля, включая диагностику двигателя, трансмиссии, подвески и электронных систем.

Установка программы

Перед установкой DiagBox 7.83 на компьютер, необходимо убедиться, что системные требования программы соответствуют параметрам вашего компьютера. Кроме того, требуется иметь кабель для подключения к автомобилю.

После проверки совместимости компьютера с DiagBox 7.83, загрузите установочный файл программы с официального сайта разработчика. Запустите установку и следуйте инструкциям на экране для завершения установки.

Подключение к автомобилю

Для выполнения диагностики автомобиля с помощью DiagBox 7.83, необходимо подключить кабель к автомобилю. Откройте крышку диагностического разъема в автомобиле и подключите кабель к разъему.

Запуск программы

Запустите DiagBox 7.83 на вашем компьютере. После запуска программы выберите марку автомобиля, который необходимо протестировать. Затем выберите модель вашего автомобиля и год выпуска.

Выполнение диагностики

После выбора марки, модели и года автомобиля, DiagBox 7.83 покажет список всех доступных для проверки систем автомобиля. Вы можете выбрать одну из них или проверить все системы сразу.

После выбора системы, DiagBox 7.83 начнет выполнять диагностику. Программа отобразит любые ошибки или неисправности, которые могут быть обнаружены в выбранной системе. При обнаружении ошибки вы получите соответствующее уведомление, а также предложение по ее устранению.


DiagBox 7.83 — это отличное программное обеспечение для диагностики автомобилей марки Peugeot и Citroen. Оно обладает широкими возможностями для проверки и обнаружения неисправностей во всех системах автомобиля. Следуя приведенным выше инструкциям, вы сможете легко установить программу и провести полную диагностику вашего автомобиля.

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General User GUide

This General User Guide offers a comprehensive guide to all the functions included in the DiagBox diagnostic tool. This User Guide is valid regardless

of the brand selected: Peugeot or Citroën. It is recommended that you read this Guide carefully before using the software.

C o n t e n t s

installation and start-up 2description of the MMi 3The Supervisor 3– The menu bar 3– The retractable sidebar 4– The tab bar 5The Portal 7Operations 9Customer Delivery 9Repairs 9Search for Faults 10Maintenance 10diagnostic modes 10Guided Diagnostic mode 10– Navigation phase 10– Choice of item (Procedure) 11– Executing the procedure 13Expert diagnostic mode 14– Global Test 14– Computer Menu 15– FL (Fault Log) 15– Parameter Measurements and Graphic Parameter Measurements 16additional tabs 18Documentation 18Measurements 18Reports 20Keyboard shortcuts 21in the event of a problem 22

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installatiOn and start-Up

The DiagBox software is compatible with equipment sold by ACTIA and SPX as of 2007 and those sold by PSA as of 2009.

DiagBox therefore only works with approved PPS, Lexia3 and Proxia3 tools sold from 2007 onwards.

• If you already have one of these tools, DiagBox can be installed using the installation CD-ROM provided by your country/subsidiary.

• If you are ordering a new tool, the software will be preloaded.

DiagBox is started by clicking on the DiagBox icon on the desktop.

When starting DiagBox for the first time, the tool will ask you to activate your account. To do this, connect to the Internet and enter your activation code.

note: The activation code is the RRDI code provided by the sales outlet. For further information, please refer to the installation Manual.

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descriptiOn OF the MMi

The software consists of a zone that is permanently available while you use the software (at the top of the screen). This is called the supervisor.

The second layer of the software changes depending on how the program is used and the operations selected.

the sUpervisOr

The Supervisor includes three elements. The first two (the menu bar at the top and retractable sidebar) can be accessed regardless of the type of screen:

Menu bar Retractable sidebar Tab bar


2 3

the menu bar

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 97 10

Brand Brand logo

Information banner

A clickable information banner with a drop-down display zone showing information for users. The message changes colour depending on the nature of the information (red = very important; yellow = important; and green = for information purposes). The information banner also provides access to user manuals for certain functions within the tool.

Download Updates button

The Download Updates button allows you to download product updates. The Download Updates button may be accessed when the tool is activated and an Internet connection is available. click on the button or press F10 to search for the updates available for your tool. If an update is available, the button icon will be blue and will change to green when the download has been successfully completed, or red if this has failed.

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Authentication button

A PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN authentication indicator for the manufacturer’s information systems (DXXXXXX). If the PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN authentication details are entered and valid the button will be bright green, if not it will be greyed out.click on this button or press F11 to access authentication.When the button is clicked, a pop-up appears allowing you to authenticate yourself (PSA ID and password) or change user.Note: The pop-up may appear at any time while using the DiagBox at which point you will not be authorised to send various data to PSA servers.

Internet Connection Status button

A button indicating the connection status. This changes colour depending on the status and the availability of the Internet or Intranet connection.• Grey = the tool has not yet performed the test.• Orange = the tool is partially connected (either to the Internet only or the PSA Intranet only)• Green = the tool is connected to the Internet and the PSA Intranet.• red = the tool is not connected (to the Internet or the Intranet).click on the button or press F12 to get the status of your internet connection.

Zoom buttons These two buttons allow you to increase or reduce the size of the items displayed within the active tab (except under the Home tab).

Version indicator The version number for the software you are using.

Vehicle Communication indicator

Indicates communication with the vehicle. When the button is green, this indicates that the software is communicating with the vehicle, if not it is grey. Only one component at a time can communicate with the car.

Minimise button A button to minimise the application in the Windows taskbar without closing it.

Close button A button to close the application. A message appears asking you to confirm this request.

the retractable 2


1 sidebar

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Retractable Sidebar button

To display or hide the retractable sidebar at the left of your screen, simply click on the button or press the F1 key .Note: By default, the sidebar is hidden.

Vehicle information

The banner above the fields displays all the information relating to the vehicle (trade name, VIN, DAM or OPR). The banner is populated as the software is used.

Tree structure information

The information panel located to the right contains an expert tree structure allowing you to navigate through the different menus in this mode. The text can be clicked to access the selected menu.

Global Test The Global test button displays a summary of the status of the vehicle components during the Global Test performed in the session. If a Global Test has not been performed the button is greyed out.

Fault Log The Fault log button presents a summary of the faults found on the vehicle. The button is greyed out if the function is not accessible.

Print Screen The print screen button allows you to save an image of the screen in use, which can be attached to the report for the current session, under the reports tab. If there is no vehicle session in progress, the tool will indicate where to find the Print Screen button.

Configuration The configuration button allows you to configure the tool (activation, languages, Internet access, etc.). This menu can only be clicked on when there is no vehicle session in progress.

Help The help button provides access to the General User Guide.

Assistance The assistance button allows you to send a request for assistance (EmailDiag) or launch the Webex application for remote support. It is possible to send additional information and consult the assistance file log.Notes: You can also access EmailDiag via the EmailDiag shortcut on the desktop.• When requesting assistance, you can send all the reports and logs associated with the current session.

Close The Close button allows you to quit the application and close the tool. A message appears asking you to confirm this request.

the tab bar

The tab bar makes it possible to navigate through the different functions within the software. The available tabs are displayed depending on the operation selected and the activation profile. Below is an example of the tabs available after choosing the vehicle and the search for Faults operation.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Home tab

The Home tab allows you to choose the vehicle and access the Operations menu. in the Operations screen, if the search for Faults menu is selected, the diagnostic and expert tabs are available.

Press the F2 key to access this directly.

Diagnostic tab The diagnostic tab allows you to proceed to the first stages of the diagnostic process. Important: The Diagnostic tab is only accessible if the Internet Connection button (@) is green.

If the tab is available you can access it by pressing the F3 key.

Expert tab

The expert tab allows you to perform repair operations and access the content of computers (parameter measurements, TA, downloads, etc.). The Expert tab is always available.

If the tab is available you can also press the F4 key to access it directly.

Documentation tab

The documentation tab provides access to the diagnostic documentation and the PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN documentation sites (e.g: Citroën Service/Service Box, etc.). The documentation tab also allows you to access all documents opened via DiagBox.

If the tab is available you can also press the F5 key to access it directly.

Measurements tab

The Measurements tab allows you to access operations for physical measurements (oscilloscope, multimeter, etc.). This tab is always accessible.

If the tab is available you can also press the F6 key to access it directly.

Reports tab The reports tab allows you to access the current session and previous sessions (operations reports, parameter measurements reports, navigation reports, etc.).

If the tab is available you can also press the F7 key to access it directly.

note: The other tabs available depending on the operation selected are:

Delivery tab Prepare a new vehicle or perform upgrading operations.

Maintenance tab Perform maintenance operations on the vehicle.

Repair tab Perform remote operations for encoding, purging, pairing, etc. as part of an intervention on a vehicle.

These tabs replace the Diagnostic and Expert tabs within the Search for Faults operation.

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the pOrtal

The first screen allows you to select the vehicle model.

If necessary, a second screen will ask you to specify the variant of the vehicle chosen.

Once the vehicle has been chosen, a first connection is established between the tool and the vehicle. Information relating to the vehicle, such as the VIN and the mileage, are recovered.

If the automatic recovery of the VIN could not be performed, a screen will ask the user to provide this information manually.

DiagBox is the software you will use regardless of the type of vehicle requiring diagnostics. If the vehicle is old and has not been incorporated into the new software, you can launch the old software (PP2000 or Lexia) from the DiagBox portal.

The software will then give you a choice of operations to be performed on the vehicle.





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Customer Delivery operation

Menu allowing a new vehicle to be prepared or upgrading operations to be performed.

Repair operation Menu for performing remote encoding, purging and pairing operations as part of an intervention on a vehicle.

Search for Faults operation

Menu allowing you to diagnose a fault and repair the fault found.

Maintenance operation

Menu allowing you to perform maintenance operations on the vehicle.

The example provided in the User Manual below describes what occurs when the search for Faults operation is selected.

Once the search for Faults operation has been chosen, a Global Test is automatically launched and two tabs become available: the Diagnostic and Expert tabs.

note: During the Global Test, an Internet connection and authentication test is performed. The availability of the Diagnostic tab depends on the results of these tests.

By default, the application then suggests starting in diagnostic mode in accordance with the recommendations included in the diagnostic process. However, you can navigate through the different tabs at any time, including expert mode.

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cUstOMer delivery

This menu allows the user to access the following three functions:- New Vehicle Preparation.- Upgrade.- Measure Battery Charge Status.- Operations carried out in the upgrade menu enable the vehicle configuration to be updated in the manufacturer’s central systems (change of set of tyres, activation/deactivation of the tyre pressure monitor function…).

repairsSelecting this menu will launch a Global Test (without fault reading), the result of which will be displayed for the user.

Selecting a computer from the list displayed will provide access to a Repair Pack, which will include, depending on the possibilities offered by the computer, the following functions and menus:Repair PackThis menu includes the different repair operations available for the computer and their actuators. These include purging, part replacement, programming, etc.Remote EncodingIf there is an active Internet connection, the Automatic Remote Encoding function will be launched. This can also be completed manually.If there is no active Internet connection, the Manual Remote Encoding function will be launched.DownloadIf there is an active Internet connection, the Internet Download function will be launched.If there is no active Internet connection, it will not be possible to download computers and the following message will be displayed: «You must be connected to the Internet to access the download function».note: These operations are also available from the Expert mode.

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search FOr FaUlts

This menu allows the user to resolve a fault via the Guided Diagnostic mode or the Expert mode. These two modes will be available under two different tabs and Diagnostic mode can only be accessed if there is an active Internet connection.


This menu allows the user to access the following three functions:- Inspection.- Maintenance.- Measure Battery Charge Status.

diaGnOstic MOdes

When the user chooses the search for Faults operation, two diagnostic modes are proposed. These two modes are described in more detail below.

GUided diaGnOstic MOde

— navigation phase

After the Global Test, if you have provided authentication and are connected to the Internet, you will be automatically directed to the diagnostic tab, which includes the Guided Diagnostic operation. To access the diagnostic methods you first of all need to choose a domain, then one (or several) sub-domain(s) and finally a customer complaint.

General remark: in some screens, icons giving access to the documentation are present. Below are the two types of icons:



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Navigation Documentation icon

This icon is a link to on-line documentation (present on CS/SB sites) relating to the corresponding navigation category.

Contextualised Documentation icon

This icon allows you to access all documentation relating to the current vehicle session.

— choice of item (procedure)

The diagnostic step consists of four stages to be performed, preferably, according to the order specified:- pre-diagnostic: This stage allows you to ascertain the nature of the problem and reminds you of the basics to be performed before a more advanced diagnostic. — straight to the point: This allows you quick access to a solution if the problem is already known and may be applied to your vehicle.- procedures by Fault code: This allows you to execute the tests to be performed to diagnose a malfunction based on one or more fault codes present on the vehicle.- procedures by symptom: This tool allows you to execute the tests to be performed in a specific order to diagnose the customer complaint.

nOte: Not all of the above stages have a corresponding procedure.

— description of screen navigation options:









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Process reminder

This is an indicator advising you of your status within the process. The stages in blue correspond to the stages in progress or completed.

Fault List Clicking on Fault list displays the faults present and identified on the vehicle. You can access the list of faults by clicking here.

Session Summary

Provides access to a session summary: a summary document containing the status of the session in real-time (vehicle information, procedures executed, list of faults present…). The Session Summary is also displayed systematically at the end of each session.

Procedure Status Clicking on the procedure status icon displays a table summarising the list of tests performed, your current position within the procedure and the list of remaining tests. Each test performed has a status (e.g: fault identified, rejected, etc.).

Coloured balls These represent the diagnostic stages. The figure inside the ball indicates the number of diagnostic items to be executed during each stage. Clicking on one of the coloured balls allows you to access the corresponding part (Pre-diag/Straight to the Point/Procedure by Fault Code/Procedure by Symptom).

Diagnostic stages

Diagnostic stages: Pre-diagnostic, Straight to the Point, Procedure by Fault Code, Procedure by Symptom. The stage does not appear if none of the diagnostic items concern the current diagnostic session.

Diagnostic items A diagnostic item is a route proposed for the resolution of the customer complaint. It is filtered based on the customer complaint, the vehicle diagnosed and the fault codes present on the vehicle. Double click on the diagnostic item to select and access the corresponding tests.

Confirmation zone

The blue box is for confirming your choice. It also allows you to provide additional information.Click on the green tick to access the procedure.

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— executing the procedure

Once the diagnostic item has been chosen, you proceed to the Contextualisation stage. This screen provides information on the conditions under which the following test(s) must be performed (e.g. with engine running).Having followed the instructions and confirmed the screen, the test screens can be accessed. The buttons in the confirmation zone are used to progress through the procedure.

nOte: Progression through the procedure may be voluntarily interrupted at any time (in particular by clicking on one of the Back buttons or one of the coloured balls).

notes:Several types of instructions can be found on the test screen (standard messages, notes, information, obligatory messages). You can also find images, technical features, links to documentation (diagrams, etc.). During a diagnostic procedure, tools such as Read faults, Parameter Measurements, Actuator Tests and Remote Encoding may be used.

Contextualised Documentation icon

This icon allows you to access all documentation relating to the current vehicle session.

«Standard Instruction» icon

This icon shows a standard instruction message.

Note icon This icon warns the user or calls their attention to a specific point.

Warning icon This icon is followed by a Warning instruction.

Critical icon This icon is followed by a Critical instruction.

Parameter Measurement This section of the screen allows you to view the result of a parameter measurement.







Page 14: Diagbox User Manual


end of procedure

If the user follows the diagnostic right to the end without interrupting the procedure, there are two possible outcomes: — A fault is identified (merging of tool): the result of the diagnosis is displayed and the session is closed.- No fault is found: the user can select a new diagnostic item or close the session.In both cases, if the session is closed, the end of session report will be displayed.

nOte: You will eventually be asked to delete the faults.

expert diaGnOstic MOde

In Expert mode, each of the Global Test computers has Communication/Repair Computers functions (Identification, Read Faults, Parameter Measurement, Actuator test, Remote Encoding/Download, etc.).

— Global test

The Global Test is launched automatically by the portal after an operation such as search for Faults or repair is selected. This identifies the computers present in the vehicle and the corresponding faults. The Global Test is presented by function. Each computer has three levels: the computer, the faults and the contexts of the fault.For each function, a computer can be recognised. To access the computer menu, select and click on the green tick ().To access the fault properties and the context in which this appeared, click on the icon to the left of the fault.

: This icon means that there is a computer in the vehicle, not present in the BSI.




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Function/computer The name of the computer recognised appears beside the function.

Number of Faults The icon on the computer indicates the number of faults on that computer. Click on the icon to access the computer faults.

Fault Properties Provides details on the origin, status and type of fault.

Associated Variables Provides information on the context in which the fault appeared.

Access Accesses details of the selected fault.

Graphic display Access the Graphic Display for the Global Test.

Fault Log Provides access to the Fault log (FL).

Confirmation Provides access to the menu for the selected computer.

Show/Hide Details By clicking on the «+» button, the details of the fault properties will be displayed, and subsequently the associated variables. To close, click on the «-» button.

Print A document will be created when you click on the Print icon. This document includes all the information available on the current screen.

The result of the Global Test can be viewed at any time (from when it is launched for the first time), thanks to the Global Test function on the retractable sidebar (press the F1 key — see Figure 4).

— computer Menu

The Computer menu is launched by clicking on the Confirmation button in the Global Test window ( in the figure on page 14). Depending on the computer selected and the operation chosen, you will have access to more or fewer functions, such as Identification, Read and Delete Faults, Parameter Measurements, Actuator Tests and Repair Pack, among others.

— Fl (Fault log)

If the vehicle is equipped with a BSI with the Fault Log function, the function will be accessible via the Global Test under the expert tab. This log is like a report recording all the events and contexts during different tests performed within the BSI.




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You can access it from the Global Test screen by selecting the specific button at the bottom of the screen. In addition, using the sidebar, if you click on the Fault log, you will see a pop-up summarising the result of the last Fault Log read.The table lists all the events linked to the fault, i.e. when the fault appeared (red arrow) and disappeared (green arrow), as well as the conditions surrounding the event.If the number of faults is high, the list of faults will be divided into lots (Cf. buttons and to move from one lot to another).It is possible to modify the filter for the Fault Log. By default, the Fault Log is sorted in reverse chronological order. You can filter by chronological order, by the number of events per fault selected, … Appearances Indicates the conditions under which the fault appeared.

Disappearances Indicates the conditions under which the fault disappeared.

Filter pop-up The Filter pop-up enables the configuration of the filter parameters.

Filter The Filter button displays the Filter pop-up.

Previous page Clicking this will bring you back to the previous page.

Next page Clicking this will bring you to the next page.

Access You can access the details of the fault selected and its related variables by clicking on «Access».

— parameter Measurements and Graphic parameter Measurements

This function provides real-time information on the parameters relating to the computer selected.The menus for graphic parameter measurements and standard parameter measurements are available from the Expert menu.

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Computer name/sub-function

Name of the variable measured

Variable value

Variable value unit

Access to Global Test

Access to the Graphic Parameter Measurement

Allows you to go back to the previous screen.






There is also a Pause button to pause measurements.

For graphic parameter measurements, you can select different parameters from the computer.




You can access the graphic report of your measurement from the «reports» tab.

Page 18: Diagbox User Manual


additiOnal taBs


Allows you to access information and documents present on the different Peugeot and Citroën documentation sites. You can access the tab by clicking on or pressing F5. The content of this tab is structured into three sections, as shown in the figure opposite.The two upper sections list the documents or documentation sites that are available. The left section () contains the documentation corresponding to the vehicle and filtered using the vehicle’s VIN in the current session. The documents may be electrical diagrams or Intervention Files (IF).In the section on the right () there is a list of general documentation. Here you will find access to sites such as: Citroën Service/Service Box, Pocket Maintenance Guides.The lower section () provides a log of documents consulted in DiagBox. Click on one of the document links to open this document again.

note: The Documentation tab appears when the tool is opened using a single-brand profile or after choosing the brand in the case of a dual-brand profile.


The Measurement tab allows you to take physical measurements at any time within the diagnostic tool.The PPS, Lexia3 and Proxia3 measurement cards are compatible with DiagBox.





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Measurements tab Click on the tab to access the Measurement function or press F6 to access this directly.

Multimeter menu This menu includes the following functions:• Voltmeter• Ohmmeter• Ammeter

Oscilloscope menu This menu provides access to the one-way/two-way oscilloscope.

Reference Curve function

This menu provides access to the Reference Curve function (one-way/two-way) only for vehicles available in DiagBox.

Oxygen Sensor Test function

This menu provides access to the Oxygen Sensor Test function.

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By clicking on the reports tab or pressing F7 you can access the reports available in the different sessions.

Each column allows the identification of a session based on type of vehicle, VIN and date of session.Each session contains at least one Navigation Report.

You can run a search by type (): • Navigation Report• Parameter Measurements Report • Inspection Report• Preparation of New Vehicle Report• Physical Measurement Report• Accounting Operations Report• Diagnostic Report• Fault Log Report• Print Screen

A Navigation Report is created when the vehicle is identified and ends at the end of the session (when a new vehicle is selected or the DiagBox is closed). All operations performed during a session are recorded: Customer Delivery, Search for Fault (customer complaint and offending element), Maintenance, Repair.

Report tab Click on the tab to access the reports. Press F7 to access this directly.

Session Select the session.

Column header Allows you to sort the sessions by type (vehicle, VIN, by date, etc.).

Confirmation Allows you to access the reports for the session selected..

EmailDiag Allows you to access EmailDiag and attach all reports for the session selected.

Filter Allows you to search for a session according to selection criteria.

Delete Delete the selected sessions.





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You can also access the NVP reports via the reports tab.

Content of the Navigation Report.

Access to other session reports.

Access to EmailDiag. The session will be attached to the EmailDiag.

KeyBOard shOrtcUts

domain Function Shortcut key Useful navigation area Confirm/

YesEnter key

No Delete key (above Enter)

Backspace F9Supervisor Main

unitUpdates F10Authentication F11Internet connection F12Quit Escape key

Tabs Home F2Guided mode F3Expert Mode/Delivery/Maintenance/Repair


Documentation F5Measurements F6Reports F7

Zoom Zoom in Ctrl +Zoom out Ctrl —




Page 22: Diagbox User Manual


domain Function Shortcut key Sidebar Open/close sidebar F1

Global Test

Launch sidebar, use the and key to select the function and Enter to access it

FLPrint ScreenConfigurationHelpAssistanceClose

in the event OF a prOBleM

The procedure to follow in the event of a problem is to go the assistance menu on the retractable sidebar. You will then see the EmailDiag option. The Technical Support Team will respond as soon as possible. However, the problem may be resolved by simply restarting the machine.

important: You must be connected to the Internet to send the message!

See the notice on the information banner for more information on requesting assistance.

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Инструкция по работе с diagbox

Инструкция по работе с diagbox


Владельцы PP2000 Lexia и Diagbox — обмен опытом — Страница

заходим на сайт фанатов psa и качаем DIAGBOX со всеми апдейтами. время не пропало зря решил сделать этот маленький мануал. две папки из старых установок (версии 8.14) глюков в работе больше не обнаружено. Китайская копия на оригинальный дилерский диагностический сканер. / Chinese copy to the original dealer diagnostic scanner. 27 вер. 2016 — повідомлень: 7 —  9:21 Diagbox инструкция по обновлению программы — Duration: 6:49. Элементарно Ватсон 12,558 views 6:49. How to install Lexia 3 Diagbox V7.76 Part

установка и активация lexia — YouTube

Распаковка: Диагностический сканер Lexia 3/Unboxing: DiagBox

Инструкция по установке и активации PP2000, программа для Peugeot — Duration: Телекодирование параметров Peugeot Citroen DiagBox дневные Диагностический кабель покупал тут https://goo.gl/83pHI5 Аналогичный кабель у другого продавца https://goo.gl/vFPaoh Ссылка на скачивание Диагбокса PSA DiagBox V7.83 — Именнуемая также 8.19, последняя на сегодняшний день Конкретно эта сборка сделана по причине критики работы соседней сборки на Диагбокс установщик пару тройка файлов с инструкцией 2.

проблемы и решения DIAGBOX PSA — DRIVE2

Распаковка: Диагностический сканер Lexia 3/Unboxing: DiagBox

Diagbox инструкция Установка и активация PSA Dia установке и . Делимся опытом, выкладываем скрины проги, режимы работы двигателя и всё что Diagbox инструкция Установка и активация PSA Dia установке и еще одну дб7.02 обещали на работе подогнать, с этим разберусь тихонько. серийных номеров и референсах (Reference) диагностического сканера Lexia 3 для корректной работы с программных обеспечением DiagBox .


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