Citizen srp 265 инструкция на русском

Инструкцию для Citizen SRP-265 на русском языке, в формате pdf можно скачать с нашего сайта. Наш каталог предоставляем Вам инструкцию производителя фирмы Citizen, которая была взята из открытых источников. Ознакомившись с руководством по эксплуатации от Citizen, Вы на все 100% и правильно сможете воспользоваться всеми функциями устройства.

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  • Contents

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BASIC DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………2

The Keys ……………………………………………………………………………2

GENERAL KEYS ……………………………………………………………………2

MEMORY KEYS …………………………………………………………………….2

SPECIAL KEYS ……………………………………………………………………..3

UNIT CONVERSION KEY ……………………………………………………….4

FUNCTION KEYS…………………………………………………………………..4

THE DISPLAY …………………………………………………………..7

POWER SUPPLY …………………………………………………….10

Constant Calculations…………………………………………………………10

Memory Calculations ………………………………………………………….11

Fraction Calculation……………………………………………………………12

Unit Conversion …………………………………………………………………13

Physics Constants ……………………………………………………………..14

PROGRAMMING ……………………………………………………..15


Scientific Calculator



Summary of Contents for Citizen SRP-265

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    Contents BASIC DEFINITIONS…………………………………………………. 2 The Keys ……………………………………………………………………………2 GENERAL KEYS ……………………………………………………………………2 MEMORY KEYS

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    BASIC DEFINITIONS The Keys To keep your calculators as compact as possible, some keys have more than one function. You can change the function of a key by pressing another key first, or by setting the calculator in a certain mode. The following pages give you more detailed explanation of each key’s

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    [ M+ ] Memory Plus Key Press [ M+ ] to total the current calculation and add the result to the value already in memory. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] Constant (Ka, Kb) Memory Store Key Press to enter the displayed value into constant memory Ka or Kb. [ Ka X K ], [ Kb X K ] Memory Recall

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    [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ ‧ ] 0. 555555556 Note : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] is inactive immediately after and during numerical input. [ SCI ] Scientific Key Converts the displayed number into a power of ten and back. (Ex.) : 12.3456 [ x ] 10 [ = ] [ SCI ] [ SCI ] [ SCI ] 123.456 1.23456 02 123.456 1.23456 02 [ DRG

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    [ 2ndF ] [ sin –1 ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos–1 ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan–1 ] Inverse Sine, Inverse Cosine, Inverse Tangent Keys Calculate the inverse trigonometric functions of the displayed value. [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ tan ] Hyperbolic Keys Calculate the hyperbolic

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    physics constants. Just pressing [ CONST ] key continuously can show the following symbols and values. Symbol Meaning Value c g G Vm NA R e me mp mn u h k μ0 Speed of light Acceleration of gravity Gravitational constant Molar volume of ideal gas Avagadro’s number Molar gas constant Elementary

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    [ DATA ], [ DEL ] Data Entry and Delete Key In the STAT mode, enter data by pressing the desired numbers, then [ DATA ]. If you enter incorrect data and do not notice your mistake until you press [ DATA ], enter the same incorrect data and then press [ DEL ] to delete that incorrect data. [ x ]

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    (n) : Appears when you press [SHIFT] [[X]] in the program learn mode and when program execution halts to let you enter a variable. The number in brackets shows the number of the place of the variable, and goes from 1 — 40. ORDER OF OPERATIONS Each calculation is performed in the following order of

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    x ≤ 230.2585092 ex 0 ≤ x < 1 x 10100 x x < 1 x 10 50 x2 1 x 10 –99 ≤ x < 1 x 10 100 , x ≠ 0 1/x 3 x < 1 x 10 100 x 0 ≤ x ≤ 69, x is an integer. x! , xy y x < 1 x 10 100 x > 0 : –1 x 10100 < y log x < 100 x=0: y>0 x < 0 : y=n, 1/(2n+1), n is an integer. but –1 x 10100 < y log x < 100 x > 0 : y ≠ 0,

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    • You make a calculation that is out of the range for functional and statistical calculations. • You try to store over 40 steps in a program. To clear calculation after an overflow condition, press [ ON/C ]. POWER SUPPLY To turn the calculator on, press [ ON/C ] ; To turn the calculator off, press

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    (Ex.) : 7 – 5.6 = 1.4 –4.5 – 5.6 = –10.1 7 [ – ] 5.6 [ = ] DEG 1.4 4.5 [+/–] [ = ] DEG –10.1 12 [ x ] 2.3 [ = ] DEG 27.6 9 [+/–] [ = ] DEG –108. DEG 29.6 DEG 34.08 (Ex.) : 12 x 2.3 = 27.6 12 x (–9) = –108 (Ex.) : 74 ÷ 2.5 = 29.6 85.2 ÷ 2.5 = 34.08 74 [ ÷ ] 2.5 [ = ] 85.2 [ = ] Memory Calculations •

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    2.12345 [ 2ndF ] [ DEG ] 2.072442 Before performing the following calculation, check to see that your calculator is fixed at 2 decimal disaply format. Fraction Calculation • By pressing [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ], the displayed value will be converted to the improper fraction. 2 3 124 (Ex.) : + 7 = 3 5 15 2

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    7 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ 2ndF ] [ sin –1 ] DEG 2.64 Common And Natural Logarithms / Exponentiations (Ex.) : ln7 + log100 = 3.95 DEG 7 [ ln ] [ + ] 100 [ log ] [ = ] 3.95 2 (Ex.) : 10 = 100.00 DEG 2 [ 2ndF ] [ 10 x ] [ = ] 5 (Ex.) : e – e –2 100.00 =? x 5 [ 2ndF ] [ e ] [ – ] 2 [ +/– ] [ 2ndF ] [ex][=]

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    98 [ 2ndF ] [ A B ] [ 2ndF ] [ in↔cm ] DEG 38.58 Note : All operating procedures for unit conversion key, [ feet ↔ m ], [ feet 2↔ m 2 ], [ ↔ l ], [ gal ↔ l ] [ Pint↔ l ], [ Tr.oz ↔ g ], [ oz ↔ g ], [ lb ↔ kg ], [ atm ↔ kpa ], [ cal ↔ KJ ], [ ℉ ↔ ℃ ] and [ mmHg ↔ kpa ] are the same as the

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    The sample standard deviation S is defined as : ∑ x2 The population standard deviationσis defined as : The arithmetical mean x is defined as : – (∑ x )2 n − 1 2 ∑x – ∑x n n (∑ x )2 n n • To delete an incorrect entry, press [ DEL ]. PROGRAMMING With your programmable scientific calculator, complex

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    displayed. Then press [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] and continue entering your formula in the usual way. When you run the program, press [ RUN ] after the calculator dispalys an interim value to resume the program. You can use the same method to program your calculator to run two or more formulas. One after

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    △→Y Description : a a R2 b R4 = b R5 R4 R5 = R3 R1 R6 c R6 = c (Ex) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) R 2 = 47 (Ω) R 3 = 82 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K DEG 12. DEG ] 47. DEG M 82. ] [ Kb X K ] [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] K M PGM DEG M PGM DEG 0. [ ÷ ] [ ( ] [ Ka X K ] [ + ] [ Kb X K ] [ + ] [ MR ] [ ) ] [

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    [ RUN ] M DEG 5. R6 -E18- SR260C_English_black_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/15 SCALE 2:1

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    CONTENIDOS DEFINICIONES BÁSICAS ………………………………………………. 2 El teclado …………………………………………………………………………… 2 TECLAS GENERALES ……………………………………………………………….. 2 TECLAS DE

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    DEFINICIONES BÁSICAS El teclado Para crear una calculadora lo más compacta posible hemos asignado a cada tecla más de una función. El cambio de funciones se realiza apretando primero otra tecla, o seleccionando un modo especifico de trabajo en la calculadora. Las siguientes paginas ofrecen una

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    memoria, borrando cualquier número anterior almacenado en la memoria. [ M+ ] Tecla de suma Presione [M+] para sumar el número mostrado en la pantalla al valor ya en la memoria. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] Constante (Ka, Kb) Tecla de almacenado de memoria Presione para entrar el valor

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    (ej.) 5[÷]9[=] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] 0.555555556 0.56 0.55556 0. 555555556 Nota : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] permanecerá inactiva durante e inmediatamente después de una entrada numérica. [ SCI ] Tecla para Ingeniería Convierte el número de la pantalla a una

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    en forma decimal y apriete [2ndF] [ ]. [ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] teclas para Seno, coseno y tangente Calculan las funciones trigonométricas del valor mostrado. –1 –1 –1 [ 2ndF ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan ] Teclas de Seno Inverso, Coseno Inverso, Tangente Inverso Calcule las

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    [ CONST ] Tecla constante de física Esta calculadora le permite realizar cálculos con 15 constantes de física. Sólo debe pulsar repetidamente la tecla [ CONST ] para mostrar los siguientes símbolos y valores. Símbolo c g G Vm NA R e me mp mn u h k μ0 ε0 Significado Valor Velocidad de luz 299792458

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    Activa el modo de cálculo estadístico. STAT aparece en la pantalla. [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] Tecla de borrado de registros en modo de cálculo estadístico Borra los cálculos estadísticos registrados. [ DATA ], [ DEL ] Teclas de entrada de datos y suprimir datos En modo STAT, entre el número apretando los

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    2F HYP ( (n) : Aparece cuando la segunda función ha sido seleccionada. : Aparece cuando la función hiperbólica ha sido seleccionada. : Aparece al apretar [ ( ], muestra la cantidad de niveles : Aparece cuando al apretar [SHIFT] [[X]], en el modo de programación y durante la ejecución del programa

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    tan –1 x x sinh x, cosh x x tanh x x sinh –1 x x cosh –1 x tanh –1 x log x, ln x 10 < 1 x 10 100 < 5 x 10 99 <1 1 x 10 –99 ≤ x < 1 x 10 100 < 100 x ≤ 230.2585092 x < 1 x 10 50 0 ≤ X < 1 x 10100 x2 1 x 10 –99 ≤ 1/x x x x < 1 x 10 x < 1 x 10 100 < 1 x 10 100 , X ≠ 0 100 0 ≤ x ≤ 69, x es un número

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    0 ≤ Σ x 2 < 1 x 10100, 0 ≤ n < 1 x 10 100 x :n≠0;s:n>1;σ:n>0 CONDICIONES ERRÓNEAS Un símbolo “E” está indicado en la pantalla cuando cualquiera de las siguientes condiciones ocurren y el siguiente cálculo se vuelve imposible. Solo presionar [ON/C] para liberar de esos errores o del indicador

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    6. Alinear las cajas superiores y inferiores y aprietarlas para cerrarlas juntamente. 7. Atornillar los tornillos. CÁLCULOS NORMALES CALCULO BÁSICO (Incluyendo cálculos entre paréntesis) (ej.) : – 3.5 +8 ÷ 2= 0.5 3.5 [ +/–] [ + ] 8 [ ÷ ] 2 [ = ] DEG 0.5 DEG 2.8 DEG 122. (ej.) : ( 5 – 2 x 1.5 ) x 3

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    • Para borrar el contenido de la memoria apriete [ 0 ] [ X M ] ó [ ON/C ] [ X M ] en secuencia. • M aparece cuando un número a que no es igual a “0” es almacenado en la memoria. • Cuando usted aprieta [X M] después de apretar [MR], el número desplegado se cambia como los contenidos de la memoria.

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    4 3 7 = 9.19 (ej.) : 5 + 3 = 9 9 4 16 5 [ a b/c ] 4 [ a b/c ] 9 [ + ] 3 [ a b/c ] 3 [ a b /c ] 4 [ = ] DEG [ a b /c ] DEG 9 ∪7 ┘36 9.19 TRIGONOMÉTRICO / FUNCIONES INVERSAS TRIGONOMÉTRICAS (ej.) : 3 sin 30。= 1.50 3 [ x ] 30 [ sin ] [ = ] DEG 1.50 RAD – 0.50 DEG 30.00 RAD 0.79 2π (ej.) : cos ( rad) =

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    x 5 [ 2ndF ] [ e ] [ – ] 2 [ +/– ] [ 2ndF ] x [e ][=] DEG 148.28 POTENCIA, RAÍZ, RECIPROCO, FACTORIAL (ej.) : =5.29 2[ √ ][+]3[ √ ][x]5[ √ ][=] DEG 5.29 (ej.) : 3 5 [ 2ndF ] [ √ ] [ + ] 27 [ +/– ] 3 [ 2ndF ] [ √ ] [ = ] DEG –1.29 5 (ej.) : 7 = 16807 y 7[x ]5[=] (ej.) : DEG 16807.00 =2 32 [ 2ndF ] [

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    CONSTANTES DE FÍSICA (ej.) : 5 x G = 3.34 x 10 –10 CONST DEG 5 [ x ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] 6.67 –11 G [=] DEG 3.34 –10 DESVIACIONES NORMALES • Presione [2ndF] [STAT] para cambiar al modo para calculos estadisticos. • Presione [2ndF] [CAD] para borrar la memoria en modo de cálculo

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    La desviación normal de población se define como : El medio aritmético x se define como : ∑x ∑x 2 – (∑ x ) 2 n n n • Para borrar una entrada incorrecta, apriete [ DEL ]. PROGRAMACIÓN Con la calculadora científica programable, la repetición de cálculos complejos no necesita ser una tarea que

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    [=] cuando llegue el punto en el que desee ver el valor interino. Presione [2ndF] [HALT] y continúe entrando la formula normalmente. Cuando corra la rutina programada, presione [RUN] después de que la calculadora muestre el valor interino, para continuar el programa. se puede usar el mismo método

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    Descripción: △ → Y R4 = R5 = R6 = R1 •R 2 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 2 •R 3 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 3 •R1 R1 +R 2 +R 3 (Ex) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) (2) R 1 = 10 (Ω) R2 = 47 (Ω) R2 = 20 (Ω) R3 = 82 (Ω) R3 = 30 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ] DEG 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] DEG 12. 47. DEG 82 [ X M ] M [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] M PGM DEG M PGM

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    [ ON/C ] [ RUN ] M DEG 3.333333333 [ RUN ] M DEG [ RUN ] M DEG 10. 5. R4 R5 R6 -S19- SR260C_Spanish_090402.doc 2009/4/14 SIZE: 140x75mm SCALE 1:1

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    Índice DEFINIÇÕES BÁSICAS …………………………………………………………… 2 As Teclas ……………………………………………………………………………. 2 TECLAS GERAIS………………………………………………………………….. 2 TECLAS

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    DEFINIÇÕES BÁSICAS As Teclas Para manter suas calculadoras mais compactas possíveis, algumas teclas têm mais de uma função. Você pode mudar a função de uma tecla pressionando uma outra tecla inicialmente, ou ajustando a calculadora a um certo modo. As páginas seguintes lhe dão explicação detalhada

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    Pressione [ M+ ] para totalizar o cálculo corrente e adicionar o resultado ao valor já em memória. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] Tecla de Armazenamento em Memória Constante (Ka, Kb) Pressione para entrar o valor exibido dentro da memória constante Ka ou Kb. [ Ka X K ], [ Kb X K ] Tecla

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    [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] 0.55556 0. 555555556 Nota : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] é inativo imediatamente depois e durante a entrada numérica. [ SCI ] Tecla Científica Converte o número exibido em uma potência de dez e retorna. (Ex.) : 12.3456 [ x ] 10 [ = ] [ SCI ] [ SCI ] [ SCI ] 123.456

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    [ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] Teclas Seno, Coseno, Tangente Calcule as funções trigonométricas do valor exibido. –1 –1 –1 [ 2ndF ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan ] Teclas Seno Inverso Seno, Coseno Inverso, Tangente Inverso Calcule as funções trigonométricas inversas do valor exibido. [ 2ndF

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    [ CONST ] Tecla de Constante Física Esta calculadora lhe permite executar cálculos com 15 constantes embutidas. Simplesmente pressionando a tecla [ CONST ] continuamente pode mostrar os seguintes símbolos e valores. Símbolo Significado c g G Vm NA R e me mp mn u h k μ0 ε0 Valor Velocidade da luz

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    Ajusta a calculadora ao modo de cálculo estatístico. STAT aparece na tela. [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] Tecla para Apagar Registrador Estatístico Apaga os registradores de cálculo estatísticos. [ DATA ], [ DEL ] Tecla para Entrada de Dados e Deleção No modo STAT, entre dados pressionando os números desejados,

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    BUSY : Enquanto uma operação está executando. σ : Indica o valor da desviação 2F : Aparece quando uma segunda função há sido selecionada. HYP : Aparece quando a função hiperbólica há sido selecionada. ( : Aparece quando você pressiona [ ( ]. Ele mostra o nível presente de acoplação. (n) : Aparece

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    sen –1 x, cos –1 x tan –1 x x senh x, cosh x x tanh x x senh –1 x x cosh –1 x tanh –1 x ≤1 < 1 x 10 100 ≤ 230.2585092 < 1 x 10 100 < 5 x 10 99 1 ≤ x < 5 x 10 99 x <1 10 x x < 100 ex x ≤ 230.2585092 x < 1 x 10 50 log x, ln x x2 1 x 10 –99 ≤ 1/x x x x < 1 x 10 x < 1 x 10 100 < 1 x 10 100 , X ≠ 0 100

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    STAT ⏐x ⏐ < 1 x 10 50 , ⏐Σ x ⏐ < 1 x 10 100 0 ≤ Σ x 2 < 1 x 10100, 0 ≤ n < 1 x 10 100 x:n≠0;s:n>1;σ:n>0 CONDIÇÕES DE EXCESSO / ERRO Um símbolo “ E ” é indicado na tela quando quisquer das seguintes condições ocorre e cálculo adicional se torna impossível. Simplesmente pressione [ ON/C ] para

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    CÁLCULOS NORMAIS Cálculo Básico (Incluindo Cálculos entre Parênteses) (Ex.) : – 3.5 +8 ÷ 2= 0.5 3.5 [ +/–] [ + ] 8 [ ÷ ] 2 [ = ] DEG 0.5 DEG 2.8 DEG 122. (Ex.) : ( 5 – 2 x 1.5 ) x 3 + 0.8 x ( – 4 ) = ? [ ( ] 5 [ – ] 2 [ x ] 1.5 [ ) ] [ x ] 3 [ + ] 0.8 [ x ] 4 [ +/ – ] [ = ] (Ex.) : 2 x [ 7 + 6 x (

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    armazenado na memória. • Quando você pressiona [ X M ] depois de pressionar [ MR ], o número exibido é mudado assim como o conteúdo da memória. (Ex.) : (3 – 5) + (56 ÷ 7) + (74 – 8 x 7) = 24 DEG 0. 3 [ – ] 5 [ M+ ] M DEG –2. 56 [ ÷ ] 7 [ M+ ] M DEG 8. 74 [ – ] 8 [ x ] 7 [ M+ ] M DEG 18. [ MR ] M

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    4 3 7 = 9.19 (Ex.) : 5 + 3 = 9 9 4 16 5 [ a b/c ] 4 [ a b/c ] 9 [ + ] 3 [ a b/c ] 3 [ a b /c ] 4 [ = ] DEG [ a b /c ] DEG 9 ∪7 ┘36 9.19 Funções Trigonométricas / Inversas – Tri. (Ex.) : 3 sin 30。= 1.50 3 [ x ] 30 [ sin ] [ = ] DEG 1.50 RAD – 0.50 DEG 30.00 RAD 0.79 2π rad) = – 0.5 (Ex.) : cos ( 3 2

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    Potência, Raíz, Recíprocas, Fatoriais 2 + 3 × 5 = 5.29 (Ex.) : 2[ √ ][+]3[ √ ][x]5[ √ ][=] DEG 5.29 (Ex.) : 3 5 [ 2ndF ] [ √ ] [ + ] 27 [ +/– ] 3 [ 2ndF ] [ √ ] [ = ] DEG –1.29 5 (Ex.) : 7 = 16807 y 7[x ]5[=] (Ex.) : DEG 16807.00 =2 32 [ 2ndF ] [ DEG ]5[=] 2.00 (Ex.) : 3 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ – ] 4 [

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    CONST DEG 5 [ x ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] 6.67 –11 G [=] DEG 3.34 –10 DESVIAÇÕES PADRÕES • Pressione [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] para ajustar a calculadora ao modo de cálculo estatístico. • Pressione [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] para apagar memória estatística antes de você iniciar um novo cálculo. • Ao invés de

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    A média aritmética x é definida como : ∑x n • Para deletar uma entrada incorreta, pressione [ DEL ]. PROGRAMAÇÃO Com sua calculadora científica programável, cálculos repetidos complexos não são mais tarefas consumidoras de tempo. Tudo que você deve fazer é dizer à calculadora o que você quer fazer

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    modo PGM), pressione [ = ] quando você alcançar o ponto onde você quer que o valor provisório seja exibido. Depois pressione [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] e continue entrando sua fórmula na maneira usual. Ao executar o programa, pressione [ RUN ] depois da calculadora exibir um valor provisório para recomeçar

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    △ → Y Descrição : R4 = R5 = R6 = R1 •R 2 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 2 •R 3 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 3 •R1 R1 +R 2 +R 3 (Ex) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) (2) R 1 = 10 (Ω) R2 = 47 (Ω) R2 = 20 (Ω) R3 = 82 (Ω) R3 = 30 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ] DEG 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] DEG 12. 47. DEG 82 [ X M ] M [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] M PGM DEG M PGM

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    10 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K K ] 20 M DEG M DEG 30. ] 30 [ X M ] [ ON/C ] [ RUN ] 3.333333333 [ RUN ] M DEG M DEG 10. [ RUN ] 5. R4 R5 R6 -P19- SR260C_Portuguese_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/14 SCALE 1:1

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis GRUNDLEGENDES ………………………………………………………………… 2 Die Tastatur ………………………………………………………………………… 2 DIE WICHTIGSTEN TASTEN ………………………………………………………..

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    Grundlegendes Die Tastatur Um den Taschenrechner so handlich wie mögöglich zu halten, wurde jede Taste mit mehr als einer Funktion belegt. Jede dieser Zweitfunktionen wird durch Drücken einer anderen Taste vor der eigentlichen Funktionstaste angesprochen, oder aber durch Einstellen eines bestimmten

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    Drücken Sie [ X M ], um die Zahl in der Anzeige in den Speicher zu kopieren und gleichzeitig jeden zuvor im Speicher befindlichen Wert zu löschen [ M+ ] Speicheradditionstaste Drncken Sie [ M+ ], um die Zahl in der Anzeige zum Wert im Speicher zu addieren. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ]

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    • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [‧] –– Wählt Fließkommadarstellung. (Beispiel) : 5 [ ÷ ] 9 [ = ] 0.555555556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] 0.56 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] 0.55556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] 0. 555555556 Bemerkung: [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] bleibt auch nach der numerischen Eingabe aktiv. [ SCI ]

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    cambiar de notación decimal a notación sexagesimal, entre el número en forma decimal y apriete [ 2ndF ] [ ]. [ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] Sinus, Kosinus, Tangens Berechnen die trigonometrischen Funktionen Wertes. –1 –1 des angezeigten –1 [ 2ndF ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan ] Umgekehrter

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    Drncken Sie eine Zahl [ x ] [ 2ndF ] [ y x ], eine Zahl [ y ], y [ = ] um die x-te Wurzel aus der Zahl zu ziehen. [ a b/c ], [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ] Bruchtaste Beim Drücken von [ a b/c ] kann ein Bruch eingegeben oder ein Bruch in eine Dezimalzahl umgewandelt werden. Drücken von [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ] wandelt

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    Statistische Tasten (Nur im STAT-Modus aktiv) [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] Wählt den Statistikmodus Aktiviert den Statistikmodus, STAT erscheint in der Anzeige. [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] Registerlöschtaste Löscht alle Statistikregister. [ DATA ], [ DEL ] Dateneingabe und Korrekturtaste Im STAT-Modus geben Sie

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    BUSY σ : erscheint während der Ausführung einer Rechenoperation : Zeigt den Abweichwert an 2F : Zweitfunktion ist aktiv HYP : Hyperbolische Funktion ist aktiv ( : Erscheint, sobald die offene Klammer gedrnckt wurde und zeigt den augenblicklichen Verschachtelungszustand. (n) : Erscheint, wenn Sie im

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    sin x, cos x, tan x sin –1 x, cos –1 x 11 Deg : x < 1 x 10 deg Rad : x < 1745329252 rad Grad : x < 1.111111111 x 10 11 grad für tan x Deg : x ≠ 90 (2n+1) Rad : x ≠ π (2n+1) 2 Grad : x ≠ 100 (2n+1) (n ist eine ganze Zahl.) x x x sinh x, cosh x x tanh x x tan –1 sinh –1 x cosh –1 x tanh –1 x log x,

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    x < 0 : y=2n+1, l/n, n ist eine ganze Zahl. (n≠0) Der –1 x 10100 < 1 log ⏐x⏐ 100 y ab c STAT Eingabe: Die Eingabe der ganzen Zahl, des Zählers und Nenners einschließlich des Divisionszeichens darf nicht 10 Stellen überschreiten. Ergebnis: Das Ergebnis der Bruchrechnung aus ganzer Zahl, Zähler und

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    Vorherige Angaben, Einstellungen des Bildschirms sowie der Speicher bleiben erhalten. Der Rechner wird mit zwei G13(LR44) Alkali-Batterien versorgt. Falls der Bildschirm schwächer wird, wechseln Sie die Batterien aus. Seien Sie vorsichtig, damit Sie sich beim Wechseln der Batterien nicht verletzen.

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    DEG 4.5 [+/–] [ = ] –10.1 (Beispiel) : 12 x 2.3 = 27.6 12 x (–9) = –108 12 [ x ] 2.3 [ = ] DEG 27.6 9 [+/–] [ = ] DEG –108. (Beispiel) : 74 ÷ 2.5 = 29.6 85.2 ÷ 2.5 = 34.08 74 [ ÷ ] 2.5 [ = ] DEG 29.6 85.2 [ = ] DEG 34.08 Berechnung im Speicher • Wenn SIe diese Rechnungen selbst versuchen, achten

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    Bevor Sie die folgenden Rechenoperationen durchführen, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass sich der Taschenrechner auf die Bildschirmanzeige mit 2 Dezimalstellen eingestellt ist. Berechnung von Brüchen • Das Drücken der Tasten [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ],verwandelt den angezeigten Wert in einen inkorrekten Bruch.

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    DEG 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ] [ + ] 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ] [ = ] (Beispiel) : sinh –1 4.48 7 = 2.64 7 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ 2ndF ] [ sin –1 ] DEG 2.64 Logarithmus und natnrlicher Logarithmus Exponential-rechnung (Beispiel) : ln7 + log100 = 3.95 7 [ ln ] [ + ] 100 [ log ] [ = ] DEG 3.95 2

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    8 [ 2ndF ] [ x ! ] DEG 40320.00 Umrechnung zwischen anderen Einheiten (Beispiel) : 12 in = 30.48 cm 12 [ A B ] [ 2ndF ] [ in ↔cm ] DEG 30.48 (Beispiel) : 98 cm = 38.58 in 98 [ 2ndF ] [ A B ] [ 2ndF ] [ in↔cm ] DEG 38.58 Anmerkung: Alle Bedienungen der Einheitumwandlungstasten [ feet↔m ], [ feet 2↔

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    [n] STAT DEG 2 [ 2ndF ] [Σx ] STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [Σx ] STAT DEG [ x ] STAT DEG [S] STAT [ 2ndF ] [ σ ] STAT 6. 241. 35. 5.833333333 DEG 2.714160398 σ DEG 2.477678125 Bemerkung: Die Normalabweichung s ist definiert als ∑x2 – n −1 • Zur Fehlerkorrektur, drncken Sie [ DEL ]. n ∑x 2 – Die

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    Bemerkung: Wenn Sie [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] und [‧] oder [EXP], [ +/– ], [ ) ] oder [CE]nach einer Nummer, werden beide Ziffern als eine Variable behandelt. Diese werden nicht als Programmschritt in die Routine eingebunden. Sie können allerhöchstens 40 Schritte eingeben. Wenn SIe den 41sten Schritt

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    y [ ÷ ] 100 [ ) ] [ x ] [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] PGM DEG 7 PGM DEG [=] PGM [3] 7. DEG 7518.151295 [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] DEG [ RUN ] DEG 1000 DEG [ RUN ] DEG 10 DEG [ RUN ] DEG 5 DEG [ RUN ] DEG 0. [1] 1000. [2] 10. [3] 5. 1610.51 △ → Y Beschreibung: R4 = R5 = R6 = R1 •R 2 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 2 •R 3 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 3

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    [ Ka X K ] [ Kb X K ] M PGM DEG 564. M PGM DEG M PGM DEG M PGM DEG M PGM DEG M PGM M PGM DEG [=] M PGM DEG [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] M DEG M DEG M DEG [ ÷ ] [ ( ] [ Ka X [ Kb X K K ][+] 4. ] [ + ] [ MR ] [ ) ] [ = ] [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] R1 x R2 R4 4. [ MR ] [ Kb X K ] 3854. [=] 27.33333333 [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] R2

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    Sommaire DEFINITIONS FONDAMENTALES ……………………………………………. 2 Les Touches ……………………………………………………………………….. 2 LES TOUCHES GENERALES ………………………………………………………. 2 TOUCHES DE MEMOIRE

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    DEFINITIONS FONDAMENTALES Les Touches Pour donner à votre calculatrice une taille aussi compacte que possible, chacune des touches possède plus d’une fonction. Pour changer la fonction d’une touche, vous devez appuyer d’abord sur une touche ou règler la calculatrice sur une certaine mode choisie.

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    N’importe quelle valeur précédement en mémoire est automatiquement effacée. [ M+ ] Touche d’Addition en Mémoire Appuyez sur [ M+ ] pour totaliser le calcul en cour et additionner le résultat à la valeur déjà en mémoire. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] Touche de Stockage en Mémoire

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    • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [‧] –– Séllcieionne le format du point flottant. (Ex.) 5[÷]9[=] 0.555555556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] 0.56 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] 0.55556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] 0. 555555556 Notes : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] est immédiatement inactivé après et durant l’entrée des données.

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    l’unité décimale en unité sexagésimale, entrez le nombre en unité décimale puis appuyez sur [ 2ndF ] [ ]. [ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] Touches Sinus, Cosinus, Tangente Calculent les fonctions trigonométriques de la valeur affichée. –1 –1 –1 [ 2ndF ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan ] Touche

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    [ a b/c ], [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ] Touche de Fraction Pressez [ a b/c ] permet d’entrer une fraction ou de convertir une fraction en un nombre décimal. Pressez [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ] permet de convertir un nombre mixte en une fraction incorrecte et vice versa. [ CONST ] Touche de Constante Physique Cette

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    [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ]─Touche d’Arret Temporaire de Calcul Affête temporairement un programme de sorte que vours pouvez voir les résultats intermédiaires, ou rompre les calculs. TOUCHES STATISTIQUES (S’EMPLOYE UNIQUEMENT EN MODE SD) [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] Touche de Sélection du Mode Statistique Réglez la

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    E PGM CONST GRAD RAD DEG BUSY σ : : : : : : : : 2F HYP ( : Apparaît quand un deuxième mode a été choisi. : Apparaît quand la fonction hyperbolique a été choisie. : Apparaît quand vous appuyez sur [ ( ]. Il montre le niveau actuel de la série. : Apparaît quand vous appuyez sur [SHIFT] [[X]] en mode

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    Rad : x Grad : x ≠ π (2n+1) 2 ≠ 100 (2n+1) (n est un entier) sin –1 x, cos –1 x –1 x x x sinh x, cosh x x tanh x x tan sinh –1 x cosh –1 x tanh –1 x log x, ln x 10 x e x x2 ≤ 230.2585092 < 1 x 10 100 x < 5 x 10 99 x <1 x < 100 1 ≤ x < 5 x 10 99 1 x 10 –99 ≤ x < 1 x 10 100 x ≤ 230.2585092 x < 1 x 10

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    (en incluant les symbols de division) Résultat:Le résultat est affiché sous forme de fraction quand les nombres entiers relatifs, le numérateur et le dénominateur sont inférieur à 1 x 10 10 STAT ⏐x ⏐ < 1 x 10 50 , ⏐Σ x ⏐ < 1 x 10 100 0 ≤ Σ x 2 < 1 x 10100, 0 ≤ n < 1 x 10 100 x :n≠0;s:n>1;σ:n>0

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    enfants jouer avec. 4. Essuyez les nouvelles piles avec untissus sec pour obtenir un bon contact. 5. Insérer les deux nouvelles piles le côt é plat (pôle plus) en haut. 6. Alignez le haut et le bas du boîtier puis appuyez dessus pour fermer. 7. Resserez les vis. CALCULS NORMAUX Calcul Simple

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    • Ne pas règler le mode de fonction sur “ STAT ” lorsque vous éxécutez un calcul avec mémoire. • En appuyant sur [ X M ] un nouveau nombre emtre en mémoire, et remplace celui stocké au paravent. • Pour effacer le contenu de la mémoire, appuyez successivement sur [ 0 ] [ X M ] ou sur [ ON/C ] [ X M

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    d /e ] [ 2ndF ] [ DEG 124 ┘15 • Quand la touche [ a b/c ] est pressée après la touche [ = ] ou qu’une fraction est réalisé avec une décimale, le résultat est affiché sous forme de décimale. 4 3 7 = 9.19 (Ex.) : 5 + 3 = 9 9 4 16 5 [ a b/c ] 4 [ a b/c ] 9 [ + ] 3 [ a b/c ] 3 [ a b /c ] 4 [ = ] DEG [

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    x 2 [ 2ndF ] [ 10 ] [ = ] 5 –2 (Ex.) : e – e DEG 100.00 =? x 5 [ 2ndF ] [ e ] [ – ] 2 [ +/– ] [ 2ndF ] x [e ][=] DEG 148.28 Puissance, Racine, Réciproque, Factoriel = 5.29 (Ex.) : 2[ √ ][+]3[ √ ][x]5[ √ ][=] DEG 5.29 (Ex.) : 3 5 [ 2ndF ] [ √ ] [ + ] 27 [ +/– ] 3 [ 2ndF ] [ √ ] [ = ] DEG –1.29 5

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    [ atm ↔ kpa ], [ cal ↔ KJ ], [ ℉ ↔ ℃ ] et [ mmHg ↔ kpa ] sont identiques à celles de l’exemple cidessus. Constantes en Physique (Ex.) : 5 x G = 3.34 x 10 –10 CONST DEG 5 [ x ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] 6.67 –11 G [=] DEG 3.34 –10 LA VARIANCE • Appuyez sur [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] pour règler la

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    (∑ x ) 2 L’écart type S est définie comme: ∑x2 – La variance est σdéfinie comme: ∑x 2 – n −1 n (∑ x ) 2 n n La moyenne arithmétique x est définie comme: ∑x n • Appuyez sur [ DEL ] pour annuler une entrée incorrecte. PROGRAMMATION Avec votre calculatrice scientifique programmable, la répétition de

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    formule et appuyez sur[ RUN ] après chaque variable entrée. La solution est affichée sur l’écran. Les programmes stockés sont automatiquement effacés guand vous appuyez sur [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ]. Ainsi, assurez-vous de ne pas choisir le mode programme à moins que vous vouliez entrer un nouveau

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    [ RUN ] DEG 10 DEG [ RUN ] DEG 5 DEG [ RUN ] DEG [2] 10. [3] 5. 1610.51 △ → Y Description : R4 = R5 = R6 = R1 •R 2 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 2 •R 3 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 3 •R1 R1 +R 2 +R 3 (Ex) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) (2) R 1 = 10 (Ω) R2 = 47 (Ω) R2 = 20 (Ω) R3 = 82 (Ω) R3 = 30 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ] DEG 47 [ 2ndF ] [

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    [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] M PGM DEG 27.33333333 M PGM DEG [=] M PGM DEG [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] M DEG M DEG M DEG [ MR ] [ Ka X K ] 984. 6.978723404 R3 x R1 R6 0. 10 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K K ] 20 30. ] 30 [ X M ] [ ON/C ] [ RUN ] 3.333333333 [ RUN ] M DEG [ RUN ] M DEG 10. 5. R4 R5 R6 -F19-

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    Indice DEFINIZIONI BASICHE ……………………………………………… 2 I Tasti…………………………………………………………………………………2 TASTI GENERALI…………………………………………………………………..2 TASTI DI MEMORIA

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    DEFINIZIONI BASICHE I Tasti Per mantenere sue calcolatrici compatte come possibile, alcuni tasti tengono più di una funzione. Si può cambiare la funzione di un tasto premendo un altro tasto in primo luogo, o impostando la calcolatrice in un certo modo. Le pagine seguenti danno spiegazioni più

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    [ X M ] Tasto per Memorizzazione di Memoria Premere [ X M ] per memorizzare il valore visualizzato nella memoria. Qualunque valore precedente nella memoria è automaticamente cancellato. [ M+ ] Tasto per Aggiungere Valori alla Memoria Premere [ M+ ] per ammontare il calcolo corrente e aggiungere il

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    suo intervallo completo per calcoli interni e solo arrotonda il numero nella visualizzazione. • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 0 ]~[ 6 ] –– Imposta il numero di cifre da essere visualizzate alla destra del punto decimale. • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [‧] –– Seleziona il formato della virgola mobile.

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    TASTI DI FUNZIONI [ 2ndF ] [ ], [ 2ndF ] [ ] Tasti di Conversione per Notazione Sessagesimale/ Decimale Per cambiare da notazione sessagesimale (base 60) (grado, minuto, ]. secondo) alla notazione decimale (grado) premere [ 2ndF ] [ Per cambiare da notazione decimale alla notazione sessagesimale,

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    [ x y ] Tasto di Potenza Premere qualunque numero [ x ],[ x y ], qualunque numero [ y ], e [ = ] per elevare x alla potenza di y. [ 2ndF ] [ y x ] Tasto di Radice y Premere qualunque numero [ x ] [ 2ndF ] [ x ], qualunque numero [ y ], e [ = ] per visualizzare la radice yo di x. [ a b/c ], [ 2ndF ]

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    [ RUN ]─Tasto di Computazione Esegue il programma memorizzato. [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ]─Tasto per Specificare Variabile Imposta la calcolatrice per stare in agguato per una immissione durante un programma. [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ]─Tasto di Interruzione Temporanea del Calcolo Ferma un programma temporaneamente

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    Schermo Indicatori mostrati sullo schermo per indicarle lo stato attuale della calcolatrice. • Virgola mobile visualizza fino a 10 cifre. • La sezione di mantissa visualizza fino a 8 cifre. La sezione dell’esponente visualizza fino a ±99. STAT M – E PGM CONST GRAD RAD DEG BUSY σ 2F HYP ( (n) :

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    y y 6) x ,x 7) x , ÷ 8) +, – ACCURATEZZA E CAPACITÀ Funzioni Intervallo di Immissione sin x, cos x, tan x Deg : x < 1 x 10 11 deg Rad : x < 1745329252 rad Grad : x < 1.111111111 x 10 11 grad Tuttavia, per tan x Deg : x ≠ 90 (2n+1) Rad : x ≠ π (2n+1) 2 Grad : x ≠ 100 (2n+1) (n è un intero) sin –1 x,

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    y x x > 0 : y ≠ 0, -1 x 10100 < log X < 100 x=0:y>0 x<0 : y=2n+1, l/n, n è un intero.(n≠0) Ma –1 x 10100 < a b/c 1 y 1 y log ⏐x⏐ 100 Immissione:Totale di interi, numeratori e denominatori devono essere all’interno 10 cifre (incluso segno di divisione) Risultato:Risultato visualizzato come frazione

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    La calcolatrice è alimentata da due batterie alcaline G13(LR44). Quando lo schermo si diventa opaco, sostituire le batterie. Fare attenzione ad evitare di provocarsi lesioni durante la sostituzione delle batterie. 1. Svitare le viti nella parte posteriore della calcolatrice. 2. Inserire un

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    (Es.) : 74 ÷ 2.5 = 29.6 85.2 ÷ 2.5 = 34.08 74 [ ÷ ] 2.5 [ = ] 85.2 [ = ] DEG 29.6 DEG 34.08 Calcoli con la Memoria • Non impostare modo di funzione al “ STAT ” durante esecuzione del calcolo con memoria. • Un numero nuovo immesso nella memoria con [ X M ] sostituisce qualsiasi numero memorizzato di

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    (Es.) : 3 124 2 +7 = 5 15 3 2 [ a b/c ] 3 [ + ] 7 [ a b/c ] 3 [ a b/c ] 5 [ = ] 8 ∪ 4 ┘15 DEG d/e ] [ 2ndF ] [ DEG 124 ┘15 • Quando si preme il tasto [ a b/c ] dopo del tasto [ = ] o una frazione eseguita con una decimale, la risposta è visualizzata come una decimale. 3 4 7 = 9.19 (Es.) : 5 + 3 = 9

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    (Es.) : e 5 – e –2 = ? 5 [ 2ndF ] [ e x ] [ – ] 2 [ +/– ] [ 2ndF ] [ex][=] DEG 148.28 Potenza, Radice, Reciproco, Fattoriali 2 + 3 × 5 = 5.29 (Es.) : 2[√][+]3[√][x]5[√][=] (Es.) : 3 DEG 5.29 5 + – 27 = –1.29 3 5 [ 2ndF ] [ 3√ ] [ + ] 27 [ +/– ] [ 2ndF ] [ 3√ ] [ = ] DEG –1.29 (Ex.) : 7 5 = 16807

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    CONST DEG 5 [ x ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] [ CONST ] 6.67 –11 G DEG [=] 3.34 –10 DEVIAZIONI STANDARD • Premere [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] per impostare la calcolatrice al modo di calcolo statistico. • Premere [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] per cancellare la memoria statistica prima di iniziare un calcolo nuovo. • Al invece di

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    • Per annullare la immissione scorretta, premere [ DEL ]. PROGRAMMAZIONE Con sua calcolatrice programmabile scientifica, calcoli complessi ripetuti non sono più faccende consumatori di tempo. Basta dire alla calcolatrice che cosa si vuole fare di modo che la calcolatrice possa capire (in altre

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    (Es.) Trovare la somma totale del capitale ed interesse su un prestito di $5,000 (x) a 6% di interesse annuale (y) composto annualmente durante un periodo di 7 anni (z) ? Formula : somma totale = x (1 +y ) z (Es.) : (1) x = $5,000 y=6% z = 7 anni (2) x = $1,000 y = 10 % z = 5 anni [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ]

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    (Ex) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) R 2 = 47 (Ω) R 3 = 82 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K (2) R 1 = 10 (Ω) R 2 = 20 (Ω) R 3 = 30 (Ω) DEG ] 12. DEG ] 47. M 82 [ X M ] 82. [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] [ Ka X K ] [ Kb X K ] DEG M PGM DEG 564. M PGM M PGM DEG M PGM DEG ] 3854. PGM M M PGM [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] M PGM

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    Inhoud ALGEMENE DEFINITIES …………………………………………… 2 De toetsen ………………………………………………………………………….2 ALGEMENE TOETSEN …………………………………………………………..2 GEHEUGENTOETSEN

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    ALGEMENE DEFINITIES De toetsen Om de rekenmachine zo compact mogelijk te maken, hebben sommige toetsen meer dan één functie. U kunt de functie van een toets veranderen door eerst op een andere toets te drukken, of door de rekenmachine in een bepaalde modus in te stellen. De volgende pagina’s geven

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    Toets voor het opslaan in het geheugen: [ X M ] Druk op [ X M ] om de weergegeven waarde in het geheugen op te slaan. De vorige waarde die zich het geheugen bevond, wordt automatisch gewist. Toets voor het optellen met geheugeninhoud: [ M+ ] Druk op [ M+ ] om de som van de berekening te maken en om

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    De toets voor het instellen van het decimaalteken: [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] Gebruik deze toets voor het instellen van het aantal cijfers die weergegeven worden na het decimaalteken in eind- of tussenresultaten. De rekenmachine zal intern nog steeds het volledige getal gebruiken en rond slechts de getallen

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    Fahrenheit ↔ Celsius mmHg↔kilopascal [ ℉↔℃ ] [ mmHg↔kpa ] FUNCTIETOETSEN De sexagesimale notatie / decimale notatie conversietoetsen: [ 2ndF ] [ ] en [ 2ndF ] [ ] Om de sexagesimale (zestigdelig) notatie (graden, minuten, seconden) te converteren naar de decimale notatie (graden) drukt u op [ 2ndF

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    De toets voor het berekenen van de 3de machtswortel: [ 2ndF ] [3 ] Druk op [ 2ndF ] [ 3 ] om de 3de machtswortel van de weergegeven waarde te berekenen. De toets voor het berekenen van de omgekeerde waarde: [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] Druk op [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] om de omgekeerde waarde van de weergegeven waarde

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    μ0 ε0 Magnetische doordringbaarheid Diëlektrische doordringbaarheid 1.2566370614 x 10 -06 Hm –1 8.854187817 x 10 –12 Fm –1 PROGRAMMEERTOETSEN (ENKEL VOOR GEBRUIK IN DE PGM-MODUS) De toets voor het inschakelen van de programmeermodus of het wissen: [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] Wanneer u de rekenmachine in de

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    Toets voor het berekenen van de standaardafwijking van de populatie: [ 2ndF ] [σ] Berekent de standaardafwijking van de populatie van de gegevens. Toets voor het berekenen van de standaardafwijking van de steekproef: [ S ] Berekent de standaardafwijking van de steekproef van de gegevens. Toets voor

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    HYP : Verschijnt wanneer de hyperbolische functie geselecteerd is. : Verschijnt wanneer u op [ ( ] drukt. Het toont aan hoeveel haakjes er zich op verschillende niveaus bevinden. : Verschijnt wanneer u in de programmeermodus op [SHIFT] [ [X] ] drukt en wanneer een programma zich pauzeert om u een

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    sinh –1 x cosh –1 x tanh –1 x log x, ln x 10 x x < 1 1 x 10 –99 ≤ x < 1 x 10 100 x < 100 0 ≤ x < 1 x 10100 x x < 1 x 10 50 x2 1 x 10 –99 ≤ x < 1 x 10 100 , x ≠ 0 1/x x < 1 x 10 100 x 0 ≤ x ≤ 69, x is een geheel getal. x! , xy y 1 ≤ x < 5 x 10 99 x ≤ 230.2585092 ex 3 x < 5 x 10 99 x x < 1 x 10 100 x

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    • U hebt geprobeerd een deling door 0 uit te voeren. • Het aantal lage prioriteit opslagniveaus is meer dan 6 in een bewerking met haakjes of is meer dan 7 in een bewerking met haakjes op één niveau. (Zelfs wanneer het aantal niveaus onder 6 is kan er een foutmelding verschijnen indien u de

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    3.5 [ +/–] [ + ] 8 [ ÷ ] 2 [ = ] (Bv.): ( 5 – 2 x 1.5 ) x 3 + 0.8 x ( – 4 ) = ? DEG 0.5 [ ( ] 5 [ – ] 2 [ x ] 1.5 [ ) ] [ x ] 3 [ + ] 0.8 [ x ] 4 [ +/ – ] [ = ] (Bv) : 2 x [ 7 + 6 x ( 5 + 4 ) ] = 122 DEG 2.8 2[x][(]7[+]6[x][(]5[+]4[=] DEG 122. (Opmerking) : Het is overbodig om voor de [=] toets, op

  • Страница 126 из 193

    56 [ ÷ ] 7 [ M+ ] M DEG 8. 74 [ – ] 8 [ x ] 7 [ M+ ] M DEG 18. M DEG 24. DEG 0. [ MR ] 0[X M] FUNCTIEBEWERKINGEN Sexagesimale ↔ Decimale conversie (Bv.): 12∘45’ 30” = 12.75833333 12 [ ‧] 4530 [ 2ndF ] [ DEG ] 12.75833333 (Bv.): 2.12345 = 2∘7’ 24.42” 2.12345 [ 2ndF ] [ DEG ] 2.072442 Alvorens de

  • Страница 127 из 193

    2 [ x ] [ 2ndF ] [ π] [ ÷ ] 3 [ = ] [ cos ] (Bv.): sin –1 0.5 = 30 (deg) 0.5 [ 2ndF ] [ sin –1 ] 1 ) = 0.79 (rad) (Bv.): cos –1 ( 2 ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ 2ndF ] [ cos –1 ] 2[ RAD – 0.50 DEG 30.00 RAD 0.79 Hyperbolische functies en inverse hyperbolische functies (Bv.): cosh 1.5 + sinh 1.5 = 4.48 DEG

  • Страница 128 из 193

    (Bv.): 1 1 1 – 3 4 = 12.00 DEG 3 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ – ] 4 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ = ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] 12.00 2 (Bv.): 123 + 30 = 1023.00 DEG 123 [ + ] 30 [ x 2 ] [ = ] 1023.00 (Bv.): 8 ! = 1 x 2 x 3 x ……x 7 x 8 = 40320.00 DEG 8 [ 2ndF ] [ x ! ] 40320.00 Eenheidconversies (Bv.): 12 in = 30.48 cm 12 [ A B

  • Страница 129 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] STAT DEG STAT DEG STAT DEG 0. [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] 0. 2 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 9 [ DATA ] 9 [ DATA ] – of – 2 [ DATA ] 5 [ x ] 3 [ DATA ] 9 [ x ] 2 [ DATA ] 6. STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [Σx 2 ] STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [Σx ] STAT DEG STAT DEG [n] 6. 241. 35. [ x ] 5.833333333 STAT

  • Страница 130 из 193

    programmeermodus te zetten, drukt u op [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] en de PGMindicator zal op het scherm verschijnen. Voer de procedure nu in, alsof u ze slechts eenmaal zou berekenen. Het enigste verschil is dat u op [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] moet drukken, alvorens de variabele gegevens in te voeren. U verkrijgt uw

  • Страница 131 из 193

    5000 PGM DEG PGM DEG PGM DEG PGM DEG PGM DEG PGM DEG 5000. [ x ] [ ( ] 1 [ + ] [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] [2] 6 6. [ ÷ ] 100 [ ) ] [ x y ] [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] [3] 7 7. [=] 7518.151295 DEG [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] 0. DEG [ RUN ] [1] DEG 1000 1000. DEG [ RUN ] [2] DEG 10 10. DEG [ RUN ] [3] DEG 5 5. DEG [ RUN ] 1610.51

  • Страница 132 из 193

    [ ÷ ] [ ( ] [ Ka X K ] [ + ] [ Kb X K ] [ + ] [ MR ] [ ) ] [ = ] M M PGM DEG [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] M PGM DEG [ MR ] [ Kb X K PGM 4. ] 3854. PGM M M PGM [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] M PGM R5 DEG 27.33333333 ] DEG 984. PGM R3 x R1 DEG [=] M M DEG [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] 10 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka ] 20 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] 30 [ X M ]

  • Страница 133 из 193

    indhold GRUNDLÆGGENDE DEFINITIONER………………………….. 2 Tasterne …………………………………………………………………………….2 GENERELLE TASTER ……………………………………………………………2

  • Страница 134 из 193

    GRUNDLÆGGENDE DEFINITIONER Tasterne For at gøre lommeregneren så kompakt som muligt, har nogle af tasterne mere end én funktion. Du kan ændre en tasts funktion ved først at trykke på en anden tast eller ved at sætte lommeregneren i en bestemt mode. På de følgende sider får du en mere detaljeret

  • Страница 135 из 193

    eventuel eksisterende værdi i hukommelsen slettes automatisk. [M+] Læg til hukommelsen Tryk på [M+] for at afslutte den aktuelle beregning og lægge resultatet til den værdi, der i forvejen findes i hukommelsen. [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] Gem i konstanthukommelsen (Ka, Kb) Tryk for at

  • Страница 136 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] 0.56 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] 0.55556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] 0. 555555556 Bemærk : [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] er deaktiveret umiddelbart efter og under numeriske indtastninger. [SCI] Videnskabelig tast Konverterer det viste tal til en potens af ti og tilbage igen. (eksempel) : 12.3456 [ x

  • Страница 137 из 193

    Beregner de trigonometriske funktioner af den viste værdi. [ 2ndF ] [ sin –1 ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos–1 ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan–1 ] Inverse sinus-, cosinus- og tangens-taster Beregner de inverse trigonometriske funktioner af den viste værdi. [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [

  • Страница 138 из 193

    [ CONST ] Tast for fysiske konstanter Lommeregneren giver dig mulighed for at foretage beregninger med 15 indbyggede fysiske konstanter. Ved at trykke på tasten [ CONST ] gentagne gange kan du få vist de følgende symboler og værdier. Symbol Betydning Værdi c g G Vm NA R e me mp mn u h k μ 0 Lysets

  • Страница 139 из 193

    displayet. [ 2ndF ] [CAD] Ryd statistikregistre Rydder de statistiske beregningsregistre. [DATA], [DEL] Dataindtastningstast og slettetast I STAT-mode indtaster du data ved at trykke på de ønskede tal og derefter på [DATA]. Hvis du indtaster forkerte data og ikke opdager fejlen, før du trykker på

  • Страница 140 из 193

    2F HYP ( (n) : Vises, når den sekundære funktion er valgt. : Vises, når den hyperbolske funktion er valgt. : Vises, når du trykker på [ ( ]. Viser det aktuelle indlejringsniveau. : Vises, når du trykker på [SHIFT] [ [X] ] i programindlærings-mode, og når programafviklingen stopper, for at du kan

  • Страница 141 из 193

    tanh x sinh –1 x cosh –1 x tanh –1 x log x, ln x 10 x 1 ≤ x < 5 x 10 99 x < 1 1 x 10 –99 ≤ X < 1 x 10 100 x < 100 0 ≤ x < 1 x 10100 x x < 1 x 10 50 x2 1 x 10 –99 ≤ x < 1 x 10 100 , x ≠ 0 1/x x < 1 x 10 100 x 0 ≤ x ≤ 69, x er et heltal. x! , xy y x < 5 x 10 99 x ≤ 230.2585092 ex 3 x < 1 x 10 100 x <

  • Страница 142 из 193

    (inklusive hukommelsesberegninger). • Du forsøger at dividere med 0. • Antallet af lavt prioriterede lagerniveauer overstiger 6 i en parentesberegning eller antallet af indlejrede parenteser overstiger 7 på ét niveau (selv om antallet af niveauer er 6 eller derunder, kan der opstå fejl, hvis du

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    [ ( ] 5 [ – ] 2 [ x ] 1.5 [ ) ] [ x ] 3 [ + ] 0.8 [ x ] 4 [ +/ – ] [ = ] (Eks.) : 2 x [ 7 + 6 x ( 5 + 4 ) ] = 122 DEG 2.8 2[x][(]7[+]6[x][(]5[+]4[=] DEG 122. (Bemærk) : Det er ikke nødvendigt at trykke på tasten [ ) ] før tasten [ = ]. Konstantberegninger (Eks.) : 3 + 2.3 = 5.3 6 + 2.3 = 8.3 3 [ +

  • Страница 144 из 193

    DEG 0[X M] 0. FUNKTIONSBEREGNINGER Konvertering sexagesimal ↔ decimal (Eks.) : 12°45’ 30” = 12.75833333 12 [‧] 4530 [ 2ndF ] [ DEG ] 12.75833333 (Eks.) : 2.12345 = 2°7’ 24.42” 2.12345 [ 2ndF ] [ DEG ] 2.072442 Inden du udfører den følgende beregning, skal du kontrollere, at lommeregneren er

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    1 (Eks.) : cos –1 ( 2[ 2 ) = 0.79 (rad) ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/X ] [ 2ndF ] [ cos –1 ] RAD 0.79 Hyperbolske og inverse hyperbolske funktioner (Eks.) : cosh 1.5 + sinh 1.5 = 4.48 DEG 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ] [ + ] . 4.48 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ] [ = ] (Eks.) : sinh –1 7 = 2.64 7 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [

  • Страница 146 из 193

    DEG 123 [ + ] 30 [ x 2 ] [ = ] 1023.00 (Eks.) : 8 ! = 1 x 2 x 3 x ……x 7 x 8 = 40320.00 DEG 8 [ 2ndF ] [ x ! ] 40320.00 Enhedskonvertering (Eks.) : 12 in = 30.48 cm 12 [ A B ] [ 2ndF ] [ in ↔cm ] DEG 30.48 (Eks.) : 98 cm = 38.58 in DEG 98 [ 2ndF ] [ A B ] [ 2ndF ] [ in↔cm ] 38.58 Bemærk : Alle

  • Страница 147 из 193

    STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [Σ x 2 ] STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [Σ x ] STAT DEG STAT DEG [n] 6. 241. 35. [ x ] 5.833333333 STAT [S] DEG 2.714160398 σ 2.477678125 STAT [ 2ndF ] [ σ ] DEG Bemærk: Stikprøvestandardafvigelsen S er defineret som : ∑ x2 Populationsstandardafvigelsen σ er defineret som : – (∑ x )2 n − 1 2

  • Страница 148 из 193

    Husk, at du maksimalt kan indtaste 40 trin. Hvis du forsøger at indtaste et trin nummer 41, viser lommeregneren E. Tryk på [ON/C] for at afslutte fejlen. Tryk på [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] igen for at stoppe med at gemme et program. PGM forsvinder, og lommeregneren forlader program-mode. Tryk på [ RUN ] for

  • Страница 149 из 193

    DEG 1000 1000. DEG [ RUN ] [2] DEG 10 10. DEG [ RUN ] [3] DEG 5 5. DEG [ RUN ] 1610.51 Beskrivelse : △→ Y a a R2 b b R4 R4 = R6 R5 = R3 R1 c c (Ex) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω ) R 2 = 47 (Ω ) R 3 = 82 (Ω ) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K R 3 • R1 R1 + R 2 + R 3 12. DEG 47. DEG 82. K [ 2ndF ] [ HALT

  • Страница 150 из 193

    M DEG 10 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka ] 20 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] 30 [ X M ] M DEG [ ON/C ] [ RUN ] M [ RUN ] M [ RUN ] M [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] X K 0. 30. DEG 3.333333333 R4 DEG 10. R5 DEG 5. -Da18- SR260C_Dannish_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/15 SCALE 2:1 R6

  • Страница 151 из 193

    Содержаниe …………………………………………………. 2 ……………………………………………………………………………. 2 ………………………………………………. 2 ………………………………………………. 2

  • Страница 152 из 193

    . , . . [ 2ndF ] . [ 2ndF ]. . “ 2F ”, [ 0 ] ~[ 9 ] [‧] . [+][–][x][÷][=] , , , . [ ON/C ] / [ ON/C ] , (Ka, Kb) , . [ CE ] [ CE ] . [ 00 0 ] . ( ) 123456 [ 00 0 ] [ 00 0 ] 123456. 12345. 1234. [ +/– ] [ +/– ], . [ MR ] [ MR ], . -R2- SR260C_Russian_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/14 SCALE 1:1

  • Страница 153 из 193

    [X M] [ X M ], . . [ M+ ] [ M+ ] , [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X (Ka, Kb) K . ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] , Ka [ Ka X K Kb. ], [ Kb X K ] , . : • • Ka Kb , [ Ka X K ] [ Kb , Ka X K 0 ] Kb. [ ( ], [ ) ] . 6 . [ EXP ] , , , [ EXP ], . [ 2ndF ] [ π ] [ 2ndF ] [π] π, ( 3.141592654). [ 2ndF ] [ X↔Y ] , [ 2ndF ] [ X↔Y ] (

  • Страница 154 из 193

    , . • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 0 ]~[ 6 ] –– . • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [‧] –– . ( ) 5[÷]9[=] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] : 0.555555556 0.56 0.55556 0. 555555556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] . [ SCI ] 10 . ( ): 12.3456 [ x ] 10 [ = ] [ SCI ] [ SCI ] [ SCI ]

  • Страница 155 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ ], [ 2ndF ] [ ] ( 60) ( ( , , ) [ 2ndF ] [ ), ]. , [ 2ndF ] [ [ sin ], [ cos ], [ tan ] , ]. , . [ 2ndF ] [ sin , –1 –1 –1 ], [ 2ndF ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ tan ] , . [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ], [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ tan ] . –1 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ 2ndF ] [ sin ], [ 2ndF

  • Страница 156 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ x! ] [ 2ndF ] [ x! ] y [x ] [ x y x, ], y [ = ]. y [ 2ndF ] [ x ] , [ 2ndF ] [ y x ], y [ = ]. [ a b/c ], [ 2ndF ] [ d/e ] [ a b/c ], . d/e ], [ 2ndF ] [ . [ CONST ] 15 . [ CONST ] : c g G Vm NA R e me mp mn u h k μ0 1.2566370614 x 10 ε0 8.854187817 x 10 299792458 / –2 9.80665 –11 2 –2

  • Страница 157 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] ─ / . PGM; . [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ]. , , . PGM . [ RUN ]─ . [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ]─ . [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ]─ . ( STAT) [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] . STAT. [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] . [ DATA ], [ DEL ] STAT , [ DATA ]. [ DATA ], , [ DEL ] . [ x ] ( x ) . [ 2ndF ] [σ] . [S] . 2 [ 2ndF ] [Σx ] -R7-

  • Страница 158 из 193

    2 (Σx ). [ 2ndF ] [Σx ] (Σx ). [n] (n). , : • 10 . • 8 . ±99. STAT : M : – : E : PGM : CONST : GRAD : RAD : . , . , DEG : BUSY : σ : 2F : HYP : ( : (n) : . . . . . . . . . . . [ ( ]. . [SHIFT] [ [X] ] , , . (1 – 40) . : 1) , -R8- SR260C_Russian_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/14 SCALE 1:1

  • Страница 159 из 193

    , , cos, sin, tan, cos 2 3 , log, ln, x , 1/x, √, π, √, x!, %, –1 , sin –1 , tan 13 . 2) 3) , , , , [ EXP ]. 4) 5) +/– 6) y x ,x y 7) x , ÷ 8) +, – sin x, cos x, tan x Deg : x Rad : x x Grad : < 1 x 10 11 deg < 1745329252 rad < 1.111111111 x 10 11 grad tan x Deg : x Rad : x Grad : (n sin –1 x, cos

  • Страница 160 из 193

    0 ≤ X < 1 x 10100 x x 2 x 1 x 10 –99 ≤ 1/x 3 < 1 x 10 50 x x x < 1 x 10 x < 1 x 10 100 < 1 x 10 100 , X ≠ 0 100 0 ≤ x ≤ 69, x x! , xy . x > 0 : –1 x 10100 < y log x < 100 y>0 x=0: x < 0 : y = n, 1/(2n+1), n –1 x 10100 < y 1 y log ⏐x⏐ 100 x > 0 : y ≠ 0, -1 x 10100 < x x=0:y>0 x < 0 : y=2n+1, l/n, n

  • Страница 161 из 193

    .) • [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X Ka Kb . • K [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X ] K ] . • , 40 . [ ON/C ]. , [ ON/C ]. [ OFF ]. , 9 . [ ON/C ]; , . G13(LR44). , . . 1. 2. . . 3. . . 4. . 5. 6. ( ) . . 7. . ( ) ( ) : – 3.5 +8 ÷ 2= 0.5 3.5 [ +/–] [ + ] 8 [ ÷ ] 2 [ = ] ( [ ( ] 5 [ – ] 2 [ x ] 1.5 [ ) ] [ x ] 3 [ + ] 0.8 [ x ] 4 [

  • Страница 162 из 193

    DEG 122. 3 [ + ] 2.3 [ = ] DEG 5.3 6[=] DEG 8.3 2[x][(]7[+]6[x][(]5[+]4 [=] ( ): [=] [ ) ]. ) : 3 + 2.3 = 5.3 6 + 2.3 = 8.3 ( ( ) : 7 – 5.6 = 1.4 –4.5 – 5.6 = –10.1 7 [ – ] 5.6 [ = ] DEG 1.4 4.5 [+/–] [ = ] DEG –10.1 ( ) : 12 x 2.3 = 27.6 12 x (–9) = –108 12 [ x ] 2.3 [ = ] DEG 27.6 9 [+/–] [ = ]

  • Страница 163 из 193

    ( ) : 12∘45’ 30” = 12.75833333 12 [‧] 4530 [ 2ndF ] [ ( DEG ] 12.75833333 ) : 2.12345 = 2∘7’ 24.42” 2.12345 [ 2ndF ] [ ] DEG 2.072442 , . • [ 2ndF ] [ ( ): d /e ] . 2 + 7 3 = 124 3 5 15 DEG 2 [ a b/c ] 3 [ + ] 7 [ a b/c ] 3 [ a b/c ] 5 [=] [ 2ndF ] [ 8 ∪4 ┘15 d /e ] • DEG 124 ┘15 [ a b /c ] [ = ],

  • Страница 164 из 193

    ( 2π rad) = – 0.5 3 ) : cos ( 2 [ x ] [ 2ndF ] [ π] [ ÷ ] 3 [ = ] [ cos ] ( ) : sin –1 0.5 [ 2ndF ] [ sin ( RAD – 0.50 DEG 30.00 0.5 = 30 (deg) –1 ] 1 –1 ) : cos ( ) = 0.79 (rad) 2 2 [ √ ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ 2ndF ] –1 [ cos ] RAD 0.79 . ( ) : cosh 1.5 + sinh 1.5 = 4.48 DEG 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [

  • Страница 165 из 193

    y 7[x ]5[=] ( 5 ): 32 [ 2ndF ] [ y DEG DEG x ]5[=] 1 ( 16807.00 32 = 2 ): 1 1 – 3 4 2.00 = 12.00 3 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ – ] 4 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ = ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] DEG 12.00 2 ( ) : 123 + 30 = 1023.00 2 DEG 123 [ + ] 30 [ x ] [ = ] ( 1023.00 ) : 8 ! = 1 x 2 x 3 x ……x 7 x 8 = 40320.00 8 [ 2ndF ] [ x

  • Страница 166 из 193

    • , , , , , . ( ): 2 n, Σx, Σx , x , S, σ, 2~4 = 5, 5~6 = 9 1 = 2, [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] STAT DEG 2 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 9 [ DATA ] 9 [ DATA ] – – STAT DEG 0. 0. 6. 2 [ DATA ] 5 [ x ] 3 [ DATA ] 9 [ x ] 2 [ DATA ] [n] STAT DEG 2 [ 2ndF ] [Σx ] STAT DEG [

  • Страница 167 из 193

    , — 40 ( . “ ) , ( ). ” — . , . . , (PGM). [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ]. PGM. — , , : [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ]. , PGM. : [‧] [ EXP ], [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ], [ +/– ], [ ) ] [ CE ], , ─ . , , : 40 41 , [ ON/C ] E. . . [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] . PGM . , [ RUN ] . [ RUN ] . , [ RUN ] , . . [ 2ndF ] , [ PGM ]. . , . ( PGM), [=] . ,

  • Страница 168 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ HALT ] , . , [ RUN ] . , . ( ) $5,000 (x) 6% (y) : total amount = x (1 +y ) ( ) : (1) x = $5,000 y=6% z=7 7 (z) z (2) x = $1,000 y = 10 % z=5 [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] PGM DEG [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] PGM DEG 5000 PGM DEG [ x ] [ ( ] 1 [ + ] [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] PGM DEG 6 PGM DEG [ ÷ ] 100 [ ) ] [ x ] [ 2ndF

  • Страница 169 из 193

    △ → Y : R4 = R5 = R6 = ( R1 •R 2 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 2 •R 3 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 3 •R1 R1 +R 2 +R 3 ) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) (2) R 1 = 10 (Ω) R 2 = 47 (Ω) R2 = 20 (Ω) R 3 = 82 (Ω) R3 = 30 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ] DEG 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] DEG 12. 47. DEG 82 [ X M ] M [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] M PGM DEG M PGM DEG 82. 0.

  • Страница 170 из 193

    [ ON/C ] [ RUN ] M DEG 3.333333333 [ RUN ] M DEG [ RUN ] M DEG 10. 5. R4 R5 R6 -R20- SR260C_Russian_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/14 SCALE 1:1

  • Страница 171 из 193

    Zawartość DEFINICJE PODSTAWOWE …………………………………………………….. 2 Klawisze …………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Klawisze ogólnego naznaczenia ……………………………………………… 2 KLAWISZE

  • Страница 172 из 193

    DEFINICJE PODSTAWOWE Klawisze Aby zapewnić maksymaln kompaktowo ć, do niektórych klawiszy przypisana jest druga funkcja. Funkcje klawiszy można zmieniać naciskaj c najpierw inny klawisz lub wprowadzaj c kalkulator do odpowiedniego trybu. Poniżej podano szczególowy opis funkcji różnych klawiszy i

  • Страница 173 из 193

    [ X M ] Wprowadzanie do pami ci Aby zapisać w pami ci wy wietlon na ekranie liczb , należy nacisn ć klawisz [ X M ]. Aktualnie zapisana w pami ci liczba zostanie zast pion now warto ci . [ M+ ] Dodawanie do pami ci wy wietlanej warto ci Aby dodać wynik oblicze do zapisanej w pami ci liczby, należy

  • Страница 174 из 193

    • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 0 ]~[ 6 ] –– Ustawienie wy wietlanej liczby cyfr po przecinku. • [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [‧] –– Wybór trybu zmiennoprzecinkowego. (Przykład) 5 [ ÷ ] 9 [ = ] 0.555555556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ] 0.56 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ] 0.55556 [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [‧] 0. 555555556

  • Страница 175 из 193

    KLAWISZE FUNKCYJNE [ 2ndF ] [ ], [ 2ndF ] [ ] Klawisze konwersji zapisu sze ćdziesi tnego do dziesi tnego i na odwrót Aby przekształcić liczb sze ćdziesi tn (o podstawie 60) (stopnie, minuty, sekundy) na liczb dziesi tn (grady), należy nacisn ć klawisze [ 2ndF ] [ ]. Aby przekształcić liczb dziesi

  • Страница 176 из 193

    [ 2ndF ] [ x! ] Klawisz obliczania silni Aby obliczyć silni wprowadzonej liczby, należy nacisn ć klawisze [ 2ndF ] [ x! ] y [ x ] Klawisz obliczania pot gi dla dowolnej podstawy Aby obliczyć pot g y liczby x, należy wprowadzić liczb x, nacisn ć y klawisz [ x ], wprowadzić wykładnik pot gi y i

  • Страница 177 из 193

    Po zako czeniu wprowadzania programu należy nacisn ć klawisze [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ]. Wprowadzony program bedzi zapisany do pami ci. Wskaźnik PGM zniknie z wy wietlacza i kalkulator wyjdzie z trybu programowania. [ RUN ]─Klawisz uruchamaj cy program Nacisni cie tego klawisza uruchamia obliczenia

  • Страница 178 из 193

    WY WIETLACZ Na wy wietlaczu ukazuj si rożne wskaźniki sygnalizuj ce aktualny stan kalkulatora. • W trybie zmiennoprzecinkowym kalkulator wy wietla liczby zawieraj ce do 10 cyfr. • Długo ć mantysy nie może być wi ksza od 8 cyfr. Wykładnik pot gi nie może być wi kszy od ±99. STAT M – E PGM CONST GRAD

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    8) +, – DOKŁADNO Ć OBLICZE ORAZ WPROWADZANE PRZEDZIAŁY Funkcja sin x, cos x, tan x Przedział Deg : x Rad : x Grad : < 1 x 10 11 deg < 1745329252 rad < 1.111111111 x 10 11 grad x lecz dla tan x Deg : x Rad : x Grad : ≠ 90 (2n+1) ≠ π (2n+1) 2 x ≠ 100 (2n+1) (n liczba całkowita) sin –1 x, cos –1 x –1

  • Страница 180 из 193

    x > 0 : –1 x 10100 < y log x < 100 xy x=0:y>0 x < 0 : y = n, 1/(2n+1), n liczba całkowita. lecz –1 x 10100 < y 1 y log ⏐x⏐ 100 x > 0 : y ≠ 0, –1 x 10100 < x 1 y x=0:y>0 log x < 100 x < 0 : y=2n+1, l/n, n liczba całkowita.(n≠0) lecz –1 x 10100 < ab c 1 y log ⏐x⏐ 100 Wprowadzanie: cz ć całkowita

  • Страница 181 из 193

    ZASILANIE Aby wł czyć kalkulator, należy nacisn ć klawisz [ ON/C ]. Aby wył czyć kalkulator, należy nacisn ć klawisz [ OFF ]. Kalkulator wył cza si automatycznie je li nie jest używany w ci gu około 9 minut. Kalkulator może być reaktywowany naci ni ciem klawiszu [ ON/C ]; wszyskie wskazania wy

  • Страница 182 из 193

    (Przykład) : 7 – 5.6 = 1.4 –4.5 – 5.6 = –10.1 7 [ – ] 5.6 [ = ] DEG 1.4 4.5 [+/–] [ = ] DEG –10.1 (Przykład) : 12 x 2.3 = 27.6 12 x (–9) = –108 12 [ x ] 2.3 [ = ] DEG 27.6 9 [+/–] [ = ] DEG –108. (Przykład) : 74 ÷ 2.5 = 29.6 85.2 ÷ 2.5 = 34.08 74 [ ÷ ] 2.5 [ = ] DEG 29.6 85.2 [ = ] DEG 34.08

  • Страница 183 из 193

    (Przykład) : 2.12345 = 2∘7’ 24.42” 2.12345 [ 2ndF ] [ ] DEG 2.072442 Przed przeprowadzeniem nast puj cych oblicze należy upewnić si o wyborze trybu okre lonej liczby miejsc po przecinku (dwie cyfry po przecinku). Działania na ułamkach • Naci ni cie klawiszy [ 2ndF ] [ liczb na ułamek niewła ciwy.

  • Страница 184 из 193

    (Przykład) : cos –1 1 ) = 0.79 (rad) 2 ( RAD 2 [ √ ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ 2ndF ] –1 [ cos ] 0.79 Funkcje hiperboliczne oraz odwrotne funkcje hiperboliczne (Przykład) : cosh 1.5 + sinh 1.5 = 4.48 DEG 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ cos ] [ + ] 1.5 [ 2ndF ] [ HYP ] [ sin ] [ = ] (Przykład) : sinh –1 4.48 7 =

  • Страница 185 из 193

    (Przykład) : 1 = 12.00 1– 1 3 4 DEG 3 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ – ] 4 [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] [ = ] [ 2ndF ] [ 1/x ] 12.00 2 (Przykład) : 123 + 30 = 1023.00 2 123 [ + ] 30 [ x ] [ = ] DEG 1023.00 (Przykład) : 8 ! = 1 x 2 x 3 x ……x 7 x 8 = 40320.00 8 [ 2ndF ] [ x ! ] DEG 40320.00 Zamiana jednostek (Przykład) : 12

  • Страница 186 из 193

    2 (Przykład) : Wprowadź nast puj ce dane dla oblicze n, Σx, Σx , x , S, σ, gdzie próbka 1 = 2, próbka 2~4 = 5, próbka 5~6 = 9 [ 2ndF ] [ STAT ] STAT DEG [ 2ndF ] [ CAD ] STAT DEG 2 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 5 [ DATA ] 9 [ DATA ] 9 [ DATA ] – lub – STAT DEG 0. 0. 6. 2 [ DATA ] 5 [ x ] 3 [ DATA

  • Страница 187 из 193

    funkcj matematyczn ) lub wprowadzenie danych (liczb). Program pozostanie w pami ci kalkulatora nawet po wył czeniu zasilania. W obliczeniach można użycz wi cej niż jedn zmienn . W trybie programowania (PGM) do pami ci kalkulatora można zapisać kolejno ć oblicze lub program. Aby przej ć do trybu

  • Страница 188 из 193

    (Przykład): Obliczyć kwot ogóln i procenty z pożyczki o wielko ci $5,000 (x) przy 6% rocznie (y) w ci gu 7 lat (z) Wzór : kwota ogólem = x (1 +y ) (Przykład) : (1) z x = $5,000 y=6% z = 7 lat (2) x = $1,000 y = 10 % z = 5 lat [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] PGM DEG [ 2ndF ] [ [X] ] PGM DEG 5000 PGM DEG [ x ] [ (

  • Страница 189 из 193

    △ → Y Opis : R4 = R5 = R6 = R1 •R 2 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 2 •R 3 R1 +R 2 +R 3 R 3 •R1 R1 +R 2 +R 3 (Przykład) :(1) R 1 = 12 (Ω) (2) R 1 = 10 (Ω) R 2 = 47 (Ω) R 2 = 20 (Ω) R 3 = 82 (Ω) R 3 = 30 (Ω) 12 [ 2ndF ] [ Ka X K ] DEG 47 [ 2ndF ] [ Kb X K ] DEG 12. 47. DEG 82 [ X M ] M [ 2ndF ] [ PGM ] M PGM DEG M

  • Страница 190 из 193

    [ ON/C ] [ RUN ] M DEG 3.333333333 [ RUN ] M DEG [ RUN ] M DEG 10. 5. R4 R5 R6 -Po 20- SR260C_Polish_090402.doc SIZE: 140x75mm 2009/4/14 SCALE 1:1

  • Страница 191 из 193

    WEEE MARK En If you want to dispose this product, do not mix with general household waste. There is a separate collection systems for used electronics products in accordance with legislation under the WEEE Directive (Directive 2002/96/EC) and is effective only within European Union. Ge Wenn Sie

  • Страница 192 из 193
  • Страница 193 из 193
  • Просмотр

    Доступно к просмотру 190 страниц. Рекомендуем вам скачать файл инструкции, поскольку онлайн просмотр документа может сильно отличаться от оригинала.

    • Contents
      BASIC DEFINITIONS.......................................................... 2
      The Keys .......................................................................................2
      GENERAL KEYS ..............................................................................2
      MEMORY KEYS ...............................................................................2
      SPECIAL KEYS ................................................................................3
      UNIT CONVERSION KEY ................................................................4
      FUNCTION KEYS.............................................................................4
      THE DISPLAY..................................................................... 7
      ORDER OF OPERATIONS................................................. 8
      ACCURACY AND CAPACITY............................................ 8
      OVERFLOW / ERROR CONDITIONS ................................ 9
      POWER SUPPLY.............................................................. 10
      NORMAL CALCULATIONS ............................................. 10
      Basic Calculation  (Including Parenthesis Calculations)..............10
      Constant Calculations..................................................................10
      Memory Calculations...................................................................11
      FUNCTION CALCULATIONS........................................... 11
      Sexagesimal - Decimal conversion...........................................11
      Fraction Calculation.....................................................................12
      Trigonometric / Inverse – Tri. Functions ......................................12
      Hyperbolic Functions and Inverse – Hyp. Functions ...................12
      Common And Natural Logarithms / Exponentiations...................13
      Power, Root, Reciprocals, Factorials...........................................13
      Unit Conversion...........................................................................13
      Physics Constants.......................................................................14
      STANDARD DEVIATIONS ............................................... 14
      PROGRAMMING .............................................................. 15
      SR260C_English_black_090402.doc         SIZE: 140x75mm         SCALE 2:1
      The Keys
      To keep your calculators as compact as possible, some keys have
      more than one function. You can change the function of a key by
      pressing another key first, or by setting the calculator in a certain
      The following pages give you more detailed explanation of each key’s
      use and function.
      [ 2ndF ] Second Function Select Key
      Some keys have a second function inscribed above them. To perform
      this second function, press [ 2ndF ]. “ 2F ” appears in the display then
      press the key.
      [ 0 ] ~[ 9 ] [?] Data Entry keys
      Press these keys in their logical sequence to enter numbers.
      [ + ] [ – ] [ x ] [ ? ] [ = ] Basic Calculation Keys
      Press these keys in their logical sequence for addition, subtraction,
      multiplication, division, and to display answers.
      [ ON/C ] Power On / Clear Key
      Press [ ON/C ] to turn on the calculator and to clear everything except
      the contents of the memory, constant memory(Ka, Kb), and program
      [ CE ] Clear Entry Key
      Press [ CE ] to erase incorrect entries.
      [ 00?0 ] Right Shift Key
      Press to clear the last significant digit of the number displayed.
      (Ex.)          123456                       123456.
      [ 00?0 ]                      12345.
      [ 00?0 ]                       1234.
      [ +/– ] Sign Change Key
      Press [ +/– ] to change the displayed number from positive to negative
      or from negative to positive.
      [ MR ] Memory Recall Key
      Press [ MR ] to display the contents of the memory.
      [ X?M ] Memory Store Key
      Press [ X?M ] to store the displayed value into memory. Any previous
      value in memory is automatically erased.
      SR260C_English_black_090402.doc         SIZE: 140x75mm         SCALE 2:1
    • [ M+ ] Memory Plus Key
      Press [ M+ ] to total the current calculation and add the result to the
      value already in memory.
      [ 2ndF ] [ Ka  X?K  ], [ 2ndF ] [ Kb  X?K  ] Constant (Ka, Kb) Memory
      Store Key
      Press to enter the displayed value into constant memory Ka or Kb.
      [ Ka  X?K  ], [ Kb  X?K  ] Memory Recall Key
      Press to display the contents of a constant memory.
      Note :
      •  Constant memories Ka and Kb can have a value of 0
      •  If you press [ Ka  X?K  ] or [ Kb  X?K  ] after entering a number or
      marking a calculation, the displayed value is multiplied by the value
      in Ka or Kb.
      [ ( ], [ ) ] Parenthesis Keys
      Press to override the calculation’s default order of operation by using
      parentheses. You can use up to 6 levels of parenthes in a single
      [ EXP ] Exponent Key
      To enter a number in scientific notation, first enter the numbers for the
      mantissa, press [ EXP ], and then enter the numbers for the exponent.
      [ 2ndF ] [ ? ] Key
      Press [ 2ndF ] [?] to display the value of ?, which is the ratio of
      circle’s circumference to its diameter (approximately 3.141592654).
      [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ] Register Exchange Key
      Press [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ] to exchange the displayed value (X–register)
      with the contents of the working register (Y–register).
      (Ex.)          123 [ + ] 456 [ = ]                 579.
      [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ]                    456.
      [ 2ndF ] [ X-Y ]                    579.
      [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] Decimal Point Set Key
      Use to set the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in
      either final or intermediate results. The calculator continues to use its
      full range for internal calculations and only rounds the number in the
      •  [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 0 ]~[ 6 ] –– Sets the number of digits to be
      displayed to the right of decimal point.
      •  [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 7 ], [ 8 ], [ 9 ], [?] –– Selects floating point format.
      (Ex.)     5 [ ? ] 9 [ = ]               0.555555556
      [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 2 ]                  0.56
      [ 2ndF ] [ FIX ] [ 5 ]              0.55556
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    BASIC DEFINITIONS…………………………………………………. 2

    The Keys ……………………………………………………………………………2 

    GENERAL KEYS ……………………………………………………………………2 
    MEMORY KEYS …………………………………………………………………….2 
    SPECIAL KEYS ……………………………………………………………………..3 
    UNIT CONVERSION KEY ……………………………………………………….4 
    FUNCTION KEYS…………………………………………………………………..4 

    THE DISPLAY…………………………………………………………… 7

    ORDER OF OPERATIONS…………………………………………. 8

    ACCURACY AND CAPACITY…………………………………….. 8

    OVERFLOW / ERROR CONDITIONS ………………………….. 9

    POWER SUPPLY…………………………………………………….. 10

    NORMAL CALCULATIONS ……………………………………… 10

    Basic Calculation  (Including Parenthesis Calculations) …………..10 
    Constant Calculations…………………………………………………………10 
    Memory Calculations ………………………………………………………….11 

    FUNCTION CALCULATIONS……………………………………. 11


    ↔ Decimal conversion …………………………………….11 

    Fraction Calculation……………………………………………………………12 
    Trigonometric / Inverse – Tri. Functions ………………………………..12 
    Hyperbolic Functions and Inverse – Hyp. Functions ……………….12 
    Common And Natural Logarithms / Exponentiations ……………….13 
    Power, Root, Reciprocals, Factorials…………………………………….13 
    Unit Conversion…………………………………………………………………13 
    Physics Constants ……………………………………………………………..14 

    STANDARD DEVIATIONS ……………………………………….. 14

    PROGRAMMING …………………………………………………….. 15


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