Archer deluxe 827 швейная машинка инструкция

Товары для дома

Швейная машина De Luxe Archer 827

продаю на запасные части. сгорел двигатель

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Вид товара Бытовая техника

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Омск, улица Лукашевича, 23А

Еще объявления

Машинка рабочая, есть запасной ремень

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Подольск

Мини швейная машинка Mini Sewing Machine — очень удобна и легка в управлении. С ней справится сможет любая хозяйка. Благодаря своим небольшим размерам и очень малому весу она всегда будет у вас под рукой. С ее помощью вы быстро и качественно можете не только отремонтировать одежду, но и сделать множество других хозяйственных дел, например, подшить слишком длинные шторы. Маленький размер машинки делает возможным использование и хранение ее даже в самой маленькой квартире. В отличие от обычной швейной машины, Мини швейная машинка Mini Sewing Machine практически не занимает пространства, ее можно положить даже в ящик тумбочки или на полку в шкафу. Она так же станет прекрасным подарком для ваших близких НЕДОСТАТКИ: НЕТ ••• Данный товар приобрести можно: «Комиссионный магазин «УРАЛМАШ» (ул. Ильича д.28), Перекресток улиц Ильича – Калинина (с 9:00 до 22:00).••• ••• Основной ассортимент нашего магазина представлен в блоке справа. Нажмите на надпись «Комиссионный магазин «Уралмаш»» и увидите весь наш ассортимент >>>>> •••Покупаем и Продаём ювелирные изделия, бывшие в употреблении телефоны, ноутбуки, строительный инструмент и другую аппаратуру.••• ••• Доставка по России: Почта и «СДЕК».•••

Бытовая техника

Мини швейная машинка Mini Sewing Machine

Швейная машинка Подольская, рабочая

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Подольск ручная

В рабочем состоянии, любые проверки на месте.

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Jaguar; id:KL

Лампа для швейной машины Аврора в ОТЛИЧНОМ состоянии ! Характеристики читайте в интернете ! продается в связи с закрытием швейного производства. Возможна доставка в другой город вашими силами Самовывоз из Дзержинского района

Бытовая техника

Лампа для швейной машины aurora

ТОРГА НЕТ!!! Машинка шьёт, но капризнячает иногда. Умелые лучки,которые умеют правильно подобрать нитки и подкрутить все, будет служить долго! В комплекте все по 1 шт. Можно сразу шить. Пушкин самовывоз

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина СССР бу

Швейная машинка, ручная. 2 шт в наличии, 1000 рублей штука.

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Подольск ручная

Старая рабочая машинка

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Singer

Швейная машина в хорошем состоянии, только нужно смазать маслом.

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина new home

Швейная машинка, б/у

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина

Только ОПТОМ Продажа от 1 коробки — 20 шт Цена за ед. — 672,00 р. Цена за коробку — 13440 р Для получения прайс листа (БОЛЕЕ 2000 товаров) пишите! Маленькая швейная машина SM-202A для домашнего использования с простым управлением. Компактная швейная машина предназначена для несложных задач по ремонту одежды или домашнего текстиля из мягких тканей. Мини швейная машина поможет: отремонтировать одежду или вещь; подшить шторы; прихватить скатерть; сшить с нуля небольшое изделие; детские игрушки красивую одежду для игрушек и мн. др. Ручная швейная машинка маленькая и не требует специального оборудованного для нее места. После использования машину легко спрятать в ящик или на полку, т.к. она очень компактна. Ручная швейная машинка мини оснащена ножной педалью, функцией намотки нити на шпульку и адаптером от электрической сети. Кроме того, устройство может функционировать при помощи батареек в количестве 4х штук класса АА, поэтому ее удобно брать с собой в поездки. Мини швейная машинка имеет качественную сборку и весь необходимый функционал обычной швейной машины. Для заботливой хозяйки эта вещь станет незаменимой помощницей в доме. TopOptMsk — компания, специализирующаяся на оптовой продаже товаров из Китая со склада в Москве. Наша компания работает на рынке оптовой торговли уже несколько лет и зарекомендовала себя как надежный поставщик качественной продукции. Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент товаров, включая электронику, бытовую технику, аксессуары для мобильных устройств, игрушки, товары для дома и сада, а также многое другое. Ключевой принцип нашей работы — оперативность и надежность. Мы стремимся к максимальному удовлетворению потребностей наших клиентов, поэтому всегда готовы предложить наилучшие условия оплаты и доставки. Мы работаем как с физическими, так и с юридическими лицами, и всегда готовы обсудить индивидуальные условия сотрудничества.

Бытовая техника

Оптом Швейная машинка (20) Опт

Машинка в рабочем состоянии, требуется настройка (путает нижнюю нитку)

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Чайка

Моторчик к швейной машине

Бытовая техника

Электромотор для швейной машинки

Практически новая. Работает от батареек и от сети. Адаптер утерян

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина мини

Продается швейная машина Подольск — 2м1

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина бу

Продаётся педаль с мотором б/у в рабочем состоянии.

Бытовая техника

Педаль для швейной машины

Швейная машина Irit IRP-01 Арт.2534664 Товар в хорошем состоянии, полностью иcпpaвен, вcе функции paбoтaют. Гарантия обмена или возврата — предоставляем возможность проверки работоспособности дома. Дополнительно предоставим фото и видеообзор товара, пишите в чат. Товар находится в Магазине АВРОРА по адресу: Воронеж, Южно-Моравская ул., 30Д Бронирование товара (услуга бесплатная, осуществляется через чат Авито) — Доставка Курьером до двери в пределах города — Доставка по РФ Почтой России и любой транспортной компанией — Гарантия — Рассрочка 0% — TRADE-IN (обмен) Все вопросы по телефону или в сообщениях Работаем 24/7 без выходных и праздников Ещё больше товаров на сайте аврора24 АВРОРА – ПОКУПАЙ ВЫГОДНО И БЕЗОПАСНО!

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Irit IRP-01

Набор лапок, есть оверлочная лапка

Бытовая техника

Набор лапок для швейных машин

Комплект швейной ручной машины в разобранном виде. Комплектность и работоспособность неизвестна, визуально в неплохом состоянии.

Бытовая техника

Вязальная машина ручная Нева-5 + Ладога-3+Ладога-4

В хорошем состоянии

Бытовая техника

Швейная машина Чайка 142

Внимание! Festima.Ru является поисковиком по объявлениям с популярных площадок.
Мы не производим реализацию товара, не храним изображения и персональные данные.
Все изображения принадлежат их авторам
Отказ от ответственности

  • Page 1
    827/827-M Service Instructions…
  • Page 2
    IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USE KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE All rights reserved. Property of Dürkopp Adler AG and protected by copyright. Any reuse of these contents, including extracts, is prohibited without the prior written approval of Dürkopp Adler AG. Copyright © Dürkopp Adler AG 2019…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    9.2.1 Adjusting the feed movement …………. 40 9.2.2 Adjusting the feed dog height at top dead center ……. 41 9.2.3 Adjusting the stroke movement ……….42 9.2.4 Adjusting the compensating weight ……….43 Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 4
    18.3.2 Assembling the stator …………..83 18.3.3 Assembling the encoder …………. 84 18.3.4 Assembling the cover …………..84 18.3.5 Locking the machine in place …………. 85 18.3.6 Assembling the handwheel flange ……….86 18.3.7 Assembling the handwheel…………86 Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 5
    Troubleshooting …………..109 23.1 Customer Service …………..109 23.2 Messages of the software…………109 23.2.1 Information messages ………….. 109 23.2.2 Error Messages ……………. 113 23.3 Errors in sewing process …………115 Technical data…………….. 117 Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 6
    Table of Contents Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 7: About These Instructions

    Proper setting Specifies proper setting. Disturbances Specifies the disturbances that can occur from an incorrect setting. Cover Specifies which covers must be disassembled in order to access the components to be set. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 8
    Safety ( p. 9). If no other clear location information is used in a figure, indications of right Location information or left are always from the user’s point of view. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 9: Other Documents

    Leave machines, equipment and packaging material in the condition in which they were found when the damage was discovered. This will ensure any claims against the transport company. Report all other complaints to Dürkopp Adler immediately after receiving the product. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 10
    About these instructions Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 11: Safety

    • Setting up the machine • Performing maintenance work and repairs • Performing work on electrical equipment Only authorized persons may work on the machine and must first have understood these instructions. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 12: Signal Words And Symbols Used In Warnings

    If ignored, environmental damage can result NOTICE (without hazard symbol) If ignored, property damage can result The following symbols indicate the type of danger to personnel: Symbols Symbol Type of danger General Electric shock Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 13
    Type and source of danger! Consequences of non-compliance. Measures for avoiding the danger.  This is what a warning looks like for a hazard that could result in moderate or minor injury if the warning is ignored. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 14
    NOTICE Type and source of danger! Consequences of non-compliance. Measures for avoiding the danger.  This is what a warning looks like for a hazard that could result in property damage if ignored. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 15: Working Basis

    3. Cut off any overlapping cable ties. NOTICE Property damage may occur! Excess cables can impair the functioning of moving machine parts. This impairs the sewing function and can result in damage. Lay excess cable as described above. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 16: Removing The Covers

    Tilting the machine head To tilt the machine head: 1. Tilt the machine head as far as it will go. Erecting the machine head To erect the machine head: 1. Erect the machine head. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 17: Disassembling And Assembling The Arm Cover

    3. Disassemble the arm cover (2). Assembling the arm cover To assemble the arm cover: 1. Turn the adjusting wheel for the sewing foot stroke to 2. 2. Assemble the arm cover (2). 3. Tighten the screws (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 18: Disassembling And Assembling The Head Cover

    To disassemble the head cover: 1. Loosen the screws (1). 2. Disassemble the head cover (2). Assembling the head cover To assemble the head cover: 1. Assemble the head cover (2). 2. Tighten the screws (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 19: Disassembling And Assembling The Valve Cover

    When disassembling the cover, make sure not to tear off any cables. Assembling the valve cover To assemble the valve cover: 1. Assemble the valve cover (2). 2. Tighten the screws (1). Important When assembling the cover, make sure not to pinch any cables. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 20: Opening And Closing The Throat Plate Slide

    1. Press the clamping spring (3) downwards. 2. Push the throat plate slide (1) apart. Closing the throat plate slide To close the throat plate slide: 1. Screw the throat plate slide (1) to the throat plate (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 21: Disassembling And Assembling The Throat Plate

    To assemble the throat plate: 1. Insert the throat plate (2). Ensure that the bobbin case nose (3) is in the cutout of the throat plate. 2. Tighten the screws (1). 3. Close the throat plate slide. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 22: Disassembling And Assembling The Feed Dog

    3. Assemble the throat plate ( p. 19). Important Check the feed dog position in motion and with the stitch length at its maximum by turning the handwheel. The feed dog must not hit against the throat plate. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 23: Flats On Shafts

    This stabilizes the connection and makes adjustment easier. For all adjustments on the surface, the first screw in the direction of rotation is screwed onto the surface. Important Always ensure that the screw faces are completely flush with the surface. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 24: Locking The Machine In Place

    3. Insert the locking peg (2) into the slot. Removing the lock To remove the lock: 1. Pull the locking peg (2) out of the slot. 2. Insert the plug into the locking opening (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 25: Adjusting The Handwheel Into Position

    For some adjustments, the graduated scale (1) on the handwheel has to be moved to a certain position. To adjust the handwheel into position: 1. Turn the handwheel until the specified number on the graduated scale (1) is next to the marking (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 26
    Working basis Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 27: Adjusting The Handwheel Scale

    (1). 3. Turn the handwheel so that the marking (2) points to the degree number 0°. 4. Tighten the fastening screw. 5. Turn the handwheel to 50° and tighten the 2 fastening screw. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 28: Positioning The Arm Shaft

    4. Push the arm shaft with the arm shaft crank (3) to the right as far as it will go and flush with the machine casting. 5. Tighten the threaded pins (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 29: Positioning The Toothed Belt Wheels

    The distance between the winder wheel (3) and the upper toothed belt wheel (1) must be 0.8 mm. The toothed belt (4) runs correctly without running against the snap ring or slipping off. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 30: Positioning The Lower Toothed Belt Wheel

    1. Tilt the machine head ( p. 14). 2. Loosen the threaded pins (4). 3. Turn the lower toothed belt wheel (3) such that the threaded pins (4) are seated on the flat of the arm shaft. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 31
    4. Move the lower toothed belt wheel (3) sufficiently far to the side so that the toothed belt (1) makes contact with the snap ring (2) without being pushed away. 5. Tighten the threaded pins (4). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 32: Stitch Length Adjusting Wheel

    7.1 Adjusting the stitch length adjusting wheel Proper setting 1. Adjust the stitch length adjusting wheel to 0.  No play on the stitch regulator gear. The plates for the gear are parallel; the frame cannot be moved. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 33
    Fig. 17: Adjusting the stitch length adjusting wheel (2) ⑪ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ (7) — Frame for the stitch regulator gear (10) — Screw (8) — Plates for the stitch regulator gear (11) — Tension spring (9) — Hole Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 34: Adjusting The Stitch Length Limit

    Proper setting Turn the stitch length adjusting wheel clockwise as far as it will go.  The stitch length adjusting wheel can only be turned up to the set maximum stitch length. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 35: Adjusting The Eccentric For The Forward And Backward Stitches

    Fig. 19: Adjusting the eccentric for the forward and backward stitches ④ ① ③ ② ③ ② (1) — Block (3) — Eccentric (2) — Threaded pin (4) — Recess Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 36
    (4) faces the front. • Turn clockwise: the forward stitch becomes larger, the backward stitch smaller • Turn counterclockwise: the forward stitch becomes smaller, the backward stitch larger 4. Tighten the threaded pin (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 37: Needle Bar Linkage

    1. Disassemble the arm cover ( p. 15). 2. Disassemble the head cover ( p. 16). 3. Adjust the stitch length adjusting wheel to 0. 4. Loosen the threaded pins (1) for the set collars (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 38
    9. Align the thread lever (7) exactly in the middle of the slot. 10. Tighten the threaded pins (6). Order Then check the following adjustment: • Looping stroke position ( p. 44) • Distance between hook and needle ( p. 44) Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 39: Aligning The Needle Bar Linkage In The Sewing Direction

    3. Loosen the screw (5). 4. Position the lever (2). 5. Tighten the threaded pins (4). 6. Tighten the screw (5). Order Then check the following adjustment: • Looping stroke position ( p. 44) Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 40: Adjusting The Feed Dog

    (1) — Feed dog (3) — Feed dog carrier (2) — Screws To move the feed dog on the feed dog carrier: 1. Disassemble the throat plate ( p. 19). 2. Loosen the screws (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 41: Moving The Feed Dog Carrier

    8. Tighten the threaded pins for the set collars (2). 9. Tighten the screw (6). 10. Tighten the threaded pins (1). In the process, make sure that the feed dog height has the proper setting ( p. 41). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 42: Adjusting The Feed Dog Movement

    5. Press the stitch regulator (3) down and observe how the feed dog and needle respond. 6. Turn the pusher eccentric (2) so that the feed dog and needle no longer move when the stitch regulator (3) is pressed. 7. Tighten the threaded pins (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 43: Adjusting The Feed Dog Height At Top Dead Center

    3. Loosen the threaded pins (2) on the lever (1) at the left, above the hook. 4. Turn the lever (1) such that the upper edge of the feed dog protrudes 0.5 mm above the throat plate. 5. Tighten the threaded pins (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 44: Adjusting The Stroke Movement

    4. Turn the stroke eccentric (2) such that the upper edge of the feed dog is at the same height as the upper edge of the throat plate during the upward movement. 5. Tighten the threaded pins (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 45: Adjusting The Compensating Weight

    3. Turn the compensating weight (2) such that the threaded pin (1) is parallel to the base plate (3). Use the allen key inserted in the threaded pin as a means of orientation. 4. Tighten the threaded pin (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 46: Position Of The Hook And Needle

    The looping stroke is precisely 2 mm. Order First, check the following adjustments: • Needle bar linkage( p. 35) • A straight and undamaged needle has to be inserted ( Operating Instructions) Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 47
    7. Tighten the threaded pins (2) for the set collar (1). Order Then check the following adjustments: • Needle guard ( p. 48) • Timing of cutting by the thread trimmer ( p. 63) Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 48: Adjusting The Hook Side Clearance

    (6) and the groove for the needle (5) is 0.1 mm at most, without the hook tip (6) touching the needle. 7. Tighten the screws (3). Order Then check the following adjustment: • Needle guard ( p. 48) Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 49: Adjusting The Needle Bar Height

    When doing so, take care not to twist the needle to the side. The groove (3) must face toward the hook. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 50: Adjusting The Needle Guard

    To adjust the needle guard: 1. Disassemble the feed dog ( p. 20). 2. Turn the handwheel and check how far the needle guard (2) pushes the needle away. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 51
    3. Turn the screw (1) such that the needle guard (2) just pushes the needle (3) far away enough so that it cannot be touched by the hook tip: • To push away more forcefully: turn counterclockwise • To push away less forcefully: turn clockwise Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 52: Bobbin Case Lifter

    So that the thread can slip through without a problem, the width of the lifting gap and the timing of opening have to be set. Disturbance • Thread breaking • Formation of loops on the bottom side of the seam • Loud machine noise Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 53: Adjusting The Lifting Gap

    While doing so, ensure that the gap is not so big that the middle part of the hook swings back and forth, hitting the slot in the throat plate. 7. Tighten the threaded pin (1). 8. Push the cover (2) upwards. 9. Tighten the screw (3). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 54: Adjusting The Timing For Opening

    5. Use the allen key to turn the control cam (3) so that the bobbin case lifter opens at the correct point in time. 6. Tighten the threaded pin (4). 7. Insert the plug (1) into the opening. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 55: Adjusting The Sewing Foot Lifting Height

    • Raise the sewing feet to a lesser height: turn clockwise • Raise the sewing feet higher: turn counterclockwise 3. Tighten the counternut (2) for the adjusting wheel (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 56: Needle Thread Tension

    3. Turn the tension disk (3) to set the spring tension: • Greater spring tension: turn counterclockwise • Lower spring tension: turn clockwise Important Do not twist the stop collar (1) when doing so. 4. Tighten the screw (4). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 57: Winder

    The winding process will stop automatically when the required filling quantity of the bobbin is reached. To adjust the winder filling quantity: 1. Disassemble the arm cover ( p. 15). 2. Loosen the screws (1). 3. Remove the winder. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 58
    4. Adjust the block (8) such that it is resting against the locking disk (9). 5. Adjust the block (8) such that its distance to the winder wheel (10) is 0.5 mm. 6. Tighten the threaded pin in the block (8). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 59
    (14) when the block (8) has engaged in the locking disk. 3. Adjust the switch cam (13) such that the winder lever (3) has no axial play. 4. Tighten the threaded pin (12). 5. Re-assemble the winder. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 60: Adjusting The Hook Thread Guide

    2. Turn the hook thread guide (2): • To the front: The hook thread will be wound on further to the front • To the rear: The hook thread will be wound on further to the rear Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 61: Thread Trimmer

    (5) — Screw (3) — Hook bearing screw-on surface Proper setting The thread-pulling knife (2) pivots as close as possible above the hook and is at the same height as the counter blade (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 62: Adjusting The Cutoff Curve

    2. Open the throat plate slide ( p. 18). 3. Loosen the threaded pins (2). 4. Push the set collar (1) as far as it will go to the left. 5. Tighten the threaded pins (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 63
    15. Push the set collar (1) to the right as far as it will go and against the control cam (3). Important Check the looping stroke position ( p. 44). 16. Tighten the threaded pins (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 64: Adjusting The Cutting Pressure

    6. Turn the counter blade (2) such that it rests against the thread-pulling knife (3). 7. Tighten the screw (1). Important Check the position of the cutters, since the counter blade can easily become warped when the screw is being tightened. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 65: Adjusting Point In Time For Cutting

    (5). 6. Adjust the handwheel position to 60°. 7. Push the control cam (3) to the left as far as it will go and against the set collar (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 66
    • Insert the thread into thread-pulling knife (4) and slowly turn the handwheel. • Check the handwheel position at which the thread is cut. 11. If necessary, repeat adjustment steps 1 – 7 until the cut takes place at 60°. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 67: Puller

    The carrier roller is lifted automatically during the sewing foot lift and the bartack. You set the puller at the control panel ( p. 91). The maximum feed length of the intermittent puller is 7 mm. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 68: Adjusting The Synchronization Of Feed Dog And Puller

    This prevents ruffing on the seam during stitch formation. Fig. 48: Adjusting the synchronization of feed dog and puller 20° ① ③ ② (1) — Small arresting groove (3) — Eccentric (2) — 1 screw in the direction of rotation Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 69
    • Turn the eccentric (3) on the shaft • Tighten the eccentric (3) • Assembling the arm cover • Check if feed dog and puller are running in sync and make adjustments if necessary Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 70: Adjusting The Distance Between Carrier Roller And Needle

     The distance between the middle of the carrier roller and the middle of the needle is 28.5 mm. 3. Tighten the screw (1). Order Proceed by adjusting the carrier roller stroke ( p. 69). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 71: Adjusting The Carrier Roller Stroke

    To adjust the upper end position: 1. Turn the bolt (2).  The slot of the bolt (2) is parallel to the cylinder axis. 2. Turn the threaded pin (3) to limit the stroke of the cylinder (4). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 72: Adjusting The Carrier Roller Pressure

    • To reduce pressure: Slide the cylinder (1) to the back • To increase pressure: Slide the cylinder (1) to the front 3. Tighten the screw (2). Order Proceed by adjusting the upper end position of the carrier roller stroke ( p. 69). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 73: Adjusting The Fabric Deflector

    1. Loosen the screw (2). 2. Adjust the fabric deflector (1).  The fabric deflector abuts closely on the carrier roller, leaving just enough space for the carrier roller to move freely. 3. Tighten the screw (2). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 74: Adjusting The Toothed Belt Tension

    3. Tighten the screw (2). To adjust the lower toothed belt tension: 1. Loosen the screw (6). 2. Move the lever (4) to adjust the tension of the toothed belt (5). 3. Tighten the screw (6). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 75: Changing The Carrier Roller

    To change the carrier roller: 1. Remove the nut (1). CAUTION: Left-handed thread! 2. Lock the axle (3) with a screw driver. 3. Change the carrier roller (2). 4. Insert the nut (1) and tighten. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 76: Adjusting The Potentiometer

    3. Release the buttons P (2) and Reset (3).  The display indicates the current level. The potentiometer is set at technician level t 10 04. If the display indicates a different level: Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 77
    12. Tighten the threaded pin (3) without changing the value shown in the display. 13. Press the ESC button 2 times. Important 14. Switch off the machine. 15. Switch on the machine.  Switching off and on will save the adjustment. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 78: Safety Release Clutch

    1. Tilt the machine head ( p. 14). 2. Turn the left set collar (2) such that the threaded pins (1) are parallel to one another.  The safety release clutch latches into place. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 79: Adjusting The Torque

    3. Using the screw driver, turn the disk on the adjustment slot (5) so that 8 Nm is reached for the torque. • Increase force: turn in the direction + • Decrease force: turn in the direction — 4. Tighten the screw (7). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 80: Integrated Motor

    ② ① ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ (1) — Handwheel (5) — Cover plate (2) — Handwheel flange (6) — Stator (3) — Encoder (7) — Ring (4) — Encoder disk (8) — Rotor Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 81: Disassembling The Drive

    Fig. 61: Disassembling the cover ① ② ① ③ (1) — Screws (3) — Handwheel flange (2) — Cover To disassemble the cover: 1. Loosen all 5 screws (1). 2. Disassemble the cover (2) from the side. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 82: Disassembling The Encoder

    4. Carefully and uniformly pull the encoder (2) and encoder disk (1) away from the shaft. 18.2.4 Disassembling the stator Fig. 63: Disassembling the stator ① ② ③ (1) — Stator with ring (3) — Cover plate (2) — Screws Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 83: Disassembling The Rotor

    (2) — Threaded pins To disassemble the rotor: 1. Remove the arm cover ( p. 15). 2. Loosen the threaded pins (1), (2). 3. Remove the rotor with deep groove ball bearing (3). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 84: Assembling The Drive

    2. Tighten all threaded pins (1), (2) firmly in place, observing the surface of the shaft in doing so: Tighten the first screw in the direction of rotation firmly in place on the surface. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 85: Assembling The Stator

    1. Push the stator with ring (1) onto the shaft, paying attention to the ring gap for the cable. 2. Assemble the cover plate (3). 3. Evenly tighten the screws (2) firmly in place so that a uniform gap exists between the cover plate (3) and shaft. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 86: Assembling The Encoder

    18.3.4 Assembling the cover Fig. 68: Assembling the cover ① ② ① (1) — Screws (2) — Cover To place the cover: 1. Position the cover (2) at the side. 2. Tighten the screws (1). Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 87: Locking The Machine In Place

    Fig. 69: Locking the machine in place ① (1) — Locking peg To lock the machine in place: 1. Lock the machine in place using the locking peg (1).  The needle is in the top dead center position. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 88: Assembling The Handwheel Flange

    (2) — Screws To assemble the handwheel: 1. Attach the handwheel (1) and tighten all 3 screws (2). 2. Adjust the reference position via the control; see  Instructions for use DAC comfort. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 89: Programming

    (1) — Power LED (5) — Seam program button group (2) — Thread button group (6) — LED for 2 stitch length (3) — Function button (7) — Display (4) — Programming button group Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 90
    Soft start • Activates or deactivates the soft start Speed • Reduces the motor speed Function button • Activates or deactivates any stored function Programming button group • Ends parameter mode Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 91
    • Starts or ends the parameter mode • Decreases parameter • Changes user level • Selects subprogram • Decreases parameter • Changes to next lower category • Selects subprogram • Decreases parameter • Selects subprogram Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 92
    • Resets the (piece) counter Seam program button group Seam program I • Activates seam program I Seam program II • Activates seam program II Seam program III • Sets seam program III Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 93: Adjusting The Electropneumatic Switching Of The Carrier Roller

    • Use D+ to enter the value 3: raise on bartack and sewing foot lift 5. Press the button to save the setting. 6. To switch to sewing mode, press the button. For additional parameter settings, refer to  Parameter list. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 94: Adjusting The Stitch Count Before The Carrier Roller Is Lowered

    3. Use the buttons A+, B+, C+ and D+ to enter the desired s.p.m. 4. Press the button to save the setting. 5. To switch to sewing mode, press the button. For additional parameter settings, refer to  Parameter list. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 95: Maintenance

    Cleaning the motor fan mesh  Check the oil level  Check the hook lubrication  Checking the toothed belt  Pneumatic system Check the water level in the pressure controller  Cleaning the filter element  Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 96: Cleaning

    Lint and thread remnants can impair the operation of the machine. Clean the machine as described. NOTICE Property damage from solvent-based cleaners! Solvent-based cleaners will damage paintwork. Use only solvent-free substances for cleaning. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 97: Cleaning The Machine

    • Area under the throat plate (3) • Hook (2) • Area around the needle (1) To clean the machine: 1. Remove any lint and thread remnants using a compressed air gun or a brush. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 98: Cleaning The Motor Fan Mesh

    Fig. 74: Cleaning the motor fan mesh ① ② (1) — Tabletop (2) — Motor fan mesh To clean the motor fan mesh. 1. Remove any lint and thread remnants using a compressed air gun. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 99: Lubricating

    • Flash point: 150 °C You can order the lubricating oil from our sales offices using the following part numbers: Container Part no. 250 ml 9047 000011 9047 000012 9047 000013 9047 000014 Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 100: Lubricating The Machine Head

    1. Fill oil through the oil filler opening (1) up to the MAX marking (2). 2. Turn the machine off, then on again after refilling oil.  The red light will turn off. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 101: Adjusting The Hook Lubrication

    • Release less oil: turn clockwise Important The released amount of oil does not change until the operating time has run a few minutes. Sew for several minutes before you check the adjustment again. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 102: Servicing The Pneumatic System

    2. Turn the pressure controller until the pressure gage (2) indicates the proper setting: • Increase pressure = turn clockwise • Reduce pressure = turn counterclockwise 3. Push the pressure controller (1) down. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 103: Draining The Water Condensation

    2. Place the collection tray under the drain screw (3). 3. Loosen the drain screw (3) completely. 4. Allow water to drain into the collection tray. 5. Tighten the drain screw (3). 6. Connect the machine to the compressed air supply. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 104: Cleaning The Filter Element

    6. Wash out the filter tray using benzine. 7. Tighten the filter element (1). 8. Tighten the water separator (2). 9. Tighten the drain screw (3). 10. Connect the machine to the compressed air supply. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 105: Checking The Toothed Belt

    When pressed with a finger, the toothed belt must yield no more than 10 mm. Important A damaged toothed belt must be replaced immediately. 20.5 Parts list A parts list can be ordered from Dürkopp Adler. Or visit our website for further information at: Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 106
    Maintenance Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 107: Decommissioning

    5. Cover the control panel to protect it from soiling. 6. Cover the control to protect it from soiling. 7. Cover the entire machine if possible to protect it from contamination and damage. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 108
    Decommissioning Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 109: Disposal

    When disposing of the machine, be aware that it consists of a range of different materials (steel, plastic, electronic components, etc.). Follow the national regulations when disposing these materials. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 110
    Disposal Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 111: Troubleshooting

    (Sub-D, 9-pin) not connected to DACextension box using the correct DACextension box connection 2120 DA stepper card 1 not responding • Check connection cables • Check LEDs of DACextension box • Perform a software update Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 112: Mains Voltage

    3223 Skip stitch detected 3224 Bobbin failed to rotate 6360 No valid data on external EEprom • Perform a software update (internal data structures are not compatible with the external data storage device) Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 113
    • Check connection cables • Perform a software update • Replace DACextension box 7223 Checksum error occurred while • Check connection cables updating DA stepper card 2 • Perform a software update • Replace DACextension box Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 114
    • Replace control basic will remain available) 7803 Communication error (DAC classic • Restart the control only; only the functions of the DAC • Perform a software update basic will remain available) • Replace control Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 115: Error Messages

    If error is not corrected, check encoder 1012 Synchronizer fault • Replace synchronizer 1052 Sewing motor overcurrent, internal • Check selection of class current increase > 25 A • Replace control • Replace sewing motor • Replace encoder Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 116
    LEDs are off and then switch on again 6354 External EEprom communication • Switch off the control, wait until the error LEDs are off, check connection for machine ID, and switch on control again Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 117: Errors In Sewing Process

    Thread-guiding parts, such Check threading path as thread tube, thread guide or thread take-up disk, are sharp-edged Throat plate, hook or Have parts reworked by qualified spread have been specialists damaged by the needle Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 118
    Needle thread and hook Check threading path thread have not been threaded correctly Needle breakage Needle thickness is Use recommended needle unsuitable for the sewing thickness material or the thread Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 119: Technical Data

    [mm] Height [mm] Weight [kg] Characteristics Single and twin-needle double lockstitch flatbed sewing machine with bottom feed and needle feed. For light to moderately heavy sewing material with needle thickness of Nm 80-130. Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…

  • Page 120
    • Automatic wick lubrication with inspection glasses for oil level indication • Large vertical hook with CTB bobbins • Safety snap-on coupling prevents any misadjustment or damage to the hook in the event of a thread jamming Service Instructions 827/827-M — 01.0 — 05/2019…
  • Page 122
    DÜRKOPP ADLER AG Potsdamer Straße 190 33719 Bielefeld GERMANY Phone +49 (0) 521 / 925-00 E-mail…

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Dürkopp Adler 827 Operating Instructions Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Dürkopp Adler Manuals
  4. Sewing Machine
  5. 827
  6. Operating instructions manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Dürkopp Adler 827

Summary of Contents for Dürkopp Adler 827

  • Page 1
    Operating Instructions…
  • Page 3
    Foreword This instruction manual is intended to help the user to become familiar with the machine and take advantage of its application possibilities in accordance with the recommendations. The instruction manual contains important information on how to operate the machine securely, properly and economically. Observation of the instructions eliminates danger, reduces costs for repair and down-times, and increases the reliability and life of the machine.
  • Page 4: General Safety Instructions

    General safety instructions The non-observance of the following safety instructions can cause bodily injuries or damages to the machine. 1. The machine must only be commissioned in full knowledge of the instruction book and operated by persons with appropriate training. 2.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Page: Preface and general safety instructions Part 1: Operating Instructions Class 827 – Original Instructions (Edition 01/2012) Product description ……….

  • Page 7: Product Description

    Product description The DÜRKOPP ADLER 827 is a special sewing machine for universal use. It is a flatbed double-lockstitch machine with bottom feed and needle feed. Depending on the subclass it comes as single or double needle machine, with electromagnetic thread cutter.

  • Page 8
    This special sewing machine may be set up and operated only in dry, well-maintained premises. If the sewing machine is used in premises which are not dry and well-maintained it may be necessary to take further precautions (which should be agreed in advance — see EN 60204-31:1999).
  • Page 9: Optional Equipments

    Optional equipments For the 827 the following optional equipments are available: Order No. Optional equipment Subclasses 0867 590014 Electro-pneumatic needle cooler from the top (NK 20-1) 0867 590024 Electro-pneumatic needle cooler from the bottom (NK 20-2) 9780 000108 WE-8 maintenance unit for pneumatic optional equipments…

  • Page 10
    Stands Order No. Optional equipment Subclasses MG55 400304 Stand set MG 55-3 for motor fitting beneath the table, with pedal Table top size 1060 x 500 mm MG55 400314 Stand set MG 55-3 for motor fixed on machine head, with pedal Table top size 1060 x 500 mm MG55 400404 Stand set MG 58-63…
  • Page 11
    Further optional equipments are available. Please contact our application center (APC). E-Mail: Further available documents concerning the class 867: 0791 827801 Parts list 0791 827641 Service Instructions 0791 100700 Fitting Instructions for Sewing Lamp LED…
  • Page 12: Technical Data

    Technical data Noise: Workplace-related emission value in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10821. 827-160122 LC = — dB (A) Stitch length: — mm Speed: — min Material: — 827-260122 LC = — dB (A) Stitch length: — mm Speed: — min…

  • Page 13: Technical Data Subclasses

    Technical data subclasses Subclasses Type of stitch Lockstitch 301 Hook type Number of needles Needle system 134-35 Needle size 80 — 130 (depending on E-No.) [Nm] Max. thread thickness [Nm] 80/3 — 20/3 Stitch length [mm] — Forward — Backward Number adj.

  • Page 14
    Threading scheme single-needle machine Threading scheme double-needle machine…
  • Page 15: Operation

    Operation Threading the needle thread Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. The needle thread may only be threaded with the sewing machine switched off. Threading in the needle thread with single-needle machines – Put the thread reel on the thread stand and lead the needle thread through the unwinder arm.

  • Page 16
    Fig. A: Correct thread interlacing in the center of the material Fig. B: Needle-thread tension too weak hook-thread tension too strong Fig. C: Needle-thread tension too strong hook-thread tension too weak…
  • Page 17: Adjusting The Needle-Thread Tension

    Adjusting the needle-thread tension Pre-tensioner When the main tensioner 2 and supplementary tensioner 3 are open (e.g. when the sewing feet are raised) the needle thread must be under slight residual tension. This residual tension is produced by the pre-tensioner 1. The pre-tensioner 1 simultaneously affects the length of the end of the severed needle thread (the starting thread for the next seam).

  • Page 18: Switching The Supplementary Tension On And Off

    Switching the supplementary tension on and off The supplementary tension is being switched on and off with lever 1. Switching on – Push the handle 2 of lever 1 to the left. Switching off – Push the handle 2 of the lever 1 to the right.

  • Page 19: Adjusting The Thread Regulator

    Adjusting the thread regulator Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. The thread regulator may only be adjusted with the sewing machine switched off. The thread regulator 1 controls the quantity of needle thread required for stitch formation. The thread regulator must be precisely adjusted for an optimum result.

  • Page 20: Winding On The Hook Thread

    Winding on the hook thread – Put the thread reel on the thread stand and conduct the needle thread through the unwinder arm. – Conduct the thread through the thread guide 5, around the tensioner 4 and through the thread guide 3. –…

  • Page 21: Changing The Hook-Thread Bobbin

    Changing the hook-thread bobbin Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. The hook-thread bobbin may only be changed with the machine switched off. Remove the empty bobbin – Raise up the flap 1 and remove the empty bobbin. Insert a full bobbin –…

  • Page 22: Setting The Hook Thread Tension

    Setting the hook thread tension Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. The hook-thread tension may only be adjusted with the machine switched off. Setting the tension spring 2 – Set the tension spring 2 by turning the adjustment screw 1. Increase the hook thread tension = Turn screw 1 clockwise Decrease the hook thread tension =…

  • Page 23: Inserting And Changing The Needle With Single-Needle Machines

    Inserting and changing the needle with single-needle machines Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. The needle may only be changed with the sewing machine switched off. – Turn the hand wheel, until the needle bar 1 has reached its highest position.

  • Page 24: Inserting And Changing The Needle With Double-Needle Machines

    Inserting and changing the needle with double-needle machines Caution Danger of Injury ! Turn off the main switch. The needle may only be changed with the sewing machine switched off. – Turn the hand wheel until the needle bar 1 has reached its highest position.

  • Page 25: Locking The Sewing Feet In Lifted Position

    5.10 Locking the sewing feet in lifted position – Push the lever 1 downwards. The sewing feet are locked in lifted position. – Push the lever 1 upward. The sewing feet’s position is unlocked. – Lift the sewing feet pneumatically by pushing the knee switch. The lever 1 then moves back into its initial position.

  • Page 26: Sewing-Foot Pressure

    6.14 Sewing-foot pressure The required sewing-foot pressure is set with the setting wheel 2. CAUTION ! The material must not ”swim”. Do not set a higher pressure than is necessary. – To increase the sewing-foot pressure = turn the setting wheel 2 clockwise.

  • Page 27: Setting The Stitch Length

    5.12 Setting the stitch length The stitch length is set with the setting wheel 2 on the machine arm. Setting 1 = min. stitch length Setting 7 = max. stitch length The stitch length are the same for both, forward and backward sewing.

  • Page 28: Key Pad On The Machine Arm

    5.13 Key pad on the machine arm Function Recalling or suppressing the initial or final bartack. If the initial and final bartacks are generally switched on, the next bartack is switched off by actuating the key. If the initial and final bartacks are generally switched off, the next bartack is switched on by actuating the key.

  • Page 29
    Function 5 and 6 Display for empty bobbin with residual thread monitor (left/ right bobbin) LED display “power on» The function of key 7 can be selected with the screw4 underneath the key 3. – Selecting a function. Example: 3 = Manually sewing backward. –…
  • Page 30: Efka Dc1550/Da321G Direct-Current Positioning Drive

    Efka DC1550/DA321G direct-current positioning drive General For a detailed description of the control unit, please consult the enclosed current issue of the operating manual of the motor manufacturer (see also

  • Page 31: Sewing

    Sewing Operating and function sequence: Sewing process Operation / explanation Prior to sewing Starting position — Pedal in rest position The machine is at a halt. Needle up, sewing feet down. Position material correctly — Pull pedal half-way back. The sewing feet are raised. for starting the seam.

  • Page 32
    Sewing process Operation / explanation Sewing an intermediate bartack — Actuate key 5. The machine sews reverse stitches as long as the key 5 is pressed down. The rotation speed is determined through the pedal At the seam end — Push the pedal all the way back and keep it pushed. Remove the material The final bartack will be sewn (if activated).
  • Page 33: Maintenance

    Maintenance Cleaning and testing Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. Maintenance may only be carried out with the machine switched off! Maintenance work must be carried out no less frequently than at the intervals given in the tables (see ”operating hours” column). Maintenance intervals may need to be shorter when processing heavy-shedding materials.

  • Page 34
    Maintenance work Explanation Operating to be carried out hours Sewing drive Clean fan grille (e.g. with an Remove lint and pieces of thread from air-intake openings. air blow gun). Check condition and It must be possible to depress the V-belt by about 10 mm by pressing it with a finger at its tension of V-belt 1 mid-point.
  • Page 35: Lubrication

    10.2 Lubrication Caution: danger of injury Oil can cause skin eruptions. Avoid protracted contact with the skin. In the event of contact, thoroughly wash the affected area. CAUTION: The handling and disposal of mineral oils is subject to legal regulation. Deliver used oil to an authorised collection point.

  • Page 36: Repair

    10.3 Repair When the machine is damaged or parts are worn please contact: DÜRKOPP ADLER AG Potsdamer Str. 190 D-33719 Bielefeld Phone: +49 (0) 180 5 383 756 Fax: +49 (0) 521 925 2594 E-mail: Internet:…

  • Page 37
    Contents Page: Part 2: Installation Instructions Class 827 – Original Instructions (Edition 01/2012) Scope of Delivery ……….
  • Page 38
    Contents Page: Connecting the sewing light transformer (optional equipment) ….6.8.1 Attaching and connecting the sewing light transformer (optional equipment) ..6.8.2 Connection to the DA321G .
  • Page 41: Scope Of Delivery

    Scope of Delivery What items are supplied depends on your order. Prior to setting up, please check that all the required parts are present. This description refers to a special sewing machine, of which all individual components can completely be delivered by Dürkopp Adler –…

  • Page 42
    Observe the punch-marks of the table plate! 4,5×15 (x 4) 3,5×17 (x 6) 3,9×15 (x 5) 3,5×17 (x 2) B8x35 (x 4) DIRECT DRIVE…
  • Page 43: Assembling The Stand

    Assembling the stand Assembling the stand components – Assemble the individual stand components as shown in the illustration. – Adjust the set screws 8 to insure the stability of the stand. Make sure that the stand is safe by insuring that every single foot of the stand touches the ground.

  • Page 44: Setting The Working Height

    Setting the working height – The working height is adjustable between 750 and 900 mm (measured to the upper edge of the table plate). – Undo screws 1 on the stand braces. – Adjust the table plate horizontally to the required working height. To prevent tilting, pull the table plate out or push it in by the same distance on both sides.

  • Page 45: Sewing Drives

    Sewing drives Drive category, type and use The following sewing drives are available: Subclass Clutch motor DC-positioning drive 827-160122 827-260122 Efka DC1550/DA321G Fitting the sewing-drive control – Fix the sewing-drive control 1 with 4 screws underneath the table plate 8.

  • Page 46: Fitting The Pedal

    Fitting the pedal – Attach the pedal 5 to the stand brace 4. – For ergonomic reasons align the pedal 5 as follows: The center of the pedal must be approximately under the needle. There are slots in the stand brace 4 to help align the pedal. –…

  • Page 47: Assembling The Machine Head

    Assembling the machine head Fitting the machine head – Fit the machine head 1 into the opening in the table plate. Fitting the oil suction tube – Remove the plug at the end of the suction tube 3. – Put the end of the suction tube 3 into the cover 1. –…

  • Page 48: Fitting The Operating Panel

    Fitting the operating panel – Unscrew the thread guide 2 from off the sewing machine head. – Fix the control panel fixing angle 1 together with the thread guide 2. – Lift off the arm cover 3 and the valve cap 4. –…

  • Page 49
    The sewing lamp can be mounted on the operating-panel bracket if present. – Stick the safety warning label on the front of the main switch 7. – Fix the sewing light on the holder 2. – Lift off the arm cover 3 and the valve cap 4. –…
  • Page 50: Electrical Connection

    Electrical connection 6.1 General Caution ! All work on the electrical equipment of this special sewing machine may only be carried out by qualified electricians or other appropriately trained persons. The mains plug must be removed. Checking the mains voltage Caution ! The mains voltage must agree with the rated voltage specified on the model-identification plate.

  • Page 51: Earthing

    Earthing The earthing cable 1 is in the machine’s accessory pack. The earthing cable 1 takes static charges from the machine head to earth via the motor base. – Connect the earthing cable 1 to the flat plug 2 (already screwed on the machine head) and lay it through the cable duct to the motor base.

  • Page 52: Connecting The Sewing Drive To The Mains

    Connecting the sewing drive to the mains Caution: The sewing machine must be connected to the mains with a plug. Clutch motors and coupling-positioning actuators must be connected to a 3 x 380 — 415V 50/60 Hz or 3 x 220 — 240V 50/60 Hz three-phase supply (see tables in section 4.1).

  • Page 53: Connecting The Machine Head

    Connecting the machine head Connections – The 9870 367004 or 9870 867000 cable is plugged onto the 9850 867000 distributor in the upper part and passed down inside the upper part. – Plug the 37-pole plug of the cable into socket A of the sewing drive and secure with the screw.

  • Page 54: Connecting The Sewing Light Transformer (Optional Equipment)

    Connecting the sewing light transformer (optional equipment) 6.8.1 Attaching and connecting the sewing light transformer (optional equipment) – Remove the machine’s mains plug. – Pass the mains cable 1 of the sewing-lamp transformer through the cable conduit 2 to the main switch. –…

  • Page 55: Connection To The Da321G

    6.8.2 Connection to the DA321G – Loosen the 4 screws on the front plate of the controls. – Remove the front plate. – Push the cable from the back through the cable duct 1 into the controls. – Remove the black rubber grommet 2. –…

  • Page 56: Connecting The Direct Drive

    Connecting the direct drive 6.9.1 Connecting the Hall-effect sensor (Optional Equipment) Only with DC 1550 drive: · Motor mounted under the table · Gear reduction motor — machine 1,55:1 Attention ! Turn off the main switch. Connect the Hall-effect sensor with the sewing machine switched off. –…

  • Page 57
    – Connect the 9-pole SuB-D plug of the Hall-effect sensor to the bushing “B18″ (IPG / HSM / LSM) of the Efka control drive DA321G. – Set the correct machine class with parameter F-290 according to the corresponding parameter sheet 9800 331104 PBXX. –…
  • Page 58: Connecting The Da321G Control Unit

    6.9.2 Connecting the DA321G control unit B 4 1 B 8 0 E B . . . B 1 8 B 7 7 6 L S M . . . V 8 . . – Insert the lead from the controller (pedal) into socket B80 of the controls.

  • Page 59: Setting Machine-Specific Parameters

    6.10 Setting machine-specific parameters 6.10.1 General The functions of the sewing-drive control are determined by the program and the parameter settings. All parameter values for the relevant machine class and subclass are pre-set by Efka prior to delivery of the sewing drives. For each class and subclass some parameters at technician and manufacturer level must be changed so that the control is perfectly coordinated with the machine.

  • Page 61: Pneumatic Connection

    Pneumatic connection Caution: The pneumatic units will only operate properly at a supply pressure of 8 to 10 bar. The special sewing machine’s operating pressure is 6 bar. Pneumatic-connection pack A pneumatic-connection pack for stands with compressed-air maintenance units is available (Order No. 0797 003031). It contains the following components: — Connection hose, 5 m long (Ø…

  • Page 62: Lubrication

    Lubrication Caution: danger of injury ! Oil can cause skin eruptions. Avoid protracted contact with the skin. In the event of contact, thoroughly wash the affected area. CAUTION ! The handling and disposal of mineral oil is subject to legal regulation. Deliver used oil to an authorised collection point.

  • Page 63: Sewing Test

    Sewing test A sewing test must be carried out when setting-up is complete. – Insert the mains plug. Caution: danger of injury ! Turn off the main switch. The needle and hook threads may only be threaded with the sewing machine switched off. –…

  • Page 66
  • Page 68
    DÜRKOPP ADLER AG Potsdamer Str. 190 33719 Bielefeld Germany Phone +49 (0) 521 925 00 E-Mail:…
  • Page 69
    Änderung der technischen Dokumentation Modification of the technical documentation Modification de la documentation tecnique Modificación de la documentación técnica Modificazione della documentazione tecnica Die vorliegende Anleitung hat sich nach Drucklegung geändert. Bitte tauschen Sie die beiliegenden Seiten in Ihrer Landessprache aus. The present instructions have changed since their last print out.
  • Page 71
    Additional ,nstructions Machines with ,ntegrated 0otor…
  • Page 73: About This Manual

    About this manual 1 About this manual These additional instructions are supplementary to the manual of class 887 machines. They describe operation and functioning measures of machines with integrated motor that differ from ma- chines without integrated motor. The additional instructions do not constitute a self-contained doc- ument, but are only valid in combination with the respective in- struction manual.

  • Page 74
    ECO-machines 3 ECO-machines 3.1 Operation Fig. 1: Switching ECO-machines on and off (1) — LEDs indicating the status (2) — Main switch for the power supply ECO-machines with integrated motor are switched on and off via the main switch (5) on the machine post. Switching the machine on 1.
  • Page 75
    ECO-machines Fig. 2: Operator settings with ECO-machines (1) — Potentiometer P1 to decrease the speed (2) — Button S1 for the needle’s stopping position (3) — Button S2 for the softstart Setting the maximum speed 1. Turn the potentiometer P1 (1). •…
  • Page 76
    CLASSIC-machines 4 CLASSIC-machines 4.1 Operation Fig. 3: Switching CLASSIC-machines on and off Operating panel on the Control beneath the table machine post (1) — LEDs indicating the status (2) — Button for the sewing light (3) — Main switch for power supply (4) — Control light CLASSIC-machines are switched on and off at the control under- neath the table top (…
  • Page 77
    CLASSIC-machines Fig. 4: Switching the sewing light on and setting the light intensity (1) — Potentiometer P1 for an infinitely variable setting of intensity (2) — Button S1 for the single-diode sewing light (3) — Button S2 for the integrated sewing light Switching the sewing lights on and off 1.
  • Page 78
    CLASSIC-machines . Sewing light connection DANGER Risk of death due to electric shock The sewing light control is directly connected to the mains supply and is live even when the main switch is switched off. Therefore it is essential to pull out the mains plug, before you connect the sewing light.
  • Page 80
    DÜRKOPP ADLER AG Potsdamer Str. 190 33719 Bielefeld Germany Phone +49 (0) 521 925 00 E-Mail:…

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