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Посмотреть инструкция для Suunto Vector бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории спортивные часы, 22 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.7. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Suunto Vector или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Vector | SS012279110
спортивные часы
452358004832, 45235906406, 6417084106001, 6417084111869, 6417084121585, 6417084127006, 6417084127648, 6417084161017, 6417084162052, 722630027041, 0722630027041, 0045235400836
Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Вес и размеры
Водонепроницаемость до 30 m
Водонепроницаемый Да
Материал корпуса часов Пластик
Позиционирование на рынке Спортивные часы
Цвет товара Черный
Календарь Да
Барометрический высотомер Да
Шагомер Нет
Сложные тренировки Нет
Режим часов 12/24 часа
Секундомер Да
Монитор сердечного ритма Нет
Вычисление калорий на основе частоты сердечных сокращений Нет

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Какой вес Suunto Vector?

Suunto Vector имеет вес 54 g.

Необходимо ли выключать устройство спортивные часы на ночь?

Выключать устройство спортивные часы на ночь полезно, чтобы продлить срок службы аккумулятора.

Необходим ли интернет для GPS?

Нет, для использования GPS не требуется интернет.

Что означает аббревиатура GPS?

Аббревиатура GPS расшифровывается как Global Positioning System, т. е. система глобального позиционирования.

Что такое GPS?

GPS — это система, которая может использоваться в любой точке мира для определения вашего местоположения с помощью спутников.

Сколько часов в неделю нужно тренироваться взрослому человеку?

Взрослым рекомендуется выполнять умеренно интенсивные упражнения не менее 2,5 часов в неделю. Желательно распределить их на несколько дней.

Какой пульс у взрослого человека в состоянии покоя?

У взрослого человека в состоянии покоя пульс от 60 до 100 ударов в минуту.

Какой максимально допустимый пульс взрослого человека?

Можно определить для себя максимально допустимый пульс, отняв от 220 свой возраст.

Что такое Bluetooth?

Bluetooth — это способ обмена данными по беспроводной сети между электронными устройствами с помощью радиоволн. Расстояние между двумя устройствами обменивающимися данными в большинстве случаев составляет не более десяти метров.

Инструкция Suunto Vector доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоSuunto Vector доступно врусский .

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Suunto VECTOR HR User Manual

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Summary of Contents for Suunto VECTOR HR

  • Page 8
    USER’S GUIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTACTS Suunto Oy Phone +358 9 875870 Fax +358 9 87587301 Suunto Phone 1 (800) 543-9124 Canada Phone 1 (800) 267-7506 European Call Center Phone +358 2 284 11 60 Suunto Website www.suunto.com…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    .7 Battery replacement of tHe WrIstop computer ………….. .8 Battery replacement of tHe suunto transmItter Belt………… CHaPTeR 2 HeaRT RaTe MonIToR ……….13 . suunto WrIstop computer anD transmItter In a Water envIronment ……………………….3 . suunto WrIstop computer anD Interference …………….3 .3 actIvatInG tHe Heart rate monItor …………………4…

  • Page 10
    .6 stopWatcH suB moDe …………………….7 .6. How to use the stopwatch ………………….7 .7 Interval countDoWn tImer suB moDe ………………9 .7. How to set the countdown timer …………………9 .7. How to start the countdown timer ……………….. .8 Hrm memory ………………………. CHaPTeR 3 TIMe Mode …………..23 3. HoW to set tHe tIme ………………………4 3. DaIly alarm suB moDe …………………….5 3.. How to set the Daily alarms ………………….5…
  • Page 11
    5. 4-Day memory suB moDe ……………………37 5.3 sea level pressure suB moDe ………………….38 5.3. setting the sea level pressure ………………..38 5.4 BarometrIc trenD InDIcator ………………….39 CHaPTeR 6 CoMPass Mode …………40 6. BearInG trackInG suB moDe ………………….4 6. DeclInatIon aDjustment suB moDe ………………..4 6.. setting the local Declination ………………..4 6.3.
  • Page 12
    7.4.5 What is the maximum capacity of total vertical ascent or descent feet/meters in the logbook history? ………………46 7.4.6 If hiking from a level of 5,000 ft down hill to 3,000 ft and then back up to 8,000 feet, how is the Wristop computer going to read this or average it out? ………46 7.4.7 Why does the vertical ascent/descent measurement show different readings even though I am inside and staying in the same room? ………47 7.5 Barometer ………………………..47…
  • Page 13: Chapter 1 Introduction

    Hr’s accuracy. the ergonomically designed vector Hr Wristop computer weighs only  ounces (55 g) and features a large number style lcD display intended to be clearly visible in almost any condition.

  • Page 14: Button Functions

    1.3 buTTon funCTIons Four buttons are used to operate the Wristop Computer: [Mode], [+] (ON/OFF), [-] (Fast Cumulative), and [Select]. 1.3.1 The [Mode] button Is located on the top right of the Wristop computer. • In the main mode level, pressing the [mode] button allows the user to select or move from one main mode or function to the next (tIme, altI, Baro, comp, Hrm).

  • Page 15: The [Select] Button

    1.3.4 The [select] button Is located on the top left of the Wristop computer. • In the main mode level, pressing the [select] button allows the user to enter into the sub modes of the particular function or return to the main mode the user is in. •…

  • Page 16: Measurements And Units

    1.5 MeasuReMenTs and unITs The Wristop Computer supplies two units of measure: metric or imperial. metric unit of measure Imperial unit of measure m/min ft/min mbar InHg…

  • Page 17: Selecting The Units Of Measurement

    1.5.1 selecting the units of Measurement To change the units of measure displayed: . check the mode indicator. If the mode arrow is not on tIme, press the [mode] button until the arrow is directly below tIme. . press the [mode] and [select] buttons simultaneously and hold for 3 seconds. field  will display “set” momentarily and then display “unI”…

  • Page 18: Pressure Sensor Calibration

    1.6 PRessuRe sensoR CalIbRaTIon WARNING: this is a factory calIBratIon settInG. Do not enter this mode. If you enter this mode in error, exit immediately by pressing the [moDe] button to return to the “unI” setting mode. normally there is no need to alter the calibration.

  • Page 19: Battery Replacement Of The Suunto Transmitter Belt

    Replace the battery as illustrated here: Note: Suunto recommends that the battery cover and the O ring are changed simultaneously with the battery to ensure that the transmitter remains clean and water resistant. replacement covers are available with replacement batteries.

  • Page 20: Chapter 2 Heart Rate Monitor

    2.1 suunTo WRIsToP CoMPuTeR and TRansMITTeR In a WaTeR enVIRonMenT suunto Wristop computer is water proof to a depth of 30m/00ft. to maintain the water resistance, it is strongly recommended to have all service done by authorised suunto service personnel.

  • Page 21: Activating The Heart Rate Monitor

    2.3 aCTIVaTIng THe HeaRT RaTe MonIToR 1. Adjust the strap length to fit snugly and comfortably. Secure the strap around your chest, below the chest muscles. Lock the buckle. . raise the transmitter a little off your chest and wet the grooved electrode areas on the back of it. It is important that the electrodes are wet during exercise.

  • Page 22: Warnings

    2.4 WaRnIngs • Persons who have a pacemaker, defibrillator or other implanted electronic device use the Heart Rate Monitor at their own risk. Before starting the initial use of the Heart rate monitor, we highly recommend an exercise test under a doctor’s supervision. this will ensure the safety and reliability of the pacemaker and Heart rate monitor when simultaneously being used.

  • Page 23: How To Set The Target Zones Of The Heart Rate Monitor

    In the HRM mode (Fig. 2): • field  displays the text “Hr” (Hr = heart rate). • field  displays the current heart rate. • field 3 displays the current time. note: In order to activate this feature, the transmitter belt must be worn around the chest area. the middle row will show zero until there is a proper reading to display.

  • Page 24: Stopwatch Sub Mode

    limits “on” means that the Wristop computer will audibly alert the user that a chosen upper or lower limit has been exceeded. limits “off” means that the Wristop computer will not alert the user, but the limits will however be used to calculate time spent in, above and below the target heart rate zone.

  • Page 25
    . press the [-] button to reset the stopwatch to zero once the stopwatch has stopped. In the split time mode: . press the [+] button to start the stopwatch. . press the [-] button once to stop the stopwatch and to display a split time. this split time and the momentaneous heart rate reading will be stored in the memory for later viewing.
  • Page 26: Interval Countdown Timer Sub Mode

    2.7 InTeRVal CounTdoWn TIMeR sub Mode In the Hrm mode, press the [select] button twice to enter this sub mode. In the interval countdown timer mode (Fig. 5): • field  displays the seconds, • field  displays the current heart rate, and •…

  • Page 27
    5. at the minutes desired, press the [select] button to move to the next setting. located in the center of field 3, the hour will begin to flash. 6. press the [+] button to scroll the hour upward or press the [-] button to scroll the hour downward. 7.
  • Page 28: How To Start The Countdown Timer

    2.7.2 How to start the Countdown Timer During the training interval, the set heart rate limits are in use and the heart rate information is calculated and stored in the Hrm memory. When the time has been counted down, a beep is heard, and simultaneously a new interval will begin. If the recovery interval has a value other than zero, this interval will now be counted down.

  • Page 29
    2. In the second display (duration of the event) (Fig. 9): • Field 1 displays the seconds of training time; • Field 2 displays the hours and minutes of the training time; and • field 3 displays the text “dur” (dur = duration of the event). 3.
  • Page 30: Chapter 3 Time Mode

    [mode] button. CHaPTeR 3 TIMe Mode The Suunto Wristop Computer watch function provides the user with: • an adjustable 24/12 hour clock display;…

  • Page 31: How To Set The Time

    3.1 HoW To seT THe TIMe To set the Time: 1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 3, the seconds will begin to flash (Fig. 17). . press the [+] button to scroll the seconds upward or press the [-] button to reset the seconds to zero. 3.

  • Page 32: Daily Alarm Sub Mode

    5. at the desired day, press the [mode] button to accept the changes and return to the main mode. note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup. setting the time is now complete.

  • Page 33: Dual Time Sub Mode

    3.3 dual TIMe sub Mode the Dual time sub mode allows you to set the watch to display a time other than the main one. In the tIme mode, press the [select] button twice to enter this sub mode. In the dual time mode (Fig. 20): •…

  • Page 34: Chapter 4 Altimeter Mode

    CHaPTeR 4 alTIMeTeR Mode The Suunto Wristop Computer Altimeter function provides the user with: • an adjustable unit of measure either meter or feet: meter ranging from -500 to 9,000; ft ranging -1,600 to 29,500; • a resolution of 5m or 10ft;…

  • Page 35: Setting The Altimeter

    detaIlS regardIng the effect of aIr temperature on altItude meaSurement are ShoWn on page 51 Of thIS guIde. If the AltItude Is not known, the user cAn set the seA leVel Pressure In the BArometer mode (refer to page 40, Setting the Sea level pressure). SettIng the Sea level preSSure WIll adJuSt the altImeter to the current altItude WIthIn approXImately ten meterS or 30 ft.

  • Page 36
    Recommended interval to use: actIvIty Interval skiing 0 sec or  minute Biking 0 sec or  minute Hiking 0 minute mountaineering 0 minute or 60 minute Note: In selecting the interval, the user chooses a) the time period for recording the altitude, the vertical ascent/descent rate as well as the heart rate to be stored into the logbook and b) the timeout or maximum recording time of a logbook.
  • Page 37: Altitude Difference Measurement Sub Mode

    note: a 10 minute recording interval means that the Wristop computer records data every 10 minutes. 4.2 alTITude dIffeRenCe MeasuReMenT sub Mode In the altimeter mode, press the [select] button once to enter this sub mode. In the Altitude Difference measurement mode (Fig. 25): •…

  • Page 38: 4-Hour Memory Sub Mode

    4.3 24-HouR MeMoRy sub Mode In the altimeter mode, press the [select] button twice to enter this sub mode. In the 24-hour memory mode (Fig. 27): • Field 1 displays the vertical ascent or descent rate; • Field 2 displays the current altitude in increments of 5 meters or 10 feet, depending on the unit of measure selected ; and •…

  • Page 39
    • Field 1 displays the average vertical ascent rate during the event; • Field 2 displays the total vertical ascent ; and • field 3 displays the text “asc” along with the text “log Book” to the left. the third display shows the descent information for the particular logbook that is being viewed (fig. 30). •…
  • Page 40: Closer Examination Of The Logbook

    • Field 2 displays the time spent in the target HR zone; and • field 3 displays the text “In” (In=within target zone) along with the one segment highlighted under “Hrm”. the ninth display shows the time spent below the target Hr zone selected (fig. 36). •…

  • Page 41: How To Start And Stop A Logbook

    4.4.2 How to start and stop a logbook In the altimeter main mode or the difference measurement sub mode, press the [+] button twice within two seconds. A beep will be heard and the flashing text “ Log Book” will appear in Field 3 to indicate the start of the recording. the recording can be stopped by pressing the [+] button twice within two seconds.

  • Page 42: Clearing The Logbook History

    In the fourth display (Fig. 43): • Field 1 displays the text “dSC”; • field  and 3 show up to a 8 digit accumulative vertical descent since the last reset. field  is activated when the value of the vertical descent is beyond the 3 digit value displayed in field 3.

  • Page 43: Chapter 5 Barometer Mode

    CHaPTeR 5 baRoMeTeR Mode The Suunto Wristop Computer Barometer function provides the user with: • an adjustable unit of measure mbar or inHg; mbar range 300 to 1,100 mbar, inHg range 8.90 to 32.40; • an adjustable sea level pressure function ranging from 7.5-30.80 inHg / 9-,080 mbar •…

  • Page 44: Pressure Difference Measurement Sub Mode

    note: the absolute pressure is depending on current altitude and weather. 5.1 PRessuRe dIffeRenCe MeasuReMenT sub Mode the pressure difference is not referring to the sea level pressure, but to the current barometric pressure measured by the watch. In the Barometer mode, press the [select] button once to enter this sub mode. In the Pressure Difference Measurement sub mode (Fig.

  • Page 45: Sea Level Pressure Sub Mode

    • Field 2 displays the atmospheric pressure; and • field 3 displays the time and to the left the text “memory”. • the outer circumference graphically displays the atmospheric pressure where one full circle equals 00 mbars or  inHg. To view the information compiled in the 4-day memory: PRESS the [-] button to scroll back down in increments of one hour for the first six hours, after that increments are 6 hours.

  • Page 46: Barometric Trend Indicator

    Note: Information on the current sea level pressure can be obtained through newspapers, local news and radio weather reports, the local airport facility or through the Internet under local weather. note: If the user does not press any button for 1 minute in the setup mode, the display will automatically exit setup. 5.4 baRoMeTRIC TRend IndICaToR located in the top left corner of the lcD display resides the Barometric trend Indicator.

  • Page 47: Chapter 6 Compass Mode

    2. Reactivate the compass by pressing the [-] button. vector Hr provides a bubble level for the user to achieve a precise reading within +3 degrees. the user centers the liquid bubble to ensure the Wristop computer position is level and takes a reading.

  • Page 48: Bearing Tracking Sub Mode

    6.1 beaRIng TRaCkIng sub Mode the user can select to change from the cardinal point mode to the bearing tracking mode (fig. 5). In the compass main mode: 1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold in for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1, “OFF” will begin to flash (Fig. 53). .

  • Page 49: Setting The Local Declination

    6.2.1 setting the local declination 1. PRESS the [Select] button and hold for 2 seconds. Located in Field 1, “OFF” will begin to flash. . press either the [+] or the [-] button to change the declination direction in field . 3.

  • Page 50: Chapter 7 Frequently Asked Questions

    note: during calibration, it is not necessary that all peripheral segments light up or turn off. note: If the text “faIl” appears in field 2 (fig. 60), the battery should be removed and put back in before trying to proceed with the calibration process.

  • Page 51: Why Do The Segments On The Circumference Go To The Left (Counterclockwise)

    If you have set the compass to track a certain bearing, the segments on the circumference indicate the difference between the direction in which you want to go and your actual bearing. 7.1.4 Why do the segments on the circumference go to the left (counterclockwise)? you are in the difference measurement mode and your unit is showing a decreasing value.

  • Page 52: Time

    7.3 TIMe 7.3.1 Why do the segments on the circumference increase and decrease when I am in the Watch mode? the main function of the segments is related to the compass mode, where a division into 36 segments is necessary due to the 360- degree scale of a compass.

  • Page 53: What Is The Duration Readout

    7.4.4 What is the duration readout? the duration readout tells you how many hours and/or minutes the event recorded into the logbook lasted. for example, if you’re hiking from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. and the logbook is on during this time, the readout would show a duration of 05:00 hours. 7.4.5 What is the maximum capacity of total vertical ascent or descent feet/meters in the logbook history? The maximum figure that can be shown on the display is 29,999,999 representing feet or meters depending on the unit of measurement…

  • Page 54: Why Does The Vertical Ascent/Descent Measurement Show Different Readings Even Though I Am Inside And Staying In The Same Room

    is to alWays set the known reference altitude into the Wristop computer. this is the only way to get accurate altitude readings. 7.4.7 Why does the vertical ascent/descent measurement show different readings even though I am inside and staying in the same room? the resolution of the vertical ascent/descent rate is  m/ ft whereas the resolution of the altitude display is 5 m/0 ft, which means that the ascent/descent rate can show movement even though you remain at the same altitude.

  • Page 55: What Is Temperature Compensation

    – it will in either case give you the proper altitude reading providing the weather conditions have not changed. all suunto Wristop computers are temperature compensated within the range –5 to 40 ° f / — 0 to +60 ° c.

  • Page 56
    altitude (m) altitude (ft) temperature (c) temperature (f) above sea level above sea level 5.0 59.0 3.7 56.7 3 .4 54.3 969 . 5.0 65 49.6 000 38 47.3 00 3937 45.0 400 4593 4.6 600 550 40.3 800 5906 37.9 000 656…
  • Page 57
    now the altitude measurement error caused by an abnormal temperature gradient can be approximated as follows. If the sum of the temperature offsets from the normal temperatures determined at two different altitudes is 1 ºC, the altitude difference calculated by Wristop Computer is 0.2% off the real altitude difference (When using imperial units the offset factor is 0.% /  ºf).
  • Page 58: Spare Parts Available

    Battery replacement kit (including battery and battery lid) Watch straps in plastic. extension strap in plastic Bezel (available only in suunto oy during maintenance) suunto oy provides moderate-priced Wristop computer service to its customers. Batteries are usually available in sport and watch shops etc.

  • Page 59: Abbreviations

    – duration 10. CoPyRIgHT and TRadeMaRk noTICe this publication and its contents are proprietary to suunto oy and are intended solely for the use of its clients to obtain knowledge and key information regarding the operation of the Wristop computer.

  • Page 60: Ce Compliance

    12. lIMITs of lIabIlITy and Iso 9001 CoMPlIanCe If this product should fail due to defects in materials or workmanship, suunto oy will, at its sole option, repair or replace it with new or rebuilt parts, free of charge, for two () years from the date of its purchase. this warranty is extended only to the original purchaser and only covers failures due to defects in materials and workmanship that occur during normal use while in the period of the warranty.

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Наименование модели: SUUNTO Vector

Язык: Руководство на русском языке

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