Часы casio chr 100 1 инструкция

CHR-100 Ɇɨɞɭɥɶ 2979

Ɋɭɤɨɜɨɞɫɬɜɨ ɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɬɟɥɹ

ɉɪɟɠɞɟ ɜɫɟɝɨ ɩɪɨɱɬɢɬɟ ɷɬɭ ɜɚɠɧɭɸ ɢɧɮɨɪɦɚɰɢɸ

x ȼ ɩɪɢɨɛɪɟɬɟɧɧɵɯ ɜɚɦɢ ɱɚɫɚɯ ɛɚɬɚɪɟɹ ɩɢɬɚɧɢɹ ɭɫɬɚɧɚɜɥɢɜɚɟɬɫɹ ɧɚ ɮɚɛɪɢɤɟ ɢ ɞɨɥɠɧɚ

ɛɵɬɶ ɧɟɦɟɞɥɟɧɧɨ ɡɚɦɟɧɟɧɚ ɩɪɢ ɩɟɪɜɵɯ ɩɪɢɡɧɚɤɚɯ ɧɟɞɨɫɬɚɬɨɱɧɨɫɬɢ ɩɢɬɚɧɢɹ ɭ

ɛɥɢɠɚɣɲɟɝɨ ɤ ɜɚɦ ɞɢɥɟɪɚ ɢɥɢ ɞɢɫɬɪɢɛɶɸɬɨɪɚ ɮɢɪɦɵ «CASIO».

x ɇɟ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɣɬɟ ɱɚɫɵ, ɟɫɥɢ ɜɵ ɭɠɟ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɟɬɟ ɢɥɢ ɧɨɫɢɬɟ ɤɚɤɨɣɥɢɛɨ ɦɟɞɢɰɢɧɫɤɢɣ

ɩɪɢɛɨɪ, ɨɩɪɟɞɟɥɹɸɳɢɣ ɱɚɫɬɨɬɭ ɩɭɥɶɫɚ.

x ɇɟ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɣɬɟ ɱɚɫɵ ɜɨ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɩɨɝɪɭɠɟɧɢɹ ɩɨɞ ɜɨɞɭ ɢɥɢ ɞɚɣɜɢɧɝɚ, ɱɬɨ ɦɨɠɟɬ ɛɵɬɶ

ɤɪɚɣɧɟ ɨɩɚɫɧɨ.

x ɇɟ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɣɬɟ ɱɚɫɵ ɜɛɥɢɡɢ ɢɫɬɨɱɧɢɤɨɜ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɦɚɝɧɢɬɧɨɝɨ ɢɡɥɭɱɟɧɢɹ (ɬɟɥɟɜɢɡɨɪɚ,

ɦɢɤɪɨɜɨɥɧɨɜɵɯ ɩɟɱɟɣ, ɤɨɦɩɶɸɬɟɪɨɜ, ɦɨɛɢɥɶɧɵɯ ɬɟɥɟɮɨɧɨɜ) ɢɥɢ ɧɚɯɨɞɹɫɶ ɜ ɩɨɟɡɞɟ,

ɫɚɦɨɥɟɬɟ ɢɥɢ ɦɚɲɢɧɟ.

x ɏɪɚɧɢɬɟ ɱɚɫɵ ɢ ɩɨɹɫ ɜ ɧɟɞɨɫɬɭɩɧɨɦ ɞɥɹ ɞɟɬɟɣ ɦɟɫɬɟ.

x ȿɫɥɢ ɜɵ ɱɭɜɫɬɜɭɟɬɟ ɛɨɥɶ ɢɥɢ ɞɢɫɤɨɦɮɨɪɬ ɩɪɢ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɢ ɱɚɫɨɜ, ɧɟɦɟɞɥɟɧɧɨ

ɫɧɢɦɢɬɟ ɢɯ ɢ ɩɪɨɤɨɧɫɭɥɶɬɢɪɭɣɬɟɫɶ ɫ ɜɪɚɱɨɦ ɨ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɶɧɨɫɬɢ ɢ ɧɟɨɛɯɨɞɢɦɨɫɬɢ ɢɯ

ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɹ, ɬɚɤ ɤɚɤ ɜ ɨɫɧɨɜɧɨɦ, ɨɧɢ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɸɬɫɹ ɜ ɤɚɱɟɫɬɜɟ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɫɟɪɞɟɱɧɨɝɨ


x ȿɫɥɢ ɭ ɜɚɫ ɧɚɱɢɧɚɟɬɫɹ ɤɨɠɧɨɟ ɪɚɡɞɪɚɠɟɧɢɟ ɩɪɢ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɢ ɩɨɹɫɚ, ɫɧɢɦɢɬɟ ɩɨɹɫ.

Ɋɚɡɞɪɚɠɟɧɢɟ ɤɨɠɢ ɦɨɠɟɬ ɩɨɹɜɥɹɬɶɫɹ ɜ ɫɥɟɞɭɸɳɢɯ ɫɥɭɱɚɹɯ:

ɭ ɜɚɫ ɚɥɥɟɪɝɢɹ ɧɚ ɤɨɠɭ ɢɥɢ ɦɟɬɚɥ

ɟɫɥɢ ɩɨɹɫ ɢɥɢ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪ ɝɪɹɡɧɵɣ ɢɥɢ ɫɥɢɲɤɨɦ ɦɨɤɪɵɣ,

ɜɵ ɫɥɢɲɤɨɦ ɩɥɨɬɧɨ ɩɪɢɫɬɟɝɢɜɚɟɬɟ ɩɨɹɫ, ɱɬɨ ɩɪɢɜɨɞɢɬ ɤ ɬɨɦɭ, ɱɬɨ ɜɵ

ɧɚɱɢɧɚɟɬɟ ɩɨɬɟɬɶ, ɚ ɩɨɹɫ ɫɢɥɶɧɨ ɧɚɬɢɪɚɬɶ ɤɨɠɭ. ɋɥɟɞɢɬɟ ɡɚ ɬɟɦ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɧɟ

ɩɪɢɫɬɟɝɢɜɚɬɶ ɩɨɹɫ ɫɥɢɲɤɨɦ ɫɢɥɶɧɨ. Ɇɟɠɞɭ ɜɚɲɢɦ ɤɨɪɩɭɫɨɦ ɢ ɩɨɹɫɨɦ ɞɨɥɠɟɧ

ɩɪɨɯɨɞɢɬɶ ɩɚɥɟɰ.

x Ʉɨɝɞɚ ɜɵ ɧɟ ɩɨɥɶɡɭɟɬɟɫɶ ɱɚɫɚɦɢ, ɯɪɚɧɢɬɟ ɢɯ ɜ ɫɭɯɨɦ ɦɟɫɬɟ.

x ɂɡɛɟɝɚɣɬɟ ɩɨɩɚɞɚɧɢɹ ɧɚ ɱɚɫɵ ɢɥɢ ɩɨɹɫ ɛɟɧɡɢɧɚ, ɱɢɫɬɹɳɢɯ ɪɚɫɬɜɨɪɢɬɟɥɟɣ, ɚɷɪɨɡɨɥɟɣ

ɢɡ ɪɚɫɩɵɥɢɬɟɥɟɣ, ɤɥɟɹɳɢɯ ɜɟɳɟɫɬɜ, ɤɪɚɫɤɢ ɢ ɬ.ɩ

. ɏɢɦɢɱɟɫɤɢɟ ɪɟɚɤɰɢɢ, ɜɵɡɵɜɚɟɦɵɟ

ɷɬɢɦɢ ɦɚɬɟɪɢɚɥɚɦɢ, ɩɪɢɜɨɞɹɬ ɤ ɩɨɜɪɟɠɞɟɧɢɸ ɩɪɨɤɥɚɞɨɤ, ɤɨɪɩɭɫɚ ɢ ɪɟɦɟɲɤɨɜ ɱɚɫɨɜ.

x ɇɟ ɩɨɞɜɟɪɝɚɣɬɟ ɱɚɫɵ ɜɨɡɞɟɣɫɬɜɢɸ ɩɪɟɞɟɥɶɧɵɯ ɬɟɦɩɟɪɚɬɭɪ.

x ɇɢɤɨɝɞɚ ɧɟ ɩɵɬɚɣɬɟɫɶ ɜɫɤɪɵɜɚɬɶ ɤɨɪɩɭɫ ɢ ɫɧɢɦɚɬɶ ɡɚɞɧɸɸ ɤɪɵɲɤɭ.

x ɏɨɬɹ ɱɚɫɵ ɪɚɫɫɱɢɬɚɧɵ ɧɚ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɟ ɢɯ ɜ ɨɛɵɱɧɵɯ ɭɫɥɨɜɢɹɯ, ɬɟɦ ɧɟ ɦɟɧɟɟ ɜɵ

ɞɨɥɠɧɵ ɢɡɛɟɝɚɬɶ ɝɪɭɛɨɝɨ ɨɛɪɚɳɟɧɢɹ ɫ ɧɢɦɢ ɢ ɧɟ ɞɨɩɭɫɤɚɬɶ ɢɯ ɩɚɞɟɧɢɹ.

x Ⱦɥɹ ɨɱɢɫɬɤɢ ɱɚɫɨɜ ɢ ɪɟɦɟɲɤɚ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɣɬɟ ɫɭɯɭɸ ɦɹɝɤɭɸ ɬɤɚɧɶ, ɥɢɛɨ ɦɹɝɤɭɸ ɬɤɚɧɶ,

ɫɦɨɱɟɧɧɭɸ ɜ ɜɨɞɧɨɦ ɪɚɫɬɜɨɪɟ ɦɹɝɤɨɝɨ ɧɟɣɬɪɚɥɶɧɨɝɨ ɦɨɸɳɟɝɨ ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɚ. ɇɢɤɨɝɞɚ ɧɟ

ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɭɣɬɟɫɶ ɥɟɝɤɨ ɢɫɩɚɪɹɸɳɢɦɢɫɹ ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɚɦɢ (ɧɚɩɪɢɦɟɪ ɬɚɤɢɦɢ, ɤɚɤ ɛɟɧɡɢɧ,

ɪɚɫɬɜɨɪɢɬɟɥɢ, ɪɚɫɩɵɥɹɸɳɢɟɫɹ ɱɢɫɬɹɳɢɟ ɫɪɟɞɫɬɜɚ ɢ ɬ.ɩ.).

x ȿɫɥɢ ɜɧɭɬɪɶ ɱɚɫɨɜ ɩɨɩɚɞɟɬ ɜɥɚɝɚ, ɬɨ ɧɟɦɟɞɥɟɧɧɨ ɩɪɨɜɟɪɶɬɟ ɢɯ ɭ ɛɥɢɠɚɣɲɟɝɨ ɤ ɜɚɦ

ɞɢɥɟɪɚ ɢɥɢ ɞɢɫɬɪɢɛɶɸɬɨɪɚ ɮɢɪɦɵ CASIO.

Ɏɢɪɦɚ «CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD» ɧɟ ɧɟɫɟɬ ɨɬɜɟɬɫɬɜɟɧɧɨɫɬɢ ɡɚ ɤɚɤɨɣ ɛɵ ɬɨ ɧɢ

ɛɵɥɨ ɭɳɟɪɛ, ɤɨɬɨɪɵɣ ɦɨɠɟɬ ɜɨɡɧɢɤɧɭɬɶ ɩɪɢ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɢ ɷɬɢɯ ɱɚɫɨɜ, ɢ ɧɟ ɩɪɢɧɢɦɚɟɬ

ɧɢɤɚɤɢɯ ɩɪɟɬɟɧɡɢɣ ɫɨ ɫɬɨɪɨɧɵ ɬɪɟɬɶɢɯ ɥɢɰ.

ɎɍɇɄɐɂɂ ɑȺɋɈȼ

x Ɇɨɧɢɬɨɪ ɫɟɪɞɟɱɧɨɝɨ ɪɢɬɦɚ

ɢɡɦɟɪɟɧɢɟ ɱɚɫɬɨɬɵ ɫɟɪɞɟɱɧɨɝɨ ɪɢɬɦɚ, ɢɧɬɟɧɫɢɜɧɨɫɬɢ ɭɩɪɚɠɧɟɧɢɣ, ɜɪɟɦɟɧɢ

ɜɵɩɨɥɧɟɧɢɹ ɭɩɪɚɠɧɟɧɢɣ.

x ɋɟɤɭɧɞɨɦɟɪ

Ɇɚɤɫɢɦɚɥɶɧɵɣ ɞɢɚɩɚɡɨɧ ɢɡɦɟɪɟɧɢɣ – 100 ɱɚɫɨɜ,

ɢɡɦɟɪɟɧɢɹ ɜɪɟɦɟɧɢ ɩɪɟɨɞɨɥɟɧɢɹ ɨɬɞɟɥɶɧɵɯ ɩɪɨɦɟɠɭɬɤɨɜ ɢ ɞɢɫɬɚɧɰɢɣ

ɨɬɧɨɫɢɬɟɥɶɧɨ ɫɬɚɪɬɚ

ɟɞɢɧɢɰɚ ɢɡɦɟɪɟɧɢɣ — 1/100 ɫɟɤ.

x Ɂɚɩɢɫɧɚɹ ɤɧɢɠɤɚ ɫɟɤɭɧɞɨɦɟɪɚ

200 ɡɚɩɢɫɟɣ ɜɪɟɦɟɧɢ ɩɪɟɨɞɨɥɟɧɢɹ ɨɬɞɟɥɶɧɵɯ ɩɪɨɦɟɠɭɬɤɨɜ ɞɢɫɬɚɧɰɢɢ ɢ ɞɢɫɬɚɧɰɢɣ

ɨɬɧɨɫɢɬɟɥɶɧɨ ɫɬɚɪɬɚ, ɫɪɟɞɧɢɯ ɡɧɚɱɟɧɢɣ ɱɚɫɬɨɬɵ ɫɟɪɞɟɱɧɨɝɨ ɪɢɬɦɚ ɢ ɢɧɬɟɧɫɢɜɧɨɫɬɢ

ɭɩɪɚɠɧɟɧɢɣ. ɋɨɯɪɚɧɟɧɢɟ ɞɚɧɧɵɯ ɬɪɟɧɢɪɨɜɤɢ: ɨɛɳɟɟ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɜɵɩɨɥɧɟɧɢɹ

ɭɩɪɚɠɧɟɧɢɹ, ɜɪɟɦɹ ɧɚɯɨɠɞɟɧɢɹ ɜ ɰɟɥɟɜɨɣ ɡɨɧɟ ɩɭɥɶɫɚ ɜɨ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɬɪɟɧɢɪɨɜɤɢ, ɜɪɟɦɹ

ɧɚɯɨɠɞɟɧɢɹ ɜɵɲɟ ɢɥɢ ɧɢɠɟ ɰɟɥɟɜɨɣ ɡɨɧɵ ɩɭɥɶɫɚ, ɥɭɱɲɟɟ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɩɪɟɨɞɨɥɟɧɢɹ

ɩɪɨɦɟɠɭɬɤɚ ɞɢɫɬɚɧɰɢɢ, ɫɪɟɞɧɟɟ ɡɧɚɱɟɧɢɹ ɫɟɪɞɟɱɧɨɝɨ ɪɢɬɦɚ, ɤɨɥɢɱɟɫɬɜɨ

ɩɨɬɪɟɛɥɹɟɦɨɣ ɷɧɟɪɝɢɢ, ɨɛɳɟɟ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɬɪɟɧɢɪɨɜɤɢ, ɨɛɳɟɟ ɤɨɥɢɱɟɫɬɜɨ ɩɨɬɪɟɛɥɹɟɦɨɣ

ɡɚ ɬɪɟɧɢɪɨɜɤɭ ɷɧɟɪɝɢɢ.

x Ɍɚɣɦɟɪ

2 ɬɚɣɦɟɪɚ

ɟɞɢɧɢɰɚ ɢɡɦɟɪɟɧɢɣ – 1/10 ɫɟɤ.

ɦɚɤɫɢɦɚɥɶɧɵɣ ɞɢɚɩɚɡɨɧ ɢɡɦɟɪɟɧɢɣ – 100 ɱɚɫɨɜ

ɤɨɥɢɱɟɫɬɜɨ ɩɨɜɬɨɪɨɜɨɬ 1 ɞɨ 99

x Ɋɟɠɢɦ Ɇɢɪɨɜɨɝɨ ȼɪɟɦɟɧɢ

Ɂɧɚɱɟɧɢɟ ɬɟɤɭɳɟɝɨ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɜ 31 ɝɨɪɨɞɟ (29 ɱɚɫɨɜɵɯ ɩɨɹɫɨɜ), ɜɤɥɸɱɟɧɢɟ/ɜɵɤɥɸɱɟɧɢɟ

ɥɟɬɧɟɝɨ ɜɪɟɦɟɧɢ.

x Ɂɜɭɤɨɜɨɣ ɋɢɝɧɚɥ

Ɍɪɢ ɡɜɭɤɨɜɵɯ ɫɢɝɧɚɥɚ, ɢɧɞɢɤɚɰɢɹ ɧɚɱɚɥɚ ɱɚɫɚ.

x ɉɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɚ ɞɢɫɩɥɟɹ

ȼ ɥɸɛɨɦ ɪɟɠɢɦɟ ɧɚɠɢɦɚɣɬɟ ɤɧɨɩɤɭ “F” ɞɥɹ ɜɤɥɸɱɟɧɢɹ ɩɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɢ.

ɉɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɚ ɱɚɫɨɜ ɚɜɬɨɦɚɬɢɱɟɫɤɢ ɜɤɥɸɱɚɟɬɫɹ ɩɪɢ ɡɜɭɱɚɧɢɢ ɥɸɛɵɯ ɡɜɭɤɨɜɵɯ


x ɉɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɚ ɷɬɢɯ ɱɚɫɨɜ ɜɵɩɨɥɧɟɧɚ ɧɚ ɷɥɟɤɬɪɨɥɸɦɢɧɟɫɰɟɧɬɧɨɣ ɩɚɧɟɥɢ (EL), ɹɪɤɨɫɬɶ

ɤɨɬɨɪɨɣ ɫɧɢɠɚɟɬɫɹ ɩɪɢ ɩɨɫɬɨɹɧɧɨɦ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɢ.

x ȼɨ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɨɫɜɟɳɟɧɢɹ ɞɢɫɩɥɟɹ ɱɚɫɵ ɢɫɩɭɫɤɚɸɬ ɫɥɵɲɢɦɵɣ ɫɢɝɧɚɥ. ɗɬɨ ɩɪɨɢɫɯɨɞɢɬ

ɩɨɬɨɦɭ, ɱɬɨ ɷɥɟɦɟɧɬɵ ɩɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɢ ɜɢɛɪɢɪɭɸɬ, ɷɬɨ ɧɟ ɹɜɥɹɟɬɫɹ ɩɨɤɚɡɚɬɟɥɟɦ

ɧɟɢɫɩɪɚɜɧɨɫɬɢ ɱɚɫɨɜ.

x ɉɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɭ ɬɪɭɞɧɨ ɪɚɡɝɥɹɞɟɬɶ, ɟɫɥɢ ɧɚ ɱɚɫɵ ɩɚɞɚɸɬ ɩɪɹɦɵɟ ɫɨɥɧɟɱɧɵɟ ɥɭɱɢ.

x ɑɚɫɬɨɟ ɢɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɟ ɩɨɞɫɜɟɬɤɢ ɫɨɤɪɚɳɚɟɬ ɠɢɡɧɶ ɷɥɟɦɟɧɬɚ ɩɢɬɚɧɢɹ.


Casio CHR-100 / линейка Collection / модуль 2979 / год 2005

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  • Скачать английскую инструкцию → (детальная, много фото, более понятная).

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Читайте новости о любимых часах CHR-100 на блоге
[display-posts tag=”CHR-100″ posts_per_page=”4″]

Все новости о CHR-100 →

Побывайте на заводе Casio, изучайте последние новинки часов на Casioblog.RU

Premium-Product-Line-mini-1 Casio-EFR-303-Series-5-mini-1

Operation Guide 2979




Thank you for purchasing this CASIO product. To ensure that it can

provide you with the years of service for which it is designed, be sure to

read this manual carefully and follow the instructions contained herein.

Pay particular attention to the Safety Precautions on the following pages.

Be sure to read the Safety Precautions before trying to use this product.

Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.

Safety Precautions


Never use this product if you are wearing a cardiac pacemaker.

Do not use this product in the vicinity of anyone who is wearing a

cardiac pacemaker or any other type of medical device.

Should you ever feel any discomfort or any other abnormal

feeling while using this product, immediately stop using it and

contact your physician.

Do not use this product inside of an aircraft.


Skin Irritation

Should you ever experience any skin irritation or any other

abnormality while wearing the chest strap, immediately take it off.

Since the watch and the chest strap come into direct contact with

the skin, the following conditions may cause irritation of the skin.

When a wearer is allergic to metal or leather

When the watch or chest strap is rusty dirty, sweaty, etc.

When the wearer is in poor physical condition

Tightening the chest strap too tightly can cause you to sweat,

and can make it hard for air to pass under the strap, which can

lead to skin irritation. Do not over-tighten the chest strap.

Should you ever notice any abnormality, immediately stop

using the product and consult a physician.

Caring for This Product

To clean the product, wipe it with a soft, dry cloth, or with a cloth

that has been moistened in weak solution of water and a mild

neutral detergent. Wring out all excess liquid from the cloth

before wiping. Never use thinner, benzene, alcohol, or any other

volatile agent to clean the product.

Use of the Product

When putting on or taking off the chest strap, make sure you do

not twist, bend, or stretch it excessively.

Take care not to drop the product or otherwise subject it to strong


To avoid unexpected accidents, always check around you to

ensure you are in a safe place before looking at the display of the

watch. Looking at the watch while marathoning or jogging on the

open road, while riding a bicycle, or operating a motor vehicle

can lead to accidents.

Takes care to avoid running into others.

Should the watch stop running, have the battery replaced as

soon as possible.

Take care to avoid breaking your fingernails when fastening and

unfastening the band. Particular care is required by people with

long fingernails.

To avoid skin irritation due to unexpected injury or allergy, do not

wear the watch while sleeping.

When picking up or otherwise coming into contact with a child,

remove the watch from your wrist to avoid injury to the child or

causing irritation of the child’s skin.

Never try to take the watch apart!

Never try to take the watch apart. Doing so creates the risk of

personal injury and malfunction of the watch.

Battery Replacement

When the watch’s battery is replaced, foreign matter adhering to

contact surfaces can cause a loss of water resistance. In order to

ensure water resistance is maintained and the watch performs at

the level for which it is designed, make sure you always request

battery replacement from your dealer or CASIO distributor.

Keep backup copies of data!

Make sure you always keep separate written copies of important

data to protect against its loss. Malfunction, repair, and battery

replacement can cause memory contents to be deleted.


Do not use this product during scuba diving or other type of

diving that requires special equipment.

This product is not a diving watch. Improper use can lead to

serious accident. Do not wear the chest strap while you are

immersed in water.

For Safe Operation

Do not use this product in the vicinity of a microwave oven, TV,

computer, or cell phone, or while inside of an automobile or train.

This product may not produce correct readings if used in the

vicinity of a TV or radio transmitter.

Do not leave this product on the dashboard of an automobile or in

any other location that is subject to very high temperatures.

Never put on the chest strap after it has been in a very hot

location for a long time. Doing so creates the risk of burn injury.

If you do not have the stamina to exercise for long periods, if you

are suffering from any type of ailment, or if you are unsure of your

physical condition, consult a physician before using this product.

Should you ever start to feel discomfort or any other abnormal

feeling while using this product, immediately stop using it and

remove the chest strap.

Always take care of the situation around you whenever operating

or using this product.

Keep the chest strap out of the reach of young children.

Handling Batteries

Whenever removing the button type battery that powers the

watch or sensor bar, take care to ensure that the battery is not

swallowed accidentally. Special care is required where young

children are present.

Keep batteries out of the reach of small children. Should a battery

ever be swallowed accidentally, contact a physician immediately.

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



Casio SPORT CHR-100-1 инструкция по эксплуатации
(6 страниц)

  • Языки:Русский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    445.84 KB
  • Описание:
    Наручные часы


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Casio SPORT CHR-100-1. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Casio SPORT CHR-100-1. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Casio SPORT CHR-100-1, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

Доступно к просмотру 6 страниц. Рекомендуем вам скачать файл инструкции, поскольку онлайн просмотр документа может сильно отличаться от оригинала.

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Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Руководство минздрава крыма
  • Должностная инструкция стоматолога терапевта частной клинике
  • Испорченные отношения с руководством
  • Смарт часы м16 мини инструкция на русском языке
  • Liver albumin plus египет инструкция на русском капсулы