Ac clear magic cica cream инструкция

Что такое Неоэндорфин? Запатентованный компонент, является аналогом пептида, главной функцией которого — заживление. Обеспечивает регенерирующий эффект и омолаживающее действие за счет восстановления матрикса дермы. Центелла азиатская, так же называемая травой памяти, или тигровой травой, целебное растение славящееся свои успокаивающим и заживляющими свойствами, прорастает на Побережье Индийского океана, Юго-Восточной Азии и Африке. На протяжении многих веков тигровая трава активно используется как омолаживающее и противовоспалительное средство. Составляющий 55.08% состава AC Clear Magic CICA Cream крема экстракт центеллы азиатской проникает в глубокие свои кожи и оздоравливает её изнутри. Масло Муру Муру в составе восстанавливает водно-липидный баланс и создает на коже невидимую защитную пленочку.* НЕ включает в составе: парабены, парафины, пигменты, синтетические ароматизаторы, бензофенон, ДЭА и минеральные масла.*Дизайн и размер упаковки продукта изменились (из 30мл в 60мл), состав НЕ был изменён

Описание товара The Plant Base, AC Clear, Magic Cica, крем, 60 мл (2,02 жидк. унции)

  • Anti-Blemish Cream 
  • Sooth Irritation 
  • Balance Imperfection 
  • Dermatologically Tested 
  • 55% Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract 
  • Not Refined Water Base
  • Worry-Free Ingredients
  • Animal Testing Free

Specially formulated cica cream balances your skin imperfection with an anti-blemish patent ingredient.

  • A matt cream enhances your appearance by repairing and reinforcing a skin barrier with an anti-bacterial patent ingredient
  • Activation of Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract (55.08%),  green tea powder, 3 patent ingredients and Multifruit BSC rebuilds a dense and firms skin structure
  • With an effortless absorption of botanical active ingredients AC Clear Magic Cica Cream creates an attractive beauty skin

Natural Patent Ingredient

  • NATURAL PROTECTOR™ — Complex of herbal mixture extract such as fermented soybean, portulaca oleracea, willow for sebum control
  • INFLAX™ — Contain persimmon leaf, licorice opuntia coccinellifera, and Morus alba bark extract for soothing
  • NEOENDORPHIN™ — A patent ingredient contained sh-Decapeptide-9 for wound healing, regenerating cells and anti-bacterial

Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract (55.08%) — Sensitive, trouble skin care

The Purity of Nature

We promise a healthy beauty with the real natural skincare cosmetics from Mother Nature to very last drop, it is so natural. — The Plant Base

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Компоненты товара

Другие Ингредиенты%#tu110#%, дипропиленгликоль, масло семян мурумуру (astrocaryum murumuru)*, циклопентасилоксан, сквалан, глицерил стеарат эмульгирующий, триметилолпропан триизостеарат, пчелиный воск, дифенилсилоксифенилтриметикон, никотинамид,каприловый/каприновый триглицерид, циклогексасилоксан, 1,2-гександиол, цетиловый спирт, глицерил стеарат, масло из семян пенника лугового (limnanthes alba)*, вода, лауриловый спирт, стеариловый спирт, ксантановая камедь, стеариновая кислота,диметикон, фитостерил/бегенил/октилдодецил лауроил глутамат, феноксиэтанол, пальмитиновая кислота, порошок из листьев зеленого чая (camellia sinensis)*, токоферилацетат, натрия метилстеароил таурат,бутиленгликоль, ПЭГ-100 стеарат, трометамин, миристиловый спирт, масло из листьев, чайного дерева (melaleuca alternifolia)*, экстракт корня солодки (glycyrrhiza glabra)*, двунатриевая ЭДТК, аденозин, полисорбат 80, пропиленгликоль,экстракт коры белой шелковицы (morus alba)*, экстракт плодов опунции (opuntia coccinellifera)*, экстракт листьев хурмы восточной (diospyros kaki)*, экстракт плодов черники (vaccinium myrtillus)*, экстракт ивовой коры (salix nigra)*, пропандиол, экстракт сахарного тростника (saccharum officinarum)*, каприлоил глицин, каприлоил салициловой кислоты, экстракт луковиц репчатого лука (allium cepa)*, карбомер, токоферил фосфат натрия, экстракт корня софоры узколистной (sophora angustifolia)*, экстракт листьев алоэ вера (aloe barbadensis)*, экстракт плодов апельсина (citrus aurantium dulcis)*, экстракт плодов лимона (citrus medica limonum)*, экстракт киноа (chenopodium)*, токоферол, экстракт коры ивы (salix alba)*, экстракт листьев кипарисовика (chamaecyparis obtusa)*, экстракт листьев душицы обыкновенной (riganum vulgare)*, арахидиновая кислота, экстракт клена сахарного (acer saccharum)*, миристиновая кислота, гидрогенизированный лецитин, экстракт корня шлемника байкальского (scutellaria baicalensis)*, экстракт коры коричника китайского (cinnamomum cassia)*, экстракт портулака огородного (portulaca oleracea)*, ферментированный экстракт лактобактерий и сои, этилгексилглицерин, гидролизованная гиалуроновая кислота, каприлилгликоль, декапептид-9.

* Натуральные ингредиенты

17 ингредиентов, которых нет в составе: парабен, пигмент, синтетические отдушки, бензофенон, минеральное масло, чай, бутилгидрокситолуол, бутилгидроксианизол, лаурилсульфат натрия, сорбиновая кислота, авобензон, имидазолидинилмочевина, изопропил метилфенол, изопропиловый спирт, тимол, триизопропаноламин, триклозан.

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The Plant Base AC Clear Magic Cica Cream

Объем: 60 мл 

Типы кожи: Чувствительная / Акне / Все типы кожи

Функция: восстановление кожи/лечение пятен/увлажнение


— Матовый крем улучшает внешний вид, восстанавливая и укрепляя кожный барьер с помощью запатентованного антибактериального ингредиента.

— Активация экстракта центеллы азиатской (55,08%), порошка зеленого чая, 3 запатентованных ингредиентов и мультифрута BSC восстанавливает плотную и укрепляющую структуру кожи.

— Благодаря легкому впитыванию растительных активных ингредиентов AC Clear Magic Repair Cream делает кожу привлекательной и красивой.

— Не содержит парабенов, парафинов, пигментов, синтетических отдушек, бензофенона, ДЭА и минерального масла.

Дополнительная информация

Тип кожи
Для любой кожи 
Skin Troubles
Уход за порами, Увлажнение, Кожное сало, Сухость, Расслабление, Оргубелая кожа, Пятна и веснушки 
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  2. Раздражение, кожная сыпь, покраснения, чесотка, опухание, и прочие аллергические реакции Нанесите малое количество продукта на различные зоны кожи, чтобы проверить средство на аллергическую реакцию.
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How To Use


Repair inflamed, acne-prone skin effectively and gently with the AC Clear Magic Cica Cream from The Plant Base. Patented ingredient Inflax™ provides relief to irritated acne-affected skin and works as a powerful antioxidant, while Natural Protector™ provides soothing and revitalizing effects thanks to its acne-fighting properties. 55% centella asiatica (cica) extract and green tea powder calm inflammation upon application, while murumuru seed butter deeply moisturizes skin, helping to soothe even the most sensitive or irritated skin barrier. A favorite from our sampling program, this curation was a community request and heard many great testimonials after 30 days of consistent use. 

This cruelty-free certified Cica Cream is free of artificial fragrances and colors, as well as parabens, sulfates and alcohol.

2.02 fl. Oz. / 60ml

If you love this product, check out THE PLANT BASE AC Clear Magic Gel!

Ingredients We Love

INFLAX™, Neoendorphin, Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract

Full List of Ingredients

Centella Asiatica Leaf Extract(55%), Dipropylene Glycol, Astrocaryum Murumuru Seed Butter, Cyclopentasiloxane, Squalane, Glyceryl Stearate SE, Trimethylolpropane Triisostearate, Beeswax, Diphenylsiloxy Phenyl Trimethicone, Niacinamide, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride,
Cyclohexasiloxane, 1,2-Hexanediol, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Limnanthes Alba(Meadowfoam)Seed Oil, Water, Lauryl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Xanthan Gum, Stearic Acid, Dimethicone, Phytosteryl/Behenyl/Octyldodecyl Lauroyl Glutamate, Phenoxyethanol, Palmitic Acid, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Powder, Tocopheryl Acetate, Sodium Methyl
Stearoyl Taurate, Butylene Glycol, PEG-100 Stearate, Tromethamine, Myristyl Alcohol, Melaleuca Alternifolia(Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Glycyrrhiza Glabra(Licorice) Root Extract, Disodium EDTA, Adenosine, Polysorbate 80, Propylene Glycol, Morus Alba Bark Extract, Opuntia Cocci
nellifera Fruit Extract, Diospyros Kaki Leaf Extract, Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit Extract, Salix Nigra(Willow)Bark Extract, Propanediol, Saccharum Officinarum(Sugarcane)Extract, Capryloyl Glycin, Capryloyl Salicylic Acid, Allium Cepa(Onion)Bulb Extract, Carbomer, Sodium
Tocopheryl Phosphate, Sophora Angustifolia Root Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis(Orange)Fruit Extract, Citrus Medica Limonum(Lemon)Fruit Extract, Chenopodium Quinoa Extract, Tocopherol, Salix Alba(Willow)Bark Extract, Chamae
cyparis Obtusa Leaf Extract, Origanum Vulgare Leaf Extract, Arachidic acid, Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple)Extract, Myristic Acid, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bark Extract, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Lactobacill
us/Soybean Ferment Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, sh-Decapeptide-9

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Recommend applying twice daily, at morning and night, using an adequate amount for the face and neck. Massage gently into skin until completely absorbed.

AC Clear Magic Cica Cream
has a rating of 4.6 stars
based on 89 reviews.

Are you tired of dealing with dry, irritated skin? If you’re in need of a solution to restore your skin’s natural hydration balance, AC Clear’s Cica Cream is the perfect way to ‘discover the magic’ of healthy skin. Formulated with the latest advancements in skin care science, this cream provides rich nourishment and protection to help soothe and rejuvenate your skin. Read on to learn more about the incredible benefits of AC Clear’s Cica Cream!
Discover the Magic of AC Clear's Cica Cream

Table of Contents

1. Uncovering the Secret of Cica Cream

Centella Asiatica, more commonly known as “Cica”, is a plant-based ingredient found in traditional Asian skin care remedies. In recent years, the Cica ingredient has become increasingly popular among skin care enthusiasts, especially those seeking to soothe their skin. Introducing AC Clear Magic Cica Cream.

This innovative skin care formula contains a combination of 5 special active ingredients derived from Cica extract, all proven to help treat a myriad of skin cares problems. The cream is light and gentle enough for everyday use, yet powerful enough to moisturize and repair any type of skin. Best of all, the AC Clear Magic Cica Cream contains a natural Sun Protection Factor that helps shield the skin from harmful sun rays.

The AC Clear Magic Cica Cream has already won countless praises from skin care mavens and beauticians since its launch. Its benefits include:

  • Smoothing and hydrating the skin
  • Reducing wrinkles and fine lines
  • Healing and nourishing damaged skin
  • Soothing redness and irritated skin

Discover the magic of AC Clear Magic Cica Cream today and experience the benefits of potent yet gentle Cica skin care for yourself.

2. Experience the Miracle of AC Clear’s Cica Cream

A Saviour for Your Skin

Have you wanted to give your skin a miracle makeover, but don’t know where to start? AC Clear’s Magic Cica Cream is the answer! Its powerful combination of Centella Asiatica Complex and Hyaluronic Acid helps to moisturize your skin, while targeting various skin needs. With regular use, it gives your skin a natural glow and an overall boost of vitality.

A Quick and Easy Way To Better Skin

Discover the easy steps to achieving clearer, healthier skin. Firstly, apply AC Clear’s Magic Cica Cream every day after cleansing your face. Subsequently, allow the ingredients to calm and protect your skin. Last, use it twice a day to show significant improvements of your skin. With an effortless three-step routine, you can rejuvenate your skin quickly and thoroughly with AC Clear’s Magic Cica Cream!

A Miracle in A Jar

AC Clear’s Magic Cica Cream can help to reduce the visibility of wrinkles, nourish deep hydration, strengthen your skin, and improve overall resilience. This amazing product features an advanced plant fermented technology that improves the absorption rate of the active ingredients, allowing them to work more effectively. So, make sure to try out AC Clear’s Magic Cica Cream to experience the miracle for yourself!

3. Unlock the Radiance of Cica Cream

It’s time to take care of yourself with AC Clear Magic Cica Cream. The journey toward a radiant complexion is only a few steps away. Here are 3 ways to unlock the carefree transformation of your skin – AC Clear Magic Cica Cream Style!

  • Step 1: Incorporate the ‘3 Cs’ into Your Skincare Routine – Calm, Clarify, and Cover
    The AC Clear Magic Cica Cream has calming, clarifying, and protective properties that do wonders for your skin. Calming ingredients, such as Centella Asiatica, help to reduce symptoms of sensitive skin while also soothing and protecting your skin from environmental aggressors. Clarifying ingredients help to unclog pores and reduce sebum production, while the natural coverage the cream gives ensures your skin stays glowing throughout the day.
  • Step 2: Give Your Skin Some Extra TLC with AC Clear Magic Cica Cream
    Let your skin relax and recuperate with the AC Clear Magic Cica Cream. The cream is formulated from natural ingredients, with cica-combo ingredients as its hero, making it suitable for use on sensitive skin. These ingredients help to fill any gaps in your skin barrier, as well as lock in moisture, leaving your skin feeling hydrated and looking healthier and more radiant.
  • Step 3: Enjoy the Benefits of AC Clear Magic Cica Cream
    Treat yourself with the AC Clear Magic Cica Cream and experience the ultimate transformation to your skin. You can expect your skin to feel smoother and softer to the touch, while its natural protective properties keep you feeling and looking your best. With sustained daily use, you’ll notice a subtle, yet powerful glow that will leave you looking and feeling radiant, confident, and carefree.

4. Soothe and Soften with Cica Cream

Do your skin a favor and give it the TLC it deserves. The perfect remedy? AC Clear Magic Cica Cream. Best used as a night cream, this product provides your skin with unbeatable hydration without any greasy residue.

This soothing cream is a lightweight wonder, absorbing easily into the skin and formulating deep skin repair. Smother your skin in this divine formula, made with natural Cica extract to care for inflamed, sensitive skin.

Vitamin C and E, green tea extract, allantoin and other skin-loving ingredients form the ideal remedy for tired and stressed skin. Damaged skin can look and feel better with AC Clear Magic Cica Cream, using its blend of ingredients to alleviate and brighten the main areas of concern:

  • Restore skin from free radical damage
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Binds moisture to the skin
  • Promotes healthier, glowing skin

5. Rejuvenate Your Skin with Cica Cream

Are you dealing with redness, cracked skin, or other signs of skin aging? Cica cream is the perfect solution! A centuries-old staple in Asian beauty regimes, cica cream is renowned for its powerful anti-aging benefits. That’s why AC Clear Magic Cica Cream is so popular.

The cream’s active ingredients include centella asiatica extract, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, as well as light-reflecting minerals, which work together to improve skin firmness and tone. Plus, its ingredients are packed with antioxidants to counteract inflammation and protect skin from external stressors like UV rays and other environmental aggressors.

For all the above reasons, this cream is especially good for reducing wrinkles and fine lines, removing blemishes and age spots, and hydrating the skin. Plus, it’s easy to apply – you can simply put a thin layer of it on your skin and let it work its magic. As a result, you’ll look brighter and more youthful in no time! Here’s what makes AC Clear Magic Cica cream so special:

  • Soothing and healing: Centella asiatica extract, a key ingredient, helps reduce skin inflammation and accelerates healing.
  • Anti-aging effects: AC Clear Magic Cica Cream is packed with antioxidants that slow down skin aging.
  • Lightweight and gentle: The lightweight formula is gentle on skin, yet it delivers effective hydration and nourishment.

If you’re looking for a way to rejuvenate your skin, AC Clear Magic Cica Cream is an excellent choice. With its natural properties and powerful ingredients, it can help you achieve a brighter, more youthful-looking complexion!

Do you want to feel the magical touch of perfect skin? With AC Clear Magic Cica Cream, you can make that happen. This soothing and moisturizing cream contains 3 of nature’s miracle ingredients: Allantoin, Centella Asiatica Extract, and Hyaluronic Acid.

  • Allantoin is an effective natural moisturizer that is perfect for relieving irritation and dryness on the skin.
  • The Centella Asiatica Extract helps to protect the skin from external damage, while also promoting collagen production.
  • Hyaluronic Acid helps to replenish lost hydration and maintain moisture levels.

These powerhouse ingredients combined together in AC Clear Magic Cica Cream will help you to achieve your best skin yet. Try this cream and feel the magic of beautiful skin that looks and feels youthful and radiant. AC Clear’s Magic Cica Cream will make your skin look years younger than it actually is.

7. Reveal Your Skin’s Natural Glow with Cica Cream

Getting younger-looking skin doesn’t have to involve splurging on expensive salon treatments or chemical-packed face serums. Restore your skin’s natural radiance and softness with Ac Clear Magic Cica Cream!

With all-natural ingredients such as centella asiatica extract, this lightweight cream deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin from beneath. Its subtle citrusy scent will leave your skin feeling revitalised and refreshed. Here is why you should make Ac Clear Magic Cica Cream a part of your daily skincare routine:

  • It keeps skin deeply hydrated and balances your skin’s natural pH level.
  • It soothes dry and damaged skin, accelerating its natural healing process.
  • It provides anti-inflammatory properties to calm the skin and minimize redness.
  • It helps improve skin tone, leaving it looking healthier and more radiant.

Reveal your skin’s natural glow with its nutrient-rich formula! Experience what Ac Clear Magic Cica Cream can do for your beautiful skin!

Discover the magic of AC Clear’s Cica cream and begin your journey back to silky smooth and radiant skin today! Find out why so many people are making this powerful, scientifically proven cream part of their beauty routine and you too could transform your skin into the envy of friends and family. Join the revolution and make AC Clear’s Cica Cream your go-to for your skincare needs!
Discover the Magic of AC Clear’s Cica Cream

The beauty industry is filled with products that promise to be miracle workers, but very few really deliver on that promise. That’s why AC Clear’s Cica Cream is so special. This special cream has a range of benefits from helping to soothe and heal dry, sensitive skin to helping to heal scars and other blemishes.

AC Clear’s Cica Cream is formulated with Centella Asiatica extract, a potent ingredient that is known to protect and repair the skin. This extract is known for its powerful anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties, which help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps to keep skin hydrated and nourished, reducing dryness, redness, and other common signs of aging.

The cream is also enriched with a blend of hydrating ingredients including jojoba oil, squalene, and shea butter. These ingredients help to form a protective layer on the skin that helps to prevent water loss and keeps skin feeling soft and smooth. The lightweight formula glides easily onto skin and absorbs quickly for a non-greasy finish.

What makes AC Clear’s Cica Cream even more magical is that it can be used as part of a daily skincare routine, as a spot treatment on specific areas, or as a primer before applying makeup. It is ideal for all skin types and can be used both morning and night.

AC Clear’s Cica Cream is the perfect product for those looking to target specific skin concerns, such as dryness, dullness, and signs of aging. It’s amazing for healing scars and other blemishes, and for protecting skin from harsh environmental conditions. With regular use, it will help skin look and feel more radiant and luminous than ever before. Discover the magic of AC Clear’s Cica Cream today!

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