Descaling nespresso инструкция очистка от накипи

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Кофемашины Nespresso представляют собой удобные кофеварки, в которых используются одноразовые капсулы. Они, как правило, довольно просты в обращении, но их все равно нужно регулярно чистить. Каждый день следует чистить каплесборник, опорожнять контейнер для капсул и менять воду. Удаление накипи раз в три месяца обеспечивает более глубокую очистку и помогает поддерживать машину в рабочем состоянии.

  1. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 1


    Ежедневно очищайте каплесборник. Каждый день снимайте каплесборник с кофемашины Nespresso и промывайте его жидкостью для мытья посуды и чистой тряпкой. Если в каплесборнике образовалась накипь, не забудьте ее вычистить. Сполосните теплой водой и дайте высохнуть.[1]

    • Таким же способом почистите контейнер для капсул.
    • Без надлежащей очистки каплесборник станет рассадником бактерий и плесени.
  2. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 2


    Ежедневно мойте резервуар для воды. Пока вы будете чистить каплесборник, снимите с кофеварки резервуар для воды и крышку. Вымойте обе части мягкой жидкостью для мытья посуды, а затем сполосните их теплой водой, чтобы тщательно смыть всю пену. Если вы пользуетесь кофемашиной Nespresso не каждый день, мойте крышку и резервуар для воды через каждые несколько дней.[2]

    • Подождите, пока крышка и резервуар высохнут, и лишь потом верните их на место. Чтобы ускорить процесс, протрите их чистой тряпкой.
    • Не оставляйте воду в резервуаре для воды. Это может привести к росту плесени или бактерий.
  3. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 3


    Протрите датчик поступления капсулы мягкой тканью. Возьмите сухую мягкую тряпочку и аккуратно протрите датчик поступления капсулы. Вода и мыло вам не понадобятся, просто вытрите все пятна на датчике.[3]

    • Датчик находится внутри кофемашины. Чтобы добраться до него, извлеките деталь, которая прикреплена к каплесборнику и удерживает чашки.
  4. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 4


    Регулярно протирайте внешние детали. Почаще протирайте узел выдачи и внешнюю крышку машины (где-то несколько раз в неделю). Протрите машину чистой влажной тряпкой.[4]

    • Узел выдачи — это деталь, из которой кофе стекает в чашку. Используйте тряпку, чтобы стереть засохшие капли.
    • Протрите наружные края и внутренние стенки, где расположен держатель для капсул.
  5. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 5


    Не используйте для кофемашины Nespresso сильных чистящих средств. Никогда не чистите устройство агрессивными или абразивными средствами, а также губками. Используйте только мягкие средства без запаха и только мягкие тряпочки.[5]

    • Ни в коем случае не погружайте никакие части машины в воду или другую жидкость.


  1. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 6


    Очищайте кофемашину от накипи раз в три месяца. Машину Nespresso нужно очищать от накипи раз в три месяца. Если вы пьете много кофе, очищайте машину после каждых 300 капсул. Некоторые модели оснащены индикатором, который начинает мигать, когда приходит время удалить накипь.[6]

    • Если вы подключите кофемашину к онлайн-приложению, оно сообщит вам, когда придет время удалять накипь.
    • Марка Nespresso продает собственное средство для удаления накипи.
  2. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 7


    Подготовьте машину. Прежде чем начать, обязательно опустошите контейнер для капсул и каплесборник. Верните их на место и включите машину.

  3. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 8


    Включите режим удаления накипи. Точное положение кнопки, включающей режим удаления накипи, зависит от модели машины. Уберите палец с кнопки, когда услышите звуковой сигнал. Так вы поймете, что включили режим удаления накипи.[7]

    • Модель VertuoLine имеет одну кнопку, которую нужно удерживать нажатой около семи секунд.
    • Модели Pixie, Inissia и Citiz имеют две мигающие кнопки, которые нужно одновременно держать нажатыми в течение примерно трех секунд.
    • Что касается модели Prodigio, нужно одновременно нажать три кнопки подачи кофе и удерживать от трех до шести секунд.
  4. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 9


    Заполните резервуар раствором для удаления накипи. Вылейте в резервуар для воды одну упаковку раствора для удаления накипи Nespresso. Затем добавьте пол-литра воды. Закройте резервуар и подставьте под узел выдачи достаточно крупную емкость, чтобы она могла вместить всю жидкость из резервуара.[8]

    • Раствор для удаления накипи Nespresso можно купить через интернет.
  5. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 10


    Приготовьте собственный раствор для удаления накипи. Если вы не хотите покупать фирменный раствор для удаления накипи, попробуйте приготовить его самостоятельно. Используйте самодельный раствор так же, как и фирменный. Прежде чем лить в машину самодельный раствор, обязательно ознакомьтесь с инструкцией по эксплуатации или позвоните производителю, чтобы убедиться, что он ей не повредит.

    • Приготовьте раствор лимонной кислоты. Смешайте 1 часть лимонной кислоты с 20 частями воды. При желании лимонную кислоту можно заменить лимонным соком или уксусом. Смешайте одну из этих жидкостей с тем же количеством воды.
    • Если вы решили использовать лимонную кислоту или лимонный сок, дважды прополощите машину перед приготовлением кофе. Если вы использовали уксус, проведите пять циклов полоскания.
  6. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 11


    Начните процесс удаления накипи. Нажмите на любую мигающую кнопку, чтобы начать процесс удаления накипи с машины. Машина прогонит воду через систему и выжмет ее в емкость, установленную под узлом выдачи.[9]

    • Процесс завершится, когда из машины перестанет литься вода.
  7. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 12


    Повторите процедуру удаления накипи. Залейте воду из емкости обратно в резервуар, чтобы запустить повторный цикл удаления накипи. Снова нажмите на одну из мигающих кнопок, чтобы запустить машину. Машина повторит процедуру. По завершении процедуры машина перейдет в режим ожидания, а вода снова окажется в емкости.[10]

  8. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 13


    Вымойте все детали. Вылейте раствор, который прогнали через машину. Отсоедините резервуар для воды, каплесборник и держатель для чашек. Тщательно вымойте их теплой водой. Следите, чтобы смыть все следы раствора для удаления накипи.[11]

    • Когда детали высохнут, верните их на место.
  9. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 14


    Промойте машину. Заполните резервуар чистой водой и снова подставьте пустую емкость под узел выдачи. Нажмите на одну из мигающих кнопок, чтобы прогнать через систему чистую воду и вымыть раствор из машины. Вылейте воду.[12]

    • Снова заполните резервуар чистой водой и нажмите на одну из мигающих кнопок, чтобы повторить процедуру полоскания.
  10. Изображение с названием Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 15


    Выйдите из режима удаления накипи. После того, как вы дважды промоете машину чистой водой, процесс удаления накипи можно будет считать завершенным. Нажмите на все три кнопки, пока не услышите звуковой сигнал, оповещающий, что вы вышли из режима удаления накипи.[13]

    • Дайте машине просохнуть в течение хотя бы 10 минут, прежде чем варить кофе.


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The water used to brew your espresso or coffee pods contains minerals that cause limescale to build up inside your machine; descaling Nespresso removes those minerals. If left untreated, this can have a negative impact on the temperature and taste of your coffee as well as the machine’s water flow. Nespresso machines are not cheap, so learning how to give it a proper deep clean is essential to extending their life.

Keep reading to learn more about how to descale Nespresso machines. I have written step by step descaling instructions for every single Nespresso model, including Vertuo and Original. To begin the process, you will need a descaling solution kit like one of those we review below.

nespresso descaling solution
nespresso descaling solution

Descaling a Nespresso Machine

How Often To Descale Nespresso Machines

In addition to daily cleaning, Nespresso recommends you descale your machine every 3 months or 300 capsules, whichever comes first. If your tap has “hard water,” meaning it contains higher level of minerals, then you should clean your machine more frequently. If you are not sure about the level of minerals in your water, you can get a low-cost water testing kit.

The more premium Nespresso Original models with a built in display will have an alert that will let you know that it is time to descale your machine. The Nespresso Vertuoline has a light that will let you know that it is time to descale. On the VertuoPlus, the light will be half red and half green, though the green may look yellow to some people. On The Vertuo Next, Vertuo and Evoluo it will be an orange blinking light. To some people, this light may look yellow. You can still use your machine a few times after this warning light turns on, but it’s best to descale soon as possible.

Nespresso Vertuo Plus Half Red Half Green Descaling Light
Nespresso Vertuo Plus Half Red Half Green Descaling Light

You can still use your machine a few times after this warning light turns on, but it’s best to descale soon as possible. It takes around 15 to 20 minutes to finish the process. It cannot be stopped so be sure to start only once you have all of the supplies you need and have enough time to finish it.

Why Descaling Nespresso With Vinegar Is A Bad Idea

Nespresso warns that you should NOT descale your machine with vinegar. White vinegar contains 5-8% acetic acid. This specific type of acid can wear down metal and cause your machine to leak. As a result, using vinegar to clean your Nespresso can void the warranty on your machine.

Instead of damaging your machine by using vinegar, you can use one of these descaling kits to maintain your Nespresso machine. These kits contain safer and effective types of cleansing acids.

Nespresso Descaling Solution Reviews

Nespresso Descaling Solution

Nespresso descaling solution

This is the official descaling solution kit made by Nespresso. Nespresso strongly recommends only using this descaler. It is compatible with all Original models. This descaling solution will gently eliminate the lime scale that has built up in your machine. Each pack contains 2 kits, so you’ll get two total uses out of it.

Impresa Coffee Machine Descaler

Impresa Descaler to use when Nespresso half red half green light comes on

The Impresa descaler is a top selling coffee machine cleaner. It uses citric and sulfamic acids. Both are gentle on metal and aluminum. A pack has two bottles, each enough solution for two uses.

De’Longhi EcoDecalk Descaler

De'Longhi Descaler to use when Nespresso half red half green light comes on

The De’Longhi Descaler is another Amazon customer favorite. It is made in Italy with high quality, plant-based lactic acid. This solution can be used to solve a descaling issue with any coffee machine, including those made by Breville. A 16.90 fl oz bottle contains enough solution for up to 5 uses.

How To Descale Nespresso: Instructions For Every Model

Vertuo Next, Vertuo, Vertuo Pop or Evoluo

Nespresso Vertuo Next Orange Descaling Light
Nespresso Vertuo Next Orange Descaling Light

The Nespresso Vertuo Next, Vertuo, Vertuo Pop and Evoluo all have the same descaling instructions. You need a descaling solution before you get started.

  1. Empty the capsule container. Remove the drip tray and empty it.
  2. Add the solution and clean water to the tank, following the instructions on your solution.
  3. Close and lock the machine to turn it on. Allow it to heat up. When the light stops flashing, it has finished heating up.
  4. Open the machine head and empty any used capsule. Close it and leave the lever in unlocked position towards the front.
  5. Press and hold the button for at least 7 seconds to enter descaling mode. The button will blink rapidly when it is ready. You then have 45 seconds to start the next steps in the descaling process.
  6. Turn the lever left towards the lock symbol, then unlock by turning right. Hold the button in the unlocked position for at least 7 seconds.
  7. Place a container that is at least 34 fl oz under the coffee outlet.
  8. To start descaling, turn the lever left to lock the machine. Push the button. It will stop when the first phase is done.
  9. Empty and rinse the water tank, drip tray and cup support.
  10. Fill the water tank with fresh water. Push the button to rinse.
  11. When the light stops flashing and becomes steady, the process is done.
  12. Let it sit and dry for at least 10 minutes.

How To Descale Nespresso Vertuo Next

Vertuo Plus

Descaling Nespresso VertuoPlus
Descaling Nespresso VertuoPlus

The descale instructions for Nespresso Vertuo Plus are a bit different than other models. You need a descaling solution. If you would like to see an illustrated step by step guide for the VertuoPlus, click on the link and see pages 21-23 in the user manual.

  1. Turn the machine on by pressing the button.
  2. Eject any used capsule. Push the lever down to close.
  3. Push the lever for 3 seconds to turn off the coffee maker. Empty the cup support and capsule container.
  4. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  5. Start descaling by pushing the button and lever down at the same time for 3 seconds. An orange light will turn on.
  6. Press the lever down one time in the next 2 minutes to select descaling. An orange light will come on.
  7. Place a 20 fl oz bowl under the coffee outlet.
  8. Click on the button to start. It will stop when the process is done.
  9. Empty and rinse the water tank and cup support. Then fill the tank with fresh water and put it back.
  10. Push the button again to rinse. It will stop when it is complete, but you can also stop the process by pushing the button once the orange light flashes every 2 seconds.
  11. Press the button and the lever down for 3 seconds to exit descaling mode. The light should turn green.
  12. Let it sit and dry for 10 minutes before use.

Lattissima Pro

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Enter the menu and browse until you see the descaling option. Select it. The display will guide you through the following steps:
  3. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  4. Insert the hot water spout.
  5. Place a 1L container under both the hot water spout and the coffee outlet.
  6. Press to confirm and the descaling cycle will begin.
  7. When done, empty the drip tray and capsule container again. Rinse with clean water.
  8. Fill the water reservoir to the MAX line with fresh drinking water only.
  9. Empty the 1L container and put it back in place.
  10. Press to confirm and the rinse cycle will start.
  11. The machine will switch off when the rinsing is done. Rinse the hot water spout with clean water.

Descaling Nespresso Lattissima Pro

Gran Lattissima

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray, used capsule container, cup support and drop collector.
  2. Remove the water tank. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  3. Locate the descaling pipe at the back of the machine. Plug it into the steam connector. Replace the water tank.
  4. The machine will enter descale mode. The descaling alert will blink orange while the flat white button turns a steady white.
  5. Place a 1L container under the descaling pipe nozzle and coffee outlet. Press the flat white button to begin the cycle. It will continue until the water tank is empty.
  6. Empty and rinse the drip tray, used capsule container, cup support and drop collector. Also empty the 1L container and put it back in its place.
  7. Rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh drinking water to the MAX line.
  8. Press the flat white button again to start the rinse cycle.
  9. The machine will turn off when the rinse cycle is done. Carefully remove the descaling pipe (it may be hot) and return to the back of the machine.
  10. Fill the water reservoir with fresh drinking water to the MAX line.

Descaling Nespresso Gran Lattissima

Lattissima One

The Lattissima One has a descaling alert that will shine orange when it is time to clean the machine. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  3. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet. Turn the machine on.
  4. Locate the descaling pipe at the back of the machine. Plug it into the steam connector.
  5. The machine will enter descale mode. The descaling alert will blink orange while the espresso button turns a steady white.
  6. Press the espresso button to begin the cycle. It will continue until the water tank is empty.
  7. Empty and rinse the used capsule container, drip tray and container. Also empty the 1L container and put it back in its place.
  8. Rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh drinking water to the MAX line.
  9. Press the espresso button again to start the rinse cycle.
  10. The machine will turn off when the rinse cycle is done. Carefully remove the descaling pipe (it may be hot) and return to the back of the machine.
  11. Fill the water reservoir with fresh drinking water to the MAX line.

Descaling Nespresso Lattissima One

Lattissima Plus

When the cappuccino button turns orange, it is time to descale the machine. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit. If using the Nespresso solution, fill the tank half way with water.
  3. Locate the descaling pipe from its storage area. Push it onto the steam connector. You should now see that the cappuccino button is blinking orange.
  4. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet and descaling pipe.
  5. Press the cappuccino button to begin the cycle. It will continue until the water tank is empty.
  6. Empty and rinse the used capsule container, drip tray and container. Also empty the 1L container and put it back in its place.
  7. Rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh drinking water to the top.
  8. Press the cappuccino button again to start the rinse cycle.
  9. The machine will turn off when the rinse cycle is done. Carefully remove the descaling pipe (it may be hot) and return to the storage area
  10. Fill the water tank with fresh drinking water.
Descaling Nespresso Lattissima Plus

Lattissima Touch

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the steps on your kit. If using the Nespresso solution, fill the tank half way with water.
  3. Locate the descaling pipe from its storage area. Push it onto the steam connector. You should now see that the warm milk button is blinking orange.
  4. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet and descaling pipe.
  5. Press the warm milk button to begin the cycle. It will continue until the water tank is empty.
  6. Empty and rinse the used capsule container, drip tray and container. Also empty the 1L container and put it back in its place.
  7. Rinse the water tank and fill it with fresh drinking water to the top.
  8. Press the warm milk button again to start the rinse cycle.
  9. The machine will turn off when the rinse cycle is done. Carefully remove the descaling pipe (it may be hot) and return to the storage area
  10. Fill the water tank with fresh drinking water.
Descaling Nespresso Lattissima Touch

CitiZ, Pixie or Inissia

Nespresso Inissia
Nespresso Inissia

The Nespresso CitiZ, Pixie and Inissia all have the same descaling instructions. To clean them, you need a descaling solution.

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  3. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet. Turn the machine on.
  4. Press and hold both the Espresso and Lungo buttons for 3 seconds to enter descaling mode. Both buttons will blink.
  5. Press the Lungo button only and the descaling process will start. Wait until the water tank is empty.
  6. Pour the contents of the container back into the water tank. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
  7. Empty and rinse the water tank thoroughly. Fill it with fresh drinking water only.
  8. Perform a rinse cycle to remove any residue from inside the machine. To do this, repeat steps 4 and 5.
  9. Press and hold both the Espresso and Lungo buttons for 3 seconds to exit descale mode. If you do not, the lights will continue to blink.

How To Descale CitiZ

Essenza Mini

nespresso essenza mini
Nespresso Essenza Mini

To clean your machine, you need a descaling solution. Your manual has instructions on how to descale. You may also see pdf pages 18-19 in the Nespresso Essenza Mini manual.

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  3. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet. Turn the machine on.
  4. Press and hold both the Espresso and Lungo buttons for 5 seconds to enter descaling mode. Both buttons will blink.
  5. Press the Lungo button only and the descaling process will start. Wait until the water tank is empty.
  6. Pour the contents of the container back into the water tank. Repeat steps 4 and 5.
  7. Empty and rinse the water tank thoroughly. Fill it with fresh drinking water only.
  8. Perform a rinse cycle to remove any residue from inside the machine. To do this, repeat steps 4 and 5.
  9. Press and hold both the Espresso and Lungo buttons for 5 seconds to exit descale mode.
  10. Empty the drip base.
How To Descale Essenza Mini

Essenza Plus

To clean your machine, you need a descaling solution. Your manual has instructions on how to descale. You may also see pdf pages 17-18 in the Essenza Plus manual.

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit. If using the Nespresso solution, fill the tank with fresh water to the half level. Then add one packet of descaler.
  3. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet. Turn the machine on.
  4. Press and hold the Espresso, Lungo and Hot Water buttons for 5 seconds to enter descaling mode. All three buttons will blink.
  5. Press the Hot Water button only and the descaling process will start. Wait until the water tank is empty.
  6. Discard the contents of the 1L container.
  7. Empty and rinse the water tank thoroughly. Fill it with fresh drinking water only.
  8. Perform a rinse cycle to remove any residue from inside the machine. To do this, press the Hot Water button only.
  9. The Essenza Plus will shut off automatically once the rinse cycle is over.
  10. Empty the drip base.
Essenza Plus Descaling Steps

Creatista Pro

Turn on the machine. On the menu, navigate to Descale and select. Follow the on screen instructions. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.

Creatista Plus

descaling nespresso creatista
Descaling Nespresso Creatista

Turn on your machine. Rotate the dial to navigate to Maintenance and select. Turn the dial to Descale and select. Follow the on screen instructions. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.

Creatista Uno

  1. Open the lever to eject any used capsule. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container.
  2. Add the solution and water to the tank, following the instructions on your kit.
  3. Place a 1L container under the coffee outlet. Turn the machine on.
  4. While the machine is turned OFF, press and hold both the Ristretto and Steam button together for 5 seconds. This will enter the unit into descale mode. Both buttons will illuminate steadily. Press either the Ristretto or Lungo button to begin descaling.
  5. When the cycle is over, discard the liquid from the 1L container and return to it to its former position.
  6. Empty the water tank and rinse clean. Fill the water tank to the MAX line with fresh drinking water.
  7. Press either the Ristretto or Steam button to begin a rinse cycle.
  8. When the first rinse cycle is done, empty the 1L container and return it. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to run the rinse cycle a second time.
  9. When this cycle is done, the Ristretto and Steam buttons will flash three times and the machine will turn off.
  10. Rinse the drip tray and water tank and reattach them to the machine. Fill the tank with clean water to the MAX line.

Now that your Nespresso machine is clean, stock up on your favorite pods or try something new. For inspiration, see our buying guides. Shop by caffeine level or by intensity level.

Nespresso U


  1. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container. Make sure there is no pod in the machine.
  2. Empty the water tank. Add 1 packet of the Nespresso descaling solution to the reservoir. Then fill it up with 0.5L fresh water.
  3. Place a container that is at least 0.6L under the coffee outlet.
  4. Turn the machine on by opening the slider.

Descale Cycle

  1. Once all buttons have stopped flashing, press and hold the three controls for three seconds. The machine will beep and the three buttons will blink quickly.
  2. Close the slider to begin the descaling cycle. It will stop when the tank is empty.
  3. When it stops, refill the water tank with the water-solution mix that is in the container.
  4. Press any button to continue the descale cycle until the tank empties again.


  1. Empty the container. Rinse the empty water tank, drip tray and cup support to remove any residue.
  2. Fill the water reservoir with fresh water to the max line.
  3. Touch any button to start the rinse cycle. It will stop when the water tank has completely emptied.
  4. Empty the drip tray.
  5. To exit descale mode, push all 3 buttons for 3 seconds. You will hear a beep and the Nespresso U is now ready for use.
Descaling Nespresso U

Nespresso Expert

Follow the below instructions carefully. The descaling steps are the same whether you have a Nespresso Expert or an Expert&Milk machine.


  1. Empty the drip tray and used capsule container. Make sure there is no pod in the machine.
  2. Empty the water tank. Add 2 packets of the Nespresso descaling solution to the reservoir. Then fill it up with fresh water to the MAX line. Do not fill above this line!
  3. Place a container that is at least 1.2L under the coffee and hot water outlets.
  4. Turn the machine off and close the slider. To turn off the machine, turn the temperature dial counter-clockwise until it reaches 0. The light will blink for 5 seconds and then the unit will turn off.

Descale Cycle

  1. Press and hold the brew button for 6 seconds. Both dials will flash to confirm that you have entered the special functions menu.
  2. Turn the recipe dial to the ristretto icon and then press the brew button once.
  3. Turn the temperature dial to high and then press the brew button once. The ristretto icon will start to blink. This confirms that your Nespresso Expert is in descaling mode. It will continue to blink during the entire process. The maintenance light, however, will be steady most of the time. Keep an eye on the maintenance light because it will blink at times when you need to take action during the process.
  4. Press the brew button one more time to start descaling.
  5. After a few minutes, the descaling process will temporarily stop and the maintenance light will blink. Empty both the container and the drip tray and return them back to the machine.
  6. Push the brew button again. Descaling will resume and keep going until the water tank is completely empty, at which point it will stop.


  1. Empty the container. Rinse the empty water tank, drip tray and cup support to remove any residue.
  2. Fill the water reservoir with 1.2L or 41 oz of fresh water. Be sure to not under-fill the tank! if you do, the descale maintenance light will keep blinking after the process is done.
  3. Empty the 1.2L container and put it back in place and press the brew button once to start the rinse cycle.
  4. The machine will switch off when the water tank is empty and rinsing is done.

What To Do If the Nespresso Descaling Alert Stays On?

Depending on the Nespresso model you have, you may have to manually exit descaling mode. If you don’t, the descaling alert may stay on. Eventually you be blocked from making coffee. See my related post for detailed steps on how to exit descaling.

Auto Exit Descaling Manual Exit Descaling
Vertuo Next
Gran Lattissima
Lattissima Pro
Lattissima One
Lattissima Touch
Creatista Pro
Creatista Plus
Creatista Uno
Essenza Plus
Nespresso Expert
Vertuo Plus
Essenza Mini
Nespresso U

Another common reason why the descale alert stays on is because a step was not completed quickly enough or did not finish. For example, the Vertuo Plus requires you to complete each step within two minutes of the last. Also, many models will require that you let the water tank completely empty during the rinse cycle. If it doesn’t empty all the way, the light will stay on. In that case, you can try running the descaling again from start to finish, this time using only water and no solution.

If all else fails and you can’t get out of descaling mode, you may need to reset your Nespresso.

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Nespresso machines are convenient machines that use single-serve pods. They are generally hassle-free, but they still need to be cleaned regularly. You should clean the drip tray, empty the capsule container, and change the water every day. Descaling every three months provides a deeper clean and helps keep your machine working properly.

  1. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 1


    Clean the drip tray daily. Each day, remove the drip tray from your Nespresso machine and wash it. Use dish detergent and a clean cloth. If there is any buildup in the drip tray, make sure to scrub it away. Rinse the drip tray with warm water and let it air dry.[1]

    • Also clean the capsule container the same way.
    • Without proper cleaning, your drip tray will grow bacteria and mold.
  2. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 2


    Wash the water tank daily. While you are cleaning your drip tray, remove the water tank and the lid from the machine. Wash both parts with mild dishwashing detergent. Rinse with warm water, making sure to remove all suds. If you don’t use your Nespresso machine daily, consider washing the lid and water tank every few days.[2]

    • Let the lid and water tank air dry before reassembling. You can also dry it with a clean cloth.
    • Avoid letting water sit in the water tank. It can start growing mold or bacteria.


  3. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 3


    Wipe the capsule detector lens with a soft cloth. Take a dry soft cloth to gently wipe the capsule detector lens. There is no need to use water or soap. You just want to wipe away any smudges on the lens.[3]

    • The detector lens is located inside the machine. You can get to it once you remove the maintenance module, which is attached to the drip tray and holds the cups.
  4. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 4


    Wipe down the external parts regularly. The coffee outlet and outside cover of the machine should be wiped down often. Consider doing this multiple times each week. Use a clean damp cloth to wipe down the machine.[4]

    • The coffee outlet is the place where the coffee drains into your cup. Use the cloth to wipe away any buildup.
    • Wipe down the outside edges and the inside walls where the capsule holder goes.
  5. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 5


    Avoid strong cleaners on your Nespresso machine. When cleaning this machine, never use strong or abrasive cleaners. Use only mild, odorless detergents. Don’t use sponges when cleaning. Only use soft cloths.[5]

    • Never submerge any of the parts in water or other liquid.
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 6


    Descale your machine every three months. Your Nespresso machine will need to be descaled about every three months. If you drink a lot of coffee, you should descale it every 300 capsules. Some models have a light on the machine that blinks when you need to descale.[6]

    • If you connect your machine to the online app, the app will tell you when your machine needs to be descaled.
    • If you need to buy descaling solution, you can find it on the Nespresso website here.
  2. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 7


    Ready the machine. Before you begin, make sure you empty the capsule container of all capsules. You should also empty the drip tray. Replace them back into the machine. Then, turn the machine on.

  3. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 8


    Put your machine into descaling mode. Depending on your model, you will press different buttons to start the descaling mode. The buttons will blink, and the machine will beep when you can let go. This lets you know you are in the descaling mode.[7]

    • The VertuoLine has one button you need to hold for around seven seconds.
    • The Pixie, Inissia, and CitiZ models have two flashing buttons you hold at the same time for approximately three seconds.
    • For the Prodigio, press the three coffee buttons at the same time. Hold them for three to six seconds.
  4. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 9


    Fill the tank with descaling solution. Pour one container of Nespresso descaling solution into the water tank. Then, add half a liter of water. Close the slider and place a container large enough to catch all of the water from the water tank under the coffee outlet.[8]

    • Nespresso descaling solution can be found here.
  5. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 10


    Make your own descaling solution. If you don’t want to buy a commercial descaling solution, you can make your own. Run the homemade solution through the machine just like commercial solution. Before using a homemade solution, make sure to check the instruction manual or call the manufacturer to make sure it is safe.

    • You can make a solution with citric acid. Use 1 part citric acid to 20 parts water. You can also use lemon juice or vinegar. Mix equal parts of either liquid with equal parts water.
    • If you use citric acid or lemon juice, rinse the machine twice before making coffee. If you use vinegar, run five rinse cycles.
  6. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 11


    Begin the descaling process. Press any of the blinking coffee buttons. This begins descaling your machine. The machine will run the water through the machine and expel the water into the container under the coffee outlet.[9]

    • When the machine stops pushing the water through the outlet, it is done.
  7. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 12


    Repeat the descaling process. Pour the water in the container back into the water tank to go through the descaling process again. Once again, press one of the blinking buttons to start the machine. The machine will do the same thing as before. When it is finished, it will stop running and the water will be back in the container.[10]

  8. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 13


    Rinse all the parts. Toss out the solution that ran through the machine. Remove the water tank, drip tray, and cup support. Rinse them thoroughly with warm water. Make sure all of the residue from the descaling solutions is completely rinsed from the parts.[11]

    • Reassemble the machine once you’ve rinsed and dried the parts.
  9. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 14


    Rinse the machine. Fill the water tank with clean water and place the container back under the coffee outlet. Click one of the blinking lights to make the machine run the clean water through it. This rinses the solution from the machine. Pour out the water.[12]

    • Place clean water into the water tank and hit the blinking lights to repeat the rinsing process once more.
  10. Image titled Clean a Nespresso Machine Step 15


    Exit descaling mode. After you have rinsed the machine with clean water twice, you are done with the descaling process. Press all the coffee buttons until the machine beeps. This lets you know you have exited descaling mode.[13]

    • Let the machine dry for at least 10 minutes before you use again.
  11. Advertisement

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  • Question

    Can you use vinegar to clean Nespresso machine?

    Community Answer

    Yes you can! Fill the container with 2 parts water and 1 part white vinegar. After you run the vinegar solution through the machine, be sure to follow up with 5 more cycles of plain water.

  • Question

    Is it best to leave my Nespresso Vertuo machine opened or closed when not in use?

    Community Answer

    In my experience, leaving it closed keeps dirt or other particles from getting in.

  • Question

    How often do you clean a Nespresso machine?

    Community Answer

    Clean the drip tray every day. You should also empty the capsule container and change the water on a daily basis too. Be sure to descale the machine every 3 months with water and a descaling solution.

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Article SummaryX

To clean your Nespresso machine, first unplug it so it’s off. Then, remove the water tank and lid and wash them with unscented detergent. Rinse with warm water and dry with a clean towel or cloth. Wipe down the coffee outlet and inside the machine with a damp cloth. You should also empty the drip tray and capsule container on your machine every day. Reassemble your machine when you’re finished. It’s also recommended that you descale your Nespresso machine at least once per year to remove calcium buildup. To descale your machine, first remove the drip tray and any empty capsules. Then, fill the water tank with 1 unit of Nespresso descaling solution and some fresh water until you reach the line marked near the top of the tank. Place a container that holds at least 1 liter (¼ gallon) beneath the coffee outlet and turn on the machine. Hold both the espresso and Lungo buttons for 5 seconds to start the descaling mode. Then, press the Lungo button and wait for your machine to brew all of the descaling solution into the container. Pour the brewed solution back into the water tank and repeat the process. Fill the water tank with fresh water and press the Lungo button to start the rinse cycle. Finally, once all of the fresh water has been brewed, hold both the espresso and Lungo buttons for 5 seconds to exit the descaling and rinsing mode. For tips on how to make your own descaling solution, keep reading!

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    «Descaling liquid came without instructions, and I had misplaced the original manual, so this article was helpful…» more

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