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3 In 1 Beauty Instrument
Summary of Contents for Pully IM-5566
Page 1
IM-5566 3 In 1 Beauty Instrument INTRODUCTION… -
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Control Panel:… -
Page 3: Main Functions
MAIN FUNCTIONS: ● Ultrasonic ● Skin Scrubber Instrument ● Bio Skin Lifting Working principal: Supersonic skin scrubber is most popular with beauticians among multiple instruments. Trials for long period ensure its outstanding effect on facial care. It shifts electric vibration with 28000 times per second to mechanical vibration with 28000 times per second.
Page 4
Treatment and beauty function: Advantage by means of supersonic together with some ointment. Large scope: supersonic suits all kinds of ointment and cream, say ionisation substance、oceanic material. Deep absorption: improve the absorption of the ointment or cream. Thickness of the ointment or cream does no limit to the decomposing. -
Page 5
Remove slight wrinkles and gore as well as lifting skin: By using the mechanism massage function of supersonic, one side it regulates the changing of the membrane of the hypodermic cell, on the other hand it improves blood circulation and metabolism. Thus to remove slight wrinkles as well as gore or scar which caused by hard substance. -
Page 6
Period of treatment should subject to the disease. For pimple, it normally needs 3 to 5 times and for some chronic disease, say yellow speck、scar、eye circle and so on, it needs 10 times as a period of treatment, every two days one time. Securing treatment could be 1 time to 2 times each week. -
Page 7
Preface: Wrinkles and shin loose without spring is always troublesome to the race that cares of beauty. Since the ancient, people have seeking the good prescription to smooth wrinkles, remover and keep skin tender, glossy of spring with stream to maintain youth. But stream is stream, in order to have a stream come true, the best way is to get hold of the scientific beauty rule with assistant treatment of professional instrument. -
Page 8
is hardly felt. But this kind of biological electrical simulation can reach the inward of the cell, help the damaged and olden cell membrane potential to recover the balance, increase the electrical sport of the cell tissue, improve the cell’s metabolism and circulation, and then enhance the capacity of the cell tissue rehabilitation. -
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Feature: The appliance panel is very convenient and easy to the operator. Containing 2500 procedures designed in advance and six groups of complex programs, and the output way includes BIO & Electricity glove Orthopedics’ unit is used with face slimming specially. … -
Page 12
Computer Technology & Patent Program & Patent Technique * Face toning treatment: Reducing wrinkle, replenishing moisture content, tightening muscle, whitening skin, lymphatic drainage, contracting pore, activating cell, deferring senile, reducing neck-wrinkle, repairing sensitivity and improving skin-immunity. * Face lifting treatment: Lifting muscle, tightening muscle, slimming face, repairing contour, removing twin-chin, pacifying facial nerve and strengthening facial tiny circulation. -
Page 13
All-around treatment program will bring 3-5 times of the former profits to beauty salons. 1.We will supply the all-around training services, such as technique, sales, promotion and salesclerk’s character etc. 2.We will supply many kinds of management dealing to ensure your benefits. -
Page 14
·Tightening muscles · Promoting metabolism ·Improving skin tone · Lifting eyes contour ·Removing swollen mass with lymph ·Treating hair and feet Failure Dealing: Please carefully read the instruction again before you contact customer service. If it still fails, please ask the customer service for help. -
Page 15
Operating steps of skin-smooth and anti-wrinkles Handle of facial anti-wrinkles (it only shows the way for semi-face, the way for another side is the same.) The first step: Normalizing exercise (gentle wave for 8 minutes, with 18 muscle motions.) 1. Operation 1:exercises lour muscle to smooth away center… -
Page 16
3.Operation 3: lengthening surface skin smooth vertical wrinkling. With the way of unidirectional draw with press, a probe locates a point where the probe shifts. From chin downwards for 3 times, another one slides from chin along with mouth corner onto Tits ang, then pick with a little press up to cheekbone. -
Page 17
do not touch the probes one to another) 6. Operation 6: On labrum quadratus to smooth away laugh wrinkling. With the unidirectional extruding, a probe is set on point of Chingming (act as double mark), Another one slide from Tits’ang to Yinghsiang then pick up with a little force. -
Page 18
probe is set onto underside of cheekbone muscle and another one take up masseter; move the probes from outside to inside for 2 times; 10. Operation 10: exercise big and smile cheekbone muscles to smooth away mandible wrinkling. With the way of bi-directional extruding, a probe take the acupoints of Ch’engch’I and Ch’iuhou, another one take up big and smile… -
Page 19
13. Operation 13:Lengthening frons muscle to smooth away forehead wrinkling. With the way of bi-directional draw with press, two probes draw away up and down from middle of forehead, move to the left or the right for 5-6 minutes. 14 Operation 14:Lengthening Eye-socket orbiculares to smooth away center wrinkling. -
Page 20
the brow; start from eyebrows to the end of brow for 5 minutes. 17 Operation 17:Tighten up eye socket orbiculares smooth away pouch wrinkling. With the way of unidirectional draw with press, a probe is set onto T’ungtzuliao while another one slide from underside of eye in 45 degree from outside to inside of Chingming. -
Page 21
Operation 2: Exercise labrum quadratus to enhance its elasticity. With the way of unidirectional extruding, a probe is set onto Yingsiang ( as double march ) while another one move from outside to inside along with Chingming, Ch’engch’I, Ch’iuhou then T’ungtzuliao for 4 times. -
Page 22
times. Operation 6: Exercise brow drop muscle to increase its spring. With the way of bi-directional extruding, a probe is set on top of brow, another one pick upward from underside of the brow; start from eyebrows to the end of brow for 5 times. Result analysis of facial anti-wrinkles The entire feeling: entire face raises and tightens Partial feeling : Corners of eye and mouth raise;… -
Page 23
(Gentle wave in 6 minutes with 8 operations ) Operation1: Exercise left sternocleidomastoid to smooth wrinkle on the neck. By the way of bi-directional extruding, moving from the top to the bottom of the neck. Operation 2. Repeat operation 1 but towards the right side. -
Page 24
Operation 6. Lengthen muscles on the neck to remove its wrinkles. By the way of Bi-directional press and pull, two probes draw away at the same time up and down from the middle of the neck, move from the left to the right for 10 times; Operation Hold left… -
Page 25
Operation ways to lighten gravidity lines. Remark: Please use manual model ( handli-work ) to lighten gravidity lines. The first step : Normalizing Exercise Operation 1. By the way of bi-directional extruding, when the operation, place a midline through navel , move up and down on the both sides for 3 times. -
Page 26
each other, move from the left via navel to the right for 3 times. Operation 6.By the way of bi-directional extruding, when operation, two probes extrude , and roll each other, move from the top-right to the bottom-left 3 times. Operation 7. -
Page 27
Technical Standard : Voltage: □110V □220V □240V Frequency: □50HZ □60HZ Work Power: 35W Meas.: 54*28*23 CM Weight: 6.5KG Pack list: Item Name Unit Remarks Mainframe Double BIO probe pair Single BIO probe pair Columned Stick Piece For galvanic Idler Wheel Stick Piece For galvanic Mushroom-like Stick… -
Page 28
Important Safety Notice Please don’t disassemble the equipment or try to do some other operation, which have been indicated in our instruction. All the repairing work should be done by our admitted professional personnel Please don’t assemble or operate this equipment while you are near the water or your hands are wet.
Косметологический комбайн 3 в 1 Skin Expert IM-5566
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Производитель: DIY
Код товара: 30801
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Видеообзор на Косметологический комбайн 3 в 1 Skin Expert IM-5566
Тип товара:
Косметологический комбайн
Косметологический комбайн 3 в 1 Skin Expert IM-5566
Отличительные особенности:
Косметологический аппарат IM-5566 сочетает в себе основные функции для работы по лицу. Надежность, современный дизайн и простота в управлении помогут косметологу создать приятную внешность и доставить удовольствие клиенту.
Спектр решаемых проблем:
- Улучшение микроциркуляции кожи, мышц, подкожной клетчатки
- Выведение токсинов и шлаков, противоотечное, лимфодренажное действие
- Восстановление коллагеновых и эластиновых волокон, повышение эластичности и упругости кожи, лечение » растяжек» и стрий.
- Увлажнение кожи, восстановление минерального баланса
- Снятие мышечного спазма, разглаживание морщин и складок
- Нормализация функции сальных желёз, лечение угревой сыпи
- Послеродовое восстановление
- Стимуляция регенерации эпителия
- Рассасывание постугревых и посттравматических рубцов, профилактика развития келоидных рубцов
- Осветление и оздоровление кожи, улучшение цвета лица
- Возможность введения заряженных косметических препаратов (ионофорез)
- Реабилитация после пластических операций, химических и механических пилингов
- Лечение и профилактика купероза, розацеа, аллергической сыпи
- Тонизация лицевых мышц и устранения птоза (опущения век, бровей, уголков рта, боковых контуров лица)
- Уменьшения жировых отложений в области подбородка и шеи
- Лечение целлюлита
- угревая сыпь
- жирная себорея
- гиперпигментация
- дерматит, кератоз,
- жирная кожа с камедонами
- атоничная кожа
- мелкие возрастные косметические дефекты
- осветление пигментных пятен и устранение последствий фотостарения
- профилактика старения кожи
• Золотые нити
• Доброкачественные образования в зоне обработки, повреждения кожи, дерматиты
• Болезни крови, наклонность к кровотечениям
• Острый инфекционный процесс, лихорадочные состояния, острые воспалительные процессы
• Беременность
• Туберкулез, язва желудка и 12-п. кишки
• Тромбофлебит, тромбоз, варикозная болезнь
• Опухоли злокачественные, доброкачественные, склонные к росту
• Сосудистая недостаточность, ишемическая болезнь сердца, стенокардия, гипертоническая болезнь (выше 2-ой стадии), мерцательная аритмия
• Тиреотоксикоз 2 и 3 стадии, выраженные формы эндокринопатий
• Сахарный диабет, тяжелая форма
Технические характеристики:
Форма выходного сигнала биполярные импульсы с гармонической модуляцией
Частота следования импульсов 0.5-2 Гц
Частота модуляции 100 Гц/8 кГц
Максимальная амплитуда выходного тока 5 мА
Максимальная амплитуда выходного напряжения 14 В
Частота ультразвука 1.2 МГц
Частота лопатки 28 КГц
Мы официальный представитель завода DIY — Golden Tiger
Наша компания является официальным представителем завода DIY — Golden Tiger. Мы осуществляем прямые поставки с завода (без посредников), предоставляем Вам гарантию и собственное сервисное сопровождение в течении гарантийного и после гарантийного срока!
Оборудование сопровождается полным пакетом документов, включая русскую инструкцию, декларацию ТС. Каждому владельцу аппарата DIY — Golden Tiger предоставляется бесплатное обучение в Москве или удаленное обучение/консультация по РФ.
В штате нашей компании работают профессиональные консультанты врачи-косметологи. Мы предоставим Вам профессиональную консультацию до покупки и послепродажное обучение на данном аппарате, а также полное информационное и консультационное сопровождение.
Популярные товары
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Pully IM-5566 Document (Main Content), UPD: 08 June 2023)
27, Pully IM-5566 Technical Standard : Voltage: □110V □220V □240V Frequency: □50HZ □60HZ Work Power: 35W Meas.: 54*28*23 CM Weight: 6.5KG Pack list: Item Name Unit Qty Remarks Mainframe Set 1 Double BIO probe pair 1 Single BIO probe pair 1 Columned Stick Piece 1 For galvanic Idler Wheel Stick Piece 1 For galvanic Mushroom-like Stick Piece 1 …
9, Feature: The appliance panel is very convenient and easy to the operator. Containing 2500 procedures designed in advance and six groups of complex programs, and the output way includes BIO & Electricity glove Orthopedics’ unit is used with face slimming specially. According to the client’s different condition, select the corresponding treatment parameter, such as care-set and course …
24, Operation 6. Lengthen muscles on the neck to remove its wrinkles. By the way of Bi-directional press and pull, two probes draw away at the same time up and down from the middle of the neck, move from the left to the right for 10 times; Operation 7. Hold up the left sternoleidomastoid and musculi platysma to remove wrinkles on the neck. By the way of unidirectional extruding, one probe is set onto the top of the neck while another…
25, Operation ways to lighten gravidity lines. Remark: Please use manual model ( handli-work ) to lighten gravidity lines. The first step : Normalizing Exercise Operation 1. By the way of bi-directional extruding, when the operation, place a midline through navel , move up and down on the both sides for 3 times. Operation 2. By the way of bi-directional extruding , when operation, move from the top- right through navel to …
16, 3.Operation 3: lengthening surface skin to smooth vertical wrinkling. With the way of unidirectional draw with press, a probe locates a point where the probe shifts. From chin downwards for 3 times, another one slides from chin along with mouth corner onto Tits ang, then pick with a little press up to cheekbone. 4. Operation 4: exercise orbiculares round mouth to move way smile…
15, Operating steps of skin-smooth and anti-wrinkles Handle of facial anti-wrinkles (it only shows the way for semi-face, the way for another side is the same.) The first step: Normalizing exercise (gentle wave for 8 minutes, with 18 muscle motions.) 1. Operation 1:exercises lour muscle to smooth away center wrinkling. Two probes draw at the same time from yint ang to eyebrows; stop at Tsanchu then give press a little. The action repe…
6, Period of treatment should subject to the disease. For pimple, it normally needs 3 to 5 times and for some chronic disease, say yellow speck、scar、eye circle and so on, it needs 10 times as a period of treatment, every two days one time. Securing treatment could be 1 time to 2 times each week. If some disease goes to the bad after 2 to 3 times of treatment, you should lower the intensity and prolong the time of discontinuous treatment. It is better t…
21, Operation 2: Exercise labrum quadratus to enhance its elasticity. With the way of unidirectional extruding, a probe is set onto Yingsiang ( as double march ) while another one move from outside to inside along with Chingming, Ch’engch’I, Ch’iuhou then T’ungtzuliao for 4 times. Operation 3: Exercise masseter to enhance its elasticity. With the way of bi-directional extruding, a probe is set onto the underside of cheekbone muscle, another …
3, MAIN FUNCTIONS: ● Ultrasonic ● Skin Scrubber Instrument ● Bio Skin Lifting Working principal: Supersonic skin scrubber is most popular with beauticians among multiple instruments. Trials for long period ensure its outstanding effect on facial care. It shifts electric vibration with 28000 times per second to mechanical vibration with 28000 times per second. Penetration effect of ultrasonic gives skin mas…
19, 13. Operation 13:Lengthening frons muscle to smooth away forehead wrinkling. With the way of bi-directional draw with press, two probes draw away up and down from middle of forehead, move to the left or the right for 5-6 minutes. 14 Operation 14:Lengthening Eye-socket orbiculares to smooth away center wrinkling. With the way of bi-directional draw with press, two probes draw meanwhile from Yuyao to Szuchuk’ung …
4, Pully IM-5566 Treatment and beauty function: Advantage by means of supersonic together with some ointment. Large scope: supersonic suits all kinds of ointment and cream, say ionisation substance、oceanic material. Deep absorption: improve the absorption of the ointment or cream. Thickness of the ointment or cream does no limit to the decomposing. It doesn’t affect the intensity and time. It is safe without any electricity burning or stimulating. Simply operation, it…
8, is hardly felt. But this kind of biological electrical simulation can reach the inward of the cell, help the damaged and olden cell membrane potential to recover the balance, increase the electrical sport of the cell tissue, improve the cell’s metabolism and circulation, and then enhance the capacity of the cell tissue rehabilitation. These waveforms are used separately to Epidermis, Dermis, Collagen and Muscl…
18, probe is set onto underside of cheekbone muscle and another one take up masseter; move the probes from outside to inside for 2 times; 10. Operation 10: exercise big and smile cheekbone muscles to smooth away mandible wrinkling. With the way of bi-directional extruding, a probe take the acupoints of Ch’engch’I and Ch’iuhou, another one take up big and smile cheekbone muscle, move the probes from outside for 2 time…
22, times. Operation 6: Exercise brow drop muscle to increase its spring. With the way of bi-directional extruding, a probe is set on top of brow, another one pick upward from underside of the brow; start from eyebrows to the end of brow for 5 times. Result analysis of facial anti-wrinkles The entire feeling: entire face raises and tightens Partial feeling : Corners of eye and mouth raise; small and scattered wrinkling disappears, real wri…
14, Pully IM-5566 ·Tightening muscles ·Promoting metabolism ·Improving skin tone ·Lifting eyes contour ·Removing swollen mass with lymph ·Treating hair and feet Failure Dealing: Please carefully read the instruction again before you contact customer service. If it still fails, please ask the customer se…
Download or browse on-line these Operation & User’s Manual for Pully IM-5566 Personal Care Products.
Summary of Contents:
[Page 1] Pully IM-5566 IM-5566 3 In 1 Beauty Instrument INTRODUCTION |
[Page 2] Pully IM-5566 Control Panel: |
[Page 3] Pully IM-5566 MAIN FUNCTIONS: ● Ultrasonic ● Skin Scrubber Instrument ● Bio Skin Lifting Working principal: Supersonic skin scrubber is most popular with beauticians among multiple instruments. Trials for long period ensure its outstanding… |
[Page 4] Pully IM-5566 Treatment and beauty function: Advantage by means of supersonic together with some ointment. Large scope: supersonic suits all kinds of ointment and cream, say ionisation substance、oceanic material. Deep absorption: improve the absorpti… |
[Page 5] Pully IM-5566 Remove slight wrinkles and gore as well as lifting skin: By using the mechanism massage function of supersonic, one side it regulates the changing of the membrane of the hypodermic cell, on the other hand it improves blood circulation an… |
[Page 6] Pully IM-5566 Period of treatment should subject to the disease. For pimple, it normally needs 3 to 5 times and for some chronic disease, say yellow speck、scar、eye circle and so on, it needs 10 times as a period of treatment, every two days one time…. |
[Page 7] Pully IM-5566 Preface: Wrinkles and shin loose without spring is always troublesome to the race that cares of beauty. Since the ancient, people have seeking the good prescription to smooth wrinkles, remover and keep skin tender, glossy of spring with… |
[Page 8] Pully IM-5566 is hardly felt. But this kind of biological electrical simulation can reach the inward of the cell, help the damaged and olden cell membrane potential to recover the balance, increase the electrical sport of the cell tissue, improve the cell’s m… |
[Page 9] Pully IM-5566 Feature: The appliance panel is very convenient and easy to the operator. Containing 2500 procedures designed in advance and six groups of complex programs, and the output way includes BIO & Electricity glove … |
[Page 10] Pully IM-5566 … |
[Page 11] Pully IM-5566 … |
[Page 12] Pully IM-5566 Computer Technology & Patent Program & Patent Technique * Face toning treatment: Reducing wrinkle, replenishing moisture content, tightening muscle, whitening skin, lymphatic drainage, contracting pore, activating cell, deferr… |
[Page 13] Pully IM-5566 All-around treatment program will bring 3-5 times of the former profits to beauty salons. 1.We will supply the all-around training services, such as technique, sales, promotion and salesclerk’s character etc. 2.We will supply many kinds of m… |
[Page 14] Pully IM-5566 ·Tightening muscles ·Promoting metabolism ·Improving skin tone ·Lifting eyes contour ·Removing swollen mass with lymph ·Treating hair and feet … |
[Page 15] Pully IM-5566 Operating steps of skin-smooth and anti-wrinkles Handle of facial anti-wrinkles (it only shows the way for semi-face, the way for another side is the same.) The first step: Normalizing exercise (gentle wave for 8 minutes, with 18… |
[Page 16] Pully IM-5566 3.Operation 3: lengthening surface skin to smooth vertical wrinkling. With the way of unidirectional draw with press, a probe locates a point where the probe shifts. From chin downwards for 3 times, another one slides from chin alon… |
[Page 17] Pully IM-5566 do not touch the probes one to another) 6. Operation 6: On labrum quadratus to smooth away laugh wrinkling. With the way of unidirectional extruding, a probe is set on point of Chingming (act as double mark), Another one slid… |
[Page 18] Pully IM-5566 probe is set onto underside of cheekbone muscle and another one take up masseter; move the probes from outside to inside for 2 times; 10. Operation 10: exercise big and smile cheekbone muscles to smooth away mandible wrinkli… |
[Page 19] Pully IM-5566 13. Operation 13:Lengthening frons muscle to smooth away forehead wrinkling. With the way of bi-directional draw with press, two probes draw away up and down from middle of forehead, move to the left or the right for 5-6 … |
[Page 20] Pully IM-5566 the brow; start from eyebrows to the end of brow for 5 minutes. 17 Operation 17:Tighten up eye socket orbiculares to smooth away pouch wrinkling. With the way of unidirectional draw with press, a probe is set onto… |
[Page 21] Pully IM-5566 Operation 2: Exercise labrum quadratus to enhance its elasticity. With the way of unidirectional extruding, a probe is set onto Yingsiang ( as double march ) while another one move from outside to inside along with Chingming, Ch�… |
[Page 22] Pully IM-5566 times. Operation 6: Exercise brow drop muscle to increase its spring. With the way of bi-directional extruding, a probe is set on top of brow, another one pick upward from underside of the brow; start from eyebrows to the end of b… |
[Page 23] Pully IM-5566 (Gentle wave in 6 minutes with 8 operations ) Operation1: Exercise left sternocleidomastoid to smooth wrinkle on the neck. By the way of bi-directional extruding, moving from the top to the bottom of the neck. Operation 2. Repeat operati… |
[Page 24] Pully IM-5566 Operation 6. Lengthen muscles on the neck to remove its wrinkles. By the way of Bi-directional press and pull, two probes draw away at the same time up and down from the middle of the neck, move from the left to the right… |
[Page 25] Pully IM-5566 Operation ways to lighten gravidity lines. Remark: Please use manual model ( handli-work ) to lighten gravidity lines. The first step : Normalizing Exercise Operation 1. By the way of bi-directional extruding, when the operation… |
[Page 26] Pully IM-5566 each other, move from the left via navel to the right for 3 times. Operation 6.By the way of bi-directional extruding, when operation, two probes extrude , and roll each other, move from the top-right to the bottom-left 3 times. … |
[Page 27] Pully IM-5566 Technical Standard : Voltage: □110V □220V □240V Frequency: □50HZ □60HZ Work Power: 35W Meas.: 54*28*23 CM Weight: 6.5KG Pack list: Item Name Unit Qty Remarks Mainframe Set 1 Double BIO probe pair … |
[Page 28] Pully IM-5566 Important Safety Notice 1. Please don’t disassemble the equipment or try to do some other operation, which have been indicated in our instruction. All the repairing work should be done by our admitted professional personn… |
Treatment and beauty function:
Advantage by means of supersonic together with some ointment.
Large scope: supersonic suits all kinds of ointment and cream,
say ionisation substance、oceanic material.
Deep absorption: improve the absorption of the ointment or
Thickness of the ointment or cream does no limit to the
It doesn’t affect the intensity and time.
It is safe without any electricity burning or stimulating.
Simply operation, it is better to use some sticky ointment or
Beauty function of supersonic:
Soften thrombus and remove red eruption; Rectifying distorted
capillary by using supersonic pulse signal together with some
suitable ointment, thus to remove red eruption.
Remove scar or scab: Supersonic not only decomposed dry
blood of the skin, but also improves the metabolism and blood
circulation, thus to remove the marks and scar. It is better to use
supersonic together with some suitable ointment, normally 10
times as a period treatment and every two days one time.
Eliminate abnormal skin pigment: Using supersonic together
with some Chinese traditional medicine facial cream 、 speck
cream or high unit vitamin C, could do beneficiary effect to
remove pigment. It does effect by 3 times treatment and
thoroughly eliminate by 10 to 40 times treatment.
Eliminate hypodermic speck and pigment: Using supersonic to
damage the cell membrane of the speck and protect it forming
shape, thus to eliminate pigment and remove the speck
thoroughly together with metabolism function. 10 times as a
period treatment and take a break for one week before another