Aiwa nsx d939 инструкция на русском

Посмотреть инструкция для Aiwa NSX-D939 бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории CD-проигрыватели, 5 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Aiwa NSX-D939 или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Как лучше всего выполнять чистку CD-проигрыватель?

Для удаления отпечатков пальцев лучше всего использовать слегка влажную салфетку для уборки или мягкую чистую ткань. Пыль в труднодоступных местах лучше всего удаляется потоком сжатого воздуха.

Что такое Bluetooth?

Bluetooth — это способ обмена данными по беспроводной сети между электронными устройствами с помощью радиоволн. Расстояние между двумя устройствами обменивающимися данными в большинстве случаев составляет не более десяти метров.

Инструкция Aiwa NSX-D939 доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Aiwa NSX-D939, доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

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Related Manuals for Aiwa FD-N939

Summary of Contents for Aiwa FD-N939

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    (you will find them on the rear of your set) in the space provided below. Please refer to them when you contact your AIWA dealer in case of difficulty. Serial No. Model No.
  • Page 3
  • Page 4: Features

    Ie matin en musique et endormez- vous en ecoutant vos morceaux preferes. Caracteristiques de la section de I’amplificateur Le systeme BBE assure une reproduction claire et vivante des hautes frequencies, AIWA est Ie premier fabricant au monde a appliquer systeme BBEdans Iesequipementsaudio public.

  • Page 5
    If the AC cord is broken or damaged, or if the wires are exposed, contact your dealer or an AIWA service center and have it replaced or repaired immediately, On placement Do not use the system in places which are extremely hot, cold, dusty, or humid.
  • Page 6
    There are two ways to set up the system: Vertically Amplifier/tuner on top Horizontally: Amplifier/tuner to the right (when looking from the front) Cbnnect the striped leads to @. Conecte Ios conductors con raya a @. Brancher Ie fit raye sur @. To an AC outlet@= A un tomacor- riente de CA…
  • Page 7
    Raccordement d’une enceinte de graves optionnelle . Utilisez un woofer avecamplificateur interne (AIWA TS-W5, par exemple) Pour Ies details concemant Ie raccordement et I’utilisation avec un amplificateur, consultez Ie mode d’emploi de I’enceinte de graves.
  • Page 8
    Antenna terminals Terminals de antenas Bornes dantenne For FM reception Para la recepcion de FM Pour la reception FM FM feeder antenna (supplied) Antena interior de FM (suministrada) ~[Kq Antenne FM (fournie) Connecting the FM feeder antenna Do not bring the ends near metal objects or curtain rods.
  • Page 9
    To position the AM loop antenna To stand on a surface Para colarla sobre una superficie Pose sur une surface plane Notes on the AM loop antenna . Do not unwind the 1000ed antenna wire. Do not bring the loop antenna near a turntable or CD player, or close to the AC cord or speaker cords since noise will be picked up.
  • Page 10
    DAT deck Deck DAT Platine a cassette audio numerique $ OPTICAL Note When the CD DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) connector is not used, keep the supplied dust cap attached, Tapa guardapolvo ere@% Digital optical link Enlace optico digital Entree optique numerique Digital optical link (optional) Enlace optico digital (optional) Cordon numerique optique (optionnel)
  • Page 11
    Turntable system/LD player/VCR for playback Giradiscos/reproductor de videodiscos/magnetoscopio Platine tourne-disque/lecteur LD/magnetoscope Notes on connections Use the appropriate connecting cords for the equipment. Refer to the operating instructions. The jacks of this system are RCA-type jacks. To connect a record player When connecting turntables, use one which has a built-in phono equalizer amplifier…
  • Page 12
    To turn on the power Plug in the AC cord and press the POWER button. To select a source After turning on the power, press one of the FUNCTION select buttons, The CD or TAPE function is also selected and playback started by pressing the respective PLAY button.
  • Page 13
    Example: To set to 10:35 Ejemplo: Para ajustar Ias 10:35 Exemple: Pour regler sur 10:35 AM TIMER CHECK Press repeatedly until the time is displayed. ‘resionelo repetidamente hasta que se visualicl a hors. 4ppuyez de fagon repetee jusqu’a ce que I’heur ;oit affichee, If the power is off, or if the time is already displayed, skip this step.
  • Page 14
    To set the time precisely Press the SET button to start the clock at the desired point, as indicated by another clock or time signal from an external source. To switch the time display The time display is factory-set to the 12-hour standard, To switch to the 24-hour standard, hold down the TUNER FUNCTION button and turn on the power.
  • Page 15
    T-BASS For enhanced, deep bass T-BASS Para reforzar IOS graves profundos Pour des graves renforces T-BASS p,:lll Press repeatedly to adjust level. presione rePetidamente Para T-BASS indicator(4variable Indicador ajustar el nivel. Appuyezde fagon repetee pour variables) ajuster Ie niveau. Indicateur variables) To chanae the Iefth’iaht balance…
  • Page 16
    ‘, When inserting discs . Do not place more than one CD in each disc compartment. . Place 8 cm discs on the inner circle of the compartment. To stop play Press the STOP/CLEAR button, To pause Press the PLAY/PAUSE button (or 11on the remote control).
  • Page 17
    To insert more than one disc, see below, Para insertar mas de un disco, realice 10siguiente. Pour inserer plusieurs disques, voir ci-dessous. Track being played blinks. El numero de la cancion en reproduction Le numero de la plage en tours de lecture clignote. Number of track being played Nfimero de la cancion en reproduction Plage en tours de lecture…
  • Page 18
    To select the first disc to be plsyed Press the DISC SKIP button on the remote control to light the desired disc number in red. When the PLAY/PAUSE button is pressed, all discs are played, beginning with the selected disc. To select a track directly Tracks can be directly chosen with the numeric and +1 O buttons on the remote control.
  • Page 19
    Tracks and points within a track can easily be located. To search through a track Keep the — or — button pressed. While watching the display and listening to the high- speed sound, release the button at the desired point. Searching during program…
  • Page 20
    Up to 30 tracks can be programmed from any of the inserted discs, Select the tracks. Seleccione Ias canciones. Selectionnez [es plaqesm :i,,,,:,es=- Wmber of programmed ,“ wogrammees Total program time Tiempo total del programa Temps total du programme Usted podra programar hasta 30 canciones cualquiera de Ios discos insertados.
  • Page 21
    To check the program In the stop mode, press > button repeatedly. The disc number, track, and program number (PI, 2, ,..) are displayed in order. To add to the program In the stop mode, repeat steps 3 and 4. The tracks are added at the end of the program.
  • Page 22
    Ajuste el tipo de sistema de reduccion Dolby con el de la cinta. Selectionnez Ie Dolby correspondent DOLBY NR & Dolby NR indicator Indicador de sistema de reduccirjn de ruido Indicateur de Dolby Begin playback. Inicie la reproduction. Declenchez la lecture. PLAY/DIR Playback side ;arBeproduccion…
  • Page 23
    To stop play Press the STOP button, To pause (deck 2 only) Press the II PAUSE button. To resume play, press II PAUSE again. To eject a tape In the stop mode, push on the A EJECT mark. When tapes are in both decks the stop mode, press the DECK 1/2 button to select the deck from which to begin playback.
  • Page 24
    Notes If the +> PLAY/DIR button is pressed while listening to another source, the TAPE function is selected and playback begins from deck 2. Noise may be heard if a television set is on. If so, turn off the TV or move it away from the system.
  • Page 25
    The tapes in both decks can be continuously played back until the STOP button is pressed. Insert two tapes. Inserte dos casetes. Inserez deux cassettes. Select the =) mode. Seleccione el modo Z>. Selectionnez Ie mode REV MODE (DECK 2) Las cintas de ambos decks 2 podran reproducirse continuamente hasta que se presione el boton…
  • Page 26
    TUNING MODE OPENI CLOSE Press the TUNER button. Presione el boton TUNER. Appuyez sur TUNER. &’NsJ Select a station. Seleccione la emisora. Selectionnez une station. V DOWN TUNING For lower {frequencies Para frecuencias inferiors Vers Ies frequencies inferieures Auto search If a TUNING button is held for O.5 ormoreseconds, the frequencies areautomatically searched.
  • Page 27
    lights in the display window. II IIm III) If stereo reception is not clear, press the TUNING MODE button to try switching to monaural. Stereo Estereo Stereo AUTO lights, Se encendera AUTO s’allume. Adjusting the antenna If the received FM signal is too weak Use an outdoor anten;a.
  • Page 28
    The system can store a total of 36 stations. 24 9 —— Select the preset number. Seleccione el numero de memorization. Selectionnez Ie numero de prereglage. To listen to e preset station 1 Select the band. 2 Press the STATION PRESET UP (A) or DOWN (V) button to select the desired preset number.
  • Page 29
    Tune in the station and set the tuning mode. Sintonice la emisora y establezca el modo de sinton(a. Accordez la station choisissez Ie mode d’accord. See pages 26 and 27. Consulte Ias paginas 26 y 27. Voir pages 24 et 25. Example: To store FM 90.0 MHz in preset 3…
  • Page 30
    Insert a tape into deck 2. Inserte un casete en el deck 2. Insf%ez une cassette clans la platine 2. Select the recording direction. Seleccione el sentido de grabacion. Selectionnez Ie sens de defilement. STOP PLAY/DIR Front, Back : Frontal, +: Posterior : Avant <:…
  • Page 31
    @ TO record with the Dolby noise reduction system To record a tape with Dolby B NR: Press the DOLBY NR button repeatedly the “~ ON” indicator lights. The Dolby NR system operates. To record a tape with Dolby C NR: Press the DOLBY NR button repeatedly until the “~…
  • Page 32
    With one button, CD playback and tape recording begin simultaneously. Con un boton, la reproduction del disco compacto y la grabacion la cinta iniciaran simultaneamente. La lecture du CD et I’enregistrement sur cassette commencent simultanement par I’action d’une seule touche.
  • Page 33
    When recording from the beginning of a tape Wind up the tape leader, since itcannot be recorded Stopping the recording Press the E STOP/CLEAR button to stop both the CD player and tape deck, Press the tape STOP button to stop only the recording.
  • Page 34
    With this function, the tracks from a CD are arranged automatically for both sides of a tape so that no track is cut off during recording. Insert a tape into deck 2. Inserte un casete en el deck 2. Inserez une cassette clans la platine 2.
  • Page 35
    Press the EDIT-AI button on the remote control. Presione el boton EDIT-AI del controlador remoto. Appuyez sur EDIT-AI de la telecommande. FIRGM Blinks, Parpadeara. Lights. Clignote. Se encendera. Enter the tape length with the remote control. Introduzca la duration de la cinta con el contlrolador remoto. Entrez la Iongueur de la cassette sur la tdlecommande.
  • Page 36
    To check the program In the stop mode, press the DISPLAY (system) or EDIT-AI (remote control) button repeatedly to display the number of tracks, the track numbers, and remaining time for each tape side. Press the or * button repeatedly to display the disc, track and program number in the programmed order.
  • Page 37
    After entering the tape length, as you program tracks, the player monitors the remaining time on each side of the tape so that no track is cut off while recording. Prepare the recording tape. Prepare la grabacion la cinta para la grabacion. Preparez la cassette d’enregistrement.
  • Page 38
    Programmed tracks Canciones programadas Plages programmdes. 121111121\3 To check the program In the stop mode press the DISPLAY or EDIT- PRGM (remote control) button repeatedly display the number of tracks and track numbers of the last selected disc for each tape side. Press the or — button to show the disc, track and program number in the programmed…
  • Page 39
    Select the disc. Seleccione el disco. Selectionnez Ie disque. DIRECT PLAY DISC If the desired disc is on top, selection is not necessary, Si el disco deseado esta arriba, no sera necesario seleccionarlo, Si le disque souhaite est celui du haut, la selection n’est pas necessaire. ——…
  • Page 40
    Tapes can easily be dubbed in a synchronized fashion. Press the TAPE button. Presione el boton TAPE. Appuyez sur TAPE. To stop dubbing Press the STOP button. While dubbing, only the 9 STOP button operates. select the dubbing speed NORMAL: To dub at normal speed HIGH: To dub at high speed During synchronized…
  • Page 41
    About STSD (Same Tape Side Dubbing) This feature allows both sides of the dubbed tape to match those of the original tape, The reverse side of both tapes will start at the same time as soon as the longer tape has been reversed.
  • Page 42
    equalization curves, Turn on the graphic equalizer. Active el ecualizador grafico. Allumez I’egaliseur graphique. DSP/GEQ-OFF/ON Select the desired program preset button. Presione el boton de preajuste en programa deseado. Actionnez la touche de prereglage correspondent courbe souhaitee. ARENA HALL CHURCH DISCO ROCK JAZZ CLASSIC…
  • Page 43
    When the DSP is activated while the graphic equalizer is on, the equalizer settings automatically changed to match the selected DSP setting. To return to the original tone Press the DSP/GEQ-OFF/ON button to light “GEQ OFF”. The tone becomes flat. To select a program-preset tone with the remote control After pressing…
  • Page 44
    You have only to set peak levels (up to 3 points). The equalizer automatically constructs a complete, natural equalization curve. Up to 6 customized curves can be stored in memory. Turn on the graphic equalizer. Active el ecualizador grafico. Allumez I’egaliseur graphique.
  • Page 45
    Press the MEMORY button. Presione el boton MEMORY. Appuyez sur MEMORY. MEMORY Setthe” th r eak point frequencies and levels. Ajuste Ias frecuencias otros puntos de pico. Reglez la frequence et Ie niveau des autres cr~tes. The equalization curve is constructed. level difference between the points is too large, the curve may not be completed.
  • Page 46
    Notes on presetting s Presetting is not possible when Dolby surround is on. If an excessive peak level is selected, equalizer adjusts to make a proper equalization curve. To select a manually preset curve 1 Press the GEQ button, then the DSP/GEQ- OFF/ON button.
  • Page 47
    CHA!WW4G THE GIWWWC E UAMZER DISPLAY CAMBIO DE LA MWICACACI N DEL ECWWZA$XIR GlWiFJCf3 MODIFICATION DE L’AFHCHAGE DE L’EGALf!MWR GRAPHKW5 A wide variety of spectrum analyzer displays can be shown in the display window. —..— DISPLAY MODE ~—~ OPEN/ CLOSE /—== ‘—-—————…
  • Page 48
    You can obtain real sound presence by emulating different environments. The DSP system adjusts the reverberation level, delay time, and graphic equalizer to give a resonant surround sound during playback. Open the control stage and turn on the DSP. Abra la etapa de control y active el DSP. Ouvrez Ie pupitre de commande et mettez Ie DSP en service.
  • Page 49
    stored. After pressing the DSP/EFFECT button, press the DSP/GEQ-OFF/ON button to turn on the DSP. Press one of the DSP preset buttons to select a DSP setting. Press the DSP/EFFECT button. The surround settings can now be adjusted. a/>: To adjust the delay time A/V: To adjust the surround level Press the DSP/EFFECT button again to change…
  • Page 50
    I’installation en tenant compte des indications suivantes, Pour choisir un mode, voir page 52. E Select the Pro Logic 2 (WIDEBAND) SURROUND mode, if a Iarge-sizecenter speaker is used (larger than the AIWA SX-C300). Seleccione modo Logic (WIDEBAND)
  • Page 51
    Dolby. Select the 3CH Logic 2 (WIDEBAND) SURROUND mode, if a large-size center Logic speaker is used (larger than the AIWA SX-C300). Logic Seleccione el modo (WIDEBAND) SURROUND, utilizar un altavoz central grande (mas grande que AIWA SX-C300).
  • Page 52
    To select Dolby Surround mode Be sure of the proper surround mode for your set (see oaaes 50 and 51) and select the Dolby kurroun~ mode as follows. Press the DOLBY SURROUND Presione el boton DOLBY SURROUND. Appuyez sur la touche DOLBY SURROUND.
  • Page 53
    The delay time should be adjusted according to the distance from the Iistenertothe front speakers and thatfromthe Iistenertothe surround speakers. To set the delay time The most effective delay time is 20 ms, if the distance from the Iistenerto the front speaker is the same asthatfrom the Iistenertothesurround speakers.
  • Page 54
    To use the Dolby Surround effectively, adjust the volume of the center(C) and surround(S) speakers so that the volume from them is the same as that of the front (l-/R) speakers. Do this procedure on the remote control. Press the PRGM/TEST TONE button. Presione el boton PRGM/TEST TONE.
  • Page 55
    To change the volume of the speakers directly 1 Press the VOLUME SELECT button on the remote control to select C (center) or S (surround), 2 Press the VOLUME control button to adjust the volume. After 2 seconds, the buttons return to volume adjustment for the front speakers.
  • Page 56
    The Al FUNCTION lets you store two complete system settings, such as the source, the various sound settings, and display mode. By pressing just one button, the complete system setting is automatically recalled. ‘, ”.) ‘, ,. ,+ Play the desired source. Ponga en reproduction deseada.
  • Page 57
    Press the MEMORY button. Presione el boton MEMORY. Appuyez sur MEMORY. MEMORY The display blinks for 12 seconds. While it is blinking, go to the next step, If “MEMORY” stops blinking, press MEMORY again, La visualization parpadeara durante 12 segundos. Mientras este parpadeando, vaya al paso siguiente.
  • Page 58
    A daily timer (EVERY) and single timer (ONCE) can be set. 3 -a Select the desired function. Seleccione la funcion deseada. Selectionnez la fonction desiree. Y DOWNTUNINGUP A ‘b CLOCKKIMER Selected function Funcion seleccionada Fonction selectionnee (—— while setting correct contents Press the TIMER CHECK button repeatedly select ml…
  • Page 59
    Preparations Makesure theclock issetcorrectly. (Seepage 13,) To ‘listen to (or record from) the radio, preset the stations. (See page 28,) Select the ~Yl ~]timer mode. Seleccione el modo del temporizador, diario Unico-. Selectionnez Ie mode de programmation quotidienne~]ou unique~m TIMER CHECK EVERY/ONCE Set the off time.
  • Page 60
    To check the timer program Press the TIMER CHECK button repeatedly. The on-/off-times (and tuner frequency) are displayed for the ONCE and EVERY timers. To cancel the timer standby mode Press the TIMER STANDBY button repeatedly until the “*” mark beside the timer mode you want to cancel disappears.
  • Page 61
    You can wake up to a preset sound, display, music gently increasing to a preset volume; e;c. when used with the timer function. )—~ OPEN/ CLOSE VOLUME While “WAKE UP” is blinking, press the MEMORY button. Presione el boton MEMORY mientras este parpadeando “WAKE UP”.
  • Page 62
    When the sleep function is used, the power automatically turns off at a time specified between 99 and 10 m“inutes. To change the time Press the SLEEP button until the desired time is displayed. To cancel the sleep timer function Press the SLEEP button until the r-l cator goes out.
  • Page 63
    Priority in case the timer operation times ovarlap @) When the sleep timer and the EVERY ONCE timer overlap, priority is given to the sleep timer. ONCE (or EVERY) timer Temporizador ONCE (o EVERY) Programmation unique (OU quotidienne) Sleep timer Cronodesconectador Temporisateur Execution…
  • Page 64
    r—.’.- Connect a microphone. Conecte un microfono. Branchez un microphone. Mini-plug (3,50) Miniclavija (3,5 mm de dia.) Minifiche (0 3,5 mm) Adjust the microphone Ajuste el volumen del microfono. Fleglez Ie volume du microphone. To reduce Para reducirlo Pour baisser To record the microphone sound mixed with a source sound Insert a tape into deck 2 and select deck 2 with the…
  • Page 65
    Each time the KARAOKE button is pressed, the display changes as follows: Cada vez que presione el boton KARAOKE, A chaque pression sur la touche KARAOKE, What is the AUTO VOCAL FADER function? There are two positions in this function, In one position (see figure @), you can obtain a simulated Karaoke effect by making the singer’s voice on ordinary discs or tapes softer than the…
  • Page 66
    Select the desired source and begin playback. Seleccione la fuente deseada y pongala en reproduction. Selectionnez la source souhaitee et declenchez la lecture. To connect other equipment See page 11. To adjust input level of equipment connected to the VIDEO l/DAT IN jacks 1 Press the VIDEO l/DAT function select button and play the connected equipment.
  • Page 67: Precautions

    To clean the cabinet Use a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution, Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine, or thinner. Regular cassette deck cleaning Clean the (record/) playback head o, erase head O (deck 2 only), pinch rollers e, and capstans O regularly (every 10 hours of use) for optimum sound quality.

  • Page 68
    Dimeneiona (W x H x D) 260 x 196x 330,5 mm (10 ‘/, x 7 7.0 kg (15.4 Ibs.) Weight STEREO CASSETTE DECK/COMPACT DISC PLAYER FD-N939 <Cassette deck section> Track format 4 tracks, 2 channels Frequency rasponae Metal tape: 20 – 17,000 Hz CrO, tape: 20-18,000 Normal tape: 20 –…
  • Page 69
    120 V CA, 60 Hz Conaumo 125W Dimensioned (an/al/prf) 260 x 198x 330.5 mm Peso 7,0 kg PLATINA DE CASETE ESTEREOFONICA/REPRODUCTOR COMPACTOS FD-N939 <Seccion del deck de casetes> Formato de piatas 4 pistas, 2 canales Respuesta en frecuencia Clnta de metal: 20a 17.000 Hz Cinta de CrOz 20a 16.000 Hz…
  • Page 70
    Consummation electrique 125W Dimensions (Lx H x P) 260 x 198 x 330,5 Poids 7,0 kg LECTEUR CD/MAGNETOCASSETTE FD-N939 .—.. –– ..-. .:. ––––..magneIOcassene> caecuon Format de piate 4 pistes, 2 canaux Reponae en frequence Bande metal: 20 – 17,000 Hz Bande chrome: 20 –…
  • Page 71: Connections

    If the system does not seem to operate as it should, after re-reading these operating instructions carefully, check the chart below: P.’. Power does not turn on. The Dower cord is not connected DroDerlv, There is no sound. The flat cables are not connected properly. An incorrect function button was oressed.

  • Page 72: Conexiones

    Si el sistema no funciona como se supone que tendrfa que hacerlo siguiendo Ias instrucciones la tabla siguiente: El cable conectado. Las conexiones son correctas. Ha presionado La conexion entre Ias unidades es incorrect. Existe un cortocircuito en Ias Se ha disparado el disyuntor debido a la conexion de altavoces de baja impedancia.

  • Page 73: Raccordements

    Si la cha~ne ne fonctionne pas correctement, relisez d’abord attentivement La cha?ne ne s’allume pas. Les cables plats ne sent pas raccordes correctement. Pas de son. Le cordon secteur n’est pas raccorde correclement. Une touche de fonction incorrect II y a une mauvaise connexion entre Ies appareils, Ilyauncourt-circuit indicateurs de I’afficheur s’eteignent…

  • Page 74
    Tuner/amplifier Al FUNCTION (A, B) buttons@@ Tuner display window FUNCTION select buttons @ @ @ @ TIMER CHECK button @)@ @ BAND button @ TIMER STANDBY button @ STATION PRESET (UP, DOWN) buttons @l BALANCE control @ POWER button @ PHONES jack @ Amplifier display window Control stage @…
  • Page 75
    Control stage TUNING MODE button @ DISPLAY MODE button @ To change the spectrum analyzer display, SET button @ @ @ @ @ DEMO (demonstration) button @ WAKE UP button @ TUNING/CLOCK/TIMER (DOWN, buttons @ @ @ DSP/EFFECT button @ @ DIRECT button @ GEQ (graphic equalizer) button @ @ @ @ PRGM (program)/MANU…
  • Page 76
    Compact disc/cassette deck Compact disc tray @ Display window DISC DIRECT PLAY buttons @ @ @ @@l COUNTER RESET button @ DISPLAY button @ @ @ @ STOP/CLEAR button (~ ~a @ @l DISC CHANGE button d OPEWCLOSE button (S)&@@@@ PLAY/PAUSE button (>) @ CD track…
  • Page 77
    Remote control TIMER STANDBY button SLEEP button Tuner control buttons DISC DIRECT PLAY buttons Numeric buttons CD function select button DECK 2 control buttons To start recording, press the /0 REC/REC MUTE button. Then, within 2 seconds, press the < F Deck 2 button DISPLAY MODE button REPEAT button RANDOM button…
  • Page 78
    Inserting batteries Colocacion de Ias pilas Mise en place des piles Battery replacement When _the“maximum operation distance of the remote controller decreases, replace the batteries with new ones. Hints for correct operation To operate the remote controller, there should bean unobstructed line of sight to the remote sensor.
  • Page 80

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Сопутствующие товары Aiwa NSX-D939

Руководства Aiwa NSX-D939 Размер файлов: 9460 KB, Язык: English, Формат: pdf, Платформа: Windows/Linux, Дата: 2016-06-19

На данной странице вы можете скачать руководства Aiwa NSX-D939. Мы предлагаем вам ознакомиться с руководством пользователя, инструкцией по сервисному обслуживанию и ремонту.

Также здесь вы найдете список заказных номеров на комплектующие Aiwa NSX-D939.

Все файлы предоставляются исключительно в ознакомительных целях. И не являютя руководством по ремонту, а направлены лишь на то чтобы помочь вам более детально ознакомиться с принципом построения устройства.

Содержимое представленных здесь руководств требуют от вас знания технического английского языка.

Если вы собираетесь скачать руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Aiwa NSX-D939, иными словами сервис мануал, вы дожны обладать хотя бы минимальными познаниями в области электроники и пониманием базовых принципов работы электромеханических устройств.

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В связи с популярностью информации представленной на сайте и ее бесплатного предоставления конечному пользователю, убедительная просьба использовать специальные программные продукты для многопотокового скачивания файлов.

Руководства для Aiwa NSX-D939

  • Руководство пользователя (User manual)
  • Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию (Service manual)
  • Руководство по ремонту (Repair manual)
  • Перечень комплектующих (PartList)

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