Allen heath avantis мануал

avantis -логотип

Авантис Аллен

Allen & Heath Limited
Керник Индастриал Эстейт
Пенрин, Корнуолл,
TR10 9LU, Великобритания

Технический паспорт


  • Ядро XCVI FPGA
    -96 кГц сampле скорость
    -Переменная битовая глубина
    -96битный аккумулятор
    Лучшая в своем классе сверхнизкая задержка (0.7 мс)
  •  Два емкостных сенсорных экрана Full HD с диагональю 15.6 дюйма и управлением с помощью жестов
  • Инновационная компактная конструкция со сверхпрочным и легким цельнометаллическим шасси
  •  64 входных канала с полной обработкой (LPF / HPF, Gate, PEQ, comp, Delay)
  • Конфигурируемая архитектура с 42 шинами с полной обработкой (PEQ, GEQ, Comp, Delay) на выходах Mix.
  •  DEEP Готово к обработке
  • 144 полосы фейдеров (24 фейдера, 6 слоев) с дополнительной выделенной мастер-секцией
  • СЛинк Подключение EtherCON для удаленного аудио с использованием протоколов gigaACE, GX, DX, ME и snake.
  •  12 локальных микрофонных / линейных входов (XLR)
  •  12 локальных линейных выходов (XLR)
  •  1 стерео вход AES (XLR)
  • 2 стерео выхода AES (XLR)
  •  2 порта ввода / вывода, оба способны работать со 128 × 128 при 96 кГц — для дополнительных карт, вкл. Данте, МАДИ и gigaACE
  •  8 группы отключения звука
  • 16 групп DCA с разливом DCA
  •  12 стерео FX с выделенными эффектами возврата
  • 24 назначаемых программных клавиши
  •  6 назначаемых настраиваемых поворотных устройств
  •  Комплексное измерение с многоточечным пиковым детектированием
  •  Встроенная подсветка фейдера
  • Встроенный генератор сигналов, RTA и спектрограмма
  • AMM (автоматический микрофонный микшер) до 64 каналов в 1,2 или 4 зонах
  •  Быстрое копирование / вставка / сброс параметров
  •  Полномочия пользователя для ограничения доступа оператора
  •  500 воспоминаний о сценах на шоу
  • Сейфы каналов, глобальные фильтры и фильтры вызова для каждой сцены
  •  Стереозапись и воспроизведение через USB
  • USB-передача сцен, библиотек, шоу
  •  Драйвер управления MIDI для управления MIDI через TCP / IP
  • Приложения для беспроводного удаленного микширования для iPad
  • Разъем BNC Word Clock (вход или выход)
  • ¼ ”TRS и 3.5 мм выход для наушников со специальным аналоговым регулятором громкостиavantis Аллен и Хит

avantis Аллен и Хит 2

Технические характеристики A&E

Смеситель должен быть компактным цифровым микшером, способным работать автономно. Он должен иметь 64 входных канала, 42 шины микширования и 400 системных входов и выходов с программным подключением, все они назначаются независимо. Должно быть 12 стерео рэковых эффектов FX с выделенными стерео возвратами и 16 DCA. Смеситель должен содержать двигатель смешивания. Двигатель микширования должен работать на частоте 96 кГц.ampling и использовать технологию FPGA для цифровой обработки сигналов. Системная задержка от аналогового входа до выхода не должна превышать 0.7 мс.
Поверхность должна включать 24 моторизованных сенсорных фейдера в двух банках, каждый с 6 слоями, доступ к которым осуществляется с помощью специальных клавиш. Подсветка фейдера должна быть встроена в подлокотник микшера и должна регулироваться через пользовательский интерфейс программного обеспечения. Все полосы фейдеров должны быть настроены как входные каналы, миксы, посылы FX, возвраты FX, мастеры DCA или полосы MIDI. Каждая полоса фейдера должна иметь выделенные кнопки PAFL, Mix и Mute с индикаторами и поворотным контроллером. 6 кнопок с индикаторами обеспечивают глобальную модель
для поворотных регуляторов: усиление, панорамирование, отправка и до 3-х пользовательских функций. Уровни посылов на миксы также должны регулироваться фейдерами.
Должны быть предусмотрены специальные клавиши для быстрого копирования / вставки / сброса миксов и параметров обработки, назначений до / после и микширования, сейфов сцен, замораживания в слоях и фейдера графического эквалайзера.
кувырок. Дополнительные физические элементы управления должны быть назначаемыми пользователем, включая два набора из 3 поворотных энкодеров и 24 определяемых пользователем клавиш.
Для доступа к банку каналов должны быть предусмотрены два 15.6-дюймовых емкостных сенсорных экрана Full-HD (1080p). view, блоки имен каналов, обработка каналов, измерители, эффекты, ввод / вывод, управление сценой, настройка, утилиты и диагностика. Блоки имен каналов должны отображать имя каждого видимого канала, цвет, тип, номер, статус, панорамирование, усиление, подстройку, измерение, уменьшение усиления процессора и другие параметры. Прикосновение к блоку имени канала позволяет выбрать канал с возможностью выбора одного канала для каждого сенсорного экрана.
22-сегментные индикаторы в блоке имени канала должны указывать уровни канала и микса. Для контроля сигнала PAFL должен быть предусмотрен дополнительный экранный 22-сегментный измеритель. Должен быть предоставлен субмикс Mains to PAFL по умолчанию.
Исчерпывающий и настраиваемый вход, выход, канал FX и измерение RTA должны отображаться на экране в специальном интерфейсе счетчиков.
Локальные аналоговые входы должны быть обеспечены на 12 симметричных разъемах XLR и подключаться к полностью отзывным предварительным устройствам с цифровым управлением.ampкачественные подъемники. Они должны обеспечивать усиление до +60 дБ, стандартное фантомное питание 48 В и включать переключаемый аттенюатор -20 дБ, обеспечивающий максимальный входной уровень + 30 дБн. Локальные аналоговые выходы должны быть
предусмотрен на 12 симметричных разъемах XLR. Они будут иметь номинальный линейный выход +4 дБн и максимальный выход + 22 дБн.
Один стерео вход AES3 с SRC (32–192 кГц) должен быть обеспечен на одном разъеме XLR. Два стерео выхода AES3 с SRC (96 кГц, 48 кГц, 44.1 кГц) должны быть предусмотрены на двух разъемах XLR. Должна быть возможность обойти Sample Rate Conversion на цифровых входах и выходах через пользовательский интерфейс программного обеспечения.
Должен быть локальный порт расширения аудио «SLink» Ethernet с блокируемым разъемом EtherCON, поддерживающий несколько протоколов (gigaACE, DX, GX, snake, ME) и обеспечивающий доступ максимум к 128 × 128 цифровым каналам, подключенным по одному кабелю ». цифровая змейка ‘и позволяя удаленное предварительноеamp управление удаленными аудиоустройствами Allen & Heath, а также подключение к персональным микшерным системам Allen & Heath ME.
Также должны быть предусмотрены два 128-канальных порта ввода / вывода для дополнительных модулей цифрового интерфейса. Дополнительные интерфейсные модули должны включать: MADI, Dante, Waves SoundGrid, gigaACE и AES / EBU.
На устройстве должен быть предусмотрен разъем BNC для ввода или вывода Wordclock, переключаемый программно.
Все входные каналы должны содержать следующую обработку: триммер, полярность, фильтр высоких частот, фильтр низких частот, две точки разрыва, гейт, параметрический эквалайзер, компрессор и задержку.
Все выходные каналы микширования должны содержать следующую обработку: внешний вход, полярность, триммер, вставка, параметрический эквалайзер и графический эквалайзер с RTA и режимом переключения фейдера, компрессором и задержкой.
Обработка каналов также должна включать качественные эмуляции классических предварительныхamps, компрессоры и эквалайзеры. Эти эмуляции должны быть вставлены на лету на любой
канал без использования внутренних эффектов и без каких-либо внешних плагинов. Использование любой эмуляции не должно приводить к дополнительной задержке или влиять на возможности обработки где-либо еще в системе.
Все задержки сигналов в системе должны регулироваться в миллисекундах, метрах, футах и ​​секундах.ampим.
12 назначаемых пользователем стоек эффектов должны быть снабжены библиотекой заводских предустановленных эмуляций эффектов. Стойки FX должны индивидуально настраиваться как отправка / возврат из канала или
FX / Mix или вставленные во входные или выходные каналы. Система микширования должна обеспечивать возможность обработки сигналов стоек FX для возврата в другие миксы через выделенные входные каналы FX, с параметром PEQ, назначенным в качестве источников для входных каналов, гирляндным соединением с другой стойкой FX посредством внутреннего патчинга или направленным на выход. сокет или интерфейсный канал.
Должно быть 16 групп DCA с функцией DCA Spill и 8 групп отключения звука.
Микшер должен обеспечивать автоматическое микширование микрофонов (AMM) до 64 микрофонных источников в 1, 2 или 4 зоны. AMM должен быть способен работать в классическом режиме разделения усиления или, опционально, в качестве алгоритма NOM (количество открытых микрофонов).
На экране маршрутизации должна быть предусмотрена опция глобального источника для прямого выхода из каждого входного канала. Точка отвода должна быть отрегулирована в следующие положения в
путь обработки: post Preamp, post-LPF, post-Gate, post-Insert A return, post PEQ, post Compressor, post-Insert B return и post Delay. Должны быть дополнительные глобальные опции для отслеживания фейдера, DCA и отключения звука. Прямые выходы назначаются через программный патч-бэк микшера.
Должна быть обеспечена возможность двусторонней связи с возможностью отправки на любой выходной микс с индикацией состояния на экране. Должна быть предусмотрена возможность включения фиксации двусторонней связи и HPF.
Генератор сигналов должен иметь возможность посылать сигнал переменного уровня на любой вход и выход с визуальным отображением статуса назначения на экране. Доступны следующие типы сигналов: синусоидальный, белый шум, розовый шум и полоса пропускания.
Микшер должен иметь два порта Gigabit Ethernet (1,000 Мбит / с) для подключения кабеля Cat5 к компьютеру или MIDI через CP / IP для управления параметрами микшера через беспроводной маршрутизатор (точку доступа) для управления микшированием в реальном времени, а система микширования должна включать прикладное программное обеспечение для планшетных устройств, подключенных через маршрутизатор беспроводной сети к порту LAN.
Обработка входных и выходных каналов и параметры в микшере должны сохраняться по запросу как элемент пользовательской библиотеки для использования в других каналах. Все элементы библиотеки должны быть заархивированы.
с шоу file. Элементы библиотеки можно переносить на USB-накопитель в качестве переносных данных для использования в других системах.
Микшер должен обеспечивать возможность сохранения 500 сцен. Сцены должны иметь возможность именования и вводить описательный текст для каждой сцены. Должна быть предоставлена ​​исчерпывающая таблица сейфов для сцен, чтобы выбранные элементы не менялись по сравнению с их состоянием, когда сейф был включен. А
Для каждой сцены должен быть предусмотрен комплексный фильтр сцены, чтобы разрешить / заблокировать каждый параметр, сохраненный в сцене, от изменения при вызове этой сцены. Должен быть предоставлен список сцен для облегчения последовательности сцен из главного списка. Перекрестное затухание до 20 секунд должно регулироваться для каждой сцены. Вызов сцены может быть встроен в сцену с возможностью отложить начало вызова встроенной сцены до 4 минут.
Должна быть предусмотрена опция защиты паролем для входа в систему нескольких пользователей с разными уровнями доступа к системе и разрешениями. При желании можно выбрать конкретную сцену для вызова при изменении логина пользователя.
Система смешивания должна периодически записывать все текущие настройки и возвращать миксер в это состояние после перезагрузки, следующей за циклом включения питания.
Поверхность управления смешиванием должна иметь встроенный источник питания, принимающий напряжение сети переменного тока.tag100 ~ 240 В, 50/60 Гц, 150 Вт макс. через заземленный 3-контактный штекер IEC, установленный на заднем шасси. Рядом с входом сети должен быть предусмотрен двухполюсный кнопочный переключатель.
Рекомендуемая рабочая температура миксера должна составлять от 5 до 40 градусов Цельсия.
Смесителем будет Allen & Heath Avantis.

Габаритные размеры:

avantis Allen and Heath - Размеры

Технические характеристики миксера


Микрофонные / линейные входы XLR Сбалансированный XLR, фантомное питание + 48 В
Микрофонный / линейный предусилительamp Полностью отзывный
Чувствительность входа От -60 до +15 дБн
Аналоговое усиление От +5 до +60 дБ, с шагом 1 дБ
Аттенюатор -20 дБ Active PAD
Максимальный уровень входного сигнала + 30 дБн (PAD, вход)
Входное сопротивление  > 4 кОм (выход Pad),> 10 кОм (вход Pad)
EIN микрофона -127 дБ с источником 150 Ом
Индикация фантомного питания На розетку, внутреннее или внешнее фантомное питание, срабатывающее при +24 В
 Цифровые входы AES3, 2 канала, XLR, 2.5 В (размах), симметричный, с оконечной нагрузкой, 110 Ом
Диапазон SRC 24 бит, 32 кГц — 192 кГц, с возможностью обхода
Аналоговые выходы XLR Сбалансированный, с релейной защитой
Выходное сопротивление <75 Ом
Номинальная мощность + 4dBu = показание счетчика 0 дБ
Максимальный выходной уровень + 22dBu
Остаточный выходной шум -95dBu (без звука, 22-22 кГц)
-90dBu (без звука, 0-80 кГц)
 Цифровые выходы AES3, 2 канала, XLR, 2.5 В (размах), симметричный, с оконечной нагрузкой, 110 Ом
96 кГц сampскорость передачи, глобальное переключение на 48 кГц, 44.1 кГц

Размеры и вес

распакованный В штучной упаковке
Ширина x Глубина x Высота 917 x 627 х 269 мм
36.1 «х» х 24.7 10.6 «

Ширина x Глубина x Высота

1100 x 850 х 425 мм
43.3 «х» х 33.5 16.7 «
Вес 26кг
Вес 34кг


Измеренный балансный XLR Into XLR Out, 22-40 кГц, минимальное усиление, выход Pad Out

Динамический диапазон 109dB
Системный сигнал-шум -92dB
Частотный отклик 20 Гц — 30 кГц (+ 0 / -0.8 дБ)
THD + N (аналоговый на выход) 0.0015% при выходе +16 дБн, усиление 1 кГц 0 дБ
Габаритная высота + 18dB
Внутренний рабочий уровень 0 дБн
Выравнивание dBFS + 18 дБн = 0 дБFS
(+22 дБн на выходе XLR)
Калибровка метра Измеритель 0 дБ = -18 дБFS
(+4 дБн на выходе XLR)
Индикация пикового значения счетчика -3dBFS (+ 19dBu на выходе XLR)
Sampскорость 96kHz
Диапазон рабочих температур От 0 ° C до 40 ° C
От 32 до 104 градусов по Фаренгейту
Питание от сети 100-240 В переменного тока, 50-60 Гц, 150 Вт макс.
 Воспроизведение аудио с USB Моно / стерео .WAV files, 16/24bit, 44.1/48/96kHz
MP3 files
FLAC files
Запись звука через USB Стерео .WAV files,
24 бит 96 кГц

Технический паспорт Avantis
Allen & Heath Ltd

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    Аллен и Хит | Микширование мирового уровня

ALLEN & HEATH Avantis Getting Started Manual

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Before starting please check for the latest

Avantis firmware and documentation.

AP11558 Issue 3


Related Manuals for ALLEN & HEATH Avantis

Summary of Contents for ALLEN & HEATH Avantis

  • Page 1
    Getting Started Guide Avantis Before starting please check for the latest Avantis firmware and documentation. AP11558 Issue 3…
  • Page 2
    Check with your Allen & Heath distributor or agent for any additional warranty information which may apply. If further assistance is required please contact Allen & Heath Ltd. Avantis Getting Started Guide Copyright © 2019 Allen & Heath. All rights reserved.
  • Page 3: Important — Read Before Starting

    System operating firmware The function of Avantis is determined by the firmware (operating software) that runs it. Firmware is updated regularly as new features are added and improvements made.

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Packed items Check you have received the following: • Avantis Digital Mixing Console • Getting Started Guide AP11558 • Safety Sheet • IEC mains lead Contents IMPORTANT — Read before starting ………………….3 Safety instructions ………………………. 3 System operating firmware ……………………3 Software licence agreement ……………………

  • Page 5: Introduction

    1. Introduction Avantis is a 64 channel 96kHz digital mixing console providing a powerful solution for any live sound application. Pristine audio quality is delivered at ultra-low latency, and comprehensive signal routing and processing options are easily accessible via the dual 15.6” Full HD touchscreens.

  • Page 6: Connect And Power Up

    2.3 Recall a Template Show Avantis has a fully configurable audio architecture, control layout, and socket patching. We have provided a set of Template Shows to give a choice of classic console formats to load as a quick starting point with a familiar architecture and logical layout.

  • Page 7: Rear Panel

    The Audio Sync Locked indicator illuminates when a valid clock source is present. 8. Word Clock I/O BNC connector for syncing from an external audio clock or providing a clock to other devices. In and Out LEDs indicate the current mode. Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 8: Front Panel

    See the Expander Connection section of this document for more information on supported devices. 11. Network 2 RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet ports. Connect a laptop or a wireless router to use with Avantis Editor or iOS apps. All devices on the network must have compatible IP addresses. The default settings are:…

  • Page 9: Top Panel

    Reset — Hold down Reset and press a Name Block, Mix key or a highlighted area of the touchscreen to reset the related parameters to factory default. Hold down Reset and nudge a fader up or down to quickly set it to 0dB or off. Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 10: Fader Strip

    PAFL – Sends the channel signal PFL (pre-fade listen) or AFL (after-fade listen) to the headphones and monitoring system. Preferences for the PAFL system are set using the Setup / Audio / PAFL screen. Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 11: Screens

    5.2 Screens Avantis has two screens, both showing channel processing, bank overview, system setup & status, memory management menus and more. Each touchscreen integrates with a trio of user-configurable soft rotaries in addition to a Touch & Turn rotary control for quick and easy parameter modification.

  • Page 12: Mix Basics

    Press a Main Mix (i.e. LR) master strip Mix key. This is the default mixing mode: The Input strips present the channel faders. The Master strips present the master mix faders. Channel levels to LR Mix Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 13: Working With Sends — Master Mix Mode

    Use this to work with Aux and FX sends. The Input strips remain as Channel Faders. The Master strips present all sends from the Input channel. Send levels from IP 1 To LR Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 14: Assigning And Un-Assigning A Channel To A Mix, Group Or Dca

    Name Block. You can quickly set all assignments on or off, or all sources pre or post fader, by touching the Mix Master Name Block while holding Pre. Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 15: Dimensions

    7. Dimensions Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 16: Flightcase Information

    ( ) at the sides of the mixer in the area indicated. Leave adequate space for (1) ventilation headphone/USB connections at front of mixer. Leave adequate space for (1) ventilation audio/power connections at rear of mixer. Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…

  • Page 17: Technical Specifications

    917 x 627 x 269 mm Width x Depth x Height 1100 x 850 x 425 mm 36.1″ x 24.7″ x 10.6″ 43.3″ x 33.5″ x 16.7″ Weight 26kg Weight 34kg 57.4lbs 75lbs Avantis Getting Started Guide AP11558 Issue 3…


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Getting Started Guide


iBefore starting please check for the latest Avantis firmware and documentation.

AP11558 Issue 3

Limited One Year Manufacturer’s Warranty

Allen & Heath warrants the Allen &Heath -branded hardware product and accessories contained in the original packaging («Allen & Heath Product”) against defects in materials and workmanship when used in accordance with Allen & Heath’s user manuals, technical specifications and other Allen & Heath product published guidelines for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of original purchase by the end-user purchaser («Warranty Period«).

This warranty does not apply to any non-Allen & Heath branded hardware products or any software, even if packaged or sold with Allen & Heath hardware.

Please refer to the licensing agreement accompanying the software for details of your rights with respect to the use of software/firmware (“EULA”).

Details of the EULA, warranty policy and other useful information can be found on the Allen & Heath website:

Repair or replacement under the terms of the warranty does not provide right to extension or renewal of the warranty period. Repair or direct replacement of the product under the terms of this warranty may be fulfilled with functionally equivalent service exchange units.

This warranty is not transferable. This warranty will be the purchaser’s sole and exclusive remedy and neither Allen & Heath nor its approved service centres shall be liable for any incidental or consequential damages or breach of any express or implied warranty of this product.

Conditions Of Warranty

The equipment has not been subject to misuse either intended or accidental, neglect, or alteration other than as described in the User Guide or Service Manual, or approved by Allen & Heath. The warranty does not cover fader wear and tear.

Any necessary adjustment, alteration or repair has been carried out by an authorised Allen & Heath distributor or agent.

The defective unit is to be returned carriage prepaid to the place of purchase, an authorised Allen & Heath distributor or agent with proof of purchase. Please discuss this with the distributor or the agent before shipping. Units returned should be packed in the original carton to avoid transit damage.

DISCLAIMER: Allen & Heath shall not be liable for the loss of any saved/stored data in products that are either repaired or replaced.

Check with your Allen & Heath distributor or agent for any additional warranty information which may apply. If further assistance is required please contact Allen & Heath Ltd.

Avantis Getting Started Guide

Copyright © 2019 Allen & Heath. All rights reserved.


Allen & Heath Limited, Kernick Industrial Estate, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9LU, UK

Avantis Getting Started Guide


AP11558 Issue 3

IMPORTANT — Read before starting

Safety instructions

Before starting, read the Important Safety Instructions printed on the sheet supplied with the equipment. For your own safety and that of the operator, technical crew and performers, follow all instructions and heed all warnings printed on the sheet and on the equipment panels.

System operating firmware

The function of Avantis is determined by the firmware (operating software) that runs it. Firmware is updated regularly as new features are added and improvements made.

i Check for the latest version of Avantis firmware.

Software licence agreement

By using this Allen & Heath product and the software within it you agree to be bound by the terms of the relevant End User Licence Agreement (EULA), a copy of which can be found at You agree to be bound by the terms of the EULA by installing, copying, or using the software.

Further information

Please refer to the Allen & Heath website for further information, knowledgebase and technical support. For more information on Avantis setup and mixing functions please refer to the Avantis Firmware Reference Guide available for download at

i Check for the latest version of this Getting Started Guide.

You can also join our Allen & Heath Digital Community to share knowledge and information with other Avantis users.

General precautions

Protect the equipment from damage through liquid or dust contamination. Cover the mixer when it is not being used for a long period.

If the equipment has been stored in sub-zero temperatures allow time for it to reach normal operating temperature before use at the venue. Recommended operating temperature is 0 to 40 degrees Celsius.

Avoid using the equipment in extreme heat and direct sunlight. Make sure the ventilation slots and fans underneath the unit are not obstructed and that there is adequate air movement around the equipment.

Clean the equipment with a soft brush and dry lint-free cloth. Do not use chemicals, abrasives or solvents. Do not use lubricant or contact cleaner on the faders.

It is recommended that servicing is carried out only by an authorised Allen & Heath agent. Contact details for your local distributor can be found on the Allen & Heath website. Allen & Heath do not accept liability for damage caused by maintenance, repair or modification by unauthorised personnel.

To prevent damage to the controls and cosmetics, avoid placing heavy objects on the control surface, scratching the surface or touchscreen with sharp objects, or rough handling and vibration.

Register your product

Register your product online at

Avantis Getting Started Guide


AP11558 Issue 3

Packed items

Check you have received the following:

Avantis Digital Mixing Console

Getting Started Guide AP11558

Safety Sheet

IEC mains lead


IMPORTANT — Read before starting ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Safety instructions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


System operating firmware ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Software licence agreement………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Further information …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


General precautions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Register your product……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Packed items …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Connect and power up………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Power Up …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Calibrate Touch Faders……………………………………………………………………………………………….



Recall a Template Show………………………………………………………………………………………………



Expander Connection………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Power Down ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Rear Panel …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Front Panel ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Top Panel ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Fader strip………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..






Mix Basics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Working with the Main Mix …………………………………………………………………………………………



Working with Sends – Master Mix Mode………………………………………………………………………



Working with Sends – Channel Mix Mode ……………………………………………………………………



Assigning and un-assigning a channel to a Mix, Group or DCA……………………………………..



Changing between Sends on Faders and Sends on Rotaries ………………………………………..



Setting Pre/Post fader send status………………………………………………………………………………






Flightcase Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………….



Technical Specifications ……………………………………………………………………………………………………


Avantis Getting Started Guide


AP11558 Issue 3

1. Introduction

Avantis is a 64 channel 96kHz digital mixing console providing a powerful solution for any live sound application. Pristine audio quality is delivered at ultra-low latency, and comprehensive signal routing and processing options are easily accessible via the dual 15.6” Full HD touchscreens.

Avantis is DEEP Processing ready, enabling the use of our world-class hardware emulations with no added latency or need for additional hardware. Visit for more information.

The integrated SLink port offers Plug’n’Play operation with the GX, DX, AB and AR ranges of remote I/O expanders plus the DX Hub remote hub. Additionally, SLink can be used for digital split applications with a second Avantis mixer or a dLive/SQ system.

Compatibility with the ME Personal Monitoring System allows performers to take control of their own monitor mixes via the ME-1 and ME-500 personal mixers.

Digital audio networking cards are available to enable integration with other digital audio systems via protocols such as gigaACE, Dante, MADI and Waves SoundGrid.

Avantis features at a glance:


96kHz sample rate, 96bit accumulator

Ultra-low latency (0.7ms)

64 Input Channels with full processing (filter, gate, PEQ, compressor, inserts)

42 configurable Mix outputs

DEEP Processing — embedded channel plugins

12 RackFX with dedicated returns

16 DCAs

Twin 15.6” Full HD capacitive touchscreens

Fully assignable layout

144 fader strips (24 faders, 6 layers) with optional dedicated master section

SLink port for connection to Remote I/O Expanders and the ME Personal Monitoring System

12 analogue XLR Inputs / 12 analogue XLR Outputs

1 Stereo AES In / 2 Stereo AES Out

2 I/O Ports, both capable of 128×128 operation at 96kHz

Gesture control – pinch, swipe, drag ‘n drop

User configurable rotary controls

24 assignable SoftKeys

Comprehensive multipoint metering with peak detection

USB stereo recording and playback

BNC Word Clock

Refer to the Allen & Heath website to learn more about Avantis.

Avantis Getting Started Guide


AP11558 Issue 3

Allen & Heath Avantis User Manual

2. Connect and power up

2.1 Power Up

Ensure the rocker switch is in the off position. Plug in the IEC mains power lead supplied with the mixer. If required, secure the lead by hooking it into the plastic clip using a T20 Torx to remove the fixing screw. Power on the mixer using the rocker switch.

2.2 Calibrate Touch Faders

To calibrate the fader touch sensitivity, go to Utility / Utility / Calibration and select Calibrate Fader Touch, select Left Bank and All and follow the onscreen instructions. Once completed, repeat this process for the

Right Bank.

2.3 Recall a Template Show

Avantis has a fully configurable audio architecture, control layout, and socket patching. We have provided a set of Template Shows to give a choice of classic console formats to load as a quick starting point with a familiar architecture and logical layout.

To load a Template Show go to the Utility / Memory / Show Manager screen, select one of the available Template Shows, touch Recall and confirm.

iRecalling a Show overwrites all the system settings including the bus configuration, control layout, current parameters, all Scenes, and Library presets. If you want to save the current settings then first Store them as a User Show.

iFor more information please refer to the Avantis Firmware Reference Guide available for download at

2.4 Expander Connection

Plug a touring grade CAT5e (or higher specification) cable up to 100m long between the Remote Expander and SLink port.

iRefer to for cable requirements, recommendations, and a list of CAT5 cables available to order.

Switch on the Remote Expander. The SLink port Lnk/Err indicators flash at a steady rate when the link is established. The red error indicator lights if a communication error is detected. Check that the cables are the correct type, plugged in correctly, and are not faulty.

The following Remote Expanders are compatible with the Avantis SLink port:

Remote Expander

Sample Rate





DX32, DX168, DX164-W, DX012, DX Hub



AR2412, AR84






iFor more information on our range of I/O expanders please visit

2.5 Power Down

The system must be powered down correctly. Navigate to Utility / Utility / System and touch the Power Down button. Confirm the action and then turn the mixer and expanders off using their power switches.

iIf the system is not powered down correctly there is a possibility recent changes may be lost.

iIf the system was not powered down as described above, then a “Not Shut Down Correctly” screen appears the next time the system is turned on.

Avantis Getting Started Guide


AP11558 Issue 3


Allen & Heath Avantis Console Getting Started Guide PDF

Summary of Content for Allen & Heath Avantis Console Getting Started Guide PDF

Getting Started Guide


Before starting please check for the latest

Avantis firmware and documentation.

AP11558 Issue 5

Avantis Getting Started Guide 2 AP11558 Issue 5

Limited One Year Manufacturers Warranty

Allen & Heath warrants the Allen &Heath -branded hardware product and accessories contained in the

original packaging («Allen & Heath Product) against defects in materials and workmanship when used

in accordance with Allen & Heath’s user manuals, technical specifications and other Allen & Heath

product published guidelines for a period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of original purchase by the

end-user purchaser («Warranty Period»).

This warranty does not apply to any non-Allen & Heath branded hardware products or any software,

even if packaged or sold with Allen & Heath hardware.

Please refer to the licensing agreement accompanying the software for details of your rights with respect

to the use of software/firmware (EULA).

Details of the EULA, warranty policy and other useful information can be found on the Allen & Heath


Repair or replacement under the terms of the warranty does not provide right to extension or renewal of

the warranty period. Repair or direct replacement of the product under the terms of this warranty may be

fulfilled with functionally equivalent service exchange units.

This warranty is not transferable. This warranty will be the purchasers sole and exclusive remedy and

neither Allen & Heath nor its approved service centres shall be liable for any incidental or consequential

damages or breach of any express or implied warranty of this product.

Conditions Of Warranty

The equipment has not been subject to misuse either intended or accidental, neglect, or alteration other

than as described in the User Guide or Service Manual, or approved by Allen & Heath. The warranty

does not cover fader wear and tear.

Any necessary adjustment, alteration or repair has been carried out by an authorised Allen & Heath

distributor or agent.

The defective unit is to be returned carriage prepaid to the place of purchase, an authorised Allen &

Heath distributor or agent with proof of purchase. Please discuss this with the distributor or the agent

before shipping. Units returned should be packed in the original carton to avoid transit damage.

DISCLAIMER: Allen & Heath shall not be liable for the loss of any saved/stored data in products that are

either repaired or replaced.

Check with your Allen & Heath distributor or agent for any additional warranty information which may

apply. If further assistance is required please contact Allen & Heath Ltd.

Avantis Getting Started Guide 3 AP11558 Issue 5

IMPORTANT — Read before starting

Safety instructions

Before starting, read the Important Safety Instructions printed on the sheet supplied with the equipment.

For your own safety and that of the operator, technical crew and performers, follow all instructions and heed

all warnings printed on the sheet and on the equipment panels.

System operating firmware

The function of Avantis is determined by the firmware (operating software) that runs it. Firmware is updated

regularly as new features are added and improvements made.

Check for the latest version of Avantis firmware.

Software licence agreement

By using this Allen & Heath product and the software within it you agree to be bound by the terms of the

relevant End User Licence Agreement (EULA), a copy of which can be found at www.allen- You agree to be bound by the terms of the EULA by installing, copying, or using the


Further information

Please refer to the Allen & Heath website for further information, knowledgebase and technical support. For more information on Avantis setup and mixing functions please refer to the Avantis Firmware Reference

Guide available for download at

Check for the latest version of this Getting Started Guide.

You can also join our Allen & Heath Digital Community to share knowledge and information with other

Avantis users.

General precautions

Protect the equipment from damage through liquid or dust contamination. Cover the mixer when it

is not being used for a long period.

If the equipment has been stored in sub-zero temperatures allow time for it to reach normal

operating temperature before use at the venue. Recommended operating temperature is 0 to 40

degrees Celsius.

Avoid using the equipment in extreme heat and direct sunlight. Make sure the ventilation slots and

fans underneath the unit are not obstructed and that there is adequate air movement around the


Clean the equipment with a soft brush and dry lint-free cloth. Do not use chemicals, abrasives or

solvents. Do not use lubricant or contact cleaner on the faders.

It is recommended that servicing is carried out only by an authorised Allen & Heath agent. Contact

details for your local distributor can be found on the Allen & Heath website. Allen & Heath do not

accept liability for damage caused by maintenance, repair or modification by unauthorised


To prevent damage to the controls and cosmetics, avoid placing heavy objects on the mixer,

scratching the mixer or touchscreen with sharp objects, or rough handling and vibration.

Register your product

Register your product online at

Avantis Getting Started Guide 4 AP11558 Issue 5

Packed items

Check you have received the following:

Avantis Digital Mixing Console

Getting Started Guide AP11558

Safety Sheet

IEC mains lead


IMPORTANT — Read before starting ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Safety instructions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

System operating firmware …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Software licence agreement …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Further information ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

General precautions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Register your product ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Packed items ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

2. Connect and power up …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

2.1 Power Up ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

2.2 Calibrate Touch Faders …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

2.3 Recall a Template Show …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6

2.4 Expander Connection ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

2.5 Power Down ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6

3. dPack Activation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

4. Rear Panel ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

5. Front Panel …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

6. Top Panel …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

6.1 Fader strip …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

6.2 Screens ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 12

7. Mix Basics …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13

7.1 Working with the Main Mix ………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

7.2 Working with Sends Master Mix Mode ……………………………………………………………………. 14

7.3 Working with Sends Channel Mix Mode …………………………………………………………………. 14

7.4 Assigning and un-assigning a channel to a Mix, Group or DCA ……………………………………. 15

7.5 Changing between Sends on Faders and Sends on Rotaries ………………………………………. 15

7.6 Setting Pre/Post fader send status ……………………………………………………………………………. 15

8. Dimensions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

9. Flightcase Information ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

10. Expanders, I/O Cards and Controllers ………………………………………………………………………………. 18

10.1 Expanders …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18

10.2 I/O Cards ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

10.3 Remote Controllers ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

10.4 Personal Monitor Mixing …………………………………………………………………………………………. 18

11. Technical Specifications …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Avantis Getting Started Guide 5 AP11558 Issue 5


Avantis is a 64 channel 96kHz digital mixing console providing a powerful solution for any live sound

application. Pristine audio quality is delivered at ultra-low latency, and comprehensive signal routing and

processing options are easily accessible via the dual 15.6 Full HD touchscreens.

Avantis is DEEP Processing ready, enabling the use of our world-class hardware emulations with no added

latency or need for additional hardware. Visit for more information.

The integrated SLink port offers PlugnPlay operation with the GX, DX, AB and AR ranges of remote I/O

expanders plus the DX Hub remote hub. Additionally, SLink can be used for digital split applications with a

second Avantis mixer or a dLive/SQ system.

Compatibility with the ME Personal Monitoring System allows performers to take control of their own

monitor mixes via the ME-1 and ME-500 personal mixers.

Digital audio networking cards are available to enable integration with other digital audio systems via

protocols such as gigaACE, Dante, MADI and Waves SoundGrid.

Avantis features at a glance:


96kHz sample rate, 96bit accumulator

Ultra-low latency (0.7ms)

64 Input Channels with full processing (filter, gate, PEQ, compressor, inserts)

42 configurable Mix outputs

DEEP Processing — embedded channel plugins

12 RackFX with dedicated returns

16 DCAs

Twin 15.6 Full HD capacitive touchscreens

Fully assignable layout

144 fader strips (24 faders, 6 layers) with optional dedicated master section

SLink port for connection to Remote I/O Expanders and the ME Personal Monitoring System

12 analogue XLR Inputs / 12 analogue XLR Outputs

1 Stereo AES In / 2 Stereo AES Out

2 I/O Ports, both capable of 128×128 operation at 96kHz

Gesture control pinch, swipe, drag n drop

User configurable rotary controls

24 assignable SoftKeys

Comprehensive multipoint metering with peak detection

USB stereo recording and playback

BNC Word Clock

Refer to the Allen & Heath website to learn more about Avantis.

Avantis Getting Started Guide 6 AP11558 Issue 5

2.Connect and power up

2.1Power Up

Ensure the rocker switch is in the off position. Plug in the IEC mains power lead supplied with the mixer. If required, secure the lead by hooking it into the plastic clip using a T20 Torx to remove the fixing screw.

Power on the mixer using the rocker switch.

2.2Calibrate Touch Faders

On first use, calibrate the fader touch sensitivity by going to Utility / Utility / Calibration and select

Calibrate Fader Touch, select Left Bank and All and follow the onscreen instructions ensuring you only

touch the first fader in the bank when instructed.

Once completed, repeat this process for the Right Bank, ensuring you only touch the first fader in the bank

when instructed.

2.3Recall a Template Show

Avantis has a fully configurable audio architecture, control layout, and socket patching. We have provided a set of Template Shows to give a choice of classic console formats to load as a quick starting point with a

familiar architecture and logical layout.

To load a Template Show go to the Utility / Memory / Show Manager screen, select one of the available

Template Shows, touch Recall and confirm.

Recalling a Show overwrites all the system settings including the bus configuration,

control layout, current parameters, all Scenes, and Library presets. If you want to

save the current settings then first Store them as a User Show.

For more information please refer to the Avantis Firmware Reference Guide available

for download at

2.4Expander Connection

Plug a touring grade CAT5e (or higher specification) cable up to 100m long between the Remote Expander

and SLink port.

Refer to for cable requirements, recommendations, and a list

of CAT5 cables available to order.

Switch on the Remote Expander. The SLink port Lnk/Err indicators flash at a steady rate when the link is

established. The red error indicator lights if a communication error is detected. Check that the cables are

the correct type, plugged in correctly, and are not faulty.

The following Remote Expanders are compatible with the Avantis SLink port:

Remote Expander Sample Rate Protocol

GX4816 96kHz GX

DX32, DX168, DX164-W, DX012, DX Hub 96kHz DX

AR2412, AR84 48kHz dSnake

AB168 48kHz dSnake

For more information on our range of I/O expanders please visit

2.5Power Down

The system must be powered down correctly. Navigate to Utility / Status / Homescreen and touch the

Power Down button. Confirm the action and then turn the mixer and expanders off using their power


If the system is not powered down correctly there is a possibility recent changes may be lost.

If the system was not powered down as described above, then a Not Shut Down Correctly screen appears the next time the system is turned on.

Avantis Getting Started Guide 7 AP11558 Issue 5

3.dPack Activation

Upgrade your console with Avantis dPack to access additional dLive processing including Dyn8 (up to 16

instances), DEEP Compressors and the Dual Stage Valve Preamp, plus more models as theyre added.

If you purchased your Avantis with the dPack upgrade, you should have received a 12-character voucher

code. To redeem your dPack voucher code and activate your upgrade:

1. Visit and ensure you have downloaded and installed the latest firmware

on your Avantis

2. Go to, select the Avantis dPack product and add it to your Shopping Cart.

3. Click on Shopping Cart in the top right menu bar

4. Click on Use Coupon Code and enter your code as supplied then click Apply Coupon

5. Click Checkout and complete the checkout process.

6. Once youve completed checkout, go to your Account Downloads page My Account >


7. Follow the instructions on screen to generate your dPack upgrade key and enter it in to your


If you did not purchase your Avantis with the dPack upgrade, but wish to purchase dPack for your mixer,

please visit

If you experience any difficulties, please contact Allen & Heath Shop Support by emailing

Avantis Getting Started Guide 8 AP11558 Issue 5

4.Rear Panel

1.Mic/Line Inputs 12x recallable preamps for balanced or unbalanced microphone and line level signals.

Gain, Pad and 48V are digitally controlled within the preamp. The PP indicator lights up when phantom power voltage is detected at the socket, whether internally or externally


Any socket can be patched to any Input Channel using the I/O or Processing / Preamp


2.Digital Inputs Stereo AES3 input (32kHz 192kHz sampling rate). Sample Rate Conversion can be


Any socket can be patched to any Input Channel using the I/O or Processing / Preamp


3.USB 2.0 Socket Insert a compatible USB device to store and recall show files, update the firmware or to

perform USB playback and recording.

4.Power Supply Mains IEC socket, fuse and On/Off rocker switch. A plastic P-clip cable clamp is

provided to secure the mains cable. Slot the cable in, or lock it in place using a star Torx T20 screwdriver to refit the clamp around the cable.

Heed the safety warnings printed on the panel.

5.Kensington Lock A slot for fitting standard Kensington anti-theft security devices.

6.Digital Outputs Stereo AES3 outputs (44.1kHz, 48kHz or 96kHz switchable).

Signals can be patched to any output socket using the I/O screen.

7.Status Indicators Power ON indicator. The Ready indicator illuminates when the output sockets are ready

to pass audio after power up. The Audio Sync Locked indicator illuminates when a valid

clock source is present.

8.Word Clock I/O BNC connector for syncing from an external audio clock or providing a clock to other

devices. In and Out LEDs indicate the current mode.

2 3 4 1

10 12 11 9 8 7 6 5

Avantis Getting Started Guide 9 AP11558 Issue 5

9.Line Outputs 12x line level, balanced XLR outputs. Nominal level +4dBu. The outputs are relay

protected to prevent power on or off thumps. Signals can be patched to any output

socket using the I/O screen.

10.SLink For connection to remote I/O expanders and/or the ME Personal Monitoring System.

See the Expander Connection section of this document for more information on

supported devices.

11.Network 2 RJ45 Gigabit Ethernet ports. Connect a laptop or a wireless router to use with Avantis

Editor or iOS apps. All devices on the network must have compatible IP addresses.

The default settings are:

DHCP Enabled: Off

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:


12.I/O Ports 2 Audio interface ports, both capable of 128×128 channels. Fit one of the option cards

available for system expansion, digital mic splitting, recording or distributed audio

networking. Refer to for a list of available option cards. Use the

I/O screen to patch signals from or to the I/O Ports.

5.Front Panel

1.USB 3.0 Socket Insert a compatible USB device to store and recall show files, update the firmware or to

perform USB playback and recording.

2.Headphone Sockets Standard 1/4 and 1/8 headphone jack sockets are located under the armrest.

2 1

Avantis Getting Started Guide 10 AP11558 Issue 5

6.Top Panel

1.Touchscreens 15.6 capacitive touchscreens. See the Screens section for more information.

2.Screen Controls Control of user-assignable parameters. See the Screens section for more information.

3.Pre / Safes / Freeze Toggle channel status:

Pre/Post — Hold down Pre, and touch a channel Name Block to toggle the

sends to the active Mix between pre or post fade. Toggle all channels pre/post

by touching a master mix Name Block. Assignments and pre/post settings for

the selected channel or Mix are also available in the Routing screen.

Safes — Hold down Safes and press a Name Block to make the channel safe

from Scene recall. To make only a selection of parameters safe, use the

Scenes / Global Safes screen.

Freeze in Layers — Hold down Freeze in Layers and press a Name Block to

lock a channel in place across all layers.

4.SoftKeys 24 user-assignable keys. Assign functions using the Setup / Control / SoftKeys screen.

5.Copy / Paste / Reset Copy Hold down Copy and press:

o A channel Name Block to copy the entire channel processing.

o Any highlighted area of the touchscreen to copy the settings of a

single Processing Block.

o A strip Mix key to copy the mix assignments and send levels.

Paste — Hold down Paste and press a Name Block, Mix key or a highlighted

area of the touchscreen to paste copied settings.

Reset — Hold down Reset and press a Name Block, Mix key or a highlighted

area of the touchscreen to reset the related parameters to factory default. Hold

down Reset and nudge a fader up or down to quickly set it to 0dB or off.



















Avantis Getting Started Guide 11 AP11558 Issue 5

6.Layers Navigate 6 layers of fader strips per bank. The red Pk (peak) indicators illuminate when

any channel in the associated layer is within 3dB of clipping, so you can monitor signal

activity across the layers. Banks can be linked using the Setup / Control / Surface

Prefs screen the Layer keys will affect both Banks when Link is active.

7.Fader Banks Two 12 channel fader banks provide control of Input channels, FX returns, Mix masters,

DCAs, engineers Wedge / IEM monitor, or MIDI. Read the Fader Strip section below for

further information. A dedicated master section (7a) can be enabled for persistent visibility of 4 channel strips. The strip layout is user assignable and stored in Scenes.

Use the Setup / Control / Strip Assign screen to edit the strip layout and enable the

master section.

8.Strip Rotary Mode Select the function of the fader strip rotary encoders. The fader strip rotaries can control

preamp Gain, Pan, Sends to the active Mix, and 3 assignable functions. Assign these

using the Setup / Control / Preferences screen. The colour of the rotary LED matches

the active function e.g. red for Gain, yellow for Pan; it follows the colour of the active

Mix when in Sends mode. The Sends function puts control of send levels to the active

Mix on the strip rotaries, while the faders control the channel levels to the main mix (i.e. it temporarily disables sends on faders)

9.Assign Hold down Assign, and press a strip Mix key to toggle routing assignment on or off.

See later in this guide for more information.

10.GEQ on Faders Touch and hold GEQ, and touch a mix channel Name Block to present the GEQ on the

faders. Frequency values are shown on the Name Blocks and the meters show RTA

activity of each frequency band and peak band indication. While active, touch GEQ again to toggle between high and low frequencies. The mix master fader is presented

on the right-hand strip while in this mode.

11.Armrest Illumination Change illumination settings in Setup / Control / Dimmer.

6.1Fader strip

Strip Rotaries Their function is selected using the strip rotary mode

keys described earlier in this chapter. The rotaries can control preamp

Gain/Trim, Pan, Sends to the active Mix, and 3 user-assignable

functions. The colour of the rotary LED matches the active function e.g.

red for Gain, yellow for Pan; it follows the colour of the active Mix when

in Sends mode. The value is displayed in the Name Block display

Mute Turns off the channel signal. Affects the main mix, pre-fade and

post-fade sends. The switch illuminates when the signal is muted.

Muted Illuminates when the channel is muted by a DCA or Mute


Mix Puts the send levels and assignments of the associated channel

or masters onto the fader strips (or strip rotaries when rotaries are in

Sends mode).

The currently active Mix is displayed in the top right corner of the

Processing screen. Press an active Mix key to return to the main mix.

PAFL Sends the channel signal PFL (pre-fade listen) or AFL (after-fade

listen) to the headphones and monitoring system. Preferences for the

PAFL system are set using the Setup / Audio / PAFL screen.

Avantis Getting Started Guide 12 AP11558 Issue 5


Avantis has two screens, both showing channel processing, bank overview, system setup & status, memory

management menus and more.

Each touchscreen integrates with a trio of user-configurable soft rotaries in addition to a Touch & Turn rotary

control for quick and easy parameter modification.

Both screens operate independently of each other so, for example, two discrete channel processing

screens can be visible simultaneously, or processing can be visible on one screen with IO patching visible

on the other.

1.Screen Mode Select the Screen Mode:

Bank Overview of all channels assigned to the fader Bank and Layer. Bank

view can be used with the Copy, Paste, Reset, Freeze and Listen keys.

In Bank view, touching any processing block for example, a PEQ, Gate or

Comp curve opens the relevant Processing page.

Processing Access channel processing for the currently selected channel

Routing Access routing and assignments for the selected channel

I/O Patch system inputs and outputs by tapping on crosspoints

Ganging Create up to 16 gang groups to link selected parameters across

multiple channels

Meters Access to Input, FX and Mix meters, RTA spectrogram and 4 user-

customisable meter views.

FX Configure the 12 RackFX units.

Scenes Access to the Scene Manager, Global Safes and other scene tools

Setup Access to mixer strip layout, mixer bus configuration, softkey

configuration, stereo input configuration, network settings, audio settings, user

profiles, mixer preferences, illumination and more.

Utility Access the Show Manager, Library Manager, firmware update, system

diagnostics, fader, and screen calibration, and MIDI options.

2.Menu Tabs Menu options for the selected Screen Mode.

3.Status Bar Icons are visible when certain modes of operation are active (Virtual Soundcheck, Solo

In Place, Scene Update Auto Tracking, etc) or if a system error is logged.

4.Headphone Volume Rotary volume control for the headphone output (right-hand side only)

5.View Press to toggle between the configured views for the Soft Rotaries.

6.Soft Rotaries Three soft rotaries for the control of user-assignable parameters.

2 4








Main Screen Area

Avantis Getting Started Guide 13 AP11558 Issue 5

7.Touch & Turn Control Touch a parameter or setting in the main screen area and adjust its value with the rotary

control. The currently selected parameter is highlighted in orange.

8.Name Block Displays name, colour, channel type, number, metering information, and other channel


Touch a channel Name Block to select a channel for use with the Processing and Routing screens. When selected, the channel strip

will be shaded green.

Each bank can have one channel selected. The currently selected

channel is displayed in the top left corner of the screen.

9.Swipe Menu / Meters Multi-page menu showing either PAFL meters or additional contextual options. Swipe

the menu, or touch the circular page indicators, to scroll between the pages.

Listen Hold down Listen and touch any highlighted area of the

screen to listen to that point in the signal path of the selected channel

Options Hold down Options and touch any highlighted area of

the screen to configure it.

Name / dB / IO Tap to toggle between Name Block modes to

display the user-defined channel Name, the fader position in dB,

or the I/O socket identifier of the patched source/destination.

Help Touch to display contextual help for the active screen

PAFL Meter

7.Mix Basics

7.1Working with the Main Mix

Press a Main Mix (e.g. LR) master strip Mix key.

This is the default mixing mode:

The Input strips present the channel faders.

The Master strips present the master mix faders.




2 IP

3 IP

4 LR

Channel levels

to LR Mix

Avantis Getting Started Guide 14 AP11558 Issue 5

7.2Working with Sends Master Mix Mode

7.3Working with Sends Channel Mix Mode

Press a Mix master strip Mix key (e.g. AUX 1)

Use this to work with Aux and FX sends.

The Input strips present all the send levels to

the active Mix.

The Master strips present the master mix


Press an Input Channel strip Mix key (e.g. IP 1)

Use this to work with Aux and FX sends.

The Input strips remain as Channel Faders.

The Master strips present all sends from the Input





2 IP

3 IP



Channel Sends

to AUX1

Send levels from IP 1











Avantis Getting Started Guide 15 AP11558 Issue 5

7.4Assigning and un-assigning a channel to a Mix, Group or DCA

Press the Mix key on a Mix, Group or DCA

master strip (e.g. DCA 1)

Hold down the Assign key and press channel

Mix keys to assign or unassign them from the

active mix. Assignment status is displayed in

the Name Block.

You can quickly set all assignments to a Mix to On or Off by pressing the Mix button on a Mix Master, and

then pressing and holding the Assign button while pressing the Mix button the Mix Master.

7.5Changing between Sends on Faders and Sends on Rotaries

The default mixing mode is Sends on Faders.

To activate Sends on Rotaries, press the Sends button in the

Strip Rotary Mode section.

In Sends on Rotaries mode, Strip Rotaries are used to

control send levels to the active mix, with the channel

faders remaining as level controls to the Main Mix.

7.6Setting Pre/Post fader send status

Hold down the Pre key and touch channel

Name Blocks to toggle each source pre or

post fader. Current Pre/Post status is

displayed on the lower part of the Name


You can quickly set all assignments pre or post fader by touching the Mix Master Name Block while

holding Pre.

Send to AUX 1



IP 1




Avantis Getting Started Guide 16 AP11558 Issue 5



2 5 4


6 2


2 6 9

2 4


Avantis Getting Started Guide 17 AP11558 Issue 5

9.Flightcase Information

Do not remove the 4 rubber feet

from the mixer.

Leave adequate space for

ventilation ( ) and connections

at the front, rear, and sides of the


Leave adequate space for (1)

ventilation ( ) and (2) USB /

headphone connections at front

of mixer.

Leave adequate space for (1)

ventilation ( ) and (2) audio /

power connections at rear of






Leave adequate space for

ventilation ( ) at the sides of the

mixer in the area indicated.

Avantis Getting Started Guide 18 AP11558 Issue 5

10.Expanders, I/O Cards and Controllers

Avantis is compatible with a wide range of expanders, I/O cards, personal monitor mixers and remote

controllers. Please visit the Allen & Heath website, or contact your local distributor, for more information.


Sample Rate Inputs Outputs Connection

GX4816 96kHz 48 16 SLink port, gigaACE card

DX32 96kHz Up to 32 SLink port, DX Link, DX Hub

DX168 96kHz 16 8 SLink port, DX Link, DX Hub

DX164-W 96kHz 16 4 SLink port, DX Link, DX Hub

DX012 96kHz 0 12 SLink port, DX Link, DX Hub

DT168 96kHz/48kHz 16 8 Dante card

DT164-W 96kHz/48kHz 16 4 Dante Card

DX Hub 96kHz 128 128 SLink port, gigaACE card

AR2412 48kHz 24 12 SLink port

AR84 48kHz 8 4 Slink port

AB168 48kHz 16 8 Slink port

Visit for more information on our range of expansion options.

10.2I/O Cards

Dante 64×64 64×64 96kHz/48kHz Dante audio networking card

Dante 128×128 128×128 96kHz/48kHz Dante audio networking card

gigaACE 128×128 96kHz dLive/Avantis point-to-point connections

fibreACE 128×128 96kHz gigaACE via multimode fibre optic

DX Link 128×128 96kHz DX expander interface

Waves3 128×128 96kHz/48kHz Waves SoundGrid audio networking card

superMADI 128×128 96kHz/48kHz Optical and coaxial MADI interfacing

AES 4i6o 4×6 96/88/48/44.1kHz 4 in, 6 out, AES3 audio interface

AES 10o 0x10 96/88/48/44.1kHz 0 in, 10 out, AES3 audio interface

AES 6i4o 6×4 96/88/48/44.1kHz 6 in, 4 out, AES3 audio interface

AES 2i8o 2×8 96/88/48/44.1kHz 2 in, 8 out, AES3 audio interface

10.3Remote Controllers

IP1 Wallmount remote controller with 1 dual-function rotary encoder

IP6 Remote controller with 6 push-and-turn rotary encoders

IP8 Remote controller with 8 motorised faders

GPIO General purpose I/O interface for remote control

10.4Personal Monitor Mixing

ME-500 16 Channel Personal Mixer

ME-1 40 Source Personal Mixer

ME-U Personal Monitor Mixer Hub

Visit for more information.

Avantis Getting Started Guide 19 AP11558 Issue 5

11.Technical Specifications

Inputs System

Mic/Line XLR Inputs Balanced XLR, +48V phantom power Measured balanced XLR In to XLR Out, 22-40kHz, minimum Gain, Pad out

Mic/Line Preamp Fully recallable Dynamic Range 109dB

Input Sensitivity -60 to +15dBu System Signal to Noise -92dB

Analogue Gain +5 to +60dB, 1dB steps Frequency Response 20Hz — 30kHz (+0/-0.8dB)

Pad -20dB Active PAD THD+N (analogue in to out)

0.0015% @ +16dBu output, 1kHz 0dB gain

Maximum Input Level +30dBu (PAD in) Headroom +18dB

Input Impedance >4k (Pad out), >10k (Pad in) Internal operating Level 0dBu

Mic EIN -127dB with 150 source dBFS Alignment +18dBu = 0dBFS (+22dBu at XLR output)

Phantom Power indication

Per socket, internal or external phantom power sensing, triggered at +24V

Meter Calibration 0dB meter = -18dBFS (+4dBu at XLR out)

Meter Peak indication -3dBFS (+19dBu at XLR out)

Digital Inputs AES3 2 Ch XLR, 2.5Vpp balanced terminated 110

Sampling Rate 96kHz

SRC range 24 bit, 32k — 192kHz, with bypass option


Analogue XLR Outputs Balanced, Relay protected

Output Impedance <75

Nominal Output +4dBu = 0dB meter reading

Maximum Output Level +22dBu

Residual Output Noise -95dBu (muted, 22-22kHz) Operating Temperature Range

0 deg C to 40 deg C 32 deg F to 104 deg F

-90dBu (muted, 0-80kHz) Mains Power 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz, 150W max

Digital Outputs AES3 2 Ch XLR, 2.5Vpp balanced terminated 110

96kHz sampling rate, globally switchable to 48kHz, 44.1kHz

USB Audio playback Mono/stereo .WAV files, (16/24bit, 44.1/48/96kHz) MP3 files FLAC files

USB Audio recording Stereo .WAV files, (24bit 96kHz)

Dimensions and Weights

Unboxed Boxed

Width x Depth x Height 917 x 627 x 269 mm 36.1″ x 24.7″ x 10.6″

Width x Depth x Height 1100 x 850 x 425 mm 43.3″ x 33.5″ x 16.7″

Weight 26kg 57.4lbs

Weight 34kg 75lbs

Avantis Getting Started Guide 20 AP11558 Issue 5

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